Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Survivor HvHvH - Dec 13/17 Episode Recap

The Survivor Devil

Last week Ben got everyone riled up at Tribal so they voted for him, then he made the epic move of playing a hidden immunity idol none of them even had a whiff that he had- and his was the sole vote that counted to send Lauren to the jury.

Solewa - Night 33
They return to camp and everyone is just flabbergasted that Ben was able to keep having a hidden idol a secret (seriously? That's how the game is supposed to be played - duh!) If anything that move just solidified for the other five that Ben will be the next one to go - no question.  Chrissy demands of all of them that they not let Ben win immunity, no matter what.
-Devon calls Ben out, says he voted out the wrong person because he's (Devon's) not going to let Ben win immunity. 

Solewa - Early morning - Day 34
The one thing Ben knows is that he is on the outs and needs another immunity idol to ensure he stays there.  He wakes up before anyone else and takes the opportunity to go look for another hidden immunity idol - one thing in his favour, he's found one before, knows to look for a clue - not in his favour, thick jungle, big island and it's still kind of dark...

-Meanwhile, camp has awoken and Chrissy is sure that Ben is out looking for a hidden immunity idol (of course he is, he's no dumb bunny) but she's pretty sure the odds are against him finding another one (she's the actuarial, she should know, right?)

They will be randomly paired up and attached to a rope - they must run through a series of obstacles - over, under, however the rope is looped through these things - until they reach the end as a pair.  Then they have to untether and untie a string of knots holding five rings - once freed, they must throw the rings onto pegs - first couple to get all their rings on the pegs wins the reward of a helicopter ride to a private resort on a private island where they will get food, drink, chocolate mousse, and they will stay the night and sleep in a bed. (Oh my godapus - after 33 nights sleeping on bamboo, that would be heaven.)

Pairs are Ben & Ashley, Devon & Chrissy and Mike & Ryan.
Ben & Ashley work well together working through the obstacles, Devon is helping Chrissy keep up and Ryan & Mike are not communicating and Ryan keeps getting hung up in the rope.
Ben & Ashley are the first to start throwing the rings but Devon & Chrissy quickly catch up and it's DEVON & CHRISSY that win the Reward!  They get to choose one other person to go with them and Devon asks if they can discuss it - they take an aside, Chrissy says she thinks Ryan should go and Devon say, Alright.  Ashley is shocked and gets in a dig at Devon for letting Chrissy choose their third, she thought he was in her corner, maybe not so much.

-Ben wanted to go on this reward to look for a clue to a hidden immunity idol, but seeing Ashley's reaction to not being chosen to go, maybe it's better for him to start working on her instead.

Solewa - Day 34
Ashley, Ben and Mike return from the challenge and Mike is as tone deaf as ever - he starts ranting about how Ryan is the least deserving of going on the reward - Mike apparently thought that they would have chosen him to go as he's in the middle between the two "couples" - Mike is the star of his own show, that's for sure.
-Ashley and Ben let him rant, she's just as salty not being chosen but she's not piling on and Ben can't believe they're both such cry-babies - he moves in for the kill.  "What's your idea of who goes next?" Mike, "after you, you mean?"  Ben acts like he's hurt that Mike keeps trying to throw him under the bus and Ashley says it's safe to say that everyone wants Ben gone before they get to the final three.  Ben throws it out there, if they can use his vote for anything else, he's willing to vote with them.
-This discussion has solidified for Ben that Mike will be his next target, he's hoping he can work with Ashley, but he knows he's got a lot of work to do to keep his butt in this game.  Ashley, however, is having none of it.  Ben tells her that Ryan & Chrissy are gunning for her and Devon and they don't have the upper hand - she says that may be true, according to Ben - but she's not interested in playing with Ben any longer.

-Ben decides his best course of action is to spend his time looking for a hidden immunity idol rather than talking to Ashley and getting no where.  Mike isn't too worried about Ben searching for an idol, he's looked himself and couldn't find anything so he's still very confident that Ben will be going home.

They eat and quickly Devon and Chrissy want to talk strategy - Ben out next, then Mike cause they don't know where he stands.  Chrissy says that she is willing to go to the final three with these two (of course she is, she thinks she would walk away with it against this brain trust.) Devon thinks this is the perfect time to make a move and he's going with Ryan and Chrissy because he thinks he has the best shot against them in the end.  Ryan - okay.
-Chrissy is excited to break up the Devon/Ashley alliance, Ashley called her out in front of the tribe so she wants her out.  She is thinking that they should take Ashley out next and then Ben - (Really? Chrissy seems so reactionary, is that the smartest move? No, but it'll make her feel good in the moment.)

They will race through a series of obstacles, getting covered in sawdust, to a bag of sandbags, get a sandbag in the basket and a ladder will fall.  They have to climb the ladder and use a ball on the end of a rope to pull a y-shaped trigger which releases another set of ladder rungs.  Up that ladder they will have to solve a cog-puzzle - first person to be able to spin the cogs and raise their flag wins immunity.

