Thursday, May 22, 2014

Survivor Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty - FINALE Episode Recap

It's Do or Die Time

Last week at Tribal Council, Tony bluffed that he could use the special power idol after the final 5 - hoping that would save him from the next vote and, in a surprise move (to me anyway) he didn't use his other idol to save Trish, he actually voted her out.

So we're down to the final 4:
Tony - the New Jersey cop that will stop at nothing to win the game.  He found three hidden immunity idols and has orchestrated multiple blindsides - will his aggressive game get him to the end or will it backfire.
Woo - the martial arts instructor that was both a social and physical threat but to get to the end it will take something different from within - he will become the bowl (be adaptive) to come out on top.
Kass - she nicknamed herself Chaos Kass and it wasn't far from the truth. She has been the centre of conflict and was never afraid to change the game.  She'll take down anyone that stands in her way.  "It's Survivor, no one has integrity.  It's a million bucks."
Spencer - he's gone from top to bottom more than any other Survivor and has never given up - will this underdog finally catch a break?

Solarrion - Night 36
The final 4 return from voting out Trish and they asked Tony why he voted for Trish.  He said he didn't feel good about it at all but she hadn't done anything to be disliked by anybody and he couldn't take someone like that to the end.  He turned on his most loyal ally but he felt like he had no other choice strategically.
-Spencer is amazed that he's there after being thrown under the bus over and over again - but he also found it demoralizing when Tony pulled out the special idol and hinted that it was guaranteeing him final three. (Don't buy his BS!)
-Kass was surprised about the special idol, but she's still not sure he can use it at final four (he can't!  He's bluffing!)
-And Tony tells the camera he's going to keep bluffing and lying and doing whatever he needs to do to get himself to the end.

Solarrion - Day 37
-Kass was telling Tony that he was wrong about Trish, he made a paranoid decision about everyone liking Trish when Kass says almost nobody likes Trish.  Kass tells the camera she thinks they made a mistake voting out Trish but it wasn't her so she doesn't care.  She also thinks Tony had it easy with all these idols and he was on a winning team all the way up to the merge. (Had it easy? She's gone loopy.)
Then we see a boat coming in to shore... and Kass recognizes her husband! (What? I forgot they didn't do loved ones this season... well, apparently now it's time.) She says she might cry... damn it, I'm not supposed to be human, where's my devil horns?
Spencer has his sister there, Woo has his little cousin Mikey and Tony's friend, Arnold.  All Tony asked was where is Marissa? [his wife] His buddy tells him she's proud of him but she couldn't come (apparently they had a 4 month old at the time - so I get it, but I also felt a little bad for Tony.) There were lots of tears, then they had a picnic and felt all rejuvenated spending time with loved ones and eating peanut butter.
-They read tree mail which tells them it's not a time to be afraid of heights to jump on in or they could be joining the jury, unless they win.  They're a little shocked it's an immunity challenge with the loved ones there. 
-Woo is talking to the camera and he's peanut butter drunk or something, he's picturing himself as sole survivor and proposing to his girlfriend, after getting her parents permission of course, (Dude, everyone's going to see this... you better actually mean it.)
-Kass talking to her husband says she's not a goat but she's hated.  She's going to tell the women she came out there and she played like a man - as a man making the moves she made she'd be seen as strategic but as a woman, she's a b*tch. (Hey, b*tches get things done, I think we need to take that word back.)
-Spencer knows he has to go into this immunity challenge giving it all he's got because it's do or die, and he doesn't plan on dying.

Woo said it best, they all felt a second wind from their loved ones, giving them extra motivation to go out and kick some butt.
The loved ones will not be participating - they just watch from the sidelines (whew, I would be relieved if I were them.)
-The survivors will be perched on top of a pole out in the ocean, on Jeff's go they will drop a bucket attached to a rope down to the water, pull it back up and then pour the water down a chute, raising a key, once they can grab the key they will jump in the water and race to shore where they will unlock a case full of puzzle pieces and then have to solve a puzzle to win immunity. (Tony's out - when has he ever solved a puzzle?)
Off they go and those poles are high!  The guys are off to a good start but Kass is shaking like a leaf and is having a hard time getting the water in the chute.  Tony is the first one to reach his key and he refuses to jump off the pole because he CAN'T SWIM (What? I guess they really didn't have any swimming challenges this time.)  Tony climbs down and doggie paddles to shore - Spencer gets his key and jumps in the water so he's able to catch up to Tony and they get started on the puzzles.  Woo gets his key and he's swimming for shore.  Kass is falling out of it still struggling to get water in her chute... then her rope gets stuck on the key pole and she has to climb down to unhook her rope so she can continue.
-Spencer is getting his puzzle together faster than the other two but this is a hard puzzle.
-Kass finally gets her key and with a strangled scream jumps in the water - she gets to shore and just finishes her puzzle - just like that she came from way behind to win immunity! (Way to go!)
And with her husband looking on and cheering her on, she says she just needed him there today. (Aww).
-Spencer says losing immunity was devastating but losing to a brain-dead weasel like Kass was the most humiliating way he could have lost today (get over yourself!  Oh, and the neck thing, drives me mental.)  It means too much to him to go out of the game this way - it's time to play his ass off.

Back at Camp
-Kass says she sealed her fate today, she's going to the final with two brawns...
-Tony is whining that he just wanted to wear that immunity necklace one time and now he won't have that chance (oh wah, Mr Hidden Immunity idol, I think you've had your share.)
-When Spencer asks to speak to Tony about just that - Spencer is sure there will be a final two this season because Jeff didn't say a place in the final three and a chance to plead your case to the jury - he just said a place in the final three.
-Spencer goes on if Kass wins, she'll take Woo and if Woo wins he'll take Kass so if Spencer is still there, he promises Tony he will be the target over him - Kass will vote Spencer over Tony and Tony will vote Spencer over Kass.  He's trying to tell him if he goes to the the final three with Kass & Woo he's screwed.
-Spencer's hope is to force a tie vote and then he'll take his chances building fire over just going home.
-Back at camp, Kass & Woo agree they are voting for Spencer and Woo is relieved.  But then he's trying to reason out what might happen with a tie in final four - do we draw rocks? The jury? We...fight for it?  I don't know. (Ha! At least he's trying to think about it, I guess.)  It's the first one to try and make a fire?
-Kass knows she and Woo are voting Spencer and she doesn't know what Spencer and Tony may be cooking up but she knows it's not going to be her so do whatever you will. (And none of them even once mentioned voting out Tony.)

The jury looked surprised and a little mad when they heard the final four got visits from their loved ones.
-Kass says her husband cheering her on made all the difference to her winning immunity today.
-Tony said he was glad to see his friend but probably more upset not to see his wife.
-Spencer felt softened up seeing his loved one and it will bite if he goes home tonight, two days short of his dream.
-Spencer makes his pitch again about final two and wanting Tony to keep him - he says in front of the jury that he would take Tony to the end and take himself out of the running if he did not honour that (huh? Why would you say that?  Everyone likes perplexed.)
-Tony says he would be nervous to take Spencer to the end and Spencer says he thinks Tony would win handily.
-Woo says he's not as outspoken but he was an integral part of the big moves that were made.
-Kass says supposedly they can't vote for Tony tonight, they're still waiting to have the powers revealed (the power of a snake oil salesman is what Tony has for them all to buy his crap, boggles the mind.) Woo is a likeable player that hasn't burned anyone, if it's a bitter jury Woo will win, if it's not a bitter jury, Tony or Kass have a shot.
-Kass admits to Tony that she thinks she has a better chance over Woo to win which validates everything that Spencer has been saying to Tony... he would be the next target to go.

Time to vote:
Spencer votes Woo - this is the only play I could make.
Tallying the votes:
-Tony takes this opportunity to explain the special powers of the idol - he can use it after all the votes have been read BUT it was only good until the final five so it is worthless.  (Just had to rub their faces in it one more time.)
Spencer - 1
Woo - 1
Spencer - 2...3 - SPENCER is voted out and he is exasperated and does the snotty neck thing (ugh, just go home already.)

Spencer's final words: He gave the only argument he could tonight.  Survivor isn't a game to him it's a passion so 37 days of it being his life and that being over is a tough pill for him to swallow. He learned a lot from the game and hopefully something can come from this misery that was Survivor.

Solarrion - Night 37
-They return to camp and congratulate themselves on final three.
But they aren't celebrating, they're a little depressed knowing that they will be facing an immunity challenge the next day instead of all three of them going to the jury.
-Kass says she thinks she'll be taken to the final two because both Tony and Woo think they can beat her.
-When Tony's off killing a coconut, Kass fist pounds it out with Woo, Tony can't win immunity tomorrow and if either of them win they will take the other to the end.
-Woo heard that Kass thinks she's going to win over him so he thinks he's good to get to the final two - then he tells her he'd be the stupidest Survivor ever to take Tony to the final with him.

-Oh man, that is some crazy maze they have set up.
-They will race through a maze of turnstiles - some will turn and some will not.  They have to find four medallion stations, untie the medallions and take them, one at a time to their chest - once they have all four medallions they will be able to open their chest and take out the cogs - then they will have to arrange the cogs together correctly in a frame so they will work together when turned to raise a flag.  First person to raise their flag, wins immunity and the chance to choose who goes with them to the jury.
Off they go - Tony & Woo are following each other through the maze so they are neck and neck - Kass goes her own way and she's up a medallion on the boys until her last medallion which takes her forever to find - the boys split up on the last medallion and Woo is able to find the last medallion first.
-Woo is the first one to open his chest and get the cogs out.
-Tony is the next one working on the puzzle (but you know, Tony and puzzles.)
-Kass finally gets back to the chest and she starts working on the cogs.  She starts out quickly on the puzzle and almost catches up but it's WOO, by a fraction of a second, that wins final IMMUNITY!
-Kass felt like she lost the olympic marathon by a fraction of a second and she really needed it today - she thinks Woo may be able to beat her and she hopes he thinks so.

