Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Oct 10/12 Episode Recap

Create a Little Chaos

They did quite the little recap of what's been going on... Matsing has been decimated, Pete flipped the power alliance on Tandang and Baseball Jeff may align with Penner who confided in him about the idol.  Then they showed Russell make the little girl cry again (haha)...

Matsing - Blue - Day 9
It's raining and miserable, as usual.  Malcolm and Denise are huddled under the shelter trying to keep warm and Russell is out working (say what you will about Russell, the guy is not lazy).  They have yet to speak.  They seem so demoralized but they are trying to put on brave faces.  Russell is the cheerleader, he wants to mount the greatest comeback of all time - there is no quit in any of them.

Tandang - Yellow - Day 9
Raining of course - They are all huddled under the shelter as well but at least they have a tarp - doesn't stop them from hating life out there though.  Lisa is worried the weather may be the ultimate winner in this game as it sucks the life out of everyone.  Pete, on the other hand, feels like he's in a great position - he's ready to create some chaos.
-All of a sudden, Abi says, "Oh my gosh, what is this?" (badly acted I must say) and she pulls the clue to the hidden immunity idol out from under the blanket.  RC is flabbergasted, she can't figure out how the clue got out of her bag.  She gamely reads it to the tribe pretending she'd never seen it before but she is worried about her place in the tribe.
-Abi doesn't care what RC thinks, especially since Abi found the hidden idol last week and RC doesn't know that.  Abi is happier in her alliance with Peter (she doesn't strike me as a girl-friend, more of a guy-girl - if you know what I mean.)
-Pete put the clue out for everyone to find - creating his chaos (and keeping himself entertained) he wants to make sure no one else can play their game.

Kalabaw - Red - Day 9
As soon as the rain stops and the sun comes out this tribe is working.  They build a fire and the guys go fishing.  Jonathan is appreciating the paradise and he's got a positive attitude - that goes a long way in turning the tide of Baseball Jeff's opinion of him.  Jeff is fed up with the stupid young people on his tribe, he's come to appreciate Jonathan's experience and mature presence and he's decided to commit to an alliance with Jonathan - Carter (the blond guy with red pants) also says he wants to play with the boys - so this tribe seems to be splitting along gender lines.
-Back at camp the women: Dawson, Dana and the other one (they never show these people, how am I supposed to remember their names?) - they realize the men must be talking and they are talking about sticking together as a women's alliance.  Dana (short hair-tattoos) is just as happy without the guys, she can catch fish and start fire - the worse thing you can do is underestimate her because she's a woman (yeah!)

Matsing - Blue - Day 9
Malcolm is getting fed up with Russell, he sized him up pretty accurately the first day - Russell lacks self awareness - it's obvious in what he says as opposed to what he is actually able to accomplish.  The only reason Russell is still there in Malcolm's opinion is because they are going so poorly and they need his muscle mass.
-Russell is a little suspicious that neither Malcolm nor Denise have talked to him about what they are going to do when/if the bottom falls out - so he's finally decided he should look for the hidden immunity idol.
-But he's as good at that as he is at everything else - meaning he doesn't find it... and he gets caught suspiciously looking under their shelter.  Denise asks him what he's doing and he just keeps going on about checking the banana leaf... she definitely thinks he has the idol now.
-Denise tells Malcolm she thinks Russell has an idol, so they unashamedly go through his stuff in the shelter while he's out by the fire - no idol - but he could have it on him so they are going to blindside him and leave no room for error.

Tandang - Yellow - Day 10
Pete is proud of the concrete wedge he created between RC & Abi.
-RC tries to talk to Abi about what happened yesterday with the clue but she is a pill about it - "I have nothing to talk to you about, move on, I'm serious."  RC tries to calmly talk but Abi acts like she's ready to physically fight her (wow, over-react much?  Best to just back away.)  Pete loves it!  Abi thinks RC planted the clue and goes on about her betraying her (OMG! Who went to Pete with the clue?  What a hypocrite.  I can't stand this girl.)
-RC is worried about her place in the tribe especially since Abi is so irrational.  RC thought she had this thing locked down with Abi as her #2 but now she's starting to realize that she may be on the outs.
-Lisa is just as happy to let the other girls flame out, as long as she's not in the line of fire.

One at a time, they will carry two clay pots of rice on a bamboo pole across their shoulders over a series of obstacles - place the pots in their stands and crawl back under the obstacle through the mud so the next person can go - once they have collected all six pots, they will use a wrecking ball to smash all 6 pots.  First two tribes win immunity plus reward - first place reward is raw steaks, spices, veggies, utensils - second place, a couple veggies, salt & pepper and a pot - third place, tribal council.  Also, either winning tribe is allowed to trade their reward for a tarp if they would rather (even the show is acknowledging that it rains too dang much there!)
Tandang and Kalabaw sit all the women - which doesn't sit too well with Matsing - couldn't they have said the other tribes had to have at least once girl do the challenge? - that would have been more fair (yeah, not very feminist of me, but whatever, I'm rooting for the underdogs now.)

