Sunday, September 30, 2012

Amazing Race 21 - Sept 30th Premiere episode recap

Double Your Money

The starting line for this season is in Pasadena, CA.  The eleven teams arrive via tricked out hippy school bus and we meet them:

Trey & Lexi: From Astin TX, he was a football player, she was a cheerleader and they are very "traditional" meaning no living together until they are married - She hopes to win so she will finally get a ring on her finger (I bet he has other reasons for wanting to win... naughty.)

Natalie & Nadiya - twins - born in NY and raised in Sri Lanka - they were finishing each others sentences - that could be fun.  They apparently like to trade places - taking each other's exams, one broke up with the other's high school boyfriend and he didn't even know.

James & Abba? - Rock star and lawyer from LA.  One started with White Lion then played with Megadeath - the other is a lawyer specializing in entertainment law.  They have travelled the world touring and are comfortable be uncomfortable - they are going to Rock the Race.

Josh & Brent - Goat farmers from NY - they both had great jobs in the city but lost them within 6mos of each other so they had to make their goat farm pay.  Now they run a goat dairy and like they made farming fabulous they are going to make the race fabulous.

Amy & Daniel - Dating on & off for 10yrs from Co.  She lost both her legs to bacterial meningitis at 19 but has gone on to become one of the highest ranked adjusted snow boarders in the US.  He is inspired by her everyday.

Caitlin & Brittany - barbie dolls from the mid-west.  One played soccer, the other basketball and were often penalized - oh, mean girls then.  Trying to come off as tough and competitive but the proof will be in their performance.

Rob & Sheila - engaged couple from Tennessee - he is a professional lumberjack and she gave up a career in cosmetic sales to move for him and tells us he is the boss in the relationship and has taken over the planning of their wedding.  "I just hope he picks me out a cute dress."  (WHAT?  I may have an issue with this couple already.)

Gary & Will - substitute teachers and best friends for 35yrs.  They have applied for the race 7 times, stating they are the biggest fans of the race by far.  Will is 5ft1" and Gary is 6ft6"... no wonder Will looks like a little person.

Abbie & Ryan - dating divorcees from San Diego - she is a dance instructor and he is a martial arts expert (jujitsu) so he thinks physically they are one up.  He wants world domination, he wants to be bowed down to (oh sweet jebus.)

Jaymes & James - Chippendales performers from Las Vegas -  quick to point out they don't have sweaty singles in their g-strings - they perform in a production show, singing and playing guitar.  In order to succeed in the race they are not above slapping on the cuffs & collar to draw attention.  It says I'm here to party but I want to be formal.

Rob & Kelley - married monster truckers fro Ga.  They both drive  -the other teams may think he's an arrogant ass or they are going to love him (uh oh, that doesn't bode well) but he's sure they are going to win this race.

Phil finally welcomes them to the Amazing Race - there are 12 legs on the race which will take them through 9 countries.  There will be a lot of surprises and the first one is they will have the opportunity to double their money - if a team wins the first leg and the last leg, they will win 2 million dollars.
The action starts when Phil says go but standing between the teams and their first clue - is a 10 storey rappel off the bridge they are all standing on... whoa, that's new too!
Good luck, travel safe & GO!

They run down to the rappelling stations and get suited up - Trey & Lexi are the first team over the side followed closely by the barbie dolls but it's goat farmers Josh & Brent who make it down first (I don't know if they weren't sure how to use the equipment or if they really are just fearless cause they let that rope go and sailed down really quickly)  The first wave all make it down, get unharnessed and   run for their packs - the Chippendales are skilled at unharnessing and are the first to the clue - they learn they are heading for Shanghai, China.

More teams are rappelling their way down from the bridge - super fan Gary is not sure if he can do it and snaps at little Will... but once off the bridge apologizes.   The lumberjack and the twins are the last two teams to start the rappel and are still on the ropes when the first teams start leaving for the airport.

In the cars, a recorded message from Phil tells them they can only travel by one of two specified flights China Airlines flight that lands at 10:50am or Eva Air flight scheduled to land at 12:05pm.
Only the first 7 teams to check in at the China Airlines counter will get tickets on the first flight.

First flight: Chippendales James & Jaymes, Barbie dolls Caitlin & Brittany, Rockers James & Abba, Double amputee Amy & Daniel,  Divorcees Abbie & Ryan... then three teams were running for the counter - the twins, monster truckers and goat farmers  - the lady monster trucker cut in front of goat farmer Josh and he let her go by - much to Brent's dismay and he made it known.  "We're #8 right now, you messed up." Josh, "Are you going to be like this all the way to China?"  (I agree, his snooty poopy-pants attitude is not fun.)
On the second flight: Goat farmers Brent & Josh, Trey & Lexi, Rob & Sheila and Gary & Will.  When they land they must proceed by taxi to a stadium to get their next clue.

First team lands and they all convoy in their taxis to the stadium - the Chippendales complain about how hot it is (just think, you don't have to oil yourselves up, it's natural glow in China :)
At the Stadium they get the clue for the ROADBLOCK: Who's ready to get paddled?
-The Roadblock requires one team member to play table tennis against a Chinese junior champion who simply hates losing.  The teams must score one point against the formidable opponent or wait until the next time she comes around - because the champion will go from table to table using different household items instead of her paddle - like a clipboard, a frying pan, a tambourine... (haha, this should be fun-ish.)
As the teams are deciding who's going to do the challenge I realized they may have an issue with the twins since they already admitted at the beginning they impersonate each other all the time... one of them could do all the Roadblocks - how will they know? 
The monster truckers are the only team that couldn't find the cluebox - everyone else heads inside the Stadium and they see the little girl they're playing - no problem they all say... until no one can get a point (yes, she's really good and they are not)... Abbie is the first person to score a point by default as the champion hit it off the table by accident - she's probably started to throw them some bones or they'll be there all day.

Abbie & Ryan get the clue to make their way to a restaurant (eek, what are they going to make them eat?) to get the next clue.

Rockers are the next ones to get a clue, the same way, poor kid has to use crazy household items - and they got a cab before Abbie & Ryan... huge.

The monster truckers finally find the cluebox and Rob is grouchy - making Kelley do the task.

