Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Survivor Fans vs Favourites - March 27 Episode Recap

Tubby Lunchbox

Last week they mixed up the tribes with all the young pretty people on the new Gota tribe and the not-so-young, not-so-pretty people on Bikal.
But it seems it's still Fans vs Favourites on the tribes, and with each of the new tribes having 4 favourites to 3 fans - we bid adieu to Matt/the Beard.

Bikal - Night 16
Returning from Tribal Council and Julia says she nearly wet herself she was so scared it was going to be her going home.
-The Favourites (mostly Corinne) apologize to the remaining 2 fans, Michael and Julia, for having voted out Matt.  Phillip makes it sound like it was by his grace they were spared but Corinne goes to Michael later and tells him she will do whatever she can to keep him there (she loves her gays.)
-Michael tells the camera he's going to do whatever he needs to do to garner favour and make the Favourites want to keep him around to the merge.
-Corinne is prepared to dump one of her own to keep Michael, ideally that would be Phillip but she doesn't think she can make a move that big this early in the game.
-Phillip is watching Corinne very carefully.  He sees her having conversations with others, especially Michael, and she's not disclosing what was said [to him].  He finds this unacceptable and pulls Cochran away to tell him he wants Corinne gone. Next.
-Cochran speaks logic to Phillip, his concern is that when they get to the merge and meet up with their old tribe mates they won't trust them because they turned on one of their own, core six. (You can see that penetrated the fog in Phillip-land, he got that.)
-So, Phillip says if he can't get rid of Corinne, it'll have to be her new gay friend, as she calls him.  Then Phillip, gets right in Cochran's face, "This is me being a Federal agent, I don't trust that woman."  (Alrighty then.)

Bikal - Day 17
Tree mail: the strong must bear the weak if you hope to compete but winning will be oh so sweet. (something like that anyway.)
-Cochran is optimistic that there is a place for them in the challenge, they have lots of weak.
-Phillip says anything to do with the upper body, upper back, shoulders, without being arrogant (too late), I'm almost certain I can win it. (Oh boy, there you go shooting your mouth off.)
-Corinne can't believe his delusional bravado, "like, oh my god."
-And Phillip goes on about his power lifting and how it makes you really strong without looking super beefy (dude, just stop.) Then he tells the camera that he honestly believes that he is stronger than anyone out there (on either tribe.)
-Next scene is Phillip challenging Cochran to an arm wrestle... then getting Cochran to use two hands, then getting Cochran to use all his weight against Phillips one hand and he was able to keep it off the ground so now Phillip thinks he's super man - Cochran is happy to oblige making Phillip feel young again (I guess) if it helps him get pumped up to win the challenge - why not.
-Phillip says his assets of the will of a lion and the determination of a gorilla ... blah, blah, blah - I lost my will to keep listening to the pathetic old man.

They will each be wearing a belt that will be clipped to a rope so they will be moving together as a tribe - in addition they will each be carrying a 20lb sand bag - starting at opposites sides of an oval track set up in shallow water, they will race to try and catch the other tribe (I remember this challenge, they've done it before).  If someone gets tired and can't continue they can give their weight to another tribe member and bow out (that's when the fun begins.) 
Reward: taken to nearby island where they will go to a Survivor coffee bar with lots of baked goodies.
-Gota's strategy is to have stronger people at the back to run anchor and Bikal/Phillip wants himself out front because he believes he can go faster than anyone and doesn't want to be stuck behind them (sheesh.)
-Off they go and Phillip takes them out at a run, Gota is just walking it to start, they are okay letting the other team tire - and that's exactly what happens - Phillip is pooped.  Corinne wants to keep running so Phillip runs a couple steps - nope, "Let's just walk it, the women will tire." (WHAT? I'm sick of him being such a sexist, those little girls would be running rings around him if they weren't all stuck behind him.)
-Bikal is asking Phillip if they can run, Gota is picking up their pace and is catching up to them. Phillip tries to run but finally admits he can't do it, he's tired (oh no, the lion and gorilla have let him down, it couldn't be his fault.) They try to run and Phillip stops them, when the weight comes to him he won't be able to go on... (What weight?  No one is going to give you their weight. - I think Phillip should drop out... he won't do it.)  Dawn, Julia and Cochran drop out, giving their weight to Corinne and Michael - Gota is breathing down their necks. Phillip falls and that's all she wrote. 
GOTA wins Reward because Phillip's ego wouldn't let him do what was right for his tribe. (Of course in his mind it's HIS tribe.)
-Dawn sums it up: Phillip has put himself in this role of leader but he's just so arrogant, he sees all of his strengths and none of his weaknesses.

Gota - they are so excited about the food - Andrea tells the camera it was nice bonding more with the Fans.  They have never won a reward so it was good to see them enjoy it and have a good time.  Andrea's strategy is to get to know the Fans, make sure they have good memories of their experience before she has to vote them off, so hopefully they'll vote for her in the end.
-Reynold is a bacchanalian so this reward was right in his sweet spot - celebrating and enjoying life and bonding with the favourites (seems everyone is on the same page) ... he's talking really fast, caffeine and sugar kicking in... with Malcolm as well, he's kissing everyone on the head, telling them he loves them (oy.)
-Malcolm tells the camera that this new Gota tribe is one big happy family, all they do is win challenges and celebrate but he knows that he could be in trouble when it comes to voting time, no one wants to go to the end with him, he figures he's got to make his move soon - he's getting all his pieces in line to take over this game.

Bikal - Day 17
And let the excuses begin - Phillip is now old and tired, the other team had the advantage from the beginning (huh, quite the change of tune.)
-Corinne blames the whole thing on Phillip, "You tubby lunchbox." (Ha ha) She's yet to see an ab or pectoral muscle on him, he's 10lbs of potatoes in a 5lb sack (oh man, she's mean, but he kind of deserves it.)  She says everyone sees his true colours though and she hopes maybe they'll be open to taking him out.
-She goes and vents to Cochran, she says she could have taken everybody's weights and won he whole thing herself.  Cochran agrees that Phillip has an inflated sense of himself being the strongest man in the world... but he's trying to placate her.  He sees how Corinne and Phillip hate each other and knows that this fracture in the Favourites on this tribe could be a death sentence.
-Corinne doesn't want to play with Phillip anymore but Cochran is going to push for one of the Fans to go - even that isn't a certainty though because Michael seems capable of wheeling and dealing, he's become quite close with Corinne.  And Julia is almost a non-entity, he'd say she has a vanilla personality but that is doing a disservice to the flavour vanilla (ouch.)  No one is clamouring for Julia except... Phillip, for some reason he has taken to Julia and he's giving her tips on being a double agent if they go to the merge, he wants her to get in with her old tribe mates, report to him and not go back to them... sigh.
-Phillip is patting himself on the back with the job he's done grooming Julia to be his double agent, she then tells the camera she's not intimidated by Phillip, she'll play along to get along at this point but she recognizes that he's going to destroy the unity of the tribe by driving everyone crazy - so why not get rid of him. (Oh burn!  Corinne is cozying up to the wrong Fan.)

Gota - Day 17
They are back from the Reward and Malcolm is making his move on Reynold.  Malcolm believes that the four young alpha males, meaning Reynold, Eddie, Erik and himself, are going to be the first four targets after a merge - Malcolm wants them all to stick together.  Reynold says he's on the same page but he's still a little leery of Malcolm, then in the next breath he says they are the same though and he discloses to Malcolm that he has another hidden immunity idol. (This guy does not learn. Does he have blond roots?  Come on!)
-Malcolm now knows that he can trust Reynold, he went overboard telling him about the idol (he also knows he's smarter than Reynold too, cause Malcolm didn't reciprocate.)  Malcolm is now the only person in the game that knows where both immunity idols are and he can't wait to take control of the game. (Yeah, the cocky, not so attractive.)

Bikal - Day 19
-Vanilla (Julia) approaches Dawn (Horse & Buggy) to 'talk'.  Julia tells her that Phil has been talking to her and it seems he wants to take her along to the merge, which she is fine with, but she's feeling kind of bullied and wonders what would happen if everyone just overthrew Phillip - What's stopping people from doing that?
-Dawn thought that Julia wasn't very aware of the game but she's impressed to find out she's thinking more than she thought.  Dawn doesn't commit anything to Julia and assures her she won't tell anyone about their 'talk', then she runs and tells Phillip (What? Oh man! Julia and Corinne have got to get together.)
-Dawn tells Phillip that Julia asked her how she felt about her (Julia) working with Phillip, if it would be good for her long term.  Phillip says she's an idiot, that he specifically told her not to say anything to anyone.
-Phillip tells the camera he's given Julia every chance but she's managed to make a number of Foo Paws (translation: faux pas) in terms of Survivor play. Phillip gave her information to test her, she failed, but she won't know that until she's walking away with her torch out.

Three members of each tribe will paddle out into the ocean and dive down to retrieve a statue, they'll then bring it back to shore and place it at the base of a tower.  Then three other tribe members will use a grappling hook to retrieve keys - once they collect all 5 keys they will unlock the tower and pull the statue to the top (tower is on an angle, statue is on a platform attached to a winch.) First tribe to finish wins immunity.

Off they go - Brenda, Erik and Eddie for Gota, Michael, Dawn & Corinne for Bikal.
-Gota gets off to a quick start and Bikal is off course... then Gota goes off course and Bikal catches up... they both clip the boat in and jump in the water, they get their statues but they are heavy and it's a struggle to get it in the boat... Bikal almost flips again and they are behind.
-Gota has Reynold using the grappling hook and it's Phillip using the hook for Bikal.  Reynold is fishing in the keys quickly - he's up 4 when Phillip finally gets 1 - Phillip gets up to 3 keys when Reynold gets their 5th key - they unlock the tower and GOTA wins Immunity!

(You know, the division of the tribes sucks - they are in no way fair or even... they might as well have left them as they were - we are again watching one tribe win over and over again.)

