Friday, February 26, 2010

Survivor Heroes vs Villains - February 25th Episode Recap

That Girls is Like a Virus

The show opened with the Heroes returning to camp after voting out Stephenie:
Heroes - Night 6
- James is trying to explain to Tom that he just wants to win - "Did I say it wrong."
-Tom - "There's lots of frustration James, I get that, but you could have been gentler."  Tom tells the camera that tribal council took a nasty turn.  James got to bring down nasty, brutish, bullying on Steph.  Now we come home, put on a happy face and try to make it as pleasant as possible to be together.
- JT tells Tom that the alliance he made with him was the first one (a lie) but when he realized their alliance was at the bottom of the totem pole he had to do something (and vote with the James.)
-Tom says its all good - they man hug.  Tom says he feels betrayed by JT but if JT genuinely feels bad, Tom thinks he can still use him to stick around a bit longer.
-Colby tells Tom he's not sure if this game is for him - he doesn't want to be a part of the ugly.  Tom tells him they were naive thinking everyone would be playing a gentleman's game - they just have to play smarter.

Villains - Night 6
-Parvati is snuggled up with the Devil (Russell), giggling and generally annoying everyone.
- Rob tells the camera the Key to Survivor: Watch how everyone sleeps at night - whoever is sleeping next to who will tell you who is aligned.  You don't usually go to sleep next to the guy you want to vote off.
Danielle, Russell & Parvati are all snuggled up - Coach is sitting up with Jeri, touching her hair/back - everyone else seems to be on their own so far.
-Rob doesn't trust Russell's ass at all - he's making puppy dog eyes at Parvati - doesn't do anything without her.  Coach & Jeri are trying to do the same thing - Rob knows how dangerous and powerful such an alliance can be - he's been there.

Heroes - Day 7
Rupert had hoped for bad weather so they'd be forced together in the shelter to do some bonding, they have to become a cohesive team or they will continue to lose.  Chickens to the rescue - JT built a crude chicken coop and they got out - the men all rallied together and caught those rogue chickens - Rupert thought the chickens getting out was meant to be - bonding achieved.

Villains - Day 7
-Coach talking to Russell by their chicken net/pen - Coach was trying to caution him that his closeness to Parvati has been noted and could be a reason for everyone to vote him out first (Ah, Coach, you have no idea who you're dealing with.)  Parvati is the most dangerous person on their tribe in his opinion - she has a charm that people (men) are easily smitten by, it's unbelievable (and Coach would have us believe he's immune.)
-Rob comes up to Russell & Coach and chimes in with Coach that Russell has to be careful with Parvati - Says he'll give him the benefit of the doubt this one time (like Russell doesn't know any better - oh, Rob, you better be careful too - he's the devil.)
-Russell tells the camera - Everyone knows Coach is a big joke so he can go flapping his jaws all he wants, makes no difference - but Rob thinks he's the boss of the whole camp, like he's my daddy - well, I'M the daddy round here.  I gotta listen to this fool like he's in control until he's gone - They don't know who they're messing with, it's Russell Hanz - give me a break.
-Russell tells Parvati about Coach's little 'talk' - said Coach told him to act like nothing had changed so Parvati wouldn't be any the wiser.
-She's used to people wanting to vote her out - but she doesn't understand it, she's such a sweet, innocent girl (evil giggle.)  She kind of trusts Russell, even though he's a lunatic.

Villains - Night 7
- Coach is telling them one of his tall tales as they're all bedded down in the shelter and Russell sneaks off and hides the machete.  He says Rob & Coach think they're in charge of this camp - I'm changing that - everything's gonna go haywire once they can't find the machete, can't eat chickens, can't open coconuts, can't start fire - That's a good thing. (He's so gleeful contemplating the mayhem he's creating.)  He slinks back, Coach is still droning on, none the wiser.  Russell looks around for what else he can do to stir things up and thinks Rob'll really freak if he loses his Boston Red Sox hat - It's the Houston Astros baby.

Villains - Day 8
-Coach is out doing his morning centering positions, oh, and he's added chanting/singing, what a treat.
-Randy went out and caught a giant clam & offers to share with his tribe mates but no one seems interested - what the hell?  He's bitter, never seen a Survivor where people seem disinterested in food.  There is no machete so he has to smash it with a rock.  Sandra shares with him and Parvati tries some but gags it up so Sandra says they're not wasting any more on her.
-Randy says Survivor is a lot like the real world, you don't get ahead by being smart, clever or hard-working, you get ahead with a pretty smile and being able to schmooze people - [therefore] Parvati is queen.
-Randy is talking to Coach - they seem to share a hatred of loafers - it's unjust, selfish, egotistical (show Parvati sunbathing on the beach, in case we didn't know who they were talking about.)

Heroes - Day 8
-Candice talking to JT - tells him she'd like to be there to the end but doesn't appreciate no one talking strategy to her until the day of tribal council - it doesn't count if they just want a favour.  She goes on to say Cirie is trustworthy as long as she feels safe.
-This talk scares JT - Candice is way more strategical (that's what he said) than he gave her credit for - she may have to be the next to go in his opinion but in this group it's not all up to him.
-JT is later talking to Amanda & Cirie - Amanda asks him what Candice was talking to him about and he tells Cirie that Candice told him she doesn't totally trust her [Cirie.]  Cirie - Oh Really?
-JT says he can tell a story when he needs to, probably a better liar than he should be considering he doesn't do it in his everyday life (how do we know that's not a lie? Haha.)
-Cirie goes and confronts Candice - says she's nervous now because she's heard that Candice doesn't trust her.  Candice panics, Who said that?  It's not true.  She goes around camp questioning Tom, who has no idea what she's talking about - Amanda, who says she has no idea what she's talking about and James - who tells her to chill out for a second - Pointless to worry about that - just get to the challenge and win.  She never thinks it could have been JT - his bumpkin magic is still totally intact I see.

-They will have to square off, one on one, sumo-style.  Using a large, heavy bag, they will attempt to knock their opponents into the mud.  Two rules: two hands must remain on the bag at all times and they cannot use their legs as a weapon (no kicking in the nads.)  First team to 8 wins immunity and reward of luxury items, coffee, sugar and a weeks worth of rice.
-Tom vs Russell - Tom wins easily - Colby roars.
-Candice vs Parvati - Candice wins.
-Rupert vs Coach - It starts raining - they're going at it and Coach knocks Rupert in the mud with one hand on the bag - Does a man-roar celebration and Jeff is saying "No no no" but Coach is in his glory - James, "No, karate choppin' man..." Finally, Jeff's voice penetrates and tells him they have to go again - Coach gives him the finger - "Hey, use that anger against your opponent not me."
They go again and Rupert easily takes the rattled Coach out - it's now Heroes 3 - Villains Zip.
-Jeri vs Cirie - the platform is slippery now and Cirie takes Jeri out easily. The Villains look totally demoralized now.
- JT vs Tyson - Tyson, being the smart-ass, knocks the mud off his boots in JT's area - JT knocks Tyson in the mud - he gets out & kisses JT on the cheek (what a goober.)
-Danielle vs Amanda - Danielle keeps smashing the bag into Amanda's face (you don't mess with the face) Amanda puts her in the mud - Now 6-zip.
-Colby vs Boston Rob - They're slipping all over, sliding around Rob staying down low but Colby is pumped and will not be denied - Rob is in the mud.  7-0
Danielle, with mud in her teeth, "This sucks."
-Randy vs James - Jeri tells Randy to play as dirty as he can.  On the platform Randy tries to get in James' head - "Like beating up old men?" - "Don't talk, just grab the bag."  James just pushes Randy in the mud and throws the bag down after him.  In usual Villain fashion they talk smack - "Really Heroesque behaviour there James, I told you you were on the wrong team."  James curses them out.
But that doesn't change the fact that HEROES won Immunity & Reward!