The twin that is playing ping pong keeps trying to play hard - just let her make the mistake - nope.  Champion girl is now playing with a frying pan and overshoots for Caitlin & Brittany moving them on to the restaurant too - Nadiya is yelling at Natalie (twins) "You should have let me do this one - everyone is leaving..." (Wow, way to be supportive sister dear).  Finally, Natalie gets the point and Kelley soon after (as the poor kid is trying to play with a clue envelope as her paddle) and everyone is on the way to the restaurant.

At the restaurant the Rockers get the clue to the 2nd ROADBLOCK - Who wants to go tubing?  The  team member that didn't do the ping pong must eat a traditional dessert of frog fallopian tubes (seriously? Ugh.) It's served in two hollowed out papaya... and they have to eat all the tubes with chopsticks to get the next clue - they cannot pick up the papaya or use their hands. (That looks so gross.)  Abba is the first one done - Ryan is having a hard time choking it down (Oh, I hope there is no vomit... I don't want to see it twice.) 
- The Rockers read the clue and it tells them to make their was to the Bund (looks like the waterfront boardwalk) and find the woman using an abacus.
-Ryan is finishing his dessert and double-amputee Amy is tucking into hers...

And the 2nd flight arrives... they all jump in their cabs and the goat farmers feel they have no chance of catching up if they have to do something athletic (oh, wait until they are eating frog guts.)

Speaking of... the Chippendale guy shovels in a huge mouthful then does a spit take all over the table - ugh - says it's like warm jello - he sucks up the rest in the papayas then has to suck up the stuff he spit all over the table - (god).  Poor Brittany beside him is trying to hold her nose as she eats... I'm just waiting for the vomitorium to begin.  But they all finish and head out.  Brittany & Caitlin have no idea what an a-back-us is. (sigh.)
The twins arrive and I'm coming to realize these two are really loud and grating - Nadiya is trying to suck down the guts while Natalie is starting a "Twin-ny, twin-ny" chant through the restaurant (how obnoxious.)

Back at ping pong palace - Trey is the first person from the second flight to step up and he gets a point the first time (oh yeah, that little girl is overshooting on purpose at this point I'm pretty sure.)
Lexi of course thinks he's just the greatest at ping pong.   Off they go to the restaurant.

At the Bund - the Rockers walk right by the woman using the abacus... calling out "abacus?" Haha.
Abbie & Ryan also get to the Bund but haven't come across the woman yet.  Ryan,"Why isn't she using a calculator?" (Are they trying to paint him as the ugly American?)

Ping Pong - Lumberjack Rob gets a point against the little girl with a frying pan.

Frog Guts - The twins are Sri Lankan dancing and they have the whole restaurant on their feet cheering Nadiya on - they get the next clue and head out to cheers while Monster trucker Rob sits down to eat... an obviously he didn't read the clue because he just picks the papaya up and tries to pour it down his gullet - most of it slides right back out his mouth.

Ping Pong - Tall Gary gets a point against the little girl with the clipboard.
Josh & Brent are the last team to arrive and Josh is playing the little girl who just gives him a point - might as well call like I see it.  He's so excited - I won a sporting event - I've never won a sporting event. (Ha, hate to burst your bubble, but she let you win.)

Frog Guts - Rob finishes eating all the fallopian tubes and is big talking, "That's how it's done!" but they won't give him the clue... they finally read the whole clue that tells them they cannot use their hands - which means, Gary is eating again. (Oh God!)  He says he can't do two more... but he has no choice.  Kelley, "we will make sure to read everything from now on." (Not so bright these two.)

Bund - Chippendales start walking around, "Abacus?  Anyone see a lady with an abacus?"

Frog Guts - Trey & Lexi read the clue and she finds out she's eating frog fallopian tubes... just as Rob finishes his second helping (I see some puking in his future.)

Bund - Amy (double amputee) & Daniel are the first team to find the lady with the abacus and she hands them the clue to the Pit Stop - the Bund Signal Tower/Observatory.  They have to make their way on foot to find Phil at the Observatory. 

As Amy & Daniel are asking a local to show them a picture of the signal tower on his smart phone, Abbie & Ryan and Caitlin & Brittany ask them if they found the abacus and where it is... and they tell them (wow, that was nice - it could cost them 2 million dollars but I guess this early they're not thinking cut throat yet.)

Amy & Daniel are running to the signal tower - he's carrying both their packs and she has to slow to a walk - when Abbie & Ryan run to pass them - (Are you kidding me?  What jerks. See, being nice does not serve you when the chance of 2 million dollars is on the line.)

Brittany & Caitlin are finally told where the signal tower is and they take off running - the Chippendales see them and, thinking they're heading for the abacus woman, follow them... but when they see Phil they turn around (at least they know where they need to go after they find the woman.)

Frog guts - Lexi is choking down the last of the frog guts as the lumberjack's lady reads that she has to eat frog lady parts... he says they taste great, let's go.  She does not look like they taste great.

Bund - the Rockers are in a store now... oh guys, you're so off course. 
The twins get there and find the abacus lady right away... as they are heading for the signal tower they see the monster truckers - Rob asks them if they found the abacus and they say no, have you?  (See Amy & Daniel, that's how it's done!)

Frog Guts - Sheila finishes the 'treat' and Rob reads the clue they are looking for a woman with abasket...?  (I just realized the lumberjack and the monster trucker are both named Rob... three James', two Robs an Abbie & an Amy - what are they trying to do to me?)
-Big Gary &  Lil Will have arrived and Will is slurping up frog guts.  He does great and everyone in the restaurant is cheering all of them now - He said he felt like a rock star. (Ha, that's awesome, I guess they could thank the twins for stirring up the crowd for them all.)

-Lumberjack & Sheila don't know what the Bund is or an abacus - it looks like they ask at a nearby business that sends them to the Bank of China... uh oh.

-Brent is the last guy to have to dine on the fallopian tubes - he doesn't seem to perturbed by it, they try to eat everything snout to tail on the farm so maybe they'll look at getting some frogs now that he knows how good they are (ew.)  Oh, white guy high 5's all round.

