Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Nov 4/15 Episode Recap

Play to Win

Last week, after another switch up taking the tribes back down from three to two - the new Bayon tribe defeated Ta Keo in the immunity challenge sending them to Tribal Council.  Kass put aside her past differences to use/save Spencer who had been targetted by Savage as their first vote - and they blindsided Woo (much to the shock of Savage.)

Ta Keo - Day 17
-Tough night for Savage, he thought the vote was a lock and he was left out - he is shocked at how professional they are at lying.  He feels especially betrayed by Kass (dude, you're a lawyer, she's a lawyer, wake up.)  Savage discounted the women as his underlings that would just go along with what he said, newsflash, they don't work for you and actually have minds of their own.
-Savage is mad at this turn of events but he's willing to bite his tongue and act like a wimpy little non-leader, to get himself to the merge.  He does pitch that to Kass, Spencer, Abi and Ciera - tells them to use him, because the merge is coming.
-Spencer just asks him if he will promise not to go after him again and Savage says he will never write Spencer's name down again and they shake on it. 

Bayon - Day 17
Tree mail - tells them to head down to the end of their beach and await visitors... WHAT??? A thirteen merge, it can't be... but it is!  They are trying to keep everyone on their toes this whole season, changing up everything as often as they can.

Ta Keo - Day 17
Their tree mail tells them to gather everything they could want to continue their adventure and to follow the map to their new home.  WHAT???  Ciera is nervous to take Savage to the merge... he is hoping for his, second, third, fourth chance by now in this change of tribes again.  Kass tells them all to remember that someone over there is going to feel on the bottom and they need to find the crack.

MERGE - the new buffs are orange.
Savage is welcomed with open arms by Jeremy... he's happy to be back with his Bayon brothers.
They are all a little blown away that there are still so many people there but they have the merge feast to distract them a little bit.  Kass proposes a toast, "To the thirteen best losers ever." (Hmm, I don't think any of them like to be called losers - but they drink all the same.)
-I was a little surprised that Kass told them all about what happened at the last tribal council, that they blindsided Woo, Savage and Wiglesworth didn't know about it and Kass saved Spencer - he left his fate in her hands and she didn't abuse it.
-Fishbach can't wait for the feast to be over because he knows they have to hit the ground running and establish their alliance of seven to keep the numbers and stay on top (he can't stop strategizing even for a minute... must be exhausting.)
-Looks like Savage is of a similar mind, he can't wait to talk to Jeremy and establish that they are still super tight - which they are - and they discuss their seven: Savage, Jeremy, Tasha, Fishbach, Kimmi... Wiglesworth wasn't original Bayon but she's said she has Savage's back so he counts her - and then he's going to go after Joe.
-Kelley Wentworth and Kass are having a similar conversation - they see Savage and Jeremy talking and start trying to figure out who they can pull - Abi, which is good because they know she can't win and Kass says they have Spencer... so that makes their group: Kass, Kelley Wentworth, Keith and hopefully Joe, Spencer and Abi... no one mentioned Ciera, I think she is assumed in this group as well.  Kelley's focus is on the guys, Spencer and Joe, she feels they will be the power players who can control the game.

ORKUN - Day 18
-Savage is the first to try and reconnect with Joe, he lays out the group he has assembled and believes they are all guaranteed day 30 if they stick together.  Joe however has his own agreement back with Ta Keo but he doesn't want to limit his options so he tells Savage he's just going to talk to everybody today and feel everybody out.

-Next we see Kelley Wentworth and Spencer having a talk in the hammock and she tells him she trusts Kass, Ciera, Abi more than Jeremy & Savage - Spencer is down with that and Kelley assures them they also have Keith but they have to have a conversation with Joe and see where his head is at.
-Spencer realizes that he and Joe are smack dab in the middle - he wants to try and work with Joe but has to put it into Joe language (which I felt was really patronizing but maybe Joe is just pretty) - Spencer lays it out like a football play in he sand with the two groups on either side and Joe & Spencer in the middle.  It seemed like Joe felt he could choose, I don't think he really got the sticking with Spencer aspect.
Next thing we see is everyone sitting in the shelter out of the rain and silent... they all don't want to talk together apparently - then Stephen recites a poem to entertain them and Kass having a look around thinks that she has the most connections to stand against the Savage/Jeremy/Stephen - the Bayon Boys.
-Kass tries to talk to Tasha but Tasha's having none of it - she knows Kass is fishing for information but Kass was the reason Tasha went home the first time around so she is not going to trust Kass with anything - and they both know it.  Yeah, these two will not be aligning any time soon.

