Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Oct 31 Episode Recap

Not the Only Actor On This Island

Last week we had the infamous Rice Deal instead of actually completing the reward challenge which caused a lot of discord over on Tandang - but it was Kalabaw that went to Tribal Council and Katie that was voted out.

Kalabaw - Night 16
They return from Tribal Council and it's now the 3 guys and Denise - she's been to tribal every time... and they would all like to make that change.
-Jonathan says he's surprised that Katie voted for him, did she just do that on her own or did she get wind of it?
-Jeff K tells Jonathan that Katie wanted him out for some reason and they just let her run with it... but Jonathan's not buying that completely.
-Jeff tells the camera he thinks Jonathan can still help him in the game, he just has to make sure he takes him out before Jonathan can do it to him.
-Jonathan said seeing his name was a wake up call - he tends to forget that everyone else is lying too... (and that's why you will never win.)  He has to keep his head in the game.

Tandang - Day 17
Mike Skupin says if he makes it through the day they are all on equal territory because day 17 was when he fell in the fire and left the last time.  Artis, "Well, look at ya, you barely made it."  And it's true, they show Mike talking to the camera and he's a mess - scabs all over his face from the mask shattering, his shoulders are all peeling, he's got other scrapes and he definitely looks worse for wear.
-Next thing they know, they see a boat on the horizon and it's coming in to their beach... they get a scroll that tells them the tribes are merging and they all seem happy - finally they can get rid of some of the dead weight (cough - Mike - cough) that they have been stuck with because they keep winning.
-They are given 10 minutes to gather up everything they have/will need so they all scatter and Malcolm has to go dig up his hidden immunity idol (can't forget that.)

Kalabaw - Day 17
They get visited by a boat as well and they also have 10 minutes to pull up stakes  - Denise is hoping to stay with her Kalabaw alliance but hopes she can also re-establish her original alliance with Malcolm.  The guys just hope they can get two people to vote with them so they can have a chance of sticking around.

-The boats bring both tribes in to a new location where they are met with baskets of food - fruit, wine, bread, cheese, sausage... and they sit around getting to know you.
-Jeff is glad that it seems like no one knows who he is - he says he's a rancher and a motorcycle dealer.  Jeff tells the camera he has always thought that a returning player should not win and Jonathan was his priority, now he has Skupin to contend with too - two priorities.
-Pete said the feast was amazing - the tribe thought was to keep Tandang strong but RC would never let that happen and Mike just does what she says. (There are the two Kalabaw needs to buddy up with.)
-Mike Skupin tells them all he has 7 kids and he's married - he never made the merge before so this is new to him and it's cool especially to merge with numbers.
-Mike notices the the power alliance of Pete & Abi are being really quiet and he knows that he and RC being on the outs with them are kind of free agents... which he also thinks is kinda cool (I think Mike is still playing the game from a decade ago - he seems not to realize that it's not as innocent anymore.)
-Taladang girls are sitting together - RC says she thinks Denise will probably talk to her because they have a swimming connection (? okay) - Abi says she should spy for them and RC basically says, why would I do that, we are not one big happy family... Lisa just hangs her head.  RC should have kept her mouth shut and played along (ego tends to get in the way in this game - a lot.)

Merged Tribe - Day 17
-They need to get busy building a new shelter - so they men gather bamboo -nearly naked RC flirtily brings them water... "you might as well stay hydrated." (She might as well have winked and giggled - setting the women's movement back for all of us.)
-Lisa decides, while the guys are building a shelter, that she will hang all their clothes out to let them air out and dry... so she's going through everyone's bags and finds Malcolm's idol (I swear the cigarettes were not mine, I'm holding them for a friend... oh, sorry, flashback. :)  Mom/Lisa is shocked that he has an idol.
-Malcolm, decides he's going to change clothes and hide his idol and sees all the clothes are laying out... he takes Denise aside and she tells him that Lisa did that - and he's p*ssed - he figured an hour would be okay while everyone ate and got to know each other - AArrggh!  Now he's got to go talk to Lisa.
-She opens saying she's sorry, she didn't mean to [find the idol]. She promises she won't tell anyone.  He tells her only he and Denise know and now it's the three of them to the end.
-He's not too happy with the involuntary alliance because he thinks both the women would be tough to beat against the jury because they're so nice - but he's happy the church lady was the one that found it, hopefully she has a heart.
-Lisa meanwhile knows she's not the only actor on the island and she's taking Malcolm's word of final three with a grain of salt. 

Merged Tribe - Day 18
-Jonathan and Lisa are alone in the water and he asks her if anyone's recognized her yet - she says no.  "Ah, they're too young..." (exactly.)  They have a nice talk, she says it's been very healing making these friendships and knowing that people just like her for her because they don't know about her past.  Jonathan says he won't blow her cover.  But he tells the camera he can see her being an under-the-radar player that makes it to the final 3.
-So, it looks like Kalabaw could probably get Lisa & Malcolm and RC & Mike to vote with them... trick is for them to target Abi (Oh, please make it Abi, can't stand that chick) or Pete... that would be sweet!
-Jonathan is in the water now talking to Mike Skupin - and he's working him - he says being the returning players they have to be careful because the others will try to take them out.  He tells him he's got a loyal block of 4 and if they could figure something out, that would be incredible. (He doesn't know that he's not talking to the brains of the operation.)
-Skupin runs to the brains, RC, and he asks her how open she is to re-alignment.  She says she's open to it, because they don't trust that Tandang will keep them around until it's only Tandang again - but they agree they have to take baby steps.
-Jeff K is talking to the other guys - Pete, Malcolm and Artis - and he tells them he doesn't want a veteran to win, he's been targeting Penner since the beginning.  Pete says he might have the idol, Jeff says he may because he doesn't have it, and Artis says it would have to be a blindside - Jeff says he could help with that. (Really dude?  What are you doing?  You don't take out any of your lesser number until you are all even or you have the upper hand... I hope this is strategy, smoking out possible weakness, cause otherwise, I think Jeff's being stupid.)
-So now we have Malcolm, Pete, Artis and Abi sitting around talking with Jeff and Pete tells him that RC is #1 to go and Penner will be #2 - Jeff assures them he can get Carter and Denise to vote with him - so they are thinking split the vote 4 for RC, 4 for Penner - if Penner has the idol he'll have to play it to save himself and if not, if they are tied, then they will revote and take Penner out.  Only wrinkle is if either of them win immunity.

-Jeff Probst reveals they are playing for individual immunity and unveils 2 immunity necklaces (oooh, I hope Jonathan and RC win them, that would be awesome!)
-The challenge:  they have to hold onto a medal handle with a rope spooled around it and attached to a bucket - each bucket is filled with 25% of their body weight - as the challenge goes on, the weight will become harder to hold, the rope will begin to unspool and the bucket will drop, eliminating them from the challenge.  Last man and last woman left standing win immunity.
-They start and 5 minutes in Skupin is the first person out.  Shortly after, Pete is out (it's hot, they're sweating, your grip slips and you're done.)  Jonathan is next out, Jeff points out he's in trouble at the next tribal council, "Why thank you Jeff."  Lisa is the next to lose it, followed by Malcolm.  RC is trying to spool it back up but she loses it, Abi gives up satisfied that RC won't have immunity (yeah, seems like something she'd do) and DENISE finally wins something - the first individual immunity. (Good for her.)
-We're down to Artis, Jeff & Carter - Artis spools his back up to the top but
afte 15 minutes he loses it and we're down to Jeff & Carter.  Jeff should have good grip from baseball, you'd think.  They both wind their buckets back up and after 25 minutes Jeff is ready to talk... well, he whispers to him, "You drop I owe you one, I drop you owe me one."  Carter says that's fine... but he's not dropping.  Jeff Probst asks what's going on and Carter says he just really wants the necklace tonight and Jeff K. let's it go.  Making CARTER the first man to win the individual immunity.
-Artis is just ecstatic that RC & Penner came no where near winning immunity so they can do the split vote and take one of them out.