Bund - Monster truckers find the abacus woman.
Rockers finally find the woman with the abacus.
Brent & Josh get to the Bund and a woman tells them right away where the abacus lady is (lucky!)
-The Chippendales still haven't found her.  Blond James tells us how his Dad is fighting cancer and still having to work 50hrs a week - he wants to win so he can stay home and recuperate.
-Lumberjack & Sheila, she asks someone if they've seen a woman with an albakross and luckily a guy directed them to the right place.  They are right beside her and they still didn't see her.
-Gary & Will get there and see Rob & Sheila walk right by her - they are not saying anything. Tall Gary sees the tower with the light on it in the distance and they head for the signal tower.  They walk past the Chippendales who ask if they found the lady and Will says they didn't see anything up there... (I'm feeling a little bad for the Chippendales at this point.) Gary & Will say they have learned being super fans that they have to weed out the strongest teams - I don't care if they are the nicest guys in the world, they're between us and a million dollars.

Trey & Lexi are directed to the lady, Lumberjack & Sheila follow them and also get the clue... Trey & Lexi pass the Chippendales and tell them where to find the abacus lady (finally)... and it comes down to a foot race between the Lumberjack & his Lady and the Chippendales.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Abbie & Ryan - they have won the chance to win $2million if they can finish first at the end (but I dislike them now.  I guess I shouldn't blame them, but I do.)
2) Amy & Daniel - she is crying and says, "we told you where it was..." (you can tell Abbie feels bad) Daniel says they could have not told them and walked up there easily but that's not the type of people they are. (Hopefully that learned ya to be a little more competitive - most of these people will do anything to win.)
3) Brittany & Caitlin - team #3
4) Natalie & Nadiya - they whine because they wanted to be #1
5) Rob & Kelley - so excited to be team #5
6) James & Abba - Oof... they were the first one's to the Bund, that hurts.
7) Brent & Josh - wow, that is the shocking placement for me - I thought they were goners.
8) Gary & Will - Oh thank god.
9) Trey & Lexi - she can't believe how close to last they are - Gary is Mr. Positive - You're still in it.
10) Chippendales James & Jaymes - just say 10...
11) Rob & Sheila - ***ELIMINATED*** That's tough to take.  It was a hard way to lose but Sheila was glad her fear of them having conflicts during the Race wasn't realized.  She says, she's glad she chose him to go on the Race with - he cuts her off and says, "You didn't choose me, I chose you." (I'm thinking if they went another leg, there would have been conflict.)

So, with Rob & Sheila go Janine S, Miranne D, Kelvin H, Susan N and Esther B. (It's always hard being the first out.)

And so it's begun!  They show clips from the upcoming season, there will be thrills, spills and synchronized swimming?  Can't wait!

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Sep 26/12 Episode Recap

Don't Be Blinded by the Headlights

They did a quick recap of last week, reminded us how Russell's highhanded ways nearly got him booted but Zane's dumbassery, in throwing himself under the bus, saved "Not the Leader" from being the first one out.

This episode opened at:

Matsing (Blue) - Tribe 1 - Night 3

Returning from Tribal Council, Russell thanks them for not voting him out.  Then he gives the camera the same speech we heard last week - he's not going to be the chief, he's going to let the tribe rise and fall based on their own decisions so it will be someone else's head on the chopping block. (Uh huh, we'll see if that even lasts until morning.)

Next we see the tribe trying to sleep.  Cute, little blond, Angie is cold and cuddles up to long-haired 'Samson' Malcolm.  He seems quite okay with that.  She tells the camera it was only because she was cold - he tells the camera that he's trying not to be "booty-blind"ed by Angie - but he does find her quite attractive.
Roxy, the seminary student, wakes up to the cuddling and is disgusted that the seemingly smart Malcolm is falling for the honey-trap.  Now they are dangerous as a couple and she says one of them has to go. Period.
(At this point they are all awake and huddled in a corner trying to escape the rain. That does not look like fun.)

Tandang (Yellow) - Tribe 3 - Day 4

The weather is still horrible and this tribe still doesn't have fire so everything is wet.  Worried about the rice getting moldy, RC sticks her hand in the bag and immediately finds the clue to the hidden immunity idol.  Lisa Welchel was looking right over her shoulder but RC thinks she didn't give anything away (maybe if you put some clothes on you'd have a place to hide the clue... sheesh, it's rainy and miserable and she's in a bra and panties - you can't tell me that's a bikini, it's a bra people.)
But I digress, Lisa leaves and Abi (the blond Brazilian) catches RC trying to hide the clue so RC tells Abi she found the clue and they scurry off to read it together.  They agree to keep it just between them and them each tells the camera they hope they can trust the other.

Next thing you know, Abi is all crazy paranoid, watching RC talk to Mike, worried she and Mike are too close, conspiring against her... she confronts RC and tells her point blank she doesn't like how close she is with Mike.  RC says Mike's like her Dad (Really? In 4 days? Whoa.)  Abi tells her it doesn't matter if she likes Mike, this is a game. (Uh, yeah, it's a game and she is playing it, you on the other hand are showing everyone your cards, way to go crazy.)  They go back and forth a bit then Abi tells her, "If you bleep with me you're dead." (Yeah, that's going to make her want to stay with you to the end.  Unbelievable.)

Kalabaw (Red) - Tribe 2 - Day 4

Jeff - baseball guy - is glad of the rain that's keeping them in the shelter so he can rest his knee.  They decide to play checkers but making a board in the dirt and using rocks & leaves as pieces.
Jonathan is frustrated by the rain because he knows that the hidden immunity idol is right in camp but he can't look for it because he can't get the rest of the tribe out of the shelter.
-Finally they can't stand the rain anymore and decide to head to a nearby cave to build a fire and get dry.  Jonathan says he's going to stay behind and go for a dip since he's soaked anyway - and the second they leave, he's searching the camp - high, low, under their sleeping platform... when Dawson comes back into camp to get the flint (or something) and asks him what he's looking for.  Fast on his feet, Jonathan says his contact washed out and he couldn't find his glasses... He also can't find the idol.  Then, a light bulb goes off... if he read the clue exactly where he found it, at the rice basket, there is a medallion on top of the basket with a bull on it with a prominent nose... he runs back to the rice, pries off the medallion and there you have it, the hidden immunity idol. 
-He nearly gets teary again, in three tries at this game, he finally has a hidden immunity idol.  He knows it's not a guarantee but he hopes to use it to his advantage.