Bikal - Day 19
Returning to camp after losing - again - Phillip pulls Cochran aside and tells him he has a confession to make... immediately Cochran is wondering what that could be... Phillip says they could have won that challenge if he wanted them to but he can't have Julia around at the merge...
-Cochran can't believe this guy, does he believe his own line of BS?  Of course they had to throw a challenge because these fans are so threatening, that's why Phillip couldn't throw a grappling hook.  It's complete crap.
-Phillip, "had I wanted to win, I would have thrown it differently," blah, blah, blah.  Cochran says you can't make up this level of delusion, that's why he likes playing with Phillip. He honestly believes at this point that he threw the challenge on purpose. (I'm impressed with how composed Cochran is this time around, he's able to remain objective and he's quietly wrangling Phillip, good for him.)
Cochran lets Phillip go on about a lion taking out the cubs (whatever) then reigns him back in, "we're still in for splitting the votes right?" (Just in case one of them has an idol - but they don't)

-The Favourites are in the shelter and Cochran says they want to split the votes, Dawn is in, but Corinne is NOT.  She doesn't think they need to do that and at this point she wants to keep Michael with them through the merge so she wants to keep him comfortable and happy.
-Phillip is not willing to bend his game play to anyone else's agenda and he gets hot under the collar - throws down the 'Boston Rob would never do that'... or something like that - he thinks Corinne is just looking out for her own selfish needs and not putting the Favourites first (wow, this guy is a piece of work.) He walks off in a huff and Cochran and Dawn follow him.  Phillip tells them that Corinne is no longer in their alliance, he's not going to be bullied by her (says the biggest bully out there) he's going to cast his vote for Michael because that's what BR (Boston Rob) would do.
-Corinne comes up on the three confabbing and Phillip is having none of it, he doesn't like it when people don't let him do whatever he wants to do, how dare she interrupt their conversation.  She tells him he's being mean, he says he's not, just go away. (Argh, I can't believe this guy!  You are not anywhere near as charismatic as as Boston Rob, he would never talk to someone on his tribe like that.) King Phillip needs an ugly awakening.
-Cochran is worried that this feud between Corinne and Phillip is going to come to a head and it will become apparent why they can't play this game together.

So Michael, 19 days in, this tribe in a state of despair, is it hard to keep morale up?
-Of course, it brings out a bit of tension in the tribe when the morale is low.
Julia, if it's still Fans vs Favs, you have a reason to be tense, why would anyone else be tense?
-The Favs do have the numbers so I know they are looking way past this tribal council, they have their game and their alliances and I see why they would be tense as well.
Now I'm connecting the dots, Corinne, does the tension among the Favs come in whether we keep Michael or if we keep Julia?
-Absolutely, going into a possible merge is a really serious thing.  You don't want to screw something up here and regret it down the line.
-Phillip jumps in - I just want to add that it's about understanding the process.  Corinne and I may clash on some points but we're actually talking about the same thing, just the process of getting there is a little bit different.
Dawn, have you seen Phillip and Corinne try to come to an understanding?
-Seen it, felt in, been in between it - but I feel like the conflict is okay if we have the same goal in the end and we stay committed.
(Oh, they are trying to reign Corinne back in... I don't think she likes that much.)
Let's talk about today's challenge - did well on the first half, fell apart on the second half.  Phillip you put yourself in that hero role, again...
-I don't really see it that way, I was in the role that they had already seen me in 3 times previously and I had prevailed.
Who really lost this challenge?
-I would say I lost the portion...
Okay, that's what I'm talking about.  The guy who says 'give me the ball' is the guy that says count on me.
-But I am also the guy that carried the statue from the boat by myself while the other tribe took three men to do it - maybe that tired me out  All you can do is move on and look forward to another day....blah, blah, blah... that's what winners do.
So Michael, you lose another immunity challenge, you're back at tribal council, how do you pitch yourself to these 4 so they keep you?
-I didn't start today - I started when I landed on the beach.  I've been working really hard to make them comfortable with me so they will want to move forward with me.
Cochran, Corinne was very vocal last Tribal about liking to work with the gays.  Could that work against Michael?
-Yeah, if people perceive him working solely with Corinne that could work against him.
-Corinne pipes up - look this has been grossly exaggerated. I've only known him for a handful of days and sure I do think it's neat that he's gay but a twosome alliance this does not make. (Phillip finds that interesting.)
-Michael says he's ready to get to the vote, he wanted to vote as soon as they lost the last challenge, he's like a cat hanging on to a tree wondering what's going to happen and he's ready to find out (nice try - but Jeff won't be rushed... he's still got some questions.)
Julia, how bout you? How comfortable are you that you will survive tonight's vote?
-I thought I was going to play the game one way but things changed and I had to play another way but maybe I was too comfortable and maybe it will hurt me tonight (what? I couldn't be bothered rewinding - who cares what she said - vanilla, vanilla, zzzz).

Now it's time to vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.
No one had a hidden idol to play.

Tallying the votes:
Michael -1
Julia - 1
Michael - 2
Julia - 2
Michael - 3
Julia - 3
It's a tie.

REVOTE - Michael and Julia don't vote.
Julia - 1, 2, 3... It is JULIA leaving us tonight.  (Who?  I know right.)
And with Julia leaving Janine S, Sunny C and Karen S are out of the pool.

Next week: it's the merge and they have a disgusting eating challenge (oh great, I love watching people gag.)

Julia's final thoughts: This game was so different than I expected going into it.  It was hard playing against veteran players who knew the game inside and out and then be at their mercy.  She didn't like being at the mercy of other people.  But she had a wonderful experience yada yada. (B'bye, can't say I'm sad we didn't really get to know you.)

Have a great Easter long weekend!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Amazing Race 22 - March 24/13 Episode Recap

Scorpion King Hunter

They showed us a brief recap of the tearful Dave & Connor resigning from the Race last week which allowed the struggling Mullet/Chuck & Wynona to remain in the Race despite coming in last.

Pam & Winnie are the first team to head out on this leg at 10:40pm, they get the clue to make their way from Hanoi, Vietnam to Maun in the Kalahari Desert.  They need to figure out that they have to fly to Botswana - once there they have to sign up for one of three flights that will take them to the National Park on the edge of the Kalahari Desert.
-Pam & Winnie are hoping this first place finish means they are getting into a rhythm on the Race but they know they have to keep sharp especially since they U-Turned Joey & Meghan, Jazz Hands/Joey is going to be gunning for them.   They use the Internet at a hotel and figure out they are heading to Botswana.

-Newlyweds Max & Katie are the next team to head out at 11:34pm, they want to keep the fact that Katie has a doctorate and is really smart a secret, "Big hair, big brain." (What? Why would it matter?  I can't stand these two.) Max is proud they proved how smart they were by also using the computer at the hotel to figure out they're going to Botswana (watch out everyone, they're ready for brain surgery.)

-Roller Moms/Mona & Beth are heading out right after them at 11:37pm - they are trying to figure out what country Maun is in by looking at a map... they have to know where they want to go or the security at the travel agency won't let them inside.  Beth says they are one of the three remaining all-girl teams on the race and people are starting to realize they are good at everything, "oh, that sounded very arrogant, we're not good at everything." (No big hair, big brain?)

-Hockey Brothers are next out at 11:39pm - Anthony thinks Maun is in Kenya... (might want to double check.)  They believe they are working well together and they are enjoying spending as much time with the Country Singers as they can - 12 out of 10 Bates rates them (oh boys).  Now they want to break from the middle of the pack and move up.

-Country Singers/Caroline & Jen are next out at 11:46pm - they are so excited to be heading to Africa.  They say their ultimate final three is; themselves, Bates & Anthony and Max & Katie (ugh.) Caroline says Jenn has a baby crush on Bates (ooh) - and they also think Maun is in Kenya.

-Pam & Winnie are the first team to the travel agency and they give the right password - Botswana - to be let in.  They find out the first flight is at 10:45am, so everyone will catch up again.
-Max & Katie get to the travel agents and get in no problem.
-Mona & Beth get there then ask people on the street if they can use their smart phone to look up Maun.
-Caroline & Jen get to the travel agent and say Kenya - the guy won't let them in - then Katie (who is inside) tells them it's Botswana and they are allowed entry (when did this friendship happen?  Is it just the pretty blonds banding together?)
-Roller Moms find out their destination is Botswana on the smart phone and head inside.
-Hockey boys show up and say Kenya - but Caroline sticks her head out and tells them it's Botswana (Wow, there is a lot of co-operation going on this leg so far... they better be careful or they'll be targets too - of course that wouldn't cross their minds, they're the pretty people after all, who could want them out?)

-Joey & Meghan are 6th to start out at 12:47am - they weren't popular in high school and this [U-Turning] feels similar, but it's okay, they can't keep us down, we'll come back. (You go Geeks!)

-And finally Chuck/the Mullet & Wynona start out at 3:26am - they were shocked they were U-Turned they didn't think they'd be seen as a strong enough team to warrant it - but they aren't ready "to throw in the towel or get divorced or nothing" - they're going to keep doing their best.

-Joey & Meghan are happy to find out they are on the same flight as everyone else, that's what they wanted, an even playing field.

-Chuck & Wynona at the travel agency just start randomly guessing countries, Kenya, Paraguay, Australia, Turkey... No, no, no, no... Chuck asks to borrow the cab drivers phone and finally Boats-Wana? Yes!

-Chuck & Wynona found out it was Joey & Meghan that U-turned them, they have hard feelings.  At the airport, Joey & Meghan decide to go talk to them and try to smooth it over but hell hath no fury like a Red-neck scorned.  Wynona, "What was it, eeny, meany, miney, moe - Chuck and Wynona gotta go?" (Ha! She's a poet.)
-Joey goes and talks to Pam & Winnie and the Country Singers to find out what prize they stole from them (trip to Whistler) and he comes  back with the impression that it was a group decision that they were going to be U-Turned - the rest of them better watch out now! (They sound like cute little cartoon characters, I can't take them seriously.)

-All the teams board the flight to Maun, Botswana and Chuck says they have got to get on the first charter flight otherwise he fears the other teams will get so far ahead they won't be able to catch up.
-Flight lands in Maun and the Country Singers are the first team to the sign up board, followed by the Hockey Players - these two teams get the first flight at 9am.
-Max & Katie and Joey & Meghan get the 2nd flight at 9:15am and Mona & Beth, Chuck & Wynona and Pam & Winnie are on the third flight at 9:30am.  Chuck is upset but really dude, it's only 15 minutes, think positive.

