Friday, February 26, 2010

Survivor Heroes vs Villains - February 25th Episode Recap

That Girls is Like a Virus

The show opened with the Heroes returning to camp after voting out Stephenie:
Heroes - Night 6
- James is trying to explain to Tom that he just wants to win - "Did I say it wrong."
-Tom - "There's lots of frustration James, I get that, but you could have been gentler."  Tom tells the camera that tribal council took a nasty turn.  James got to bring down nasty, brutish, bullying on Steph.  Now we come home, put on a happy face and try to make it as pleasant as possible to be together.
- JT tells Tom that the alliance he made with him was the first one (a lie) but when he realized their alliance was at the bottom of the totem pole he had to do something (and vote with the James.)
-Tom says its all good - they man hug.  Tom says he feels betrayed by JT but if JT genuinely feels bad, Tom thinks he can still use him to stick around a bit longer.
-Colby tells Tom he's not sure if this game is for him - he doesn't want to be a part of the ugly.  Tom tells him they were naive thinking everyone would be playing a gentleman's game - they just have to play smarter.

Villains - Night 6
-Parvati is snuggled up with the Devil (Russell), giggling and generally annoying everyone.
- Rob tells the camera the Key to Survivor: Watch how everyone sleeps at night - whoever is sleeping next to who will tell you who is aligned.  You don't usually go to sleep next to the guy you want to vote off.
Danielle, Russell & Parvati are all snuggled up - Coach is sitting up with Jeri, touching her hair/back - everyone else seems to be on their own so far.
-Rob doesn't trust Russell's ass at all - he's making puppy dog eyes at Parvati - doesn't do anything without her.  Coach & Jeri are trying to do the same thing - Rob knows how dangerous and powerful such an alliance can be - he's been there.

Heroes - Day 7
Rupert had hoped for bad weather so they'd be forced together in the shelter to do some bonding, they have to become a cohesive team or they will continue to lose.  Chickens to the rescue - JT built a crude chicken coop and they got out - the men all rallied together and caught those rogue chickens - Rupert thought the chickens getting out was meant to be - bonding achieved.

Villains - Day 7
-Coach talking to Russell by their chicken net/pen - Coach was trying to caution him that his closeness to Parvati has been noted and could be a reason for everyone to vote him out first (Ah, Coach, you have no idea who you're dealing with.)  Parvati is the most dangerous person on their tribe in his opinion - she has a charm that people (men) are easily smitten by, it's unbelievable (and Coach would have us believe he's immune.)
-Rob comes up to Russell & Coach and chimes in with Coach that Russell has to be careful with Parvati - Says he'll give him the benefit of the doubt this one time (like Russell doesn't know any better - oh, Rob, you better be careful too - he's the devil.)
-Russell tells the camera - Everyone knows Coach is a big joke so he can go flapping his jaws all he wants, makes no difference - but Rob thinks he's the boss of the whole camp, like he's my daddy - well, I'M the daddy round here.  I gotta listen to this fool like he's in control until he's gone - They don't know who they're messing with, it's Russell Hanz - give me a break.
-Russell tells Parvati about Coach's little 'talk' - said Coach told him to act like nothing had changed so Parvati wouldn't be any the wiser.
-She's used to people wanting to vote her out - but she doesn't understand it, she's such a sweet, innocent girl (evil giggle.)  She kind of trusts Russell, even though he's a lunatic.

Villains - Night 7
- Coach is telling them one of his tall tales as they're all bedded down in the shelter and Russell sneaks off and hides the machete.  He says Rob & Coach think they're in charge of this camp - I'm changing that - everything's gonna go haywire once they can't find the machete, can't eat chickens, can't open coconuts, can't start fire - That's a good thing. (He's so gleeful contemplating the mayhem he's creating.)  He slinks back, Coach is still droning on, none the wiser.  Russell looks around for what else he can do to stir things up and thinks Rob'll really freak if he loses his Boston Red Sox hat - It's the Houston Astros baby.

Villains - Day 8
-Coach is out doing his morning centering positions, oh, and he's added chanting/singing, what a treat.
-Randy went out and caught a giant clam & offers to share with his tribe mates but no one seems interested - what the hell?  He's bitter, never seen a Survivor where people seem disinterested in food.  There is no machete so he has to smash it with a rock.  Sandra shares with him and Parvati tries some but gags it up so Sandra says they're not wasting any more on her.
-Randy says Survivor is a lot like the real world, you don't get ahead by being smart, clever or hard-working, you get ahead with a pretty smile and being able to schmooze people - [therefore] Parvati is queen.
-Randy is talking to Coach - they seem to share a hatred of loafers - it's unjust, selfish, egotistical (show Parvati sunbathing on the beach, in case we didn't know who they were talking about.)