Orkun - Day 19
-Kass feels like the original Bayon are going to run the show unless someone upsets the apple cart and she thinks Chaos Kass is just the person to do that.
-She talks to Tasha again, saying she felt like yesterday went bad and Tasha full on tells her that she wouldn't be telling Kass the truth about anything because she doesn't trust her.  Kass says enough said, draws a line in sand and tells her to bring it on.
-They go back to camp and Chaos Kass brings it to everyone there saying that Tasha lied to her saying Bayon was no more, Tasha says of course she lied to her, she doesn't trust her and Kass announces she's voting for Tasha. 
-But before this goes any further, Ciera decides she's going to throw in some lies of her own and standing beside Kass tells Jeremy that Savage and Woo had been talking about having to take out Jeremy and Joe in a merge situation.
-Savage jumps in immediately - she has woken the beast - calling her a liar (which is totally is) and assuring them that he would never had said anything like that (but is her planting the seed enough?)  Savage tells the camera there is a two headed dragon wreaking havoc in their tribe right now and they just have to take one of those heads and lop it off. (As much as I don't want to buff guys to rule, Kass & Ciera's tactics would have driven me nuts if I was there - and I would want them gone.)

-First individual immunity challenge and the necklace is very ornate. Joe, "Oooh, fancy." (Hahaha.)
-They have to stand on a narrow beam while balancing a ball on a handheld little platform.  At regular intervals they will step down to a more narrow beam and their hand will have to move farther down the pole balancing the ball... if at any point they fall off the beam or drop their ball, they are out.  Last person standing wins immunity.
-They have done this challenge before it came down to a showdown between Spencer and Tasha and she won so we'll see if history repeats or he can redeem himself.
Off they go:
-And Stephen is out almost right away as he dropped his ball.
-9 minutes in, Keith loses his ball and Ciera and Kimmi are right behind him - not making it to the next level.
-10min elapses and they all get a little break as they move down the beam and move their hands down the pole - right back at it though and 1 sec in, Abi loses her ball.
-Kass is the next out when she drops her ball and she's followed by the two Kelly's, first Wiglesworth, then Wentworth and we're down to four men and one woman - Tasha, the other person to have won this before.
-20 min elapses - they all move down the beam and down the pole... and it's the end for Savage...  Jeremy makes a recovery, Tasha makes a recovery... oh no, Tasha is out (and Kass smiles, ugh, I hate the smug - she's making me want her gone.) Jeremy is out immediately after Tasha - and we're down to Spencer and Joe - no sooner does Jeff say this t
han Spencer starts doing the funky chicken trying to keep his balance but he can't recover and JOE wins immunity!

Orkun - Day 19
Savage wanted to win the first individual immunity to prove to the young bucks that he could hang with them - but that didn't happen.  He is happy however that neither Kass or Ciera won immunity either.  They are spreading lies that are just believable enough to raise havoc.  Ciera's got to go in his mind, he will never forgive her lying about him. (He has no recognition of how his putting her name up as the decoy made that happen.)
-Savage, Fishbach, Wiglesworth and Joe go for water and Savage says he thinks that Ciera needs to go but the rest are leaning more towards Kass, she's the ringleader.  Joe just thinks it's easier to go with the majority and vote Kass, she's ruthless.
-Jeremy and Spencer are talking and Spencer says they need to vote out someone who could be dangerous and Jeremy says he's thinking Kass.  Keith comes over and agrees.  Spencer sees the numbers going where they're going and eventhough Kass saved him last vote, he doesn't know if he'd be able to save her this time.  He asks Jeremy if they should maybe split the votes, because they don't know if Kass might have a hidden immunity idol...
-So we have Keith, Tasha, Savage, Stephen, Wiglesworth, Kimmi, Jeremy, Joe and Spencer talking on the beach about splitting their votes five for Kass and four for Ciera...
-Back at the shelter is Kass, Ciera, Abi and Wentworth (Kelley looking super pissed off to be in the minority) and Kass is commenting on how the bro-down is happening.  She should have anticipated this, it started with Tasha (you went too chaos-y too quickly, quite a mis-step) but they figure the other group is talking about splitting the vote so if they can get one more person on their side, they can vote Tasha out.  Kass wants to try and get to Spencer...
-So Kass does approach Spencer and tells him she knows they are splitting the vote and her group will be voting Tasha they just need his vote for her to go home.  He says she had his back before so he'll do it but to the camera he's still torn. He's never been in this position before to influence the game.