Villains - Day 8
They are all in the water scrubbing the mud off.
-Tyson - Those Heroes were ready to wallop us, must have eaten steroid sandwiches, they were all crazy-eyed, it was scary to look in their faces - he worried for their sanity.
-Randy - You don't have to be told you're on the block you sense it - he's the oldest guy there and the other guys are all falling for the oldest trick since caveman days - pretty girls, batting their eyes and flirting.  Parvati is a threat - he thinks she'll team up with James, Cirie & Amanda if they merge so they have to get rid of her now. 
-Coach approaches Parvati in the water and she is trying to cut through is crap - "Are you voting me or not?" Coach bumbles around says he hasn't made his bet yet. She says she knows he's been running around talking to everyone about her and he gets right offended, "That's so not true.  I don't lie."  He tells the camera that she came at him very aggressively but he tried to fend her off.  He tells us maybe other guys will be taken in by her feminine wiles but he sure won't (oh, and I think he believes that.) He says he's coached women's soccer for 13 years and he's never been swayed by batted eye lashes.
-Parvati is pleading her case then she appeals to his vanity - "I don't think fear has ever controlled you." (Yup, she's found the key to him - his ego.)  Coach puffs up, "Fear and flirting has never controlled me; I'm my own man."  Then they flirt a little, he moves in and tries to hug her.  Coach tells the camera that anyone who falls for her tricks is a fool. (And he wonders why no one respects him.)
-Tyson, Rob, Jeri talking - Tyson says Parvati has too many friends on the other side, Randy has no friends, she's dangerous, he's not.  Rob calls Sandra over, Courtney joins them too, Sandra thinks Randy is the weakest and is for taking him out.
-Jeri is watching Coach & Parvati walking up the beach together and she tells the camera that Parvati is like a virus - That girl needs to GO.  She's roping people in even when they want nothing to do with her.  Jeri says she wishes she could bottle that and use it in real life cause it's pretty powerful stuff.
-Coach tries to talk to Sandra by themselves but she has no patience for him, says she'll vote with the group, tell me who and I'll vote for them.  Rob watches this exchange from the bushes.
-Jeri, Danielle, Coach & Parvati talking, Danielle is saying to Jeri that Randy is the weakest and that's probably the way to go - Jeri says they all have their own strengths - Parvati gets on her right away, "So if it's not Randy who do you want to vote instead?"  Jeri tries to avoid her direct questioning but Parvati keeps pushing.
-Jeri vents to the camera, "She thinks she can make people do what she wants but I am not - I am not.  At this point right now, all I want to do is punch her in the face. I tell you what."
-Parvati says Jeri is annoying; she's a bitter, old cougar.  I know she's talking about me, her days are numbered.
-Coach & Randy are talking; Randy says he was glad to see Stephenie gone, that means the Heroes are not falling for the girl's tricks. He's trying to tell Coach that letting the women call the shots will lose them the game. (I'd forgotten that Randy hates women.) He says he doesn't want to play the game anymore if that happens. He says he refuses to scramble and if he's a dead man walking then Coach is next and he'll buy him a beer at the loser lodge.
-Coach - "No one here is honourable - except for me.  I hate to pontificate about that. (No you don't) Martin Luther King says the greatest measure of a man is not in the way he handles times of comfort but how he rises in controversy or challenge.  There's still hope and as long as I have breath and a brain cell I will fight for Randy." (Wow, is he really buying his own bullshit?)

Jeff - Sandra, how big a consideration is past relationships?
Sandra - Lots of things we take into consideration - who's won before, who's played three times, who has friends on another tribe.  Parvati has James, Cirie & Amanda on the other tribe if she flips in a merge we're screwed.
Parvati - Everyone is nervous about me flipping but I can say I'll stay true to this tribe but that's just words, actions are what matters. (Huh?)
Russell, what kind of weight do you give that?
Russell - I think it's a huge advantage, someone knowing 2 or 3 people on the other tribe - huge.
Jeri, think tonight's vote should be based on performance in challenges?
Jeri - She thinks the physical side is very important, they don't want to lose challenges but she's still taking into account other factors; relationships, etc.
Sandra, is there a leader on this tribe?
Sandra - Depends on what we're doing, build the shelter we listen to Rob but that gets too much.  Coach delegates but then takes off.
Coach - Takes immediate offense - Sandra, you only mentioned me, is that a jibe at me? I resent it, that's a bunch of bull.  I've been gathering firewood; no one else gets as much wood as me (heehee.)  We have the worst shelter in Survivor history cause it's like herding cats.
Jeri and Courtney interject here that they have first hand knowledge of worse shelters but Coach will not be dissuaded - Tells Sandra if she thinks he's so bad to write his name down tonight. (Wow, over react much?)
-Sandra was just saying she's been left to complete work Coach has walked away from - then she mentions that they have no machete. What do you mean you have no machete?  It grew legs and walked off.
Parvati, you are laughing about how bad it is in camp.
Parvati - We're a tribe of misfits Jeff, we're the villains.
Russell, what do you make of this tribe?
Russell - Definitely different - the dodo's I played with last time don't hold a candle to any of these people.  Definitely harder though cause everyone is playing the game.  But that's what I like, that's what I want to see, that's what I respect (Oh, Coach smiles, wants respect - he might be crushing on Russell soon.)
Rob, given how well you've done so far, I'm surprised at the lack of cohesiveness in the group, will coming to tribal council impact that?
Rob - No, I don't think so.  When we have a challenge we know what we have to do quickly and can accomplish it but at camp it's a different story - nobody to tell them what to do, no sense of urgency - don't think that'll change.

And they VOTE - They only show Parvati vote for Randy - she says it was either him or her and she wasn't going down without a fight.

Tallying the votes: Randy 1, Rob 1, Randy 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... RANDY is the first Villain voted out - he throws his buff in the fire. (He's such a bitter guy.)
SO, that means Shelley A and Gen are out of the pool.

Randy's parting thoughts - he knew Parvati wasn't going home so he threw his vote Rob's way to send a message, don't know if they'll get it (?)  Everyone voted for Randy, even Jeri and Coach - the hypocrite.

Preview of next week  - Coach melts down - crying - Why does no one ever say anything good about me?
Heroes tribe splinters while looking for the hidden immunity idol.  And the clock is ticking on Russell - Rob says Russell's a bonehead and it's time for him to go home.  OOOOHHHH... Juicy!

Have a great weekend everyone!  GO CANADA GO!


Monday, February 22, 2010

The Amazing Race 16 - February 21, 2010 Episode Recap

When the cow kicked me in the head (Chile)

Teams are starting out this leg from Valparaiso, Chile, the San Francisco of South America. Jeff & Jordan, the Big Brother team, are the first to depart at 3:21am. The clue tells them to travel by bus to Peurto Varas, Chile – once there, they have to drive to a hotel with a lake, take a boat to a beautiful little island surrounded by volcanoes to find their next clue.

-Team Big Brother gets to the bus station but it doesn’t open until 5am – Jeff is not happy that all the teams will get on the same bus by then. And all the teams do end up at the station.

-Brandy (the dark short-haired one) says she had been calling team Big Brother “Barbie & Ken” and saying they were not very bright but she recants that in light of their first place finish on the first leg… then they show Jeff & Jordan with a dog in the station and he thinks it’s so weird that the dogs there speak Spanish. (What? That dog SPEAKS? That’s incredible! HAhahah!)

-Dan & Jordan (the brothers) don’t like the cowboys – they’re very independent and Jordan says he’d be surprised if they’re around for much longer.

-The cowboys think they’re underestimated – people see the hats and think they’re country bumpkins – Cord says wearing a hat’s an honour – “If I can’t wear a hat somewhere, I don’t think I want to go.”

-Carol wants to align with Joe & Heidi; she thinks he’s a strong competitor. She approaches him at the bus station and they seem game once Heidi confirms Brandy speaks Spanish.

-All teams are on the bus to Santiago. At the next station Joe & Heidi are the first in line at the counter to buy their connecting tickets and they hold spots for Carol & Brandy. The Detectives did not take too kindly to that. “There’s no holding spots!” The rest of the teams are peeved too and it gets worse when Joe & Heidi and Carol & Brandy get the only 4 seats on the earliest bus out.
-Lou says, “He sneaked us – He’s a sneak” – the second bus leaves an hour later.

-Another 4 teams get on the second bus and Granny team gets on a third – Three other teams decide to see if they can find other ways – taking buses to other cities and connecting – the clue doesn’t say they have to take a direct bus, just that they have to take the bus. The Cowboys found connections that should get them there hours before the direct bus - Big Brother and Miss Teen USA also going with connecting buses through Temuco.

-Carol & Brandy think its pretty cool that all the other teams are behind them… I wouldn’t be so sure.

-The 3 connection teams get to Temuco and the Cowboys find out Big Brother & Miss Teen USA’s bus leaves 1/2hr earlier than theirs so they go to the counter to see if they can switch buses. They find out the other team’s connecting bus is actually leaving from a different terminal that is 10 minutes away by taxi (it’s now 6:20pm.) They decide to keep this information to themselves, giggling like little girls – How sweet would that be [if they missed their bus.] Cord – “Oh my gravy, I’m keeping this under my hat.”

-Big Brother & Miss Teen USA can’t find their bus at the terminal, they ask at the desk and find it’s leaving from the other terminal – they all hop in cabs and scream off at 6:32pm to the other terminal and they have missed the bus. So they hop back in their cabs and scream back to the first terminal again to try and catch the Cowboys bus but they miss that one too – Oh my Gravy! (That’s my new favourite saying.)

-Brent – “Those cowboys are the most magical people ever.” Yeah, they kinda are.
No more buses out tonight from Temuco, they get tickets for the next bus out at 1am.

-Jet & Cord’s bus arrives in Peurto Varas – they are the first team there by hours. They hop in the marked car and start out for the hotel where the boats are.

-Big Brother & Miss Teen USA get on the 1am bus which is supposed to get them to Peurto Varas by 6:45am, still earlier than the first direct bus.

-Cowboys get to the hotel and find the marked path to the boats but there is a sign that it doesn’t open until 7:30am, so they snuggle down in the car to wait. Jet – I wouldn’t say snuggle. Cord – Oh my gravy (love that.)

