Thursday, December 21, 2017

Survivor Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers - Season Finale Recap

Million Dollar Night

At the open of the show - five remain:

Ben - an American Hero and strategic powerhouse - but his bold game play has turned him into public enemy #1 and with no allies left will he be able to keep his torch lit?  Ben's strategy
: keep looking for idols and do his best to win immunity.  With Ben in the pool is Coleen T., Cindi & Steve and Elaine R.

Dr. Mike - only Healer left and despite being excluded from nearly every vote, he's found a
way to stay alive (with the filthiest shirt ever - I think it could walk away on it's own, maybe that shirt will win) - he's ecstatic to have made it to day 37 and it's like no one realizes he's going to win.  With Mike in the pool is Carol-Anne D., Fraser G., and Julisa C..

Devon - true to his nature he has hustled through this game controlling votes and orchestrating blindsides (really?) but with only five players left, will his grit be enough to get him to the end
?  He's not backing down, he's going for the million.  And with Devon is Kevin R., Kim A., and Lynne B..

Ryan - this super-fan's knowledge of the game has helped him find advantages and idols but it's his social ability and alliance with Chrissy that has kept him in the
game.  He says, as a super-fan, he needs to win this game.  With Ryan is Kim B., Susan N., and Sheila G..

Chrissy - a rough start nearly sent her home (she puked at the first challenge) - but she recovered and seized early control of the game.  When the tides turned again, she had to win immunity to stay alive and she did it. Will her roller coaster ride end in victory
? - she just hopes they can pull it off in a joyful manner, but it's Survivor.  And with Chrissy is Bryon L., Roxanne S., and Jeff T.

Who will have what it takes to Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast all the rest and win the million dollar prize and the title of Sole Survivor? (Can we just say right now, it's not going to be Ryan - I mean, come on.)

Solewa - Night 36
They return from Tribal Council where Ben played yet another hidden immunity idol that no one knew about and which resulted in Ashley going home.  This worked out just fine for Chrissy since that is what she wanted anyway. 
-Ben immediately goes off on his own - and the rest speculate that there can't be another hidden idol... they are, again, discounting the fact that Ben could find an idol - Mike says he's like the villain in any horror movie, he just keeps coming back to life.  Chrissy tells the rest of them that no matter what, they have to make sure Ben doesn't win immunity. (This sounds familiar.)
-Ben knows that a hidden immunity idol can be played until five which means there is one more tribal council remaining where it would be viable
so, while the other four are bedding down for the night, Ben is out searching - all night...

Solewa - Day 37
Ben is still searching in the early hours of the morning - and just when the exhaus
tion is about to take him he finds himself at the raft where he sees a symbol telling him to dig - and Ben has another hidden immunity idol!  This guarantees him a spot in the final four.  "I'm going to drop a big ol' Ben-Bomb at tribal council.  You think I'm going home? Watch this!"

Later in the morning after everyone is up - Chrissy decides she's going to try and make friends with Ben and they fakely hug it out and talk like friends - but she tells the camera it's all for game play, she doesn't trust him.  And he tells the camera that he's gunning for her to be the next to go.
-Chrissy asks him if he wins immunity today, would he keep her there - he turns it back on her, "if you win are you going to take me?" You see her face drop - of course not.  Ben gives her props for trying
, but she barking up the wrong tree there.

-They are out on the water for this one.  They will have to swim out to a platform and climb up a couple crates - jump off and grab a key then swim to a balance beam which they have to cross and collect another set of keys, then swim to the final platform where they will have to unlock and then complete a puzzle where they have to line up multi-coloured balls in the spokes of a wheel with the corresponding coloured
stripes in the right order in each spoke.  In addition they are playing for Reward - back at camp they will have a feast of comfort food - chicken, wine, cheesecake.

-This one - Ryan could not get across the balance beam because even the smallest wave was enough to launch his tiny weight into the water and it's Chrissy's puzzle skill that wins her Immunity again.  She also wins the Reward and decides to bring Dr. Mike and Devon along with her.  (Really? Ryan could really use a chicken dinner.) But instead Ryan has babysitting duty as he has to watch Ben and keep him from finding immunity (too late.)

-First thing Mike wants to do is check everything for a hidden immunity idol clue - and they do look but then fall on the food (they
got a whole chicken each - yikes.)  While they are eating, Chrissy wants to discuss the possibility of Ben playing another idol tonight and we gets to see all the food in their mouths as they talk (ew, gross) Devon says no way it will happen, he's voting Ben and they all agree they are voting Ben.
-Chrissy speculates - wouldn't it be great to use the dead super-immunity idol as a decoy... and Dr. Mike
, who has no knowledge of said Super Immunity idol, asks her to back the truck up... she explains it was only good at the first tribal so it's dead - but Mike thinks they should tell Ben they had a clue at the Reward and they found the hidden immunity idol, showing him that dead idol. (It would be genius if Ben hadn't already found the actual idol.)
-They are so pleased with themselves - it's sad and awesome all at the same time.