Solarrion - Day 38
-Woo feels like he won the ultimate prize, so stoked.  He was was psyched but also felt a pit in his stomach, he's got a huge decision to make... and the politicking begins.
-Tony pulls Woo aside to make his pitch and he plays it perfectly - he says he's a Tai Kwon Do instructor so he has discipline, honour, integrity, loyalty - you've been loyal to me from day one so if you don't take me you can't say you've played with honour. If you take Kass to the final you have zero chance of winning.  Woo asks why is that?  And Tony tells him, because Kass has stories, she did stuff, you didn't. (Tony played him like a fiddle.)
-Woo says he's going to consider everything he said but he couldn't give him his decision yet.
-Tony says to the camera - I wouldn't have bought it, I would take my chances with Kass.
-And it's Kass' turn to work on Woo - remember what Tony's been telling you the whole time, "Take Kass cause we can beat her."  Why would his reasoning change now?  He kept me all this way because he knows I'm unlikeable.  You're like Fabio right now (oh yeah! Remember Fabio?) you haven't hurt anybody, nobody really knows you and everyone hates me. But if you go with Tony he's going to say he pulled you along, he made all the moves and why should he get all the money when I did all the work.  (And her coup de gras) If I'm on there, I'm voting for Tony because he played the better game.
-Kass tells the camera she's horrified that the cool surfer dude who hasn't made a decision the whole game is in charge of her fate!
-Woo tells her he's going to take the day to consider his options and he's going to make the decision at tribal council.
-Woo tells the camera he would be more comfortable taking Tony to the final - this is someone he's played the whole game with but
he knows his chances against Tony are not so great.  But then if he takes someone like Kass and breaks his loyalty to Tony, it goes against everything he is and he'd become the biggest hypocrite. (Oh come on!  Don't be a Colby!)

Jeff starts with his usual banal questioning and Tony gets his pitch in again about him being loyal to Woo and voting out Spencer and he believes Woo will do the right thing and stay loyal to him.
-Kass wonders if Woo is loyal to Tony to the point of potentially losing a million dollars.
-Jeff tries to pull more from Woo but he asks if they can just get to the vote (Oh, thank you Woo, they always drag these things on so long!)

Time to Vote:
Woo is the only person voting and he votes to take out...
KASS!  (What? OMG Woo, what have you done?  He really did just Colby himself. And if you don't get that reference, see Season 2 of Survivor when Colby dominated the whole game but then good ol' boy basically stepped aside and let Tina Wesson win.)  Oh, and that was a lot of hugging and was that a neck kiss Tony planted on Woo.. hmm, did these two just want to be alone?

Kass' final thoughts: Woo, stupid, stupid, stupid (so true to character there.) "I think he made a horrific million dollar decision, I think he could have actually beaten me." She is proud of the game she played, some people will hate her but hopefully some will appreciate she is a fan and played to win.  In the end she had a hell of a time.

Solarrion - Day 39
-They got food for tree mail and with no girls left to cook for them they just threw everything in a pan and cooked the heck out of it.  Tony, is still in game mode, so when he finds a clue in the food basket he pockets it and goes off on his own to read it - it just directed them to a mirror and scale they had set up for them to see how much they'd wasted away.  Seeing it wasn't a game advantage Tony calls Woo over saying he "found" something (wow, this guy is unbelievable.)
-Woo is hilarious when he looks in the mirror, thinks he looks good!  He seems really excited that he grew a mustache. (ha)

Final TRIBAL COUNCIL - Facing the Jury

Tony gets us started: He knows he has a lot of explaining to do for all his vote offs.  He welcomes all their questions and will answer them all truthfully to let them all know it was nothing personal all the choices he made were based on strategy.  He thanked Woo for bringing him here even after hearing if Tony makes it to the end he wins he still gave me a shot.  He turns to Woo and thanks him and they shake hands. "Thanks, man." (Bro, thanks, bro!)

Woo - I came into this game knowing it's a game of lies, manipulation and it would be one of the hardest challenges I'd ever have to face.  Being a Tai Kwon Do instructor I teach my students the five codes of TKD, respect, loyalty, integrity, discipline, and harmony between mind and body.  I'm not saying I'm perfect person but I did my best to abide by those codes of conduct.  We all gets down in this game but you have to find the motivation to keep going - for me it was the memory of my Mom who suffered a heart attack and went through a grueling recovery - she was the true testament to what willpower, strength and resilience was all about and it was a constant reminder to never give up and to fight every day to survive. (Hmm, I'm not sure if the sick mom was the way to play this, the jury looked sympathetic but still wondering what that has to do with anything.)

Question Time:
Sarah: Tony you swore you'd never write my name down on your badge and I swore I'd never write your name down on my badge.
I don't lnow what your badge means to you but mine means something to me so I don't think I can write your name down tonight.
Woo, if you and I flip-flopped places, who would you vote for, me or Tony?
(Say you!) Under the circumstances, if you made it through with no hidden immunity idols, I'd give you a lot of respect and I'd vote for you. (Good answer.)

Jefra: She says she's not bitter and she wants to be fair but she wants Tony to OWN his game.  She asks him to look her in the eyes and own the fact that he backstabbed almost everybody on this jury... blah, blah, blah - the second you give me BS answers is the second I write a W down so fast.
- Tony says he owns everything but he didn't backstab her (uh, yeah, that's not owning it) he says she planned on backstabbing him so in his world all bets are off and he's free to break his word because she did it first.
She tries to get him back on point - Do you think you're a villain, the way you treated this jury?  He says, uh, yeah, half and half, half villain and half good player. (They're all looking at him like, what?) I wasn't a villain I was just doing strategic moves to save myself.

Morgan: I'm beautiful and I know how to keep a man in my back pocket (really?) You were able to keep these men in your back pocket without having breasts, how did you do it? (Ugh, she's so vapid.)
-He says he was genuine at camp, offering food and water to people but his game play was different, all strategic to keep himself in the game.  Guys like Woo were loyal and I appreciated it and they stayed with me. (I think Jefra rattled him, he's sounding a little dejected.)
-She just says to Woo that she respects the fact that Woo chose a player that is worthy of sitting there beside him over a goat that was maybe not so worthy (so she gets another lick in at Kass - yes, Boobs McGee is a piece of work to the end.)

Jeremiah: He just wants to know if Tony actually has a wife and kid because if he swore on them and then broke that word, that is
the worse thing a guy could do where he comes from.  If they don't exist well, no harm done.
-Tony says he does have a wife and baby and he loves them more than anything.  Jeremiah tells him it's pathetic and won't let him explain.
-To Woo he says it's his time to prove he wants to be a millionaire - Woo says he definitely does want to win. (Huh, that was weird.)

Tasha - Tony, you managed to keep a loyal alliance of people despite your repeated lies and disloyalty to them, can you articulate to me how you did that?
-For every vote off I did, I explained to my alliance why I did it.  The only time I would break my promise to you is if you broke it to me first.  The only person I broke my promise to, regretfully, was Trish.
-She asked Woo how he chose to align with Tony over other people in his alliance.  He said for the majority of this game they were not close it wasn't until the Solana five that Tony trusted Woo and going into the merge, Woo was the odd man out so he managed to mold and adapt himself even though he was the odd man out. (Uh, yeah, these two are not wordsmiths.  Makes me wonder if lawyer Kass would have made this more interesting.)

LJ - Asks Tony who is he?  Is this the real him or is he playing a fantasy game?
-Tony says he took one look at LJ and he was terrified of him so he was looking at anything he could to get him out.  He told LJ he thought Woo had an idol so when LJ said maybe they should vote Woo out Tony was excited, LJ was willing to break his promise so Tony could break his promise to LJ. (Tony developed a warped code of ethics out there - in his mind everything was justified.)

Kass: Woo, last night you became the boss, you usurped the power of Tony for the first time, why did you not cut the head of the dragon off?  The integrity of the game is to have the winner make the right moves.  You didn't make a move when you could have that would have won you a million dollars.
- He says he had a huge responsibility in his hands, to him he's trying to be a man of principle.  A million dollars means a whole
bunch to him but he felt his power move was to bring along someone who deserved to be here would bring me points from the jury.
-So you brought someone who deserved it more than you, to get points for yourself?
-We are all deserving Kass, but I didn't feel YOU deserved to sit here next to me. Tony did.

Trish: Woo, was it your idea or Tony's idea to blindside me?
-It was my idea, you have a great reputation with the jury, you're a sweetheart.  I felt that I wouldn't have a shot with you at the final three.
Then the Sue Hawk came out - Tony, we bonded early days and shared intimate stories - but you would not be sitting here, if not for me.  No one trusted you, they trusted ME and I had to convince them all to trust me about you.  And I spent the whole game putting out little flames for Tony, so you could sit there.  You came to me in your paranoia and demanded I swear I'd never leave you and you swore on... your... father's... grave.
I have one million dollar question for you, is it worth it to you to sacrifice your father for a million dollars (well, he didn't kill the guy but she was so fired up, talking about dead brothers and holes in her heart... yeah, the hate-filled glare Kass felt last week was trained right on Tony.)
-He tries with his line of crap and she tells him it's a yes or no question and he says, YES.

