Thursday, March 21, 2013

Survivor Fans vs Favourites - March 20th Episode Recap

Operation Thunder Dome

Last week we saw the epic meltdown of Brandon Hantz... he terrorized his tribe to the point where Jeff had to step in and call an impromptu tribal council at the immunity challenge where the Favourites unanimously voted for Brandon to leave.

Bikal - Day 13
-The Favourites returned to camp united but worried about the pep talk Brandon gave the Fans - he gave them hope.
-Phillip is, of course, upset about the 'severe amount of damage he did to myself'. 
-Corinne couldn't believe the vitriol Brandon spewed about her, she had no idea he hated her, but besides that, he screwed over the people he did like on the tribe, he spilled everyone's rice & beans.
-Phillip tells the camera, what is wrong with Brandon takes professional help, not even The Specialist can tell you what's wrong with that guy.
-Phillip & Corinne are a little angry with that no one stepped up to counter what Brandon had said about them (um, no one was going to volunteer to be the target of his venom, come on!) Corinne wanted someone to say, we like these people, we don't like him... (they all voted for him, didn't they?  I think she's expecting a little too much from these people who are, ultimately, all in it for themselves.)
-Phillip gives a 'rah rah' speech, that they are the better tribe, one of them is going to win - then he tells the camera he's getting back to his plan, "Operation Thunder Dome" to take down Corinne. "She's motivated by evil." (Whaat?)
-Cochran is glad Brandon was able to fly over the cuckoo's nest and escape, now they are just left with Phillip (who, while also crazy, seems to be relatively harmless.)

Gota - Day 14
Treemail - tells them they will all celebrate together...
-Reynold knows he and Eddie are not going to change their lot among their current tribe, he is hoping that something is going to shift in the game.

Reward Challenge(?)

Michael how did the drama of what went down yesterday [Brandon's meltdown/departure] affect your tribe?
-It was good to feel something good together (they just saw it as a win I guess) instead of feeling the rain, the hunger - It was good to feel something positive together.
Matt did that change momentum between this group of six?
-We've definitely been bummed out losing so many challenges and we  thought it must be great over in the Favourites camp with food and comfort and them being one happy family.  So to see that wasn't the case... I feel bad for Phillip, he may appear crazy but I wouldn't want someone spilling the beans and rice, that's true craziness - I actually feel bad for you guys.
Phillip, what do you notice different with Brandon gone?
-"It was just harmony, we actually had a regular night's sleep."  Phillip said he was always sleeping with one eye open wondering what Brandon was going to do.
So, 14 days in, both tribes feel good about the unity you have now - Well, it's all about to change.  Jeff has them throw in their buffs - they are switching tribes.
-Jeff got everyone to pick an egg, and on his go they smashed them somewhere on their body - if they were filled with orange paint they are Gota, purple paint, they are Bikal.

New Tribe split:
Gota: Eddie, Sherri, Reynold, Malcolm, Andrea, Erik, Brenda (young,pretty people... and Sherri (ha)).
Bikal: Mike, Matt/the beard, Julia, Corinne, Phillip, Cochran, Dawn (not so young, not so pretty... this doesn't seem random or even.)

Jeff starts asking them how they feel:
Cochran says the game has started anew.
Matt/the beard, says he's psyched about this tribe, he likes all the these people and he's happy to be changing things up a bit (wait until Phillip tries to give him a Stealth-R-Us name... Oh Please let it be The Beard!)
Corinne says she's overwhelmed - she has to get to know new people (you just blew her game out of the water Probst, what do you want her to say?)
Brenda's take on her new tribe, they are strong (yeah, you have all the young guys) they appear to have an advantage.  She is happy. (No Shit.)

Jeff tells them they will have a new bag of rice starting out with their new tribes and a new flint - And he sends them home to start the game anew.

-Reynold tells the camera he couldn't be happier.  He was close to breaking but it's like a whole new life, whole new chance, whole new game for him and Eddie now.(Quite the bromance going on with these two.)

