Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Survivor One World - March 28th Episode Recap

The Beauty in a Merge

Last week we saw the hand of Survivor Karma strike hard and fast when Colton was struck down with appendicitis and had to leave the game.  The two lop-sided tribes both went to Tribal Council where Jeff told them they were merged!

Merged Tribe - Night 17
-They return to the original One World camp as that is where they will all be again and there is a modest feast laid out; cheese, grapes, champagne.  They tuck in and start passing those bottles around - we learn Jonas doesn't drink because he made a point of offering his sip to someone... just pass it on dude, no need to make a production of it...of course he's trying to gain favour but he just comes off as douche-y.
-Alicia looks like she's feeling the bubbly and she's complaining again that Coltn screwed her by not giving her his idol and Christina should be going home tonight - darn that Coltn. (She doesn't say Colton, it's like Coltn... kinda bugs me.)  She's probably going to go back with the women and do the girl power thing (oh shocker, it's not like you have another play... we'll see if they take her back.)

Merged Tribe - Day 18
-They have to decide on a new tribe name and Troyzan suggests: Tikiano - Tiki is god and Ano is year... so, year of the gods - doesn't seem like they really care - sure sounds good.
-Jonas presents the menu for breakfast, young coconut lightly caramelized then hit with a little seawater to try and approximate the flavour of potato chips (good luck with that.) Kim says she's excited to have Jonas with them (for cooking alone, I'm thinking.)
-Not everyone's glad to have the misfits back - Jay is making coffee for the people that won it only - Tarzan tries to get in there but is told in no uncertain terms, he didn't win it, he's not getting any... but he stands right there and stares longingly at them drinking it... come on man, show some dignity.  He's like a dog begging at the table, it's sad.
-Jay is not happy to have to live with Tarzan again - Tarzan was hoping the men would stand together but alas [the coffee incident proved], that does not appear to be so.
-Tarzan talks to tall Michael and asks if he wants to be part of the team, meaning the men and Tarzan tells him they can use Alicia to swing the numbers their way.  Michael says, absolutely, but tells the camera he doesn't like any of those guys, he can't stand Tarzan - he's so not in.

Reward Challenge-Proving, to me anyway, that the producers did not expect to merge the tribes this soon - for this challenge only they will be divided back into two tribes - one tribe member at a time will move through a series of obstacles then dig up a bag of puzzle pieces and race back so the next person can go - once they have collected all 4 bags of pieces the last 2 people on each tribe will use the pieces to complete the puzzle - first tribe done wins: an afternoon of pizza and cold beer, Plus, a secret note (oooh, what's that about?)
-They randomly divide them up again, Tribe 1: Jay, Alicia, Chelsea, Sabrina, Troyzan and Christina
Tribe 2: Leif, Kim, Kat, Michael, Jonas & Tarzan.
-Off they go - Jay vs Leif at first - they have to dig under the first obstacle, Jay squeezes through but Leif tries to go face first so he gets stuck when his back doesn't bend that way...(really?  Leif is not the sharpest tool in the shed... I'm just saying.) He's really stuck... Jay gets back with his puzzle pieces when Leif finally gets free... they are behind until the last bag when Sabrina slows them down and Michael catches them up - and we are neck and neck -Tarzan & Jonas vs Troyzan and Christina on the puzzle... It's down to the last pieces and Troyzan and Christina win the Reward! 
Troyzan, "This is my island!" (That's what Colton though too.)

Jay, Alicia, Chelsea, Sabrina, Troyzan and Christina eat their pizza and drink their beer then they can open the special note - which just tells them there is another immunity idol hidden back at camp.  Chelsea cautions everyone not to tell the others, the fewer people that know the better... but she's really worried that someone on Manono will find it and mess up their numbers because they can't have a Salani go home... (Now I'm confused, is it the original Salani or the mixed up Salani?  Girls or boys & girls?? I think she means the mixed Salani.)

Tikiano - Day 18
-Jonas brings up to Mike they might want to have a discussion and Mike says Tarzan already took care of that... this is news to Jonas and Michael starts stirring it up.  The men are sticking together and using Alicia as the swing vote - You might want to talk to him about that. 
-Uh huh, this does not sit well with Jonas who thinks of himself as powerful now that Colton's gone.
-Jonas confronts Tarzan and gives him sh*t for going to the least reliable guy and spilling the plan, which he was in the dark about by the way, two days before the vote so he can tell everyone and screw them - Tarzan gets all defensive and they get into a shouting match - "Don't interrupt me" "I'm sick of your BS"... and Tarzan announces that he doesn't like Jonas anymore and he's just dropping out of the tribe - "the rest of you can go on without me." (Very mature.  You can't have it your way so you quit?  And now you've screwed all your alliances, is that how Tarzan would treat his allies?  I bet he always had Cheetah's back.)  We'll see what happens when they cool down and realize they need each other.
-Michael is lurking in the background, very amused with the havoc he's created, and innocently asks, "What's going on?" (Erg, I can't stand that guy.)

Tikiano - Day 19
-Early morning, everyone's sleeping and Troyzan goes out to get himself an immunity idol... Hey, what's that lodged in the hole in the tree?  Yup, the early bird gets the worm and the idol.  He's so excited he wants to wear it - "This could be a million dollars.  Think about it."

Immunity Challenge
Tribal immunity is no more - they are going for individual immunity from now on.
-They will be perched on a small log (like a curb), balancing a ball on a disc (like a pool ball on a cocktail waitress tray), at certain intervals they will more balls (up to 3) to make it that much harder.  At any point if they drop a ball or if they fall off the perch - they are out of the challenge.  Last person left standing wins immunity.
-Off they go - and a big breeze starts blowing - Surprise, Tarzan is the first out as he falls off the perch.  The rest make it through to the second round where they now have two balls on the disc - and Christina has no ball control - she loses one and is the 2nd person out - Michael is next out, there goes Chelsea, then Kim. And the rest make it to the 3rd round and they now have 3 balls - which knocks Alicia out, then Jay, Jonas, Sabrina, Leif ... and it's down to Kat and Troyzan... he's struggling and she's solid, I'm pretty sure she's had some waitressing experience... Troyzan is shaking like a leaf and I'm sure he's out... when Kat steps off the perch and TROYZAN wins individual immunity!   (Maybe it is his island.)

Tikiano - Day 20
They return to camp and in the guise of congratulating Troyzan in his win Leif says, "We're going to have to talk later."  Troy says I bet there's going to be a lot of scrambling later.
-Troy tells the camera that he has a group he's solid with, the mixed Salani, and whatever they want to do, he's going to do.
-Chelsea and Jay go to collect wood and discuss keeping Salani together and they want to vote out Jonas first (figuring he's Manono's strongest player... crap.)  They talk to Sabrina and Kim who are also on board with Jonas going tonight... except that he's a great cook (ha, well, that's something.)
-Alicia is feeling left out - she goes to Kim and says no one's come up to her (you are so not with them anymore girl - I bet it's mind boggling to her that they don't want her back)  Kim tells her they are thinking Jonas tonight and of course Alicia's in, no love lost there.
-Troyzan talks to Kim and she tells him they're thinking Jonas... he gets it, he is the smartest of the guys but "he feeds us, why vote him out now?" (Yeah, men do think with their stomachs.)
-So, Troyzan goes and tells Jonas they are talking about voting him out.  Jonas doesn't get it, he thinks he's the most non-threatening guy around - why keep Mike who is physically strong and can dominate in the challenges, especially now that they are all individual.
-Jonas goes into survival mode and he apologizes to Tarzan - which brings Tarzan to tears (he's so weird this guy) he is so struck by the integrity it took for Jonas to do that, he shakes his hand and says he may not like him but he respects him. "So, we're back together again."  And the four guys - Jonas, Tarzan, Leif and Troyzan decide they're going to vote for Kat cause she's useless.  Jonas would rather vote Mike but no one else seems to be on board with that (I'm with you Jonas.)

Then it's laundry time - the women get water boiling and Chelsea preps all her clothes, washing them in salt water first, scrubbing them with sand before she puts them in the boiled water and just as she's starting to stir her clothes - Tarzan comes and dumps his disgusting dirty underwear right on top of her clothes, "Don't worry it's not poop, it's just dirt."  (I swear her eyes turned red and steam came out her nose.)  He doesn't get why it's a big deal, she tries to be nice and asks him to clean them in the ocean first, I did, or at least let her get her stuff out first... then she says she's going to go puke - he calls after her, "Don't you want to tend the fire?" (OMG! He's lucky she didn't push him in the fire, what an idiot.)
-Chelsea says if it was up to her Tarzan would go because she's all about who deserves to be there, has a good attitude and pick people up when they're down - Tarzan fills none of that criteria.
-She asks the Salani tribe if they can spare Jonas, who at least feeds them, and take Tarzan out tonight - Jay squeaks that he understands her point but if you set a plan in place and it gets broken it can bite you in the butt. (What?  You just made the plan, you can still change it, it's not broken, it just changed.)