-Chrissy takes the dead idol and the instructions from Ryan's idol that he played and she puts it on in the shelter then tells Ben to save his energy, no reason to search for the hidden immunity idol cause she's had a two-fer day.  He asks to see the idol and the clue and congratulates her.  She and Ryan are patting themselves on the back for how Ben bought it hook, line & sinker - he wanders away dejectedly ... but is really laughing his ass off once away from camp because he knows they're lying... and they have saved him from having to fake look for an idol all day.  He's been a step ahead of them the whole time - he thinks they do underestimate him
– and now he's got the fate of someone in his hands.  Ryan is safe cause he's done nothing and Ben could easily beat him in the end - so it's between Mike and Devon.
-Ben does play it a bit too cool with Devon though, telling him he's not bummed about going out tonight because he'll at least get a meal.  This gives Devon pause, he knows Ben wouldn't just give up like that and he's thinking maybe he should vote for Mike.  Ryan isn't on board, he's voting Ben all the way - Devon is worried to piss Mike off (Why? Who cares if Mike is mad at you, as long as you are still there - listen to your gut Devon!) (And no matter what, Mike's shirt will live on.)

-They all agree that Ben is the common enemy of the group.  Ben is not one to hide, he's out there to play and his moves have been bold and in your face.
-Jeff asks Chrissy how Ben was left alone long enough to find an idol, being enemy number one. She lamely says something about they couldn't be with him 24-7 (but you really could - what else do you have to do?) Mike takes up the lame excuses - comes down to the fact that no one else wanted to put in the work either... and Chrissy decides this is when she is going to pull out her fake idol.
-Chrissy tells her fake story  - after Jeff helps her toot her horn about winning three immunities in a row - at the Reward she found a hidden immunity idol that she is going to play for someone tonight because she can't use both.
-Ben is still playing along that it was a heartbreaker to him - when Chrissy told him not to waste his energy looking - and these guys all seemed pretty happy about it.  His only chance was to win immunity or find the idol and Chrissy had quite the day today. (She has a little self-satisfied smirk on her face... ugh.  I guess she deserves to gloat a bit, but still, grr.)
-Jeff asks Devon if Chrissy was graceful or gloating and Devon starts to say he didn't think she was gloating but you got to love Ben, he tells it like it is, "She was 100% gloating Jeff." (And she looks shocked that he would have seen it that way - come on lady.)
-Ben says it sucks to sit there and see his dreams get ruined by these four, he's there to win a million dollars for his wife and his kids - and this is a hard pill to swallow.
-Ryan says he doesn't take joy in it, but that's the game (oh, you are taking joy, yes you are.)

Time to Vote:
They show Devon struggling... use your gut!

Tallying the Votes:
Anybody want to play a hidden immunity idol - tonight is the last night to play it.  Chrissy makes a show of asking if anybody wants her fake idol... they all say no.  And then Ben makes a bomb dropping sound and pull
s the actual hidden idol out of his boot

KA-BOOM!  Ben-Bomb!
-Chrissy looks disgusted, they are all shocked and Ben rubs it in, the Early Bird gets the worm.

JP and Joe can't control themselves on the jury - JP claps and Joe is doing some silent facial and arm celebrating.

Ben - 1, 2, 3 - does not count
Mike - 1
Devon - 1

Tie.  Devon admits to Mike he wrote his name down - Way to go Devon - he just saved his life in the game.  They will re-vote, they can only vote for Mike or Devon and those two don't vote.

This one comes back unanimous for Dr. Mike - (don't worry little buddy - you're shirt will hold your head up even if you can't.)  He was the final Healer left standing and he still thinks if he made it to the final three he would have won (delusional to the end.)

Oh, and Jeff gives them something to sleep on - tomorrow is the final Immunity challenge and there WILL be a TWIST. (oooh.)

Solewa - Night 37
Ben shocked them all again - Devon is proud he went with his gut and potentially made a million dollar move to keep himself there.
-Ben knows this is where it gets tricky - he has no Ben-Bombs to get him to the end - he has to win immunity tomorrow.  His wife and his kids are his driving force and he will need to take himself to the end.
-Chrissy feels like she can beat Ben in the end but she still wants to get him out of the game - it's driving her nuts she hasn't been able to get it done yet.  And
, like a broken record, they know they cannot let him win immunity.

-They will have to stack letter blocks on a very wobbly platform.  They have to carry the blocks to the apparatus, unlock it so it's wobbly, then stack the blocks spelling out the words Heroes, Healers, Hustlers.  If at any time the blocks fall they have to start over - locking the thing, taking the blocks back to the start, carrying them back, unlocking, restacking, etc.  (Yeah, this was a long frustrating challenge.)
Ryan got out to an early start with Ben right on his heels.  Ryan started dropping some of his leaving the door open for Ben who got all the words spelled, blocks balanced, locked, back to start and the U was upside down in Hustlers.  He had to unlock to fix it and everything fell - NOOOOOOOOOO! (Picture Darth Vader meme
-This opens the door for everyone - Ryan gets close but blocks keep falling - Chrissy gets close - Ben gets close again... but in the end, Chrissy wins just a few blocks ahead of Ben and it was crushing! CRUSHING!  I felt so bad for the guy.  And good for Chrissy - tied as the most wins of immunity by a woman at four. (But it was really hard for me to be happy for her.)

Oh yeah, she also got the scroll with the final twist on it.

Back at camp, Ben's thoroughly devastated by his loss today - he sees this as having lost his kids college fund, his retirement... it really hurts.  But he's also not giving up.  He approaches Chrissy and asks her if there is any chance of her keeping him around - she dances around answering by telling him that she will hear him out at Tribal Council.  (But we know she is not keeping him around.)

Chrissy gets away to read the twist - which says that she will only choose one person to go on with her - the remaining two will have to build fire and earn the final spot. (Do you know what that means?? Ben could still be in it! YES!)
Chrissy quickly realizes that Ryan has no chance of building a fire so she will choose him and leave Devon to build fire against Ben since he has the best shot.
-Chrissy goes and shares the twist with her alliance - she tells Ryan she's choosing him and Devon is totally willing to step up - he'd relish the chance to prove himself and pad his resume as the one that took out Ben. 
-Devon gets to practice his fire-making skills - he has been doing it many a morning but he still wants to practice - and then he breaks the flint... hmm, is that a sign?  He thinks it must mean he's not meant to waste his energy (ooo-kay.)