-This is the first time Joe and Keith have been to tribal council so they had to get their torches lit first.
-Ciera said characterizing the merge at camp as chaotic is putting it mildly.  She knew coming into a second chance season that it would be quick and fast but she can't even put into words how crazy it's been.
-Kass claims she's not playing the chaos game this time and Tasha's head bought snapped off her neck as she spun around at that one.  Kass continues that she finds it funny that some that claim to be calm are at the centre of the chaos.  And she calls out Tasha who you can guess is not taking that lying down.
-Tasha says, "Don't even play with me like that."  Kass goes on about Tasha lying and saying Bayon was no more and Tasha defends herself - she's not going to create chaos but she's going to call Kass on her...stuff.
-Ciera of course has to pipe in trying to make it look like Tasha's the liar and saying you never want to be at the centre of chaos or appear to be the once creating it... (they all know who has been creating it, everyone looks like they wish these ladies would all just shut up.)
-Joe says it could still be anyone but the first vote after a merge, everyone's afraid to jump over on one side or the other so the easiest vote is for one of these three (Ciera, Kass or Tasha)
-Ciera says it shouldn't be easy, it should be going for the jugular - if you're just going for the easy vote you're playing the wrong game and I don't like playing with people who are scared to play (okay, if they vote you out, you no longer have to play with them.) She says everyone should be there to win, don't play for six play for one, play to win.  Whatever that means to you, if it's voting me out, do it, play to win.
-Spencer says playing is different things to different people every day of the game.  Tomorrow it may look very different.  Jeff is surprised by this, usually they'll say they have a tight six or whatever but you're saying tomorrow could be a whole new thing.
-Stephen makes some comment about this season showing an evolution in how this game is played with three small women being the presumptive votes after the merge (what? How is that different?)
-Jeff says maybe you don't need alliances at all, maybe you just need voting blocks for each tribal (I think Jeff just hit the nail on the head there.)
-Spencer agrees, given the pace of this game, he would not be surprised in anything changing.
-Ciera says she still thinks there needs to be an element of trust but you want to be in your one, two, three, four - you don't want to be in the six, seven, eight, nine - and when you realize that's where you're at, that's when game mode comes in, Let's play.  That's all I'm saying.

Time to Vote:
Ciera totally rolled her eyes at Savage when he walked by her - Why didn't they target Savage instead of Tasha?  I bet Spencer would have voted for him.
Tasha voted Kass
Jeremy voted Ciera
Kass voted Tasha

Tallying the votes:
No one played a hidden immunity idol.
Kass - 1
Ciera - 1
Tasha - 1
Kass - 2
Ciera - 2
Tasha - 2
Kass - 3
Ciera - 3
Savage - 1... What?  Did Spencer throw his vote to force a tie? 
Kass - 4
Ciera - 4
Kass - 5, 6... CHAOS KASS is the first vote after the Merge.  They were having none of the Chaos, and it was totally her own fault.

Next week: They are all worried about big moves... who will strike first?

Kass' final thoughts - this time she came in and she wanted to build relationships with people and work on her social game - she had a good change for the 18 days but she brought out Chaos Kass and threw a bomb on her game, "so it's on me." (At least she recognizes it.)

Here is how everyone actually voted:
Kass voted Tasha
Keith voted Kass
Wiglesworth voted Ciera
Jeremy voted Ciera
Joe voted Ciera
Kelley Wentworth voted Kass (oh, she didn't vote with the ladies)
Tasha voted Kass
Savage voted Kass
Abi voted Tasha
Stephen voted Kass
Kimmi voted Kass
Ciera voted Savage (oh... wow, she didn't even vote with Kass)
Spencer voted Ciera (so he didn't vote with Kass either)

And with Kass leaving that takes Lynne B., Kim K., and Andria S. out of the pool.

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


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