Tribal Council
Sabrina, what's the biggest difference now that you are merged?
-It's very chaotic, everyone is trying to predict where they'll stand, who's with who?  It can't be peaceful right now when everyone's heads on the chopping block.
Jonas, is it inevitable that everyone is thinking, who do I want to sit next to at the end and how to I make sure I'm there?
-Yeah, but you could be looking way too far ahead.  I had people tell me today I'm a threat because I cook, I'm a provider, but you don't vote that guy out first.  Would you rather go to challenges against this guy (he points out Mike) as opposed to me?
-Mike jumps in, well I didn't do too good today (yes he did, he totally caught his tribe up)
-Jonas, "I'm not done speaking" (ah, there, you sound like a jerk) To those people who know what I'm talking about, I'm voting for Mike tonight. (I don't think that was the best strategy, but let's see how it pans out for him.)
(And, now Tarzan is p*ssed off again - he doesn't like people not honoring their word.)
Tarzan speaks up: Jeff, I disrespect what Jonas just did, I disrespect it deeply. Throwing Mike under the bus and he doesn't need to fight for his life... I'm not going to say anything else. (Uh, is Tarzan math challenged as well?)
So Jonas, Tarzan is saying, Relax brother, you're not going home tonight.
-Well I'm not saying that cause he might have just thrown himself over the bus.
Jonas - The fact of the matter is, despite your brilliant plan, we do not have the votes to vote off Kat (she is shocked) Kat, "Tarzan, what'd I do?  You can tell me, it's okay."
Tarzan - He's lying Kat
Jonas - You did not propose that?  I'm just stating the facts.
Tarzan - Jeff, I think we should vote Jonas out, he's worried about it, we should vote him out.  I'm sick of this. (Oh Jonas, you may have cooked your goose - and Tarzan is an old codger, he's doesn't have the patience to deal with the game play... he's old, it should be his way - Respect My Authority!)
Tarzan, why the big reaction?  What are we not getting?
-Jonas has been on my back from day one.  I'm going to go up there and write his name down
Jonas - that's fine but...
Tarzan - I'm sick of fighting with you...
Chelsea says - in Jonas' defense, more of us have had issues with Tarzan than with Jonas... everyone nods. (Come on girl, propose they vote Tarzan... do it!) Sabrina agrees, she's had issue with Tarzan but not Jonas.
Tarzan admits he's awkward outside of his environment - Jeff finally gets him to admit that he is a surgeon - he says he's great in a hospital operating room (god complex, get rid of him... having a doctor on the team didn't help Colton - come on someone)  He says he has to be the captain of the ship or someone dies.
So this must be very difficult for you because there is no captain of the ship.
-I have ideas that will help people and if they don't see it, it irritates me.
Jeff tries to surmise what's happened and Tarzan corrects him... See, even I can't get it right.
Kim - that's the beauty of a merge - someone like Jonas becomes a threat and someone like Tarzan can be an asset.
Depends on how you look at it.
Sure.  Chelsea says she thinks there are people you want to keep around because they are positive, they are providers, they help out so much and then there is dead weight.
Tarzan - Did you mean me?
Chelsea - Laughs, Maybe.
Tarzan, as this Tribal has evolved are you concerned it could be you tonight?
-Well I came here wondering whether allegiances would be maintained and I sense we've fallen apart so that makes the whole thing totally mercurial (and he's lost Kat) at this point, not knowing which way it's going to go.  If they want to vote me off, that's fine, I'm voting Jonas tonight because of what he did.

Time to vote:
Jonas votes Mike
Tarzan votes Jonas

Tallying the votes:  No one plays a hidden idol.
Jonas - 1
Mike - 1, 2
Jonas - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... Crap!  Jonas says no hard feelings to Tarzan and tries to shake his hand but Tarzan says "Hard feelings to you."  (What a buttface.  I dislike Tarzan.)
So, I'm out... because as soon as it's an individual game you want to get rid of the people that other people like... that's the law of Survivor and it's screwed me out of winning the pool - again.
And out with me are Laura H and Shane B - we got screwed.

Next week - Jay and Troyzan are feeling nervous that the girls are turning on them with good reason cause they may be turning on them.

Jonas - I came here to go big or go home - and he went big and now he's going home. (Well, he will be the first member of the jury.) At least they said I was a good fisherman and a good cook.

Have a good rest of the week people,


Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Amazing Race 20 - March 25th Episode Recap

This Is Wicked Strange (Baku, Azerbaijan)

This leg the teams learn they are heading to Azerbaijan, on the edge of the Caspian sea, it is a former Soviet Republic that is rich in oil and natural gas giving it the name the Land of Fire.  Once they touch down they must make their way to the Temple of Fire where they'll find their next clue.
-Art & JJ are the first to depart at 8:48am - coming in first 3 times in a row makes them feel like they could win this thing but they know they are one bad detour away from being humbled, they are not going to take any big gambles, stay with the pack and keep winning.  They are also keeping an eye on the Guidos, they keep improving every leg.
-Danny & Joey "Fitness"are the next team out at 9:17am - they are styling in retro 80's ski wear(ish) - they think they can go all the way, they are physically the strongest.
-9:19am - Vanessa & Ralph are going to be nicer to each other this leg (uh huh.) She is all smiles... gotta get that pretty screen time... and she's happy to be heading to somewhere warmer (hopefully.)
-10:57am - Dave & Blond Rachel - he says he still feels they are the team to beat, if they can stay supportive and minimize mistakes... she's driving and he's navigating and realizes they are going in the wrong direction (you were saying...)
-11:17am - Big Brother - Why is she wearing a green sequined headband? Yikes.  They are the only team that heads to a travel agency to pre-book tickets - first flight out is at 6:20pm. (Looks like they'll all be together again.)
-11:41am - Mark & Bopper - "Azer-Bay-Jan... are we going to Africa?"  "Land of Fire... sounds like African to me baby!" (I can't help but love these two.)
-11:42am - Nary & Jamie are the last team to depart - they try to sell us on their coming in last was a strategy to not be seen as a threat...(sure it was, had nothing to do with not being able to curl the gnome at all.)

Munich Airport
-Art & JJ go to the Turkish Air counter and she tells them the only flight out is the 6:20pm that will have them arriving in Baku, Azerbaijan at 4:10am.
-Danny (Guido) gets after Joey "Fitness"for talking to Vanessa & Ralph - they have a little tiff - "Saying hello isn't going to put me behind them."  Danny is all business, all the time... unless he's flirting with the ticket agent... or any woman that breathes.
-All the rest of the teams start arriving and they are all on the same flight.

Baku, Azerbaijan
-The flight touches down and they hit the ground running - Dave & Blond Rachel are the first out but very closely followed by everyone else in taxis heading to the Temple of Fire.
-At the temple there are people drumming and dancers in traditional garb dancing around fires... Dave & Rachel are the first team there and they run right into the fracas looking for the clue box - they find a door with a sign that says "Open at Sunrise."  They decide to ask the dancers if they have the clue and get pulled into the dancing... they have to wait until sunrise so why not dance!  Everyone gets there and gets into it.
-At sunrise the main drummer guy unlocks the door and they all squeeze into (what looks like a tomb) and grab a clue... which includes a Fast Forward: they must go to a roadside hay vendor, unload 150 bales of hay and stack them 10 wide, 3 deep and 5 high - first team to complete the task can skip all other tasks and go straight to the Pit Stop (No, thank you - that would be so physically demanding.)  Dave & Blond Rachel and the Guidos are both going for the FF.
-Nary & Jamie say no way - they read the Route Info: Go to Occupational Training Int'l and search the grounds for their next clue (it's in a big marked box in the center of the grounds.) Every other team is heading to OTI - Art & JJ already did one FF and the rules state they only get one so even if they wanted to go for it, they're not allowed.

Fast Forward
-Dave &Rachel and Jersey Shore get to the Hay vendor at the same time and they are racing - Dave and Joey head up on the trucks to throw down the bales while Rachel and Danny are stacking below.  She's keeping track of the number like they are supposed to - Danny's just stacking - they've gotten this far with no plan... (ha ha, that doesn't bode well.)

The rest of the teams are racing through the streets and Mark & Bopper got the Mario Andretti of cab drivers - normally that's a good thing on the Race but poor Mark gets motion sick when he's in the backseat... he's hurling in a barf bag (ha, poor guy.)  He's not too worried about it, "if I get a little sick, I get sick, beats us navigating ourselves, let me tell ya." (There you go, salt of the earth this guy.)  Art & JJ are laughing like I was, "That poor guy."

Back at the FF
-The Jersey Shore is pulling ahead.  Dave keeps throwing the bales right on her stack which she did start too close to the truck in my opinion, and he just tells her to fix it... (You know, Dave's kind of a buttface.  It's only a matter of time before he takes her out with a bale, I swear.)  She's getting it all in her eyes, can't see what she's doing.  She tells him she needs his help and he just keeps knocking bales down around her...(buttface.)
-Realizing there was no quitting - Rachel started working like a machine to keep the Jersey Shore at bay - both of these teams were working for that Fast Forward.

-Art & JJ are the first team to get to Occupational Training Int'l but they get out of the taxi too early to search the grounds, Mark & Bopper pass them and go on to the building, everyone else is stopping to search the grounds as well - while Mark &Bopper get the clue for the Roadblock: What goes down must come up.  Oil is the number one industry in Azerbaijan and to get to the off shore oil rigs they take helicopters.  In this Roadblock, one team member must perform a helicopter ditch rescue training exercise.  In a pool they will be in a training module that flips upside down and fills with water - they have to escape the module and swim up to the life raft to get their next clue. (That's so scary.)  Bopper is going to do it for them - probably a good thing, Mark would probably have to puke.
-The rest of the teams finally make their way to the clue box: Jamie, JJ, Brendon and Vanessa are going to be in the pool... (She's going to get her hair wet.  The Horror!)

-Dave & Blond Rachel prove that once they start working together they can get things done... they finish the 150 bales stacked correctly first and they earned the Fast Forward... Dave just keeps saying she's a frickin' workhorse (likes that's a compliment).  And the Jersey Guidos have to now try and catch up at the Roadblock - in the cab, Joey "Fitness" mutters, "got beat by a frickin' girl." (Yes, you did - and it does my heart good.)

-Back at Terror in the pool: JJ, Bopper and Jamie are all going at the same time in the simulator.  They get instruction to tuck, then put their hand on the window frame and push really hard to pop the window out, then they have to swim through the frame.
- Watching from the sidelines Mark tells Nary that Bopper has a big ol' crush on Jamie... Really? Aw, it's kinda cute.
-And here we go: They are submerged, have to hold their breath... then the thing rolls and JJ had a moment of panic, little bit of flailing but they all find the windows and make their way out and to the rescue raft to retrieve the clue. (I'd like to think I could do it, but I think I would have panicked.)
-The clue tells them they must make their way to a certain carpet shop to get the next clue.

-Rachel & Dave make it to the Pit Stop - they win two new Ford Taurus SHO's.