Gota - Day 14 
Young pretty people bonding easily - they can't see themselves losing at anything, they are the gods. (Seriously?  Eddie even said they were all the good looking people, implying that of course they are going to win? Ugh. That is so disgusting.)  But Eddie does, probably accurately, believe his chances of going farther in the game just dramatically increased.
-First order of business for Reynold & Eddie, who know they are again the minority as there are 4 favourites to their 3 fans, is informing Malcolm and Erik that their tribe had been trying to vote them out since day two and Sherri was with the other people so they are with the Favourites if they want to vote her out.
-Erik isn't drinking the kool-aid - he's getting immediate red flags from Reynold especially - sees him as a used car salesman, beautiful baby blue eyes, talking the talk but it's not all it seems.

-Sherri is pretty much doing the same thing with the girls, she's telling Andrea & Brenda that Eddie is a great guy when he's not with Reynold.  Reynold is the biggest salesman and she'd be happy to see him go.  She also told them that Reynold played his hidden immunity idol but he's also been out looking for another one.
-Andrea can't believe they are being so open, she thanks her for giving them all this information.  Andrea is still thinking Fans vs Favourites though, I don't know how far it'll get Sherri.

Bikal - Day 14
This tribe is also now 4 Favourites and 3 Fans - Corinne loves the gays (her words) so she's so happy to have Michael on the tribe, she says if she could she'd turn her back on all of them and align with the gays but she knows no one in her original alliance will turn. (seriously? Did she just out this guy on national television?)
-Phillip has decided to approach Julia as he sees her as an uneducated young girl that he can manipulate (he did call her smart, just not college educated like himself.) He tells her she can go far in this game if she's able to make it to the merge and is willing to make bold moves.  He's not bringing her in, but he's planting the seeds because he feels it will bear more fruit with her than the two men.
-Julia's no dummy, she knows what he's up to and she is frankly interested - it's hard going into this situation down in numbers so she's willing to listen.

Gota - Day 14
-Malcolm and Andrea are now comparing notes - he tells her the guys totally slammed Sherri and Andrea agrees there is a definite divide.  She also lets Malcolm know that Reynold had an idol, played it because he was so paranoid and is looking for another one.
-Malcolm can't be happier that the dysfunctional fans told them everything and even down in numbers are not a cohesive group.
-Andrea had a dream that Malcolm has an idol so she asked him and he denied it - but he does have an idol - he tells the camera he's an accomplished liar when it comes to women so he thinks he pulled it off. (Oh Malcolm, don't douche out on me now.)

Bikal - Day 14
Wow, this is a long day.  Julia is talking to Michael, asking him how he feels.  He says they seem nice, he's happy so far.
-Phillip tells Corinne he had a quick chat with Julia telling her she could have a chance past the merge if she came with them.
-Corinne doesn't think they need a flipper - she says Phillip is the worst federal agent she's ever met (met a bunch have you?) What cases has he cracked?  Is that the reason the country is such a mess? (Ha ha, didn't he tell us last time he was in janitorial services... oh, maybe that was his army service.)
-Corinne goes and tells Dawn that Phillip has already talked to Julia about flipping - Dawn's just glad he's with them but they don't think he can be left alone - Corinne, "He needs a warm glass of shut-the-hell-up." (Ha ha, love it.)

Two members of each tribe will race to roll a big square crate back to the starting line, when the next couple can go.  Once they have collected all six crates, they must use them to build a staircase that spells Fans vs Favourites up the side - first tribe to finish correctly, wins Immunity.
-For some reason Bikal sent Phillip and Julia first against Erik and Eddie - Gota is showing how much stronger they are... every Gota pair is much faster and they maintain a crate lead.
-Then Bikal screws up somehow and has Phillip going out three times, once twice in a row (ha, does that sentence make any sense?) But anyway, Gota has all 6 crates and can start on the staircase, while Bikal still has two to collect - with Phillip grousing the whole time.
-Malcolm is directing Gota, getting the blocks moved into the right positions, they are very heavy and starting with the top one is smart.
-Julia tries to get Bikal doing the same thing but Phillip is countermining everything she says, he won't move anything unless it's right... bringing Bikal to a standstill.
-Bikal finally starts getting one crate in place (and it's wrong) when GOTA wins Immunity!