9am - Country Singers and Hockey Players are flirting on their little plane ride and enjoying the sites - "We saw elephants."
9:15am - Joey is scared of the little plane and Max & Katie are their usual sour-pusses, wished they could have enjoyed the safari with anyone else.
9:30am - Chuck says, "This is where the Lion King was made right here." Which has Beth laughing, it's a cartoon.  Pam says, "You know it's a cartoon right?" "Yup." (Somehow I don't think he got it.)

-First flight lands and they get the clue which tells them to drive themselves up the road and look for markers to get the next clue.
Country singers are following the Hockey brothers in the cars, four heads are better than two I guess.

-Second flight lands and Joey & Meghan and Katie & Max run for the cars. 

-Hockey Brothers and Country Singers come upon a line of Kalahari bushmen and a log with clues in jars.  Bates says they may be overdressed (as the bushmen are in loincloths only.) 
The clue: ROADBLOCK: Who feels like making a new friend?
-Bates says he does and then Phil tells us in this task they will have to go digging for scorpions with the bushmen - once they unearth the poisonous creature, the bushman will put it in their jar and lead them to a stump where they'll find their next clue. Bates takes off running with his three guides. 
-Caroline also chooses her group and they start off but one of them spots a lion in the brush nearby and runs away, climbs a tree - she doesn't know what to do, "Do I climb the tree with you? Wow, you can really climb." (Ha ha, the bushman's not dumb, he's safe up the tree and the lion can have the tourist for lunch.)

-Joey and Max are going to be hunting scorpions for the next group.  But Joey is petrified of scorpions, "why did I say I'd do this?"
-Bates is the first one to get his scorpion, the bushman holds it by the stinger and Bates lets it pinch him, not too bad... Anthony says he likes being pinched... by the country singers. (So cheesy.)
-Caroline's from Texas so she's used to scorpions but she doesn't really want to dig for it with her hands.
-Max has a glove on which he was smart enough to bring because he anticipated he'd have to touch something nasty (I see, the theme for Max & Katie is being sanctimonious about their smarts, so unattractive.)
-Joey is high pitched squealing, "With my hands?  I'm only 21, I don't want to die."
-Roller Moms arrive and Mona is going scorpion hunting.
-Bates gets back with his scorpion and guides in tow - the clue tells them to give their Bushmen a ride so they all pile in the back of the SUV and take off down the road.
-Caroline has found her scorpion - one of the Bushmen catches it and puts it in his mouth to calm it down (warm, dark place I guess) so she can hold it on her hand... briefly.  That's enough, she puts it in her jar and takes off.

-Wynona and Pam are going to be making new friends by searching for the scorpions - neither of them is very happy about it but Wynona has only done one Roadblock to Chucks 5 so she has to get her count up.  Pam just doesn't like bugs.

-Caroline & Jennifer take off in their SUV with the Bushmen in the back, "Hi guys!"
-Everyone else is still digging for scorpions.  Mona is the next one to find one and her guy puts it in his mouth as well, she thinks it's cool, drops it in a jar and off she goes. (Yup, she's a mom.)
-Max finally unearths a scorpion and can't believe when the guy puts it in his mouth, he's got his mouth hanging open then quickly shuts it, just in case.  He gets the scorpion in the jar.

-Roller Moms and Max & Katie take off with their Bushmen in the cars and Meghan is wondering where the heck is Joey. (Well Meghan, he's currently having kittens while the Bushmen catch him a scorpion, he's doing a pee-pee dance, "I don't want to touch that thing." (Oh come on! No one wants to touch it.) Joey is 'super drama man' but he finally gets the scorpion in the jar.

-Bates & Anthony get to the next clue box and read the clue to the DETOUR: Fire or Fowl.
-In Fire: they must walk to a nearby village with their Bushmen and learn how to make fire with two sticks, zebra manure and dried grass.  Once they have a flame, they must light the elder Bushman's pipe to receive their next clue.
-In Fowl: they must go hunting with the Bushmen by setting a trap to catch a Guinea Fowl.  First, they have to figure out how to construct the trap using sticks and string, then they must act like a guinea fowl and trip the trap to get the next clue.

-Bates & Anthony decide to do Fire.  While following their guides, they teach them the calls of several wild animals... with the first one, they say, "Hopefully this isn't a rhino mating call."
-Caroline & Jennifer get to the Detour and decide to do Fire as well. They walk off making strange bird calls.

-Joey gets back to Meghan and they load their Bushmen up in the car, the Bushmen are laughing, with, I assume, a translator, in the car, "He was very afraid."

-Bates & Anthony are trying to make fire - and it's hard.  Caroline & Jennifer get to the fire village as well and they are also not having much luck in the fire making.

-Mona & Beth are having a great time laughing with their Bushmen in the car, meanwhile, Katie is complaining about the smell. (You can see, she doesn't want them near her, what a Princess and by Princess, I mean stuck up b*tch.)
-Both these teams decide to do Fire as well and take off for the village. Katie, "My God, they stink."

-Back at scorpion central, Pam has finally unearthed a scorpion.  She says she wanted to run away so bad but she watches him put the thing in his mouth and then he puts it on her hand... she's just frozen - then they finally put it in the jar for her. (Phew.)
-Wynona also, finally finds her scorpion and there is no nonsense with her - put the darn thing in the jar and lets go.
-Pam & Winnie take off with their Bushmen and Chuck & Wynona were not far behind.

-Back at the Fire making - Bates & Anthony are the first team to get smoke... and finally flame!  They light the old guy's pipe and the living mummy gives them their next clue (I'm serious, that guy was made of beef jerky.) The clue tells them to make their way on foot, with the Bushmen, to the next Pit Stop.  It's a Safari camp on the river, looks nice. 
-Before they leave they pause to give Caroline & Jennifer some pointers, once one of them gets to the bottom of the stick, the other should start right away on the top.  Seeing their lack of progress, Hockey boys think the Country singers might want to switch tasks.

-Roller Moms and Max & Katie arrive at the village and have to start trying to make fire.
-Joey & Meghan get to the Detour clue and they are also going to try and make fire.
-All the teams are struggling with the fire making - Max thought, being in cigar sales, he'd be good at lighting the pipe but he's never had to make fire with sticks and poop.

-Winnie & Pam say they feel like they're smuggling Bushmen with them crammed in the back of the car (ha). They get to the Detour and decide to do Fowl.  They know that making fire from scratch is really hard, because they watch a lot of TV (I know, right!?)
-The Bushmen are teaching them bird calls and Pam says, "This is like Sesame Street on crack." (Ha! Pam's on fire tonight with the one-liners.)
-Chuck & Wynona get to the Detour clue box and they decide to do Fowl as well, they want to catch themselves some dinner.  Chuck's favourite thing to do is hunt and fish so this is something he can do.

-Back at the Fire making fiasco - teams are finally starting to think about switching... but no one does - yet.

-Pam & Winnie get to the Fowl area and their Bushmen show them how to make the snare.  Then it's their turn.  They are nervous to see Chuck & Wynona show up, they figure Chuck probably does this stuff in his spare time - brush his teeth, make a snare...

-Finally, Caroline & Jennifer decide to switch tasks and that spurs some others to follow - Joey & Meghan and the Roller Moms - Max & Katie though are going to try it a little longer (because god forbid there be something they cannot do.)

-Back at the Fowl, Chuck tells us he used to trap animals for money after high school - he'd get up, set traps, trade the catch in at the fur exchange - Wynona says she didn't know that about him. (Really? Haven't they been together 12 years?  These two do need to communicate more.)
-Pam & Winnie complete their snare and catch Winnie's hand - not surprising, they have an eye for detail these two - they get the clue to the Pit Stop.

-Max & Katie finally decide to switch tasks, they are having no luck with the fire and she's starting to snipe at him - yup, time to switch.

-Chuck is worried they are in last place but Wynona encourages him that he's good at this and then they see the Country Singers, U-Tubers and Roller Moms show up - that gets him moving again. They watch the Bushman do his little show and trip his trap, Wynona does it too and they get the clue to the Pit Stop.

-The rest of the teams are finding building the snare a little challenging - Caroline gets fwapped in the head as does Roller Mom Beth - they have to counterbalance the stick with the egg... Joey & Meghan, however, are both children of carpenters and they can knock out a building challenge.  Katie is taking control of their snare, she knows better about everything don't you know.

-Joey & Meghan enjoy the dramatic reenactment of the catching of a guinea fowl and they get the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Caroline & Jennifer finish as well and take off.  They are so glad they finally switched tasks, that fire was not happening for them.

-Max & Katie do their dramatic snaring of the hand and their trap doesn't work... (uh oh, how did that happen, they have such big brains?)  They have to start again.

-Mona & Beth are doing their guinea fowl impressions and their snare works, they get the clue to the Pit Stop.  Max & Katie see them leave and know they are in last place... or are they.

-Mona & Beth break the first rule of The Amazing Race - Read Your Clue!  They decide, instead of proceeding on foot as the clue says, to run back to the cars (since driving is faster.)

-Max & Katie finally finish the snare correctly and take off running for the Pit Stop.
-Mona & Beth see all the cars are still there and take off running for the Pit Stop.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Bates & Anthony (Hockey Brothers)- won a trip to Thailand.  They are happy to be back up at the front of the pack.  They feel like they're just getting stronger, or at least their body odour is (ew.)
2) Pam & Winnie - They feel as one with their Bushmen.
3) Chuck & Wynona - Tell us something good Phil! And he does.  Chuck keeps grabbing Wynona's head and trying to kiss her - (trying too hard dude, that looked so awkward, I worry for them.)
4) Joey & Meghan - he tries to high 5 the Bushmen... uh, whatever.
5) Caroline & Jennifer (Country Singers) - Phil plays match maker with the Bushmen, the girls said they were looking for love and they found it. (Um, I'd be a little worried the Bushmen would actually try to keep them.)
6) Mona & Beth - They are all smiles, at least they're still in it.
7) Max & Katie - They are the last team to arrive - (come on Phil, say it) but he has good news for them, this is a Non-Elimination leg (crap!) and they are still in it, though they will have to face a Speed Bump next leg. 
-She's all sweetness and light, "of course we're up for it Phil" but underneath you know she's seething.  Max says today they made a stupid mistake but tomorrow someone else will make a stupid mistake we just can't let it be us again.
Then they acted human.  Katie says their honeymoon is continuing in Africa and Max says, "Yeah, that tents going to be rocking." (Oh, I shudder to think they will be parents one day.)