-Pool of Terror - Brendon is doing it alone... I guess Vanessa took too long getting ready or something.  He makes quick work of getting out of the simulator and Big Brother takes off. 
Vanessa's afraid of closed in spaces and being under water...(great, this is the perfect task for her.)  She gets submerged but has trouble pushing the window out - as soon as it pops she gets out of there right quick. Ralph says what I was thinking, "She's going to be pretty pissed her hair is wet."(Yup.)

-Jersey Shore arrives at the Roadblock, they have some time to make up for sure - Joey "Fitness"is getting in the pool. 

-At the Carpet shop: All 4 teams arrive at basically the same time and get the clue to the Detour: Apples or Oil:
-In Apples: They must rummage through an old soviet car full of close to a ton of apples, looking for the one apple marked with a race flag (like leaves stuck in the top)- they can exchange that apple for the next clue.
-In Oil: Apparently locals soak in oil for it's therapeutic properties (I said, Pardon?).  The teams must clean up one of the locals after he's taken an oil bath using a metal shoehorn to scrape off the crude oil, then wiping off the remainder with water and sponges (oh, no way) - once the bather is oil free, they spa attendant will hand them their next clue.
-Big Brother, Mark & Bopper and Art & JJ are going to do Oil. (Really?)  Jamie & Nary opt for Apples. Nary says scrubbing some guy, kinda gross. (I'm with you ladies.) 
-Back in the cabs and Mark is puking again - (Man, that has got to suck.) Bopper just laughs.

And the Terror pool - Joey Fitness has lifeguard experience and he's good in the water so he has no problems knocking out the water rescue - Danny is really glad he didn't do this one.  They take off at a run for their cab and the carpet shop.

-Vanessa & Ralph get to the carpet shop and the clues are standing up on top of rolled up carpets, right in front of their faces - they don't see them - start looking among the carpets (these two are not the brightest bulbs.)

-Art & JJ get to the Spa and are led to the first stall - there is a tall, hairy man with gold teeth waiting for them - and then thick, black, crude oil starts pouring into the tub out of the spigot... they both kind of freak out, "Is that normal?"  Then the guy gets in it... "No, no, what the hell is going on?"  He stands back up and he's like a Nutella covered man (hahaha)  JJ, "Art, this is wicked strange."  (It is very weird... that can't be good for you, come on!)

-Jamie & Nary get to the apple cars and they are going way too slowly, carefully examining every apple for a marker... it will be obvious - get moving ladies.  Oh, and they play up the "teachers love apples" We know you're not teachers, who are you trying to fool?, no other teams are there.  They do have a crowd of local men watching them though... do women not go out in public or something?  Oh, then they show Jamie bent over in the trunk... I get it now.  Even the crowd is telling them to hurry up - Why U No Listen?

-Back at the Oil baths - Art & JJ say their guy was as hairy as a St Bernard... LOL.
-Mark & Bopper show up and get to bathing their guy.  Mark, "They got so much harr (hair) on them, it ain't right." 
-Art, "This is so wrong."  They are down to the sponging stage - working on the guys feet now and he's ticklish.
-Brendon & Rachel are working on their own hairy dude now - There is nothing right about this...
-Art snaps at JJ to stop trying to be funny and let's just get this done... yeah, it stops being funny when you have to clean a strange man's junk... ugh, toes. 
Moral of this story - it's hard to get oil off people.

-Vanessa & Ralph are still searching the carpet store until the bright yellow clues finally stand out to them - We are buffoons (glad you said it.)  They are going to do the Apples, Vanessa knows it would take a long time to get oil of someone.

-Back at the apple car Nary & Jamie are still too slow and Ralph & Vanessa show up, they get started on their own car - Vanessa gets right in the trunk and is hucking the apples out into boxes, yeah, they're working faster.

-Art & JJ are the first finished cleaning their hairy Azerbaijani man - they get the clue for the Pit Stop.  In the cab, JJ says they feel kinda violated - If you want a million dollars sometimes you just got to bite the bullet and scrub a man's junk. (Hahaha... where do they come up with these tasks?)
-Mark & Bopper are the next one's done - Mark says to his guy, "You're starting to squeak, ain't ya?" Get it? Squeaky clean?  They head out for the Pit Stop.
-Big Brother is right behind them - surprisingly, we've seen very little drama out of these two today.

-Jersey Shore gets to the carpet store and finds the clue right away - they are going to do the apples.

-Jamie finishes the trunk and starts helping Nary in the back of the car and they find the marked apple. Yay!  They get the clue to the Pit Stop and try to high 5 people on the way out but apparently open celebration is not encouraged among the black clad men.
-Vanessa & Ralph are still searching and getting discouraged, it's like the apples are multiplying.    They start to just push a bunch of the apples around and they find the marked one!  Yay.  They take off in their cab but next thing you know their driver has stopped and jumped out of the cab... What is he doing?  They think he's asking for directions but he disappears. (That's not good.)

-The Jersey Shore has arrived at the apple challenge and they get started digging apples out of the back of the car.   They start rooting around and find the marked apple - it seems like very quickly.

Here's How They Finished:

1) Dave & Rachel - now they're back on top they want to stay on top.
2) Art & JJ - They'll take a 2nd place when a FF's in play, cause it's actually a win.
3) Mark & Bopper - We're still here!  We're making our way back.
4) Brendon & Rachel - They've improved their placing every leg - just making their way up to first.
5) Jamie & Nary - "Aww" Not super happy to hear they are #5, were hoping they beat the oil guys.
6) Vanessa & Ralph - Oh, Cheese & Crackers.  (That is their annoying catch phrase.)
7) Joey "Fitness" & Danny - **ELIMINATED** They are disappointed, they think they could have won but they made a fatal mistake (not winning the Fast Forward) and it just wasn't their day.  They are happy they made it 6 legs, people that know them would be surprised they could make it that far.
And with the Guidos leaving the Race, Katie L, Sharleen H, Kevin R, Heather G and Donna P are out of the Pool.

In Two Weeks - the teams head to Africa and the cat fight between Vanessa & BB Rachel erupts in Rachel calling Vanessa old and Vanessa calling her ugly (essentially).  Oh yeah, it gets ugly.

Have a great week everyone - and Happy Birthday Janine!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Survivor One World - March 21st episode recap

Thanks for the Souvenir

Oh yeah, I think I blocked it from my mind that they shuffled the teams last week and they came out more lop-sided than they were before... all the pretty, fit people are now on Salani and all the old, misfits are on Manono.  Alicia fell victim to Colton's manipulation and voted against the women, blindsiding Monica at Tribal Council... and this episode opened on:
Manono - Night 14
-Alicia and Colton start poking at Christina because they are just horrible, mean b*tches - right to her face Colton tells her she's next to go, she's like a cockroach, having survived when she should have gone... then Alicia and Colton cuddle and laugh at her... (seriously?  Come on Survivor Karma, do your worst!)
-Later everyone's trying to sleep and Christina's decided she's going to show the rest of the tribe how awful Colton & Alicia treat her, she starts complaining about not having any room in the shelter and poking Alicia to scoot over - Alicia says she doesn't care because she's going to be gone soon and tries to ignore her but Christina keeps right on poking ... I would want them both gone... they are not endearing themselves to the men in the least.  (I predict an all-male Manono again before you know it.)

Salani - Day 15
-The pretty people had a rough night, it was cold (aww, so sad.)  Kat had a dream that Alicia killed her (could be her subconscious giving her clues to Alicia's character.)
-Tree Mail - playing a kids game for something sweet...
-They try to show us something interesting at this camp but really, they are boring, no drama, they're kicking butt and have no worries... where's the fun in that?


-Manono shows up and the women are surprised to see Monica was gone - Sabrina realizes the women are just going to be picked off so when it comes to the merge the girls will be in the minority  (she doesn't know that Alicia was instrumental in that.)

-The Challenge: One at a time they will climb to the top of a stack of crates then bounce coconuts off a trampoline attempting to hit one of 5 targets set up on the ground below.  First tribe to hit all 5 of their targets wins Reward: Ice Cream!  Winning tribe will be taken to the Survivor ice cream parlour and they be able to eat to their hearts content. 

-Off they go: no one is hitting anything the first round, bit of a learning curve.  Kim is the first on the board for Salani... Tarzan has a hard time climbing the crates but he is the first to hit a target, Leif also gets a target for Manono.  Chelsea gets a 2nd target for Salani... they tie up at three, then Salani goes up at 4... and Manono can't get anymore - Salani hits the 5th target and they win ice cream!
-At one point Colton screamed at Christina to run and called her stupid... (why should she do anything you want her to?)  Colton has found a new target for his vitriol, he now hates Christina and wants her gone.

-They get ice cream - and I'm bored.  They have every flavour under the sun and it was so vanilla to watch... who cares.

Manono - Day 15
-Colton is egging Alicia on to start picking on Christina.  She can hear them whispering and when confronted just with her gaze Colton turns on her.  He's got Alicia to back him up so he's fearless - he tells Christina she has two days left so she has three options, she can enjoy her last two days, she can quit or she can jump in that fire, which ever is most convenient for her.  (I really hate them, but I hate myself more for enjoying watching the drama.)
-Jonas tells the camera Colton & Alicia are interesting, it's not enough that they have the power to vote someone off, they have to make it personal and get that one more twist of the knife in. (Calling Christina a cockroach, making her feel worthless - yeah, that's such a chick thing to do.)
-Tarzan asks to speak to Colton so that gets him out of camp and Christina takes that opportunity to try and talk strategy with Jonas & Leif - she tells them Alicia was in an alliance with the women on the other tribe so if she's still there at the merge she'll go with the girls - Christina has no friends (anywhere) so she'll be loyal to them... (It's true, but I don't see anyone crossing Colton, they're all too afraid of getting on his bad side - no one wants to be on the sharp end of his tongue.)
-So while Christina is telling the guys her tale, Alicia comes up behind her and listens then starts clapping and says she's telling lies, she has no idea how to play the game - be a woman and say it to my face - Christina, "okay, I'm not telling lies, you do have an alliance with the rest of the women and I don't."  Alicia goes on the defensive attack trying to shut her up because she doesn't want the men to know - "You look crazy."  (Uh, no, you've made it obvious she has nothing to lose - and you look like the crazy cave women with that hair.)
-Alicia did have one good point though, Christina is not really good at this game.  And Alicia says she has to be in control... (ha ha, you are so not in control honey, as Colton's lapdog? I don't think so.)