Spencer: He compares Woo to a dog - Tony was like his master, Woo sat, he fetched, he did whatever he was told and when he had the chance to take the biggest goat in Survivor history to the final two (referring to Kass as a goat again) you stayed loyal to your owner.  Anything you can say to me to convince me this analogy doesn't make sense?
-As a student of the game, can you respect me if I took a goat (a sacrifice) to the finals?
-Spencer says yes, I'd expect you to take a goat.
-Woo says he's a different student, he preferred to take someone who deserved to go. (That never works out the deserving win over you.)
Spencer then turns his comments to the jury and advocates for Tony.  Woo tries to excuse his passive play with not finding idols but why do you think Tony found all the idols, he looked more than anybody else.  Tony was behind every great strategic decision he blinded his alliance to what was going on around them in the game like a puppet master (Tony is looking all sad-sack and beaten and Spencer is basically winning the game for him right here.) He took a slew of goats far into the game and has one in the final with him.  He played with a ferocity this game rarely does see so when you put your pen to parchment tonight, vote for the only guy that actually played this game in a way that truly honours it. 
Congratulations you two, 39 days out here isn't easy. Thanks. (Snotty neck thing when he goes and sits down - drives me nuts.)

Alright, time to vote:
Spencer votes for Tony - he says he wrote his name down many times in the game (did he?  I don't remember then voting for Tony ever) it was a compliment then, definitely is now.
Tasha votes for Woo.

Tallying the votes, live... and the Winner of Survivor Caguyan is... TONY! 
(Woo got one vote, the rest were all for Tony - I wonder if Spencer is going to get a cut?)
And with Tony deservedly winning a million dollars, we have a few more modest winners of our pool: Cara & Alex L., Sharon R., and Manny W.  Congratulations you guys.

It's late and I'm not recapping the reunion, not much happened except Tony's wife again was not present, they said she was pregnant again and on bed rest... but now I'm wondering if she really does exist.  Sarah still has beef with Tony, J'Tai still has crazy eyes and they didn't mention if Woo proposed or not.

Next season is going to be Blood vs Water II.  I really liked that twist, I wonder if it will be returning players again or if everyone will be unknown?  I guess we have to wait until September to find out.

Have a great Summer everyone!



Monday, May 19, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars - Finale Episode Recap (May 18/14)

Viva Las Vegas

It's been a long, crazy ride this season, from Bopper's non-start to the Afghanimals elimination last week, we've been on a trip around the world with some of our favourite teams and it's come down to the finale:  -Dave & Connor, father/son, cancer survivors and my team in the pool. 
                  -Caroline & Jen, flirts, band mates and the luckiest team by far, surviving two non-                  elimination rounds to make it to the final three.
                  -Brendon & Rachel - less crying this time but also the most hated team when they had the  nerve to U-Turn Dave & Connor.
These are the teams racing to the finish line for the Million dollars.

Dave & Connor are the first team to head out at 4:31am, they get the clue to fly to Las Vegas, Nevada!  Once in Vegas they will take a ride in a Ford Explorer (of course) to parts unknown.
-Dave excited to be going to sin-city until Connor tells him Brendon & Rachel live there.  Curses, their nemesis' (nemesii?) have an advantage!  They say they really like the Country Girls and if they don't  win, they'd like to see the girls take it (anyone but Brenchel.)

Caroline & Jen are the next team heading out at 4:38am - and they're also excited to be heading stateside - Jen says she went to high school in Las Vegas so she should have some familiarity with the city as well.  Caroline thinks it's time for them to win, they are the only team to run this many legs of the Amazing Race and never win one, so they need to just take home the million.

Brendon & Rachel - 4:52am - she starts reading the clue then squealing so only dogs could hear when she gets to Las VeGASSSS!
-Sqeal - We're going to Vegas and I'm from Vegas- Squeal.
-This is the second time they've made it to final three and this time they're going to win because she wants babies. (Sweet Jebus save us from little Brenchels.)

They are all on the same flight and land in Las Vegas - they run out to the black Ford Explorers and the driver tells them, "Get In." (It's very mobster-esque.)  In the cars all the teams are talking about Rachel cutting in line in front of the Country Girls to get in the cars - this was
not caught on film but me thinketh Rachel is protesting too much.  She says she never would have done that - they were at the cars first - and it's a race for a million dollars, she's going to do whatever it takes (I'm thinking she totally pushed her way in line.)

All the teams are in the cars and being driven into the desert... finally the cars pull off the road and their drivers tell them to "Get out and dig."  There are three pairs of shovels planted in the rocky dry soil so they all grab a shovel and start digging.  Almost immediately, Brendon & Rachel are the focus of Dave & Connor's wrath when they throw some of their dirt over at Dave & Connor's hole... Connor,"Will you not throw dirt on me!"  And they all have words.
-Dave & Connor are the first ones to reach their goal, they uncover a box/small crate, grab it and run back to the car.
-The box says Property of David Copperfield. (Ooh, magic box.)
-Caroline & Jen and Brendon & Rachel also find their boxes and they are all back in the cars racing back to the strip.  The box says, "If found, open and return the contents to the lot."  Rachel crawls in the back of the car saying she's getting the tire iron, then she hands the jack to Brendon. (What do you want him to do with that?)  The other two teams can't figure out a way to open the boxes so they don't bother.  Brendon uses a part of the jack to pry open the crate and they find a huge key ring with a ton of keys on it.

-Dave & Connor are the first team to pull into a parking lot near the MGM Grand where David Copperfield performs and they run to the clue box - ROADBLOCK - Do You Believe in Magic?
-They will learn the secrets of a daring escape from David Copperfield himself.  One person will be chained and handcuffed inside a crate, then using the set of keys they dug up in the desert, they must find the one key that will unlock their shackles.  Once they're free, they will need to stick their hands through holes in the top of the crate to unscrew the lid of a jar that holds lock picks, then using the picks they will have to unlock the chains.  Once that's done they can reunite with their partner... but I'm sure there is more to it... oh yeah, once they retrieve the lock picks, the crate is set on fire!
-Connor says he believes in magic and who should appear... well, walk over to them, but David Copperfield!  Connor's so excited, when he was a kid he had a David Copperfield magic kit, so this is a dream come true.

-Caroline & Jen get to the Roadblock and when Jen says she'll do it, David Copperfield surprises them - and the first words out of Caroline's mouth after the screaming is, "You're so handsome." (Ugh, give it a rest already.)
-Brendon & Rachel also arrive and Rachel is going to do the magic and she has her big ring of keys with her.

-Dave & Connor are led over to the magic area and they ask for the keys - Dave still has a locked box - finally he just smashes it on the ground and Connor gets his ring of 50 keys.  Then he's chained and shackled in the box and raised in the air.  Dave is taken over to a video monitor where he stands with David Copperfield watching Connor in the box.
-Caroline & Jen are at their crate but they also didn't open the box so while they are trying to smash open their crate as well, Rachel gets all crated up ahead of them.
-All three of them are working on finding the correct key - Connor is the first person unlock his shackles, he gets the picks out the top and they light his crate on fire, much to the horror of dear ol' dad watching - they start to raise the crate and Dave's freaking out a little, willing Connor to pick the locks... which he does and Dave has to flip a switch to get him out... but instead the box drops and there's a fiery explosion!  Dave, shocked, asks, "Where is he?" 
-David Copperfield is acting worried, "Uh, we need to get the fire department." But when Dave turns around, that fire fighter walking towards him is none other than Connor!  (Ooh, Magic!)  They get the clue to head to the Neon Boneyard Museum where they'll have to search for their next clue.
-Rachel is the next one to release her shackles and get the picks - they've lit her box on fire and Brendon's waiting for the signal to flip the switches.
-Dave & Connor run out to the street and flag a cab... huh, must be off the strip because you can't flag cabs in Vegas... or else they set that up for the show.  

-Brendon is also scared when Rachel's crate drops in a fire ball but she sidles up to him pretty quickly in her fire gear.  They also head out for the Neon Boneyard.  She says that was the coolest thing she's ever done, ever.
-Jen also unlocks herself, Caroline flips the switches and David Copperfield makes her think something went wrong... until Jen comes over and shakes her, "You killed me!"  Ha, David Copperfield is such a jokester!  They head out too.

Neon Boneyard Museum - Dave & Connor arrive and they're not allowed to run through the boneyard, so they walk quickly looking for the cluebox.
-In the cab, Brendon & Rachel are trying to get their cab driver excited that they are in a race and going to have a baby if they win, but she is having none of it.  Their cab driver is all business, she won't go faster or she'll get a ticket and when they start yelling at her where to turn she looks like she's afraid of traffic... oh boy, I have never had a cab driver like that in Vegas, usually they're super aggressive and a little scary.
-Dave & Connor finally find the cluebox, it tells them to unscrew a lightbulb from the silver and red question mark sign (which is right there behind the cluebox) and take it to the Mirage Hotel & Casino and search for their next clue.
-Dave & Connor pass Brendon & Rachel as they leave - Brenchel finds the cluebox but they don't see the question mark sign right there and head out looking for it (uh oh.)  They finally find it, right in front of their faces, and we find out Rachel used to work at the Mirage so she knows where the employee entrance is (that's where they need to look for the next clue.)
-Caroline & Jen arrive just as Brenchel is leaving and this is where I lost all respect for them, when Brendon tried to steal the Country Singers cab.  I understand they certainly got the worst cab driver, but really?   To his credit, Caroline & Jen's cab driver refused to be
bought.  He was going to wait for the girls, no matter what. (Good for him!  Brendon better watch out for Race Karma, it will always get you in the end.)

-Finally Brendon & Rachel have to just take their own cab and direct their driver - she's as slow and useless as before... I would almost feel bad for them, but they kind of deserve it.