Next week: Chuck & Wynona are up a creek, she's got to paddle a canoe and he can't help her, much to his total frustration - And it all comes down to donkeys - yikes, working with animals is never easy on this show.

Have a great week everyone!



Thursday, March 21, 2013

Survivor Fans vs Favourites - March 20th Episode Recap

Operation Thunder Dome

Last week we saw the epic meltdown of Brandon Hantz... he terrorized his tribe to the point where Jeff had to step in and call an impromptu tribal council at the immunity challenge where the Favourites unanimously voted for Brandon to leave.

Bikal - Day 13
-The Favourites returned to camp united but worried about the pep talk Brandon gave the Fans - he gave them hope.
-Phillip is, of course, upset about the 'severe amount of damage he did to myself'. 
-Corinne couldn't believe the vitriol Brandon spewed about her, she had no idea he hated her, but besides that, he screwed over the people he did like on the tribe, he spilled everyone's rice & beans.
-Phillip tells the camera, what is wrong with Brandon takes professional help, not even The Specialist can tell you what's wrong with that guy.
-Phillip & Corinne are a little angry with that no one stepped up to counter what Brandon had said about them (um, no one was going to volunteer to be the target of his venom, come on!) Corinne wanted someone to say, we like these people, we don't like him... (they all voted for him, didn't they?  I think she's expecting a little too much from these people who are, ultimately, all in it for themselves.)
-Phillip gives a 'rah rah' speech, that they are the better tribe, one of them is going to win - then he tells the camera he's getting back to his plan, "Operation Thunder Dome" to take down Corinne. "She's motivated by evil." (Whaat?)
-Cochran is glad Brandon was able to fly over the cuckoo's nest and escape, now they are just left with Phillip (who, while also crazy, seems to be relatively harmless.)

Gota - Day 14
Treemail - tells them they will all celebrate together...
-Reynold knows he and Eddie are not going to change their lot among their current tribe, he is hoping that something is going to shift in the game.

Reward Challenge(?)

Michael how did the drama of what went down yesterday [Brandon's meltdown/departure] affect your tribe?
-It was good to feel something good together (they just saw it as a win I guess) instead of feeling the rain, the hunger - It was good to feel something positive together.
Matt did that change momentum between this group of six?
-We've definitely been bummed out losing so many challenges and we  thought it must be great over in the Favourites camp with food and comfort and them being one happy family.  So to see that wasn't the case... I feel bad for Phillip, he may appear crazy but I wouldn't want someone spilling the beans and rice, that's true craziness - I actually feel bad for you guys.
Phillip, what do you notice different with Brandon gone?
-"It was just harmony, we actually had a regular night's sleep."  Phillip said he was always sleeping with one eye open wondering what Brandon was going to do.
So, 14 days in, both tribes feel good about the unity you have now - Well, it's all about to change.  Jeff has them throw in their buffs - they are switching tribes.
-Jeff got everyone to pick an egg, and on his go they smashed them somewhere on their body - if they were filled with orange paint they are Gota, purple paint, they are Bikal.

New Tribe split:
Gota: Eddie, Sherri, Reynold, Malcolm, Andrea, Erik, Brenda (young,pretty people... and Sherri (ha)).
Bikal: Mike, Matt/the beard, Julia, Corinne, Phillip, Cochran, Dawn (not so young, not so pretty... this doesn't seem random or even.)

Jeff starts asking them how they feel:
Cochran says the game has started anew.
Matt/the beard, says he's psyched about this tribe, he likes all the these people and he's happy to be changing things up a bit (wait until Phillip tries to give him a Stealth-R-Us name... Oh Please let it be The Beard!)
Corinne says she's overwhelmed - she has to get to know new people (you just blew her game out of the water Probst, what do you want her to say?)
Brenda's take on her new tribe, they are strong (yeah, you have all the young guys) they appear to have an advantage.  She is happy. (No Shit.)

Jeff tells them they will have a new bag of rice starting out with their new tribes and a new flint - And he sends them home to start the game anew.

-Reynold tells the camera he couldn't be happier.  He was close to breaking but it's like a whole new life, whole new chance, whole new game for him and Eddie now.(Quite the bromance going on with these two.)

Gota - Day 14 
Young pretty people bonding easily - they can't see themselves losing at anything, they are the gods. (Seriously?  Eddie even said they were all the good looking people, implying that of course they are going to win? Ugh. That is so disgusting.)  But Eddie does, probably accurately, believe his chances of going farther in the game just dramatically increased.
-First order of business for Reynold & Eddie, who know they are again the minority as there are 4 favourites to their 3 fans, is informing Malcolm and Erik that their tribe had been trying to vote them out since day two and Sherri was with the other people so they are with the Favourites if they want to vote her out.
-Erik isn't drinking the kool-aid - he's getting immediate red flags from Reynold especially - sees him as a used car salesman, beautiful baby blue eyes, talking the talk but it's not all it seems.

-Sherri is pretty much doing the same thing with the girls, she's telling Andrea & Brenda that Eddie is a great guy when he's not with Reynold.  Reynold is the biggest salesman and she'd be happy to see him go.  She also told them that Reynold played his hidden immunity idol but he's also been out looking for another one.
-Andrea can't believe they are being so open, she thanks her for giving them all this information.  Andrea is still thinking Fans vs Favourites though, I don't know how far it'll get Sherri.

Bikal - Day 14
This tribe is also now 4 Favourites and 3 Fans - Corinne loves the gays (her words) so she's so happy to have Michael on the tribe, she says if she could she'd turn her back on all of them and align with the gays but she knows no one in her original alliance will turn. (seriously? Did she just out this guy on national television?)
-Phillip has decided to approach Julia as he sees her as an uneducated young girl that he can manipulate (he did call her smart, just not college educated like himself.) He tells her she can go far in this game if she's able to make it to the merge and is willing to make bold moves.  He's not bringing her in, but he's planting the seeds because he feels it will bear more fruit with her than the two men.
-Julia's no dummy, she knows what he's up to and she is frankly interested - it's hard going into this situation down in numbers so she's willing to listen.

Gota - Day 14
-Malcolm and Andrea are now comparing notes - he tells her the guys totally slammed Sherri and Andrea agrees there is a definite divide.  She also lets Malcolm know that Reynold had an idol, played it because he was so paranoid and is looking for another one.
-Malcolm can't be happier that the dysfunctional fans told them everything and even down in numbers are not a cohesive group.
-Andrea had a dream that Malcolm has an idol so she asked him and he denied it - but he does have an idol - he tells the camera he's an accomplished liar when it comes to women so he thinks he pulled it off. (Oh Malcolm, don't douche out on me now.)

Bikal - Day 14
Wow, this is a long day.  Julia is talking to Michael, asking him how he feels.  He says they seem nice, he's happy so far.
-Phillip tells Corinne he had a quick chat with Julia telling her she could have a chance past the merge if she came with them.
-Corinne doesn't think they need a flipper - she says Phillip is the worst federal agent she's ever met (met a bunch have you?) What cases has he cracked?  Is that the reason the country is such a mess? (Ha ha, didn't he tell us last time he was in janitorial services... oh, maybe that was his army service.)
-Corinne goes and tells Dawn that Phillip has already talked to Julia about flipping - Dawn's just glad he's with them but they don't think he can be left alone - Corinne, "He needs a warm glass of shut-the-hell-up." (Ha ha, love it.)

Two members of each tribe will race to roll a big square crate back to the starting line, when the next couple can go.  Once they have collected all six crates, they must use them to build a staircase that spells Fans vs Favourites up the side - first tribe to finish correctly, wins Immunity.
-For some reason Bikal sent Phillip and Julia first against Erik and Eddie - Gota is showing how much stronger they are... every Gota pair is much faster and they maintain a crate lead.
-Then Bikal screws up somehow and has Phillip going out three times, once twice in a row (ha, does that sentence make any sense?) But anyway, Gota has all 6 crates and can start on the staircase, while Bikal still has two to collect - with Phillip grousing the whole time.
-Malcolm is directing Gota, getting the blocks moved into the right positions, they are very heavy and starting with the top one is smart.
-Julia tries to get Bikal doing the same thing but Phillip is countermining everything she says, he won't move anything unless it's right... bringing Bikal to a standstill.
-Bikal finally starts getting one crate in place (and it's wrong) when GOTA wins Immunity!

-Jeff says, that was pathetic.  Phillip agrees, "Sure was."  Mike looks mad that he's on a losing tribe, again. (Oh, and Dawn was crying - surprise.)

-Phillip gives us some rambling pearls of wisdom about superior men waiting for the right time - which is what he has to do with Corinne.  Right now Favourites must dominate, so he'll have to keep Corinne - for now. (No more Operation Thunder Dome - might you say, we're Beyond Thunder Dome?... Great, now I have Tina Turner stuck in my head.)

Bikal - Day 16
The defeated return to camp and Phillip makes a speech, as he is wont to do - we gelled here in camp and had the intention to kick some ass but some days the better team wins (yeah, he's not listening to himself, he just called the other team the better team, sheesh) He rambles on about it just being their day today but ours will come...
-Corinne has a voice over that people think Phillip is the leader because he does these outrageous things and none of them say anything - she says she knows he's not the leader and she doesn't have to listen to him, so let him make his speech, whatever, doesn't matter - on a scale of one to being beside a crying baby on an airplane annoying, he's being beside a crying baby with diarrhea on an airplane annoying.  It's the most annoying situation you can be in but there's little she can do about it because he will vote with her and he's not going to flip. 
And he's still talking - we can hold our heads high, everyone gave 110% blah, blah, blah.