-Doctor Mike came in with the jury in a clean shirt - I was almost looking for his filthy shirt to walk in on it's own beside him.

-Chrissy gets a tepid round of applause for winning four immunity challenges, tying the record for a woman in Survivor. 
-An upside down U will forever haunt Ben - that was a million dollar mistake right there.  But he does say that if his torch is snuffed tonight, he's proud of how he's played and he wouldn't change a thing (good for him for not pandering to Chrissy, no pleading his case, just Ben being Ben.)

Jeff brings up the twist and asks Chrissy if she kept her secret advantage secret or if she shared it - she said she did share it but not with everyone - so Ben is dying to know what it is.  She reads it out again for everyone to know and this caused quite a stir on the jury and change
d Ben's mood 100%.

-Chrissy says she does see the beauty in allowing us to have some degree of control in our fate, but she does hope this ends up a certain way.  That being said, she chooses Ryan to go to the final with her.
-Devon says he feels great about this decision, he has the chance to
take his fate in his own hands.
-Ben is bouncing - he gets a second chance and he's ready to make some fire!

Ben and Devon are set up at the fire making stations and they both get started shaving off some flint and move on to sparking it - Devon has a couple almost starts but it's Ben that gets the flame going first and then Devon starts to panic and it's all over - Ben's fire grows and burns through the rope.  Ben has won his way to the final three.  (Yahoo!!)
Devon felt like he is leaving this experience a better man and he at least got to go out with a bang.  (He does seem like a good guy.) He feels blessed.

And Jeff tells us that the final twist is not a one-off, that will be a part of the game going forward.

Solewa - Day 39
Ryan knows he is the underdog going into this tribal council so he has to convince the jury he had total control of the game the whole time - this is a total lie, but if anyone can do it, it's Hustler Ryan.

Chrissy threw up at the first challenge she was so terrified but who would have thought she'd come back to win four immunities
?  She says she's a mom, she's an everyday hero and she deserves to win tonight.  She wants other mom's to know they should believe in themselves because their dreams may just come through.

Ben has been full throttle since day one - this game and him are two peas in a pod.  Being a marine he's seen some battles and he knows tonight is going to be a battle because Ryan's a good talker and Chrissy won four immunity challenges - he has to go in humble but confident. He's done this to provide for his family more than anything and at the end he's got to bring home a paycheque.

They did it a bit different this season, and I'm not sure how to write it up.  The jury didn't go one at a time, they did more of a
n open forum discussion in three rounds - Outwit, Outplay, Outlast... I hope you can follow.

Jeff explains: Outwit is the social part of the game, making alliance dealing with people - Outplay, how did you deal with the conditions put on you by the game - Outlast, did you put on the jury people that will respect how you played the game more than the people beside you.

Outwit - Desi starts off congratulating Chrissy for winning four immunities and hats off to Ben for finding so many hidden idols - but Ryan, everyone just thought they could beat you and that's why you're there, here's your opportunity to tell us why you deserve to win.
-(Okay, I would have laughed if he just made goat noises, that would have been awesome...) Ryan starts with saying he found the secret advantage day one on the boat and used it to build alliances with Chrissy and Devon - but then goes on a run of exaggerated claims that he was actually running things and using Devon as the face of the blindside decisions that were made.  He says he had to depend on things that he's good at - building social relationships.
-Ashley asked him why he never had a strategic discussion with her, isn't that a breakdown of his social game.  Ryan says that his strategy with her would have been filtered through Devon.
-Joe asks Devon to co-sign on this and he stumblingly tries to back up his boy but JP asks if Ryan knew about his blindside and no- Ryan did not know when they flipped on the seven.

-Joe then takes the floor, saying he's glad they started with Outwit, he didn't realize Ryan was making these moves early on but he wants to move on to King Ben, because his social game was horrible, he only ever yelled at Joe and Chrissy just butted heads with Joe (that's the way you wanted it dude.) Now he's blaming them for not trying to get along with him because he ended up on the jury.
-Ben owns his social awkwardness and just tells it like it is - coming back from combat with PTSD, he couldn't even talk to his family let alone a beach full of strangers.  He opened up a lot to these people not just for gameplay but to try to better himself as a friend and a man.
-Chrissy jumps in that her game was different - she got this far not by trying to make epic blindsides but by staying loyal to her alliances.  She was loyal to Ryan and JP (what about Ben?).  She also tried to get to know them all personally and could tell them each a personal thing about themselves.  Joe calls her on that, what's my thing?  Chrissy says he doesn't believe in getting married because his parent divorced when he was very young and it was horrible for him and he just doesn't think that marriage works (Boom! She totally got him there - it was awesome, finally someone shut Joe up.)
-Cole calls out Ben for blowing his food
stealing out of proportion and trying to get everyone to turn on him as a thief - if Ben clears his name they'll be all good. (What? This is not about you and you did eat more than your share - whatever, move on from this dolt.) Ben says that Cole was a physical threat and if that was the only way he could get people to turn on Cole, he was going to use that - it was nothing personal.
-Then Ryan jumps in to try and make Ben look bad - saying it went beyond painting a target on Cole's back, he had a vendetta against you (what are you doing Ryan?) who did you not argue with, who had your back? Me.  Ben, says no, it was a strategic move - he talked to Cole man-to-man - he sat on the beach and told stories to Devon and Lauren, this is my life, I told stories.
-Ashley jumps in that he told people things but Chrissy actually asked people about themselves, she's a freakin' genius.  Chrissy takes up this line and says she did forge great social connections - she throws out Cole's
SAT score - Ryan protests that she's just throwing out random facts now and Cole doesn't care if she knows things, it's how she used these relationships in the game and he doesn't know that about her.  She starts saying that she would try and find out people's philosophies on how to play the game to find out if they were compatible, like when she got to know Devon... and Ryan jumped in that it was through him - Chrissy shuts that down, "Just because your body is present, doesn't mean that people have a relationship through you." (That's right, you tell him.)
-Then there is some back and forth - Cole tries to shut it down, saying they are not making any impact on their voting with this - and Desi classes up the place again by trying to get them to realize that the jury does respect them and they should take a step back and realize this is just a game.

