Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Amazing Race 27 - Nov 27/15 episode Recap

Bring the Fun, Baby

Last week Justin & Diana came in first for the sixth time in a row and Team Texas was eliminated after they faced a long Speed Bump AND were U-Turned by the Reporters.

This leg, the Green Team opens the clue at 5:10pm that tells them they are staying in India.  They have to travel to Kachora Bazaar by tuk-tuk to find their next clue... and be ready for a U-Turn, it's coming sooner than you expect.  This is the first time ever they have had 3 U-Turns in one Race.
-Justin & Diana discuss the U-Turn and think they will probably use it on Logan & Chris because they think that the Paparazzi lied about the Cheerleaders U-Turning them - they got suckered by Krista's sweet little face.

-The Reporters are the next team to head out at 5:18pm and they are tired of coming in second place to the Green Team constantly.
Blah, blah, blah... this team is so boring, everyone keeps forgetting about them.  Joey says in the tuk-tuk that they already used their U-Turn so no one has to worry about them.  Joey thinks if Justin & Diana were smart they would U-Turn them (but they have no plan to do that, seemed to have no worries about this team.)

-Next we see Chris puking in the bushes before they even start 5:23pm - he tells us it's going to be a tough leg for him, he started vomiting a few hours before but he's not going to use that as an excuse (he uses it as an excuse the whole leg) he's just got to push through it.  They also hope they are not U-Turned.

ROADBLOCK - Who's full of hot air?  Teams must blow up balloons, put them in a delicate net bag attached to the back of a bicycle, and when the net is full, ride the bicycle over a bridge to the wedding party planner who will give them their next clue.
-Justin is doing this one - "what could be better than blowing up balloons for a wedding?  There is nothing better than love" (yes, I rolled my eyes.)

6:00pm - the Cheerleaders are next out.  No one expected them to make it to leg 10 (I know I didn't) that in itself is an accomplishment, now all they have to do is win the last leg. (No problem.)

Roadblock - Justin has a huge crowd watching him blowing up the balloons and laughing at him when he pops some.  Justin gives a couple to the kids watching - that was nice - but the big fingers are having some trouble tying the knots.
-The Reporters get there and Joey joins in the balloon blowing (they have an air pump, so at least they won't pass out - but those knots are a challenge.)
-The Paparazzi get there and Logan won't even let Chris read the clue, she's doing this one, no argument allowed. (And you know he must not be feeling well because he actually doesn't argue.)

-Justin asks Joey who he is thinking for the U-Turn, Justin wants them to come in one-two again so should it be Team Alabama or The Paparazzi?...(dude, they're right there.)  Joey is non-committal so Justin says, "Maybe we'll just do Chris & Logan, help you guys out." (Does he think they are friends? I guess he still believes the Reporters are working with them.)

6:28pm - Denise & James Earl are the last team to head out.  They know they have some catching up to do.

Back at the Roadblock - Chris is being his charming self, telling Logan she has to go faster, more teams are going to show up - she knows other teams are going to show up, obviously, and tells him to just go away (exactly.)
-Justin fills his net and takes off on the bike - through the crazy streets teaming with traffic of all kinds - trying not to pop the balloons and not get killed - it was definitely scary.  But he made the delivery and got the clue to make their way to the Goyal Book Store and search for the next clue - the U-Turn is straight ahead.  They take off.
-Joey gets his net full of balloons and takes off on his death defying ride.
-Logan is having trouble with her net tangling and losing balloons out of it and popping balloons, and Chris berating her to work smarter... . cranky Chris is such a treat.

-The Cheerleaders showed up at the Roadblock and Tiffany is doing this one.  Tiffany sees the trouble Logan is having with her net and makes adjustments to avoid the tangling, props the stick the net is attached to on her shoulder, keeps it straight and tangle-free - smart.
-Logan finally gets her net full and takes off on the ride, which she thinks will be the fun part (really?) and she did seem to enjoy it, she was the fastest on the ride it seemed.

-Team Alabama finally showed up to the Roadblock and James Earl jumps in to blow up some balloons.  He has the same issues with the net that Logan did, it's all tangled and being the last team there, he couldn't change stations.

-While they're waiting for their partners to do the challenge, Denise asks Krista not to U-Turn them (obviously she doesn't know they have no U-Turn left) but Krista assures them she would never...

-Logan gets back and yells at Chris to come on, the U-turn is right ahead and they have to go (these two, ugh.) In the tuk-tuk Logan's fretting about the U-Turn and Chris says, "This is the wrong day to have to do two detours." (Would that be because you're sick? Not going to use it as an excuse remember?)

Goyal Book Shop - Justin & Diana get to the U-Turn board and they U-Turn Chris & Logan - say they want to help their friends (they really do think the Reporters are their friends, huh.)
-They get the clue to the DETOUR: Bring the Groom or Bring the Fun.
-In Bring the Groom - one team member must carry a heavy electric candelabra while the other team member must push the heavy generator that lights the candelabras - they must follow the groom on his white horse in procession to his waiting bride to get the next clue.
-In Bring the Fun - they have to push a miniature carnival ride through the busy streets to the wedding then give eight children a ride to get their next clue.
-Justin being the type of guy he is, of course wants to, "Bring the Fun, baby!"
-In the tuk-tuk they said they U-Turned Logan & Chris to save their friends Joey & Kelsey and Krista & Tiffany because the Paps would have probably U-Turned one of them (oh, okay, I'm sure they appreciate it, but I don't think they really are your friends.)

-Joey & Kelsey are happy to see Justin & Diana were true to their word about not U-Turning them, so they are with them to the end, final three.  They chose Bring the Groom.

Roadblock - it's important to note that the sun has gone down and it's getting dark when Tiffany heads out to deliver her balloons.  Immediately you notice a difference, there are no women left on the streets, kids are running beside her popping some of her balloons, guys are grabbing the net as she rides by (I was genuinely scared for her) and on the bridge a guy rides by her and rips the net, so she loses all her balloons (What the heck?? That made me mad.) Luckily they didn't make her do it over, she got the clue despite not having balloons to deliver (I felt uneasy for the Cheerleaders the rest of the leg, they are the only all-girl team and it seems like they were almost targets on the streets.)

-Justin & Diana are pushing a small carnival ride to the wedding, and all the locals are following.
-Joey & Kelsey have chosen a groom, he gets the generator started, she's carrying the candelabra (really?) and he's pushing the generator - off they go.

-Logan & Chris are fighting their way to the book store (not fighting the crowds, just yelling at each other, as usual) and they find that they have been U-Turned, so their attitudes totally improved (ha!)
They confirmed they don't like Justin & Diana and will not be inviting them to Miami any time soon (I'm sure they'll be crushed.)

-James Earl finally gets all his balloons blown up and despite some shaky bike riding, he gets the clue to head to the U-Turn board.

-Krista & Tiffany get to the U-Turn and are shocked to see that the Green Team U-Turned the Paps, but they were happy it wasn't them.  Then they chose Bring the Groom, and they were almost being swallowed by the crowd of boys & men around them - the girls were being playful with the kids running to the tuk-tuk until they started pulling on Krista so she almost couldn't get it (it was scary.)

-Logan & Chris are starting with Bring the Fun - they choose a smallish ride and start pushing it through the streets - he tells us it was one the hardest things he's had to do, especially since he
wasn't feeling well and blah, blah, blah (no excuses.)

Justin & Diana get the ride to the wedding/carnival - they park it and a crowd of kids piles in - they enjoy pushing the kids and then get the clue that tells them to search the party for Phil and check in at the next PIT STOP.

Kelsey & Joey get to the wedding with the groom - they have to escort him to his bride, then stand there awkwardly... but they finally go find the guy with the next clue and start searching the party for Phil.

-U-Turn board - Team Alabama is so grateful that the Green Team was trying to help them out by U-Turning the Paps, they choose bring the groom and seem very uncomfortable with the kids trying to touch them and grabbing at them in the tuk-tuk (definitely not in Kansas, or Alabama, anymore.)

-Chris & Logan get the carnival ride to the party and he's thinking they have to get the kids on the ride and then push it around - she's yelling at him to park it, then the kids get on and ride... it takes a minute but finally he gets it - and they yell at each other that they have to stop yelling cause they're scaring the kids... Ha!  They did start enjoying playing with the kids but then had to take off to start the second half of the Detour.

-The Cheerleaders get to the Groom and they have trouble starting the generator but finally it starts and then the real whining begins as they have to carry and push the heavy stuff a really long way to the wedding.

-Chris & Logan show up and she starts yelling at him that the girls are there, they're still in it!  Though they both looked like wrung out old dishrags, they choose a groom, get the generator going, Logan takes up the candelabra and Chris starts pushing the generator.  Logan is yelling about how easy this is, to encourage Christ to keep going or try to convince herself she can do it... I don't know, I just wish they'd stop yelling.

-Denise & James Earl get to the Groom task and he gets the generator started by accident, (whatever works), and Mom started carrying the candelabra but it was too heavy so they switched... they still think they have a shot because Logan & Chris were U-Turned (so obviously they got there far enough behind them that they don't know the Paps are ahead.)

Here's how they finished:
1) Justin & Diana - they each won $5K - and this is their 7th first place win, one more to tie the record.
2) Joey & Kelsey - they had hoped they might have gotten there first but, still the bridesmaid, coming in second by mere minutes.
3) Krista & Tiffany - they get a little Bollywood dance move instruction.
4) Chris & Logan - The Cheerleaders were not very happy to see them coming to the mat behind them... but they made it.
5) Denise & James Earl - **ELIMINATED** They saw the Cheerleaders and Paparazzi at the mat so they knew they were last and eliminated.  James Earl learned his mom is much tougher than she looks and she realized he's the same person as when he was born, and she loves him unconditionally. (Awww, I think I'll actually miss these two, they were a fun team.)

And with Denise & James Earl leaving, that takes Sue & Hannelore, Nenad M., Cara & Alex L., Terry B., and Roxanne S. out of the pool.

Next week: The remaining four teams head to Hong Kong where costly mistakes lead to a shocking finish... Justin crumples on the mat, they showed a lot of shocked faces and then Phil saying, you didn't see that coming did ya?  (Ohhh, I can't wait to see what happens.)