-Joe & Heidi and Carol & Brandy arrive – think they’re the first teams there but actually 2nd & 3rd.

-Big Brother & Miss Teen USA get there next – so 4th & 5th – Caite is driving because Brent can’t drive a 5 speed (I would mock him but I can’t either – of course if I was going on the Race I’d learn – this happens every season.)

-Jet & Cord have their plastic bag covers for their hats (it’s pouring rain) and they head out on the trail at 7:30am. They get on the boat and head for the island.

-The second direct bus arrives and those 4 teams hit the cars – Dan & Jordan also can’t drive stick – either of them really (well in a car anyway ;) – trying to go with the e-brake on… oh boy.

-The Cowboys get to the island – get the clue to the DETOUR – Llama Adoration or Condor Consternation.

In Llama Adoration they must enter a paddock full of llamas, choose one and dress it for a festival by putting a blanket on its back and a scarf around its neck. Once the unruly beast is adorned correctly, they will get their next clue.

In Condor Consternation they have to dress like a bird, putting on fake feet and a 16ft pair of wings with a huge condor head attached – they must then take flight (jump off the dock/platform) and soar to a marked buoy in the water. (It looks ridiculous.)

The Cowboys decide to dress the Llamas (good choice) and they head back on the boat. They pass the alliance teams in their boats and see they don’t have as much of a lead of they would like – they’re going to have to step it up.

-The alliance teams both also decide to dress the Llamas, it’s still raining and Heidi’s freezing, she doesn’t want to jump in the water.

-Miss Teen USA gets to the island (Big Brother got a little lost looking for the hotel) and they decide to do the Condor. Ha, that’ll be entertaining anyway.

-Cowboys get to the Llamas and head into the paddock. Jet says the first two llamas they approached seemed like they’d be problematic, then one just ambled up to him, seemed mellow – this was the one. They put the blanket on it and scarfed it with no problem. (This is one challenge where their experience dealing with animals was advantageous.) They say they are Llama Whisperers.

They get the next clue and wonder if the other teams know who is in the lead yet – this tickles them.

-Carol & Brandy approach the llamas like city slickers, talking to them like they understand – “oh, you don’t look happy.”

-Joe & Heidi also trying to dress a llama, Joe thinks this one likes him but it spits at Heidi and she shrieks and throws the blanket at it as it runs away – much to the local’s amusement. They try another one and as Joe puts the blanket on it, it kicks him in the leg. Heidi seems shocked – how rude. That one won’t do either.

-Big Brother gets to the island and they want to fly too but don’t quite understand how they can fly… (oh my gravy, these two are ‘pretty’.)

-Miss Teen USA gets to the condor thing and Caite says, “OMG what have we gotten ourselves into.” (Haha, seriously, what where the producers smoking when they came up with this one?) They put on the feet then climb up the platform and put on the flimsy condor wings – it looks like a big black garbage bag with a condor head attached to it. They start flapping the ‘wings’ then run off the platform – Splash! There was no flying just a straight plunge into the freezing water – and a swim to the buoy to get the clue.

At least they don’t have to try again until they ‘fly’ out to the buoy – cause that would be game over.

-Back on the island Father/Daughter gets the clue and they also decide to fly (really?) Lou & Michael (the detectives) are going to do the llamas – Lou is good with animals and he looks like a llama (big bushy moustache… yeah, I can see it.)

-Back at the llama pen – Joe & Heidi finally see one of the llamas is lying down and they go gently drape it with the blanket and scarf – hmm, well he did get spit at and kicked, I guess they’re allowed to take the cheap out. They get their clue. Carol & Brandy get one of the llamas dressed right after and they head out too.

-Back at the island, the Lawyer/Moms get the clue and decide to dress the llamas.

-Big Brother gets to the condor and it’s just as ridiculous – Jeff says, “At least we go out with some dignity.” She doesn’t laugh – “That’s a joke.” “I know.” (Yet somehow I don’t think she did.) There is no flying – Splash! They get the clue and head out.

-The brothers Jordan & Dan are lost (the Lost Boys) – driving around, can’t find the hotel where the boats are.

-Granny & Shannon finally get off the bus in Peurto Varas – wow, they are really behind. Shannon is hoping one of the other teams doesn’t drive a stick. (You are in luck there.)

-Lost Boys drive down to a dead end and don’t know how to get the car in reverse so one of them gets out and pushes the car so they can turn it around…(shaking my head.)

-The Detectives are having no luck with the llamas – the Lawyer moms show up and just chase the things when they run and get it done. Throw on the blanket, chase, throw on the scarf, chase, grab scarf and tie on the run. They get the clue and the detectives are frustrated they passed them. “This is torture.”

-Lou finally gets a couple branches and they use them to shepherd one of the llamas into a corner – Lou holds it there and Michael dresses it – they get the clue and are off.

-The Cowboys get to the farm where the next clue is and it’s still pouring rain – ROADBLOCK – Involves gathering all the ingredients to bake Kuchen, a German influenced pie. One team member must gather a baker’s dozen eggs, milk a cow for a cup of milk and pick up butter, sugar and a sack of flower then take it all to the kitchen where the baker will give them their next clue.

-Cord is doing it for them – he starts with the cow and milks it easily – he takes off his plastic bag hat cover to collect the 13 eggs in, then he picks up the sugar, butter and flour and heads it all into the kitchen. Just like nothing he’s done (the cowboys are magic.) He gets a piece of the pie and takes a bite – “don’t tell Jet I got some of this.” Back in the car Jet asks him what Kutchen is and he says, “Oh my Gravy, I couldn’t tell ya, it looked good though.” Impish grin. Jet - “Did you eat the pie?”

-They got the clue to the Pit Stop; they have to drive back to Peurto Varas to the Gruta de la Virgen, a park named for the Virgin Mary in the shadow of the cathedral.

-The next 2 teams get to the farm – Heidi & Carol are doing the detour. Neither of them have ever milked a cow before – Carol got kicked in the hand and Heidi almost got peed on, neither is very impressed but they get the milk.

-Brent & Caite show up and he’s doing the gathering for them – she keeps screeching encouragement and the other teams glare at her.

-Big Brother shows up and Jeff’s going to do the gathering for them since Jordan doesn’t know what a baker’s dozen is (surprise.)

-Dan & Jordan (the Lost Boys) finally get to the island and decide to do the llamas.

-Granny & Shannon are in the boat right behind them. Granny is almost too calm, she is just focusing on being positive and enjoying the beautiful scenery (BUT YOU’RE IN A RACE!) She’s definitely the Tortoise in this race. They also decide to do the llamas.

-Monique (I think) and Baseball Dad are collecting the ingredients at the farm – she almost gets kicked in the head by her cow – whoa!

-The detectives come up to the farm and decide that can’t be the right place and drive right on by, “we’ll have to keep our eyes open for signage”… arrghghhh!

-Back at the Llama pen, Jordan is playing to the crowd of locals, stripping off his jacket as they cheer, but then Granny tortoise shows up and they get serious and quickly finish. Shannon lassos a baby llama with the scarf and they finish and head out too.

-The detectives are still lost; they drive back into Peurto Varas and decide to ask for directions.

-Dan & Jordan get to the farm – Jordan is doing the collecting for them and he gets it done quickly. His cow relieves itself right after he’s done getting the milk and he tells it they wouldn’t have gotten along so well if she’d done that when he was down there.

-Granny Tortoise gets to the farm and she’s going to do the gathering for them. (Okay.)

-Big Brother is lost in Peurto Varas looking for the pit stop. They stop for directions and see the Detectives, Louie & Michael, let them know where the farm is and Michael realizes they drove right past it – he’s very aggravated!

-The Detectives head back to the farm and Michael runs into the kitchen, finds butter and slips on the floor and falls down – that’s not right. He heads out trying to find the pantry.

-Grandma Jody trying to milk a cow, she’s almost up to the line on the cup when her cow KICKS HER IN THE HEAD – Ouch! She realized she was alright and just picked up a new cup and started again.

-Michael runs into the barn and starts milking, he gets done quickly and heads out still looking for the pantry. Granny Tortoise checks her cup, not quite enough, goes back – ITS ENOUGH ALREADY! (Can you tell she was driving me nuts?)

Here’s how they finished:

1) Jet & Cord (The Cowboys) – win a sailboard – Cord says they went a bit Lone Ranger on this one and it felt good when their decisions worked out.
2) Joe & Heidi
3) Carol & Brandy (came in about the same time – this alliance is working so far.)
4) Brent & Caite – (Miss Teen USA) proud of themselves – she wishes the other teams would realize she’s not stupid and stop making fun of her.
5) Monique & Shawne (Lawyer/Moms) – harder than anything they ever imagined.
6) Jeff & Jordan (Big Brother)
7) Steve & Allie (Baseball Dad & Daughter) – They did the Condor drop as well – Hilarious.
8) Dan & Jordan (the Lost Boys)
9) Louie & Michael (the Detectives)
10) Jody & Shannon (Granny Tortoise) – ELIMINATED – Shannon is so proud of her Grandma – carrying the sack of flour and getting kicked in the head. Jody says she’s proven she can still do physical things and intends to keep it up.  They're off on their next great adventure.