Heroes - Day 8
-Candice talking to JT - tells him she'd like to be there to the end but doesn't appreciate no one talking strategy to her until the day of tribal council - it doesn't count if they just want a favour.  She goes on to say Cirie is trustworthy as long as she feels safe.
-This talk scares JT - Candice is way more strategical (that's what he said) than he gave her credit for - she may have to be the next to go in his opinion but in this group it's not all up to him.
-JT is later talking to Amanda & Cirie - Amanda asks him what Candice was talking to him about and he tells Cirie that Candice told him she doesn't totally trust her [Cirie.]  Cirie - Oh Really?
-JT says he can tell a story when he needs to, probably a better liar than he should be considering he doesn't do it in his everyday life (how do we know that's not a lie? Haha.)
-Cirie goes and confronts Candice - says she's nervous now because she's heard that Candice doesn't trust her.  Candice panics, Who said that?  It's not true.  She goes around camp questioning Tom, who has no idea what she's talking about - Amanda, who says she has no idea what she's talking about and James - who tells her to chill out for a second - Pointless to worry about that - just get to the challenge and win.  She never thinks it could have been JT - his bumpkin magic is still totally intact I see.

-They will have to square off, one on one, sumo-style.  Using a large, heavy bag, they will attempt to knock their opponents into the mud.  Two rules: two hands must remain on the bag at all times and they cannot use their legs as a weapon (no kicking in the nads.)  First team to 8 wins immunity and reward of luxury items, coffee, sugar and a weeks worth of rice.
-Tom vs Russell - Tom wins easily - Colby roars.
-Candice vs Parvati - Candice wins.
-Rupert vs Coach - It starts raining - they're going at it and Coach knocks Rupert in the mud with one hand on the bag - Does a man-roar celebration and Jeff is saying "No no no" but Coach is in his glory - James, "No, karate choppin' man..." Finally, Jeff's voice penetrates and tells him they have to go again - Coach gives him the finger - "Hey, use that anger against your opponent not me."
They go again and Rupert easily takes the rattled Coach out - it's now Heroes 3 - Villains Zip.
-Jeri vs Cirie - the platform is slippery now and Cirie takes Jeri out easily. The Villains look totally demoralized now.
- JT vs Tyson - Tyson, being the smart-ass, knocks the mud off his boots in JT's area - JT knocks Tyson in the mud - he gets out & kisses JT on the cheek (what a goober.)
-Danielle vs Amanda - Danielle keeps smashing the bag into Amanda's face (you don't mess with the face) Amanda puts her in the mud - Now 6-zip.
-Colby vs Boston Rob - They're slipping all over, sliding around Rob staying down low but Colby is pumped and will not be denied - Rob is in the mud.  7-0
Danielle, with mud in her teeth, "This sucks."
-Randy vs James - Jeri tells Randy to play as dirty as he can.  On the platform Randy tries to get in James' head - "Like beating up old men?" - "Don't talk, just grab the bag."  James just pushes Randy in the mud and throws the bag down after him.  In usual Villain fashion they talk smack - "Really Heroesque behaviour there James, I told you you were on the wrong team."  James curses them out.
But that doesn't change the fact that HEROES won Immunity & Reward!