Manono - Night 15
-The next scene we see Christina has Colton's head in her lap and is rubbing his head - he woke up and felt like his brain was swollen then he had stabbing pains in his stomach...(No way!  Is Colton going to be the medical evacuation?)  Christina is playing mommy/nursemaid - if someone is sick and needs help, I'm going to be there for them.  She continues to soothe him because she will do whatever she needs to to try and stay in the game, and he's fully aware of what she's doing but he's also going to let her do it.

Manono - Day 16
-Colton's still not feeling well and Tarzan is a doctor, though they don't know that, he is trying to urge Colton to drink more water as he could be dehydrated, but Tarzan tells the camera he could have appendicitis, or just gas... ha ha.
-Colton is severely dehydrated, his pee is brown, he's not sure if he's too far gone... he goes off into the trees and just curls up in a ball and cries.  Christina goes to check on him and realizes it's worse than she thought and sends out the call for medical aid.
-Jeff & the medics come to camp and Colton is still curled up in a ball on the ground, he tells them he's in severe pain and can't keep anything down.  The medic pushes on his side and his heart rate doubles - she thinks it could be appendicitis but to know for sure they need to get him to a hospital for tests and if they do that, he's out of the game.
-Colton begs Jeff, he doesn't want to be out of the game... (Wow, Survivor Karma is visiting him in spades - that's kinda awesome) - Jeff asks him if he still has the idol, and since it's pretty obvious he needs to leave the game, what's he going to do with it (that was actually pretty cold if you ask me - I also love it.)  Colton asks if he can give it to somebody and Jeff tells him that's up to him (who's it going to be?)
-They bring over the rest of the tribe to say goodbye and... Alicia is thinking this is really bad for HER. She says, "Call me a bad person but all I kept thinking was strategy the whole time."(Okay, you're a bad person... but will Colton give her the idol?)
-Jonas is genuinely upset for Colton, tearing up he says Colton is the biggest Survivor fan and for him to go out this way, it's heartbreaking. (Will he give him the idol?  Or Christina for being so empathetic?)
-Nope, Colton tells them at least they know idol is out of play and to thank Sabrina for the souvenir -he is keeping the idol and wearing it out around his neck. 
-Alicia - "spoiled, little brat, he kept the idol for himself even though he knows he screwed me the biggest." (Oh lady, you'll get yours, just you wait.)
-Jonas realizes, now that he has a little more power in the game with Colton gone, that it's in his best interest to vote Alicia out next because she has stronger ties to the rest of the women (victory for Christina, even if it's only one vote, at least she'll be there longer than her nemesis.)
- Jonas also acknowledges if there is such a thing as karma, Colton got it right back at him, hehehe. (I think I'm starting to like my guy.)
- Colton is carried out of camp on a stretcher (B'bye!  Don't let the palms hit you in the *ss on the way out.)

**Long filler shots of beautiful scenery and wildlife**

Salani - Day 17
-They get tree mail and it says:
The game continues on.
So don't give up the fight.
You haven't won, you haven't lost
But you will go to Tribal tonight.
-They boringly try to figure out what's going on... Kat is nervous, Kim's going to take her hidden idol with her just in case... but they are still so boring.

Manono - Day 17
-They get the same tree mail... and there is a different reaction over there, Jonas seems excited (probably because they don't have to do a challenge) and Alicia is not happy because she realizes she's probably going to be the first to go now (ah, karma, it can be so rewarding to watch.)
-Both the girls are kissing up to Tarzan, he tells Alicia he and his wife could be her parents but he tells Katrina, "Christina", right... that she is not his friend, but he does respect her. (He's certainly playing up the nutty old codger role.)
-Jonas tells us that the plan is for himself, Leif and Christina to vote out Alicia.  Tarzan's not on board with that plan but Jonas doesn't really care, he's ready to make himself the ringleader (you go!)
-Tarzan pulls Leif aside and uses big words (uh oh) trying to warn Leif that Christina's sycophantic - she sucks up and tells them whatever they want to hear to keep her there - he asks Leif to vote with him and Alicia to take Christina out... and Leif is stuck between two hard places (that's not the expression but I get it - he's not so good with words.)
-Alicia's still pissed about the idol thing with Colton not giving it to her - Lord knows I need it (too bad, chicky.)

Tribal Council
Salani gets there and sits down and Jeff surprises them by saying, We'll now bring in the Manono tribe. And it's a big One World reunion, of sorts.  Though they are shocked that Colton's not there.

Jeff lets them know why they are all there - Colton had to be medically removed from the game because he did have acute appendicitis.
Kat, "What is that?" (Really?) 
Leif, "I had mine out, it hurts."  (Thanks for the insight.)

Troyzan, how does this change the game?
-I don't know where to start - I feel sad for Colton because I know how much he loves the game.
Yet, Kim, it's another person gone.
-Yeah, another person gone is another person gone. (cringing grin)
Does it hurt to say that?
-Yeah, I've had my appendix out too and it hurts like hell. (Kat looks panicked, like she thinks it's catching and she's never heard of it before.) I do feel bad for Colton, he was so excited to be here.
Alicia butts in (please, spice it up, I'm falling asleep over here) - Can I say something on Colton's behalf? Sure. He said Sabrina, thanks for the souvenir.  He did not give anyone the idol, he took it with him. (How was that on Colton's behalf?  Sounded pretty self-serving to me.)
Sabrina,  do you believe that or does the fact that she brought up the idol make you suspicious?
-In my gut I believe it.  He was very excited to git it and I don't think he'd want anyone to play it but himself. (And seems like something Colton would do. Come on.)
Chelsea- Seems like even if he didn't give it away they'd want to keep it a secret so I don't believe it.  I think somebodies got it. (And that's what Alicia wanted you to think.)
Jonas, was this a tribe decision to come in and tell them certain things?
-I can't reveal that information Jeff (just don't ask Leif, he's not smart enough to dance around your questions.)
Wow Jay, the plot thickens.
{Mickey Mouse voice} You know, who do you believe?
Alicia's laughing. (She enjoys the chaos, that's all.)
Troyzan - Look at the smile on her face, I don't buy that at all.
Tarzan - He did tell her to tell them what he did so she's doing what he told her to do.
Kat, it wouldn't be the first time on Survivor that someone lied.
-Touche. They may have it, they may not but I'm more worried about the appendix thing and how do I not get mine hurt.  Everyone else had theirs out.  (I knew it!  She's pretty.)  It's going to be interesting to see what happens.
Leave it to Colton, even Med-evac'd out, he still leaves an imprint on the game... and the game is going to get complicated one more time- you can drop your buffs. (Alicia looks confused - I think the producers were scrambling after Colton left to try and save the season - reshuffle? No) We are merged! (Merged? There are still 12 people. I think that's the earliest they have ever merged the tribes.)
So Troyzan, first you find out Colton's out, then there could be an idol, now you're merged...
-I'm actually counting numbers now - numbers of people and where they're going and who's with who and who's not.  (It's six on six, men vs women, back where they started, kinda.)
Kim, lots of eyes darting back and forth.
-Am I that obvious?
Not just you, everybody.
-Yeah, every body's trying to feel out people they were previously on a tribe with; Are the men together, are the women together, is Salani together.... (yeah, we got it.)  I'm excited.
Tarzan, how are you feeling about how the game is changing?
-I have to say, the game is afoot.  (No, it's a game, sheesh ;))

On that note, here's how it's gonna work: they will come together back on the same beach where it all started.  Anything from Manono will be waiting for them there.  Take a moment to celebrate but then get your heads back in the game.

Next week: Tarzan and Jonas get into it and Tarzan walks alone... (more man drama - gotta love it.)

Colton's final thoughts: "I think what's so hard about it is I'm so used to getting my way and this has not gone my way at all." He said he had a plan coming into the game from day one to day 39 and this has thrown a wrench into everything.  "I promise you, I could run this game." 

And it looked like he was on his way to doing just that but unfortunately, with Colton leaving, Steve H, Elaine R and Susan N are out of the pool, and the rest of us have a chance to win :)

Have a great rest of the week everyone,


Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Amazing Race 20 - March 18th Episode Recap

Uglier Than a Mud Rail Fence (Bavaria, Germany)

Last leg ended in Turin, Italy, with Mark & Bopper being spared by a non-elimination leg.
Art & JJ were the first teams out this leg at 8:57am.  They get the clue to take the train into Erhwald, Austria and from there they will drive themselves over the border into Bavaria, Germany where they must go to a certain restaurant and find the Travelosity Roaming Gnome, which will have their next clue on the bottom.
-Art & JJ have dominated two legs in a row and they attribute it to their relationship, they are friends and two dudes who work together, that's totally different than a husband and wife (that's for sure.)  "Art's an idiot most of the time and I'm going to let him know." Their goal is to win the leg again - they have such a huge lead (ah, yes, but we know how the Race tends to get everyone in a pack...)

-Second team doesn't head out until 11:33am - that is Major Dave & Blond Rachel.  Followed by the Jersey Shore at 12:11pm - these two teams get on the same train - Major Dave isn't happy to have another team there.

-Vanessa & Ralph head out at 12:27pm and we learn that Ralph is not just a divorcee, he's actually been married & divorced THREE times... (whoa, dude.)  Vanessa says with both of their experiences in the past it's helped them be vocal about what they want... but that also hinders them.... and he snaps at her (oh, is it their turn to bicker this leg?)
-12:56pm - the Special Agents are happy to be heading to Bavaria.
- 1:18pm - Big Brother - Brendon reads the clue to find the Roaming Gnome and Rachel says, "Where's the Rome?... Oh, he's in Germany."  These two are all smiles and determined to have a better leg, no more fighting (but I am not holding my breath on that one.)
-These three teams are on the same train.