Merged Tribe - Day 19
Returning from the challenge - RC thinks it's been a good day - no she didn't win immunity but she & Mike are definitely in with Kalabaw and with 6 they have the majority.
-Mike talking to the camera - they put under his name Dangrayne tribe (so I guess they named the tribe... did I miss that?)  Anyway, Mike says he's never felt threatened before and tonight he's feeling he heat.
-Mike goes to Jeff K. and pretty much says he hates his tribe, he doesn't want to play with them anymore - if the 4 Kalabaw stay solid, he and RC will give them the numbers.
-Jeff tells him his main problem with that is that he doesn't want Penner to beat him in this game (so now he's hung up on just making it there longer than Jonathan... I'm over Jeff K.  He can go.)  He says if Mike & Penner get together he thinks they'll take it to the end and he'll be screwed.
-Mike says he can say with integrity that he will follow them. 
-Mike then tells the camera that he cannot follow Pete, Artis & Abi as long as he has any other option - but what happens if Carter & Jeff go with Tandang and Mike & RC go with Kalabaw... nothing has been gained.
-So Jeff and Carter are talking - Jeff tells him that he talked to Skupin and he assured Jeff that he would not let Penner stay longer than them.  Jeff still feels like they have built something with Penner and if they jumped over to Tandang now, they would be on the bottom. 
-Jonathan comes up on them talking and he tells them he is still 100% with them and he hopes they don't vote with Tandang against him tonight.
-Jonathan tells the camera that he genuinely believes Jeff, Carter, Denise, Mike and RC will vote with him and if that's not the case, then he is a horrible judge of character and he deserves to go home.
-He tells Jeff & Carter that they should stick together, vote for Pete and take control of this game.  Then he walks away.
-Jeff and Carter go and talk to Pete & Abi - Jeff tells them they are still with them - he wants the veteran's out of there. 
-Jeff knows he has to treat this game with respect or it will bite him in the butt.  He's torn because he's said from day one he doesn't want the veterans to win but if he switches now he'll be on the bottom.  He's got to protect himself because whatever move he makes, it's not going to sit well with either tribe.

Oh geez - Tandang all had to get torches, they haven't been to tribal at all yet.  Jeff says they set a record - in all 25 seasons of Survivor they have never had a tribe make it to the merge without going to tribal council at least once. (But they usually only have two tribes so that stat is misleading.)
-On the flip side, Denise has been to every Tribal council since day one... and she's lost her voice - she squeaks out that somehow she's survived it for one more and she's safe (with that big ol' immunity necklace on, you bet you are!)
-Jeff asks Skupin about the cracks they may have in Tandang.  Mike says it's natural when 6 or 7 people get together that animosities can arise - yet they still managed to pull out victories.
-RC says it was pretty bad at Tandang but they're a family and families fight sometimes (Abi is not your family - she looks like she's ready to kick her ass right now.)
-Abi says the game as been shifting constantly, she was really close with RC in the beginning however she betrayed me (whoa - RC looks surprised Abi said that, but really, you know how she is.) Abi said she had no choice but to find another alliance.
-RC said she's glad this came up because she still has no clue how she betrayed her - and Jeff Probst wants to know.
-Abi says they found the clue to the hidden immunity idol together and they
hd it  buried it together then RC unburied it without her knowing.  RC says she didn't unburiy it, she thought Abi did. (Pete is smirking in the background cause he's the one that did it... after Abi told him about it of course) anyway Abi says she trusts her own actions, not RC's. (Have I said how much I can't stand that chick?)
-Jeff asks Lisa if it makes her nervous, these two fighting in front of the new people.  Lisa says they should realize that they are in a stronger position staying with Tandang than switching sides and being on the bottom.
-Jeff K. says they are offering them a 5 and 6 slot as opposed to the possible 6 & 7 slot in Tandang and you never know what can happen if you can stay there another day.
-Lisa says once you flip you're not a stronger number because you've shown you can't be trusted in your alliance.
-Jeff brings up returning players - He asks Pete if there's a thought that they've already had their shot, they should go.
-Pete says there is always kinda a mutiny feeling about returning players but then Tandang never went to Tribal so we'll never know what would have happened.
-Jeff also asks Lisa if anyone is worried about Malcolm & Denise who started out together and have now been reunited - she says of course that is a concern and there is also, someone from Kalabaw could not want to be perceived as the bottom 4 and may feel they can stick around longer if they side with Tandang.
-Pete - what's the consensus on the hidden idols - he says he thinks there could be two in play tonight, he's pretty sure Matsing's is gone (that has Malcolm smiling) - Any concern it could be you tonight? He says he feels he has a huge target on his back.
-Jeff asks Jeff how likely it is there will be a blindside tonight? - Very likely.  You know just from talking to us we've all been scrambling and there's a lot of uncertainty on who is going home.

Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Jonathan
RC votes for Pete
Artis votes for RC
Jonathan votes for Pete
Pete votes for RC - I never liked you. (I think the feeling's mutual buddy.)

Tallying the votes:
Anybody want to play a hidden immunity idol?  They all look at Penner and he steps up, "I'll do it."
Penner - does not count
Penner - does not count
Penner - does not count
RC - 1
Pete - 1
John - does not count
Penner - does not count
RC - 2
Pete - 2
RC - 3
RC - 4 - She is the first person voted out of the merged tribe... but then who the f did Mike Skupin vote for??? I'm confused.  And it looks like Jeff K is too, he's shaking his head.  And Pete looks very relieved.  Oh, Mike must have voted for Jonathan - he got 5 votes... Wow, Skupin has no loyalty at all, interesting.
Oh, and with RC leaving, Vikki M, Ryan H and Jeff T are out of the pool.

Next time: Jonathan wages war on everyone - he has no alliances left, he was betrayed and he's going for immunity at all costs.

RC's final thoughts - "How can I get on TV nearly naked now?"  (Oh, no, I'm sure that's what she was thinking but what she said was: ) That's the name of the game, Blindside (uh, no, it's called Survivor.)  She just gushes that she can't believe she got to do this, blah, blah, blah.

They show how everyone voted
Pete - RC
Abi - Jonathan
Artis - RC
RC - Pete
Mike - Jonathan
Lisa - Jonathan
Malcolm - Jonathan
Denise - Jonathan
Jonathan - Pete
So Jeff & Carter had to vote RC.
Huh.  I bet they assure him they didn't put his name down... but they didn't vote with him either.

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


Monday, October 29, 2012

Amazing Race 21 - Oct 28th Episode Recap

Chill Out, Freak

The episode opened with Long Hair-Do Care James finding out his dad is basically dying of cancer... he says it gives him that much more motivation to win the Race. (What a way to start the leg, ugh.) 
-James and Abba are the first to depart at 7:39am - they are remaining in Bangladesh and have to make their way to a market and find the eggplant vendor.
-They jump in a cab, go to the market and just pick up the clue (huh, that was easy).  It tells them to make their way to a place under a bridge and find the next clue.
9:35am - Abbie & Ryan are the next team out - they read the clue that tells them to make their way to the marked taxi stand.
9:42am - The twins are the next out - they are very proud to be the only girl-girl team left and they are not only hanging with the boys but beating them. (Wonder twin power - activate!)

James & Abba get to the clue and it's the ROADBLOCK - It ain't heavy, it's a roadblock.
-James says he'll do it - then we find out they have to construct and use an ancient scale to weigh out wood.  First they need to set up a tripod of bamboo, hang the scale and then weigh the wood.
-James finds out it's not as easy as it looks when he uses the wrong rope to construct the tripod and then can't find the right rope right in front of his face.

The Twins get to the taxi stand right behind Ryan & Abbie and get out on the road in front of them - they tell the driver to make sure they stay ahead of the goryas (white people).
-The cabs are stuck in traffic, which is crazy, and it's so hot - Ryan says he now knows where hell is.

-James finally finds the lashing rope.

-The Twins and Ryan & Abbie get the clue from the eggplant man.

-The Goat Farmers are the next to head out - 10:53am - we find out Josh & Brent have been together for 14 years - Josh says it's more like they were together 10 years and apart 4 because Josh still works in the city and Brent is full time at the farm - they're becoming comfortable having their own space and it's not good. (Will the Race bring them together? du-du-dum... feel like they are trying to create some DRAMA.)
-10:59am - Monster truck is the next team out.  Kelly may be quiet and reserved but she is the competitive one driving them - she is a barrell racer at the rodeo so she knows competition.
-11:10am - Chippendales' James & Jaymes head out.

-Back at the Roadblock - James has completed his scale correctly, finally, and balances the wood & rocks - to get the next clue for the DETOUR: Straw Dogs or Bamboo Jungle
In Straw Dogs they must help to manufacture an eco-friendly jute bag - first they must whip unprocessed jute on a bed of huge nails to untangle the fibers - once they have beaten out 20 coils of jute they must then carry it all over to the machines where it is woven into bags - when they get to the end of the production line, they'll get their next clue.
In Bamboo Jungle - they must collect bamboo used for scaffolding and deliver it to a construction site.  First they must grab 40 bamboo poles of various lengths and load them onto a freight rickshaw - then negotiate their way across town by riding the rickshaws and deliver the bamboo to the construction site where they'll get a piece of bamboo, which is their next clue.  (Both the jute bag and the piece of bamboo have a picture of a pink building on it - must be the next destination or maybe the Pit Stop?)
-James & Abba decide to do the bamboo - think jute will choke them (but you have to try and drive through the streets with the bamboo - I would think that is the thing to avoid.)