-Caroline & Jen get back to their cab and this guy is fired up now, he's the one yelling at them to hurry up (that's awesome!)  He tells them not to worry, he's going to get them.

-Dave & Connor are looking for the employee entrance to the Mirage... and Caroline & Jen are the first team to the clue box. (WHAT? Wow, that cab driver was fantastic for them - Brendon must have really p*issed him off, Hahaha!)
-The girls read the clue and it tells them they must use a window washing basket to replace the lightbulbs in the letter "I" of the Mirage sign 30 storeys above the strip.  Once they've replaced all the bulbs, they must give the number of bulbs to the guy to get their next clue.
-Dave & Connor are the next team to the clue box and they are also getting suited up to replace the bulbs.  (Total fall protection in effect.)

-Meanwhile, in Amazing Race cab driver hell, are Brendon & Rachel - they literally hit every red light on the way to the Mirage and had to start rooting for the cab driver to go through green lights and maybe go around the bus... (Yeah, my head would have exploded!)

-Caroline & Jen are in first place right now but Jen is afraid of heights and is trying not to look down as they ascend.  Dave & Connor are maybe five minutes behind them and Dave's not really happy with the height either - Connor just wants to rip through the lightbulbs and get ahead of the girls, Dave is concentrating on looking at the windows so he won't freak out.
-Brendon & Rachel finally arrive at the Mirage and since she used to work there she starts running to the employee entrance, completely missing the clue box that was right outside - they head into the hotel. (Well, they can't blame that on the cab driver.)

-Caroline & Jen are getting started on screwing in the lightbulbs.  They said it was kinda hard to get them in because they were a ways away they had to lean over pretty far and then the threads were long... they were also each counting how many bulbs they put in and will add their totals when they're done to get the final number.
-Dave & Connor have better wrist action and they are ripping through the light bulb changing.

-Brendon & Rachel are inside the hotel now and she's telling him they have to find the clue first.  He thinks they're supposed to search the hotel for it but she knows it's one of the biggest hotels in the world - they head back out to the entrance and finally find the clue box. (Duh!)
-When they find the clue she starts blaming him for running into the hotel, she just followed him. (Really? Great teamwork.) He says, it's not me, it's us, so just drop it." (Exactly.)

-Dave & Connor passed the Country Girls in the light bulb screwing task and were the first to give the number of bulbs, 240.  Negative. (oops) So they have to recount, but then figure they are probably only one or two off - so they guess 241 and that's right!

-Brendon & Rachel are now getting started on the light bulbs.
-Caroline & Jen just finish and they get the count right first try - 241.
-Dave & Connor are maybe a minute ahead of the girls they just hope their cab driver is fast because they know the girls' was.  They get the clue to make their way to Maverick Helicopters in Henderson.
-Caroline & Jen are right behind them.
-Brendon & Rachel finish the light bulb count but now they have to go find a different cab.

Maverick Helicopters
-Dave & Connor's cab turns down a dead end street first and when they turn around they see Caroline & Jen's cab just turn into the road in front of them.  Dave & Connor urge their cab driver to pass the girls and they re-take the lead.
-Both cabs arrive at the Maverick Helicopters building and Dave & Connor are the first team to read the clue - ROADBLOCK - Who wants to be a UFO?  Light up the Sky.
-This Roadblock requires teams to sky dive from a helicopter at 10K ft! In a futuristic lit up suit.  First they must fly down the strip and spot the sign showing them the finish line (the Aria sign) The Vegas Motor Speedway.  Once they have relayed the correct information to the pilot they are cleared to free-fall to the finish line.
-Dave and Caroline are the jumpers and Connor and Jen are being driven somewhere... they have no idea where and the clue did say sky-dive to the finish line so this could be the end.

-Brendon & Rachel get to Maverick Helicopters and Brendon is doing this, probably good since Rachel is a blubbering mess, she's just so passionate about this and she wants it more than anything in the world, it's making her emotional.  She is praying that someone messes up. (Somebody, please slap her.)

In the helicopters, Caroline is worried that she'll miss the sign and have to circle back around, which could cost them the lead, Dave doesn't want to let his son down... and they both spot: Race ends at
Vegas Motor Speedway.  Their helicopter pilots confirm that's right and they head for the drop zone.

Vegas Motor Speedway - the big mat is there, all the eliminated teams are there...
Connor and Jen are both standing with Phil waiting to see if it's Dave or Caroline dropping in a trailing fireball... that's so Cool!

And the first person to land is... DAVE!   Connor goes and meets him and together they run to the mat and Phil tells them they have won the one million dollars and the Amazing Race.  Also, Dave is the oldest winner ever of the Amazing Race and this is the first time they have ever had a parent/child team win the Race. 
-And Dave cries.  So all is right with the world.

-Caroline lands right behind him and she and Jen run to the mat as well.  Caroline says if they couldn't win, they are glad it was Dave & Connor.

A ways behind is Brendon, falling through the sky to meet a sniveling Rachel.  They are going to have to wait on the Brenchel babies until he graduates now but this experience is something they will tell those babies about.

Dave & Connor's final words, "Quite a comeback." (Men of few words.)
But with Dave & Connor, the winners of our pool are:

Elaine R., Bob L., Coleen T. and Shelley A.

Congratulations all!  I will contact you all to get you your winnings :)

Have a great summer everybody.  There will be an Amazing Race Canada again this summer but as I will be moving, I'm not going to be able to do a pool for it.  I encourage someone else to give it a try if they'd like.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Survivor Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty - May 14, 2014 Episode Recap

Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

Last week they teased us with maybe voting for Tony but Kass changed her mind at the last minute and Tasha went home.

Solarrion - Night 33
-They return from Tribal Council in the pouring rain so everyone crowds in the shelter and Spencer pulls no punches, he confronts Woo and Kass and asks them what was the point of their final three agreement if they weren't going to honour it?
-Woo says, "That's what you guys were proposing but I already have a final three."
-Spencer basically has hurt feelings, asks why they didn't just tell him they were voting for Tasha, why do the whole charade?  And Kass just wants to shut him up, "Why does anybody lie in this game?  It's part of the game."
-Kass tells the camera she realizes that Tony's been a jerk to everyone at some point and she thinks she'll have a better shot in the end against him because no one wants him to win.
-Spencer characterizes the remaining players as Tony and these useless people that have allowed him to play them like a fiddle.  If he has any hope of staying it's in the fact that the rest of the players know the game so little. (Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, as you watch from the jury.)

Solarrion - Day 34
-Tony & Woo are out on the boat and Woo says he's feeling good about his chances of winning the next immunity challenge and Tony just starts talking, "I'm even going to try to win just so Spencer doesn't." "How do you feel about final three?  I think Kass will get no votes, she'd be great to take to the final." And he kept going but they did a Woo voice over - he tells us he did consider blindsiding Tony but in the end he wants to go to the finale with Tony because he also thinks he'd win. (Hey, if it is Woo, Tony & Kass at the end, I'd vote for Woo.  If for no other reason than to make the other two's heads explode.)

-Woo wants Tony to see him as someone who is loyal to him to solidify his place in the final three so he decides to fill Tony in on what happened at the Reward last episode.  That Spencer wanted them to vote for Tony and Kass was totally in on it - they wanted the final to be Woo, Kass & Spencer.  They both scoff.
-So Woo kissed the ring and Tony tells him by coming clean he's just proven his integrity... but Tony tells the camera he feels bad that he's going to have to blindside Woo.  He's a good guy who could possibly get some votes and that's not good for business.  His wife told him not to do anything stupid, try to win the game.  Taking Woo to the end is stupid. "I'm going to listen to my wife on this one." (Really? Poor woman, that there to defend herself, getting the blame/credit for your behaviour, nice.)

-They will jump into a pit of mud, coat themselves with it then race back and wipe the mud off into a bucket.  The person with the most mud (by weight) in their bucket after 10 minutes wins reward: Piping hot pizza to be delivered to them at camp.
Off they go - That mud looks very... diarrhea-ish.  They coat themselves, over and over and over... but it's Tony's bucket that is totally overflowing with mud - they concede that he's won.
-Jeff tells Tony that he has to choose one person to join him for pizza and he calls "Anorexia" over and Trish comes running, "malnutrition has never felt so good," she says.  Woo looks very disappointed and as they are slowly drying, they're starting to resemble Terra Cotta Warriors.
Solarrion - Day 34
-Oh, then back at camp Kass says it, they look like Terra Cotta Warriors.  And Kass has a huge Alphalfa horn on top of her head which Trish just thinks is hi-larious.
-Kass tells the camera she's glad Tony chose Trish to share the reward, it just solidifies that those two are still united.  He's the alpha male and she's the female.  They're like a pair of baboons, I'm surprised she's not picking ticks off him right now." (Hahaha.)
-Nope, they are all trying to wash the mud off themselves and I bet they'd kill for some soap.

Pizza arrives and Tony is gross.  He's just shoving it in his gob.  If he could get the whole thing in his mouth he would have.  They brought them a stack of 5 or 6 small pizzas, for two people - yikes.
-Trish asks if he has the special power idol and he nods to indicate yes, because his mouth is full.  So, is he going to give her one?  No, he says he's going to try and make them believe the special power is that he can use it when there are only 4 people left and hopefully guarantee himself final 3. (Whatever, I can't even look at him eating right now.)
-They agree that they'd prefer to take Kass rather than Woo to the final with them because she's been reckless and really not very likeable.  No matter how much they'd like to get rid of her, she's a better bet to take to the end.