Matsing - Blue - Day 5

It's daybreak, Roxy is all bent out of shape that Angie and Malcolm are cuddling again and she decides since Malcolm is more useful to them at this point, she's going to try and get Russell on her side to get rid of Angie.  He's sees her point (of course he does, anyone but him) he's in.   Then Roxy goes and pleads her case to Denise - Survivor couples are dangerous, if they don't win immunity, Angie has got to go home.
-Denise, on the other hand, is in an alliance with Malcolm so she's not so worried about breaking up the budding couple.  She thinks it's just a 24 yr old guy snuggling up to something nice - but now they have huge targets on their backs.
-Malcolm feels the different vibe in camp and realizes that he and Angie could be in trouble.

Tandang - Yellow - Day 5

It's raining again, they are all in the shelter and talking about food.  Lisa says she's naturally an introvert and doesn't do well with chit-chat - her instinct is to retreat and she does - she takes off on her own which instantly makes the rest of the tribe suspicious that she's sneaky and looking for a hidden idol.  (Oh jeez, that Abi is paranoid about everyone!) 
Meanwhile, Lisa is off at the watering hole, crying because she doesn't fit in (why is it every 40-something woman has a breakdown the first week out there?)  She said she's been on her own since she was 12 when she moved to CA to be on the Mickey Mouse club - she's used to looking out for herself... (Okay, is it just me or was that a long time ago and doesn't she have kids and a whole different life now.  Seems strange to me.) 
-The tribe is all talking about her while she's gone - looking for the idol they assume - and she's put herself on the block with them.

Matsing - Blue - Day 6

It's raining... always.  Russell is constantly minding the fire to try and keep it going.  Malcolm and Denise are trying to bolster the shelter, keep it together - and Roxy is doing nothing.  (So is Angie but Malcolm doesn't mention that - boobs.)
-Roxy thought her faith would give her strength out there but, the wet and cold is breaking her.  Just as she's about to breakdown completely - the sun comes out.  (Faith restored.)  And she's praying... in tongues?  What the??
-Denise and Russell are very nervous with Roxy's behaviour.  They thought she'd be stronger of character.  Denise respects her beliefs but it's just not her gig.  "If anything is going to get me to the end of the game, it's going to be me." (Amen, sister.  Haha)


Two members from each tribe will pull a sled out on the course and retrieve a bundle of puzzle pieces, bring it back, next two go - until they retrieve all three bundles of pieces.  Then one tribe member will act as a caller and guide the tribe to arranging the puzzle pieces so they all fit in the frame set out for them.  First two tribes to successfully complete the puzzles win Immunity and the first tribe to finish will win the Reward of blankets, pillows and a tarp - second tribe to finish just gets a tarp (just - that is huge.)

Abi and Dawson sit out from their tribes since Matsing has one less player.
Matsing is trying to strategize, since one person will have to run twice, they are trying to give the two whiny girls the option to run twice since they kicked up such a fuss about the running and puzzle last challenge... and both of them give say no, they don't want to go twice - O M G!  I want to slap them both.  Angie just says she doesn't want to and Roxy gives a lame excuse about drinking less water than everyone - that's it, they're both dead to me!

Off they go - Russell and Angie end up way behind on the first run - but Angie, I thought you ran track?  So dumb.
-Even the guy with the screwed up knee is doing better.  Blue is way behind, the other two teams are working better together and getting the puzzles going.
-Yellow is ahead, Blue is actually catching up and finishes the 2nd puzzle before Red but it comes down to all three tribes working on the third puzzle...
-Yellow is the first tribe finished - Red finishes second and it's Blue, Matsing - going to Tribal Council again.

Russell has a little rant - these folks (his tribe) have to get their heads out of their butts or go home.  Denise is nodding and the youngin's are going to hold it against him again.  We'll see.

Matsing - back at camp - Russell apologizes for cursing, they seem to all be understanding that emotions were running high (and he was speaking the truth so, there's that.)
-Russell feels like Roxy has put a target on her back with her excuses today but he also needs her because she's keeping him informed about what's going on.  He feels like if she goes, he's screwed.
-Roxy is oblivious to her own poor performance and is ranting on about Angie, how she collapsed in the shade at the challenge and was useless.  She still sees the fraternization between Malcolm and Angie as spoiling the group.  She doesn't respect Angie's game - she's got no skills, just show the boobs and someone will fall for it. (Welcome to planet Earth, where are you from?)
-Roxy is getting loud in her rant and Malcolm is within earshot - he tells Angie they are going to get called out and she's SHOCKED!  (Not so smart that one.)  Malcolm thought it would be a no-brainer for Roxy to be the next to go but she still has fight in her and she bent Russell's ear for a good long while.  Malcolm said he knows he shouldn't be cuddling with Angie but a good looking girl wants to cuddle, he's not going to push her away... (for a million dollars?  How bout then?)  Now he's worried it's going to bite him in the butt.

-Russell talks to Denise about the earful he just got and he tells her that he feels if Roxanne goes, he's next.  Denise realizes that she's the odd man out here - and even with her alliance with Malcolm, she may be giving him too much credit for being a strategic player that won't be "blinded by the headlights" - I think her best bet is to take Angie out... but she doesn't tell us which way she's leaning yet.