-3:58pm - The Mississippi girls head out, they are re-energized and ready to start jacking up some other teams. 
-5:54pm - Mark & Bopper are the last team to head out - They know they have a lot of time to make up and they will face a Speed Bump this leg but they need the money more than anyone and are just going to get 'er done.

-So now I got a little confused - it's a 10 hour train trip to Erhwald, Austria via Innsbruck.  At 4:30am they show Kerri & Stacy and Mark & Bopper get off the train in Innsbruck and find other  teams still waiting there - much to Mark & Bopper's delight - that caught them up right there. 
-Art & JJ spent the night in the train station in Erhwald so they must have held them up there - at 6:30am they are heading out in the car, the room doesn't open until 8:30am... I'm thinking that's the restaurant where they Gnomes are.
-The 2nd train arrives in Erhwald and Blond Rachel reads the place doesn't open until 8:30am - "It'll be nice to see Art & JJ again."  (Maybe for you, but I don't think they'll be too happy.)  These three teams meet up outside the restaurant.  So, the rest of the teams must all be on another train.

-At 8:30am the doors open to let Art &JJ, the Guidos and Dave &Rachel in - to the yodelling tones of the Oompah band... they head straight to the Gnomes and on the bottom is the DETOUR - Fairy Tale or Champion Male.
-In Fairy Tale: They must follow a trail of gingerbread through the snowy woods to the fairy tale inspired village and find the witch's cottage of Hansel & Gretel fame.  Once there, they must use the gingerbread pieces they've collected to complete the roof on a gingerbread house - and decorate the house properly - when they do, a witch will hand them their next clue.
-In Champion Male: they must choose one of the champion beard enthusiasts then style his beard to match a picture of a champion look (that is AWESOME! Ha ha, I love those guys - but I wouldn't want to be married to one of them, could you imagine? Drew, do not get any ideas.)  When the beard inspector feels they have a perfect match, they'll get their next clue.  (This would be hard unless you had some hairdressing skill, I'm thinking - but I can't wait for someone to try it.)
-And I don't have to wait long because these first 3 teams all want to style some beards.

-The rest of the teams arrive at the Erhwald train station and hop in the cars to head to the restaurant - Kerri & Stacy plan to just stay with the pack today, they know they can compete if they are all together - Kerri says she can pretty much navigate herself to the mall and that's it (oh, that's great on a Race around the world.)
-Ralph marvels at how beautiful the mountains are and Vanessa again gives us a glimpse into her shallow soul, "I'm cold."

-Major Dave & Blond Rachel are the first team to the beard styling place.  They choose their Santa Claus wanna be... and she gets working on his beard.  She has the experience with hair styling and products so they're hoping to have an advantage.  Dave just gives the poor old guy a Mohawk (ha ha, I love Mohawk Santa.)
-"Ehhh," the Guidos arrive and Danny chooses the guy with the longest beard... which proves not smart because he had a pretty elaborate design to replicate.  Fitness says they use gel in their hair, no one else does, they should have this.
-Art & JJ arrive and they pick the guy with the already nicest groomed beard, not as long as the others - "That's weird man, grooming another man's beard."  They look to be the most awkward with this one.

-Kerri & Stacy are lost - so much with staying with the pack... way to go ladies.

-Back at the Beard-a-torium - there is lots of product slopping, hair twisting and blow drying going on ... oh, and the lucky, unchosen bearded men are all getting beer to drink... nice.

-Mark & Bopper are the first team from the pack to make it to the restaurant and they hit their Speed Bump: Yodel!  They must learn to yodel a specific tune from a master yodeller - when he's satisfied they've gotten it right, they'll get their next clue.  But first, they have to get into some red gingham shirts and lederhosen... (I love this show, they never pass up a chance to make the racers dress funny.)

-Vanessa & Ralph arrive and get their gnome - and choose beard style... is everyone going to do this?

-Mark & Bopper are suited up and raring to get to yodelling - they are game but not so skilled.  (Don't they yodel in country music? Maybe not in Kentucky, I guess it's more Appalachian...)  The yodeller looks like he's having fun but I'm not sure if their "American Style" yodelling passed...

-JJ proves his suitcase full of styling products was not for nothing - they are the first team to successfully style their guy's beard - they get the next clue to find the castle that inspired Sleeping Beauty (Neushwenstein Castle - I think that's how you spell it :)  They will find their next clue in King Ludwig II's bedroom.  They get directions from a local and take off for the next village.

-Mark & Bopper successfully finish the Speed Bump and they had so much fun.  While they are changing their clothes (couldn't they keep the costumes?  Aww.)  The rest of the teams finally arrive - Big Brother, the Special Agents and Kerri & Stacey - all grab a gnome and Jamie & Nary are styling a beard - BB Rachel says she doesn't even know what a beard is...(gah!) they are going to do the gingerbread - and Kerri & Stacy also decide to do the gingerbread.
-Mark & Bopper - are going to gather some gingerbread and they are going to be yodelling for the rest of the day.

-Major Dave & Blond Rachel successfully finish the beard and head out for the castle (Have fun storming the castle... I couldn't resist - Princess Bride, see it.)  The Guidos get their beard judged and get a "no, no, NO."(I think that was Bavarian for "Oh hell no.")  It is a little sloppy.

-Vanessa & Ralph show up and she starts giving him orders like she knows what she's doing... we shall see.

- Big Brother and the Mississippi girls are driving through the snow looking for the start of the trail to the witch's house.  They totally miss the marked trunk now covered in snow but still with the red & gold swag and they are wandering off in the wrong direction.
- Mark & Bopper get their, go straight to the trunk and get their basket and head on down the trail... hmm.  Hint to Kerri & Stacy, never follow Big Brother.  Bopper picks up all the gingerbread (I hope they restock the trail.)

-Back at the beard task - the Guidos are kicking themselves about choosing the longest beard, they can't get it to stay up like the picture and they are falling behind Vanessa &Ralph who chose a manageable beard.

-Kerri &Stacy and Big Brother have finally found the trunk and the trail and are gathering gingerbread - seem to be working together... for now.

-The Jersey Shore finally gets their beard approved, grudgingly as the special agents arrive.
-Vanessa is being a perfectionist on their beard - Ralph tells her to leave it so they guy can judge it...and they pass, get the next clue and head out.  Vanessa, "Finally, taking forever on my hair paid off."

-Mark & Bopper arrive at the witch's cottage and get started on their gingerbread house - this one would be cold, they are outside having to do this... but they have a great attitude, just get it done.
-Big brother arrive and Rachel is whining instantly, "Why do we always choose the hardest one?"(Because you're stupid... what? It's true.)  She's finding it hard to piece her oddly shaped gingerbread together to complete the roof... sigh.
-Kerri & Stacy are using a fork as a tool to shape their pieces and make them fit together.  (Hey, look, a tool, who would have thought of that?)

-Art & JJ arrive at the castle parking area and take a horse drawn carriage up to the castle.
-Dave & Blond Rachel are lost, he didn't pay attention to the directions and it's now her fault - bicker, bicker.
-Jersey Shore and Ralph & Vanessa arrive at the parking area for the castle (is that even the right castle?) and she doesn't want to walk up - the Guidos take that opportunity to get ahead of them by taking off - Vanessa wants to take the horse & carriage but Ralph is focused on the guys getting ahead of them and wants to hoof it - she doesn't have a choice but to follow, but don't think he won...  Bicker, bicker bicker.

-Jamie & Nary complete their beard and they get the clue to the castle.

-They are all still working on the gingerbread houses - Mark was complimenting the witch, "I told her she was pretty even though she was uglier than a mud rail fence." (whatever that is, must be pretty ugly, cause that witch was really ugly.)  BB Rachel - bad attitude.  Kerri & Stacy say their hands are frozen but they want to be the first out of there.

-Art & JJ get to the castle and head up to the king's bedroom - they get the clue drive themselves to an ice hockey and curling rink to get their next clue.

-Kerri & Stacy are the first team finished the gingerbread house and as they were jumping up and down and go to hug - Kerri head butted Stacy in the face - OUCH! (Ha ha ha!)

-On the way down from the castle, Art & JJ pass the Jersey Shore and the now more than bickering, I'd say full on fighting, Vanessa & Ralph - she's having a temper tantrum, they throw her jacket at each other and she calls him a hot head with no class - "Congratulations, you just made YouTube." (I can't help but think she'd love that.)  Ralph said inside he was enjoying pissing her off... I'm starting to understand why he's been divorced 3 times.

-Jersey Shore gets the clue from the bedroom - Ralph & Vanessa also get the clue, but they are now not talking.

-Mark & Bopper complete their gingerbread house - and BB Rachel is crying because they are now last ... but they finish it as well and head off for the castle.

-Major Dave & Blond Rachel (oh yeah, I forgot about these two) finally get to the parking area of the castle and Dave decides it must be - the wrong castle - (really?  This guy is the worst.)
-Jamie & Nary get there too and also head to the wrong castle - happy to have caught up with Rachel &Dave (oh boy.)  They have to buy tickets for a tour and can't just head straight to the bedroom... (isn't any of that smelling fishy to them?)

-Art & JJ get to the ice rink and get the clue for the Roadblock - Who's ready to put it on ice - JJ is.
-They have to slide the gnome along the ice like a curling stone and get it right on the button - the inner white circle of the rings on the ice.  This could take a while.

-Meanwhile, Dave & Rachel and Nary & Jamie are finally realizing they are not in the right castle - they make track right quick.
-Stacy & Kerri head up to the wrong castle as well but ask someone before going inside and find out it's the other castle.
-Mark & Bopper choose the wrong castle too - but someone directs them over to the other one.
-Shockingly, Big Brother heads up to the right castle.

-JJ proves a good curler and they get the clue for the Pit Stop - a big, old, working farm. 