Solarrion - Day 36
-Tony wants to solidify his relationship with Kass so he just meets her head on, says he wants to go to the end with her and Trish eventhough she tried to blindside him, "In the canoe yesterday, Woo told me everything." But he doesn't care, he wants her in the end.  And he pledges on his wife and baby again (which we all know means nothing.)
-She's not happy - she says it was stupid of Woo to tell him but it was also stupid of Tony to tell her.  She says she was forgiven by the mafia don but now she's got to poison the well against Tony.  Make sure they all realize he's a bully so that he won't get any votes from the jury.  "Chaos Kass is back." (Again, has she ever caused any chaos? Other than in her own mind?  I don't know.)
-First stop is to confront Woo with the fact he told Tony everything and Woo denies it... as Tony walks up.  So Kass says, "Woo said he didn't tell you anything."  And it starts (Okay she does create chaos with Tony, which is kind of fun.)
-Tony, "What are you doing? I told you something in confidence and you blow it out?  What are you investigating for?"
-Kass, "I'm allowed to confront people too Tony."
-Tony, "Well, you just sealed your fate, congratulations." (Ah, you've said that before.)  And he walks away, mad she doesn't just do what he wants her to.
-Kass continues working on Woo, tells him that Tony shook her hand a
nd swore on his wife and baby she's be final three.
-Tony comes back and berates her some more, "There are people that tell secrets and people that blow things up." (And you know which type she is so why are you surprised at anything she's doing?)
It continues, and they digress into some childish stuff.
Kass, "Everyone can talk to Tony but they can't talk to each other."
Tony, "That was supposed to be a secret.  I'm sorry I don't speak llama, I'm supposed to speak llama to you." Then he did a ridiculous llama impression that none of them could help but laugh at. (See, I think that's why he'll still win, even when he's mad, he's funny.)
-Tony tells the camera Kass' shenanigans really were the straw that broke the camel's back.  Strategically, Kass is perfect to take to the end but she's such an insult to this game. As far as I'm concerned, we're done. (Oh, Tony, she may be messing up YOUR game but she's playing HER game pretty well, I'd say. Still, she's not very likable so I still don't think she'll win.)

Solarrion - Day 36
-Kass tells Tony what she did was strategic, now one of your people doesn't know if he is one of yours.  Tony whines for her to just leave him alone and he and Trish take off to get water.
-So Kass works on Woo some more - "You needed to know that.  He was going to take me to the final three."  And Spencer is also there gently ease Woo over to their way of thinking... "Do you have any thoughts on this?"
-Finally Woo says sees the light, why would Tony take him to the final three when he has a good rep with the jury?  And with Tony swearing on his family he knows that Tony was going to blindside him and take Kass to the end because he doesn't think she can win. Kass points out that's why Tony was so mad at her.
-Spencer says if he goes out Tony and Trish are basically deciding which one of Woo or Kass they'll take to the final three.  Which leaves them one option - the three of them vote out Trish so it gives Tony one less option for a goat.
-And just as she said that, Trish came back and overheard herself being referred to as a goat for Tony and it infuriated her.  She's been trying really hard to be nice to Kass and it's been exhausting - she says she's going to be sorry she did that.

-Oh, this is a big one.  They have to first untangle a braided rope releasing a key, then they have to use the key to unlock a chest full of ladder rungs.  They have to use the rungs to build a ladder up to the next level where they'll have to use planks to build a staircase up to the top.  At the top, they have to solve a sliding puzzle and get the Survivor Logo completed correctly to win Immunity.  (Yikes, I can never do those stupid slide puzzles.)
-Off they go and Tony is the first one with the key, then Trish, Kass, Spencer and finally Woo getting the key.
-They are all working on the ladders and of course they are all notched differently, so the ladder and the stairs are also a puzzle.
-Tony is the first person finished the ladder - by a long shot.  He's working on the stairs and is almost finished by the time Spencer gets up to start the stairs.
-Tony is the first person up to the slide puzzle and Spencer is only half way up his stairs...
-Woo & Kass finally finish their ladders and are starting on the stairs.
-Spencer has two steps left.
-Tony is sliding the puzzle pieces like a mad man but he doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason...
-Spencer gets to the puzzle and works it much more methodically.
-Tony is still sliding pieces like crazy... but it's SPENCER that wins the immunity and guarantees himself a place in the final four.
-Kass looks pretty happy that Spencer won - I don't know why, that could be her ticket home.
-Tony says this is worst case scenario for him, Spencer won immunity so he has to speed up the process of turning on his alliance (you can't snow us, we've seen what's been happening.)

Solarrion - Day 36
-They return to camp and Spencer, after patting himself on the back for his epic come from behind win, is going to just sit back and enjoy watching the other four cannibalize each other.
-Trish starts it off by passive-aggressively confronting Kass, "Do you think I'm stupid?  Or do you think I'm deaf?"  Kass says she knows she was listening to them earlier.  Trish doesn't understand why she would do that. And Spencer doesn't just sit back, he tries to diffuse
the situation but Trish says Kass plays both sides, stirs everything up, then plays the victim. She tells her to go find someone else to listen to her victim world today because she's done. (Oh yeah, she's got the crazy eyes happening.)
-And it continues, she just berates her endlessly - we all see you for what you are, and you have that bleeping grin on your face like you're going to win but you're NOT!
-Kass at least knows not to antagonize Trish in this state, she recognizes that Trish is off the rails and hopes it doesn't cost Kass her game (You mean you realize you may have miscalculated, huh. Maybe some of Trish's words hit home.)
-Tony finally steps in and takes Trish for a walk, separating her looked like the only way to stop the insanity. Woo goes with them.
-Spencer and Kass are left going, "what was that?"  They know they have to get Woo on their side or there is nothing they can do.  They agree they have to talk to Woo.
-The other three are pow-wowwing and Tony asks Woo if he has any questions.  Woo's sticking point was that Tony swore on his family to take Kass to the end and he didn't swear to Woo.  Tony says he's not going to lie, he did swear to Kass but she had already tried to backstab me (so your swearing doesn't count?  Tony has some messed up rules in his world) but now he's for sure done with Kass and he's swearing to Woo (But Woo, he already tried to backstab you so anything you say doesn't count... right, isn't that how it works?)
-Tony and Trish are hammering Woo that they are voting Kass tonight and Tony swears on everyone he's ever known.  Trouble is, Woo doesn't believe anything he says anymore.
-Woo says he thinks it might be time for him to make a big move.
-Back at camp Woo searches Kass out and tells her he's decided to vote out Trish - which is exactly what she wants but she's skeptical (oh come on lady, what else do you want from him?)  They go find Spencer and  he tells them he's thinking about his long game now and knows Tony and Trish are inseperable so his best hope is to get rid of her.  He asks that they guarantee he'll be final three and the guys shake (oh, and Tony's watching them talking and shaking... oof)
-Woo says he's the swing vote so now he's just got to decide if he's going to vote for Trish or Kass tonight. (Sounds like Sarah, don't get c
oky Woo.)
-So then Tony pulls Woo aside and starts in on him, "I saw you guys talking, what's going on.  You know it's an injustice to take that girl to the top, I swore on my dad's grave... blah blah blah (give it a rest already - I'd tell him what he wanted to hear just to get him to shut up.) 
-Tony's thinking he can't trust Woo now and he might have to change his plan. (Wow, what a flip flopper.)

Jeff sounds excited that Spencer won immunity so tonight's the night that their alliance will have to turn on each other.  He asks Kass what the atmosphere was like at camp after the challenge and Kass says, "Trish started to rail on me like a wild, skeleton, blue-eyed banshee." (Everyone's jaws just drop.) What was that again?
-Kass, I don't even know what I said but I'm sure it was accurate, she was pointing at me and showing her capacity for hatred. She was holding it in until she knew Spencer won because she knew we couldn't vote off Spencer.
-When asked about her 'capacity for hatred' Trish says, "Yeah, Kass is always the victim.  She likes to be the trouble maker, but then she doesn't like conflict."  She plays Woo against Tony and Tony against Woo then sits back and says why is everyone so mean to me, I didn't do anything.  Trish says she's never had a conflict with anyone on the jury (good thing she added the 'on the jury' because she did make dread-lock girl quit doing exactly the same thing to her.)
-Kass says, instead you just rail on somebody?
-Spencer agrees this is good for him.  His winning immunity today just sped up them having to turn on each other.
-Woo says the hidden animosity coming out just shows him that they are again three brawn against two brains. (That wiped the grin off Kass' face.) And surprised Jeff they'd still be thinking down the original tribe lines.  Woo says it puts Kass in a very vulnerable position.
-Jeff asks Kass if this surprises her and she says, "Well, I didn't predict that psycho bitch would come out at me today (whoa, that raised some eyebrows) but she just goes one, "Tony was caught trying to tell Woo he's final three and me I'm final three.
-Trish and Tony start shaking their heads and Tony pipes in, "Jeff, this lady here is delusional."  And he lays it all out for Jeff and he's funny
about it talking like a llama again - he's deflecting with comedy, I can appreciate that.
-Kass is trying to say her strategy worked because in his anger Tony admitted he had a deal with Kass when he yelled that their deal was off.  But Tony won't let her get a word in, It's a game, let's have fun with it.
-Spencer says he feels like he's in one flew over the cuckoo's nest...
Trish, "and it's medication time."  They're all laughing again.
-Woo says he feels like he's stuck in the worst family imaginable with Tony and Trish as the parents, Spencer and Kass the siblings and he's the foreign exchange student on the outside just wanting to tell them all to shut up and focus on the game.
-Jeff comments on how much they're laughing when someone's dream is about to be crushed.
-Tony says it is serious and he knows he's not going home tonight because his bag of tricks is getting too heavy - he pulls out the regular immunity idol and then pulls out the special immunity idol and puts it on - it's his last chance to use it tonight so he's going to. (But he doesn't tell them the special power... and is he giving Trish the other idol?)