So, with Jody & Shannon leaving the race that means, Carol-Anne D, Jeff T, Laura H and Esther B are out of the pool.
Look at it this way, now you can root for whoever you actually want to win.

Preview of next week - The 'dating couple' Carol & Brandy interrogate/confront the Cowboys about their success and then get at each others throats while trying to do the challenge... Ooooh, looks juicy.

Have a great week everyone.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Survivor Heroes vs Villains - February 18, 2010 Episode Recap

It’s getting the best of me.

Villains – Night 3

The episode opened in a torrential rainstorm and the Villains still have no useful shelter built – it sounds like Tyson says, “Paradise my ass. The only paradise in this hell hole is leaving it. The luckiest person in Survivor 20 got voted out.” They are all huddled together and soaked and miserable.

Rob says it’s making him physically sick that his tribe is doing nothing to make a proper shelter; they’re all whining but not doing anything. “Again I’m on the buffoon tribe – Again.”

Villains - Day 4

The next morning Jerri & Coach are talking – Jerri – “This is rough, people are freaking out and it’s only the beginning.” Coach is still trying to be cool in front of her – he taps his temple – “It’s all going to come down to what’s in here.” (Well, you’re sunk then.)
Jerri – “Yeah, that’s what Rob said.” (Oh Burn!)
-They are all trying to build the shelter, kinda. Randy is bitching to the camera that this is the 5th design and they keep getting worse.
-Rob – the builder – is telling them what to do and Parvati (ditz) is questioning him. He gets frustrated and just does it himself. “Nevermind, I got it.”
-Courtney says Rob is the one shining star and he gets so frustrated with these fools. “I hope he doesn’t drop dead cause we’ll all die.”
-Randy is bitching about Courtney – Sandra says they’re taking 2 steps forward and 4 steps back. Jerry just mutters, “Good God” and walks away. This tribe seems to have too many lazy chiefs and no Indians.

Heroes – Day 4

-They’re all working together, Tom & James cutting down trees, they’re working on their shelter or working around camp.
-Stephenie is cooking some coconut “popcorn” and Rupert going on about how nice it is to be in a working tribe then he tells the camera he wants to get rid of Stephenie next – she’ll side with anyone to get on day further (whoa, where did that come from.)
-Stephenie finds Rupert annoying – he’s telling her how to cook the coconut but when she asks if she should take out the burnt stuff he says, “I don’t know, you’re the cook.” (Arggh, that would drive me nuts.) She says he’s got an opinion about everything and he’s overdoing the ‘good-guy’ act, it’s only day 4.

Villains – Day 4

-Rob’s trying to build the shelter – Randy refuses to work – no one can do anything. Rob said he didn’t want to be the dictator; he wanted to be the diplomat but look where that’s got him – running in circles. He’s not feeling well and says that’s it, he’s had enough and he takes a break.
-Parvati, Courtney & Danielle are on the beach bitching that the other team got all the awesome guys (Colby, James) and they got Randy. (Hello? Villains.)
-Jerri asks Coach why Rob walked off. Coach, “I think everyone’s having a melt down – well, not everybody – I’m not.” (Still trying to impress her - I know… build the shelter.)
-Jerri follows Rob and finds him passed out – he just dropped in the jungle. She’s trying to get him to open his eyes asks him what he needs her to do and he says (sick man warble) “get help.”
-Jerri’s worried if Rob goes that they’re just going to spiral down into a big pit of negativity and it’s only going to get worse.
-Medical and Jeff Probst come in and check Rob out – they’re prying open his eyes and checking pupil reaction, get him sitting up and trying to drink water – he’s having problems holding the bottle. Medical tells Probst that he looks worse than he is; they think Rob is going to be fine.
-Jeff asks Rob how he’s doing and again, dramatic sick man warble, “I think it’s getting the best of me.” Rob has a little cry and apologizes to Jeff, he says he respects the game too much to quit, “Watch, I’m going to win this.” They have a laugh and Rob says he’s had a moment of clarity – he’s going to stop trying to be the good guy it’s making him sick, he’s going to do what everyone expects and be the Villain. He’s got a touch of the flu and some crybabyitis but he’s ready to smack his tribe into shape.
-Rob comes back to camp and they are all relieved. Even Russell says he may be a villain but he still worries about stuff like that – plus, Rob is strong and he gives them a better chance at winning challenges. (Oh, he was almost human there but he saved it.)


On Jeff’s go, 2 members from each tribe will race out to roll a coloured crate back to their platform. Once all 6 crates are back at the platform the tribe must stack the crates into a staircase with their tribe name written correctly on the side, then they have to have all tribe members climb to the top and the first tribe done wins Immunity… and reward of a tarp, rope and nails.

Villains have to sit out 2 people, Courtney and Randy, and Heroes have to sit one – so they decide Rupert because of his broken toe (he doesn’t seem happy about it.)

I remember this challenge – JT has done it before and the Heroes say they will all listen to his One Voice on this one.

They’re off – the Heroes get ahead on the crate retrieval and start on the puzzle/staircase building a crate ahead of the Villains but the Villains are right behind. Rob’s leading the Villains and throwing his back into getting the crates up into a staircase formation. Heroes falling behind – arguing about the blocks – supposed to have one voice, listen to JT and Stephenie thinks she know better – James tells her to shut up – uh oh, she says you don’t talk to people that way (you do when they won’t listen.) Villains are on the last crate but it has to go all the way up – Heroes have totally fallen apart – and the VILLAINS win Immunity and Reward!

Stephenie doesn’t understand why James is blaming her and she can’t really say anything cause Rupert already has it out for her.

James says Stephenie’s the only one in Survivor history to lose every single person in her tribe so she’s the only one left – she’s obviously the problem. “There is no other source of Kryptonite in here sucking all the superhero power – wow, you have got to go home.”

Heroes – Back at camp – Day 5

-JT says the challenge sucked – it would have been a lot easier if people had listened instead of telling him what to do.
-They’re all in the shelter hashing out the challenge - JT take responsibility and James goes on a total rant, in point form: One voice – shut up and listen – I ain’t never lost this much in my life – If you defensive, you wrong – gotta focus.
James gets up and walks away through his whole tribe who are shocked into silence or unwilling to confront him at this point.
-Tom is unimpressed with James behaviour – “You’ve been a winner all your life – I doubt that. I’d like to tell him where he falls between winner and loser.” Tom frustrated that he has to hold his tongue in response to that, it kills him. (I think it’s harder to have the patience for the social game when you’ve all played the game before but I hope they don’t all stay so cautious, bring on the drama.)

Villains – Day 5

-Coach says winning was awesome – not only for immunity but we got a tarp.
-Boston Rob worked his ass off in the challenge and he goes and finds a giant clam, “Who loves ya baby?” He tries to get Jerri to touch his clam. Eww.
-Russell – “Boston Rob is starting to think he’s in charge – this isn’t working out – I didn’t think his personality was that strong.” Russell grabs a spear and goes after a chicken. “Know what, I’m in charge – King Russell from Samoa.” He kills the chicken and lords it over them, he provided real food!

Heroes – Day 5

-James talking to Candice – Still riled up from the challenge and ripping down Stephenie – “Something ain’t right and it’s got to be her.” (Is this part of his new strategy? To be the talker to win – I don’t think he’s got the smarts to pull it off.)
-Tom looks put out by James’ behaviour – he tells Stephenie she’s in a bad spot – she knows it.
- Amanda, JT and Cirie have come and joined James and Candice and he’s still pushing for Stephenie to go, “she’s the only one to nullify a whole tribe, it’s got to be her.”
-JT tells the camera this vote is a whole different ballgame – they were all on board with Sugar but this vote is going to divide them. JT needs to choose - he can vote with James, Rupert & Amanda and bring Cirie & Candice along or he can vote with Tom, Colby, Stephenie and bring Cirie & Candice along… (hmm, apparently Candice & Cirie don’t rate other than tag-alongs, JT better not underestimate Cirie, she’s sharp.)
-JT talking to Rupert (just about the challenge, out nice-guying each other) and Colby is watching from the shelter, telling Tom & Stephenie that they can’t count on JT. Tom knows they’re the 3 on the outs; he doesn’t have any false illusions of loyalty from JT at this point. He strategizes with Colby & Stephenie that they have to convince Cirie & Candice to send Amanda home – if they can do that, they’re controlling this game.