-Later, Matt asks Phillip what he's thinking.  "In terms of the vote?" (No, he just wants you to tell him how you feel about him... come on!)  Phillip says he thinks 'the girl's gonna go. (She has a name - Julia - he seems to have very little regard for women.) 
-Matt agrees, says he wants to make it to the merge (he'll do whatever they want.) 
-Mike comes over, "Is it plead our case to Phillip time?"  Phillip says 'the girl's got to go.  She got flustered.  That's evident cause we got it wrong and she's got to pay for that (WHAT? Phillip second guessed her and got it wrong... sheesh he really does have no self awareness.)
-He tells them they are a better asset going forward, strengthwise - going to the merge, they'll be counting on them (oh, so now you want all of them to be flippers... give them names Phillip, come on!)
-Then he tells them he still operates Stealth-R-Us (SRU) (oh, is he going to do it?) and when he inducts someone into SRU, he gives them a name.  He won't tell them who is in it but their test will be (Oh jebus) If someone else in the tribe approaches them and tells them to do something, unless Phillip tells them otherwise, they are to do it.
-Matt just says understood but Mike wants a bit more clarification (come again?) Phillip says there are two controlling factors, they set it up that way on purpose in case one of them is voted out they can continue SRU (what shit is he spouting now?)
-Matt/The Beard tells the camera he was trying to keep a straight face with Phillip but he wanted to bust out laughing at this SRU stuff - Matt says he's going to do what he needs to do to stay in the game and make it to the merge - if that means kissing Phillips butt he's going to do it.
-Phillip tells them they are to keep this talk between them and if they pass the test they will get their names and join the other six members of SRU (oh, gave a little away there).

-Matt & Mike then talk to Julia and tell her no one is talking to them, they don't know how the favourites are voting.  She hoped they would want to vote one of their own out and come to them looking for a vote but that doesn't seem to be happening so she wants them to all vote together and she suggests they vote for Dawn (hey, what did Horse & Buggy ever do to you?) The boys are fine with that... (Cause they are voting for you!)
-Matt says as long as it ain't him going home he just don't care who he votes for.

-Corinne is now talking to Matt & Mike, saying she likes them and she would be with them if they had started the game together but everyone is playing Survivor so you just don't know.  She asks them who they are voting for.
-Mike says, you tell us who to vote for and we'll do it.  Corinne and Cochran are there now and they are all very cautious in what they are saying to each other.  Talking about idols - Matt says he doesn't have one but if he did he'd play it.

-Cochran tells the camera he's fairly sure a Fan will be going home tonight and he likes the idea of voting out Julia, however, Matt & Mike seem to be a tight couple and he's leery of leaving a power couple together in the game.  Cochran doesn't think Matt has an idol cause he's reeking of desperation at this point, but you never know.  He thinks it's between Julia and Matt right now but if an idol is played it could be him or Corinne or Phillip. (Oh no, they are gunning for the power player of Dawn.)

-The Favourites are all talking about who they are voting for, Dawn wants to take Matt out but Phillip says he's thinking 'the girl' (does he really not know her name or is it beneath him to call her Julia?) because he thinks the guys can be turned.
-Corinne agrees that it should be Julia - besides the fact that Julia is just plain boring, Corinne blames her for them losing the challenge.  Corinne believes that Matt doesn't have an idol - plus she's just happy her gay is safe (I'm sure Mike's going to love that you call him that.)
-Ew, they showed Matt twisting his beard into his single dreadlock - gah, that thing is nasty!

Matt, when you guys finally came together and there are now fans with favourites, what was that like for you?
-I was super stoked, I'm a big fan of Cochran, Phillip and Dawn & Corinne. I couldn't be happier with this group of people.
Julia, the obvious question, four favourites, three fans, are the fans in trouble?
-I think it would be silly to think we aren't in trouble, the favourites do still have the numbers, there is still a little bit of a divide.
Michael is the sense that you, Matt or Julia are going home tonight?
-100% yeah, one of us is going home tonight.  No question in his mind.
Corinne, have there been bonds made that make it hard to vote someone out?
-Absolutely, you know I always like to play with a gay (wow, she just throws that around, I don't know that Matt or Mike liked that very much) she says she likes the fans very much and there are at least three people she'd replace them with in her alliance (Phillip didn't like the sound of that.) She struggles with the fact that this decision tonight isn't necessarily a fair one.
Phillip, what's the currency to decide who should we keep tonight?
-#1 thing he's looking for, are you loyal, are you trustworthy and can you do challenges.  And when we get to the merge, if I ask you to do something, can you do what I ask you to do.
Corinne, how do you assess who to get rid of, you're in a great position with four favourites.
-I'm not going to mince words, I'm paranoid about the hidden immunity idol and, sure it looks good 4 against 3, but it only takes one idol to send one of us home. I don't think one of them has it but we're not going to tell them who we're voting for because that's dangerous.

Then they talked about Matt telling her he doesn't have the idol, and if he knew any of them had the idol he'd have told her.
She says she believes he doesn't have it but it's not that simple.
Phillip says he's very concerned about the idol too so they are going to base this vote on whether they have the idol or not, so if you have it, you're going to play it, if you don't, you're probably going home. (I love how he just dictates what the fans have to do... someone else is going to go Brandon on him, I betcha.)

Cochran, how do you decide who to keep?
-Obviously they don't want to keep losing cause that will give the other tribe more time to bond - and they are like the 'Bold and the Beautiful' group over there, Cochran doesn't see himself as being able to penetrate that group so they have to look at loyalty and trust in a merge situation but it's not an enviable choice right now because they really are all good options.

Okay, time to vote:
Julia votes for Dawn
Matt votes for Julia - I hope it's you, not me tonight.
Mike votes Julia - I'm just hoping to see one more day.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden Immunity Idol. That pleases Corinne and Phillip.
Julia 1, 2
Dawn 1
Matt 1, 2, 3, 4... And it's the BEARD!  Oh, Mike lost his boyfriend and the beard is no more. 
-With Matt leaving, that takes Jeff T, Mike L and Jenn G. out of the pool.

Next week: Phillip talks the talk but can't walk the walk [when it comes to challenges] and Malcolm makes a move, aligning with the pretty boys? He can't wait until he's controlling the game. (Hmm.)

Matt's final thoughts:
He came into the game knowing his social game is his strong point, he got along with everyone, no one thought he was too gnarly with the beard and tattoos, he put it all out on the table and he doesn't regret anything. (Boo, boring.)

Hope everyone's been having a great week,

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Amazing Race 22- March 17, 2013 Episode Recap

Your Tan Is Totally Cool

Dave & Connor kicked off this leg at 5:01am - reading the clue that they are heading for Hanoi, Vietnam (I always hear Viet-nam in my head like Forrest Gump said it, "So long, Jenny, I'm heading to Viet-NAM.") Once they land in Hanoi, they must make their way to a certain theatre in the middle of town and get their next clue in Gallery 42 (I'm a poet.)
-They are heading to a travel agency and crying Dad tells us his orthopaedic surgeon at home recommended he have surgery on his injury within 7 days or risk permanent impairment - so they are flying to Hanoi to be eliminated. 

-Pam & Winnie are the next team heading out at 5:21am - they read to us the "Caution, U-Turn ahead" part of the clue (oooh, that always makes it more crazy competitive.)  The girls say they don't know who was eliminated but they know that John & Jessica, the Roller Moms and the U-tubers have an alliance and they want to break it up because they know they can't run the race on their own. (Well, part of your wish has already been granted - John & Jessica are gonzo.)
-Max & Katie (horrible Honeymooners) are 3rd to leave at 5:25am and they are looking forward to using the U-Turn (I'm sure for these two they wish they could use it more than once - they're just plain awful.) They hope they can use it on Jess & John to smoke out the Express Pass (wow, they are all going to be surprised when the find out they don't have to worry about that anymore.)

-The first three teams all meet up at the travel agency and when Max asks Dave & Connor if they are doing another leg, they say they are just going to Hanoi to be eliminated - No game-play BS.
-Winnie & Pam are ecstatic to hear that, now they feel they'll have a better chance of staying at the front of the pack - without a guy in a wheelchair able to roll on by them.
-Max & Katie strike a deal with Winnie & Pam that they won't U-Turn each other - Max says his list is John & Jess, Joey & Meghan (U-Tubers) and Roller Derby.
-Connor pipes up - We're U-Turning somebody... Just kidding. (You can tell it's killing him not to be carrying on.. I wouldn't be surprised if they give Connor a second chance at the Race in a future season.)

-Caroline & Jennifer (Country Singers) are the 4th team starting out at 7:20am - They are excited about heading to Asia but scared about the U-Turn (no worries, you're not on anyone's radar.)
-Joey & Meghan are starting at 9:06am - he makes a Drama Queen gasp at the U-Turn (I find his fake persona annoying - I'm glad they don't show much of him, honestly.)  They figure that John & Jessica were eliminated last leg because they didn't see them today so they went from feeling all secure in their group to feeling very vulnerable.  They find the prospect of being U-Turned very scary.
-Roller Moms - 9:12am - They know John  & Jessica are gone but they still plan on working with Joey & Meghan and know they have to run really hard as they'll likely be U-Turn targets.
-Hockey Brothers - 9:14am - They figure they've got targets on their backs since they do so well in the challenges. (I didn't hear them mentioned for U-Turning, maybe being near the back of the pack means they've been discounted.)
-Chuck & Wynona - 9:23am - They've been together 24 years but she says over the past year they've grown apart, working opposite shifts - she hopes they can reconnect on the race - he hopes they U-Turn stronger teams than them (ha ha, that's so man vs woman - he's all about the race, she's working on their marriage.)

First flight out to Hanoi has Dave & Connor, Pam & Winnie and Max & Katie on board and they are set to arrive at 6pm.

-Country Singers at the travel agency get the next available flights (they will have a stop over in Kuala Lumpur) that will get them to Hanoi by 9:30pm.  The rest of the teams are all on this flight.

-First flight arrives in Hanoi and they head for the theatre - they still haven't seen any other teams, they still don't know who was eliminated... and when they get to the theatre, it is closed for the night and doesn't re-open until 9am... so they will know soon enough when everyone meets up again.
-They show Pam & Winnie bonding with Max & Katie, "We think they're really cool." (Arghh! It's so high school, don't fall for the mean, pretty people, they'll slit your throats to get ahead.  I'm just saying.)