Time To Vote:
Spencer votes Trish, saying this cat fight has to be resolved somehow.
Trish votes Kass - I suggest a book on self-awareness, it will be helpful in the future.

Tallying the Votes:
Anyone have a hidden immunity idol and wants to use it, now is the time to do so... Tony stands up and says he doesn't need to play it but it stays on the island.  Any votes against Tony will not count. (Huh, so not saving your island wife, interesting.)
Trish - 1
Kass - 1
Trish - 2, 3... and TRISH is the 7th member of the jury.  She says good luck to her tribe and Kass flips her the bird (really? You're not gaining any friends that way.)

And with Trish leaving that takes: Fred & Gary M., Bryon L. and Jeff T. out of the pool. (Tough break.)

Trish's final thoughts: I may be too nice to play this game. (I said, pardon?) Maybe from Kass' perspective I'm mean and hateful but it's very stressful to have to backstab but I'm very grateful for what I have and I can't wait to get back to it.  Peanut M & M's anyone?  I'm so frickin' hungry!  (And she leaves it laughing, good for her.)  (Oh, and they showed that Tony even voted for Trish, so maybe swearing on his family does mean something to him.)

Next Wednesday, May 21st is the 2 hour Season Finale and Reunion show where they will name the next Sole Survivor.

Here is who is still in the running in the pools:

Tony Vlachos: Cara & Alex L., Sharon R. and Manny W.
Yung "Woo" Hwang: Heather G., Chandra K., and Cindi C.
Kass McQuillen: Bernice R., Sunnie C., and Krista H.
Spencer Bledsoe: Tori K., Alexis G., and Annemette J.

Have a great long weekend everybody!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars - May 11/14 Episode Recap

Hei Ho Heidi Ho

Last week, we heartbreakingly (for me anyway) said goodbye to the Cowboys when they were the team U-Turned by the Afghanimals; having to run the gauntlet with the blow-up bulls and then learn the Flamenco proved to be the undoing of the men in hats.

This leg, Dave & Connor were the first team to head out at 10:39am, they read the clue that they must make their way to Liverpool, England - by train from Spain, then by air to London and then driving themselves to Liverpool (trains, planes and automobiles!) to find Enfield stadium where they must suit up in football (well, soccer to us) gear and score two penalty kicks each against a professional goalkeeper.
-Dave feels like he's running with a lot of young bulls now and thinks it would be cool if they were the youngest and oldest to ever win the Amazing Race.

-Brendan & Rachel are next out at 11:16am - she takes off running as usual with no idea where she's going, he calms her down and they turn around to find a cab to the train station.  They know they've had a couple challenges the last few legs but Rachel is just so proud she hasn't freaked out at all. (Well, isn't that tempting fate.)

-Afghanimals - 11:25am - Jamal has a knee brace on from his run in with some inflatable bulls last leg.  He can't run full speed but he's not giving up.  The 11th leg was when they were eliminated last season so they're feeling a little anxious - but determined to stay positive and make the final three.

-Country Singers - last out at 11:36am - "It's anyone's game at this point, so why couldn't it be our game?" 

All the teams are on the same train and plane to London, England.  At Heathrow airport they find the marked Ford Focus' and then they all have to figure out how to drive on the wrong side of the car and the wrong side of the road.  Caroline got in the wrong side to drive (oops.)

-Brendan & Rachel get stuck in traffic on the freeway but the Afghanimals took a detour and avoided it. Making Leo & Jamal the first team to arrive at the soccer stadium.  They are so excited!  Soccer is one of the biggest sports in Afghanistan, this is a dream come true for them.  They mug for the camera for a while, then choose the smaller goalkeeper to shoot against... and after all their build-up - they are not good at soccer.  This could take a while. (Every kick hurts Jamal's knee and Leo keeps kicking it straight at the goalie.)  Finally, they get a goal each and you'd think they just won the World's Cup.
-Caroline & Jen are the next team to arrive at the stadium followed closely by Brendan & Rachel (where the heck are Dave & Connor?  Lost in England.)
-Leo & Jamal finish their goals and get the clue to head for the Pontcysslte Aqueduct and look for the next clue.

-Country singers are trying their hand (or I guess feet) at soccer and, yeah, not that I could do any better, but they could be there for a while. Their wimpy kicks were just dribbling up to the goalie... we'll see if they can sweet talk some goals past him. (Because you know they are trying.)

-Leo & Jamal are driving away from the stadium just as Dave & Conner finally arrive. (oof).

-Inside the stadium, Brendan & Rachel are starting on their kicks and Brendan started out strong, he got a goal on his first try (he's had some soccer experience.)  The Country girls are still struggling but getting a bit more confident in their kicks, still no goals though.
-Brendan & Rachel finish and are leaving the field just as Dave & Connor made their way out... and Dave & Connor have never played soccer, judging by their first horrible kicks, either.
-Caroline & Jen start getting goals and finally make their four goals - Dave is able to find his rhythm and gets his 2 goals but Connor is the most uncoordinated with this feet, he can't get the kick while he's running, (come on youngin', figure it out...) finally he gets his two goals and they are dead last heading out for Wales and the "Stream in the Sky" aqueduct.

-Leo & Jamal stop at a gas station and ask patrons for directions, Rachel & Brendan stop at the same station but have the sense to go inside and ask the person working there.  Both teams head out.
-Caroline & Jen are on the road to Wales, shocking for them, the navigation is going their way today.
-Leo & Jamal were just following Brenchel who didn't like that, so Brendon waited to the last second to take the exit and lost them.  Don't underestimate the Brenchels.

-Caroline & Jen are the first team to the Aqueduct, followed very closely by Brendan & Rachel.  They read the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Who gets high water remarks?
-In this task they have to choose a canal boat then work with an instructor inside to learn a traditional verse of Welsh poetry (yeah, that's not English at all) while crossing the aqueduct (takes about 15 minutes.)  Once they get to the other side, they have to perform the verse and they have to get a pass from the Welsh linguist before they can get the next clue.
-Caroline & Brendon are doing this one.  Oh my goodness... the letters don't have the same sounds - this is crazy hard.

-Leo & Jamal get to the aqueduct followed very closely by Dave & Connor who are excited to see they've made up some time.  And it's Jamal and Connor doing the poetry lessons.  Jamal is having flashbacks of last season when he had to learn a German song and pronounce everything right, so he should be good at this?  Not so much.  Connor is struggling with it too, like he's back in school trying to memorize, ugh.

-Brendan is the first to give it a try and he gets the first line out but stumbles and has to head back for more practice.
-Caroline - fails, back to practice.
-Jamal gets farther through it but he also has to practice more.
-Connor thinks he's nailed it but the linguist is a stickler and sends him back to practice some more.
-Brendan's second attempt - it's pouring rain on them (get that poor old lady an umbrella!) but he actually nails it this time and gets the clue.
-Caroline's second attempt and she passes as well - she gets to head back in the canal boat to find Jen.

Jamal's second attempt, he's all proud of himself but he forgot the last line.  The cute old lady was trying to prompt him even... he's got to try again.
-Connor's second attempt and he repeated a couple words... and he's frustrated, "I don't know how they expect me to learn Welsh in 20 minutes." (Keep calm, mamma needs a new pair of shoes!)
-Jamal fails on the 3rd attempt too - he's so close but still not there.
-Connor fails again because he's not giving it any oomph.

-Brendan & Caroline get back to their partners and open the clues - but they both mumble/whispered the clue and I have no idea where they're headed.

-Jamal finally gets the poem on his 5th attempt.
-Connor gives it more oomph and he finally gets the clue heading out right after Jamal.
-Leo & Jamal read the clue loud and clear - they have to drive themselves to Bolesworth Estate and search for their next clue.

Bolesworth Estate - Brendan & Rachel are the first team to arrive and find the clue for the DETOUR: Boot it or Shoot it 
-Shoot It requires teams to shoot down clay pigeons with a 12-gauge shotgun.
-Boot it requires teams to choose a pair of size 9 or size 11 Wellies (Wellington Boots), fill them with water, then step up to the starting line and start flinging the boots along a marked course until they reach the finish line.
-Brendan & Rachel decide to Boot it because she thinks it's too windy to be able to accurately shoot skeet... and they have to go change clothes (AH! What are they going to have to wear?)

-Caroline & Jen are the next team to the estate and Caroline is proud of their navigating this leg.
-Jamal & Leo had to stop to ask for directions and hope everyone else is lost as well.  But they're not - Dave & Connor have also found the estate.

-Brendan & Rachel emerge in their English Country wardrobe, (Oh mumsy, how proper they look for some fox hunting or Wellie chucking. Hahaha)
-Rachel reads the clue that they need to find a pair or size 9 or 11 boots and while looking she changes to size 10... oops.  They fill their boots and get throwing (much to the delight of the cast of Downton Abbey that has gathered to cheer them on... not the actual cast, but they are all in costume.)

-Caroline & Jen are getting suited up and they could be in a photo shoot for Town & Country magazine, the clothes are pretty awesome.  Caroline says she enjoys wearing carpet (yes, lost of tweed going on.)
-Both the Country Singers and Dave & Connor are going to be shooting skeet.  Connor was an Eagle Scout and he has a shotgun shooting merit badge... let's hope he's still got the chops!  And Caroline is related to Daniel Boone so she's got some shooting in her blood... also her Dad taught them both how to shoot.  Jen is the granddaughter of John Wayne as well so they are both game to play Annie Oakley.