Okay let's move on to Outplay (are you serious??? Aren't we done?)  Okay, I'm just going to put in the salient points.
Chrissy won four immunities. Ben found and played three hidden immunity idols perfectly.  Ryan did nothing - he acknowledged that is true and then kept yammering on (let's just imagine goat noises when Ryan talks - you're wasting our time here.)
Ashley says she is very proud of all the girls on the jury and Chrissy - they took eight of the nine individual immunities this season (Wow! That's fantastic - as a feminist, I am really proud of this season's women.) Chrissy was terrified when this started - she never played sports as a kid, she was always
told she sucked at physical stuff, but somehow she found the courage and did it. She is only one of four women that have won four immunities and she also got two advantages in the game - she is very proud of herself.  And the jury all chimed in that she should be proud, they are all proud of her too.  Lauren said she applied for 16 years, it's proven that giving up is not an option in her book. Congrats.
-Ben tries to jump in but Joe starts yammering - but then he turns it to Ben, asking him how he found three immunities - did he just put in the work or what?  Ben said his back was against the wall and he has no choice - he got up when everyone was sleeping and he was searching - he never quit.  The only person that was going to save him was him.
-Desi asked them how they let Ben go off on his own to find that many idols.  Ben answered that he was one step ahead of them on every idol.  They looked at the raft, he already had the idol. Mike looked under the shelter, he already had it in his pocket. Chrissy tried to play a fake idol, he knew it was fake, because he already had it in his pocket.
-Chrissy says they thought they were tailing him as best they could but that was obviously a game flaw (yeah, he put in the work, you guys didn't.)

Outlast - finally the final three make their pitches.
Ryan - bleat bleat

Ben - he says he's going to be short but sweet - every one of them
[the jury] he had a hand in putting on the jury because he saw them as hurdles to overcome to win a million dollars for his wife and kids.  He respects them as threats but he had to put them in those seats.  (The jury all look at him like, seriously, that's it?)
Mike says that win or lose, Ben has played one of the best games in Survivor history and he will be remembered as a legend in this game
(sure…) but he wants more - why should you be the winner tonight? And Joe can't help himself he says that lack of speech was like he was giving up now. (Come on Ben, don't pooch it now.)
-Ben says the reason he should be sole Survivor this year is because even after been called a king and deemed a dictator - he never quit looking and I never quit battling against all y'all. I've told you I'm out here for my family and I am and I've talked about stuff that happened in the military - I came back with PTSD and me being out here now is a message to all those men and women who are struggling, they don't have to feel alone, or like nobody understands (oh, they even have music swelling under this - yup, that was the moment they wanted) it's powerful - if I can be labelled a hero for showing vets that it can be done and they can have happiness - you have to work hard for it but it can be done.

Chrissy - She underestimated herself coming into this game - and has realized that there are times she just has to say that she is awesome - in this case she is saying that she kicked ass at the challenges, she kicked ass strategically, she made connections with each of them and she got to the end by playing a good, clean, solid game, without leaving a trail of destruction.  She says all Mom's are heroes because they put other people before themselves - they don't even stop and think, they put themselves on the line everyday - not like a firefighter or a marine - but it is with great love and no thought that they get in there and do whatever they have to do for their kids.  They are not only heroes but also healers and hustlers - so her game was all parts of that.  And don't forget she's been applying for 16 years
the point in never give up on your dreams - you can be a 47 yr old mom and freakin' do this.  Whoever wins tonight is going to be the representative of your season and I think that I would be a winner that we can all celebrate.  (Wow, Chrissy is really good at tooting her own horn, I think she has had some practice, even though she thinks she's humble.  Regardless, it was a good speech and I'm not a Mom but I'm still proud of how she played as a woman of like age.)

Finally - it's time to vote (I'm feeling like Ben, up all night writing this recap as everyone sleeps.)
Lauren votes for Ben - hopes he does something good for veterans. (Not more awful tattoos)
Devon votes for Ryan - seriously? Do you speak goat?
Ashley votes for Chrissy - she's okay with her representing their season.

Then flash to the live studio for the reading of the votes:

Ben - 1
Ryan - 1
Chrissy - 1
These we knew.

Chrissy - 2
Ben - 2, 3, 4 - and BEN is the winner of Survivor
Heroes vs Healers vs Hustlers!! Wahoo!! 

With Ben winning this season, that means that the winners of our Pool are Elaine R.
, Cindi & Steve and Coleen T. (YES, That's me!!! I can't believe I finally won the pool on the season I decide to quit doing the pools. It's serendipity.)