-Jersey Shore are curling - Danny never thought they'd be curling gnomes today.  He hits the middle and they get the clue to the it Stop.

- Everyone else is hoofing it up the hill to the Sleeping Beauty castle.  Dave & Rachel and Jamie & Nary get the clue and head out.
-Brendon & Rachel get the clue from the bedroom too.

- Vanessa & Ralph get to the ice rink as the Guidos are leaving and Ralph is going to do the task - she tries to make up and he grudgingly kisses her... she says, "It's like shuffle board, with gnomes."
She doesn't clear his shots and he hits one already there but they are both partially in the middle and that's good enough to get the clue.

-The walk up that hill has Kerri & Stacy fighting as well, we can jog this... You can.  Shut up.  Bicker bicker.
-Bopper thought he was going to have a heart attack when he got up to the castle - Mark was telling him to stop trying to be a super hero and take his time - they get the clue and head out.

-At the rink, Nary is curling for the Agents.  Brendon is curling for Big Brother and Blond Rachel is curling for Major Dave.
-Blond Rachel proves to be pretty good and they are the first to get the clue. Dave, "It's like a bar game, you'd have to be good at it."(Wow, this guy is the king of backhanded compliments.)
-Brendon also hits the sweet spot and they head out - putting the pressure on Nary to find the target.

-Kerri & Stacy arrive and Kerri starts curling some gnomes.  Mark & Bopper are there too and Mark has to do it, Bopper was too wiped from the castle climb.  Good thing though, Mark proves a good shot - they finish leaving the ladies very frustrated and still trying to hit the target.
-Kerri is the next one to get it touching the middle and they encourage Nary to hang in there - she's shot over 180 times... finally, one just barely hits the edge of the middle white and they guy gives them the nod... and the clue.
-Kerri & Stacy prove their navigating skills have not improved...

Here's How They Finished:
*Oh man, they have to run through the cow shed - to the mat, that must be... fragrant.
1) Art & JJ - They won a trip to Thailand.  Phil jokingly asks them to withdraw from the race to give the other teams a chance.  If he gives them a cheque for a million dollars, they will.
2) Joey "Fitness" & Danny - #2 will have to do.
3) Vanessa & Ralph - we got into a little bit of a spat... she says they're good at letting things go, but if it happens again, she's just going to kill him. (Yeah, that's not letting it go.)
4) Dave & Rachel - Way to go baby.
5) Brendon & Rachel - he slips at the mat and lands flat on his back - Rachel, "Holy manure!"
6) Mark & Bopper - came back from a speed bump and last place... Woo!
7) Nary & Jamie - YAY!
8) Kerri &Stacy - **ELIMINATED** Stacy hopes she's made her kids proud.  Who knew two girls from wherever would make it this far... we're still awesome.  What's not awesome is that Lee G, Krista H, Sunnie C, Fred/Gary M and Pat T are out of the pool.

Next week: In Azerbaijan, they will go through fire, water and a day at the spa (looks like removing mud baths from people.)  Where is Azerbaijan? 

Have a great week everyone,


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Survivor One World - March 14th Episode Recap

A Bunch of Idiots

The episode briefly recapped how Colton, the horrible, spoiled rich kid got his way last week and Bill was voted out - when the women were actually supposed to go to Tribal Council...

Salani - Day 12
Troyzan comes over to talk to the women who are all hunkered down in their shelter - they asked who's idea it was to give up immunity and he told them, "Colton... but it was a group thing... I don't know."
-The girls are not questioning the divine intervention, they are just grateful the men are more of a mess than they are now and they say they will stick together, 7 strong, no matter what happens.


Before we get to the challenge -Drop your buffs, we're switching tribes. (Ha, Colton, that's what you get for not playing by their rules.)  It will be a random switch, everyone picks an egg and on Jeff's word they will smash them against their bodies, the colour inside will determine their new tribe.
New Salani: Michael, Sabrina, Kat, Jay, Kim, Chelsea and Troyzan
New Manono: Tarzan, Colton, Christina, Alicia, Jonas, Leif and Monica
Kim says the switch could not have gone better for them and Colton says, "No kidding, you got all the muscle."  ('Tis true - these teams do not seem to be very even... age/ability wise - it's the fit, pretty people against the aged misfits.  I think they've made the show worse again - way to go.)

The challenge - the new tribes must work together - a team of four will carry a half barrel/bucket over to the water tower and fill it - then using their fingers, hands, whatever - they must try to plug the holes in the barrel that are leaking out all the water as they carry the barrel back to their container and dump it - first team to fill their container and raise their flag wins reward - Peanut butter, jelly, bread, coffee, sugar, cream (anytime it's food, they all look so happy.)  In addition, the winning tribe wins the right to continue living at the One World beach - losing tribe will be sent to a new beach where they must...create... a

Tribes are even so no one is sitting out - off they go - Manono doesn't do a very good job covering the holes and tries to run the buckets back faster but it doesn't pay off - Salani gets more water back per trip and they raise their flag first - SALANI wins reward and the beach.

Jeff asks Colton for the hard truth on this new division of the tribes - "Well, look at them and look at us, it's like Greek gods v/s the peasants."
Monica doesn't like that - "far from a peasant my friend."
Colton - No, village people. (Ha!)
Manono gets a map to their new world and they all head out.

Salani - Day 12
-Sabrina just wanted to be with Kim... she was very happy that 4 girls from their original 5 girl alliance were still together (I'm sure it's good riddance to Alicia anyway.)

Manono - Day 12
-Colton had the opposite reaction, when he saw Jay and Troy and Kim and Sabrina were all blue and he was orange... well beep.
- Everyone else is trying to be positive - they are sorting through the gear and getting started on building a shelter - and Colton is pouting - not only is he on a tribe with people he doesn't want to be on a tribe with, he's on a tribe with people who suck.  (Ah, tactful as ever...but he's kinda right.  Hopefully he learns how to make lemonade.)
-Alicia feels the same way - "Oh, we're going to be the laughing stock - we're so going to lose."
-Colton admits, as much as he can be an evil person, he knows how to relate to people, charm people, tell them what they want to hear and get them on his side.  He's already showing the 'nice Colton' face to Alicia, Christina and Monica - they pinky promise not to blindside him and swear the four of them are together - but Colton tells us he's just telling the girls what they want to hear to get information... (Yeah, that's not going to blow up in his face.)
-Monica suspects that he could be playing them - and she sees herself as the strongest of the three girls so if Colton is the master manipulator, she could be the first one going home.

Salani - Day 12
-They are huntin'... spearing crabs turns into my favourite of all Survivor battles - that epic battle between man and... chicken!  They out-flank one of our tasty feathered friends and Troy is able to tackle and catch it by the feet.  So they have 4 huge crabs and a chicken.
-Troyzan - It's like the gods said come together and I will provide what you want - it's been wild.

-Jay & Troy are talking strategy to Kim - Jay realizes the men are down numbers on this tribe so he wants to get in with some of the women - they talk of an alliance Troy, Jay, Kim and Chelsea.
-Kim tells the camera that she's wanted to keep her options open, if sticking with the women works out better for her in the long run, she'll stick with the women, but if not, it's Troy and Jay all the way.

Manono - Day 12
-Colton talking to Alicia says he doesn't trust Christina at all and he thinks she should be the first to go, they're better off with Tarzan or Jonas.  Alicia flat out says no - the girls are loyal - that's why you had all that crazy stuff go down.  Leave it as it is.
-Alicia wants to keep all her girls there, but if not possible at least keep her name out of the mix so if a girl does go, it's not her.
-Jonas confronts Colton about his talking to Alicia - Colton assures him he's sticking with the men, he's just telling the girls he's with them.  Jonas, "Don't scam me, bro."  (Bro, no really, I mean it bro... haha - inside joke there.)  Anyway - Jonas tells the camera he can't believe Colton is again doing nothing (except talking to the women) while everyone is working building the shelter - Jonas never thought to play that way but it is genius.  Jonas sees that Colton is running the show on both sides and he'd be dumb to think he wasn't with the women (but he has no idea how to change it... you need to blindside him - start talking to people... but they are all afraid of Colton now too.  Sheesh.)

Salani - Day 14
-Kim is looking for the girls hidden immunity idol - and she finds it!  Right away she tells and shows Chelsea - she's the only one she trusts in the game and she wants to do this together - they whisper and scheme that they can't be seen as a pair, blah, blah blah (I think it's too late for that.)  Kim is riding a wave of everything is going her way this episode... I hope she's not building for a fall.

Manono - Day 14
-The epic battle of man v/s chicken goes the other way for Manono.  They have a trap set and they get one in a crate with chicken wire surrounding it... but as they celebrate catching the chicken, it calmly walks away - there was a hole in the wire... (I don't mean to laugh, but Hahahaha! that was hi-larious.)
-Colton just rolls his eyes - These people suck at Survivor.  We're going to lose every challenge.  He realizes that Christina has no friends and Monica has more power so if they merge, Monica is more of a threat to him - if Christina's still there it doesn't matter.
-Colton goes and talks to Alicia and convinces her that they need to vote Monica first... and then who? Christina... she balks a little but he assures her she only has to believe in him and he can control the guys... Oh, okay, I'm in (WHAT!??  Yeah, that's how long the girls sticking together went.  Oh, Alicia, go talk to Leif... he would so be your 4th.)


Three members of each tribe will try to get a ball in the water and make a basket while the members of the other tribe will try to stop them any way they can... (oh, this one tends to get very physical, very fast... I'm thinking someone from Manono is going home tonight.)
-First tribe to score 3 points/baskets wins immunity.

-It's 3 men against 3 men together - Jay to Michael - Salani leads 1-0
-The second point is harder - Michael has 5 free tries before anyone even reaches him - at one point it throws Leif aside - Leif recovers the ball and almost makes a point but in the end Michael gets Salani's 2nd point.
-No men this time - Monica is able to get Manono on the board. 2-1
-All men the next time - Colton sprints through the water to be the first person to the ball and he nearly drowns holding on to it - when he comes up he screeches, Help Me...(yeah, I laughed) - but it is for naught - Salani gets the ball and the 3rd point.  Salani wins immunity!