-The girls get to Shoot It and it's explained they have to hit sixteen clay pigeons and break them to get the next clue. That's quite a lot.
-Dave & Connor head out, Connor thinks this could be tricky in the wind but since Leo & Jamal aren't there yet, they have a chance.

-Leo & Jamal ask a guy on the side of the road if he knows where Bolesworth castle is and he's never heard of it.  They can't believe their navigation skills have deserted them at this crucial point in the race.

-The shooting starts, Caroline gets her first target on her first shot!  Jen misses, Dave and Connor both miss.
-Brendan & Rachel are still chucking boots full of water around the course.
-Caroline is a sharp shooter, she's got them up to 5 when Jen finally gets one.  Dave & Connor are coming on too - they have 5 and are really enjoying taking out all their Race aggression by shooting things.

-Leo & Jamal finally find someone who's heard of the estate and get directions.

-Caroline & Jen are the first team to hit sixteen pigeons and they get
the clue to drive themselves to Peckforton Castle, the PIT STOP for this leg of the race.

-Dave & Connor finish right after the girls and are heading out right on their tail.  But the girls go right at the road and the guys decide to go left... both probably stopping later to look up where they're going.

-Brendon & Rachel are still chucking the boots - how is this taking longer than the shooting?  They finally get to the finish, the course master takes a look at their boots and says, "Sorry, these are the wrong boots." And Rachel starts to lose it, whining and crying.  Brendan reads the clue and it clearly said a size 9 or 11 and they have a size 10.  Guess who has to do it all over again, with a whining, blubbering mess.
She keeps weeping and saying, "I didn't know." Finally he tells her to stop crying, they have to do it again - he gets the pair of size 11's and they start over.

-Leo & Jamal are quite dapper in their country gentlemen clothes and they prove to be pretty proficient with the guns too - hitting both their first pigeons.
-Back out on the road to the Pit Stop - the girls finally stop to ask for directions and find out they chose the wrong direction - they have to turn around and are miffed that Dave & Connor keep stealing their first places, "Rude."

-Shooting - Booting... Brendon & Rachel are the next team to get the clue to head for the Pit Stop.  She's now apologizing for messing up and he just wants to focus on getting to the Pit Stop.
-Jamal & Leo get their sixteen pigeons shot and also head out for the Pit Stop... we'll see if their powers of navigation come back to them.

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Dave & Connor - they secured their place in the final three and they won a trip for two to Fiji!  Ooh, pretty.
2) Caroline & Jennifer - They haven't won a leg so far but they are saving it for the finale.
3) Brendon & Rachel - They need to take the lesson to READ THE CLUE and not just freak out.
4) Leo & Jamal - ELIMINATED!  "Deja vu, all over again." No one took them out with a U-Turn, they took themselves out. (Apparently they're not meant to get past 4th place.) They will cherish the experience forever.

So, with Leo & Jamal eliminated, that takes Robert L., Nenad M., Lindsay J. and Ian G. out of the pool (at least they're not Moms - that would be a horrible Mother's Day present.)

Next week is the finale and the contenders for the money are:

Jen & Caroline: Bernice R., Sharon R., Lee B. and Bryon L.
Dave & Connor: Elaine R., Bob L., Coleen T. (me!) and Shelly A.
Brendon & Rachel: Shane B., Pat T., Katie L., and Tori K.

Next week: The finale in Las Vegas - they will be doing a daring escape with David Copperfield, changing light bulbs on the Mirage sign and it looks like the winning team will be skydiving down to the finish line!  (Oh my Gravy!)

Have a great week everyone,


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Survivor Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty - May 7, 2014 Episode Recap

Havoc to Wreak

Last week on Survivor Tasha and Spencer put those brains to good use by getting in Tony's head and they managed to get Jefra voted out instead of Spencer.

Solarrion - Night 30
-Returning from Tribal council and Kass is pissed off that she and Trish were again left in the dark while Tony made a move.  She likened him to the "Don" who you better not cross or you'll get a pair of cement shoes and thrown in the pond.
-Tony asks Trish and Kass if they want an explanation and Trish says no, she gets it, Jefra wanted to blindside him so he did it to her first.  He says he's glad she's not a "Jefra" and he doesn't have to spend five hours explaining himself.
-Kass however, not so understanding.  She tells the camera she feels like they didn't learn the lesson when she flipped from her other alliance - not to leave someone out.  She doesn't like to be the one left slack-jawed at Tribal Council and that's now happened twice.
-She's had enough of Tony's excited self-congratulatory manner and, in true Kass fashion, she tells him he's being a condescending jerk and he says, condescendingly, "Okay, Kass, I don't see how."
-Spencer knows their agreement to vote with Tony was a one time thing, so Tony and Kass fighting like cats and dogs is a good thing.
-Kass says to the camera, what am I doing sticking with this person?  Play your game and I'll play my game, I'm done with him.

Solarrion - Day 31
-Spencer is getting to know Tony a little more asking him about being a cop and everything boastful thing Tony says makes Spencer realize how dangerous Tony is in the game. He is lying to everyone and he's good at it.
-The boys continue to talk and the girls stay laying in the shelter making them believe they're asleep.  Tony makes an innocent comment about it being unusual for Kass to stay in bed so late, she must not be feeling well and Kass takes that to be him talking sh*t about her.  She tells Trish that he called her a b*tch (uh, no he
-Kass tells the camera that she heard Tony say her name and that she was such a bitch for arguing with him last night... (none of which he said.)  And later they are all gathered by the shelter to get out of the rain and Tony mentions her not getting up and she tells him she heard everything he said about her.  He says he wasn't talking about her and she doesn't believe him.
-Spencer was the one talking to Tony, he knows Tony's telling the truth for once and Kass doesn't believe it... and is he going to clear up the situation? Oh hell, no!  He lets them go.  "If Kass is mad at Tony she isn't mad at me", so he sits back and enjoys the show.
-Tony doesn't know what's wrong with that girl, he's trying to placate her so she'll stick with their alliance and keep them going forward but the damage is done.
-Kass tells the camera Tony gained power by making two huge moves and using people not in his alliance to do it.  We're just like his cult members blindly following and I don't want to be a cult member, I want to kill the cult leader (That's a little dramatic - do you have some death metal on a loop and blinding floodlights?)

Solarrion - Day 31
-Tony doesn't like tension around camp so he's going to try to squash it and he approaches Kass again to tell her he wasn't talking about her but it blows up again - she tells him she knows he was talking about her and she doesn't believe a word he says.  As he walks off exasperated (and I just gotta say, Tony's looking pretty cut, I just noticed how much weight he's lost... but I digress) Kass tells the camera she likes chaos and she likes trouble - she likes to push people to their breaking point and she kind of expected it of him, "Because... he's an idiot."
-Tony goes back up to camp and he's ranting to everyone that he wasn't talking about her - Trish tells him, if he can, to let it go and he says I have... but then Kass comes back up to camp and there they are sniping at each other again.  Each accusing the other of being immature... she says maybe she will vote for him and he says then she'll end up going home (and she will because he has the magic idol) they keep picking at each other and he tells her she'll be the one going home because he has the special idol that's why - and everything screeched to a halt for everyone but Kass who was too caught up in arguing to hear what he said I think but W
oo and Spencer heard it. 
-He asks if she heard what he said but she doesn't believe him again- show it to me.  He says he doesn't have to, you vote for me and you'll be the first one to see it.  She says she will and he tells Tash and Spencer they just moved up one more notch.

They will be divided into two teams of three and they will have to throw beanbags at a wall made of blocks to knock it over.  Once one team has destroyed the other team's wall, one member of the team will race to rebuild the wall (like a puzzle, getting the picture put back together with the blocks.)  First team to rebuild the wall correctly will win Reward of: a trip to a local elementary school, bringing school supplies for the school and American style food of hamburger and hot dogs.  A little nourishment for the soul.

Teams:  Orange is Tash, Trish and Tony
              Purple is Woo, Spencer and Kass
Off they go: and it takes a while to get it going but purple gets the orange wall destroyed first and the teams switch to start rebuilding - It's Spencer vs Tash in the puzzle building and he gets flustered quickly giving her the chance to take a huge lead - Kass steps in the guide Spencer and they start making some progress I thought it might be too little too late - but they proved me wrong, Tash stalls out and PURPLE wins Reward.

REWARD - Spencer, Woo and Kass arrive at the school and they are mobbed by the children.  Woo was in his element handing out book bags and toys - then he did a martial arts display for them which was pretty cool - you could tell performing and being with the kids he was in his element.  Spencer admits he doesn't really like kids but it was still a rewarding experience.
-Kass can't wait to talk strategy so she's just as happy when the kids have to go back to class - she tells the guys, "This is what we need to do, flush the idol." She assuming that Woo is voting with them - two of them vote for Tony and two of them vote for Trish so either way he goes home with an idol or he plays it to save himself.
-Kass is all proud of herself and how the common enemy of Tony has negated the former animosity between herself and Spencer.
-Spencer tells her that Tash will be with this and then they turn to Woo and he's non-committal, says he'll definitely consider it. (Arghh!!) Woo needs a little more time to think about it, he won't say for sure he's with them... yet.  But as they are walking up the beach back to camp, Spencer tells them he's going to share with Tash what they discussed and Woo finally tells them he's in.
-Kass likes that he took the time to think about it, proves he's not knee-jerk in this game - he says he won't say a word.