-Josh & Brent can't find the taxi stand.

-Ryan & Abbie get to the Roadblock and when it says it's not heavy they figure Abbie can do it... but she doesn't build thing (uh oh.)
-Nadiya is doing the task for the twins and we get to listen to the shrill, "Come on Twinnie!" again, and again... Ryan gets in on the act, showing them how annoying it is and they get annoyed by him (oh wah.) The twins think Ryan is a tool and don't think much more of Abbie when she asks Nadiya if she's made one of these before, "Yeah, I have a 3rd world scale in my back garden - what are you insane?"

-Josh & Brent are still stumped trying to find the taxis, they hope Monster truck is too - but Rob & Kelly have found the taxis right behind the Chippendales - you go Jamesx2.

-11:34am - Lexi & Trey are the last team heading out - and they have a lot of time to make up.  They take off running for the taxis.  But they have no worries because the goat farmers are still wandering the streets looking for the taxis.

-Abba & James have arrived at the bamboo market to start their Detour - they choose a rickshaw, check the sample packed one then head into the stacks looking for the marked bamboo they are allowed to take... it's pretty far away from the rickshaws... this is going to be very tiring.

-Back at the scales, Natalie has recruited some little kid to help her yell - "Come on Twinnie"(so cute.)  Nadiya is doing well building her scale and she gets the okay - Abbie is not good at the rope tying - and she gets a fail.

-James & Jaymes get the clue from the eggplant man, Monster truck is right behind them - they take off the the Roadblock.

-The Goat farmers have finally found the taxi stand just as Trey & Lexi get there too - they are just happy to have caught up to another team.

-At the bamboo market Long Hair Don't Care are moving quickly collecting the bamboo but it's hot and James is starting to feel a little bit of heat exhaustion.  They slow it down a little.  The last load of bamboo they take is super long - and they have locals scattering as they hit everything carrying it to the rickshaw.  The boys get all loaded up and are ready to deliver... and they still haven't seen any other teams - they are loving that!

- Monster truck get to the Roadblock and Kelly says she'll do it (they are all tricked by the "It ain't heavy" in the clue... but she strikes me as someone who can do this - barrell racing - she must be able to tie a knot and know ropes.

-Nadiya finishes balancing her wood on the scale and they get the clue to the Detour (Ryan is not pleased.)  The twins choose to do the Bamboo delivery.
-Chippendales arrives at the Roadblock and a James is doing it :)
-Abbie is still having trouble with the scale - it's sitting too low to the ground so the wood and rocks can't be weighed.  She's got to pull it apart again and Ryan is kicking himself for not doing this challenge.
-Rob(Monster truck) feels the same way - he wishes he'd done this one - Kelly is feeling the heat.

-Goat Farmers and Trey & Lexi get to the eggplant man and are on their way to the Roadblock.

-Long Hair/James & Abba are now trying to negotiate the super long bamboo through the streets - they have some local helper/followers but they are still hitting a lot of things.

-Abbie finally finishes the weighing and they get the clue for the Detour - they are going to do Straw Dogs (smart) and she keeps apologizing.

-Brent & Trey are doing the scale (Lexi's lucky, she's the only girl that didn't have to do this one.)

-Chippendale Jaymes is trying to work the crowd watching him as he builds his scale but it's all men and they don't understand what he's saying - you can try taking your shirt off maybe... (yeah, I know, but they're Chippendales, they should be shirtless, always.)  He gets the scale together and keeps trying to hi-5 the guy - he doesn't understand you're crazy ways - finally he just takes the clue and Chippendales is going to do Bamboo Jungle.

-James & Abba have delivered their bamboo... and they got it right (phew!)  They get the bamboo with the picture on it and jump in a cab.

-The Twins are now collecting their bamboo - they seem to be starting with the longest pieces and I thought the last team hit everything - these two are whipping people left and right - smacking the camera - they're out of control!  They get it stuck and the guys at the market do not look happy with these bulls in their china shop.

Ryan & Abbie  are at the Jute place and getting a lesson on the process.  Ryan is saying his time there in Bangladesh has made him realize how good they have it at home.  They are now beating jute and making coils.

-Trey completes the scale and weighs his wood - they head out for the Bamboo Jungle.
-Kelly gets the okay on her scale but Brent is still get a no go - he's got the scale ropes going through the eyeholes backwards - that could mess him up for a while.
-Monster truck finishes and they decide to do the bamboo jungle as well.

-Jute beating is taxing - Ryan & Abbie think they have the coils all done but the guy rejects half of them and they have to do them again. (They just counted how many times the other guys beat the jute, not looking for what exactly the jute should look like when it's ready - quality control is not on their minds.)

-Chippendales arrive at the bamboo market and are pumped!  They've been waiting for a strength challenge so they can use those muscles. (I smell trouble - heat exhaustion here we come.)
-The Twins are still there - still smacking the locals with bamboo ;)
-Lexi & Trey get to the bamboo too and they are trying to do too much (in my opinion.)  Chippendales stopped for a water break (okay, maybe they are not just pretty faces.)
-Monster Truck get there and he is packing as much bamboo as he can at once - yikes - don't kill yourself.  Rob says the monster truck tires are 750lbs and he puts the on bare handed - so he strong-man!

-Ryan & Abbie get the okay on their jute coils.  He picks up the bundle and delivers it to the specified area then a uniformed guy (guard?) leads them to the end of the line where they get the jute bag with the picture of the Pit Stop.

-Back at the Roadblock - Brent is still struggling with the scale and he's exhausted - he can't even think straight and Josh is just worried about his health at this point, forget the race.   Brent has a water break - gets it together and finally gets the okay to weigh the wood.

Back at the bamboo market - the Twins have finally secured their load on the rickshaw and they are terrorizing the streets now - oh, and the chain is broken on the bike so they have to push the thing.  Great.
-Chippendales is tying their load down but they are slow - Jaymes lets us in on the fact that these two are afraid of running out of money so they have not been eating... and they are losing strength by the minute (okay, maybe they are just pretty faces :).
-Monster truck Rob seems to be enjoying the bamboo
-Lexi is a trooper and carrying her weight on this task.

-Goat farmers get the Detour clue and decide that the Bamboo Jungle is the simpler task so they're going to do that... oh, so wrong.

-Twins arrive at the construction site and they are good (and exhausted) they get the bamboo clue and run for a taxi.

-Monster trick are making their way through the streets.

-Chippendales are throwing off some of their bamboo, it was on the wrong side and it's getting mixed up with Trey & Lexi's (way to go.)  Everyone is making sure they have it counted and secured properly - no one wants to have to come back there.

-Monster truck delivers the bamboo and gets the clue for the Pit Stop.

-Goat farmers get to the bamboo jungle and stop to pet a baby goat - that's got to be good luck right?  Yes, it looks to be because it appears the Chippendales have just left 3 bamboo pieces behind on the ground (uh oh.)
-On the road, Chippendales have run into some trucks - Jaymes nearly gets smushed... ahhh!  Just another day in Bangladesh.
-Lexi & Trey notice the three pieces left behind but what can they do?... they head out into the streets and that poor mango stand on the corner loses some more fruit (that guys been having a hard day ;)

Chippendales get to the construction site and find out that they are missing those 3 pieces of bamboo - Jaymes has a diva drama moment... how am I going to keep going?  (Well, lying there in the dirt isn't going to get it done.)  Finally they gather themselves and head back... and the load falls off the rickshaw - they would never give up but things look pretty dire to them right now.

-Trey & Lexi deliver their bamboo without incident and get the clue to the Pit Stop.

-James & Jaymes get their three missing pieces and turn right around to head back - Jaymes wants them to catch their breath but James just wants to keep it going, power through...

-Goat Farmers get their rickshaw loaded with the bamboo and head for the site.  They are not going to give up.

-Chippendales finally get their clue to the Pit Stop.
-Goat Farmers make their delivery and know they are in last place.  But they just don't quit.

Here's How They Finished:
1) James & Abba - Long hair don't care - they win a trip to Malaysia.  Phil brings up James' dad - oh, Barbara Walters moment - makes him cry.  Phil asks if he thought of leaving the race and James said his family told him to keep going - so he's going to stay and do it for dad!
2) Abbie & Ryan - She's glad with 2 but Ryan is proving he is a tool - he tells Phil his goal was to break the record for first place finishes... and he makes Abbie cry (what a jerk!)  It's not enough to have the chance to win $2million - this guy needs to take his head out his you-know-what!
3) Nadiya & Natalie - Oh, they were hoping to be #1... do none of them know that Long-Hair was a couple hours ahead of them all day?  I guess not.
4) Rob & Kelly (Monster Truck) - they were ecstatic to be #4
5) Trey & Lexi - Also really happy to be #5
6) James & Jaymes (Chippendales) - Jaymes fell on his face running to the mat (ouch) but they are so happy to still be in the race.
7) Josh & Brent - **NON-ELIMINATION** They had the hardest day of their lives and Josh was almost looking forward to going home - but they will go on.  Josh said he would lie down and die beside Brent if he had too (aww - that got me all teary...)  Next leg they will have to complete a speed bump but they are still in it and planning a fabulous comeback.