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Nov 25/15 Episode(s) Recap

Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil; My Wheels Are Spinning

Okay people, they gave us a treat for American Turkey day, two helpings of Survivor last night... but that means a more bare bones recap cause I can't stay up all night, even for you people.

Last week Stephen employed his new "voting block" strategy and used the three witches to vote out Wiglesworth  - but this effectively showed Tasha & Joe that they were not in the know...

Orkun - Night 24
-Returning from Tribal, Jeremy is convinced they can jump right back into their previous power group but first he's got to do some damage control with Tasha - he tells her he couldn't tell her before but she's still in the power (their alliance). 
-Tasha is willing to give them the one chance, but only the one...
-Joe, on the other hand is not happy, and they really have no good argument for taking out Wigles. Joe hopes they won't let the girls take over... and he knows he has to win immunity because they are coming for him.

Orkun - Night 24 - Day 25
Rain Rain Rain... they are all huddled together in the shelter, shivering and miserable.  They can't get out and have one on one conversations, no one is strategizing when everyone is within earshot.  Ciera says this could really jeopardize her game.
-Keith has no inkling of these thoughts, he knows it's miserable, but he's only two weeks out of winning a million dollars, he'll do 50 days for a million dollars. (He's so refreshing sometimes.)

They are all telling Jeff this is the lowest of lows, the constant rain is so debilitating mentally & physically. 
He tells them the Reward will be somewhere with a roof over their heads, they will get warm and dry, have food and get to watch Cambodian circus performers. They are all IN!
-They will be divided into two teams and they will play Survivor basketball in knee high water - three on three, first team to three baskets wins the Reward.
Teams: Wentworth, Kimmi, Fishbach, Jeremy & Keith (Green) vs Tasha, Abi, Joe, Ciera & Spencer (Purple)
-There was lots of fighting over the ball, near drownings in some places but the Purple team won... and it poured rain the whole time.

-They are wrapped in blankets, eating, drinking beer and dry under a shelter while the circus performers entertained them and the locals gathered around. 
-Seeing the kids makes Ciera miss her family and she has a moment but then is back to the strategizing we expect from her - she wants to take out Stephen because of the mysterious advantage he won.  Spencer is very interested in this plan and Joe agrees Stephen is very dangerous and he wants him gone, so he's in.

Orkun - Day 25
-The five left behind are miserable and shivering under their inadequate shelter... and they agree that Joe's got to go - he keeps winning all these challenges and they're ready for him to go.  Stephen feels like, finally, they are coming around to his way of thinking.  And he tells the camera he's in a really great position right now... but backtracks, "I shouldn't say that, it's usually the death knell and you go home."

Orkun - Night 25
Raining Raining Raining - thunder, lightening - and Stephen is running out into the elements to urgently find the latrine - he is having gastro-intestinal issues (politely put) and he has himself a little cry.  It feels like his body is shutting down, but he can't, or won't leave.

Orkun - Day 26
Raining Raining Raining - Stephen is breaking down, but he's not quitting... as he limps away to poop again - oh yeah, his feet are all swollen as well.  Jeremy is worried about him, he thinks if they can get dry and warm for one day, everything will be alright (I'm sure he has to keep telling himself that, otherwise that weather would break you.)

-It's not raining for a minute.
-First thing, Jeff hands them each one white rock and one black rock and says he'll get to the rocks later.
-The challenge is to balance on one foot on a small block of wood, while balancing a ball against an overhanging piece of wood with a rounded handle-thingy.  If at any point the ball drops, they are out of the challenge.  Last person left standing wins immunity.

Now the rocks - they have the opportunity to greatly improve their shelter for the remaining half a month they will be out there - a construction crew is at their camp to rebuild the shelter, waterproof the roof, get a fire going in the centre that will be covered... all they have to do is, at least five people have to give up their chance at immunity by bowing out of the challenge.  White rock means you're out, black rock means I'm going for immunity.  8 of the 10 people picked a white rock (that's how miserable and desperate they are) leaving only Joe and Keith battling for immunity.
Keith was disgusted, he's a competitor he's there to play (internal monologue I'm sure was calling them pansy-asses, can't take a little rain.  I would have looked at that challenge, knew I couldn't win it over Joe and chosen the shelter too.)

-So everyone sits except Joe & Keith - Joe has a little movement which gives them some hope but then Keith drops his ball and Joe wins his 4th individual immunity in a row.

Orkun - Day 26
-Best Shelter Ever!  They also got cookies and coffee - and Spencer wonders if they sold their souls to the devil for a little comfort.  Was this a million dollar shelter?

-Stephen, Kimmi and Jeremy talking - Stephen says Ciera should be the next to go - she's willing to make big moves to further herself in the game, don't let her sweet innocent face fool you.  Plus Stephen doesn't want to waste his advantage too early.

-Ciera, Wentworth, Keith, Joe, Spencer & Tasha are by the fire and Ciera wants to know what's the plan - Joe says it should be Stephen with the advantage.  And Abi is such a child, "Yeah, Poopy-pants." (You got to pick your moments, no one is laughing at his misery.)
-Ciera thinks they'd be crazy not to try and take out Stephen before he gets the chance to play the advantage, but just in case, Ciera & Wentworth are going to vote Kimmi and everyone else will vote Stephen.

-Tasha talks to Spencer and she's not very happy with Ciera calling the shots, she mentioned Stephen as the vote and it's happening - Tasha thinks they should unhinge Ciera's group and the other two girls would be up for grabs... Spencer feels like it's in his best interest to get Stephen gone as soon as possible.

-Spencer, Joe, Tasha and Jeremy are talking and they fill Jeremy in that the girls want everyone to vote out Stephen - Jeremy is not on board with Stephen.  Tasha thinks Ciera is the biggest threat and Joe wants them both gone so he's torn. Spencer just wants Stephen gone and tries to tell them they are all voting Stephen but Jeremy knows Stephen is loyal to him and wants to keep him around (hidden immunity idols may not be enough without the Fishbach shield) - Spencer and Jeremy cannot agree.  (Oooh, what's going to happen?)

Kass didn't flip them off this time, huh.

Weather was the topic of the day - they are all at their lowest.
-Then they moved on to the rocks and the decision to give up the shot at immunity for a semblance of comfort in the new shelter.
-Ciera hopes her sacrifice is appreciated by the group.
-Tasha goes so far to say those that didn't give up chance at immunity were selfish.
-Joe interjects that if he hadn't participated in the challenge he would be going home, no questions asked. [So it was give up a million dollars so everyone else could have a dry shelter - nope.]
-Keith has nothing to worry about, they know he was just keeping it honest - (he's not selfish, just simple.) and trying to best the golden boy.
-Stephen truly has no idea what's going to happen at the vote tonight.
It seems like the voting blocks are still in motion...
-Tasha confirms there has been a lot of talk about Stephen's advantage and it has but a target on his back.  Stephen, It's a disadvantage.
-They agree that things are changing quickly and nothing is really established , sounds like we're ripe for another blindside Jeff.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes Fishback

Tallying the Votes:
Jeff asks if anybody has a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time to do so and we hear, "yeah, Jeff..." from Jeremy! (WHHAAT???)
"That's for Fishbach."  And Stephen is shocked! (probably because he had no idea anyone was gunning for him.) He sincerely thanks Jeremy.

Fishback - does not count
Fishbach - does not count
Fishbach - does not count
Fishbach - does not count - and he whispers to Jeremy that he is with him all the way!
Fishbach - does not count
Ciera - 1
Ciera - 2
Kimmi - 1
Kimmi - 2
One vote left and 10th person voted out is CIERA! (Oh yeah!)  She tells them, "Well played, well played."
Jeremy tells Spencer he would do the same thing for him... but Spencer doesn't look like he's buying it.

Cierra's final thoughts - she was pushing people to play harder and she got her wish - at least she went out with a fight and she can leave with that peace.

And with Ciera leaving that takes Susan N., Roxanne S., and Terry B. out of the pool.

My Wheels Are Spinning

Orkun - Night 26
-Stephen really feels bonded to Jeremy (no, really?), and he tells him he owes him his life in this game.
-Jeremy is happy with his standing in Stephen's eyes, he wants to take him to the end with him, that's a good thing.  But Jeremy's got to do same damage control with Spencer this time, assuring him that they are fine, he would do the same thing for him.
-Spencer is pretty sure he's being lied to and thinks maybe it's time to jump ship and start something new.

Orkun - Day 27
-You'll never guess - it's raining again.  But they are less miserable since the shelter is keeping them dry.
-Stephen is so annoyed with himself that he was so completely out of the loop that he didn't even see that vote coming.  This was the first time he didn't know exactly what was going on so he feels defeated in that way, his feet have swollen up to monster size, he hasn't eaten or slept in days and he's completely overwhelmed by everything.

It's at night, in the trees with the course lit by torches - they come to the beginning where there are crosses with their names on them (okay, that's a little creepy) but Jeff tells us it's time for a Survivor Classic, he's going to tell them a story about Cambodian history and they will have to run to series of five stations where they will have a question and three answers - when they think they have the right answer they have to grab a wrapped medallion from that answer and run back to their cross - if they unwrap a golden medallion they were correct and can move on, if they were wrong, it'll be a wooden medallion and they will have to try again. First person to get all five golden medallions win Reward - they will be picked up by chopper, taken to a resort on another island where they will get steak, chicken wings, the works. (This was from the very first season, I remember old guy Rudy at every station, "I don't know.")

-Jeff tells them a story - they all run through the jungle, except Abi who takes her time.  Long story short, it's between Stephen and Spencer on this one and Stephen wins the Reward by milliseconds over Spencer (it's the advantage all over again.) 
-Then to add insult to injury, Stephen gets to pick who to take with him on the Reward, he says he has to mend some alliances so he chooses Tasha and then out of deserved gratitude he chooses Jeremy.  This was very telling to the rest of the group, especially Spencer who feels that he will never be as tight with them and it's time to do something about it.

OH YEAH, there was also a random clue to a hidden immunity idol in one of the wrapped medallions and Kelley Wentworth got the clue (crazy how it's only Kelley & Jeremy getting these clues and idols) but the clue tells her that she has to be very bold and find the idol underneath their newly built shelter, dead centre (it's a platform so she can get under it, but when?)