So the reunion portion of this show didn't really talk to the rest of the contestants.  They did make us all cry by bringing out three of Ben's Marine buddies that he hasn't seen in 10-12 years and they confirmed that he had been in really bad shape when they last saw him
but they are so happy for him and proud of how far he's come. (Someone was cutting onions through that for sure.)

And they showed a preview of Next Season (which will start usually in February). 
Survivor Ghost Island - will be based on some of the worst decisions ever made in Survivor history - giving a totally new cast the chance to reverse the curse and make better decisions using the actual haunted advantages and idols that did
previous players in.  (Hmm, that sounds really interesting.)

So, this is it, I'm realizing that I really am going to miss doing this, it has been a labour of love and I've enjoyed playing along with all of you  - but it's time, I'm ready to let it go and I hope you all understand.

I'm a little weepy and going to bed now.  Don't forget the Amazing Race starts on January 3, 2018.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!



Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Survivor HvHvH - Dec 13/17 Episode Recap

The Survivor Devil

Last week Ben got everyone riled up at Tribal so they voted for him, then he made the epic move of playing a hidden immunity idol none of them even had a whiff that he had- and his was the sole vote that counted to send Lauren to the jury.

Solewa - Night 33
They return to camp and everyone is just flabbergasted that Ben was able to keep having a hidden idol a secret (seriously? That's how the game is supposed to be played - duh!) If anything that move just solidified for the other five that Ben will be the next one to go - no question.  Chrissy demands of all of them that they not let Ben win immunity, no matter what.
-Devon calls Ben out, says he voted out the wrong person because he's (Devon's) not going to let Ben win immunity. 

Solewa - Early morning - Day 34
The one thing Ben knows is that he is on the outs and needs another immunity idol to ensure he stays there.  He wakes up before anyone else and takes the opportunity to go look for another hidden immunity idol - one thing in his favour, he's found one before, knows to look for a clue - not in his favour, thick jungle, big island and it's still kind of dark...

-Meanwhile, camp has awoken and Chrissy is sure that Ben is out looking for a hidden immunity idol (of course he is, he's no dumb bunny) but she's pretty sure the odds are against him finding another one (she's the actuarial, she should know, right?)

They will be randomly paired up and attached to a rope - they must run through a series of obstacles - over, under, however the rope is looped through these things - until they reach the end as a pair.  Then they have to untether and untie a string of knots holding five rings - once freed, they must throw the rings onto pegs - first couple to get all their rings on the pegs wins the reward of a helicopter ride to a private resort on a private island where they will get food, drink, chocolate mousse, and they will stay the night and sleep in a bed. (Oh my godapus - after 33 nights sleeping on bamboo, that would be heaven.)

Pairs are Ben & Ashley, Devon & Chrissy and Mike & Ryan.
Ben & Ashley work well together working through the obstacles, Devon is helping Chrissy keep up and Ryan & Mike are not communicating and Ryan keeps getting hung up in the rope.
Ben & Ashley are the first to start throwing the rings but Devon & Chrissy quickly catch up and it's DEVON & CHRISSY that win the Reward!  They get to choose one other person to go with them and Devon asks if they can discuss it - they take an aside, Chrissy says she thinks Ryan should go and Devon say, Alright.  Ashley is shocked and gets in a dig at Devon for letting Chrissy choose their third, she thought he was in her corner, maybe not so much.

-Ben wanted to go on this reward to look for a clue to a hidden immunity idol, but seeing Ashley's reaction to not being chosen to go, maybe it's better for him to start working on her instead.

Solewa - Day 34
Ashley, Ben and Mike return from the challenge and Mike is as tone deaf as ever - he starts ranting about how Ryan is the least deserving of going on the reward - Mike apparently thought that they would have chosen him to go as he's in the middle between the two "couples" - Mike is the star of his own show, that's for sure.
-Ashley and Ben let him rant, she's just as salty not being chosen but she's not piling on and Ben can't believe they're both such cry-babies - he moves in for the kill.  "What's your idea of who goes next?" Mike, "after you, you mean?"  Ben acts like he's hurt that Mike keeps trying to throw him under the bus and Ashley says it's safe to say that everyone wants Ben gone before they get to the final three.  Ben throws it out there, if they can use his vote for anything else, he's willing to vote with them.
-This discussion has solidified for Ben that Mike will be his next target, he's hoping he can work with Ashley, but he knows he's got a lot of work to do to keep his butt in this game.  Ashley, however, is having none of it.  Ben tells her that Ryan & Chrissy are gunning for her and Devon and they don't have the upper hand - she says that may be true, according to Ben - but she's not interested in playing with Ben any longer.

-Ben decides his best course of action is to spend his time looking for a hidden immunity idol rather than talking to Ashley and getting no where.  Mike isn't too worried about Ben searching for an idol, he's looked himself and couldn't find anything so he's still very confident that Ben will be going home.

They eat and quickly Devon and Chrissy want to talk strategy - Ben out next, then Mike cause they don't know where he stands.  Chrissy says that she is willing to go to the final three with these two (of course she is, she thinks she would walk away with it against this brain trust.) Devon thinks this is the perfect time to make a move and he's going with Ryan and Chrissy because he thinks he has the best shot against them in the end.  Ryan - okay.
-Chrissy is excited to break up the Devon/Ashley alliance, Ashley called her out in front of the tribe so she wants her out.  She is thinking that they should take Ashley out next and then Ben - (Really? Chrissy seems so reactionary, is that the smartest move? No, but it'll make her feel good in the moment.)