2nd flight arrives and they all meet up in the little room they've been given to crash for the night.  The 2nd flighters wake up Pam & Winnie and Max & Katie who lie to the rest of the teams and tell them that Dave & Connor just went to see a doctor but they haven't quit, they should be back by the morning. (The girls hope this will make everyone relax thinking there is still at team behind them.)
-Then the rest of the teams tell them that John & Jessica were eliminated without using their Express Pass because they thought there were teams behind them and John wanted to save it in case they were U-Turned.
-Pam, "That's great for all of us."  Max, "I can't believe they got eliminated with an Express Pass.  That's just over-confidence and conceit right there."  These comments totally put the Roller Moms and Joey & Meghan's noses out of joint.  Joey can't stand Max.  They had to sit there and listen to Max & Winnie talking crap and laughing about John & Jessica and they felt they couldn't say anything with a U-Turn coming up, they didn't want to put bigger targets on their backs. (I'm totally having High School trauma flashbacks here.)

Next AM - Pit Stop: Vietnam National Museum of History
-Phil is at the mat and Dave & Connor run in to officially, tearfully (of course) resign themselves from the race.  Dave hates letting his son down. Connor said he could never let him down, he's his hero (and I'm bawling... man, it's hard to type.)  Connor'd rather run 4 legs with his Dad than win the million dollars with anybody else. (Wahhh! I'm pathetic.)

7:30am - Country Singers are the first team to the gallery, wanting to get a little jump on the others but it seems everyone is on the same page, Winnie & Pam show up next and Caroline says she especially wants to stay ahead of Joey & Meghan & Roller Moms so they should U-Turn them (wow, obvious alliances are apparently super threatening).
-As the rest of the teams show up they are all filled in on the plan and everyone is on board to U-Turn Joey & Meghan and Roller Moms... once those two teams arrive, it's crickets, awkward silence.  U-Tubers and Roller Moms feel the tension and know they are in trouble.

9am - Gallery opens and they all pile in and grab the clue to the ROADBLOCK:  Who's ready to take in the sights and sounds of the Social Republic of Vietnam?
-One person from each team will have to watch a performance of a patriotic song, when it ends the little girls will tip forward parasols revealing a celebrated quote: Vinh Quang Thay The he Thanh Nien Chung Ta, which means: Glory to our young generation.
-They have to memorize the Vietnamese quote (they are not allowed to take notes) then they have 5 minutes before the next performance to run into another room and find the correct quote on one of the political posters in the gallery.  When they find a poster with the right quote, they'll get their next clue.
-So, we have hockey player Anthony, Country Singer Jennifer, Roller Mom Beth, Newlywed Katie, U-Tuber Meghan, Asian girl Pam and Chuck/The Mullet (Wynona was afraid to have to run... oh man, I don't see this being a task for the mullet.)

First performance ends and they run for the poster room - all the posters have the phrase but some of the words are spelled wrong (Oh Come ON! That's impossible unless you have a photographic memory or know the language.) They just start pulling posters at random and running them back to the judge - No, no, no, no.
-Pam is the first person to find a correct poster (look at the memory on Pam!) They get the clue to head to another place and take part in the traditional bamboo dance to get their next clue (they have to jump over the bamboo that people are opening and closing on the ground...(I can see some good falls happening here - watch the ankles.)  They take off.

-The other teams are all enjoying the second performance of the song - Meghan and Beth are working together, one has to concentrate on the first half and the other the second half.
-Chuck, Jennifer, Katie - all get the correct phrase on their first shot after the 2nd viewing (I owe the Mullet an apology, he knocked that out).  These teams head out for the bamboo dancing.
-Meghan found the right poster but she felt wrong just leaving Beth so she tried to help her find another one ... and they ran out of time so Meghan had to put her correct one back and they had to go watch the performance - again.
-Meghan, Beth and finally Anthony all get the right poster this time and they all head for the bamboo dancing.

Bamboo Dancing
-Pam & Winnie are the first team to arrive and they just jump right in, following the women that were doing the dance when they got there... and they got the clue (wow, that seemed too easy) to the DETOUR: Make Your Move or Make Your Meal.
-Make Your Move - required teams to set up a giant Chinese chess game using people.  They had to find the people with corresponding symbols on their clothes to the symbols on their example board and then place them in the right places as on the board (Whhaa? It seemed a little complicated, but at least they didn't need to know how to play Chinese Chess.) Once they got it right, they'd get the next clue.
-Make Your Meal - required them to make Vietnam's national dish: Pho! First they had to pick up two empty baskets and two baskets of live chickens found outside the temple - then they had to navigate the busy market and buy all the ingredients on their provided shopping list in the exact amounts given.  Once they had all the ingredients, they had to go to the cooking stations where a woman would weigh all the ingredients.  Once they prepared two bowls of Pho Ga to the satisfaction of the chef, they'd get their next clue.
-Pam & Winnie are going to make their move since they both know how to play Chinese chess. (You'll be over-qualified.)

-Back at the bamboo dancing, Chuck and Wynona are jumping through the bamboo, he tells her not to hold his hand and they get a fail.
-Max & Katie are right behind them and they aren't holding hands either - No!  Katie figures out they should have been holding hands.
-Chuck & Wynona do not - and they fail again.
-Max & Katie get the clue to the Detour and they are going to make their meal.

-Country singers got the short straw in the cab driver lottery this leg and are lost in traffic somewhere - the driver stops for directions.

-Back at Bamboo dancing - Joey & Meghan get the clue (and Meghan's wearing bright pink, what I thought were sport socks, but they're leg warmers, but tight like socks... I don't get the point? Maybe compression socks for air travel?  Or is it a weird style thing?) They are going to Make Their Move.

-Hockey Brothers go through the bamboo, holding hands and get their clue - They joke that they really are getting tight on the race, Bates has such soft hands (ha!) and they are going to Make their move as well.

Temple of Literature - Chinese Chess task.
-Pam & Winnie get there and find the old men with the chess board set up, they choose four pieces that they are going to place then run and grab markers to place on the spots on the huge board, then they have to go grab the correct human beings wearing the correct colour and symbols to take the place of their markers.

-Chuck & Wynona fail again at the bamboo dancing (and his hair is huge!) Is it really such a big deal to hold Wynona's hand, maybe their marriage is more troubled than they let on.  OH... finally, they figure out they have to hold hands as Beth & Mona/Roller Moms get a pass and decide to Make their Move. 
-Chuck & Wynona finally go through it correctly and they decide to go cook.
-Country Singers were the last team to arrive at the bamboo dancing and they are going to Make their Move.

-Chess: Pam & Winnie go grab their people to put on the board and they got two of the Chinese Characters right and two wrong. They thought they had it, no problem, so this threw them off.

-Pho: Max & Katie get to the temple and pick up their baskets.  They walk down to the market and start to try to buy the ingredients but the list was in English and the vendors don't understand.  They started yelling for someone who speaks English and were lucky to find a girl who agreed to help them - but when she asked for 500g of chili peppers the lady said it was too much and only gave them 50g (uh oh.)

-Back at the Chess task, Winnie & Pam figured out the colour of the Chinese characters had to match the chess pieces so they went and switched their two red people for blue and they got the clue to make their way to the B-52 memorial to get their next clue (huh, I thought it would be the Pit Stop... Oh YEAH! U-Turn time.)
-The rest of the teams are arriving at the Chess task and the U-Tubers and Roller Moms are especially not thrilled to see Pam & Winnie leaving already.

-Katie & Max get to the cooking stations but they can't start because they didn't get enough chili peppers or basil... and their interpreter is gone.  Katie, "This really sucks."

-Chuck & Wynona get to the temple and pick up two baskets and their list. Wynona, "Don't we need the chickens?"  Chuck, "We don't need no chickens." (Chuck just broke the first rule of Amazing Race, Make sure to read the clue completely, and the first rule of life, Always listen to your wife.  They're my team but I fear they are a little too stupid to go on.) He leads them in the totally wrong direction to boot, she's trying to get him to turn around but still not listening.  Wynona knows she may be the physically weakest but she's smart and he should listen (amen sister.)

-Pam & Winnie get to the B-52 memorial and find the Double U-Turn board - this one is going to be anonymous - they stick to their word and U-Turn Joey & Meghan.  They then get the clue to the Pit Stop and laugh like Angry Birds (he he he wheee!)

-Chuck and Wynona have hired a rickshaw to take them to the market and they're totally lost - Wynona keeps saying it has to be near the temple but he's ignoring her - she thinks it's time to go do some chess.

-Max & Katie have no problem getting the rest of their ingredients (and yeah, that is a LOT of chili peppers.)

-Back at the chess board, everyone is busy placing chess piece people - Bates & Anthony are the next team to get it right and head for the U-Turn.
-Meghan & Joey are the next team to get their chess people right and head out hoping they haven't been U-Turned (oh, you poor things.)
-Roller Moms and Country Singers have no idea what they're doing at the chess thing... ho boy.

-Max & Katie watch the Pho demonstration and quickly get their soup together.  He can't wait to be a douche bag back home and brag about how much better the pho was in Hanoi.   They get the clue for the U-Turn.

-Meanwhile Chuck and his rickshaw driver have finally gotten directions to the market by the temple and they are heading back - Wynona is just fuming that he never listens to anybody.

-Joey & Meghan get to the U-Turn and see that they have been U-Turned - so they're upset, but my question, are they going to U-Turn anyone else? (Commercial break)
-And the answer to that is yes, they are going to U-Turn Chuck & Wynona (Oh man!  The Mullet and wife have enough challenges getting through this leg as it is.)
-In the cab Meghan can't believe they were U-Turned instead of the Hockey Players, do they [the rest of the teams] think they'll stand a chance against the boys (hold on, why didn't she U-Turn the hockey players then?  Oh, they did leave the chess thing before them, maybe she thought the Hockey Players were still ahead of them.)

-The country singers are not helping the reputation of blonds right now - they can't figure out what they need to do at the chess task, maybe we have to play chess and beat the masters?  Jennifer tries to ask one of the pieces to help them (they should go make soup.)
-Roller Moms were able to figure it out though and get the clue to the U-Turn.