-Oh, that looks so nice!  What a beautiful resort.
-Stephen wanted to bring his biggest allies with him and reinforce those relationships.  Food, food, food... but then in the spirit of trust he shares with them his advantage - and they are as excited by it as he was, this could be a game changer.  They agree it has to be Joe if he doesn't win immunity.

Orkun - Day 28
-They all took Stephen's choice of people to go on this reward as a huge sign of who to worry about and Joe took notice.
-Kimmi is still with them so once she leaves the shelter the rest of them discuss what their plan will be, led by Spencer he thinks they still have to target Fishbach because of the advantage.
-Abi, of course, thinks that she's going to be the one they target with the advantage and tells Joe to let her win immunity - to which he says, "No." (seriously but with a smile) - paranoid Abi sees Joe and Spencer as very sketchy and out to play everyone, and she doesn't know if she's going to go with the plan. (Oh man)  Plan is Stephen unless he wins immunity then it's Tash.

Wentworth is like, great, we have a plan, now everyone get out! (She's got her an idol to retrieve.)  Finally the guys oblige by taking the boat out, Keith and Kimmi go gathering snails and crabs and then it's just the annoying little sister, Abi, who won't leave her alone... finally Abi says she's going to go lay in the hammock and Kelley is moving, she's under the platform and trying to untie the idol... and they edited it like everyone was coming back all at once - but she made it undetected - and now she is ready to shake up this game a little bit.

-For this challenge they will use only their feet - that pretty much takes Stephen out from the get go.
-They have to unwind a rope that will release a bunch of blocks, they will then have to stack the blocks using only their feet and set a flag in the middle. First person to set the flag and not knock over any of their blocks in the process, wins immunity.
-Off they go and Stephen tried but was not in it - it came down to Spencer and Joe and it was SPENCER winning immunity. (He's got to be happy dethroning the king... but he still looks like the weight of the world is on his shoulders - come on dude, only Joe should be bummed by this.)  And he is, Joe is really nervous heading to his first Tribal without immunity.

Orkun - Day 29
-Stephen has been trying to take out Joe since day one and now he finally has his shot.
-Stephen brings up voting Joe in the shelter with Keith, Kelley, Spencer, Kimmi, Tasha and Jeremy and they all agree that Joe has got to go - and Tasha tells Keith, if Joe asks you, tell him you're voting Abi (yes, be very specific with Keith) and if Abi asks, we're voting Joe. (Very convenient those are the only two people not there right now, huh?)

-Kelley tells the camera this plan is not going to happen because she has five votes including Joe and the plan is to blindside Fishbach.  So she takes Keith aside and tells him, it's not Joe, vote Fishbach.
-Then Spencer and Kelley have to convince Joe that he is not going home, they are going to vote Fishbach, they have a solid five with Spencer, Kelley, Joe, Keith and Abi - he just has to trust them.

-Abi asks Stephen what the plan is and he says it has to be Joe, like it's a no-brainer but Abi is her sarcastic self and he doesn't think she believes him.  She says she's trying to work with him, what does he want from her... Stephen just doesn't trust the crazy (as he shouldn't.)

-Then Stephen and Jeremy are talking to Joe trying to assure him they are voting Abi and she sees the little pow wow and thinks Joe is super shady so she can't trust him... she doesn't know what she's going to do.  Kelley assures her that Joe is with them and she has to go with their plan.
-Spencer then talks to Abi and tells her they have to stick to the plan to vote Fishbach or he doesn't know what will happen and she's still not convinced or just trying to create drama by saying she's going to decide if she votes for Stephen or Joe at Tribal Council. (Exasperating!)

-Jeremy and Stephen are talking about splitting the votes in case Joe has an idol, which they don't think he does, but he may - and then they go tell Spencer the plan to split the votes and Stephen decides he's going to play his advantage tonight to solidify the numbers - and explains that he can steal a vote.  This freaks Spencer out, this could destroy everything they've planned...

-Joe hopes that the trust he's built with people can take him a little further in the game even without having the immunity necklace.
-Abi knows there are alliances clearly, and the vote depends on which alliance is most loyal to you.
-There has been no trust at all up to this point looking at all the blindsided people on the jury.  Tasha says they are starting to realize that the voting block may not be the most effective method going forward - they have to start finding that core 2-3,4 people and lock it in with them.
-Kelley agrees there really are alliances when Stephen said at the Reward he had to mend his alliance... which he tries to backpedal from now - but she's not buying it.
-Stephen understands why his advantage is threatening and put a target on him - he is concerned they may still want to vote his way.
-Spencer says there are so many variables, split votes, immunity idols, mystery advantages - there are so many what ifs that it's impossible to know what's going to happen.
-Fishbach says it's 33% there may be a blindside tonight.
-Tasha thinks there is a shift happening back to alliances.

Jeff says it's time to vote and Stephen pipes up that he'd like to play his advantage, explaining that he's allowed to steal someone's vote and cast it himself - he chooses to take Joe's vote.  Keith, "Does that mean Stephen gets two?" (Yes Keith, Stephen gets two votes, Joe gets none - try to keep up.)
Joe acts [badly] like he's surprised (I'm sure Spencer filled him in.)

Time to vote:
Stephen votes for Abi with his vote and then casts Joe's vote for Joe. (?? I think splitting those two votes was foolish... but then I know Joe doesn't have a hidden idol.)

Hidden immunity idol?  No one plays one.

Joe - 1
Abi - 1
Fishbach - 1
Joe - 2
Abi - 2
Abi - 3
Fishbach - 2
Fishbach - 3
One vote left... FISHBACH, "Wow, nice, great blindside guys, that was awesome." (And I bet he's heading for modern plumbing.)

With Stephen leaving, that takes Maggie H., Jen J., and Alexis G. out of the pool.

Next week: It's the loved ones show and then someone gets injured during a challenge... it's a white guy judging by the shaking hand they showed us... Keith, Spencer, Joe???

Stephen's final thoughts: Cudos on the blindside, he thought he had the split locked up but Spencer must have turned and good on him. He went out big, he played the vote steal and he had tremendous highs and terrible lows... then the recording cut off, but that was enough - bye Stephen.

Phew, a long one, but we're that much closer to the end.

Have a good one,


Monday, November 23, 2015

The Amazing Race 27 - Nov 20/15 Episode Recap

It's Always the Quiet Ones

Last week the Texas boys came in last but were saved by a non-elimination leg... meaning they will face a Speed Bump and a U-Turn this leg. (Will anyone get ahead of Green and U-Turn them?  We can only hope.)

Justin & Diana are the first team heading out at 10:04pm and they get the clue to fly to New Delhi, India.  Once they touch down, they have to take a taxi to the train station and catch the 6am train to Agra, the location of the Taj Mahal... This means everyone will be travelling together.  Once they get to Agra, they will make their way to a specific river and search for their next clue.
-Green Team is gloating about their five first place finishes and they know if someone can beat them to the U-Turn board they would definitely be U-Turned.

-Every other team is also talking about the U-Turn on the way to the airport - Kelsey & Joey want to U-Turn Green. Team Alabama, Team Paparazzi, they know a U-Turn at this point in the Race means someone is going home.  The Cheerleaders, however, can't U-Turn anyone because they already wasted their U-Turn by putting up the Green Team long after they had already passed the U-Turn point the last time, they just better hope no one U-Turns them.

At the airport, the Reporters and Team Alabama see the elusive Green Team - they are not a myth.  I don't know if Justin is socially challenged or if this is his strategy but he's the worst kind of jerk, talking smack, chuckling about other teams getting eliminated and acting all superior, it's no surprise that everyone dislikes him.  James Earl tells him the Texas boys came in last the leg before and Justin giggles, "A speed bump and U-turn means they're going home." (Ugh, he's awful.)

Off to India - they get to the train station and there are people sleeping all over the floor - quite the culture shock from Rio and Paris. 

-We see Paparazzi Chris talking to Justin & Diana, he doesn't really ask them, he states, "So, we're in agreement that you guys are definitely U-Turning, right?" Uhhhhh, Diana doesn't think anyone will U-Turn the boys because they're already at the back and we see that Chris is cold-blooded, "Why not make sure?  They are less likely to complete it with the Speed Bump." Justin & Diana seem a little uncomfortable talking about U-Turn strategy with them when Logan jumps in, "Is it true the girls can't U-Turn now?"
Justin asks, "Why?" and Logan says, "You know they put your faces up." (Uh, no they didn't know that) but now they do, and Justin is going to confront the Cheerleaders (DRAMA!)
-Krista flat out lies to Justin, denying they put the Green Team's picture up (she didn't want a target on their backs) and then they go over to Chris & Logan and get mad at them for saying they tried to U-Turn [the Green Team.]
-Chris says it wasn't said that way, they said a U-Turn was used... and Chris also gets mad at Justin & Diana for trying to stir something up.  Justin pleads innocence but has a smirk on his face - they say that settles it, the U-Turn gets used now.  And Chris is mad at Logan for her big mouth (she really is kind of SMRT.)

-They get off the train and run for the tuk-tuks... then risk life and limb through the streets at break-neck speeds heading for what proves to be the ROADBLOCK: Who's ready for laundry day?
Outdoor laundry on the banks of the Yamuna River - they must take a load of laundry on the back of a bike to the marked wash tubs, then they will be shown how to fold and knot the sari fabric for washing.  Once they have laid their saris out to dry (laying them out on the sand, how is that clean?) they will get their next clue.

-Little Krista is the first to head off and she can't control the bike...she takes a spill and Chris and Denise pass her.  Joey and Tanner are also doing this one, and when Tanner reads his clue he sees that as their Speed Bump, both of them are going to have to perform this Roadblock. "Are you kidding me?" (Yeah, this is going to be a time consuming task, that doesn't really seem fair.)
-Diana is the last one showing up for this and the first hurdle seems to be getting the bike to the wash tubs, they get bogged down in the sand so everyone is off the bikes and pushing and they are pretty much all neck and neck.

-Chris is the first to a tub, followed by Joey then everyone else.  They get the lesson on folding the fabric a certain way, then tying it in a knot and throwing it in the boiling pot... it has to be done a certain way, but they seem to be getting the hang of it. (I hope this takes sweat out because it's hot, and they are rather moist.)