So, still in the pool by the skin of their teeth are: Kim A, Drew C, Krista H, Denise R and Patty F.

Next week: They are heading to Istanbul, Turkey where they have to dress up and sell tea and the Chippendales finally get naked... in a public bath/spa.

Have a great week everyone,


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Survivor Philippines - October 24 Episode Recap

Down & Dirty

Last week Matsing was absorbed into Tandang and Kalabaw... Tandang celebrated gaining Malcolm's muscle while Denise did not bring any luck to Kalabaw - they lost Dana to illness and voted out Dawson (dashing my hopes of winning the pool once again.)

Kalabaw - Night 13
Returning from Tribal Council, Katie is feeling vulnerable, she lost her whole alliance with the girls leaving so she's going to try and work her [pretty girl] magic and see what happens.

Kalabaw - Day 14
Katie starts working on Denise - they think that Jonathan has the idol - Katie says they have to get rid of him now, there's no other choice.

Tandang - Day 15
We learn that they are running low on rice, Pete tells us it's because Mike Skupin has been eating it dry with the belief that it cooks in your body (what?)  Pete believes Mike is the most useless player ever to be returned to Survivor and he's got to go home. (Do I smell the throwing of a challenge?)
-Abi doesn't want to make any food for breakfast, she wants to try and make it last - Mike doesn't seem to understand the concept of rationing.
-Artis says Mike has eaten them out of house and home and it makes no sense to him, especially with him being a returning player.  Artis feels like Mike is now expendable with the addition of Malcolm to their tribe.

(Okay, I just have to say - why is RC wearing a string bikini bottom... I get it, she's proud of her body, but Come On!  You're going to be doing something physical and this is a family show - sheesh!)
Anyway, there is a huge wicker ball in a mud pit - Jeff tells them they will race out 3 at a time and try to push the ball into their goal while the other tribe is doing everything they can to stop that from happening. First tribe to 3 points wins reward.  Food (sandwiches, brownies) in a nice dry location.

Tandang sits out RC and Artis (well, at least I don't have to worry about her bottom being ripped off - I swear, it was possible.)

Off they go and there is a lot more mud wrestling than ball movement...Penner ends up with his arm between Skupin's legs and then Skupin sits on his head in the mud... it's a stalemate with all of them just holding on and no movement at all - they sit there for an hour... still nothing. 
Then they start talking turkey - Jonathan offers to trade their rice for the sandwiches (Reward).   Jeff says if they come up with an alternative to the challenge he'll let them do it.  Keeping in mind Tandang is almost out of rice... they ask Artis what he thinks (since it's his birthday) and he says he's not giving up nothing! You can keep that mess to yourself, I don't want to hear nothing.
-Mike Skupin is still pushing to take Kalabaw's rice, basically giving them the Reward win in exchange for food.  Everyone reluctantly agrees to it and Jeff declares the challenge over. 
Doesn't seem like anyone is really that happy about the deal - Jeff Kent says they are going to have to expend a lot of energy getting food now - Artis isn't much happier on the other end - thinks they are just not seeing the big picture.  Technically, this is Tandang's first loss.

Kalabaw cleans up and gorges themselves on sandwiches, chips, brownies.  Jonathan is still trying to sell them on the giving up the rice was a great idea, Jeff K is still not buying it... then Jonathan notices envelopes with their names on them and Denise is instantly crying... (oh no, is this turning into the crying episode?  It's too early.)  Oh yeah, letters from home and they are all crying.  And now they all feel that giving up the rice was totally worth it. (Well that worked out well for Penner.)

Tandang - Day 15
They return to camp and Artis is keeping his mouth shut so as not to go off.  He tells the camera he can't believe that they let a member of the tribe make decisions for the tribe when he has done nothing for the tribe (meaning Mike Skupin). 

And they didn't get that much rice, it was about the same amount as what they already had so they doubled their meager rice in the deal.  Lisa tells the camera coming back from the challenge was worse than a loss when it shouldn't have been because they had rice - but it was giving
up, a forfeit and it felt all the worse for it.

Abi of course doesn't have the restraint of Artis and she is spouting off about how stupid it was to just give up.  (You guys agreed to it!)  She tells the camera Jonathan used psychology on them and it worked. (Yup.) Then she's just mean about the amount of rice they got, calling them all stupid.

-RC and Mike are off talking and she tells him that Artis was spouting off and swearing during the challenge, blaming Mike for making a bad deal.  Mike doesn't feel like he did anything, everyone agreed to it.  And Abi is such a negative Nelly she brings the whole tribe down with her attitude (I agree with that.)
-RC's strategy is to just let Abi be herself and hopefully she'll implode, but they still have the upper hand for now, which rankles.

Kalabaw - Day 16
Jonathan is proving to be all talk about catching fish - he scares a stingray away, then is out on the reef getting skunked.  He comes back with two little goldfish which they eat raw.
-Katie and Carter are whining about being hungry.  If they have to play the starving game, they're going to lose. (OMG! Get off your butts and find food yourself then, whiney babies!  Yes, I sound like an old fart but really, kids these days!)  It seems like Jonathan has set himself up with this deal though, they can all blame him directly for having no food.  He's cooked his own goose. (Did someone say goose?)
-Jonathan is still spinning it - it's mandatory that they win Immunity and get some momentum.  The numbers are tipping badly and if they lose they are supremely screwed.

-One tribe member will launch balls out into the field while the other tribe members will attempt to catch the balls in their lacrosse stick/nets.  It doesn't matter what colour balls they catch - any catch counts as a point for the catchers tribe.  First tribe to 5 wins Immunity.
Tandang sits Mike Skupin and Abi - Probst points out she's sitting again and she says it wasn't her choice (but you're not fighting to participate either are you? I really cannot stand this chick.)
Denise and Lisa are launching - off they go.
Jonathan makes first catch - Kalabaw 1
RC and Pete both catch - Tandang 2
Jeff makes a catch - Kalabaw 2
Jeff K brings them up to 3, then 4... (Baseball guy should be able to catch.)  Katie is doing nothing this time again.
Malcolm scores - 2 more and ties it up.
Jonathan pulls Carter off Malcolm and pairs Jeff with him...
Jonathan misses - Jeff trips and Malcolm wins Immunity for TANDANG.
(Jonathan better make sure he takes his hidden immunity idol to Tribal tonight.)

Kalabaw - Day 16
Jeff K. is on the fence, Carter was totally outmatched at the challenge, and he has an alliance with Jonathan - but he's not sure what to do - (Uh... take out Katie, she did nothing.)
-Jeff talking to Carter - they want to keep Denise, she will be loyal and she's such a hard worker.  They can get rid of Katie, she's useless at camp and in challenges but they have to decide if they want to go with Penner into a merge or not.  Jeff is reverting to his initial strategy of not wanting a veteran to win.  Carter says he'll vote Penner if he wants to.
-Then Carter tells the camera that it might be a good idea to take Penner to the merge because eyes will be on him, not on Carter and Jeff (sound argument - speak up.)  Instead he says to Jeff that he'll follow his lead and Jeff thinks they have to pull the "Penner Punch", but they just have to make sure he doesn't know it's coming so he can't play the idol.
-All three guys in the shelter and Carter asks, "Penner, what do you think Katie or Penner." (Jeff nearly swallows his tongue) "I mean, Katie or Denise."  Jonathan doesn't seem to give the gaff any notice, he says they have a better chance of winning with Denise.  So, it's got to be Katie.  She comes over and Jonathan tell her it has to be Denise.   Then he walks off.
-Katie isn't buying it, she asks Jeff & Carter what was he really saying... "Why are we keeping this guy around?"  She knows she's not a strong player and is totally down with taking Jonathan out.
-Carter is so confused... Jeff is still trying to decide - easy vote Katie or risky vote Penner.