-Jeff says, that was pathetic.  Phillip agrees, "Sure was."  Mike looks mad that he's on a losing tribe, again. (Oh, and Dawn was crying - surprise.)

-Phillip gives us some rambling pearls of wisdom about superior men waiting for the right time - which is what he has to do with Corinne.  Right now Favourites must dominate, so he'll have to keep Corinne - for now. (No more Operation Thunder Dome - might you say, we're Beyond Thunder Dome?... Great, now I have Tina Turner stuck in my head.)

Bikal - Day 16
The defeated return to camp and Phillip makes a speech, as he is wont to do - we gelled here in camp and had the intention to kick some ass but some days the better team wins (yeah, he's not listening to himself, he just called the other team the better team, sheesh) He rambles on about it just being their day today but ours will come...
-Corinne has a voice over that people think Phillip is the leader because he does these outrageous things and none of them say anything - she says she knows he's not the leader and she doesn't have to listen to him, so let him make his speech, whatever, doesn't matter - on a scale of one to being beside a crying baby on an airplane annoying, he's being beside a crying baby with diarrhea on an airplane annoying.  It's the most annoying situation you can be in but there's little she can do about it because he will vote with her and he's not going to flip. 
And he's still talking - we can hold our heads high, everyone gave 110% blah, blah, blah.

-Later, Matt asks Phillip what he's thinking.  "In terms of the vote?" (No, he just wants you to tell him how you feel about him... come on!)  Phillip says he thinks 'the girl's gonna go. (She has a name - Julia - he seems to have very little regard for women.) 
-Matt agrees, says he wants to make it to the merge (he'll do whatever they want.) 
-Mike comes over, "Is it plead our case to Phillip time?"  Phillip says 'the girl's got to go.  She got flustered.  That's evident cause we got it wrong and she's got to pay for that (WHAT? Phillip second guessed her and got it wrong... sheesh he really does have no self awareness.)
-He tells them they are a better asset going forward, strengthwise - going to the merge, they'll be counting on them (oh, so now you want all of them to be flippers... give them names Phillip, come on!)
-Then he tells them he still operates Stealth-R-Us (SRU) (oh, is he going to do it?) and when he inducts someone into SRU, he gives them a name.  He won't tell them who is in it but their test will be (Oh jebus) If someone else in the tribe approaches them and tells them to do something, unless Phillip tells them otherwise, they are to do it.
-Matt just says understood but Mike wants a bit more clarification (come again?) Phillip says there are two controlling factors, they set it up that way on purpose in case one of them is voted out they can continue SRU (what shit is he spouting now?)
-Matt/The Beard tells the camera he was trying to keep a straight face with Phillip but he wanted to bust out laughing at this SRU stuff - Matt says he's going to do what he needs to do to stay in the game and make it to the merge - if that means kissing Phillips butt he's going to do it.
-Phillip tells them they are to keep this talk between them and if they pass the test they will get their names and join the other six members of SRU (oh, gave a little away there).

-Matt & Mike then talk to Julia and tell her no one is talking to them, they don't know how the favourites are voting.  She hoped they would want to vote one of their own out and come to them looking for a vote but that doesn't seem to be happening so she wants them to all vote together and she suggests they vote for Dawn (hey, what did Horse & Buggy ever do to you?) The boys are fine with that... (Cause they are voting for you!)
-Matt says as long as it ain't him going home he just don't care who he votes for.

-Corinne is now talking to Matt & Mike, saying she likes them and she would be with them if they had started the game together but everyone is playing Survivor so you just don't know.  She asks them who they are voting for.
-Mike says, you tell us who to vote for and we'll do it.  Corinne and Cochran are there now and they are all very cautious in what they are saying to each other.  Talking about idols - Matt says he doesn't have one but if he did he'd play it.