-Josh didn't read the clue at all so he has no idea what's going on - Cheerleader Tiffany tells him that when Tanner comes back, he is going to have to go out there and do the same thing, and that is his Speed Bump. "Are you kidding me?" (I still can't believe that some of them don't read the clues. But I guess usually only one person is doing the Roadblock so it wouldn't have mattered... but still - Texas boys are victims of their own stupidity lately.)

-Tanner is panicking a little bit knowing that Josh still has to do this and it's such a long Speed Bump.  Tanner asks the other teams if they are planning on U-Turning them and Diana says no, they're not planning on it, Joey and Chris tell him they aren't either.  Denise just has to focus on the task at hand, "It's so hard for an old lady like me."

-Once they get all the saris folded, knotted and in the pot, they have to give it a good stir - then they are given a different, already washed, load of saris to carry down the beach and lay out for drying.  But it's a big load of heavy cloth, poor Denise just wanted to sit down and cry (aww.)
-Diana said what I was thinking, laying the fabric out on the sand, "I don't know how this is clean, but the fabrics are beautiful."

-Joey is the first one finished, he tells the camera he told Tanner they wouldn't U-Turn them, buuutttt.... he's not above using it.  The Reporters get the clue to head to the Hanuman Temple and receive a blessing to get their next clue.
-Chris is the second one finished followed by Diana... so two teams are ahead of Green, but we still have the Detour before the U-Turn.

-Tanner finishes and hands the clue to Josh who has to head out and start the laundry.

Hanuman Temple
-The Reporters get their blessing and the clue to the DETOUR: Cans or Candy.
In Cans - the teams will have to load a cargo bike with 120 used oil cans, then maneuver them through the streets to the oil company.
In Candy - the teams must cut and wash one man of white pumpkin (about 90lbs) which the locals make into a candy.  Once the cutting is done they must deliver two finished batches of the candy (petha) to a local candy store to get their next clue.
(I would totally be doing candy - having to maneuver anything through the streets would be too daunting for me.)
-And the Reporters choose Cans. (Well, there you go.)
-The Paparazzi are on the same page with me and choose Candy.
-Justin & Diana choose Cans.

-Josh is realizing why this took Tanner so long, it is not an easy task doing this laundry.
-Krista finally finishes, followed closely by Denise who looks close to exhaustion - but she made it, James Earl is so proud of her.

-Joey & Kelsey's tuk-tuk has taken them to the wrong place and they lost their lead, just like that. (Gosh Darnit!)
-Justin & Diana get to the Cans task and figure out how high their stack is going to be, it's going to be crazy trying to travel through the streets with that load.

-Paparazzi show up and get started on the cutting of the pumpkins - and they are already sniping at each other - she wants to see how it's done longer, he's rushing her along - she figures he's going to cut himself... your usual Team Paparazzi bickering.

-I think the guru like Krista, everyone else just got the standard blessing where he made a mark on their forehead, she also got a pat on the head (what does that mean?)  And the girls chose Candy.
-Denise & James Earl also chose Candy.

Speed Bump/Roadblock
-Josh is done the washing, he's on to the laying out the fabric.

-While Justin & Diana are stacking their cans, a parade comes by... well that's going to make the street that much harder to get through.
-Joey & Kelsey finally get to the Cans task and see that Justin & Diana are almost finished loading their cart, and they are frustrated that the race they are running is only getting them second place.
(I realized that the locals had tied the cans in bundles of six then stacked them and tied them all together again - our teams are just stacking them free and then tying everything together at the end, making it much less stable.)

-Paparazzi is bickering - he's just slicing the pumpkins and she's got to cut a whole bunch of circular pieces out of them so he side takes longer and he's just criticizing her the whole time... (I'd be fighting with that guy too.)
-The Cheerleaders and Team Alabama show up and none of them know how much pumpkin is going to be in a man... and there are lots of flying beasties attracted to the pumpkin juices... I'm sure this one smells lovely as well.

Speed Road Bump
-Josh is has finally finished laying out his fabric and they are hoping that someone messes up at the Detour so they can hopefully catch up.

-Paparazzi - bicker, bicker, bicker... they don't have a man yet, they have to go back and cut more.  Now the Cheerleaders know they need a lot more.
Blessing - Team Texas chooses Candy.

-Justin & Diana deliver their cans without incident, and are in first place, as usual.
-Joey and Kelsey are pretty close behind them - but still behind them.

-Chris & Logan reach their weight in pumpkin and take off with the ready made candy to deliver.
-The Texas boys show up and start a production line. Instead of cutting the circles out of one slice at a time - Tanner stacks them and pushes
the cutter through a bunch of slices at once - ta da!  Three pieces to all the other team's one.

-Justin & Diana unload their cart and get the clue to the U-Turn board.  Can anyone get there before them?
-Joey & Kelsey are unloading their cart and cans are falling everywhere (you know when the faster you try to go, the more you mess up, I think that's them right now.)  They get the clue as well.

-Team Paparazzi make their delivery and get the clue as well.  In the tuk-tuk Chris says if they are first to the U-Turn board, they will U-Turn someone, and Chris wants it to be the Green Team (we all want that.)

Joey & Kelsey say they have to use the U-Turn, it's just a matter of who to use it on at this point.
Justin & Diana's tuk-tuk driver doesn't seem to know where they need to go... uh oh... but it was just clever editing - Justin & Diana are the first team to the U-Turn board and they decide not to U-Turn anyone.

-They get the clue to the PIT STOP - the Moonlight Garden in Agra - it's across the river from the Taj Mahal, and Phil is hiding in a far corner.
-Justin & Diana said they would only use the U-Turn if it was to save themselves and they didn't need to use it, let the other teams fight it out.

-Joey & Kelsey chose to U-Turn Josh & Tanner, she had second thoughts but Joey has no qualms about it, they want to win and the boys are competition (though not this leg...)

-Chris & Logan are just psyched to see that they are not the team that was U-Turned (everyone is just exhausted having to do these tasks in the heat and they had a long trip from Poland to India before that... no wonder they are bickering.)

-Denise & James Earl get their man of pumpkin cut and head out to deliver the candy.
-That leaves the Cheerleaders and Team Texas to flirt their way through the rest of the task.
-Cheerleaders get their man and head out with the candy and the Texas boys are right behind them - they did this task so fast.

-Denise & James Earl get to the U-Turn board and see they weren't U-Turned, so they take off for the Pit Stop... and figure the boys are gone, there is no way.
-Cheerleaders get the U-Turn and are shocked to see Joey & Kelsey U-Turned the boys, not happy with the Reporters right now - It's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for.
-Tanner & Josh finally get to the board and see they have been U-Turned..."Worst. Leg. Ever."

-Denise & James Earl are taken to a garden... the driver assures them it's the Moonlight Garden, but... it's not.

-Tanner & Josh are loading up their cargo bike with oil cans.

-Denise & James Earl are wandering through a garden... until they finally find a sign that says it's the Shahjahan Garden - they ask a couple people and are told the Moonlight Garden is just up the street...

-Team Texas delivers their oil cans and gets the clue to head back to the U-Turn.

-Denise & James Earl are still unable to find Phil - they finally decide to go get a tuk-tuk and finally find someone who knows where the Moonlight Garden is, it's actually on the other side of the river, 5-6kms away - they've been in the totally wrong place the whole time.

-Team Texas gets the clue to the Pit Stop - Moonlight Garden.  They can't even be mad about how things went today, it's the Race.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Justin & Diana - they won a trip to Honolulu (Honeymoon!) And it's their sixth first place finish.  The record is 8, Justin says the record doesn't matter, they just want the million dollars (but you know the record matters to this guy.)
2) Kelsey & Joey - they want that first!
3) Logan & Chris - Justin & Diana just rubbed them wrong this morning and he wanted to U-Turn them - Kelsey (reporters are still at the mat with them) pipes in that the problem is, they are always ahead - if they ever had the opportunity [to take the Green Team out] they would take it.  Chris says they are not winning the million dollars. (Big words)
4) Krista & Tiffany - They are shocked but happy with that placing.
5) Denise & James Earl - he does his happy jumps, and they are ready for the next leg (after they collapse for a few hours.)
6) Tanner & Josh *** ELIMINATED *** The Double Roadblock just killed them.  Phil said their only chance would have been if someone U-Turned Justin & Diana but that didn't happen, Josh says as much as he hates to admit it, [Justin & Diana] were stronger than them as a team.  Tanner said they started out so strong and thought they had this in the bag so they let their guard down (overestimated their ability) and they are sorry Texas.

So with Josh & Tanner leaving, that takes: Dave & Lois L., Tori K., Elaine R., Sandie G., and Maureen M. out of the pool.

Next week - it's India, round two.  Logan & Chris still fighting, and Tiffany pops all her balloons... We'll have to see what that's about.

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Nov 18/15 Episode Recap

Witches Coven

Last week was the epic Tribal when Wentworth used her hidden immunity idol to it's ultimate purpose, nullifying all eight votes for her and successfully ousting Savage (b'dye!)

Orkun - Night 21
Kelley was still riding high on her awesome playing of the idol, did a sorry/not sorry for "in your face-ing" them but kept mum on where and how she came to have a hidden idol (thatta girl.)
-Kelley wanted to take risks and really play this game and she feels like she's finally doing that.

-But away from the girls [Wentworth, Abi & Ciera] basking in the glow, we see Kimmi talking to Joe, Wiglesworth and Stephen, saying it has to be one of those three girls next time because they can't let them become friends with Tash & Jeremy, "We have to break up that little witches coven."
-Stephen is struck by her calling the three girls witches, like the witches of MacBeth - Abi is Boil, hot headed - Ciera is Toil, she's working it - and Wentworth is definitely Trouble... he doesn't want to be killed in the night like King Duncan, he wants to be the one doing the [figurative] killing.  "How do I get those witches to make the potion that's right for me?" (Oh, so highbrow for Survivor.)

Orkun - Day 22
-Steven, Jeremy and Keith are talking on the beach about that hidden idol, they got to go find one. 
-Even though Jeremy already has a hidden idol, he wants another one because he lost one of his disliked shields last night with Savage leaving, he knows they are coming after him.  "We have to find an idol."
-Next scene is Keith, Tasha & Joe beating the bushes looking for an idol.  Joe also thinks it's crucial to his survival, that they're all coming for him. 