Jeff asks who tonight feels like they are in trouble.  Both girls put up their hands.
-Denise because she's still the new girl - last one hired, first one fired.  But she's trying to show the tribe that she's the better choice to keep.
-Katie is nervous because she's the other girl - she doesn't perform well in challenges but she hopes they know she's loyal and she's with them.
-Probst reminds Penner of how often blindsides happen and yet he doesn't think it could be him?  Jonathan says he doesn't even want to put it in their head that maybe they should take him out. (Oh, it's already there.)
-Jeff K. says last tribal was an easier vote of course.  As they get deeper, each vote will get harder, that's how well they like each other, that's how well they get along.  There is not going to be a vote that's not going to be a blindside.
-Jeff says interesting comment, every vote is going to be a blindside... Jonathan says it's just easier to let the person go and hopefully they will understand it's not personal.  If it's him, he wouldn't like it but he would appreciate the game play and he wouldn't take it personally.
-Probst asks Jeff K if he plays any game that is similar to this (oh, trying to pull his background out maybe?) Jeff K says no, no game is like this - it sucks. 
Probst asks,  "It sucks, and you want to go home?"  No, you know where I'm coming from.  This game is very complicated - you're battling the elements , you're cuddling with people and then you have to blindside your friend because you're too guilty to tell him I really don't want you here anymore - that's why it sucks.
-Katie says she's basing her vote on loyalty, being around these people for 16 days.  She's sticking to her word from the beginning (meaning getting rid of Penner.)
-Jonathan doesn't know if she's talking to someone or if she's just talking.  These people didn't give anyone the chance to scramble today and he would have done anything in his power to stay if he thought he was going home. That's what he did with the person he's voting for, doing it to their face only adds to the agitation for the rest of us.
-Everyone knows a blindside is coming, the question is who's it going to be...

Time to vote:
Katie votes Jonathan
Jonathan votes Katie

Tallying the votes:
Anyone have a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now's the time... (He better seriously f'n play it.... OMG, Penner did not play the idol?)

Katie 1
Penner 1
Katie 2, 3 - and Katie is voted out of Survivor Philippines (huh, I really thought they would take Jonathan out.)  And with Katie leaving that means Bryon L, Lindsay J and Tori K (II) out of the pool.

Next Week:  Malcolm talks up Lisa saying she reminds him of his Mama - she says she's taking it with a grain of salt, but she's all giggly (he is a cutie pie).  And it looks like the merge as a boat appears on the horizon and they all scramble to gather their stuff.

Katie's last thoughts - I got blindsided - it's not a good feeling - she came in thinking she was a strong athlete but it was so much harder... (and then my recording cut her off - oh well.  I didn't even know her name until last week so, she will not be missed.)

Only two more days to the weekend, hang in there,


Monday, October 22, 2012

Amazing Race 21 - Oct 21/12 Episode Recap

Funky Monkey

We are leaving Indonesia this week with the first team, Abbie & Ryan, reading the clue at 9:52pm - Fly to Dhaka, Bangladesh... and head to a repair shop to get the next clue.
-Abbie & Ryan, closely followed by Lexi & Trey get to the travel agent to book a flight and find out the first flight doesn't leave until 10am the next day... meaning everyone is on the same flight to Bangladesh.

-Will & Gary think of themselves as 'The 'Lil Engine that Could' - they think their comeback last leg was the best comeback ever, and they are pretty sure Rob & Kelly(Monster Truck) is the team that U-Turned them.
-Rob says he's going to lie to 'David & Goliath' if they ever ask about the U-turn, and they are just going to have to make sure they always stay ahead of them so they don't get U-Turned next time.

-Flight lands and they hit the streets running - literally. Rob & Kelly instead go to the taxi stand in the airport and are assigned a cab quite easily.
-Abbie & Ryan get a cab by basically jumping in one that's stopped - the streets are chaos - Ryan says it's all men on the streets and they want nothing to do with us.
-The Twins are in a cab, enjoying the crazy aggressive driving - they say it's like Grand Theft Auto but with cows & goats and garbage... and minus the nice cars.
-The Chippendales have a driver with a bright orange beard and his hair is also dyed orange - I wonder what was up with that?
-Lexi & Trey get the cab that has to stop for gas (this seems to happen in every race - I have never been in a cab that had to stop for gas...) but I digress - they are frustrated with how often your fate seems to rest in a taxi drivers hands.
-Gary & Will are in the middle of nowhere - cab driver tells them it's a shortcut... And they are a little nervous (hopefully having a cameraman along with ensure they don't end up dead in an alley - it was a little dodgy.)


Abbie & Gary are the first team to get to the auto repair shop - and they read the clue for the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to fill in the gaps?
-One person will have to do a body repair on one of the many buses that plays bumper cars in the streets of Dhaka each day (that's not what Phil said, but I think nudging is allowed when driving there.)
-They have to use body putty to fill in the holes then sand it ready for painting. Then they have to remove 3 seats and deliver them to the refurbishing area where they will get their next clue. Ryan is going to do it for them.
-The Twins are there too - and they consider doing the Fast Forward (what? There's a FF?) but decide against it (really? You know Ryan & Abbie aren't going for it. Seems strange they wouldn't give it a shot.) Anyway - one of the twins is repairing the bus too.
-James & Jaymes get there and jump in to fixing the bus - they don't want to chance the FF because they don't know who might already have gone for it.) James can't get the putty can open (doesn't bode well.)
-Natalie/Nadiya says to her sister, "You have to do well at this, we're the only brownies" (Represent! Haha)
-Monster Truck get there and discount the FF right away - Rob does all the body work on their monster trucks so he's sure he can crank this one out quick.
-Long Hair Don't Care arrive and finally someone is taking the chance on the FF...(Oh Crap! They have to collect dead rats - SERIOUSLY? Gah!)
-Goat Farmers arrive and I still don't know who is who with them either - shorter hair/glasses is doing this one (Josh).
-Nadiya is carrying on a constant stream of annoying encouragement to her sister "Come on Natalie, you're the only girl here!" Ryan can't hear himself think (I think the twins would drive me nuts, but I can't help but like them.)
-Trey & Lexi finally arrive followed by Gary & Will - who had hoped to be near the front of the pack this leg but their cab driver took them on a "Special Short Cut" and they are last again.

-Long Haired Rockers get to the Fast Forward and find out they have to become rat catchers helpers and collect dead rats from three locations. "Rats!" They don't balk though, grab their gloves and off they go to the first location.

-Back at the bus yard, Ryan is the first one approved on his bondo job but he's sweated and puttied up the paper clue so he doesn't know what he needs to do next. He asks Chippendale James to let him see his clue and he'd help him with his putty. They agree to help each other out... hmm. Ryan just gives him some verbal tips (that's it?)
-Everyone is checking out how Rob's applying the putty - Natalie has almost built a new bus she used so much.

-Long hairs are still looking for the first rat location - a restaurant (nice) - they hope they haven't screwed themselves by going for this FF.

-Chippendale is ready to give up on the bus, he's so frustrated - he starts chipping all his putty off because he's put it on way too thick.
-Twinniiieee! Is sanding - Rob is sanding, Ryan is sanding - Abbie has to talk James down from his little freak out - Big Gary and Trey are also having to chip off the too thick puddy and start again - in the heat it sets up so fast... they area having issues to say the least.

-Long Hair Rat Men to the rescue! They finally get to the restaurant and have to transfer the dead rats from the buckets into their sack (It's demented Santa time) They say they are used to dealing with rats in their business (oh so witty.)

-Everyone is ready to smack Nadiya - her constant yelling is like nails on a chalkboard.
-Ryan is now moving the seats- they are heavy and he's sure the girls won't be able to do this (I think he's looking forward to them struggling).
-Monster truck finishes the sanding and decides to carry two of the seats (dude, don't give yourself a jammer... boys are silly sometimes.)

-Ryan & Abbie get the clue to make their way to the market and find the dried fish shop - once there they have to dig through sacks of smelly dried fish until they find one with Race colours - then the shopkeeper will give them their next clue.
-Natalie finishes the sanding and just picks up the bus seats and runs - you go! She's in great shape. I think all the other teams are so glad for the peace and quiet once they leave.
-Goat farmer and Chippendale are moving on to sanding. Trey and Will are still not able to get the puddy on right.

-Long Hair Rockers pick up their 2nd load of rats and while walking down the street, Abba's foot breaks through some boards and into raw sewage (heave) - this concerns him... just a little Hepatitis, no biggie :)

-Goat Farmer Josh is done the sanding and moves on to seat removal. Chippendale James gets to move on to the seats too. Trey is allowed to start sanding and I think they just feel sorry for Gary and let him sand now too.

At the Market - Ryan & Abbie find the shop and start digging through the fish (gaggy faces from Abbie) - they find the coloured one rather quickly and get the clue to the DETOUR - Pound the Metal or Pound the Cotton.
- In Pound the Metal - they have to use sledgehammers to beat a metal rod into a sharp point - they also have to hand pump the bellows to keep the fire hot enough to make the metal malleable - once their spike is acceptable, they'll get the next clue from the blacksmith.
- In Pound the Cotton - they have to make a cotton mattress the Bangali way - first they must use bamboo rods to beat the clumps of cotton into a fine feather-like consistency, then stuff it and sew it together to get the next clue.