Villains - Day 8
They are all in the water scrubbing the mud off.
-Tyson - Those Heroes were ready to wallop us, must have eaten steroid sandwiches, they were all crazy-eyed, it was scary to look in their faces - he worried for their sanity.
-Randy - You don't have to be told you're on the block you sense it - he's the oldest guy there and the other guys are all falling for the oldest trick since caveman days - pretty girls, batting their eyes and flirting.  Parvati is a threat - he thinks she'll team up with James, Cirie & Amanda if they merge so they have to get rid of her now. 
-Coach approaches Parvati in the water and she is trying to cut through is crap - "Are you voting me or not?" Coach bumbles around says he hasn't made his bet yet. She says she knows he's been running around talking to everyone about her and he gets right offended, "That's so not true.  I don't lie."  He tells the camera that she came at him very aggressively but he tried to fend her off.  He tells us maybe other guys will be taken in by her feminine wiles but he sure won't (oh, and I think he believes that.) He says he's coached women's soccer for 13 years and he's never been swayed by batted eye lashes.
-Parvati is pleading her case then she appeals to his vanity - "I don't think fear has ever controlled you." (Yup, she's found the key to him - his ego.)  Coach puffs up, "Fear and flirting has never controlled me; I'm my own man."  Then they flirt a little, he moves in and tries to hug her.  Coach tells the camera that anyone who falls for her tricks is a fool. (And he wonders why no one respects him.)
-Tyson, Rob, Jeri talking - Tyson says Parvati has too many friends on the other side, Randy has no friends, she's dangerous, he's not.  Rob calls Sandra over, Courtney joins them too, Sandra thinks Randy is the weakest and is for taking him out.
-Jeri is watching Coach & Parvati walking up the beach together and she tells the camera that Parvati is like a virus - That girl needs to GO.  She's roping people in even when they want nothing to do with her.  Jeri says she wishes she could bottle that and use it in real life cause it's pretty powerful stuff.
-Coach tries to talk to Sandra by themselves but she has no patience for him, says she'll vote with the group, tell me who and I'll vote for them.  Rob watches this exchange from the bushes.
-Jeri, Danielle, Coach & Parvati talking, Danielle is saying to Jeri that Randy is the weakest and that's probably the way to go - Jeri says they all have their own strengths - Parvati gets on her right away, "So if it's not Randy who do you want to vote instead?"  Jeri tries to avoid her direct questioning but Parvati keeps pushing.
-Jeri vents to the camera, "She thinks she can make people do what she wants but I am not - I am not.  At this point right now, all I want to do is punch her in the face. I tell you what."
-Parvati says Jeri is annoying; she's a bitter, old cougar.  I know she's talking about me, her days are numbered.
-Coach & Randy are talking; Randy says he was glad to see Stephenie gone, that means the Heroes are not falling for the girl's tricks. He's trying to tell Coach that letting the women call the shots will lose them the game. (I'd forgotten that Randy hates women.) He says he doesn't want to play the game anymore if that happens. He says he refuses to scramble and if he's a dead man walking then Coach is next and he'll buy him a beer at the loser lodge.
-Coach - "No one here is honourable - except for me.  I hate to pontificate about that. (No you don't) Martin Luther King says the greatest measure of a man is not in the way he handles times of comfort but how he rises in controversy or challenge.  There's still hope and as long as I have breath and a brain cell I will fight for Randy." (Wow, is he really buying his own bullshit?)

Jeff - Sandra, how big a consideration is past relationships?
Sandra - Lots of things we take into consideration - who's won before, who's played three times, who has friends on another tribe.  Parvati has James, Cirie & Amanda on the other tribe if she flips in a merge we're screwed.
Parvati - Everyone is nervous about me flipping but I can say I'll stay true to this tribe but that's just words, actions are what matters. (Huh?)
Russell, what kind of weight do you give that?
Russell - I think it's a huge advantage, someone knowing 2 or 3 people on the other tribe - huge.
Jeri, think tonight's vote should be based on performance in challenges?
Jeri - She thinks the physical side is very important, they don't want to lose challenges but she's still taking into account other factors; relationships, etc.
Sandra, is there a leader on this tribe?
Sandra - Depends on what we're doing, build the shelter we listen to Rob but that gets too much.  Coach delegates but then takes off.
Coach - Takes immediate offense - Sandra, you only mentioned me, is that a jibe at me? I resent it, that's a bunch of bull.  I've been gathering firewood; no one else gets as much wood as me (heehee.)  We have the worst shelter in Survivor history cause it's like herding cats.
Jeri and Courtney interject here that they have first hand knowledge of worse shelters but Coach will not be dissuaded - Tells Sandra if she thinks he's so bad to write his name down tonight. (Wow, over react much?)
-Sandra was just saying she's been left to complete work Coach has walked away from - then she mentions that they have no machete. What do you mean you have no machete?  It grew legs and walked off.
Parvati, you are laughing about how bad it is in camp.
Parvati - We're a tribe of misfits Jeff, we're the villains.
Russell, what do you make of this tribe?
Russell - Definitely different - the dodo's I played with last time don't hold a candle to any of these people.  Definitely harder though cause everyone is playing the game.  But that's what I like, that's what I want to see, that's what I respect (Oh, Coach smiles, wants respect - he might be crushing on Russell soon.)
Rob, given how well you've done so far, I'm surprised at the lack of cohesiveness in the group, will coming to tribal council impact that?
Rob - No, I don't think so.  When we have a challenge we know what we have to do quickly and can accomplish it but at camp it's a different story - nobody to tell them what to do, no sense of urgency - don't think that'll change.

And they VOTE - They only show Parvati vote for Randy - she says it was either him or her and she wasn't going down without a fight.

Tallying the votes: Randy 1, Rob 1, Randy 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... RANDY is the first Villain voted out - he throws his buff in the fire. (He's such a bitter guy.)
SO, that means Shelley A and Gen are out of the pool.

Randy's parting thoughts - he knew Parvati wasn't going home so he threw his vote Rob's way to send a message, don't know if they'll get it (?)  Everyone voted for Randy, even Jeri and Coach - the hypocrite.

Preview of next week  - Coach melts down - crying - Why does no one ever say anything good about me?
Heroes tribe splinters while looking for the hidden immunity idol.  And the clock is ticking on Russell - Rob says Russell's a bonehead and it's time for him to go home.  OOOOHHHH... Juicy!

Have a great weekend everyone!  GO CANADA GO!


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