-Abi runs into Joe by Tree Mail when she was looking to use the latrine and shoos him away for some private time - but later runs to Wentworth to tell her that they are all looking for idols.  This makes the witches cackle.
 -Wentworth loves it, they're seeing the paranoia within the group of eight and she hopes that they are ready to start playing the game and make a big move at the next Tribal Council.

REWARD CHALLENGE...And it's pouring rain, the course looks like a muddy mess.
-They are divided into two teams of 5 - on Jeff's go they will take wooden posts to build a staircase to run up to the top of the maze structure - once they make their way through the maze and down the slide, one person will have to guide a key through a rope obstacle and then use that key to open a chest.  Two tribe members will use the pieces inside the chest to solve a puzzle with three numbers - the combination that will raise their flag... and win them reward of: Survivor Spa - showers, massage, food.

-They did a schoolyard pick meaning one person was left out - Abi (surprise.)
Purple Team: Tasha, Stephen, Spencer, Joe & Ciera
Green Team: Wiglesworth, Keith, Wentworth, Kimmi, Jeremy

-Off they go and the staircase is not as easy as it would seem, all the posts are different length AND all the holes are different depths... Purple starts to figure it out faster and they are all through the maze before green has even gotten their stairs done.
-Joe goes through the rope maze and gets the key, opening the chest and letting Spencer and Ciera get started on the puzzle.
-Green's still stuck on the posts and Keith said it best, "This is damn embarrassin'."
-Purple has two of their three numbers... and Green finally gets the stairs right.
-Jeremy gets the key through the rope and opens the chest when Spencer and Ciera are trying the combination... and Purple wins the Reward - redemption for Spencer and Tasha.

-They start with the food of course... Joe is saying how it's an advantage going on the reward, getting some more fuel in the tank (talking about the food), while Ciera is glad to have access to these people to work on their minds.  Ciera asks if they are talking strategy at all... and Tasha and Stephen are IN!  -Ciera says she knows some of them are close with Jeremy but she guarantees if they go to the end with him, they will lose (Tasha did not like hearing that... I'd vote for Tasha over Jeremy myself)...
-They also discuss Wiglesworth, she's been very smart, she talks to everyone, no one dislikes her and she has the cache of being from the first season, that would be ultimate redemption if she won this time.
-Stephen is listening closely because he knows the old school hierarchal alliance of five with smaller alliances within it will not work, it's going to dissolve this season.  It's moving much faster than it ever has in the past.

Orkun - Day 22
-Back at camp, they are cooking up a feast of their own... with the clams and crabs they could find... okay, not so feasty.
-Jeremy is still upset about the Reward challenge, not just because they lost, because they got crushed... and he uses the excuse of needing alone time to go look for another idol (or clue to an idol).  And he finds the clue hidden in a tree by tree mail, and it tells him he has to be sneaky - when everyone goes to sleep, he needs to slip out and follow the map given to find the idol.

-Soon as the moon goes down, the spa five came back and they all sat around the fire - Jeremy is bugging out, they never do this, usually everyone goes and lays down, except tonight.  Keith is the only one laying down, being the old man, "Don't y'all stay up all night now."  Finally, Jeremy can't take it anymore, he says he's got to go to the bathroom and he takes off.
-He's got the biggest eyes trying to find his way down the path in the pitch dark but then he sees a lantern light in the distance and starts skipping to his second immunity idol! 
-Then we get the crying emotional speech about the idols being his wife's and he's doing this to make her life easier and his next child's life easier... he's got to figure out when to use these idols because they are coming after him and he just really wants Val to win. (I'm unmoved.)

Orkun - Day 24
-Joe & Wiglesworth are close, they are talking and Stephen is watching, doesn't really matter what they are saying, Stephen knows they are super close and it worries him but no one else seems to want to make a move on them - so Stephen, wanting to be the author of his own second chance and have something he can point to as the moves he made in the game.  He wants to build something with the witches because they are on the bottom and desperate to make a move.
-Stephen goes to the girls and proposes they make a move together but he knows they probably don't trust each other, nor should they (wait, are you trying to talk them out of this?) so he doesn't want to tell them what to do...
-Ciera says she is so up for anything at this point that they will vote for whomever he wants them to... so who is his first choice, Joe?  If he doesn't win, ideally, but as that may not be likely, he brings up Wigles - and Abi pounces on that, "she's nice to everyone, everyone likes her, she talks to everyone... except us." (Oh Abi, still so needy?)
-Ciera is a little choked that it took Wentworth's huge shocker at last Tribal to finally wake someone up... but she tells Stephen that she's down [to vote out Wigles.]

-It's the balancing on a triangular platform out on the water with their feet  perched on very narrow footholds - at regular intervals they will move up  the triangle making it harder, until they get to the peak... which would be impossible, come on!  If they fall off, they are out.  Last person standing wins immunity.
-Tasha & Spencer ran this one before during Brains/Brawn/Beauty and they both lost, so second chance for them.

And by the time they get them out on the platforms in the water, it is POURING rain on them, they all look so cold and miserable... I don't see this lasting very long.

8 minutes in, everyone is still standing strong and Jeff starts monologuing about their success in this game often being dependent on their ability to make the right decision at the right time.  He says he will give them the chance to change their situation in the game right now, but it will take an instant decision... and he pulls out a machete, cuts a rope, and buoys pop out of the water 15-20 ft in front of them.  Jeff tells them the first person to reach the buoy will win an advantage in the game but give up their shot at immunity.  GO! Spencer and Stephen are the only two that jump in and Fishbach with the longer reach got to his buoy milliseconds before Spencer (Uh! Poor guy, no shame in that, it was so close.)

10 minutes in, they are moving up to the peak of the triangle and they only have so long to do it, as Jeff is counting them in, Wentworth falls off and is out, followed by Jeremy, Ciera, Kimmi, and Tasha.
-We're down to Keith, Abi, Wiglesworth and Joe... and they will stay there for 30 minutes.  Joe is struggling... but he's still hanging in there.
-10 minutes in, the four are still there, everyone is solid but Joe who continues to wobble but recover... and then Keith just loses balance and is out... oh and we see Keith spit (was that the first time they showed it this season? Staying classy.)
-29 minutes in and Jeff tells us they will be moving to one foot - Abi calmly lifts one foot, Joe lifts a foot and counterbalances but Wigles can't do it and Jeff calls her out, she was still on two feet after transition time was done.
-Abi shows her first wobble, she says her butt is cramping but she's determined not to let Joe win again - he's still wobbling all over the place but he's a Weeble (they wobble but they don't fall down.)
-Abi grabs her free foot in a yoga pose but it throws her off and she falls in, making JOE the winner of individual immunity again! (It is getting a little silly.)  No one looks very happy about it.

-Joe gets his necklace and Stephen gets his advantage in a piece of bamboo which he is free to open alone later.
-Stephen is just so happy to have won something, he also says this Wigles thing is happening tonight no matter what, I may have to bust out my advantage.

Orkun - Day 24
Still raining, they all just head right into the shelter and Abi announces Joe is going to win every immunity forever (that works for him.) 
-Kimmi tells the camera she's okay with Joe winning immunity because they have to start getting rid of the witches, she doesn't want them gaining any power.

-Later we see Kimmi, Wigles, Tasha and Jeremy talking and Kimmi tells them they have to vote the girls and they should split the vote, five for Wentworth and three for Ciera... and let the witches vote however they want.  They think to have the five guys vote Wentworth and the three girls vote Ciera.
-Tasha wants Wentworth out because she's played a hidden idol, she's building a resume and she's just got to go.

-Stephen goes off on his own to learn what his advantage is - the parchment in the bamboo tells him he has earned the right to steal a vote from someone at tribal council.  His eyes get huge, "THIS IS TREMENDOUS. This is a game changer, it's amazing, it's, argh, beyond my wildest dreams." (He's almost speechless, hopefully he uses it well.)
-Just before it's time to vote he has to announce to Jeff that he wants to use his advantage then he chooses whose vote he wants to steal and that person will not vote (ooooh, that's pretty dirty... and awesome!)
-He says he's not going to use it tonight, he's safe and he can fix tonight with his wits and hustle... but this is a potential game winning advantage and he's going to save it for when he really needs it for himself.

-Back at camp Stephen is talking to Ciera & Wentworth and confirms that they are down for voting out Wiglesworth, "Let's shake it up a bit."

**BABY MONKEY almost fell out the tree***

-Next we see Stephen telling Spencer and Jeremy that the girls want to vote Wiglesworth and the three of them should not be complacent on the bottom, they should make a move.
-Spencer doesn't agree they are the bottom, Stephen says three in an eight person alliance, we're not the top.  So Spencer is okay if Wiglesworth is taken out of the game but he can't get his head around trusting the three people they can't trust to make that happen. (Can you trust anybody?)
-Stephen is trying to build a voting block and they are still looking at it the old school way (like you're flipping on them? Because you are flipping on them.)
-Jeremy is questioning if the three girls are actually in for that, and Stephen assures him they are - and tries to explain they aren't in an alliance with them, it's just a voting block.  Jeremy is very leery of this plan but he trusts Stephen, he's been with him since the beginning, but he doesn't think this is the best move for his game - especially since this would essentially blindside four other people, Kimmi, Tasha, Keith and Joe - he doesn't want to have to worry, he doesn't just want to jump ship and do it so fast... (This Survivor moves pretty fast. If you don't keep up, it will pass you by, Ferris.)

It is pouring rain on them again (still?) and they look so cold and miserable.

Kass comes in with her now signature one finger salute and Savage flashes the Hang Loose which matches his beach bum attire (Ponderosa is suiting someone.)

-Fishbach confirms he is freezing and it's really difficult to think straight right now.
-Keith agrees it really takes a toll on you, he's running on two hours sleep in the last 36 and no food - he's finding it hard to concentrate and says he's also not thinking straight.

Thunder & Lightning... this is real.