-Cochran tells the camera he's fairly sure a Fan will be going home tonight and he likes the idea of voting out Julia, however, Matt & Mike seem to be a tight couple and he's leery of leaving a power couple together in the game.  Cochran doesn't think Matt has an idol cause he's reeking of desperation at this point, but you never know.  He thinks it's between Julia and Matt right now but if an idol is played it could be him or Corinne or Phillip. (Oh no, they are gunning for the power player of Dawn.)

-The Favourites are all talking about who they are voting for, Dawn wants to take Matt out but Phillip says he's thinking 'the girl' (does he really not know her name or is it beneath him to call her Julia?) because he thinks the guys can be turned.
-Corinne agrees that it should be Julia - besides the fact that Julia is just plain boring, Corinne blames her for them losing the challenge.  Corinne believes that Matt doesn't have an idol - plus she's just happy her gay is safe (I'm sure Mike's going to love that you call him that.)
-Ew, they showed Matt twisting his beard into his single dreadlock - gah, that thing is nasty!

Matt, when you guys finally came together and there are now fans with favourites, what was that like for you?
-I was super stoked, I'm a big fan of Cochran, Phillip and Dawn & Corinne. I couldn't be happier with this group of people.
Julia, the obvious question, four favourites, three fans, are the fans in trouble?
-I think it would be silly to think we aren't in trouble, the favourites do still have the numbers, there is still a little bit of a divide.
Michael is the sense that you, Matt or Julia are going home tonight?
-100% yeah, one of us is going home tonight.  No question in his mind.
Corinne, have there been bonds made that make it hard to vote someone out?
-Absolutely, you know I always like to play with a gay (wow, she just throws that around, I don't know that Matt or Mike liked that very much) she says she likes the fans very much and there are at least three people she'd replace them with in her alliance (Phillip didn't like the sound of that.) She struggles with the fact that this decision tonight isn't necessarily a fair one.
Phillip, what's the currency to decide who should we keep tonight?
-#1 thing he's looking for, are you loyal, are you trustworthy and can you do challenges.  And when we get to the merge, if I ask you to do something, can you do what I ask you to do.
Corinne, how do you assess who to get rid of, you're in a great position with four favourites.
-I'm not going to mince words, I'm paranoid about the hidden immunity idol and, sure it looks good 4 against 3, but it only takes one idol to send one of us home. I don't think one of them has it but we're not going to tell them who we're voting for because that's dangerous.

Then they talked about Matt telling her he doesn't have the idol, and if he knew any of them had the idol he'd have told her.
She says she believes he doesn't have it but it's not that simple.
Phillip says he's very concerned about the idol too so they are going to base this vote on whether they have the idol or not, so if you have it, you're going to play it, if you don't, you're probably going home. (I love how he just dictates what the fans have to do... someone else is going to go Brandon on him, I betcha.)

Cochran, how do you decide who to keep?
-Obviously they don't want to keep losing cause that will give the other tribe more time to bond - and they are like the 'Bold and the Beautiful' group over there, Cochran doesn't see himself as being able to penetrate that group so they have to look at loyalty and trust in a merge situation but it's not an enviable choice right now because they really are all good options.

Okay, time to vote:
Julia votes for Dawn
Matt votes for Julia - I hope it's you, not me tonight.
Mike votes Julia - I'm just hoping to see one more day.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden Immunity Idol. That pleases Corinne and Phillip.
Julia 1, 2
Dawn 1
Matt 1, 2, 3, 4... And it's the BEARD!  Oh, Mike lost his boyfriend and the beard is no more. 
-With Matt leaving, that takes Jeff T, Mike L and Jenn G. out of the pool.

Next week: Phillip talks the talk but can't walk the walk [when it comes to challenges] and Malcolm makes a move, aligning with the pretty boys? He can't wait until he's controlling the game. (Hmm.)

Matt's final thoughts:
He came into the game knowing his social game is his strong point, he got along with everyone, no one thought he was too gnarly with the beard and tattoos, he put it all out on the table and he doesn't regret anything. (Boo, boring.)

Hope everyone's been having a great week,

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