Russell is intense, lots of emotion after the challenge.
Jeff - Not only boisterous - somewhat accusatory
Denise - maybe accusatory, but I get it.
Roxy - says the one thing she would change about this tribe is they expend 75% of their energy being workhorses around camp (oh, and you conserving your energy really did wonders at the challenge.)
Malcolm rolls his eyes sideways - seriously?
Roxy - We come back from a challenge we lost again and they are right back to work - it's awkward.
Denise - No, that makes no sense.  We have to keep the fire going to gather food so we can be strong for the challenges.
And Roxy rolls her eyes HUGELY. (Wow, I don't get her.)
Angie - says the one thing she'd change about the tribe would be... that they could have cookies. (shaking my head)  All of them are blown away by the stupidity of that answer.  Of course Roxy overreacts with a huge, WOW.
Malcolm - tries to be nice and says well, with our tummies rumbling, cookies would be nice.
Jeff - Really?  In a game for a million dollars, one of your tribe mates says "cookies would be nice" and you're defending that?
Malcolm - laughing says it's not a phenomenal answer but it has been hard on the girls physically and emotionally (oh, trying to get a bit of a dig at Roxy there)
Russell - says this is new to Angie and he gives her mad props (really, mad props?) but you have to give everything, put everything out there every challenge.
Jeff asks if Roxy sees friendships forming and she says more than that - she doesn't know what's going on between Malcolm and Angie but it is probably romantic.
Malcolm seems embarrassed to be called out - says it's not romantic, she's like my little sister (ew)
Roxy calls him on that one - Creepy.  That's not how a brother and sister behave.
Jeff asks why it bothers her and she says it bothered her from day one - it was like a booby trap... oh... and then there is a little cat scrapping between the young girls...
Jeff points out that having a couple in a tribe of 5, soon to be 4, is half the tribe, does it worry you...
Russell - lays it out that a couple is the tightest alliance you can ever have in Survivor.
Jeff, "Angie, do you understand that?"  (Oh, he's treating her like she's special - that's awesome.)
Angie says she gets it and they can believe what they want.
Jeff tells her - look stupid - (okay, not quite) but basically says, they think you're in a couple and they're going to vote you out.
Malcolm says he's tight with the group and hopefully they see it for what it is...(and I thought you were smart.)
Roxy pipes up - even if there is a 60% chance that they are a couple and you choose her over me, good luck to you. (And there you have it.)

Time to Vote:

Roxy votes for Angie - I have to call a spade a spade.
Angie votes for Roxy - I can't stand you and I won't miss you.

Tallying the votes:
No hidden idols.

Roxy - 1
Angie - 1
Roxy - 2, 3... and ROXY is the 2nd person voted out of Survivor Philippines.  While she had a good argument, Angie's apparent lack of mental acuity may have saved her butt.

And with Roxy leaving us this week, Roxanne S, Jeremy N and Katie L are out of the pool.  D'oh!

Next week: Lisa scrambles (just tell me what to do), Russell slides (if it's my time to go, hallelujah)and Skupin puts everything on the line (bleeding from the face... that guy, sheesh.)

Roxy's final words - She thinks Malcolm and Angie's relationship is going to impact the games of Denise and Russell.  Now there is only 4 of them, they better be superstar Olympians.  I have some ties to that group but if they think they've made the right decision, God be with them.
(You did NOTHING... sad thing is, I don't think even watching this back would make her realize what was wrong with that.  Oh well, b'bye Roxy.)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,



Thursday, September 20, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Premiere Episode Recap - Sept 19, 2012

Survivor Smacked Me in the Chops

Hello everyone,

Time to see how rusty I am in the recap department :)  Welcome back for the 25th (?) season of Survivor.

I have to start by saying the scenery shots of the islands they opened the show with were beautiful... but I've heard it was the rainy season while they were filming, so we shall see...

The show opened with 15 survivor contestants on a boat - they are already divided into Red, Yellow and Blue, three tribes of five... huh, that's new.

We meet Jeff Kent, 15 years he played major league baseball, he's played in the world series so he knows pressure but he has no doubt this is going to be a challenge - and he hopes people won't recognize him. (I think not, how much do pros make? Come on!)

Neck tattoo guy (Zane) points to his Frankenstein tattoo and says people always ask him about that tattoo - Frankenstein picked a little girl a flower, he strangled her after, but he still picked her a flower and I feel that's like me, you could get either one, depends what you pull out of me (okay, let's not sleep too close to tattoo guy.

BLAIR! There is Lisa Whelchel from the Facts of Life.  She is a huge fan of Survivor, never having missed an episode - she says she is not going to tell anyone she was on TV, she just wants to be Lisa out there (good luck, lady.)

Jeff  Probst says this is the most thrilling adventure game on television but also one of the most dangerous - cue the medical evac montage - Huh, yeah, people have dropped like flies on this show.  Oh, there is Colton from last season - instant karma got him.
Jeff tells us what the new players don't know is that three former players are getting the chance this season to finish what they started - Russell Swan (with the predator dreadlocks, passed out during a challenge - dead-eyed stare was creepy) - "Either they will run with me or I'm going to have to run them over."
Jonathan Penner (played twice before - evac from Fans vs Favourites) "Do you know how on fire I am to win this?" (Nope) 39 days from now, I'm winning a million dollars. (Ugh! Not with a Russell Hantz hat on, you're not.)
Michael Skupin from the 2nd season, famous for being "the guy that fell in the fire" - (I've always wondered what happened to that guy!)  He had the greatest adventure during Survivor, doesn't see it as a failure and is in love with the fact that he gets to do it again.

Jeff boards the contestant boat and welcomes them to Survivor Philippines.  He asks Jeff Kent what he thinks of the three teams.  Panic - we only have 5 teammates, if you go to tribal council there is going to be panic right quick.  Zane (neck tattoo) says he's fine with the three tribes as long as it ain't celebrities (and they show Lisa's smile slip a little.)  She still hopes to keep her "celebrity" a secret.

Jeff tells them that three previously medically removed players are going to be returning and playing with them - and the boat pulls up with Russell, Jonathan and Skupin - he does a little run down -
Russell is on the blue tribe - name: Matsing
Jonathan is on the red tribe - name: Kalabaw
Skupin is on the yellow tribe - name: Tandang  - Mike says he recognized Lisa right away and almost called her Blair (oh yeah he remembers her from watching her as a teenager - I bet) but he is keeping quiet for now, going to see how she wants to play it.  One of the girls asks to see his hands - Yeah, let's see the hands - they look fine but he says it took a while.

Probst tells them hidden immunity idols are in play this season but where are they hidden... (I don't know Jeff, where are they?)

He tells them they have 60 seconds to gather as much stuff as they can from the boat they're on and get on their rafts to head to land.  Pandemonium!
Fruit, chickens, wood, crates...