-Wentworth hopes that her playing the idol last tribal opened some people's eyes - she doesn't think this vote will be as clear cut as people seem to think it will be.
-Ciera says she thinks it scared some people a little bit, Kelley pulling out that idol.  It's basically play or get played at this point.
-Joe agrees, if you think someone is coming for you, you have to go for them first, "It's get, or get got."
-Jeremy is using Fishbach's terminology - he said last time nine people voted together but it's more about voting blocks, some people are in one block, some in another, he's still trying to figure it out himself.
-Spencer agrees there may be little groups of people working together but that doesn't mean you don't build trust and trust doesn't just disappear when you go to vote.
-Wiglesworth agrees that the votes tell the truth and she hopes that everyone votes how they said they would and does their part.  She's pretty confident in how the vote is going to play out.
-Fishbach agrees that the game is evolving, things aren't as defined as they were in the past, you may give your word to someone but then you may need to be flexible with that and they may need to be flexible with you (this doesn't sound very new to me... sounds like justification for lying and backstabbing... is it just me?)
-Tasha says you still need those two or three people that you trust even with a voting block, because at the end of the day, the voting block with the strongest alliance will dominate this game.

Jeff asks who is truly afraid it could be them going home tonight - hands go up all over - Abi, Stephen, Tasha, Spencer, Wentworth, Ciera... that's telling in and of itself.

Time to vote:
Tasha votes for Ciera - because it's part of the plan.
Keith votes Wentworth - Sorry girl.
Wentworth votes Wiggles - I hope this works, there should only be one Kelley on this island (ha!)

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol tonight.

Ciera - 1
Wentworth - 1
Wiglesworth - 1
Ciera - 2
Wentworth - 2
Wiglesworth - 2
Ciera - 3
Wiglesworth - 3
Wiglesworth - 4
Wiglesworth - OMG, It actually worked!  Wiglesworth looked a little disgusted, as did Kimmi, Tasha, Keith and Joe... Oh yeah, it's gonna hit the fan now.

And with Kelly Wiglesworth leaving, that takes Manny W., Bernice R., and Sue S. out of the pool.

Next week - the rain is relentless, they show Stephen having a breakdown, crying because being out in unrelenting rain will suck the soul out of anyone.  Keith says it best, "People ask me if Survivor is fun. I respond, 'going on a cruise is fun'."  And there is a decision made at a challenge that could change the game.  (I think they have to choose one person that deserves the reward the most... remember they did that once before and it was lame.)

Wiglesworth's final thoughts - she didn't hope to go out this early but she knows they saw her as a threat.  She knew the three girls would vote for her but it's the other two that I suspect.  I hope it wasn't Joe. (Nope, Stephen, Jeremy and Spencer all voted for her.)  She said this is a much different game than when she played last time, it's not really her style, they can have at it. (And she gets to go dry off and get warm, I'm thinking she's winning tonight anyway.)

Have a great weekend everybody,


Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Amazing Race 27 - Nov 13/15 Episode Recap

Krakow, I'm Gonna Get You

Last episode, the Green Team went back to their winning ways and won their 4th first place finish, while Team Chacattack couldn't figure out the European transportation system and ended up going home.

This episode started with us seeing Diana crying because she felt she had let Justin down after the Roadblock but they bounced back and it was all good - they cry a lot but it works for them. 

Justin & Diana are the first team heading out at 10:10pm and they read the clue to head to Krakow, Poland.  Once there they must search a barge with a pool on it to find their next clue at the bottom of said pool.
-They are allowed to use the Travelocity Mobile app to book tickets through a smartphone. (Ooh, technology.)
-Then it's trains, planes and automobiles - taking a taxi to the train, a train to Amsterdam and then the plane to Poland.
-Justin is going on again about how he's been preparing to be on this race for thirteen years and how it's a little unfair for the other teams because no one is as prepared as him. (Ugh, no wonder they all hate him.)

-The Reporters and the Cheerleaders are the next two teams heading out, followed by Team Texas who say that you may think you know how hard it is to run the race but it's so much harder than they thought... oh, but they said, "Justin knows, he wrote the race, he's already run the race and I think he may have hired Phil for it." (Sounds like Justin has been spouting the same lines to all his competitors as well, giving them something to shoot for anyway... to take him out.)
-Team Paparazzi and Team Alabama (Mom & Son) are the last two teams booking tickets.  I think there are two different flights happening for the six teams remaining.
-Justin & Diana are on the first flight by themselves, that is the way they like it and once they arrive in Krakow, they get to the pool barge and Justin jumps in to retrieve the clue to the DETOUR: Mine or Music.
Mine: Krakow is known for mining salt.  In this task the teams must go 1000ft down into a salt mine, pick up timber used to strengthen the mines passages and deliver it to a loading area.  Once that's done, they have to fill a mining cart with salt and then push the cart back through the tunnel, where they'll get their next clue.
Music: Teams will get a lesson from a street violinist on how to accompany him on the piano, then they must muscle the piano out of the square to a performance area and earn 100 Zloty to get their next clue.
Justin & Diana choose Mine and jump in a cab.

Second flight arrives and all the teams jump in cabs for the pool barge.

Mine: First things first, you got to get suited up - and they have to change into work clothes which includes coveralls and hard hats with lights mounted on them.  As they start to descend in the elevator, Diana says she's actually claustrophobic and doesn't like these kinds of environments. (Welcome to your nightmare then.)
-Justin picks up the wood beam and they head down the tunnel, by the time they got to the end I bet that beam was pretty heavy, then they got to the really backbreaking stuff, shovelling the hunks of salt into a wheelbarrow to fill the mining cart.  Plus, the salt gets into your mouth and face and dries everything out, making it that much harder.

-Pool - everyone shows up at essentially the same time and they just start jumping in the pool.  Paparazzi Chris hates music so they are doing Mine.  Team Texas also chooses Mine.  Denise & James Earl are doing Music, along with the Reporters and the Cheerleaders.
-The teams heading for the salt mine first have to try and find cabs which is easier said than done.  Paparazzi run across a six lane roadway to a cab on the other side of the street and are the first out.
-Team Texas is having no luck on their side of the street but don't seem to want to risk life and limb to grab a cab, yet are mad when they can't find a taxi.
-The Reporters are heading for music but manage to find a cab, the other music teams asked a local where the town square was, when they're told it's a 15 minute walk they take off running.

Mine -Justin & Diana are still trying to fill their cart by lifting the full wheelbarrows, which he reckons weighs 150-200lbs, and dumping them into the cart.  Once they finally get it full, they have to try and get it moving and then push it back down the tunnel... of course once it is rolling, the pushing goes pretty smoothly (but still, this was a physically punishing task.)

Music: The Reporters are the first team to arrive and Kelsey starts her piano lesson... this may take a while.

Mine: Justin & Diana finish and get the clue to make their way to the Oskar Schindler factory... and Diana is almost crying already.

Music: Joey learns the ditty pretty quickly and James Earl & Denise show up, and we find out James Earl plays the piano, having taken lessons for 13 years... (We have a ringer!)
-The Cheerleaders are also there and Tiffany is not skilled on the piano... this may be difficult for many of them.

Meanwhile, Team Texas still hasn't found a cab to take them to the mine, they end up walking to a hotel and asking them to call them a cab.

Mine: Logan & Chris are starting their descent into the mine.
Music: Joey & Kelsey are the first team to get the okay from their teacher and he starts leading them out of the square.
-Denise & James Earl are right behind them and Cheerleader Krista is worried that they (meaning Tiffany) are taking way too long to learn this.

Schindler Museum: The teams just get to take a tour and spend a moment of reflection on this era of history - Oskar Schindler was able to save thousands of Jewish lives during WWII and it was really touching for Justin & Diana who both have Jewish ancestry (and yes, I cried too.)  After the tour they get the clue to head to the Jewish district and search for their next clue.

Music: Krista is learning the piano part and she's sure she has it (just wants to keepup with the other teams) so they head out of the square as well.  Of course pushing the pianos isn't all that easy as they are somewhat precariously perched on small dollies and they are pushing them over cobblestones so we have some tipping almost happening with Denise & James Earl.  Then the Cheerleaders piano starts to fall apart, a couple pieces fell off and the lid fell on Krista's hand, so she had a little fit and pout and refused to push anything anymore - she did pull it instead... (whatever.)

Mine: Chris & Logan have delivered their beam and then they start filling their first wheelbarrow.  He decides to take it over and dump it and tells her to start filling another one - but then when he can't lift it to dump it, he then dumps the salt out on the floor and shovels it into the cart (well that makes no sense.)

-Josh & Tanner, after finally getting a cab, were dropped off at the wrong area so they still have a five minute run to find the mine.

ROADBLOCK  - Justin & Diana have found the clue, "Who can handle a big order?"
-They will get a dinner order at a restaurant, then they must identify 7 traditional Jewish dishes and deliver the right amount of each on a tray to a party at the Klezmer-Hois.  If/when they get it right, they'll get the next clue.
-Justin knows what two of the dishes are by the name but he has no idea what anything else is... Is it just process of elimination to figure out what things are?  I'm not quite understanding how they expect them to do this. (Crazy logic puzzle time.)

Music: Joey & Kelsey are the first team set up and while the fiddler is playing and Joey is accompanying him, Kelsey is shrilly begging or more like demanding people give her slotte (they have 40 of the 100 they need already.)
-Denise is also more politely asking for money and she is genuinely grateful when people give her some (20 of 100 so far.)
-Tiffany is asking for 'tips'... and they have nothing.

Mine: Chris is continuing with the strange double shovelling system of filling the cart but it works for them, they get the okay and once they can finally get the cart rolling, they are off down the tunnel again.

Roadblock: So Justin has decided to go find the place where he needs to deliver the food, which is right down the street, and then he asks some the girls working there what the dishes are (ahh, that's smart...)  Apparently Justin used to be a server, Diana tells us, so this is playing right into his strengths (apparently nothing he can't do.)

-Team Texas still hasn't found the mine.

Music: Joey has a way with older women, one of them wants a kiss on the cheek for her money - and she gets it.  They are at 85.
-Krista is desperate, trying to guilt money out of people walking by them and then calling them liars if they say they have nothing to give, "Maybe I'm being too aggressive." (D'ya think?)
-Kelsey is begging for the last 20 zloty they need and she gets it - they get the clue to head to the Oskar Schindler museum.
-James Earl & Denise are at 85 as well when a woman who had started off their donations asked how much more they needed, "If I give you this, then you can leave?" (Was that a, 'please make this racket stop'?) Regardless, they get their 100 zloty and move on.

Mine: Josh & Tanner are finally getting their coveralls on and they are super bummed, they know they are really far behind ... but hopefully seeing that Team Paparazzi is still there (well, just leaving) will give them some incentive to bust this out cause they know they're not that far behind now.