-Hockey Brothers get to the U-Turn (where have you been?) and they see Meghan & Joey and Chuck & Wynona have been U-Turned, a little surprised but alright, they head for the Pit Stop.  They can't believe they weren't U-Turned but their pact came through.

-The Country Singers finally figured the Chess thing out - they just needed to place the pieces and get the right colours - they head out for the U-Turn.

-Max & Katie get to the U-turn, are fine with the choices and head for the Pit Stop.  Mona & Beth get their right behind them and while they feel bad for Joey & Meghan, they are really happy it wasn't them.

-Chuck & Wynona have finally arrived at the market and Wynona still has a bee in her bonnet about Chuck not listening (wait until you find out you need the chickens) - they get all their ingredients gathered.
-Joey & Meghan get to the temple and pick up their baskets and chickens, by the time they get to the market the ladies are old hat at this and just start filling their order - oh look, more people wanting the same stuff -the locals are laughing at Joey, the Westerner, selling chickens.

-Country Singers get to the U-Turn and are relieved that they were clear.

-Chuck & Wynona are getting their ingredients weighed and they are short on bean sprouts.
-Joey & Meghan are right behind them and they are light on a lot of the ingredients, and the lady gave them something they didn't need...
(Don't worry, Chuck & Wynona still have to do the other task, they just don't know it yet.)
-Wynona notices that Joey & Meghan have chickens - We need chickens! They have to go back to the temple and get their chickens - Chuck knows he screwed up and he's trying to placate her by offering to carry the baskets but she's having none of it - Just stop, you haven't listened once today.
-Meghan & Joey get the rest of their ingredients and make their soup - they get an enthusiastic thumbs up from the chef and they are still in it.
-Chuck & Wynona get back with their chickens and bean sprouts and are still bickering as they try to make the soup.

-Meghan & Joey are taken to the wrong place by their cab driver, that's not the B-52 memorial - they jump into another cab.

-Chuck & Wynona get the okay from the chef and Chuck says Mucho Gracias (Spanish? Really?) When they get to the U-Turn they feel crushed, Joey & Meghan U-Turned us? (I know! And you were in last place anyway...) 
-They just montaged them doing the chess. (Sadly)

Here's How They Finished:
1) Pam & Winnie - they won a trip to Whistler! (Welcome).  Phil asks if they are feeling confident.  Winnie says you never want to feel too confident because that's when you let your guard down, you can just ask John. (MEOW! Quite the dig when the guy's not even there anymore - ouch.)
2) Max & Katie (Horrible Honeymooners)- more smiles, they better be careful, their faces may freeze like that.
3) Mona & Beth (Roller moms) - very excited with their placing.
4) Bates & Anthony (Hockey brothers) their cab driver must have been slow, they lost two places every time they had to travel.
5) Caroline & Jennifer (Country Singers)
6) Joey & Meghan - (U-Turned U-Tubers) - Phil says he's sorry, they are at the back of the pack... but they are still in the race (he gave Joey a mild heart attack there) - Meghan says no more Mr & Mrs Nice Guy (oh we know you'll never be Mr & Mrs), she's a fiery ball of righteousness and vengeance will be hers!
7) Chuck & Wynona - Phil tells them they are the last team to arrive and they give their parting speeches - She feels like she's the weakest player but she's been doing it and Chuck says he's very proud of her... then Phil tells them that Dave & Connor had to withdraw from the Race so they are still IN The Amazing Race! (Yay!) Chuck says they are going to start fresh on this second chance and he's going to listen to her when she voices her opinion (ha ha, okay, I'll believe that when I see it - But I'm happy to still be in the pool.)

And so, the only team that left this leg was Dave & Connor which took Ozzy R, Lindsay J, Kelvin H, Patty F and Karen F out of the pool.

Next week: They head to Botswana and go on the hunt with Kalahari bushmen (like The Gods Must Be Crazy!) and they have to eat scorpions?( Maybe) Best line from Winnie, "This is like Sesame Street on crack." (Hahaha.)

Have a great week everyone,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Survivor Fans vs Favourites - March 13/13 Episode Recap

Persona Non Grata

Last week was a downer for the Fans with losing Shamar because he had a boo-boo in his eye (okay, they all seemed kinda relieved with that) but then they also had to vote someone out... and that someone was their weakest swimmer, Laura.  But they also were successful in drawing out the hidden immunity idol when Reynold played it to save his own behind.

Gota - Night 10
Returning from Tribal Council, all the boys are talking - saying they feel like this is going to be a turning point - they need to win challenges, it's that simple.  Matt asked Sherri if she's alright, she says she's fine (but we all know what that means.) 
-Sherri tells the camera she's upset they voted out Laura because she reminded her of her daughter but she had to go with the group (she's just sad because her power just got ripped away in one fell swoop, losing her muscle and her Smithers in Shamar & Laura.) 
-Reynold then goes on about how good it felt to be honest at tribal like he made great pronouncements about them being bad a challenges and needing him to win (I don't really remember anything big from him) and he says he had decided to play the idol because it was an object of division and now it's out of the way (blah, blah, blah, I think Reynold is so full of himself, I'd love to see him blindsided.)
-Mike tells the camera he doesn't want Reynold to have the idol (if it's back in play hidden somewhere again) because he's a clutch guy, he comes through in challenges and making fire and Mike doesn't want him getting ahead at his expense.

Bikal - Night 10
Favourites are sitting around the fire talking, and Brandon is talking about how important family is to him, how he is responsible for his two precious babies (he has two kids?! That's scary) and he's feeling awful he just up and left them to play a game (for a million dollars!) He tells them the next time they go to Tribal Council, he's volunteering for them to vote him out of the game. (Oh boy, wait an hour, he'll change his tune.)
-Malcolm tells the camera maybe he [Brandon] should have thought of this before he jumped out there with the rest of them.
-Next scene, Brandon's telling Corinne, Andrea and Cochran that he had thought of burning the shelter down and peeing in the beans and rice [to get voted out?] They say they're glad he came to this alternate decision of just asking them to vote him off.
-Corinne tells the camera she's wants him off her tribe IMMEDIATELY (I don't blame you.) Clearly he's spinning out of control and it's just a matter of time, they don't know what he's going to do. (Then Andrea's comforting him with his face in her lap... uh, yeah, don't be a temptation to him or he'll think you were sent by the devil.)

-Next morning, Brandon gathers everyone in the shelter, and says his perspective has completely changed, (I knew it) instead of going home for his family, he now wants to stick it out for them and they are going to see the most intense Brandon they've ever seen. (Jekyll & Hyde over here.)  Talking to the camera, with a big grin on his face, he says he's freaking himself out, he doesn't know what he's going to do. (Oh sweet jebus, hold on to your hats.)

Two members of each tribe will hold onto a rope that is attached to a net while members of the other tribe will throw coconuts into the net.  The more coconuts in the net, the heavier it becomes, until they can hold on no longer... last tribe member holding onto the rope wins reward for their tribe, which is: BBQ, sausage, steaks, veggies, condiments, wine... FOOD is always welcome.
-Andrea, Dawn & Eric sit out for the Favourites.

-Phillip and Brandon are holding the nets for the Favourites. (They have one net each.)
-Michael and Matt/The Beard are holding the nets for the Fans.
Everyone else is shooting - and off they go.
-Phillip starts yelling gibberish at the Fans while they shoot and it seems to work on Sherri & Eddie.
-Reynold is picking on Brandon, getting lots of coconuts in his net and Brandon is the first to drop.
-Matt & Mike are struggling a little with their nets too - Malcolm starts targeting Matt and gets him to lose his net.
-It's down to Phillip and Mike  - Phillip is talking big, "No struggle here"... and he is able to hold on until Mike loses his net and the Favourites win Reward again! 
And the Fans just look so dejected. I feel kinda bad for them.

Gota - Day 11
Eddie says he thought for sure today would be a turnaround for them and they blew it... the boys say they definitely think they have to start doing something different (of course they don't know what.)
-Sherri is having a hard time keeping her mouth shut, she went along with their plan and got rid of Laura to keep the muscle, and it's not paying off (so you thought it'd be magic and you'd win automatically?  You probably still did better today with the guys than you would have with her.)
-Sherri says now the worry is that the hidden immunity idol is back in play... she wants to find it... Along with everyone else apparently, because they show Matt and Mike and Reynold and Sherri and Julia - all searching through the trees for the idol.
-Just as Mike is saying he just doesn't want Reynold to find it again... Reynold finds it again - and he reacts like he is the golden god! (Maybe he'll hide it better this time. Can pretty boy learn?)  He says he's going to keep his big fat mouth shut because as soon as they found out last time they started gunning for him (oh, they would have been gunning for you anyway, dumb*ss)... but that doesn't mean he's not going to tell Eddie, he's his boy (sheesh, so much for keeping his mouth shut.)
-Eddie's laughing at Sherri especially, combing the woods looking for this thing, and Reynold already has it again, "It's just funny to watch." (ergh, I hate the smug pretty people.  But how Eddie figures this will help him is beyond me.)

Bikal - Day 11
-They are cooking their spoils and even the food doesn't seem to have cheered Brandon, everyone is subdued (it is raining as well) but they are uneasy around Brandon who is getting aggravated listening to Phillip take credit for winning the challenge single handedly.
-Brenda asks a simple question and Phillip makes a pronouncement about saving his strength for challenges and Brandon starts quietly challenging Phillip, saying his manner is more like a dictatorship.  Phillip refuses to argue and walks away but Brandon is spoiling for a fight.
-They're all so uneasy, they know Brandon could snap at any moment and Phillip, being Phillip, isn't going to alter his behaviour.
-Brandon asks if he should go find Phillip to apologize and they all say, "NO! maybe wait a day or so..."
 -Phillip is seething to the camera, "I'm not going to have some damn punk telling me to shut up."  He says he's a street fighter and if Brandon ever came at him, he'd see that.  He also thinks Brandon is unstable (that's saying something coming from Phillip) and he wants him out of the game.