-Abbie & Ryan are going to pound cotton - they think they'll have a leg up because she went to the fashion institute for a year and made clothes (uh, yeah, don't think that will help.)

- Monster truck and the Twins get to the market - the twins find the shop and the fish like nothing - Rob & Kelly see them and follow.
-Twins decide to pound the metal (they have some aggression to get out apparently.)
-Rob makes Kelly dig through the fish - and they are going to pound the metal.

-Oh, Abbie's expertise does pay off since she knew a trick to filling the mattress and she can sew - he's doing an in-your-face dance (to no one) and she tells him to settle down - not done yet.

-Twins find the blacksmith and both miss the spike on their first tries at weilding the sledgehammer (those things are heavy!)
-Rob & Kelly get there and she is actually doing a pretty good job at it.

-Long-Hair gets to the third location of rat collection and they are enjoying the large entourage of kids following them like the pied piper - they love these moments in the Race, the experience is what it's all about (man...) (okay, I had to add that.)
-They successfully completed the FF and get the clue to the Pit Stop - Blah blah Mengazhi blah Ghat... (something like that.) In the cab, Abba is using hand sanitizer on his foot - hopefully that will take care of anything that actually got on him (so rats, no problem, sewage - problem. Can't say I blame him.)

-Back at the bus yard - Trey finally finishes the sanding and moves the seats - Gary & Will are in last place again. Will says they are still in the Race though, and they are going to win it! They have been in last place since the beginning, and they know not to give up.
-Lexi & Trey's cab breaks down... there ya go. Gary & Will pass them. She whines, What do we do? (Get another cab!) They get going again though and are struggling to stay positive.

-Abbie finishes sewing up the mattress and the guy says nope - they left out too much of the cotton - she's got to undo the stitching and they have more stuffing to do.

-The Twins get the okay on their spike, closely followed by Monster Truck - they get the clue to the Pit Stop - but they have to take a riverboat down to the area then make their way on foot to the find Phil.

-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are digging through dried fish - one of the James almost added some vomit to the mix - but they both find the coloured fish and Goat Farmers are going to pound the cotton - after some look at me antics - the Chippendales also decide to pound the cotton.

-Abbie & Ryan get their mattress approved and Ryan gives the mattress man a really long hug (he seems to be enjoying it - but, that was a little much).

-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are starting to pound their bale of cotton and it's flying everywhere... uh oh, gotta make sure you get it all in the mattress!

-Twins get a cab and are chanting their drivers name "Babu, Babu!"
-Rob & Kelly are having the Ugly American moment of the leg - "English?"

- Trey & Lexi's cab passes Gary & Will to get them to the market first. Trey and Lexi decide to pound the metal and Gary feels weak so they are going to pound the cotton (it's hot, they have all been sweating all day - I bet this would be exhausting!)

-Abbie & Ryan get to the Riverboat and are hoping no other teams make their sailing - but the Twins do make it... much to Ryan's dismay.

-Rob & Kelly finally find a cab to take them to the river.

-Chippendales and Goat Farmers are lamenting choosing the sewing task when we learn that Goat Farmer Josh used to be a drag queen - names Aquadesiac. "Someone is sleeping on an Aquadesiac mattress tonight!"

-Josh & Brent get the okay and clue to the Pit Stop.

-James & Jaymes have left out too much cotton - they have to restuff.

-Will & Gary show up and Jaymes says, "Jack & the Beanstalk just showed up." (Ha ha, these two have the most nicknames - I love it.)

-Trey & Lexi are pounding the spike - they guess Gary & Will must have been intimidated by Trey's muscles...

-On the river - Abbie & Ryan are annoyed they are with another team - the Twins aren't too happy about it either - they characterize Abbie & Ryan as being a psychotic couple who are also in crazy great shape so they are going to have to sprint like hell to beat them to the mat.  Boat lands and they are running...

-Monster truck gets to the boat launch and they get on a totally different type of boat than the other teams did. The Goat Farmers see them and do the same thing... hmmm, I don't think that's right.

-Chippendales finish their mattress - Gary & Will are still sewing but determined not to give up - you never know.

-Rob & Kelly arrive at the mat and Phil tells them they were supposed to take the riverboat to Swarighat then walk to him - they took the boat directly to him so he couldn't check them in until they completed the course... they go back and blame the boat driver for taking them to the wrong place...

-Goat farmers arrive at Swarighat as Trey & Lexi arrive there by taxi - Josh tells them they had to take a boat there - so they jump in the boat that just brought them to go back and forth...

-Chippendales get the riverboat - as Gary & Will finally finish the mattress.

-Rob is doing the Ugly American thing to the fullest, yelling at the boatman - "You just cost me a million dollars!"

-Will & Gary show up at Swarighat by taxi and see Trey & Lexi who tell them the same thing they were told- you have to take the boat... Okay, Big & Small are sure they're out now.

Here's How They Finished:
1) James & Abba (YEAH! My Long Haired Rockers finally got a first place - and the guy with Phil at the Pit Stop had the orange beard thing going on too - I'll have to look that up.) They won a trip to Antigua.2) Abbie & Ryan
3) Nadiya & Natalie - "Good job guys" (you know they don't mean that.)
4) Rob & Kelly
4) Josh & Brent - Whoo!
5) Rob & Kelly - happy they only lost one spot - he's got 300lbs of heart. (And maybe a couple ounces of brains... just saying.)
6) James & Jaymes
7) Trey & Lexi - what a day.
8) Gary & Will - **ELIMINATED** this was truly a hard leg - they feel they were representing the fans of the show and they let the fans and themselves down. They say they wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. It was the greatest experience in the world.

Oh yeah, and with Gary & Will leaving this week - that dashes the hopes of Sandy G, Jeff T, Lee G, Jessica C and Sharleen H. I'm sorry to tell you, you have been eliminated from the pool ;)

Next week: The Race gets more physical and they all start to droop in the blazing sun - Goat Farmers and Chippendales dropping like flies - Oh My.

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Oct 17/12 Episode Recap

Got My Swag Back

Russell Swan was the first returning player voted off last week - as Matsing is still the only losing tribe. (Makes for one boring season so far, I must say.)

Matsing - Night 10
After returning from Tribal Council as a tribe of two, Denise speculates that they could split her and Malcolm up and send one to each of the other tribes (which would almost guarantee you got picked off.)  He just doesn't want to be counted out yet. (I do feel bad for them, it must really suck to be a fan of the show and finally get there and have it go so badly, such a bummer.)

Matsing - Day 11
They are feeling really down and out, and it's raining (as usual) - they figure this is probably their last chance to look for the hidden immunity idol.  All they know is that it had to be something that was in camp when they got there... they look in the rice basket, in the rice, under it... finally Malcolm thinks to pry the emblem off the top and Celebrate Good Times, Come ON!  They do a happy dance - he is giddy but Denise realizes if they are split up, she's on her own.

They come together and Jeff tells Malcolm and Denise to drop their buffs - Matsing has been decimated and they are drawing buffs to see which tribe they will go to... Malcolm goes to Tandang (Yellow) and Denise goes to Kalabaw (Red).  It's like they are starting over with a:
Teams will square off one-on-one, balancing an idol on a stick/tray thingy - the object is to knock the other person's idol off the pedestal.  First tribe to 5 wins Reward: coffee, tea, biscuits, cookies... yum.

Malcolm vs Jeff K  - Jeff gets one for Red
Dana vs Artis - Artis gets one for Yellow
Lisa vs Girl I still don't know - Red gets it
Returnees Michael vs Jonathan - since it's the first idol to hit the ground, Michael throws his high in the air and knocks Jonathan's off, insuring his would hit the ground last - he ties it at 2.
RC vs Denise - Denise employs a similar strategy and it's Red 3 - yellow 2
Carter vs Pete - Pete ties it up again
Dawson vs Abi - Dawson tries to pull Abi's hair but Abi wins it and then whines that she went for her hair - "Play like a man, not like a bitch" (oh we all know who the bitch is here, honey.)  Yellow 4, Red 3
Jeff vs Malcolm (II) - Malcolm wins it - Finally he wins something!  Tandang wins the Reward.

Jonathan would have rather gotten Malcolm on his tribe, he thinks the other tribe has a physical advantage now. (Don't underestimate a woman who's job is picking people's brains - Denise is a therapist... I hope she wins it all!)