Music: Krista still can't get any love from the locals, they are at 20 zloty and her begging for help is falling on deaf ears. (I think they got the worst location too.)
Tiffany is hoping some guys come by so she can offer them kisses on the cheek for money... (using what her daddy gave her I guess.)

Mine: Tanner & Josh at least are working together to lift the full wheelbarrows and dump them in the cart - I think they will do this quicker than the other teams if they can get their heads back in the game.

Roadblock: Justin is filling his order with what he thinks the dishes should be... off he goes to deliver.

Schindler museum: Kelsey & Joey go through and then James Earl & Denise... and I'm crying again (really, sheesh.)

Music: Tiffany put her plan into action and the kissing seemed to do the trick, they finally made 100 zloty and got the clue to head to the museum.

Mine: Josh & Tanner finally show a spark, saying they may be fatigued but they are not going home today - and they get the cart filled and starting pushing on down the tunnel.

Roadblock:  Justin gets his order to the Klezmer Hois and when they are checking it he just starts saying, "It's perfect" and dancing a bit... and then it was right (gah! he's being so cocky, I wanted something to be wrong.)  They get the clue to the PIT STOP, which tells them to search for Phil in the Klezmer Hois (well isn't that convenient, they are already there!)

The Reporters and James Earl & Denise get the clue to the Roadblock and Kelsey and James Earl are going to be doing this one.  Kelsey apparently was a server in the past so she's doing this one and Mom & Son thinks it's an eating challenge that's why he's doing it.  Kelsey heads down to the Klezmer Hois to ask what the dishes are, James Earl asks on the street if anyone speaks English and then he borrows their smart phone to look up the dishes (Ah, that could work too.)

Museum - The Cheerleaders and then the Paparazzi go through the museum... I managed not to cry that time.

Mine: Team Texas has finally finished and they head to the museum.

Roadblock: Kelsey & James Earl kind of work together, confirming items with each other and they head down to make their deliveries.
-Kelsey gets her order right and they read the clue to head inside and find Phil.
-James Earl gets his right as well and they head in to the Pit Stop as well.

-Cheerleaders have arrived at the Roadblock and Tiffany is doing this one - she's decided to just guess what things are... (uh oh) and the tray is so heavy she's whining half way there (gonna suck that much more when you have to go back and do it again.)

-The Paparazzi have arrived and Logan wants to do this Roadblock as she used to be a server but Chris says she's going to mess them up in the future if she does this one and he's sure he can do it - she doesn't agree but lets him have his way. (Man, he better do well or he's gonna get it.)

Museum: Tanner & Josh, all they could think of in the cab was how far behind they were and how depressed they were but then touring the museum put everything in perspective... and I'm crying again when they highlighted the quote, "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire."

Roadblock: Tiffany has found someone to look up the dishes on their phone for her (might have been good to do that the first time.)
-Chris only knows a couple items for sure as well, and he's hoping his Jewish grandmother will guide him for the rest (Oh, that doesn't bode well.)  Yup, he fails the first time and decides to do some research before trying again.
-Team Texas shows up and Josh is doing this one since he used to be a server as well, but he has no idea.
-Tiffany gets her tray checked again, while whining about how her arms hurt... and she's wrong again. When she gets back to the kitchen again she sees Josh and asks if he wants to work together (of course he does!) so she tells him to go find someone with a phone to look up the foods.
-Chris is talking to people on the street and asking them to describe the foods for him.
-Chris gets his tray checked again and he is right!  They head inside for the Pit Stop.
-Tanner and Krista are heartbroken knowing that one of them will be going home.
-Josh is a gentleman and matches his pace to Tiffany and lets her have her tray checked first, he wanted to stay true to who he was and it wouldn't have been right to leave her behind when she helped him.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Justin & Diana - their third win in a row and they win a trip to China.  Phil also tells them there will be a U-Turn in the next leg and he thinks the other teams may want to U-Turn them. Justin says they'll have to get there first. (Oh, I hope someone can U-Turn them, Race-karma tends to punish the cocky.)
2) Kelsey & Joey
3) Denise & James Earl - Phil asked these two teams what they are going to do about Justin & Diana?  They have to find some way to get in front of them - if they can't, just give them the money.
4) Chris & Logan - Logan said they were there for dinner, they brought some salt (see what she did there? Clever.)
5) Krista & Tiffany - there were lots of tears, they said they are really close with the boys and they wanted to stay to the end with them...
6) Tanner & Josh - Phil tells them they can, because this is a NON-ELIMINATION leg!  So Tanner & Josh will face a Speed-Bump next leg and there is also the U-Turn to worry about.  But now, WE DANCE!

Next week they head to India and Justin starts a beef between the Cheerleaders and Paparazzi... because he's the devil.

Have a great week everyone,


Friday, November 13, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Nov 11/15 Episode Recap

You Call, We'll Haul

Last week was the merge with thirteen people and Chaos Kass for some reason decided she was going to try and call out Tasha as a liar which blew up in her face, aided by Ciera also trying to spread some lies about Savage right in front of his face... needless to say, Kass did not survive through that vote.

Orkun - Day 20
-Savage is patting himself on the back talking with Jeremy, "Brilliant plan, executed to perfection." (Ugh, get over yourself already.) He said his first goal in Survivor was to make the jury, and now he's done that so now his job is to stay the course, keep his alliance solid and pick off the Cieras and Abis and Wentworths (really, sexist much?) They say Ciera's call to 'play the game' was just her wanting to go after the guys... (can you blame her? You are apparently going after the girls, considering them expendable.  I really hope a woman wins this season.)
-Savage says he knows they are planning a big move, he just has to figure out what it is and try to offset it.
-Stephen talks to Ciera because you know he wants to make big moves.  She's got to convince him that now is the right time to make the move.  Ciera says if it were up to her, she'd try to take Joe out if he doesn't win immunity again.  Stephen sees surprised at that but he also doesn't want to get run over by the 'bros' (Jeremy, Savage, Joe) he thinks it is time to go after one of the real threats to win this game. (Of course all the women are completely discounted in this scenerio... I think Tasha could do it and even Wentworth, she's got a hidden idol still, she's just on the wrong side of the numbers right now.)

They are divided into two teams of six and they have to paddle a boat out to a series of four crates - they have to untie each crate, get it in their boat then return to the beach where they will have to stack them so no colour is repeated on each side.
-First team to get it right wins reward of the Survivor Cafe; iced coffee, bagels, cream cheese and cookies.

-First time they did a paddling challenge was season one when Kelly Wiglesworth, the river rafting guide, lost the challenge to Jervas, the guy who couldn't swim.

The teams are:
Green: Kimmi, Wentworth, Wiglesworth, Joe, Keith and Ciera.
Purple: Jeremy, Savage, Tasha, Spencer, Stephen and Abi

Off they go and Wiglesworth's team is having trouble finding their rhythm but by the time they have to make the turn and come back to get the crates, they seem to have a handle on it, even pushing the other team off course to take the lead.  Joe & Keith worked together to get their crates into the boat.  Abi put purple farther behind taking too long on the knots so Spencer took over getting the blocks untied but they are a full block behind when green makes it to the beach.
Green team is stacking when Purple starts taking their crates up the beach.
But once they are all stacking it's neck and neck again... Purple thinks they have it but Stephen is wrong... and Green does get it right and wins Reward!

-Stephen is terrified at the thought of Joe and the girls being on the Reward together, they could get in his head and that could ruin everything.

-They arrive by tuk-tuk to the Survivor cafe - Kimmi was so super excited because she has never been on a Reward so it was super special to her and gave them a glimpse of the world outside the game.
-Ciera meanwhile is thinking the reward is super important because it's the perfect time to strategize - when people have a second to relax a little bit, then you can really hit them with the strategy and they could maybe see the light of day.  She sees it as an opportunity to plant a few more seeds and build a few more relationships (are there really people that are this cold blooded and scheming all the time in everything they do?  It's pretty scary - like my husband said, this is the perfect game for psychopaths.)

-So Ciera is working on the group and they are all full and mellow so they just let her drone on... she's fishing, she's hoping someone will just take the bait.  She says Jeremy, Tasha, Stephen and Savage are not breaking up, as long as we have the numbers, it might be the time to make a move.
-Joe tells the camera he is with the Bayon, he's proven himself to them but he also knows that Ciera is right, they are really tight.
-He tells them all that Stephen will try to make a move, he knows the numbers... and Joe tells the camera he just has to make sure he makes the right move, with the right people, at the right time.

And we've lost Keith, he could care less about the strategy talk, he's checking out the tuk-tuks, "What are them, you call them rickshaws?"  "To-to's, yeah"  and he decides he wants to drive one... ha! That's awesome.  They can all see Keith, retired to Cambodia and driving the tuk-tuk on the beach.  Keith is loving it, doesn't get any better, he could get his Cambodia drivers license and do this, "You call, we'll haul.  You call me up and we'll come git ya."

Orkun - Day 20
-They show them eating dried fruit... they have food.  Stephen is super bummed about losing out on the Reward, the food and the chance to bond.   Abi tells him to get over it, "Debbie Downer." (She's so comforting.)  But Stephen finds more sympathetic company with Spencer and Jeremy when he tells them that he kinda lost his season due to bonds that were made at a Reward, he was never able to recover from that.  Stephen is telling the camera that the people he needs to make a big move are off on the Reward bonding with Joe and that's his nightmare.
-Stephen & Jeremy are talking and Stephen tells him he doesn't want to waste days getting rid of the Cieras and Abis when there are real threats in the game (grr, I get it, you figure they're not going to win so why waste time on them, but there is no short cut, if you keep them around they can start to out-number you and take over...)
-Stephen says he's been thinking, if Joe doesn't win immunity they should make a move on Joe.
-Jeremy has known Stephen wanted to take Joe out from day one
but he's been reluctant to give up his Man-Bun Shield - but every time Joe wins, the bullseye on his back keeps getting bigger and bigger. Jeremy says his alliance will be down for it, if the opportunity presents itself.
-This is all about the ghost of JT for Stephen, he just doesn't want to be the guy that is pulled to the end as the goat, and to make sure that doesn't happen he has to start driving.
-Stephen then goes to Spencer and tells him he was thinking if Joe lost, they can get the votes together to get him out.  Spencer agrees that Joe would never suspect a blindside coming this early in the merge... Spencer is willing to play ball, Joe is favoured to win most of the immunity challenges so they'd be stupid not to try and take him out if they can.
-Stephen is then talking to Tasha (he's everywhere) - he tells her he's been thinking, if Joe loses immunity, what would she think about voting him out?  Tasha says it's a possibility... Stephen goes on saying it would obviously have to be a blindside... and Savage skulks by in the bushes and overhears this conversation and he's disgusted with the lying, scheming deceit... (what a hypocrite) Savage has a great alliance with Joe, he loves the guy, so he's not going anywhere and if Savage has to go toe to toe with Stephen, bring it on. (Ugh, Savage is one of those guys - things always go their way, people follow them and they don't realize that is not how the world works for everyone.)