Heroes – Day 6

-Stephanie talking to Cirie in the water the next day telling her that her best bet is to vote out Amanda now because she guarantees it will be Cirie or Candice next if Stephenie goes tonight.
-Tom’s working on Candice to vote with them and she knows this vote will draw the line in the sand – one side or the other and she feels she’s on the bottom in both alliances so which way to go? Candice tells Tom she’s gotta go with what’s right for her – he says Colby, Stephenie and Tom are writing Amanda’s name down tonight – “You do what you think is right.”
-Cirie & Candice are talking alone – What’s best? Candice says she has no ties to anyone from before. Cirie says sure she played with Amanda before but Amanda chose Parvati over her and cost her a million dollars – they both need someone they can trust so they’ll join forces but still, who goes first? Cirie – “As long as it’s not us, it doesn’t really matter to me.” (Ooooh, who’s it gonna be?)

(Jeff's comments are in blue & italics.)
JT, this group of misfit Villains is taking the Heroes to the cleaners…
JT – It’s pretty embarrassing. I stepped up today and didn’t come through so I feel bad about that but no one was listening. Maybe I should have told everyone to shut up like Boston Rob (James did that and Stephenie got offended, probably wouldn’t have done any good.)

James, you were as frustrated as I’ve ever seen you…
James points out Stephenie as the problem and she defends herself saying this isn’t about her. He goes on again about her being the only one to lose her whole tribe and the one having to defend themselves is usually the one to blame. Stephenie tries to defend herself.  She says that James said, “Y’all…” – “I didn’t say Y’all nothing”… oh boy.
Colby pipes up and tells James to give it a rest, to stop attacking Stephenie and of course she’s going to try to defend herself. James says maybe I should say ‘y’all two’ pointing to Colby and Stephenie. Then Tom pipes up, “then say y’all three” and he tells James to stop bullying Stephenie, which he denies (but he really was.) Tom says the die has been cast, alliances have been made. James again says the defensive person is defensive for a reason – Tom – "Maybe in your world but I don’t live in your world." (Alrighty then.) James finally shuts up. Stephenie – "This is ridiculous."

Colby, this is alarming, it’s only day 6…
Colby – I know. I didn’t expect it to switch from a tribal mentality to self preservation so early.

Stephenie, how worried are you about past relationships? Think your relationship with Tom could work against you?
Stephenie – Oh yeah, absolutely. I played against him, merged with him and he cut my throat in the end.
(Tom looked a bit surprised at that – maybe he didn’t realize she saw it that way.)

Cirie, you, Amanda & James all played together, how do you deflect that?
Cirie – Same thing happened with me. Amanda cut my throat in the end so if you think that’s the route I’d want to take again, obviously you don’t know me.

Amanda, how concerned are you that the past could haunt you?
Amanda – Legitimately concerned. I’ve heard my name bounced around and you get nervous – just hope you make the best choices and alliances – that’s all you can do.


Stephenie votes Amanda, sticking with the weakest strategy. Amanda votes Stephenie…
Candice? Cirie?  They don't show us of course.


Steph 1, Amanda 1, Steph 2, Amanda 2, Steph 3, Amanda 3, Steph 4, 5, and 6 – the Second person voted out of Survivor Heroes vs Villains is STEPHENIE.

As Jeff snuffs out her torch Stephenie turns around and says, “Some advice -  next time y’all lose a challenge, cursing off your tribe a little less might help.”
James – “Keep your mouth shut.”
Tom – “Oh, come on.”
Stephenie – “It’s been a pleasure.”

Wow – We all know Stephenie has a high opinion of herself but James is coming off like he expects women to stay in their place and Tom seems to really not like him. It’s going to get ugly in Hero-town.

So, with Stephenie leaving that means BOB L. and Me are out of the pool – CRAP!

Stephenie’s parting thoughts – she’s upset she’s out of the game – knows they made the wrong decision. Lots of people threatened by her – division in the tribe from day one - wanted to stay longer – doesn’t think there was anything else she could have done. (She really does have to get over herself.)

Preview of next week – Muddy, physical challenge that Heroes must lose because James spirals out of control – Courtney asks, “Are you on the wrong tribe James.” Ha! She’s a smart ass, I like her.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Amazing Race 16 - Premier Episode Recap (Feb 14/10)

Good Morning Race fans,

Last night was the start of the 16th installment of the Amazing Race and it started fast and furious, as usual. The 11 team are:
Brent & Caite – she is the notorious Miss Teen South Carolina who we’ve all see on YouTube talking about how most people in the USA don’t have maps, and “some that such as the Iraq.” She knows people think she is ignorant and wants to change people’s minds about her.
Jet & Cord – Professional cowboys and brother know they may face thins on the race that are unnerving but so’s riding a bull.
Steve & Allie – Father and daughter – he’s a professional baseball coach who won the World Series with the Phillies.
Dan & Jordan – brothers from Rhode Island, Jordan is gay, Dan is not.
Adrian & Dana – High School sweethearts married 18years – they’ve learned from adversity when they lost all their savings in a failed business.
Jordan & Jeff – Dating long distance since they met on Big Brother – she (Jordan) won, and apparently doesn’t know how to tell time by a clock (oh boy.)
Jody & Shannon – Grandmother and grand-daughter – both tri-athletes – Jody is 71 and wants to show what a former couch potato can do.
Louie & Michael – Police detectives, used to dealing with the unexpected in police work – don’t want to be cocky but Michael sees themselves winning every leg.
Shawne & Monique – Attorneys and mothers – think they have the skills, emotional stability and determination to win for sure.
Joe & Heidi – Married parents – Joe is confrontational – he knows he’s going to be the problem child in this thing.
Carol & Brandy – Dating female couple – If the clue is to find the closest Louis Vuitton they’ll win for sure – Carol is a bit of a princess but Brandy is also far from low maintenance. (Oh great, this is my team, get your heads in the game.)

They are starting out from a park in Los Angeles – Phil tells them they have to use public transit to get to the airport from wherever they are – only the first 3 teams to the airport will get on the first flight out to wherever they’re going – the rest will leave an hour later. First team to cross the finish line after 12 legs will win One Million Dollars!
GO! They race to their packs and the clue tells them they are heading to Santiago, Chile.
Brandy & Carol – (Are from LA) “Who uses public transit in LA?” For them public transit is not using the valet service. (Oh come on! I’m rolling my eyes.)
All the teams are running willy-nilly through the streets. A couple teams ask for directions and head to union station to get the flyaway bus to the airport. A few other teams head to the metro station to take the subway/train to the airport.
-Brent & Caite are waiting at a bus stop when Dan & Jordan run by them across the street – Jordan was so excited to see her – he yells that he loves her – interview later Dan gets Jordan to do his impression of her famous speech – It was high-larious… and mean (haha.)
-Grandma is kicking the detectives’ butts – You go Granny! – Louie’s slowed to a walk.
-Joe knows the area and heads down to the metro – about 4 teams get the first train – a couple more teams miss is and have about a 20min wait.
-Jordan & Jeff are on the bus with 3 other teams. Jordan – “Where are we going? Guatemala? China?” (OMG, she should have stayed locked in the Big Brother house I think.)
-The bus gets to the airport first and the 4 teams run off the bus – Shawne & Monique are the first to the counter, Jordan right behind them and asks for tickets to China (shaking my head), Adrian & Dana are the third team to the counter which means Carol & Brandy were 4th – the first team on the second plane (Jeez… come on ladies.)
-The rest of the teams arrive and are disappointed to be on the 2nd flight – Joe was shocked, he was sure they’d be first. (Hmm, already I see ego there.)
-Dan & Jordan do the Miss South Carolina impression for Carol & Brandy so they know who Caite is… ohh, now they know. Aw, give the girl a break.
-The Cowboys decide to exchange all their money for Brazilian currency (uhh, you’re going to Chile.)
-Caite’s talking to the R.I. Cops and they told her the lesbians (Carol & Brandy) were asking where her tiara was… Ohh, she sounds hurt by that.
-Brandy (dark haired one) is praying for bad weather in Dallas to delay the first flight or a total mechanical failure (careful there girl, that’s the kind of talk that builds the bad Karma on this race.)
Oh – and then it happens – hahaha. The first flight is delayed due to mechanical difficulties.
-Dana & Adrian right away go and change their tickets to the second flight – the other 2 teams follow suit and head over to join the rest of them at the gate for the Miami flight.
-Brandy must think she has God’s ear – “There’s that mechanical failure I was praying for.”

-The Big Brother couple is boarding the plane and he finds out it’s her first time out of the country – What? Isn’t that something they should have discussed before they decided to go on the race? Hmm, unless CBS just told them they were doing it… I wonder.

In Chile – they have to hop a bus to Valparaiso which is famous for its system of funiculars* to climb the steep hills, it’s known as the San Francisco of Chile.
*funicular railway noun – a short, very steep railway having two parallel sets of tracks, upon each of which runs a car or train raised or lowered by means of a cable that simultaneously lowers or raises the other car of train in such a way that the two are approximately counterbalanced.