Off they go - Malcolm is off fast for Matsing, Skupin slows through the obstacle and Carter breaks a pot right off the bat.  For the first time ever, Matsing has the lead!  Russell does a good job too - they retain the lead until Pete is able to take over the lead from Denise.
Tandang is the first tribe to head off for the final stage - Matsing is 2nd out and Kalabaw is last to the smashing phase.
-Artis is a good smasher - Tandang is the first tribe to win immunity.
-Malcolm is smashing for Matsing and he's down to two pots... Jeff for Kalabaw catches up... they are both shooting for the last pot and it's... Kalabaw for second place.  OOOOH! What a heartbreaker!  It was so f'n close!  Bye-bye Russell.
-Wait - Russell is having a tantrum - he takes the last pot and smashes it as the other tribes are celebrating their win - "Same Old CRAP!"  Then he puts on a performance talking to God...  Jeff calls him out on his theatrics.  "You talk like you're a super hero. You're just a guy and someone's got to lose." (He's just trying to bring the drama, Jeff... and he'll be gone soon.)
-Kalabaw forgoes the meager spices and chooses the tarp for reward (smart).

Matsing - Day 10
They're just sad - it's sad - I hate it when one tribe loses all the time - it's not fun to watch.
-Malcolm approaches Russell and just quickly says to vote Denise - yup - they're good.
-Back at the shelter Malcolm tells Denise he told Russell it's her but he's still with her, she's not going.
-She says she's just going to vote for Russell and it is what it is.  She hopes he doesn't have the idol, she doesn't want a tie. 
-She goes and talks to Russell and they have a little therapy session... he talks about the origin of his attitude, standing up to a bully as a child made him not come from a place of fear.  blah blah... get to the strategy - oh, here we go.  Denise says Malcolm will play a better social game and remain a physical threat if he stays so they should get rid of him. 
-Now Russell is thinking that everyone is voting for everyone and he could be the deciding vote...
-Malcolm is a little terrified that everyone is voting for everyone (oh, what if everyone gets one vote, that would be kinda awesome.) 
-Denise has the best attitude - if she goes tonight, it won't change her belief that these are two good guys - they just played the game better than her.

Crazy - everyone is talking to everyone, talking about voting the other one... crazy.
-Russell talks again about his expectation of excellence from himself - says he's realized there is nothing wrong with that and if it is wrong he's willing to accept it as his fatal flaw (that's like listing perfectionist as a flaw in an interview - you fail!)
-Malcolm put himself in the position of anchor man at the challenge.  He says they all previously felt let down by everyone else in the challenges but when it's you doing the letting down, it stings doubly (this guy is very articulate - I like me some Malcolm... if only he'd get a hair cut.)
-Denise - why keep you? - Strong physical player and strong social game to help ease the way where ever they end up.
-Malcolm - why keep you? - We can't wait for a twist or a merge - we have to win something at some point.  Says he's younger, taller, stronger than the other two and is the best physical asset the tribe has and they need every physical advantage they can get at this point.
-Russell - why should Malcolm not stay?  Because he is such a young stud.  He's a threat - not to say that I'm not but when I grow up, I want to be like Malcolm.  I mean this guy's incredible.
-Russell - your argument to Denise to keep you? - He may not be Malcolm but he's no slouch physically and he can play a social game and be an asset based on his experience.  They could maybe survive together. (Sure, that lack of self-awareness is such an asset...)
-Malcolm - why get rid of Denise? - She's a step above them all socially.
-Russell - you put her in front of a jury - they will all say, you suck, you suck, she wins... and can I write you my own cheque as well.  (They think everyone will choose Denise to win.)
-Malcolm thinks that the result of this vote will be whatever pair they think will have the best chance together to go deep in this game. (Hm, that'll be fun, watching the two remaining twist in the wind.)

Time to vote:
Russell voted for Malcolm - too big a threat, but a great kid.
Malcolm votes for Russell - Sorry, brother. (Hulk Hogan, is that you?)

Tallying the votes:
No hidden idol
Russell - 1
Malcolm - 1
And the 4th person voted out of Survivor Philippines is Russell... ugh.
Jeff tells them, they are down to two, they have to keep fighting. (Hmm, are they really going to leave these two a tribe?)
Russell is delusional to the end - utter shock - completely blindsided - he had to deal with the weather and a dysfunctional tribe - this is the straw that breaks the camel's back - I think I'm done with Survivor. (Fine by me.)
And with Russell leaving us that takes Jessica C, Kim B/Gail W and Laura H out of the pool.

Next week: Denise & Malcolm start looking for the hidden immunity idol and it looks like possibly Baseball Jeff gets a visit from medical... oooh.

Have a great short week everyone,


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