Orkun - Day 21
-Savage tells Joe that Stephen is diabolical and keeps throwing Joe's name out.  It comes as no surprise to Joe, he knew this was coming but he didn't expect it so soon.
-Savage is doing the super intense, 'on my kids lives' promise that he will never write Joe's name down (showing the old school there - you never swear on your kids man, home life needs to stay out of the game.  And this has no weight anymore, it's become a trope, a joke because no one keeps their word on these shows anymore.)
Of course, Savage really means it and Joe knows he can trust Savage - but if Stephen has rallied the numbers, he knows if he doesn't win immunity, he's gone.

-They will have to balance a ball on a disk attached to two ropes.  At regular intervals they will move their hands down the ropes taking them farther away from the disk and making it harder to keep the ball balanced on it.  If the ball drops, they are out.  Last man standing wins immunity.
-This challenge was run once before, Jeremy was the first out and Keith won... so lets see if history repeats.

Seconds in - and Kelley Wentworth and Ciera are out... way to go ladies... no sooner had I typed that than Wiglesworth was out followed by Jeremy - there is no forgiveness is the floating disk.  Abi is out, Fishbach is out, Savage is out. 

10 minutes in - and they move back on the ropes - Kimmi has been able to save herself to this point but she drops the ball and we're down to four.... spoke too soon, there goes Tasha.

-Now we have Keith, Joe and Spencer who make it the 20 minutes to move back to the farthest position.
-Joe and Keith show a little bit of movement but it's Spencer who is next out and we have a showdown between Keith & Joe which lasts another 10 minutes.

-At 30 minutes they add a second ball to the disk and there is no time limit... if those balls start going in opposite directions you're in trouble... Joe's balls are moving all over the place but he's able to keep correcting enough and it's surprisingly Keith that loses his ball and JOE wins immunity again - much to Fishbach's dismay.
-Joe thanks God that he won immunity, he's thinking they should go after Stephen.

Orkun - Day 21  Baby monkey!
-Stephen is so frustrated, he's been working on getting Joe out since the beginning and he wins frickin' immunity again.  It's like Moby Dick, Joe is Stephen's white whale.

-Joe asks Savage where his head's at, and Savage thinks they should go with Stephen.  Joe is thinking he can use the three girls that are on the bottom to do it.

-Next we see Joe talking to Wentworth and Wiglesworth on the beach and Joe tells them Savage is thinking Stephen tonight and Wentworth is all for it, she thought that she, Ciera and Abi were screwed then this fell in her lap.  Joe says he's writing Stephen's name down no matter what and she agrees that's what she's going to do, "Fish."
-Wentworth tells the camera, yes, she has a hidden immunity idol but she doesn't want to use it this early in the game if she doesn't HAVE to.

-Next we see Wentworth walking with Ciera and she tells her she has to promise to keep this to herself (Oh no, don't tell her about your hidden idol!) she tells her the vote is for Fishbach tonight (phew, that scared me for a minute, don't give Ciera ammunition, that would not be a good move.) Total Blindside.  Wentworth and Ciera agree they are good with anyone else being voted tonight as long as it's not them.

-Savage is talking to Wiglesworth and Tasha and he tells them that Stephen is really dangerous, he knows his big move is coming and thinks they should take him out tonight.  Jeremy comes and crashes the party and Savage tells him it's Fishbach because he's been talking about getting rid of Joe. 
-Jeremy tells the camera he thinks that would be a bad move for him because Stephen has been with him for 20 days and he's built trust with him - he wants to keep Stephen with him far into the game, "Once the big guys start going at each other, I want to have all the bullets." (I guess it's Fishbach shield now.)
-Jeremy pushes back, as Savage is saying that Fishbach fancies himself one of the best strategists in the game... Jeremy says, "I hear what you're saying but I don't want to let those girls keep going."
-Spencer (where did he come from) says they know what Stephen is trying to do and he won't be able to do it without their cooperation so he's not an imminent threat.
-Jeremy goes on that he thinks they should take out Wentworth or Ciera before they start trimming the fat on their side.
-Savage concedes the argument, he made his pitch for Stephen, it didn't fly, so he's going to bow to the groups wishes (much to his disappointment) but he does agree that Ciera and Wentworth are dangerous so it's just deciding which one they vote out first.

-Joe asks Tasha what's going on - she tells him that none of them trust Stephen but they don't want to take him out and create a divide so soon.  This makes Joe nervous.

-Joe meets with Wiglesworth, Ciera and Wentworth at the beach and tells them it's 'no bueno' Fishbach apparently had more connections than he anticipated.  Wiglesworth tells them Savage was all for it but... Ciera says it's one of us tonight then and Wentworth thinks it's her - Joe doesn't know yet.

-Wentworth tells the camera that Joe wouldn't grow a pair so that plan fell by the wayside.  Ciera is equally sick of their half-assed plans - Wentworth, Ciera and Abi agree that they should all vote together, they just need to decide what name to write down.
-Ciera has been pleading with these people to play but they don't seem to want to do that, now she's praying for a miracle at tribal council ideally.

Kass comes in as the first member of the jury and gives them all the finger (Ha! What the??? I think she's a little crazy-sauce.)

-Ciera says she still thinks that no one if fighting for their spot in the top and it's frustrating for her.
-Wentworth says there are four people running this game and they are going to go one by one up the ladder and that's it.
Jeff points out there are eight other people that could easily swallow that four.
-Kelley - you'd think so, but nobody wants to make a move.
Jeff asks Ciera to make a big move and name the four.
-She says it's Jeremy, Savage, Tasha... and Stephen or Joe... which makes them laugh a bit, not sure if it's Stephen or Joe.
-Jeremy says that's a joke, they named five people, so they don't even know who's running the show (ask Jeremy to name them off then...)
Jeff says it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it only matters what people believe.
-Savage says there is a bunch of us that talk often and we have mutual respect for each other but there are also others that are on the same level as us and we make decisions as a group.
-Ciera (is doing ridiculous amounts of eye-rolling through his whole speech) she doesn't believe that anyone would buy that - in an alliance there is a top and a bottom and there are definitely people playing but she wants those people not at the top to wake up.
-Spencer agrees what Ciera is saying probably is true and maybe people are waiting for someone to flip or maybe there is an idol in play, we haven't seen any idols... Jeff asks more about that, it seems like no one is looking for them - Spencer says maybe there aren't any idols or maybe they have been found and they're just waiting to be played (Wentworth and Jeremy are keeping their mouths shut!  But Wentworth does have a little smile on her face.)
-Savage thinks Ciera's plea is fascinating and it's one she can make because she's not in the alliance and she's at the bottom (she rolling and crossing her eyes now - oh grow up, she's annoying me, Abi gets in on the act as well - you are taking away from your argument with your silly antics ladies.)
-Stephen puts forth the theory that there isn't really a bottom here, the way the game is being played this season is different than all the thirty previous seasons (oh no it's not, don't kid yourself) they've switched a dozen times and it's not hierarchical like it has been before, this is different (uh, I don't know about that.)
-Ciera says some things are never going to change, in an alliance, somebody's on the top and somebody's on the bottom.  Some of you know you are not in the tight four and nobody's doing anything about it, that's why I'm frustrated.
-Wentworth says it's obvious that Abi, Ciera and herself are on the bottom so it seems like the easy vote is one of us.  But someone came to her today and said they wanted to make a big move, she didn't go to them... so the tight four may not be as tight as they think.  Jeff asks why she doesn't make a big move and out that person, "Well, what if I'm here tomorrow and I have to work with them." (Exactly.)

Alright, it's time to vote: And we get more gymnastic eye rolls from Ciera (didn't your mother ever tell you not to do that or your eyes could stick that way?)

They didn't show us how anyone voted.

Tallying the votes:
Jeff asks if anybody has a hidden immunity idol they want to play, this would be the time to do so... long pause... will she or won't she?... and Kelley Wentworth says, "You know Jeff, I may be on the bottom but I'm not ready to go home yet."  And there is shock and amazement rippling throughout the tribe, some good some bad.
Jeremy laughs, Savage looks pissed, Spencer is in awe and Ciera says this is her favourite moment... no one knew, it was fabulous.

Jeff confirms that any votes cast for Wentworth will not count.

Wentworth - 1 (OH YEAH!)
Wentworth - 2
Wentworth - 3
Wentworth - 4
Wentworth - 5 (Um, did they not think to split the vote? I guess not.)
Wentworth - 6
Wentworth - 7
Wentworth - 8 - all do not count.
Savage - 1  Wentworth and Ciera fist bumped and Savage hung his head and muttered, "Unbelievable." (Oh, is it really? See what underestimating the girls got ya?)
Savage - 2 - that enough, SAVAGE is the second member of the jury.

And a he leaves Abi yells to him, "You made it to the jury." He gives her the finger (wow, lots of birds being thrown around tonight, hahaha.)

That was Awesome!  You have got to love when the hidden immunity idol is used to such dramatic effect!

And with Savage leaving, that takes Sandie G., Carol-Anne D., and Cindi C. out of the pool.

Next week: Everyone is looking for a hidden immunity idol and during the challenge where they have to balance on a triangular perch out in the water, Jeff releases a row of buoys and says first person to reach the buoy gets an advantage in the game. (OOH!)

Savage's final thoughts: that was stunning, no one saw that coming... Wentworth did.  He did some things out there he didn't do 12 years ago and he played the strategy game pretty good up to two minutes ago.  It rips his heart out. (Can't say I'm sad to see him go - b'bye.)

Have a great weekend everyone,