Manono - Day 14
- Returning from their defeat and Monica cannot help but toot her own horn - at least it wasn't a shut out... always seeking acknowledgement and praise this woman... (you know, it would be a good idea to maybe be a little humble and keep the target off your back.)
-Alicia says you're going to see an an Oscar worthy performance from Colton and I today, the most epic blindside ever - Monica has no idea she's going home today.
-Colton tells Jonas it's Monica tonight - Jonas is willing to be Colton's b*tch as long as he's not the one going home.
-Alicia tells Christina she thinks it has to be Tarzan tonight - (and they show the poor guy painfully shuffling in the water, no don't bend over... ahh, my eyes - again!)  Christina is in and goes and tells Jonas & Colton they're thinking of voting Tarzan tonight.  Jonas is almost too casual in his acceptance of that idea... at least but up a little show of resistance (Jonas is my guy in the pool - I'm pretty much resigned that I am not winning, again.)
-Colton tells her that was literally what they just said - Monica comes over and they tell her it's got to be Tarzan because they have to start winning.  Monica, "As long as it's not me." (sigh)
-Monica thinks the men have lost sight of the numbers and the fact they're willing to get rid of one of their own is great for her... (uh, this chick is so conceited that she couldn't even fathom they'd want to vote her out... I think that's what it is.)
-Jonas tells Leif, with Christina right there, that they are voting out Tarzan (wink).  I think he got it... but Jonas tells the camera he doesn't really trust Leif after the Bill fiasco.
-Colton tells Leif and Tarzan that they are voting out Monica tonight - she is the head of the snake and Alicia is voting with us in case you don't - Tarzan - who is that again??
-Colton tells the camera that Tarzan is liking having a grandpa with Alzheimer's on the tribe - he has to remind him 87 times or he'll forget - they show him again saying, "It's Monica tonight."  Tarzan, "Hold on, oh, okay."   Colton, I have to keep telling him or he might write down Jenny or something.
-Colton says, "It's really hard being the leader of a bunch of idiots, really, it's so difficult." (oh man.)


Jonas, what was your reaction to this new Manono tribe?
-Well, the odds were not stacked in our favour, let's put it that way.
Monica, give me your input on this new tribe.
-Well, breaking up was hard to do, we'd gotten close - the girls - but it's turned out to be a blessing.  The beach is better, the food is plentiful and we're playing like a team, I think. (She looks around for agreement from everyone.)
(Colton's face doesn't agree.)
Colton, do you like Monica's positive attitude?
-I mean, yeah.  If she thinks she can turn this sinking ship around, by all means, take the wheel.  Yeah, we need Monica.  (Alicia looks like she's biting her inner lip not to laugh.)
Alicia, is it possible Monica could be what this tribe needs?  (Monica preens at that.)
-Monica is definitely an awesome person and a super mom... she's very competitive and very athletic and she can kick some *ss (holy, don't spread it on too thick.)
I smell a 'but' coming... (well, they aren't bathing very well out there... ha ;))
-She can be seen as a threat - that's the but.
Monica - That's the but... but to say I'm a threat, it's more like I'm trying to help the team (again she looks around for confirmation from everyone.) But I can see why you'd think that [because I'm awesome.]
And then Leif, out of no where, throws his two cents in : But, she's one of the most.. hardest... working women I've ever seen {awkward laugh} (he sounded like Beavis - just shut up.)
Monica - Thank you, that makes me feel happy.
Tarzan, what do you make of this new tribe?  Was it good news for you?
(This should be good.)  My first thought was to drop my assertiveness to one of the lode-stars that is another member of this tribe (uh, what?) who would then lead the first few days of this new tribe.
Jeff wants to interpret that - sees it like a game: one of the lode-stars that is another member of this group... that would be... ?
Tarzan - I shant say as the game is afoot. (When did he become Elizabethan?)
Jeff is impressed with Tarzan's vocabulary.  Asks Leif if it's hard to talk to Tarzan because of how he talks and Leif pretty much shows he's not up to the task - "he can better explanate" 
Tarzan provides the work for making up a word that sounds like the word you meant to say - I have no idea what he said... How bout we vote now Jeff....
Jeff tries to get some information out of Tarzan about his background but again, "The game is afoot, Jeff."  The rest of the tribe start filling in - he has 14 pets, he's a medic (I think he's actually a plastic surgeon, Monica and he should talk after the show, those boobs, not so good) has a wife named Terri and he has nominal aphasia - meaning he can't remember people's names (One vote for Jenny, here we come.)  They test him on the names of his tribe mates... he gets everyone but stumbles on Monica and then blanks on Jonas (yeah, but he's actually easy to forget.)

Time to vote:  Colton mouths to Tarzan, "Do you remember what to do?" And he gets crazy old man head snap (that's not reassuring.)

Tallying the votes:
Tarzan - 1, 2
Monica - 1, 2, Alicia looks guilty, 3, Christina & Monica turn accusingly to Colton, 4 ... and MONICA is the 5th person voted out this season.  "Wow," she says.  Christina, "What the...?"
And with Monica leaving tonight, Alexis Gronlund, Ian Gariepy, and Shelley Aven are out of the pool.

Jeff says you admit you're out matched but then vote out your strongest player - interesting strategy.

Next week: Colton focuses his evil on Christina and may break her... someone else is injured or medically unable to continue in the game.

Monica's final thoughts:  extremely disappointed, she west there to win - dumbest thing she could have done was trust Colton.  She blames herself for being outwitted.  (And there you go.)

Have a great rest of the week everyone,


Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Amazing Race 20 - March 11, 2012 Episode Recap

Taste Your Salami (Turin, Italy)

The fourth leg started on the stairs where they Pit Stopped last leg - Art & JJ are the first out at 5:10pm and I'm sure all the teams will be happy to learn they are leaving Paraguay (since the last leg was so tough) for Turin, Italy.  Once they arrive in Turin, Italy's motor city, they must drive themselves to the Lingotto building to find their next clue.
-Art & JJ head to a travel agency to book tickets and they find out the first flight out is at 9:15am the next day and they will arrive in Italy at 10:35am the following day (Ouch!)  Art & JJ feel they are the team to beat, having the intellect and the strength for the Race, but they're not too happy to learn that all the teams will likely be on the same flight and the mad scramble will continue again in Italy. (That's the way this game works.)
-2nd team to depart is Big Brother, Rachel and Brendon - at 9:59pm (wow, Art & JJ killed the last leg) - they are planning a wedding and maybe the Race is a preview of the honeymoon (only if you win the million dollars and can afford to do it on your own.)
-3rd team out are the Jersey Shore - all they know about Paraguay is the girls are hot as h*ll (shaking my head) but so are Italian girls, they're not picky. (Oh, boys.)
-Mark & Bopper, 10:08pm - "Italy! We're goin' somewheres tropical!" I laugh until Bopper makes it real - he's got a daughter with respiratory health issues and he's running the race for her, to try and improve her life (aww).
-They all start heading out one after the other and everyone is heading to the travel agency except Mark & Bopper who are ogling women while stuck in traffic heading to the airport... all the other teams at the travel agency are wondering where the Kentucky boys got to...
-At the airport Mark & Bopper run into Art & JJ at the food court - they ask what flight they got on and they say they're fixing to get tickets right now - Art & JJ tell them they were supposed to do that first - they have to go all the way back to the travel agency then come back to the airport.  (Oh no, never share your sad story, it's bad luck :))
-Meanwhile Vanessa & Ralph, the last team, are heading out at 12:15am - they get to the travel agency and are told the flight might be full - Vanessa takes that opportunity to make fun of BB Rachel's sparkly top (really? You're hoping this leg goes better, stop with the bad juju.)
-Mark & Bopper are on their way back to the travel agency hoping there are tickets left for them... at different agencies - Vanessa & Ralph get tickets on the flight arriving in Turin at 10:35am and Mark & Bopper get tickets arriving at 11:50am (Oh no!) unaware they're on a different flight, Bopper is still stoked to be "goin' It-ly."
-Next morning when the teams are all together waiting to get on the connecting flight, Mark & Bopper realize they are on a later flight and try to get standby tickets - but the flight is full and they are SOL - stuck 1:15 minutes behind.

-The first flight lands in Turin and everyone is driving themselves to get the next clue - they are having American problems - no street signs, everyone going every direction... BB Rachel, "I understand why everyone hates Americans, we're idiots." (hahaha)  And the Guidos, of course, it's all about women - one of them used to date an Italian girl so he doesn't trust them, the other has an Italian girlfriend and he does trust them (Oh, so glad a whole country full of women have been redeemed - ugh.)
-Army Dave is backseat driving and so testy that Rachel pulls over and makes him drive (oh, that's going to be trouble.)
-Mississippi girls have trouble getting out of the airport and have to change drivers - Kerri doesn't drive stick very well.  They have lost the group.

-Art & JJ are the first team to arrive at Lingotto Fierre just ahead of BB Rachel & Brendon - they start running up a big looping ramp (it's alike a big parking structure).  All the rest of the teams start arriving and are not excited about the run up the ramp - Art & JJ get to the top and get the clue to the Fast Forward - Land a Helicopter.  One team member must pilot a remote controlled helicopter while the other team member wears a model of the building on his head - once they land the helicopter perfectly on the building, they'll get the Fast Forward and can proceed directly to the Pit Stop.  Art & JJ are going to go for it.
-The other choice is the Roadblock - Rappel 120ft down the inside of the spiral section of the Lingatto building (where they just ran up the ramp to the roof) and on the way down grab a clue suspended from ropes.  If they are not able to grab a clue in the 2 minutes allotted they must go back up and try again (oof).  All the other teams are doing the Roadblock.

-At the Fast Forward - Art & JJ are disappointed to find out it's not a real helicopter - models, what the heck!  Art apparently isn't that good with the remote control toys - and JJ just keep still - sheesh.