Tandang - Day 11
They return to camp with a new member and food... and Malcolm feels like he's got his swag back - he just hopes he can find a way in to the tribe. 
-Lisa is all sunshine and happiness where Malcolm is concerned, he's smart, good looking and positive - good energy for their tribe.
-RC, on the other hand, feels like she would have fared better had they gotten Denise.  The minute she saw Malcolm talking to Pete, she knew it was over.  Then she goes on about how hard it is not having someone to confide in out there (ohh, she wanted Denise as a therapist, I get it now :) 
-But they are all trying to cozy up to Malcolm, it's like he's the only rooster in the hen house.  He makes fire and RC hugs him. Abi's making eyes at him, Lisa's happy...
-Pete pulls Malcolm aside and tells him not to go with Mike & RC, Mike's been annoying since day one, story after story, "And we have the idol, but they don't know that."  Malcolm is shocked he just confided that to him but he's happy to get as much info as he can.  Pete is just glad that he can now get rid of Mike without worrying about strength (but he's stupidly not worrying about Malcolm having a brain, which he does.)
-Malcolm says he's like the stud quarterback from the rival school, everyone wants to get to know him, and he's enjoying it right now. (Who wouldn't?)

Kalabaw - Day 11
Denise is being super positive and super helpful and yeah, trying a little too hard.  She knows she's got to worm her way in so she's going to do whatever they want her to do. 
-Dark haired girl I still don't know (KATIE! That's her name) she says she's currently in an alliance with the other girls, Dana & Dawson, so they NEED Denise. She was much happier to get a female, hopefully if Katie can get Denise under her arm (I hope she meant 'take her under her wing') maybe she won't even listen to the guys.
-Rain, rain, rain...they are wet and cold and Dana is not doing well.  She looks so pale, she is dizzy, nauseous, and bolts from the shelter to puke - she can't stop shaking or keep anything down - they call in medical to take a look at her.  She's having stomach pains but they can't know what is actually wrong with her - the doctor says they can wait and see - so Jeff tells her because she's not a medical emergency, they won't pull her unless she decides she wants to leave.  She says she can't stay, she can't be out there sick anymore.  She's curled up on the ground, in the fetal position, and they bring the tribe over to say goodbye... blah blah blah - poor girl.
-Katie is sorry Dana is sick but she's really just thinking about herself - "My strongest ally just got taken away, what am I going to do to survive?"

Oh, and with Dana choosing to leave due to illness, Robert Leung, Ritch Gallaher and Kim Anhofer are out of the pool. (That sucks.)

Tandang is just finding out that they now have a one person advantage because of Dana's leaving. Mike Skupin looks especially shocked (must hit home for him.)

OMG, it's not raining, the sun actually came out there for a second.

They have to race through a series of obstacles then untie knots to lower a drawbridge - one person will have to chop through a block of wood and a rope which releases a load of bamboo puzzle pieces.  They have to pick through the bamboo to find the pieces with letters on them then arrange the letters to spell a phrase (Live to play another day.)
-This time is Immunity or Tribal Council.  Tandang sits Abi and Jeff takes note that she is sat every time - she's only participated in 2 challenges (probably best since she called someone a bitch in the last one.)

-Off they go.  Tandang is off to a strong start - Katie is the weak link for Kalabaw, she's slowing them down through all the physical stuff.
-Malcolm is the wood chopper and gets Tandang working on the puzzle before Kalabaw is through the drawbridge.  Jeff K starts on the wood but then Jonathan takes over and, the funniest part of the whole thing, when he cuts through the rope he just casually chucks the hatchet over his shoulder (Ah... your tribe mates are back there - hahaha, it could have been a Shining moment.)  They're too focused on the puzzle now and no one was hit, but still - safety first!
-They are all working on the phrase now...  and Kalabaw was sooo close... but Tandang, with Malcolm, wins Immunity!  Denise must feel like a bad penny. 

-Jonathan is blaming Katie for being slow getting up the hill and Dawson for getting in his way with the puzzle for them losing.  Now they are going to be down two people and at this stage in the game that could be insurmountable. (Way to be positive.)

Kalabaw - Day 13
They come back defeated and it's new for them.  Katie sucked, she knows she sucked, Dawson confirms for her she sucked but, Denise has only been there 2 days - to Dawson it seems obvious that they should just pick off the new girl.
-Denise is talking to Jeff though, and he tells her he's in an alliance of three but if she will be their 4th they'd be glad to have her vote.  He also tells the camera he recognizes that Denise is stronger then the girls they have and she holds more value to the tribe right now.
-Jonathan doesn't think they can get rid of Denise at this point, so their choice is Katie who stunk at the challenge or Dawson, who, until today, way their weakest link. 
-Dawson, meanwhile, seems to be the only one who knows that Jeff Kent was a professional baseball player so she's amusing herself by putting down baseball and baseball players to see if she can make him squirm. (And I hoped she was smart.)
-And it's working - Jeff is walking on eggshells with her because she does know his history - but she's also given him another reason to vote her out.

-Dawson says that Dana leaving hit them harder than the rain ever could.
-Jonathan agrees that Dana leaving was devastating, he believes had she still been there and healthy at the challenge, they wouldn't be at tribal tonight.
-Katie, says she feels like the biggest idiot in the world - "but hopefully these people believe in me and know I am capable and deserve to stay here."
-Jonathan says if it was just based on today's challenge, easy vote.
-Dawson says Denise's strength is a good reason to keep her around (which doesn't sit well with Katie).  Dawson says her value is being positive and keeping spirits up at camp.
-Jeff K. says he's looking at the weak links, working at camp, performance at challenges- it's important to keep the stronger players to try and keep their numbers up.
-And Probst says, "Alright, time to vote" Holy, that was the shortest Tribal Council ever, I think - this tribe is boring - really, not going to talk to Denise at all?  And does Carter actually speak?

Time to Vote:
They don't show who anyone voted for...

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol
Denise - 1
Dawson - 1, 2 (Damn!  She's my girl) 3, 4... and it's Dawson who is voted out of Survivor Philippines (shouldn't have toyed with the baseball player.) 
She slowly and kinda creepily went in for a hug from Probst (she totally had a thing for him, but that was a little awkward.)
And I'm out of the Pool again!  So is Bernice R and Kelvin H.  Sigh, I will win it one day... probably when I stop running the pools.

Next week: A physical challenge gets dirty and not just because it's in the mud - and it looks like Artis is refusing to participate... interesting.

Dawson's last thoughts: Jeff Kent owes her big time [for not outing his baseball past], and if he wins, she wants a motorcycle, helmet, sidecar and a pink gun (What? Only in America!)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


Monday, October 15, 2012

The Amazing Race 21 - Oct 14th Episode Recap

There's No Crying in Baseball

The teams are still racing in Indonesia this leg. 6:07am, The Twins are the first team to head out to a specified restaurant to get the next clue (restaurants on the Race always make me nervous...) the clue also tells them "Caution, U-turn ahead."
-Trey & Lexi "Texas" are the next team and meet up with Natalie & Nadiya who are still there in the market - they're not sure where they need to go so they decide to wait for "the stupid" Chippendales. (That was one of the twins - I couldn't help thinking, you want to wait to follow them - who's stupid?)
-Chippendales are fine teaming up with the first two teams - they figure at this point it can't hurt.
-Abbie & Ryan are 4th out and he says it's hard running the race as a couple because sometimes they are competitive with each other (which could be a good thing if it spurs them on - or a bad thing if it messes them up.)  They feel like they'll have no problem handling the race, it's if they can handle each other (are you sure you should be a couple?)
-So now all four teams are wandering together aimlessly - they finally ask a policeman (I think) where the restaurant is and he tells them it's far so they all jump in cabs.  The Twins say [wasting time wandering around] was an example of stupid things you do in numbers because you feel safe.

-Beekman boys are the next out - as far as balding-glasses-guy sees it there are the alpha teams (those already out) and then the rest of them that are just doing their best and are good people.  "And in the end good people end up winning." (Yeaahhh, you keep telling yourself that - life is fair and sunshine comes out of your butt too. Hmm, too bitter? hahaha)
-Long Hair Rockers - think they've surprised people by being able to run (I'd be more surprised if you stopped finishing in the middle... this is my team, I'm not impressed - yet.)

-Texas arrives at the Restaurant and reads the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who wants to serve a balanced meal?
One team member will have to serve twenty plates of food all at once, balancing all the plate/bowls in their arms and serving the dishes by placing them all on the table in front of hungry patrons (oh crap, this could be dangerous.)  If anything drops along the way, they will have to start over - they will only get the clue if they successfully serve all 20 plates of food all at once.
-Lexi is doing it for them - with her backpack on her back still (really?)
-Chippendales, Goat Farmers and Abbie & Ryan get to the restaurant and the Twins fall to the curse of the lost cabbie (uh oh.)
-The Twins don't suffer the lost driver for long though - declaring this guy the worse cab driver ever, they get out of that cab on the side of the road and try to find another one.