They will race through a series of obstacles, getting covered in sawdust, to a bag of sandbags, get a sandbag in the basket and a ladder will fall.  They have to climb the ladder and use a ball on the end of a rope to pull a y-shaped trigger which releases another set of ladder rungs.  Up that ladder they will have to solve a cog-puzzle - first person to be able to spin the cogs and raise their flag wins immunity.

Ben went all out for this one and was the first person to the puzzle.  Poor Devon, after all the big talk of not letting Ben win immunity, he couldn't get the darn ladders down and was last to the top.
- But it was the puzzle skills of Chrissy that made the difference - she pulled out a come from behind victory and ensured Ben did not win immunity. 
-Chrissy feels like this is her time to be in control of the game and she's ensured that either Ben or Ashley are available for her to vote out tonight.

Solewa - Day 36
Ben continues to look for a hidden immunity idol and the rest of them let him just go off by himself.  They don't think he'll find one but, in case he does, Ashley proposes to Chrissy, Ryan and Devon that they split their votes between Mike and Ben so they don't have another upset like last tribal, with only Ben's vote counting because who knows who Ben is voting for.  They play lip service like this is what they'll do but Chrissy wants to take Ashley out tonight.
-Chrissy proposes this to Devon, Ryan and Mike but they don't see Ashley as anything close to the threat that Ben is - Mike says Ben plays with a ferocity that transcends the game. (They are all so afraid of Ben, curious.) The guys are all voting for Ben, Chrissy is still saying she may change her mind depending on how tribal goes and Devon just doesn't get it - they have to get Ben out before the final three of no one else wins. (It's not a very rational dislike of Ashley by Chrissy but whatever.)

Meanwhile, Ben finds a clue to the hidden immunity idol.  It's tied to the underside of their shelter and there is a map with an X marking where it is on the underside of their bed.  So now Ben has to try and slyly retrieve this idol without anyone noticing.  Everyone is milling around, packing their gear to go to tribal and Ben is just lying in the shelter... can he do it??? (Arghh!)

-Ben tells Jeff he is still the target tonight - with Devon & Ashley and Ryan & Chrissy tight couples and Mike being the swing - Ben's just trying to keep himself in the game.
-Jeff brings up that Devon didn't actually choose Ashley to go on the reward though - and she is still upset by that, but says she understands the strategy.
-Chrissy says her comment about who made that decision was poor sportsmanship on her part (what?) and Ashley backpedals that she didn't mean it as a dig at Chrissy (sure you did, own it.)
-Mike goes on that Ben is a big threat but he's not the only threat.  They have to think about getting to the final three with the people that will be the best for your game - ultimately people you can beat.
-Jeff poles everyone to see if they have a set final three and they all agree that they do -except Ben who is very much a lone wolf out there now. He says he'll take any of them with him. (That's not making you friends, Ben. Basically, I can take you all!)
-Mike goes on about how Ben is a player and he could get his way tonight which made Ashley worry that maybe there is something going on that she's not been made privy to - and Ben jumps on the fact that Devon and Ashley need to start making moves and padding their resume, you can't just coast along and expect to win a million dollars.
-Devon takes exception to that but he's also not going to go through his resume with Ben - Ben says, Eventually you're going to have to if I'm [on the jury]. But Devon is all defensive and not willing to verbally spar with Ben.  Devon says he's  not going to go over his resume with someone he's not aligned with and doesn't trust - and he truly believes that Ben is going home tonight.
-To which Ben says, "Hey Jeff, should we just church this up and get to the point? Cause I'm not going home tonight." And he pulls out a hidden immunity idol which looks suspiciously like the fake one he made.  But he continues showboating, saying "Secret, secret, secret." Then making explosion noises, like he just blew up the game.
-Chrissy doesn't appreciate the theatrics and thinks it inappropriate (oh lady, it does suck when someone outplays you - but getting all prissy about it doesn't do you any favours.)
-Devon is ticked and his best come back is to tell everyone that just because the idol is around Ben's neck right now doesn't mean he's going to play it (of course he's going to play it! Don't be dumb.)
-Ben then plays it - gives it to Jeff who confirms it's a hidden idol and no votes cast for Ben would count so now who do they vote for.  Ben is pointing to Mike behind his back gesturing for Ashley and Devon to vote for Mike.
-Ashley is looking at Devon, he's glaring at Ben, not looking at Ashley - Chrissy is looking at Mike and Ryan... I think there is going to be one woman left standing.

Time to Vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.
No one else had a hidden immunity idol.

Mike - 1
Ashley - 1, 2, 3, 4 - and it's ASHLEY joining the jury.  She let Ben hug her but balked when Devon tried. "Oh, okay." He was shocked she was mad he voted her out (just shaking my head.)

So, with Ashley leaving tonight, that takes Drew C., Emily H. and Tam J. out of the pool.

Ashley says she made it 36 out of 39 days, you can't get much better than that.  She has hard feelings with Devon going against their alliance at the moment but this whole experience has given her a new outlook. (It did seem like she up and changed quite a bit over the course of this season - yet it still wasn't enough.)

Which means the people in the running for the moolah at the finale on Wed, Dec 20/17 are:
Ben: Coleen T., Cindi & Steve, Elaine R.
Chrissy: Bryon L., Roxanne S., Jeff T.
Mike: Carol-Anne D., Fraser G., Julisa C.
Devon: Kevin R., Kim A., Lynne B.
Ryan : Kim B., Susan N. and Sheila G.

And I have an announcement to make as well.  This is going to be the final pool I will run.  I have decided it's time to retire - it's been a decade. I've enjoyed watching with you all, but from now on, I will just be watching. 