Red tribe looses their raft and Jeff Kent goes with it, twisting his knee as he goes - uh oh.  Stuff is everywhere.  Oh, I notice Russell Swan is King Kamehameha, you bet he was on the raft free and clear... oh and red pants guy makes a daring last second grab of a rooster off the boat as he was jumping in the water and he chucks it on the raft - well played red pants guy (Carter).

Former baseball guy may have torn his MCL (knee injury) but he's going to try and hide it, "if they smell blood in the water, I'm gone."

Blue tribe -Matsing
-They get to camp and Russell Swan says last time he was thrust into a leadership role and that's not going to happen this time.  He gathers everyone together and tells them he's not going to be the leader... and then proceeds to tell them what he wants them to do.  He starts going on to the camera about how there is always some idiot who wants to be the leader and he's going to go along with that "oh yeah, you're the man - then I'll watch him crash and burn. Dummy." (uh, yeah, that's you... sheesh.)
-Some of the younger tribe members, Malcolm (long hair guy) and Angie (cute as a button blond girl) are talking about Russell - She says he keeps saying he's not the leader but then tells them what to do, when to take breaks, drink some water - we do need a leader but, we should all work together, not for him.
-Russell throws out that they need fire if anyone wants to tackle that, heheheh (He's like my mom, she used to ask if I wanted to help clean, but she wasn't really asking... I was cleaning.)  Malcolm steps up, says he lived in Micronesia for a year and he can build fire.  Next scene is Russell building the fire with Malcolm (he's got his hands in everything this guy - he needs to practice what he's preaching or shut it!)  But they get a fire going.  Good for them!
-Malcolm tells the camera, it worked out that Russell made the fire because he wants to be the leader sooo baadd, and everything has to be the way he wants it done.  Malcolm feels like a bit of a target has been taken off his back, he's not a threat and Russell is on cloud 9 of whatever planet he's living on.

Red Tribe - Kalabaw
Baseball player Jeff - he's having trouble with his knee - especially walking on sand and carrying stuff it wants to keep buckling on him but he's trying to hide it.
-This tribe is working together, everyone seems to be getting along.  Jonathan is moved to be out there and doing this again (seriously, getting teary about this already... don't show them weakness - the young ones will eat you alive!)
-Next scene is everyone but Jonathan gathered together plotting to get him out first.  He's played before, if anyone deserves to win it's one of us.  (Wow, so soon they want to returnee out and he's just so happy to be there.)  Baseball Jeff seems to be the leader - proposing they use his knowledge for a few days then boot him. (Ouch.)

Yellow Tribe - Tandang
-Skupin is happy with his tribe, thinks they're a good mix. 
-The pretty girls RC (long dark hair) and Abi (Brazilian blond) gravitate together and act all girly.
-RC is lying about her job - she's an investment banker but thinks that will work against her so she says she's an executive assistant.  (She thinks she's smarter than everyone basically.)
-Abi brings up forming an alliance - RC wants to bring in Mike Skupin, the veteran, and Abi wants to bring in the beefcake - Pete.  She plans on using her Brazilian flirtiness to her advantage and starts working it on Pete - he's up for it (oh, poor choice of words - but accurate I think.)
-RC and Abi tell Pete they want an alliance with him - okay.  RC also approaches Mike and he says it sounds good to him (he's smart enough to know to just go with it.)  He thinks the three young people are moving fast but he feels like he needs to move fast with them.
-So that leaves Lisa/Blair and the other older guy, Artis, out in the cold.

-Getting to know you - Jeff K. tells them he's got a ranch.  Dana is tatted up, punked out hair chick - she's from the south and used to take on any boy in the trailer park - maybe she and Jeff can bond on their southern roots.
-Jeff meanwhile is still hoping no one finds out he doesn't need the million dollars - he just wants to win for the bragging rights and doesn't think it should be about the money (really? Spoken like someone who's already a millionaire.)
-Dawson knows who Jeff Kent is, but she's holding on to that information until she needs to use it to her advantage.  She says she will tell him that she knows, when it's valuable to her.

-Lisa is trying to bond with the other girls on the tribe but while they are in their bikinis/underwear, there is Lisa wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt in the water (huh?)  She tells them she runs a ministry for moms (ho boy). 
Lisa tells the camera that she's lost all the money she made on the Facts of Life and that has haunted her for 20 years.  She is hoping to find out who she is out there - (hmm, I don't know if this way to find yourself.)
-The younger people don't get Lisa, she doesn't hang out with them, she goes off on her own.  This makes RC not trust her and she tells Mike that.
-Mike tells the camera that Lisa is worldwide famous (oh yeah, he had a thing for her when he was young) and he thinks she should play that trump card with the young impressionable people to wow them and make them want to keep her around.  He approaches her about it and she's not really happy to know that he recognizes her. She also doesn't want to volunteer that information, she says if she's confronted with it she won't deny it but she thinks it will hurt her if she tells them. (I think it's a mistake to keep secrets, they always come out and they'll bite you in the butt.)
-Mike wants to keep Lisa around but he doesn't feel like she's playing the game and he's going to have to stay with the people who are playing - at this point, it's the youngin's.

-Sex therapist Denise starts working to get to know neck-tattoo Zane.  She is curious about his story - she's reading his tattoos - memorial dates on one, serenity prayer on his hand... if nothing else he's probably got some great stories.
-Zane says he dropped out of school at 17 (and thinks he's got street smarts) - then he brings up forming an alliance with Denise - she's up for it. "Good to know your in my corner."
-Next scene is Zane approaching Roxanne to form an alliance - "You're in my corner now."  Roxanne says she didn't think she'd like Zane but he seems pretty honest when he's with me - you never know.
-Next scene is Zane approaching Angie to form an alliance - she says she really likes him, she's in.

-Then Zane approaches the men, Russell and Malcolm together and says he thinks the three men should stick together - "just so you know, I've already grabbed alliances with all of them so its easy for me to pull in a fourth but I like this three."  Russell is in, Malcolm on the other hand goes running to Denise and tells her.