Ben went all out for this one and was the first person to the puzzle.  Poor Devon, after all the big talk of not letting Ben win immunity, he couldn't get the darn ladders down and was last to the top.
- But it was the puzzle skills of Chrissy that made the difference - she pulled out a come from behind victory and ensured Ben did not win immunity. 
-Chrissy feels like this is her time to be in control of the game and she's ensured that either Ben or Ashley are available for her to vote out tonight.

Solewa - Day 36
Ben continues to look for a hidden immunity idol and the rest of them let him just go off by himself.  They don't think he'll find one but, in case he does, Ashley proposes to Chrissy, Ryan and Devon that they split their votes between Mike and Ben so they don't have another upset like last tribal, with only Ben's vote counting because who knows who Ben is voting for.  They play lip service like this is what they'll do but Chrissy wants to take Ashley out tonight.
-Chrissy proposes this to Devon, Ryan and Mike but they don't see Ashley as anything close to the threat that Ben is - Mike says Ben plays with a ferocity that transcends the game. (They are all so afraid of Ben, curious.) The guys are all voting for Ben, Chrissy is still saying she may change her mind depending on how tribal goes and Devon just doesn't get it - they have to get Ben out before the final three of no one else wins. (It's not a very rational dislike of Ashley by Chrissy but whatever.)

Meanwhile, Ben finds a clue to the hidden immunity idol.  It's tied to the underside of their shelter and there is a map with an X marking where it is on the underside of their bed.  So now Ben has to try and slyly retrieve this idol without anyone noticing.  Everyone is milling around, packing their gear to go to tribal and Ben is just lying in the shelter... can he do it??? (Arghh!)

-Ben tells Jeff he is still the target tonight - with Devon & Ashley and Ryan & Chrissy tight couples and Mike being the swing - Ben's just trying to keep himself in the game.
-Jeff brings up that Devon didn't actually choose Ashley to go on the reward though - and she is still upset by that, but says she understands the strategy.
-Chrissy says her comment about who made that decision was poor sportsmanship on her part (what?) and Ashley backpedals that she didn't mean it as a dig at Chrissy (sure you did, own it.)
-Mike goes on that Ben is a big threat but he's not the only threat.  They have to think about getting to the final three with the people that will be the best for your game - ultimately people you can beat.
-Jeff poles everyone to see if they have a set final three and they all agree that they do -except Ben who is very much a lone wolf out there now. He says he'll take any of them with him. (That's not making you friends, Ben. Basically, I can take you all!)
-Mike goes on about how Ben is a player and he could get his way tonight which made Ashley worry that maybe there is something going on that she's not been made privy to - and Ben jumps on the fact that Devon and Ashley need to start making moves and padding their resume, you can't just coast along and expect to win a million dollars.
-Devon takes exception to that but he's also not going to go through his resume with Ben - Ben says, Eventually you're going to have to if I'm [on the jury]. But Devon is all defensive and not willing to verbally spar with Ben.  Devon says he's  not going to go over his resume with someone he's not aligned with and doesn't trust - and he truly believes that Ben is going home tonight.
-To which Ben says, "Hey Jeff, should we just church this up and get to the point? Cause I'm not going home tonight." And he pulls out a hidden immunity idol which looks suspiciously like the fake one he made.  But he continues showboating, saying "Secret, secret, secret." Then making explosion noises, like he just blew up the game.
-Chrissy doesn't appreciate the theatrics and thinks it inappropriate (oh lady, it does suck when someone outplays you - but getting all prissy about it doesn't do you any favours.)
-Devon is ticked and his best come back is to tell everyone that just because the idol is around Ben's neck right now doesn't mean he's going to play it (of course he's going to play it! Don't be dumb.)
-Ben then plays it - gives it to Jeff who confirms it's a hidden idol and no votes cast for Ben would count so now who do they vote for.  Ben is pointing to Mike behind his back gesturing for Ashley and Devon to vote for Mike.
-Ashley is looking at Devon, he's glaring at Ben, not looking at Ashley - Chrissy is looking at Mike and Ryan... I think there is going to be one woman left standing.

Time to Vote:
They didn't show how anyone voted.
No one else had a hidden immunity idol.

Mike - 1
Ashley - 1, 2, 3, 4 - and it's ASHLEY joining the jury.  She let Ben hug her but balked when Devon tried. "Oh, okay." He was shocked she was mad he voted her out (just shaking my head.)

So, with Ashley leaving tonight, that takes Drew C., Emily H. and Tam J. out of the pool.

Ashley says she made it 36 out of 39 days, you can't get much better than that.  She has hard feelings with Devon going against their alliance at the moment but this whole experience has given her a new outlook. (It did seem like she up and changed quite a bit over the course of this season - yet it still wasn't enough.)

Which means the people in the running for the moolah at the finale on Wed, Dec 20/17 are:
Ben: Coleen T., Cindi & Steve, Elaine R.
Chrissy: Bryon L., Roxanne S., Jeff T.
Mike: Carol-Anne D., Fraser G., Julisa C.
Devon: Kevin R., Kim A., Lynne B.
Ryan : Kim B., Susan N. and Sheila G.

And I have an announcement to make as well.  This is going to be the final pool I will run.  I have decided it's time to retire - it's been a decade. I've enjoyed watching with you all, but from now on, I will just be watching. 

But we still have one more finale and some winners to announce.  Go Ben Go!




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