But we still have one more finale and some winners to announce.  Go Ben Go!




Thursday, December 7, 2017

Survivor HvHvH - Dec 6/17 Episode Recap

Not Going to Roll Over and Die

Last week they treated us to two episodes as a new core four alliance emerged of Ben, Lauren, Devon and Ashley.  First they banded together to take out JP with Ben pretending he wasn't in on it, and then they took out Joe which blew Ben's double-agent cover...

Solewa - Night 30
Mike, Ryan and Chrissy were totally blindsided by the outcome of that last vote - Ryan even burned his idol which he didn't need to do.  Chrissy reverts to form and demands answers of Ben and then takes it totally personal that he won't tell her every detail of what happened.  She calls him a jerk, he tells her this is Survivor and she tells the camera his response to her was inhuman (wow, that's quite the exaggeration.)
-Chrissy is not going to roll over and die, and if she gets the chance to get back at Ben, she's going to take it... (yes, that was foreshadowing.)

This turns out to be the loved-one visit and it devolves into tears, tears, tears...
Ashley's Dad Jim - aww - he's the best man she's ever known.
Ryan's Dad Steve - he's got some meat on his bones, I was curious if Ryan came from a family of Chihuahua people.  He said best moment of his life, sharing this moment with his dad.
Mike's wife Berry? - she's a cutey and she must be tiny cause he's a head taller than her.
Lauren's sister Sunny - she b-lines to Jeff and gives him a hug (ha!) then grabs Lauren's belly and says she's lost some rolls (k, Sunny is sassy).  Lauren and Sunny have the same Dad but grew up in different households - this was actually Sunny's dream to come on Survivor, she dragged Lauren to the open casting call with her and Lauren made it (oh boy) and Sunny didn't.  She's hoping this will bring them closer together (and I'm thinking she's sharing the money if she wins.)
Chrissy's husband Keith - He's her everything and she's feeling kind of broken out there, this means so much.
Devon's Mom Sonja - oh she's so cute, and she just giggled and hugged him and giggled.
Ben's wife Kelly - He tells her she smells so good and asks how the kids are - crying that she saved his life coming back as a veteran, she's the reason he's still on this earth.

Okay, so the challenge is just to pull rocks and if they match, they move on to the next round. Rock's don't match, you're out, that's it. (oof.)

Lauren - Out
Mike - Out
Ryan - Out
Ben - Match - he and Kelly move on.
Chrissy - Match - she and Keith move on.
Ashley - Out
Devon - Out

Of course it's the two that are feuding.  Ben and Kelly do not match this time - Chrissy and Keith DO match and Chrissy wins her loved one coming back to camp for a meal and afternoon.
Chrissy gets to choose people to join her, she chooses Ryan & his Dad, Dr. Mike and his wife and Ashley and her dad.  The strategy is to try and turn Ashley over this meal.

Ben, Lauren and Devon do not get to spend time with their loved ones - Ben picked the wrong time to cross Chrissy and she found her way to make him pay.

Solewa - Day 31
Chrissy is telling her husband what's going on in the game and how her strategy is to try and turn Ashley over this sharing of the reward.
-Ashley listens and she's not so much interested in flipping as possibly using the three underdogs - she sees the logic in taking Ben out sooner rather than later and having a big move to put on her resume. 

Back at Camp
-Ben is busy making a fake immunity necklace which actually looks pretty similar to the one he found.  He hopes to plant it for Chrissy to find while he finds the actual immunity idol.
-Ben shows Devon and Lauren - Devon thinks it's pretty crafty but Lauren thinks it's just petty and pretty farfetched just hoping that he can humiliate Chrissy with it.  Lauren's problem with Ben is that he's taking everything to a personal level - she's there to get the job done, no emotion involved.
-Just so happens that Lauren finds the immunity idol, the real one - sees a symbol on a log, hidden underneath it is a clue and a piece of cord which says it is one half of the hidden idol, she'll have to collect the other half at the immunity challenge where there will be a shell by her station which is the other half of the idol.  She didn't keep any of this secret, she yelled when she found it and read out the clue with both Ben & Devon right there (oh lady.)

-They will be standing with their arms stretched out with their fingertips on two discs which they have to keep pressure on so they don't slip and fall.  Of course the pressure is impossible to sustain and the discs will fall, which takes them out of the running - Last person standing wins immunity.
-Lauren is just staring at the inconspicuous clam shell in front of her platform.
-Ben is first out and they start dropping like flies - Chrissy out, Ryan drops... Lauren decides she's just going to stop, she didn't even make it look real... she was focused on picking up that shell.
-Down to Devon, Ashley and Mike... then Mike drops and Ashley promises Devon a shoulder massage if he quits, which works because he trusts her and his alliance - ASHLEY wins immunity again.

-Lauren has the second half of the hidden idol and figures this is a case closed vote and either Chrissy, Ryan or Mike is going home tonight.