Meanwhile, the cute blond girls Caitlin & Brittany are starting out, about an hour behind the first team - these two say you will see them get mad before you will see them cry - They could get punched in the face and still won't cry (give it some time, one of the other teams may try that out.) "I mean, there is no crying in baseball."  (These two talk a tough game - but we shall see.)

-At the restaurant - Lexi is the first to drop all her plates when she tries to deliver to the table - "How do I do this?" (Take your backpack off for starters - sheesh.)
-Blond Chippendale has serving experience and he's got strong arms, big hands... ahem... anyway, he is the first to successfully complete the service and get the next clue: they have to make their way to the train station where they will catch a train to Bangil - while on the train they must keep their eyes open for their next clue (looks like a cotton candy vendor on the train has the clue among his wares.)
-Ryan also completes the service on the first try - smaller dark haired goat farmer asks how he's doing and drops some plates - oopsy, concentration is required for this.
-Longhairs get to the restaurant as Lexi & Brent(?) complete the service and those teams head for the train station.
-Abba does the serving and he gets it done quickly.

-The Twins finally get to the restaurant, one of them is doing it (I will never be able to tell them apart so why bother.)

-7:22am- Monster Truck is finally starting out.
-7:32am - Will & Gary are the last team to depart - they tried to get on the show for so long and thought they had it all figured out but it is so much harder than they realized - now they're the team that you wonder why they're there.  But they are going to hopefully do better today.

Back at the restaurant -Nadiya drops a bunch of plates on the table and diners - has to start over.  She gets it done after her Twin yells at her, it calms her down (sure, whatever works for you.)
-One of the blond girls has done the food delivery too.  These teams take off for the train.
-Monster truck Rob does the food delivery on the first try - easy-peasy.
-Gary - the big guy - is going to do the food service (probably a good idea.)

At the train station:  All the teams are on the same train to Bangil... that is, all the teams that made it in time - the Twins just missed it.  On the train, Ryan asked a woman if she knew what time the next train ran - she said 10:55am - meaning the other 4 teams will have a 3 hour wait for the next train. (Ouch!)
-The Twins are not happy to be stuck with all the stragglers in the back.

On the train, the Long-hairs say they are on the train with the Chipmunks, Goat farmers, Abbie & Boyfriend and Texas Mounts? Mouse?  (I even rewound it and couldn't figure out what he called them.)
-Anyway those 4 teams (not including the long-hairs) talk about the U-Turn and blond James Chipmunk says none of them should bother using the U-Turn since they are out in front, they all agree and shake on it but Long Hair-Don't Care wasn't included so they don't know what those two are thinking.

Back at the train station Blond girls and Monster truck are just finding out all the other teams were on a 7:30 train and they are stuck waiting until 10:55...  with the Twins.
-Gary is just finishing the food service.

On the train the food service is just starting and Blond Chippendale is obnoxiously asking if the servers have clues... and when the one with the clue comes around they all pounce... eek.  The clue is for the DETOUR: Lion's Head or Egg Head.
In Egg Head: one team member will have their head lit on fire to cook some eggs (what?)  Looks like they have the green outer coconut husk with a flame inside it balanced on their head - the second person holds a frying pan over the fire and cooks some eggs. (Apparently this is a thing.)
They have to get 4 eggs from a vendor, take a pedal cart to the venue, cook the 4 eggs on one of their heads and then eat the eggs to get the clue.
In Lion's Head: they have to make their way by pedal cart to the park, dress in a traditional costume including a 40lb lion's head mask - then parade through the streets stopping periodically to perform several steps then making their way back to the park to receive the next clue.
-Everyone chooses Lion's head except the Goat Farmers, who will be cooking eggs on their heads.

-First train arrives in Bangil and the teams run for the pedal cabs - first challenge is getting both 6'4" Chippendales in one of those little things... but they all make it to the park to start the Lion's Head parade.
-They all suit up and the head dress/mask is anchored in their mouths - Abbie & Ryan are at the front of the parade and if they drop the mask, they'll have to go to the back - they start having to turn around, then go to one knee (with 40lbs resting on your face - no thank you.)
-Chippendales say it was like making out with 900 Indonesians putting that thing in his mouth - it was not pleasant (haha.)
-Lexi was just trying not to drop the thing, it was tough for the girls.

-The Goat Farmers have just made it to the market to pick up their eggs.

-Abbie & Ryan are the first team to finish the parade and they get the next clue to make their way to Perlman POS - where 3 streets meet.
-Chippendales, Texas & Long Hair Don't Care finish right behind them and all head out.

-The Goat Farmers now both have flaming coconuts on their heads.

-Back at the train station - the last 4 teams are finally on the train and heading for Bangil - the train ride is about 1 hour.  Caitlin & Brittany are sizing up their competition and figure they are smarter and more fit than the rest so they should have no problems (oh, I smell some Race karma coming their way.)

-Everyone is arriving at Perlman POS and finding out it is a double U-Turn and it will remain anonymous still Abbie & Ryan do not U-Turn anyone.
They get the clue to the Pit Stop - it's a high school.
-Chippendales and Texas get to the U-Turn at the same time - they do not utilize it either - I really wish big Blond James would shut up, he's loud and it's constant - annoying.
-Long Hairs also don't u-turn anyone - then they go to the wrong school (dang it - these two always fall apart at the end.)

-And the Goat Farmers have finally moved on to the egg eating portion of the task - wow, that took way longer than expected.  They keep their word and don't U-Turn anyone.

-Teams on the train are all hoping to get to the U-Turn before another team - you can bet there will be U-turning happening, especially if the Monster truckers get the chance.
-They get the Detour clue and everyone is going to do the Lion's Head.
-When the train arrives at Bangil, Twins, Blonds and Monster Truckers jump off the train and are gone in a pedal car... Gary & Will jump off, whining their car was farther from the station, then can't figure out what the pedal car things are...

-At the park Caitlin & Brittany have an ugly American fit trying to pay the driver (disgusting when they can't speak English isn't it :(

-The twins finish the Lion's Head task said it was like cross training except with a mask instead of dumbells - and the Monster truckers also finish right behind them.

-Gary & Will finally get to the park and are whiny that they are always pulling up the rear (I'm sorry but whining isn't going to make it better - these two need an attitude adjustment.)

-The twins get to the U-turn and don't use it - Natalie has to check if they used a cute picture of them - Nadiya trying to leave runs into the camera (haha).
-Monster truckers U-Turn Gary & Will - just for insurance.
-Caitlin & Brittany get lost on the way to the U-Turn.
-Will & Gary get to the U-turn and don't know who is behind them - should they U-turn Monster Truck or the girls... (DO THE GIRLS!) They choose Monster truck (NOOOO!)

-Will & Gary now have to do the egg thing - they get their eggs and are having them cooked on their heads when Caitlin & Brittany are taken there - they look for the U-turn mat but can't find it and finally decide they're at the wrong place...
-Will & Gary chow down and have to go back to the U-Turn place to get the Pit Stop clue.
-Caitlin & Brittany finally get to the U-Turn, see they have not been U-Turned then their pedal cab guy takes them around the block and back there - they are so f'n mad at the pedal dude!
-Gary & Will are ahead of the girls at this point but the girls start yelling at their driver to pass them and he does... argh!  Gary slips his driver some cash and all of a sudden he can pedal faster... and they take a different turn than the girls....(Oh yeah, Race Karma for the ugly American girls.)

Here's how they finished:
1) Abbie & Ryan - they win a trip to Fiji
2) Lexi & Trey (Texas) - they knew Abbie & Ryan would be tough competitors  - Lexi tells us later if they had the chance to U-Turn someone again, it would be Abbie & Ryan.
3) James & Jaymes (Chippendales)
4) James & Abba - were wandering confusedly looking for the mat until they heard blond Chippendale yelling when he found it (see, that guy is so loud.)
On the mat, Abba says they don't see the value in running with the pack, they won't win the race for us (yeah, you're doing so well on your own.)
5) Josh & Brent - started at 5 and are still 5th.
6) Nadiya & Natalie - They are going to get back in it and be #1 again.
7) Rob & Kelly (Monster Truck)
8) Gary & Will - they know they got lucky - and it just proved you can never give up.
9) Caitlin & Brittany -  **ELIMINATED** They blame it all on their driver, he was a hot mess - they know they are a stronger team than Gary & Will, it makes it really tough to take when you know you are better than a lot of the teams that are left (Ugh, I won't miss them.)

But with Caitlin & Brittany's elimination, that also takes Gillian H, Bryon L, Carol-Anne D, Laurie T and Ian G out of the pool.

Next week they are heading to Bangladesh - where Rob & Kelly take a turn for the worse.. uh oh.

Have a great week everyone,