-4 teams get on the first bus to Valparaiso. The next bus the cowboys try to board but they have Brazilian money and the driver won’t take it – they have to get off and try to exchange the Brazilian for Chilean money (d’oh) and they end up on the later bus.
-Off the bus and the teams all run for taxis heading for the cluebox. Caite & Brent are the first one’s there and get the clue for the:
Cable walking – 120ft above the ground – they have to walk a cable the length of a football field holding on to a parallel cable above. When they reach the other side of the valley they’ll get their next clue.
-Caite’s not scared of heights – she just wants to win and she’s up for doing the Roadblock for them – whoo!
-Jordan(Big Bro) is going to do the cable walking for them, Jeff’s afraid of heights. She’s not all that comfortable either – talking to herself – I can do this.
-Dan, Joe, Allie and Brandy also head out on the wires. It’s windy and difficult – Brandy is psyching herself out and freezes on the cable. Keep moving!

-Caite’s the first done the cable walk and they get the next clue which says they have to take the funicular down but they don’t know what that is so they just blow it off and walk down to find the next clue.

-The last 3 teams finally get off the bus and jump into taxis – Michael, the cop, tells their driver to ‘drive it like he stole it’ (Ha, ha, that’s not right for a cop to say that, is it?)

-Back at the cable walk, Dan loses his footing and ends up hanging by his hands, then he just starts pulling himself along the cable that way – hey, it worked.
-Brandy is freaking out now – she’s praying, says she feels like puking, then sits down on the cable – Get it together woman!
-Shawne and Adrian hit the cable – she’s chanting 'God is with Me' and he’s the 'big dog' so this will be no problem – his wife wonders though if his size will make it more difficult.
-Jordan finally gets across the cables and they don’t know what a funicular is either but they ask someone and end up in the same one with the brothers Dan & Jordan as Dan’s made it across now too. In the funicular Jordan(gay brother)is surprised that Caite & Brent are so far ahead, he says he’s underestimated that team (I wouldn’t be so sure yet.)

-Caite & Brent get to the next clue and it tells them it’s Time To Paint the Town: Multi-coloured homes are the signature of the town, they have to choose 4 cans of paint and painting supplies, carry them up a steep hill until they reach the house that matches their paint colour, paint an unfinished portion of the wall to get their next clue.
-Caite & Brent grab their gear and start wandering through the town, they can’t find the street, the house, the painters…

Back at the cable walk – Allie passes Joe on the cables, these teams are friendly – Steve yells to Joe at the funicular to direct them to the right place. Steve is a team player being a baseball coach; he’s used to players helping each other out. (We’ll see how long that lasts.)

-Jordan & Jeff can’t find their house either, they have all the painting supplies and come to the ugliest, steepest street – this must be it – and it is.
-Caite & Brent finally find it right behind them – they've lost the lead now.
-They get the clue to the Pit Stop.

Back at the Cable Walk – Adrian is having trouble on the cable – this task is not made for a big man. Louie is also doing the cable and he passes Adrian no problem, encouraging him to go on though. Adrian totally loses it though and falls off the cables, dangling by his safety line. The safety guy comes out to drag Adrian back to the start, he wants to keep going but his arms are done, he can’t pull himself back up. He goes back to the beginning. Now what?
-Cowboy Cord in on the cable and granddaughter Shannon – they are both doing pretty good – it’s windy and does not seem fun but they do it.

-Back with the House painters – Monique is having problems carrying the ladder but she says if Jesus can do it so can she. (Really?)
-Brother Dan & Jordan are wandering through the streets with their gear and Jordan realizes he’s lost one of the paint brushes, they think that’ll be a penalty so he wants to look for it but Dan just wants to get it done…
-Steve and Allie walk into a house under renovation and see a partially painted wall inside the house that is somewhat close to their colour. They start painting the wall – the guys working there have no idea what’s going on. Allie thinks her Dad’s a genius, they’re so lucky he found this place – and they paint the whole inside wall with the outdoor paint (I’m glad that’s not my house.) They ask the workman for a clue and the guy just looks at them like they’re crazy – Dad went from hero to zero – they had to head out and find the actual house to paint (hahaha.)

Back at the Cable debacle (at this point)– Adrian still isn’t back on the cable – Dana’s at the end yelling at him - come on, you’ve got to do this. He says “she’s going to ride me like a horse” so he heads back out on the cable but he’s done, his arms and legs are rubbery and he falls off again.

-The cops are trying to find the houses too – they see a wall that’s kind of their colour with some graffiti on it – maybe this is our house? No, keep going guys.
-The cowboys get their painting gear and take off at a run – head right to where they need to go and paint their house and get their clue…. Boom, boom, boom, boom – wow, how’d they do that? Or, more likely, why couldn’t anyone else find the place?

Here’s how they finished:
1) Jordan & Jeff (Big Brother couple) - they won a trip to Vancouver to stay at the Sutton Place hotel and see some Olympic events – hey, we could run into them and try and see if they won 
2) Brent & Caite – HOWEVER – they didn’t take the funicular so they have a 30 minute penalty and they have to sit off to the side and watch as…
2) Monique & Shawne – get the Second place spot.
3) Jet & Cord – Went from 9th off the cable to 3rd at the mat – wow, fantastic recovery boys.
4) Dan & Jordan – HOWEVER – they lost a paintbrush and incur a 15 minute penalty so they have to sit off to the side and watch as…
4) Steve & Allie – get the Fourth place spot.
5) Joe & Heidi
6) Carol & Brandy
7) Brent & Caite – Finally get to check in, he looks mad but she’s being positive – Lucky number 7! They wrote to remember the details on their hands but apparently that didn’t help them. As far as she’s concerned they were second.
8) Dan & Jordan – Knocked back 4 spots but tomorrow is another day
9) Louie & Michael – Shocked they’re so far back in the pack.
10) Jody & Shannon – Shannon is proud of her Grandma, she knows she’s tough.

And Back at the Cable Walk… Phil goes out and meets Dana & Adrian, tells them all the other teams have checked in and he’s sorry to tell them they have been ELIMINATED from the Race.
She was not happy to hear that, they were hoping for a non-elimination (on the first leg?) Adrian said it was gut-wrenching being the first team eliminated but he knows they’ve been through worse and he knows they’ll still have each other no matter what. Awww.

So, with Dana & Adrian leaving us so soon, Roxanne S, Susan N, Janine S and Pat T. all get their money back being the first out of the pool. Thanks for playing ladies.

Wow, that was a tough start – two time penalties and one team didn’t even finish the first task… we may be in for a rough ride this season. I can’t wait! Next week there is tension between the teams as new alliances leave some teams in the cold – holding spots in line doesn’t sit well with the next teams in line (Oh! that would piss me off too!)

Have a great week everyone,


Friday, February 12, 2010

Survivor - Heroes vs Villains - Premier Episode Recap (Feb 11/10)

Good morning Survivor fans,

Last night was the highly anticipated (by me anyway) premier of the 20th season of Survivor – this one, all returning contestants, divided into teams based on their past game play – Heroes vs Villains!

They open with stunning views of the Polynesian islands and then, through the mist, four troop transport helicopters come into view… and inside are our new/old crop of Survivors.

Quickly scan through them and Coach has a big dragon tattoo on his chest now (oh come on!)
Rupert - he’s always been a big believer that Good will Win.
Russell – thinks Villains are smarter – they don’t mind stabbing people in the back to get where they need to go – it’s a proven fact – Google it.
JT – Heroes are the people he’d rather play the game with, battling against the villains, it’s perfect.
Jerri – had a few colourful names attributed to her – her favourite though was “Man-eater Manthi.”
James – Ooooh James, loves me the gentle giant… ahem… he’s coming back to redeem himself.
Coach – This time it’s “Slay Everyone – Trust No One” (the title of this episode.)
Tom – He’s not in the same shape he was this time but still thinks he can hang in there with the best of them (I should hope so, cause this is arguably the best of them.)
Rob – If they’re smart they’ll get rid of me right away… but they won’t, they never do.
Colby – almost a decade since he played the game the first time – test to see if he still has it. (Are we just forgetting the All Stars season then?)
Sandra – Last time I was mean, now I’m meaner – I’ll lie, I don’t care, but I’ll make up a good lie.
Cirie – These people think they know me, they don’t know me – I’m a nice gangster in an Oprah Suit.

In the end only one will remain – 39 days, 20 people… One Ultimate Survivor.

They’re still coming in on the choppers and they’re all excited and nervous – Coach is making stupid arm poses in the chopper – (Oh, please, someone smack him.)
The Heroes are deposited on the beach first and they all congregate on their mat, sizing each other up, excited – then the Villain choppers come in and pelt them with sand like the bully kicking sand in the face of the geek at the beach – nice symbolism there producers.
Stephenie says just looking at the Villains get off the choppers – you know they are Villains – Rob with his confident swagger, Jerri, Coach…
Jerri says she’s the original Villainess of Survivor and she feels like Mother Teresa next to these people – it’s on!