Solewa - Day 33
-Ashley wants to start building her resume and she takes Lauren and Devon off to get water and discuss possibly voting out Ben tonight.  As they discuss if it should be Chrissy or Ben, Ben has crept up on them and is eavesdropping. He hears his name and knows something's going on.  He pops out and asks if everything's okay and they are acting all shifty like they got caught... yup, something is definitely rotten in Denmark.  They tell him it's Chrissy tonight but he's no dummy.
-Ben goes and talks to Mike to see if he'd be willing to make a move with him - of course Mike says he's in.  Ben tells him that Lauren found a hidden immunity idol, tells him about the two pieces that make up the idol and plants the seed that Lauren is too powerful in the game with all these advantages and they should take her out.  Mike thought he was out but now he feels like he's on top again.
-Ben then talks to Ryan who is on board with voting out Lauren, as along as it's not him... but in order for that to work, they have to get Chrissy to agree to vote with Ben and there's the rub.
-Ryan and Ben go to find Chrissy who is trying to make her move on Devon... who quickly skedaddles when he's sees Ben show up.  Ben asks Chrissy what Devon was saying (Devon wasn't the one talking) and she rips into him, what makes you think I would tell you anything... Oh boy, this doesn't look promising.  Woman scorned and all that.
-Ben really just wants to say screw it, he has a hidden idol, he'll be okay, but then he gives it another go, taking Chrissy aside he apologizes and tells her he still wants to work with her.  He lays out that Lauren has the extra vote and a hidden immunity idol, they need to make a move on her tonight.  This does shut Chrissy up, she is a tactician and will weigh this new info - if it will keep her safe, she has to consider it.  But she still does not trust Ben.
-Mike also talks to Chrissy trying to sway her towards voting Lauren but she just won't commit, she still wants to vote Ben - so Dr. Mike moves to Plan B and goes and tells Ashley & Devon that Ben told him everything and is trying to take Lauren out tonight.  They are shocked!  (Mike! What did you do??? Ben is my guy in the pool, so I'm rooting for the cowboy.)
-Devon tells Lauren that Ben has turned on her and she decides she's got to try and get numbers back on her side so she casually gives Dr. Mike the shell part of her hidden immunity idol - no fanfare or conditions, just here you go (what the what?)  Mike goes, huh, thanks - then tells the camera this will go down as one of the stupidest moves in Survivor history.  Will the Survivor gods make her pay for it?

Jeff starts us off with talking about the blatant show of camaraderie between Ashley and Devon at the immunity challenge.  Devon said he was just showing his trust in his alliance and would have done the same for Lauren or Ashley.
-Ben pipes up that he thought he was part of that and they turn this all on him - where was his show of trust in his alliance when he told everyone about Lauren's idol.  He said that became part of his game when they snuck off and where whispering at the well.
-They all deny that they were talking about voting him off and say he was being paranoid - betraying Lauren got him nowhere today. (The gall to act like the injured party when they were talking about doing the same thing to him.)
-Ben makes no bones about it - he tells her straight out that he was gunning for her today.  She hopes he has a lot of ammunition.
-Chrissy suggests that Lauren forfeit the advantage of the extra vote and that would take the target off her.  Lauren says the advantage has been ripped up, but then she backtracks and says it's at camp and she can't use it if it's not with her - So Chrissy says then we can vote 4 to 3 and vote you out.  Lauren says to do what they need to do.
-Jeff says he wants to clarify the idol situation and Mike pulls out the shell, "this is part of it." Lauren admits she gave part of it to Mike but then she shoots back at Ben telling them about the fake idol he made to give to Chrissy.
-Ben pulls out the fake idol and says to Jeff that he took it out of play because he didn't want it to be a personal attack on Chrissy - looks pretty good though doesn't it?
-Not to be out-done, Mike stands up and says, "well this is the real idol and I've always wanted to do this..." AND HE THROWS IT IN THE FIRE!  (What the??? Lauren face-palmed HARD! Yup, Dr. Loose-cannon over there just tanked her, big time.)
-They start talking about idols and advantages being both a blessing and a curse - Ben even says, you don't tell anyone that you have an idol... but they're not listening.
-Lauren is scrambling - the advantage is not being played - do you want it? She offers it to Chrissy (really? Now you just look desperate.) Mike says he'll take it.
-Ben says why not leave it to Lauren and send her home?  Devon pipes up that Lauren with an extra vote is not as dangerous a Ben telling everybody everything.  Bicker bicker bicker - there's tons of talking happening but they show us that Ryan and Mike are whispering back and forth Mike says they have to keep the vote Lauren - arguing continues and Devon gets up to go whisper to Mike - he says they need him to vote for Ben and they'll take him out.  Chrissy gets up and whispers to Ryan that she wants to keep the vote Lauren.  Mike gets up and says they should vote Ben but Chrissy says no, let's turn the game.
-Jeff asks what Ben thinks is happening here - he says that they are deciding if they are going to write Ben or Lauren's name down - he comes right out and says he's writing Lauren's name down.

Finally it's time to vote:
They don't show how anybody voted.

Tallying the Votes:
Anybody have a hidden immunity idol and want to play it... they leave us hanging to the last minute when Ben finally steps up and tells Jeff he made a fake one for his wife but her letter led him to this one - and he pulled out the actual hidden immunity idol (phew! For a minute there I thought he wasn't going to play it.)  No votes cast for Ben will count.

Ben - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Does not count.
Lauren - 1 and that's enough to send LAUREN to the jury.  Joe whispers an 'I told you so' "kept Ben around and look what happens" to the jury box. 
And with Lauren leaving, that takes Kim K., Mike L., and Brittany & Sarah R. out of the pool.

Jeff was very wise, "In a tribal council where everything was out in the open, the one thing that had the most power was the only secret."

Next week, the penultimate episode: Ben's big move breeds fear among the remaining survivors but his nemesis Chrissy may turn the tide.

Lauren's final thoughts were basically - it was a classic blindside - the only reason she is there was because her dumb-dumb-self gave Mike a piece of her hidden immunity idol and she thinks it cursed her, she got it.  Took responsibility for her own demise.

So, we're coming to the end, can't wait to see who wins.