-Zane thinks he's a superstar - he's running the show, they all think they're in an alliance with him and now he's just going to pick them apart. (Uh huh... he's just running around like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, he's not running anything.)

-Malcolm and Denise talk about Zane, they hope he's smarter than he appears but they're not sure - they just know that they would like to stick together - Malcolm doesn't want to stay in Russell Swan's shadow for long.  They do a cute little giddy hug thing (Malcolm, if you're her friend, tell her she needs to fix the raccoon eyes - that running mascara is bad!)

Yellow - Day 2
-They don't have a fire so they don't have water and it's been raining since the crack of dawn - Mike Skupin decides he's got to take more of a leadership role and get things moving - then he proceeds to injure himself - over and over and over again - cut his hand, scraped his head, cut the bottom of his foot, cut his hand again... just take the damn machete away!  (I smell med evac #2)

Red - Day 2
-Jonathan is off on his own searching for the hidden immunity idol and it is not going unnoticed by this tribe.  Katie, dark haired beauty queen, thinks he's being shady.
-Jonathan realizes the only thing that was in camp waiting for them was the box with the rice - he digs through the rice and finds the clue... It doesn't really tell them much -  I'm pretty sure the medallion/emblem thing on the top of the box is the idol...

Blue - Day 2
-Russell goes to make the rice for the camp and he finds the clue in the bag.  He shiftily puts it in his pocket, goes down to the beach, in full view of Zane who's in the water, and tries to inconspicuously read the clue.  Zane knows exactly what he's doing and he doesn't trust him.
-Zane asks Russell if he's been looking for the idol and Russell says no, they're a team, he doesn't need it - if he sees someone looking they're the next one out.  Now Zane thinks Russell definitely has the idol and Russell needs to be the first to go.


Each tribe will be split into pairs - first pair will be tethered together and must run through the jungle to a platform - climb a cargo net and release two paddles.  Then they run the paddles back to the next pair who have to paddle a boat out to a crate tied to the bottom, they have to jump in, release the crate and swim it back to shore where all the tribe members will help getting it up the beach to their mat where the third pair will use the puzzle pieces in the crate to build a tower puzzle.  The first and second teams to finish win immunity and the third team goes to tribal council.  In addition the first tribe to finish gets a complete fire making kit and the second tribe gets flint - third tribe, nothing.

They show the tribes strategizing and "Not the Leader" Russell shushes everyone, announces he's not good at puzzles and the two young girls are going to do the puzzle.  They try to protest because they are not good at puzzles - Uh uh, he tutts at them (this guy is unbelievable.)

Off they go - Russell & Zane are the runners for blue and they do alright - Yellow is leading the way and Zane runs out of gas, tells Russell to pull him the last few feet... really?
Oh, hold on, who is the guy with the long flowing locks??? Oh, that's Malcolm - I don't get it, he's got his hair tied back all the time except during the challenge?  It must be the source of his power (Haha - shall we call him Samson from now on?)
-Yellow has a big lead after the paddle - Red is right behind them and Blue is pulling up the rear - much to Russell's dismay.
-Lisa and Abi are working on the puzzle for yellow.
-Jonathan and Dawson are working on the puzzle for red.
-Angie and Roxanne are slowly trying to work the puzzle and Russell is unhappy.

Red & Yellow are neck & neck - eek!  It's so close... turning the last piece into place and Red Tribe wins first immunity and fire kit.  Yellow tribe wins immunity and flint.  Blue tribe is heading to tribal council and Angie walks by Russell, "I told you I wasn't good at puzzles." 
Jeff asks Russell what went wrong - Russell says he made a decision on who did what so he carries some of that responsibility but next time they'll do better and there always is a next time (Not for you, I don't think!)  Jeff says, "Only for 5 of you." (Ha, yeah!)

Blue - Matsing Day 3
-They get back to camp and Russell is giving a speech -(he sure likes to hear himself talk)- Now you know - challenges are brutal - I've played this game before... Zane interupts, says he wants to talk to the whole tribe and then says he's not built for this game, his legs cramped so hard he had to sit, y'all didn't.  I don't think it's a choice. (What the heck is he doing?)
-Russell can't believe it either - this guy just threw himself under the bus.
-Zane thinks he's the smartest man ever and this is his rouse to make things go his way.  He wants everyone to love him so much that they'd rather keep him as a hinderance than keep Russell. (Huh?  Too soon, dude.  You might want to let some of them in on your master plan there, genius.)  He says he's playing chess the best way he knows how and hopefully they'll king me (so he doesn't know how to play chess.)
-Angie is pissed at Russell, he didn't listen to them at all in the challenge and they lost because of it - she likes Zane and would rather keep him.  Angie goes and asks Zane why he's giving up, he keeps on telling her he's weak (I don't get it.)  She's telling you she'd keep you but you are saying
you want to leave... duh!  He thinks it's going just as he planned it.
-Malcolm also approaches Zane and tells him if he wants to go, he'll send him home but they would rather take out Russell.  Zane still doesn't say he wants to stay, he does say he's not giving up - then he tells Malcolm that Russell has the idol.
-It's coming down to strength at this point and they don't think they can keep weak players right now.
-Russell says he made his first mistake today by clicking back into his leadership role (your first mistake... and only today??  Oh, Russell, you've been doing it since you got there.)


I shall call this the eye roll and Russell show.  Angie and Roxanne basically rolled their eyes at everything Denise, Zane and Russell said.

Jeff asked how Denise felt about having returning players.
She said she was mixed at first but it's been a blessing (Angie - eye roll)

Zane says it's like an onion, the more you peal the more you cry - Jeff's lost.  He's talking about it being a mixed blessing having a returning player - at first they're helping you out but as it goes deeper you realize they're better at the game and more of a threat than a help.