-Next we see Phillip talking to Brandon and dictating to him that he told him he would finish higher than he did the last time so he should stop biting the hand that feeds him. (Seriously? That's how you're playing this?  I don't think Phillip knows how to handle someone crazier than he is.)
-Brandon asks what gives him the leadership to tell him where he finishes, shouldn't he be able to decide that for himself? (Brandon is talking calmly and making sense, but you can feel the anger seething underneath, eek.)
-Phillip just shakes his head (oh man, you are handling this well) Phillip is so caught up in his Stealth-R-Us scenario that he's not able to be flexible and roll with the punches - and it's going to blow up in his face.
-Brandon says he's always been annoyed with Phillip but he's kept in line and kissed his butt... he's just got to keep himself under control and as long as he can do that, he'll be good.  Brandon apologizes to Phillip who seems to accept it... but then Phillip tells the camera that Brandon is Persona Non Grata in his book and he's not going to put up with it anymore. (How dare he challenge the Mastermind? Or whatever he calls himself.)

Gota - Day 13
It's been raining for two days straight and they're miserable (more than the favourites who at least have a tarp) Matt has taken up the Shamar torch and is complaining about his feet, looking dead (they do, gross) and being cold. 
-Mike wants them to at least prepare for the sun and get stuff set out for drying... good luck for that.
-Mike says, camp life has been hell.  They are failing on all levels of Survivor, they can't just wallow under the palm fronds and hope everything's going to get better, because it's not.
-Eddie's got a cold, Reynold is calling for his Mommy, Matt wishes to God that something good could happen to their tribe.

Bikal - Day 13
-And did God answer with this?
-Brandon wakes up in a mood - this rivalry with Phillip is getting to him - he says he's the only one that can start the fire (with total crazy eyes) he doesn't need "some old 54 year old punk b*tch telling him 'don't bite the hand that feeds you'.  He doesn't feed me, I'm a Hantz, I feed me!" (Oh boy, here we go.)
-They get tree mail that says today they will be "boxing" and fighting for their life in the game.
-Phillip sees this as an opportunity to get Brandon out of camp - he says Brandon's not sane and could harm one of them so he's thinking of throwing the challenge.  He says it's as much an act of compassion for him [Brandon] as it could be a game saver for them (yeah, I don't think Brandon would see it that way.)

-Next Phillip is talking to Andrea, he says [if they lose] Brandon's got to go.  Put me in the challenge.  She says, 'You'd throw the challenge?" "If that's what it takes."  Then Brandon comes up and Phillip has a little hissy fit - "I can't talk privately to anyone!" (Welcome to Survivor.)  So now Andrea's in the middle.  Brandon heard him talking about throwing the challenge, Andrea says she doesn't think he'd do that. 

-Now Brandon is starting to boil; he cooks, he keeps the fire going, he thought they squashed this... he goes and pulls Phillip out of the shelter to talk to him.
-Phillip talks down to him like Phillip does, "I don't believe I can trust you. When I put you in Stealth-R-Us, I told you what was expected..."
-Brandon, "Can we drop the Stealth R Us crap, it's demeaning, it's like playing with a child.  Nobody likes it, they don't like you."
-Phillip - Well then they'll vote me out before they vote for you.
-Brandon - Well let me give you a reason to vote me out... And he calmly goes over to the shelter and dumps the rice out on the ground. (Oh MY GOD! What is WRONG with him?!)  Everyone is just stunned, "No, Brandon!" then he grabs the beans and Erik tries to take them away but Brandon is determined - he grabs the bag of beans and dumps them out too (GASP!) and he starts yelling now since Phillip has taken off up the beach, "Come vote me out now, b*tch. Secret Agent come get some." (Something like that anyway.)
-The rest of the tribe is trying to salvage the rice off the ground and Dawn heads him off, trying to calm him down, "Just give yourself time to breath." (But it's Dawn that's trying to breath.) Everyone else is a little in shock.  Brandon's still ranting up the beach, "I'm the author of my own fate." (And you wanted to write yourself out?)

-The rest of the tribe's ready to forfeit the challenge now.  They don't believe that they can keep playing with Brandon at this point. (D'think?)

Jeff asks Reynold how they're doing in the cold and rain and Reynold, (ever the politician, this guy), makes a "we're all in this together speech."

-Jeff asks Brandon how he's doing and he says, "Not too good Jeff, had a bit of a blow up this morning with Phillip and I was wondering if I could talk to the other tribe." (WHAT? Oh man, is he going to ask to switch tribes?  That would shake it up!)

-So, Brandon makes some obscure speech about the Fans having a second chance to come back and make something out of this game and he's their second chance, he just asks that they don't let Phillip get to the end of the game.  Reynold asks where he's going?
-Then Corinne pipes up and says they have discord within their tribe and want to go to Tribal Council to hash it out in a more appropriate setting.  While they are fierce competitors and have respect for the game, they hope the Fans can respect their decision to forfeit the challenge and go to Tribal Council.
-That shocks the Fans (obviously) but it also sets Brandon off again. "You don't respect the Fans, Corinne, that's BS."  (Because now, in Brandon's short-circuiting brain, he's done all this for the Fans.) Then he addresses the fans, says they deserve a fair chance and they are the underdogs, he loves the underdogs, don't take crap from anyone..."

And then Jeff steps in and asks Brandon to come stand by him and tell us what's going on.
-Brandon let's it fly... (I enjoyed it too much to take notes but basically) he says Phillip talks so highly of himself and gave them all stupid names like little dolls.  "Boston Rob took you to the end of the game, you didn't do nothing, and everyone made fun of you.  And you tell me not to bite the hand that feeds me?  You don't feed me, I feed me!"

-Reynold's mouth is just hanging open.  The Favourites are all just embarrassed by the meltdown. Malcolm gives a 'I know, can you believe this' look over to the Fans and Dawn is genuinely upset, she can't handle conflict like this.

-Jeff is concerned that Brandon is so hostile and wants to talk it out.
-Brandon says he had a really hard time after he played the last time.  He watched himself get walked over episode after episode and cry.  He callused himself this time and is proud he hasn't shed a single tear, and he won't put up with people that only care for themselves - you won't get anywhere with that attitude in life, or in Survivor. (So you should care for others but also scare them, yell at them and dump out all the food... this guy is all over the map.  Maybe they should put him down - oh, I just went to a very dark place.  With the crazy eyes, Brandon looks like he wishes this was the Hunger Games. I bet he'd do well if they were all fighting to the death.)

-Jeff asks Phillip how he feels and Phillip tries to start talking but Brandon is goading him and who cares what Phillip said, Andrea is now bawling and Jeff cuts to her - She says it's just really upsetting because they were doing so well and then two people start fighting and say really cruel things to each other...
Phillip interjects, "I said nothing to Brandon"
Andrea, "Alright! ALRIGHT! I'm talking to Brandon then..."
Brandon, "That's right, Phillip Shephard never says anything wrong, ever, he's super spy agent 3.0. Shut up, shut your mouth, JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE 100 years old doesn't mean you've never made a mistake.  I came and apologized to you...
Phillip, "Over and over again- you are one pathetic individual."
"You're pathetic!" 
And then it devolves even more - Jeff has to call Brandon back cause it looks like it could have gotten physical. (Wow, he's just going right off the reservation here folks - it's awesome!)
-Dawn is deep breathing, she doesn't want to be around all the negativity.

-Brandon tells the Fans that he evened the playing field, since the Fans aren't eating he dumped out all the Favourites rice and beans (oh yeah, Reynold keeps doing the Home Alone face, and Malcolm's face is 'I know, right.')

-Jeff asks Brandon, in light of his relation to Russell Hantz, respectfully, is it in the blood?
-Brandon says he's proud that the Hantz' speak their minds and will tell you what's what.
-Phillip tries to say that Brandon has made this all up about him being in control, it's all a figment of Brandon's imagination.
-Brandon just tells him to shut up.

And it starts again until Phillip says he's disrespectful to his elders, his uncle and probably his aunt that is looking after his kids that he left to come out there.
-That got the crazy eyes popping, "You bring my kids into this? I"ll come over there and knock your @#&^'n head off." (Oh yeah, getting ugly.  The crazy just don't play together.)

Jeff steps in - He's massaging Brandon's shoulders, trying to calm him down.  He has Eric give the Immunity Idol to the Fans - and Reynold asks him to raise his arms and declare them the winners - he says he'll do it later.  (Really Reynold?  That's what's important right now?)

Jeff says:We are going to have a vote right now without the fire or the torches. 
Brandon, who are you voting for?  PHILLIP!
Corinne? - Brandon
Phillip - Brandon
Brenda - Brandon
Malcolm - Brandon
Dawn (still crying) - Brandon
Erik - Brandon (love you brother)
Andrea - Brandon
Cochran - Brandon
Alright, are you good with this? (Jeff's trying to contain the wild animal, speaking calmly, giving him the respect he thinks he deserves.  That is why Jeff is the best host ever.)Brandon says he's good with it.
Sixth person voted out of this game, Brandon Hantz.

Jeff tells Brandon he's not going back to camp, he sends him back behind the challenge to cool down and he'll come find him.
Brandon's parting words to the Fans, "Kick their *sses."  And to the Favourites, "Phillip, you're a b*tch." (Hahaha, I couldn't help it, that made me laugh.)

Well, the game just got a little more interesting.  Dawn, do you think the tribe is better off?  I think Brandon is, and that's what's best for the tribe (whatever lady, he's not going to be on the jury - I think she's going to need therapy after this.)

Jeff sends the Fans off with the idol (and no, he didn't throw his hands up for them - suckers) but they will take it, a win's a win.

Next week: Phillip wants to take out Corinne, Corinne wants to take out Phillip and Jeff announces that everything is going to change again (are they shuffling the tribes?)  Could be!

And finally Brandon gives us one more flash of his beautiful mind:  He says his exit was glorious.  If he's going out he's going to throw rocks - go out Braveheart style!  "I don't regret nothin'. I proved my point.  I was the author of my elimination."  Then he spit through his teeth. (Gross.)

And with Brandon's epic meltdown and hasty exit, Shelly P, Lindsay J and Maddy D are out of the pool, spectacularly!

I hate to say it, but that was a fun hour of TV... made all the better because we won't have to suffer through it week after week - go out in one huge cataclysmic explosion and let us all recover next week.  Love it!

Have a great rest of your week everyone,