-BB Rachel and Danny/Guido are rappelling - they both get a clue no problem - (except for the wedgie) - the clue tells them to head to the National Automobile museum and they must park using the Ford Focus' automatic park feature (yeah, the whole episode is a Ford commercial) then go into the museum and find the 1916 Tin Lizzy, which has their next clue on the seat. (It's a little box, what's in there?)

-Kerri & Stacy still haven't found the Lingotto building - driving around Turin.
-Mark & Bopper finally arrive in Italy.  Mark, "Italy, that's all the Italian I know." And they're driving to the Lingatto building.

-Army Dave & Rachel get the clues to the Fast Forward and the Roadblock and figuring someone's already doing the FF have decided she's going to rappel.  While she's getting suited up he reads that the FF is landing a helicopter, and being a helicopter pilot Dave wants to go do it but Rachel asks if he's ever flown a hand held helicopter?
-You don't know if that's what it is.
-What, they're going to get you to fly a real helicopter?
-If that's your attitude, I'll just meet you down there... he stalks off in a huff - yeah, these two both have poopy diapers this leg.

-They show Art & JJ - JJ's trying to put his head under the helicopter - things are not going well.

-Back at the rappel - Vanessa is stalled at the clue - she can't reach it and her 2 minutes elapsed - she has to go down to the bottom - run back up and try again.
-Meanwhile Army Dave is hoping Rachel improves her demeanor or this is going to be a long leg - (Uh, I seem to remember him starting with the attitude in the car, or was that just me?)
-Agent Jamie stalls out too and she has to start over again.
-Rachel saw what happened to the other two and she gets a swing going so she can grab her clue no problem - does she get praise from hubby - nope, "Hurry up, we're ahead now." (I love you too dear.)

-At the Automobile Museum, it's Ford commercial time as Big Brother uses active assist to park the car - Oh, hold on, they're going to fight first. 
-The Guidos get there and successfully let the car park itself (if these two can do it, what's Brendon's problem?)  They are the first team into the museum and they start looking for the old car.
-Rachel is screeching at Brendon that he's embarrassing and can't treat her that way (huh?) and he turtles, Babe, I'm sorry.  There is talk of quitting the race - but alas, that's not going to happen (how can they remain on TV if they quit.)

-JJ is losing his patience with the helicopter thing - "Do you think you can do it in the next 1/2 hour?" Art, "Eventually." (Hmm, that's not a yes.)

-Vanessa and Jamie are trying the rappelling again and they both get a swing going this time and get the clues.  Ralph goes in to kiss Vanessa and bumps her nose, "That was the face.  Do you know how much this nose cost?" (Oh yeah, I have the feeling she can be quite the princess that one.)
-They hope Art & JJ don't get the FF - but cut to... Art finally landing the helicopter on JJ's head! Yay!  White-guy high five (meaning they missed.)  They get the FF and the clue to head to the Pit Stop - Piazza Castello.

-Kerri & Stacy finally arrive at the Lingotto building.
-Mark & Bopper are still looking for the Lingotto Building.

-Guidos are still looking for the Tin Lizzy in the Museum, Rachel & Brendon are still just fighting.

-Army Dave & Rachel, Vanessa & Ralph and the Faux Teacher/agents see a huge group of Santa Claus' (ah, must have been taping in December) and they all get the car to park itself - Go Ford!

-Oh look - Stacey, the girl that is terrified of heights, is doing the rappelling for them - I'm starting to suspect that these two are not very good at this.  Stacy comes down swinging and she gets the clue first shot - she was determined to redeem herself and not cry this time.  She did great, and they head to the museum.

-Bopper gets out of the car and asks someone where the Lingui-toe building is - the guy tells them the Lingotto building is... blah blah - yeah, they have no idea what he said.  "They don't speak no English over here."

-Rachel & Brendon are the first team to find the Tin Lizzy and they get the next clue - it looks like a penny in the box - it's a 2 euro coin imprinted with, what they need to figure out is, their next destination - the Mole Antoneliano (cool old building with a tall spire.)  Once there they must ride the elevator all the way to the top and search for their next clue.
-Brendon & Rachel think they have to use the coin in a slot or machine, possibly to car, to release their next clue... uh huh.  Apparently Brendon is really well educated... but not necessarily really smart.

-The rest of the teams are starting to find the coins and figure out they need to go to the place on the coin - Army Dave & Rachel ask one of the Santas on the street and they head out.  The Jersey Shore, the Agents, Vanessa & Ralph all head out.

-Brendon & Rachel are still in the museum trying to figure out where to put the coin - and they realize everyone else is leaving - oh, let's go see if the cars are gone - and they are - these two are stymied now, what do we do?  He again mentions quitting and she lashes out at him and calls their marriage into question - (Wow, over-react much?  How can he stand that?)

-Army Dave and Rachel start fighting again in the car - he's not following the directions they got from the Santa and she's telling him he has to stop thinking he knows better and follow the directions - bicker, bicker, fight! (It's a very dramatic episode so far.)

-Brendon finally thinks, hey, maybe they went to the building on the coin - she pouty-whines they should just go there and stop embarrassing themselves - He just needs to actually do the thinking and stop looking for her approval on everything - Gosh!

-Kerri & Stacy get to the museum - Ford commercial - Got to get me a Ford Focus.  They head in to look for the Tin Lizzy.

-Mark & Bopper get to the Lingatto building finally and Bopper is boppin' down the rope - it's not pretty but he gets it done and they're heading to the museum.

-The Guidos are the first team to find the Mole-whatever building - they get in the glass elevator and marvel at the beautiful building and flirt with the female elevator operator - she's not impressed (hah!)

-Army Dave & Rachel arrive and he says they have to remedy this (meaning her attitude) she says, "Fine, shut up then."

-Guidos get the clue to the Detour - Clean that Statue or Name that Salami.
-In Clean that Statue - using the tools provided - brushes and power washer - they must clean a statue - once it's pristine, they'll get their next clue.
-In Name that Salami - they must find the designated salami store, sample 14 distinct salamis then travel 1/2 mile by foot to the market and correctly identify the salamis for sale by their correct names - once they get them all right, they'll get their next clue.
(I would be cleaning the statue - absolutely.)  The Guidos agree.

-Dave & Rachel marvel at the sight going up the elevator but once they have the clue he's impatient with her opening the clue and it starts again, Really?  (He's kinda a jerk.)  They defer the salami, Dave, "That's just too much meat for us to handle." (That's what she said.)

-Ralph gets extra sponsor points for using the park assist again at the tower - Jamie & Nary are going to clean the statues.  Vanessa says she hasn't had that much salami since high school (gross) - they decide to clean the statues.
-Brendon says this experience is not worth a million dollars if she doesn't want to be with him because of it... whatever - these two make me sick.  She's whiny/crying and they pass their nemesis team (Vanessa & Ralph) who are ecstatic to be ahead of them now.  Vanessa, "I bet they eat the salami) and she's right, Big Brother is going for the salami (could be they just want to avoid "the Ogre and the Triflin' Ho.')

-Everyone is trying to find the statue cleaning task and no one can find it - they're debating changing.
-Brendon & Rachel are sampling them some salami- Rachel, "I know it's on pizza and I like pizza." (oh, just stop talking.)

-As Kerri & Stacy are leaving the museum with their coin they see and are seen by Mark & Bopper - gives the Kentucky boys hope that they've caught up to another team.

-The teams start arriving at the statue place and Blond Rachel nearly knocks their statue's head off with the power washer - yeah, he takes that away from her.
-Ralph actually does shoot the head off their statue (they've set them up for that) so they have to fix it as well as clean it.
-The Jersey Shore are cracking wise about feeling like they should have taken her out for dinner before scrubbing her like they are...(they are so slimy.)
-Army Dave & Rachel - bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Nary & Jamie - shoot the head off their statue.  Vanessa, "Yeah, that happens."

-Brendon & Rachel are naming salamis - they get about 4 or 5 right but then it all breaks down and they have to head back to the shop to taste & get the names down again.

-Kerri & Stacy have gotten the Detour clue and they are going to Name that Salami.

-Mark & Bopper get the coin from the car at the museum - We done good.

-Army Dave & Rachel are the first team to finish cleaning the statue and they get the clue to the Pit Stop.  Jersey Shore bonds with the statue guy over checking out the statues butt, Vanessa & Ralph finish polishing the head... the sexual innuendo abounds in Italy it seems.

-Brendon & Rachel say all the salami is starting to look and taste alike, they don't even know which one's they had right the first time... (Uh oh.)  Kerri & Stacy show up at the salami store and Rachel starts to meltdown "I can't do this anymore."  Blubber, whine, cry... and he again announces they are done, "we're out of the amazing race."  (Yeah, yeah, promises, promises.)

-Mark & Bopper get the clue to the Detour - and they are cleaning a statue.  They enjoyed it, but it sucks coming in last.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Art & JJ - Phil tells them they've won $5000 each!   JJ acknowledges the race is gnarly, takes you to the highs and lows very rapidly - but they still want to keep their string of first place finishes going. (They finished half way through the episode.)
2) Rachel & Dave - complete and utter failure from his vantage point (seriously dude? You came in second!  Oh, I think he means their communication - okay, got to give him that.)  Rachel & I can only improve from this point.
3) Joey Fitness & Danny - Alright.
4) Vanessa & Ralph - Yeah
5) Nary & Jamie - who?  Oh yeah, the agents are very under the radar so far.
6) Brendon & Rachel - they rebounded of course, best friends make up (gag me.)
7) Kerri & Stacy - better hold on tight, you are still in the race.
8) Mark & Bopper - they are the last team to arrive... Phil gets Bopper crying, talking about his daughter and he brings Art & JJ out, they have decided to split their $10,000 with them for his daughter - awwww... and Phil's not done - for the first time ever, I'm so glad to hear this was a NON-ELIMINATION round - I think the show would be so much less fun without the Kentucky boys!

Next week - the weather outside is frightful as they head to Bavaria - they have to style a champion beard (awesome) and Bopper & Mark yodel with an Oompah band.

Have a great week everyone,