Russell realizes it sounds like he's going.  Instead of being 2.0, he reverted to 1.0 and became a dictator.
Malcolm agreed that Russell was being dictatorial... and Russell would not stop talking - he keeps talking over everyone.  It would be a dagger in his heart to leave first.
Roxy reveals she has a military background and when Russell starting basically ordering them around, she went along with it as a good soldier would.
Angie says she ran track in high school, she asked if she could run and was told no because he didn't want to do the puzzle.  And he told her if they lose it's her fault.
Russell - I don't think that's exactly what I said...
Angie - Yes, exactly.
Russell - bottom line is I went into dictator mode and that exactly what I did but I hope that doesn't besmirch the other two days (where you were doing the same thing?) (Eye roll again)
Zane - says he quit smoking the day he came there - so running wasn't where it was at for him - he admits he's a dummy and should put a bit more forethought into that (Ohhhh, smoker... that makes sense now.)  Zane says he told them back at camp he would rather step out of your way than hold you up (This guy is dumb as dirt.)
Jeff says, "Russell, you're off the box."
I know it sounds convient Jeff but I've been here before (eye roll from Roxy and then Angie) you never know what conversations have happened from the time he made that pronouncement... blah blah blah - stop talking already... aghh!

Time to vote:

Russell votes for Zane and Zane votes for Russell...

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden idol (though they all looked at Russell)

Zane - 1
Russ - 1
Zane - 2, 3, 4... First person voted out of Survivor Philippines, Zane!  He mutters Sonnavabitch as he's leaving... (Really?  What a dumbass!  He gave them an easy vote.  Especially the first vote, you tell them to vote for you, they're going to.  No one knows each other very well yet - it might have played in a week or so when they're more invested but not on the first vote - You say you should go, okay, I'll vote you out.)

So, with Zane leaving Alexis G, Janine S and Elaine & Kevin R are out of the pool and they get their stake back.  Congratulations!?

Next week - Jonathan Penner is desperate to find the hidden idol and Lisa/Blair has a little cry because she's on the outside and doesn't know how to play the game.

Zane says he honestly thought he had this whole game figured out and that he was running things but allowing them to pull the strings but it just backfired on him.  It doesn't change the fact that he respects the game.  It sucks man!  (He just tried to go too fast - it's a marathon not a sprint.  He had the right instincts but not the patience, or possibly intelligence, to play it out properly.)

Have a great rest of the week everyone,



Thursday, September 13, 2012

Amazing Race 21 - POOL Picks

Amazing Race 21
Amy & Daniel1. Susan M
On and Off Daters2. Kim B/Gail W
Double-amputee3. Tommy D
 Snowboarder4. Kevin & Elaine R
 5. Cheryl B
Jaymes & James 1. Alexis G
Friends 2. Kim K.
Chippendale dancers 3. Bernice R
  4. Lois L
 2nd Place 5. Shane B
James & Abba1. Cara & Alex L
Friends2. Pat T
Heavy Metal Rockers3. Coleen T
 4. Lindsay J
 5. Ivor B
Caitlin & Brittany1. Gillian H
Friends2. Bryon L
Pretty Blondes3. Carol-Anne D
 4. Laurie T
 5. Ian G
Gary & Will1. Sandy G
Best Friends2. Jeff T
Substitute Teachers3. Lee G
Little Person 4. Jessica C
 5. Sharleen H
Natalie & Nadiya1. Fred & Gary M
Twins2. Rachel R
Sri Lankan3. Bob L
 4. Vikki M
 5. Laura W
Josh & Brent1. Kim A
Life Partners2. Drew C
Goat Farmers3. Krista H
Fabulous Beekman Boys
4. Denise R
 Winners!5. Patty F
Abbie & Ryan1. Sue & Hannelore
Dating 2. Andria S
Divorcees3. Karen S
 4. Roxanne S
 5. Ozzy R
Rob & Kelley1. Shelly P
Married2. Shelley A
Monster Truckers3. Kevin C
 4. Robert L
 5. Jeremy N
Rob & Sheila1. Janine S
Engaged Couple2. Miranne D
Lumberjack3. Kelvin H
 4. Susan N
 1st out.5. Esther B
Trey & Lexi 1. Nenad M
Dating Couple 2. Donna P
Cute as a button 3. Lynne B
  4. Katie L
 3rd Place 5. Karen F

Survivor Philippines - POOL Picks

Survivor Philippines Yellow: Tandang (rooster)
Blue: Matsing (monkey) Red: Kalabaw (water buffalo)
Abi-Maria Gomes 1. Kevin C
Age: 322. Shelley A
Business Student3. Nenad M
Angie Layton1. Ivor B
Age: 202. Susan M
Student3. Susan N
Artis Silvester1. Karen S
Age: 532. Gillian H
Computer Engineer3. Kim K.
Carter Williams1. Lee G
Age: 242. Chiquita D
Track Coach3. Drew C
Dana Lambert1. Robert L
Age: 322. Ritch G
Cosmetologist3. Kim A

Denise Stapley WINNER
1. Tori K (I)
Age: 412. Maddy D
Sex Therapist3. Lynne B
Jeff Kent1. Nancy C
Age: 442. Bob L
Retired MLB Player3. Fred & Gary M
Katie Hanson1. Bryon L
Age: 222. Lindsay J
Former Miss Delaware3. Tori K (II)
Lisa Whelchel 1. Shane B
Age: 49 2. Laurie T
Former TV Teen Star 3. Wendy E
Malcolm Freberg1. Krista H
Age: 252. Julie T
Bartender3. Cara & Alex L
Peter "Pete" Yurkowski1. Sue & Hannelore
Age: 242. Carol-Anne D
Engineering Graduate3. Lois L
Roberta "RC" Saint-Amour1. Vikki M
Age: 272. Ryan H
Investment Banker3. Jeff
Roxanne "Roxy" Morris1. Roxanne S
Age: 282. Jeremy N
Seminary Student3. Katie L
Sarah Dawson (Dawson)1. Bernice R
Age: 282. Kelvin H
Insurance Sales3. Coleen T
Zane Knight1. Alexis G
Age: 282. Kevin & Elaine R
Tire Repair3. Janine S
Michael Skupin 1. Tobi M
Age: 50 2. Ian G
Survivor Australian Outback (2001) 3. Sharleen H
Jonathan Penner1. Annemette J
Age: 502. Andria S
Micronesia Fans vs Favorites (2008)3. Shelly P
Russell Swan1. Jessica C
Age: 452. Kim B/Gail W
Survivor Samoa (2009)3. Laura H