Jeff addresses the tribes - Russell, how does it feel being one of the 10 most notorious Survivors?
Russell – I’m in awe – finally I get to play with people that respect the game.
How bout you Rob?
Rob – I’m a Villain? (got a laugh) It’s all in your perspective I guess.
Rupert, even after 20 seasons still one of the most popular to play the game, how do you feel coming back?
Rupert – I just love the game, it’s an honour (he gushed some more but you get the gist.)
Tom, stack up these two tribes.
Tom- I wouldn’t assume anyone would play the same game they did the last time – if it didn’t work for them they could change it up, and that’s the same for both tribes.
Colby, after your season people liked you so much they were naming their kids after you.
Colby – this is all about the experience and the adventure (oh, see, he’s not even getting close to winning with that attitude.)
JT, are you intimidated by all these great players?
JT – feels like the young buck, watched these people play when he was in high school, feels like the rooky.

Anyone out here feel like they are on the wrong tribe?
Sandra right away puts up her hand (ORLY?) Courtney and Parvati do the stupid girl/flirty – yeah, what did we do, Jeff? (Oh Come ON!)
Jerri doesn’t put up her hand, she seems to be relishing her bad rep. now – points out the Black hat she bought for the show – and Colby has a white one… subtle guys.
James agrees with Jeff that Parvati is a villain – she played him like a fiddle in Fans vs Favourites, the season she won.
Everyone admits to being kind of intimidated by James size but James has learned a thing or two in this game and he knows to be wary of the talkers, they’re the most dangerous and usually win. He was voted off with two immunity idols in his first go round in China, has learned since then.
Boston Rob, how big a factor is size vs scrap?
Rob – I think we have stronger women (Heroes girls didn’t like that) he says he thinks the Villains have the advantage because they won’t have to deal with the egos like they have on the Heroes side (No, you have to deal with even bigger ones!)

Jeff tells them they are going to have their first Reward Challenge – Right NOW!

Reward Challenge:

They will run out in pairs (two people from each team) and dig in the sand for a bag – once the bag is found they have to run it back to their mat – with the other team members trying to stop them by any means possible. First person to get the bag to their mat, wins the point. First team to 3 points wins Reward, and they are playing for Fire in the form of flint. Fire is your life, blah, blah, blah…

They are off – Ladies first, Cirie & Stephanie against Parvati & Danielle (Who?) – Cirie finds the bag and it is on, lots of wrestling and blurring of lady bits – Courtney yells out “break her shoulder” and Parvati, who has a hold of Stephenie, almost does. Danielle gets a hold of the bag and runs it home to get the first point for the Villains but Stephenie has dislocated her shoulder (eww.) They call over medical and they pop it back in (nice sound effects) crunch! She’s good to go. Stephenie says to the camera – you’re already Villains, you don’t have to be jerks. (Hahaha.)

Next round – Man & Woman teams – Jerri finds the bag and yells to Randy so the other tribe in on her – Randy tackles and gets on top of JT – Hello! – Amanda on Jerri – JT is used to wrassling the hogs so he quickly gets the upper hand on Randy – grabs the bag and runs it home for the first point for the Heroes.

Coach slapping his pecs (uh, really?) heads out with Russel vs Colby and Tom (cowboy & firefighter) – Coach isn’t digging at all just standing ready for when they find the bag (I can’t stand this guy – again – already) Russell finds the bag and Colby tackles him – Coach gets on Colby and Russell & Tom tussle – Russell gets all MMA with an ankle lock on Tom – Colby has the bag and starts dragging Coach on his back towards the mats but he runs out of steam and Coach is able to steer him into the villain mat – Damn! Villains up 2 to 1.
Tyson – Colby might as well be a woman to be overpowered by Coach. Demoralizing.

Four ladies out again – Courtney & Sandra vs Sugar & Candice – villainous ladies working together, keep quiet when they find the bag but Candice sees it and gets in there – Sugar is not a powerhouse – Sandra throws her around then undoes her bra – Sugar though, shrugs the bra off, grabs the bag and scores for the Heroes – shooting double-birds at Sandra from the mat. We’re tied 2-2 – next point wins.

Final round – Tyson, wearing animal print tighty shorts (Oh my EYES!) & Rob vs Rupert & James. Rob does the hold back this time watching everyone else dig – James finds the bag and Rob tries to move him – Ha ha – good luck buddy – Rupert does a great job of holding off Tyson and Rob as James is able to linebacker the bag to the mat and the HEROES Win the Reward!!! YAY! Rupert, unfortunately broke a toe in about three places – ouch!

Russell – so the villains lost, do you think I care? – I’m used to losin’ – doesn’t make a difference to him.

Villains get to camp – Day 1
Russell – I have to stay on my toes – way more to prove this time – if I can whup these all-stars, aren’t I the best ever? He’s taking this crap serious and has to start working his magic on the Villain side – going to be tough.

Russell approaches Danielle (who?) first – "you and me to the end, have to trust each other, he will stab people in the back, blah, blah, blah…"

Then he’s on to Parvati – "you and me to the end, have to trust me, blah, blah" – she’s on to him though, she knows his game and has played it before. She says making a deal with Russell feels like making a deal with the devil but she’s rather be with him than against him. (See, I told you he was the devil.)

Russell is going on again about how he’s the best ever in this game, he’s gone above everyone in his sport (of Survivor) – OH Please! Get over yourself already. The cocky never win – did you not learn anything from last time? Sheesh.

Heroes get to camp – Day 1
And it’s pouring rain on them – they decide to take a little swim before starting on the shelter – (hmm. The Villains got working right away, I hope this isn’t a bad sign.) Colby says he’s rusty on the game play but he’s getting into it. Oh, there, they get to work and quickly make some decisions about where to build shelter and get to it. Good for you guys, working together well it seems.

Tom sees some chickens and JT and James step up to help catch them, start to surround them when Candice suggests they get the net and voila! The Heroes have caught themselves 3 hens and a rooster (I bet Erik is jealous!) They use the net to make a pen for them.

Back at Villains Camp
-Tyson relishing the fact that some of the Heroes got hurt in the challenge.
-Coach was recounting his victorious moment over Colby then telling the camera his team was going over it long after he’d stopped thinking about it, riiiggghhttt… he’s so full of crap! I bet you he never stops thinking about that moment of triumph, a legend in his own mind.
-Jerri says she’s very surprised by Coach (like in a good way – huh?) They show them lying side by side and she says she’s stealing his Mantra – Going in as a warrior. Then they are flirting and, OMG, could there be a Jerri/Coach romance??? I don’t know if I’m more intrigued or disgusted by that prospect (Laugh or cringe? But I am loving the drama!)
-Next morning Russell is goading Coach – Go for it, dude. Never walk away from love. Coach looks all abashed and kind of giddy (he really is socially retarded this guy.)
-And Sandra & Courtney are also pushing the romance angle to Jerri – They really are all evil.
-Coach talks to Jerri alone – The Black Widow and the Dragon Slayer – we have to be careful though, don’t want to be perceived as having a strong bond. (He really has no clue, she would chew him up and spit him out but she could possibly use him here.)

Back at Heroes
-JT approaches James – I want to be in an alliance with you – Straight up guys, hard working, they get along right away.
-Colby is talking to Candice – We gotta watch JT & James. Then they talk about the other players, who knows who, are they friends, who played together before.
-Amanda & Cirie played together in Fans vs Favourites – went to final 3 with Parvati – have to watch not to be seen as too chummy to the others.
-Tom & Stephenie also played together in Palau – they are strategizing who they can align with – Maybe JT. Tom likes that idea, he wants another winner beside him at the end to even up his odds to win again.
-JT says he’s more willing to sacrifice his integrity this time out in order to win again… Oh?

Villains – Day 2
-Rob is bitching that no one is working – no one wants to do anything, build a fire, build shelter – it’s ripping at his very fiber. Rob wants to make fire and starts notching a piece of wood to use friction.
-Randy – no one gets booted cause they don’t make fire – just shrug if off man (wow, when did Jimmy Buffet get to the island?)
-Rob looks at him disgustedly and proceeds to start a fire – everyone lends a hand and they get a ton of smoke and then FLAME! Rob’s the Man.
Rob says he’s the same competitive cut-throat guy he was before but he’s grown a lot with a wife and daughter, he’s learning to compromise and get along. “These people aren’t the brightest bulbs but I’ll try to make it work.”
-Coach is in awe of Rob now – oh no, he’s crushing on his idol, Boston Rob. Bromance is in the air.
-Russell sees Coach fawning all over Rob and right away Rob’s got a target on his back. Russell sees him as a threat to his palace… he’s going to try and get Rob gone.

Heroes – Day 2
Rupert is out in the ocean with the spear but his broken toe is hindering him and he’s not catching anything. He figures he’s better off being a worker bee so he heads back to camp and tries to make a fire. He’s using up all the flint and not even a spark. Cirie’s looking at him, just shaking her head; you can’t say anything and bruise his ego. Finally JT offers to take over and Rupert retreats, siting great amounts of pain in his toe that he doesn’t want anyone to know about. JT looks at the flint and there’s fire.

Rob & Tyson decide to climb a palm tree to get the fronds for their shelter but when Rob actually get up on the tree he sees it’s really high and since he was told not to do anything stupid thinks better of the climbing idea and gets down. But he still wants the fronds so he knows exactly who to rile up and strokes Coach’s ego and dares him to do it. Coach, of course, falls for it and jumps up on the trunk. Rob sits back with Sandra and laughs at him – they bet a buck on if he’ll do it or not. Coach though shows a glimmer of self preservation and gives up the endeavour, losing Rob a dollar.

Sandra says she likes Rob; they’ll get along until she has to cut his throat.

Heroes – Night 2
-Sugar is looking for a protector and sets her sights on Colby. Everyone is trying to get some sleep in the shelter and she starts talking loudly and snuggles up to him. He tries to move away but she’s relentless and won’t take a hint. He’s just really put off, not interested, everywhere he goes she follows. He got very little rest, none of them did, because of her antics. Not how you win friends honey.
Day 3
The chickens have laid a good 4 or 5 eggs and they decide they’re going to eat one of the chickens so JT grabs it and wrings it’s neck – old school. James says his grandmother did that once when he was a little kid – it was really traumatic - it’s funny now, but it was really traumatic. He looks thrilled though that JT killed the chicken.  And they ate well.

Villains – Day 3
Tree Mail says they’re playing for immunity and someone’s going to tribal council.
– Coach – Let’s thrash the Heroes unmercifully.
-Jerri – Get your evil on.


They have to race to assemble a boat and lash it together with 7 planks – then paddle out and light the torch at the cauldron buoys – paddle back to the beach, remove the planks from the boat, race them up to a mat – remaining tribe members then have to assemble a puzzle – once the puzzle is done they have to use the planks to form a ladder, place the puzzle in the wall and everyone race up the ladder to the platform with their lit torch, light the fire barrel and win immunity.

-They’re off – Heroes get the boat together quickly – Villains struggling – Why is Coach in charge? Heroes are paddling out and get their torch lit, Villains finally get the boat done and head out. Heroes are the first back to the beach and they get started on the puzzle.

Villains also make it back – start on the puzzle too. The Heroes stall out and have to start the puzzle over but the Villains catch up and get the puzzle done – they get the planks, make the ladder, set the puzzle and light their fire. Villains win Immunity! It was a blow out.

Sugar is crying – oh yeah, I forgot how much she cried – she was one of the people working the puzzle and feels like she’s in trouble now.
Colby says if she’s crying after three days she’s not strong enough to be out here – if we lose her… we won’t miss much.

Villains - Day 3
-How do you like us now, huh? Rob – good job – now lets just relax, no one has to cut anyone’s throat tonight.
-Sandra says no one wants to be the first to leave so they can rest easy on that score now.
-They stand around speculating on who’s going to go tonight, who on the other team has relationships from past seasons, it’s all about who you know.
-Russell says the Heroes are shook up, they have to capitalize on that and decimate them.

Heroes – Day 3
-Rupert – we were a little cocky and it bit us. This is going to be a tough one.
-Sugar brings coconut to Cirie, JT & Rupert – she throws Amanda out there as who she thinks should go first (anyone to distract them from her.) And she’s crying again.
-JT tells Colby Sugar wants to vote Amanda tonight but he doesn’t agree, he’s thinking Sugar and we know Colby is 100% for that.
-Stephenie is saying to Tom she thinks they should vote Sugar tonight and Tom thinks they should be taking out the strategic player (Cirie) not the follower (Sugar) and he sways her to his way of thinking.
-Tom talks to Colby and says he’s thinking Cirie is the bigger threat and Colby seems to agree as well (Oh, come on.)
-Cirie, Amanda & Candice thinking Tom or Stephenie. Cirie wants to keep Sugar, keeping someone weak and annoying keeps the focus off her. They seem to come to the consensus that Stephenie would be the way to go, she’s a threat and they still want Tom for the challenges.

TRIBAL COUNCIL– (it’s like the Ewok village from Return of the Jedi – tree houses built 40ft in the air – if there is a C3P0 on a throne, I’d die laughing. (Wow, I really am a geek.))

Jeff – Tom, how big a factor are prior relationships?
Tom – worried about it initially but now that’s been pushed aside.
Sugar – thought Tom’s was a good speech but she’s not buying it.

Amanda, you’ve played the game twice before and got to the finals, are you trying to deflect attention from yourself?
Amanda – I haven’t won though Jeff, there are people here that have won.
(Tom & JT share a look – what you thought they wouldn’t remember?)

Cirie, you’ve played three times, that makes you a bona fide threat.
Cirie – Everyone here’s a threat Jeff, if not, we wouldn’t be here.

Steph, and that’s what I’m getting at, there is a reason to get rid of every single person up here.
Stephenie – I think the first tribal council is the hardest and no one wants to come back here so I’m voting off the weakest so we can stay strong and continue to win.

Lets talk about today’s challenge – James – you started out strong but then it came to the puzzle and disaster
James – Nobody was focused, hopefully they can focus next time ‘cause this can’t happen no more.

Cirie, if it’s you tonight is it fair to take it because you blew it on the challenge?
Cirie - I don’t think one challenge should determine a person’s worth in this game.

Sugar, you blew the puzzle, would it be fair to say “Vote Sugar out.”?
Sugar – that’s why I was crying (and she looks like she’s going to again) she says she wouldn’t vote someone out on the basis of one challenge (oh sure you would, as long as it wasn’t you.)

Candice, is it fair to vote people out based on the puzzle?
Candice – She thinks the puzzle people were brave, don’t blame them or no one will want to do a puzzle again – (What? I see why I don’t remember her either – bor-ring.)

Tom, do you vote tonight based on long term game or short term game?
Tom – I think we’re all working on relationships and looking towards the end game but that’s not what we’re working on here, we need to stay strong and keep our best people and let’s not come back here anymore.

Candice, is the first tribal council an opportunity to take one person out of the equation and really change things up?
Candice – first tribal council is an opportunity to do anything. 10 people here and a lot of ideas going round so yes, or no. (Zzz… wha?)

Time to Vote. Sugar couldn’t figure out how to use the pen…(shaking my head) Oh, there she goes.

Tallying the votes:
Sugar – 1, 2, 3, 4… Amanda – 1… Sugar – 5 & 6 – First person voted out of Survivor Heroes vs Villains is SUGAR! The tribe has spoken.

So, with that vote, Robert L. and Kim B. are both out of the pool - thanks for coming out.

Sugar’s final words: Not a great feeling to be the first voted off but I think they made the right decision – then my recording cut her off – oh, so sad.

Preview of next week shows Rob walking in the jungle, then boom, he’s down. Jerri rushes over and he’s passed out or something, medical is prying his eyes open – WHAT THE WHAT??? Olympics who? I can’t wait til next week!

Have a great weekend everyone and don’t forget the Amazing Race starts this Sunday night. Oh, and happy Valentine’s Day ;)


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Amazing Race 16 - POOL

Amazing Race 16  - Starts Airing: Sunday, February 14, 2010

Caite & Brent: Nenad M. - Sue S./Hannelore -  Drew C. - Virginia D.

Carol & Brandy: Lee G. - Coleen T. - Bob L. - Shelley A.

Dan & Jordan: Sharon R. - Kim B. - Cheryl J. - Andria S.  WINNERS!

Dana & Adrian: Roxanne S. - Susan N. - Pat T. - Janine S.

Jet & Cord: Shane B. - Miranne D. - Katie L. - Brian L.

Jody & Shannon: Carol-Anne D. - Jeff T. - Laura H. - Esther B.

Joe & Heidi: Lindsay J. - Denise R. - Christine I. - Chiquita D'S.

Jordan & Jeff: Brittany & Sarah R. - Bernice R. - Steve H. - Laura W.

Louie & Michael: Kevin & Elaine R. - Bernice W. - Robert L. - Sharleen H.

Monique & Shawne: Ozzy R. - Lynne B. - Sandy G. - Rukhsana D.

Steve & Allie: Krista & Ian - Cheryl B. - Kim M. - Gillian H.

Survivor 20 - Heroes vs Villains POOL

SURVIVOR 20 - HEROES VS VILLIANS  - Starts Airing: Thursday, February 11, 2010


Amanda: Shane B. - Nenad M.

Candice: Sharon R. - Wendy E.

Cirie: Krista & Ian - Bernice R.

Colby: Lindsay J. - Jodi S.

James: Mike L. - Brian L.

JT: Gillian H. - Lynne B.

Rupert: Brittany & Sarah R. - Roxanne S.

Stephanie: Bob L. - Coleen T.

Sugar: Kim B. - Robert L.

Tom: Virginia D. Janine S.


Coach: Kevin & Elaine R. - Sue S./Hannelore

Courtney: Cheryl B. - Katie L.

Danielle: Ritch G.- Andria S.

Jerri: Lee G. - Carol-Anne D.

Parvati: Cheryl J. - Susan N.

Randy: Shelley A. - Gen

Rob: Julie T. - Nancy C.

Russell: Steve H. - Jacqueline D.

Sandra: Andrew W. - Jeff T. *** WINNER ***

Tyson: Sharleen H. - Laura H.