-Spencer then takes Tash aside and fills her in on the split vote of the Brains and Woo teaming up to vote Tony and Trish.  She asks if they can trust Woo and Spencer says, "I hope so, or Tony knows everything."
-Tony & Trish are laying down in the shelter and she wonders if they got Woo.  Tony says easy enough to find out, he'll just ask him if there was any strategy talk and if he says no, they'll know he's lying.
-Woo comes up to them, Tony asks and Woo says yeah, the strategy was to vote out Tash. (What? That's the story you're going with?) Tony knows he's lying, he knows the smart move would be to propose Woo make a move to take out Tony, and he knows Spencer's not stupid.  Makes no sense for him to vote out his one ally.  Tony's disappointed that he may have been wrong to trust in Woo's loyalty.

They will race out and count the number of items at six different stations, then they will use those numbers to solve a combination lock.  If they pull on the lock and it won't release, it's wrong and they have to go back and count again.  First person to solve the combination, release the bar and use it to break their tile, wins Immunity.
Off they go - and I'll spare you the play by play - they all try and try again but no one has the combination after try, after try... 25 minutes elapsed - they are all still trying and failing until... SPENCER finally releases the bar and breaks his tile.

Day 33 - back at camp, Spencer, Tash and Woo meet and talk about how they're going to split the votes - the decide girls vote
Trish and guys vote Tony.  Woo still looks uncomfortable with it (I wonder if he's really going to flip.)  Trish says she'll have to put on a n act like she thinks she's going home tonight.
-But her act is to play resigned to her fate and Tony sees right through it - she's not scrambling, she's too comfortable. He tells Trish, Spencer and Woo that he's got to play his idol tonight, he's not going home at six.
-Spencer asks him directly if he has the special idol and he says he can neither confirm or deny.  But he tells us he can wait until all the votes are read to play the special idol so he's not going anywhere.
-Tash & Kass gather for some Tony bashing - he ran his alliance by fear, anyone that crossed him is out and they hope everything goes according to plan tonight so they don't have to put up with "our version of Russell Hantz" anymore.
-Kass is starting to think if everyone hates Tony as much as she does, which is enough that they won't give the douche bag the prize in the end, maybe it's in her best interest to keep him around.
-She pulls Woo aside (which does not go unnoticed by Tony) and asks him if he's still down with the plan... or should they take out Tasha. Whoa! She just blew Woo's mind, if he wasn't the mellowest person in the world, he might be upset by that, but he rolls with it - and they leave us in the dark if they made a decision or not.

TRIBAL COUNCIL (in the rain)
-Tasha tells Jeff she was made very aware that as soon as she didn't win immunity it would be her.  But all they heard from Tony was that he had the special idol and the hidden immunity idol so she hopes the rest of them wake up and see him for the threat he really is.
-Tony says that her scrambling was far from the norm - she was too calm and her not worrying made him worry - so that's why he has his bag of tricks with him again tonight.
-Tash says they are putting this false target on me like I'm the queen of immunity challenges, when Tony is the bigger strategic threat and he put most of those people over there (points to the jury) and no one wants to see it Jeff.
-Tony says he knows Tash is just trying to deflect, he knows his alliance is loyal, they tell each other the truth and that's how it's been all along (except when he didn't tell them he was blindsiding p
eople in the alliance... so revisionist history there.)
-Jeff asks Kass if Tony's logic of relying on loyalty seems genuine or disingenuous - she says it's the latter - we're getting close to the final and I'd be paranoid if I had a bag of tricks.
-Kass says a vote to flush the an idol has to happen tonight and Tony butts in, why would they do that when we're all together?
-Trish defends him saying he was very honest in telling them he had the idol and would use it for them if need be (riight, only when it suited him, he's had it for quite a while.)
-Woo says they would want to flush the idol because the further he advances with the idol, the more he can dictate who ends up on the jury.
-Spencer says Tony did what he always does after blindsiding someone in his alliance, he scoops the rest back up and says they're still together and they believe him.  He says he's excited to finally see what Tony has in his bag of tricks tonight, after such a long wait.
-Woo answers Jeff's direct question about if there is a plan afoot by saying they agreed on a plan and it will be carried out.
-Tony hopes his remaining alliance of four sticks together and Tash goes home tonight.
-Kass says its great to fantasize about being in the final three and who you'll be there with... but first you've got to get there and tonight there may be a blindside. (That had Tony and Trish sit up a little straighter.)
-Tash says she hopes that happens, she'd love to stay there, even in the rain.

Time to Vote:
Tony votes for Tasha
Spencer votes for Tony
Tasha votes for Trish

Tallying the votes:
Tony opens his bag... but he doesn't play the hidden immunity idol, they all think they're good.

Tasha - 1
Tony - 1
Trish - 1
Tasha - 2... 3 - TASHA is voted out (oh, Kass & Woo decided to stick with the godfather, cult leader, Russell Hantz... but I still think he will win if he makes it to the end.)

So with Tasha leaving, that takes Sue S., Linda G. and Tamara J. out of the pool.

Next time on Survivor - Kass & Tony are still fighting, which Chaos Kass loves; but she may have met her match when Trish gets in on it. (She did make dreadlock girl quit.)

Tasha's final thoughts: given the start she had in the Luzon tribe, it was amazing for her to make it this far.  They were probably smart to get rid of her when they did because she felt like she had another immunity run in her.  (She wasn't happy to be leaving but she wasn't bitter either, that's refreshing.)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


Monday, May 5, 2014

The Amazing Race All-Stars - May 4th Episode Recap

Bull Down

Last week, the teams raced from Italy to Switzerland, the Accidental Alliance was formed in opposition to Brendan & Rachel's U-turning of Dave & Connor, and Jen & Caroline escaped elimination again as it was a non-elimination leg.

Mount Titlis - Dave & Connor are the first team to head out at 2:35pm - they get the clue to fly to Seville, Spain and find their next clue at the Alameda between the statues of Hercules and Caesar.  *Caution, U-Turn ahead.*
-Dave & Connor feel that Brendan & Rachel used their U-Turn inappropriately (WHAT?) and since they already used their U-Turn with the Afghanimals, they hope that the Cowboys or Leo & Jamal will U-Turn Brenchel for them. (Okay, again, Dave & Connor are my team and I want them to win, but this victim complex with the U-Turn is really exasperating.)
-Cowboys are next out at 2:37pm - Ooh yeah, U-Turn ahead.  They say whatever is between Brendan & Rachel and Dave & Connor, feeling the spirit of neutrality in Switzerland, they're staying out of it. (Good plan.)
-Afghanimals - 2:38pm - they are excited to see a U-Turn is ahead, "You better believe the Afghanimals are U-Turning someone."  They know Brendan & Rachel is the expected target but they are also still gunning for the Cowboys (probably their smarter play if they can get there first.)
-Brendan & Rachel - 2:42pm - they are not so excited to see another U-Turn ahead, they know they are in trouble - but, whatever.
-Country Singers - 2:58pm - Caroline lived in Spain in college and she's excited to be heading to "Sev-ee-ya".  The girls still can't believe anyone would have U-Turned Dave & Connor (do you just want to quit and give them the money then?) and hope their accidental alliance will U-Turn Brenchel so they'll have time to do their Speed Bump.  Jen, "Too bad we couldn't double U-Turn them."

 Airport - Dave & Connor get there first and get tickets for a flight leaving at 5pm (in 40 minutes) which will get them to Seville by 9:30pm.Afghanimals also book that flight.
-Cowboys missed their exit for the airport ... hoping they'll still get a good flight.
-Brendan & Rachel hit a travel agency and find out they missed the 5:05 flight but can take a 7:20pm flight to Barcelona then take a connection the next morning getting them to Seville at 8:25pm.  Rachel looks like she's going to cry but Brendan is sure that everyone is going to be on the same flight.
-Meanwhile, Dave & Connor and the Afghanimals are boarding their 5pm flight to Seville.
-Cowboys and Country Singers meet up at the airport and they have the same flights as Brenchel - 7:05, overnight in Barcelona and on to Seville the next day.

Seville, Spain - Afghanimals & Dave & Connor jump in cabs and head for the Alameda.  They find the columns with the statues on them and there is a sign on the ground saying their clue will arrive at 8:30am (yup, they're making sure everyone catches up.)

Barcelona - 7:10am, the remaining teams board their flight for Seville.  Cowboys hope the other teams do U-Turn the Brenchels, that could only be good for them.

Seville - 8:30am - first two teams head to the columns and get the clue to make their way to a close by barber shop.  They run over and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK: One team member must become a barber of Seville, with a straight razor, shaving cream and a balloon.
-They must use the proper shaving technique to shave this sensitive customer in just 60 seconds, if they pop the balloon, they have to start again.  Once they've done it successfully, they'll get their next clue.
-Connor and Jamal are going to do this one... not only do they have to shave a whole balloon/head, there is an opera singer serenading them with the Barber of Seville while they do it.  Both ran out of time and the balloons were popped right out from under them at the 60 second mark (that woke them up.)

2nd flight arrives and they take off in cabs for the Alameda.  Brendan saw the Country Singers give the Cowboys a high five when they got off the plane so they're assuming if anyone gets to the U-Turn before them, it's the Brenchels.

-Back at the barber shop - they have picked up the pace, Jamal pops his customer and Connor completes the shave with a second to spare.  Dave & Connor get the next clue Route Info to search for their next clue in the Real Alcazar (beautiful building with long reflecting pool.)  They take off.
-Jamal is disheartened to be beaten in a shaving challenge by Connor, especially since Jamal has more hair on his face than Connor does on his head. (That's almost true.) But he bounces back and gets it done - they also head out for the next stop.

-Caroline & Jen are the first to the clue, followed closely by Brenchel and finally the Cowboys.  Jen is the first one to start shaving balloons, then Jet is the next one there - Brenchel's cab driver didn't know where the shop was and had to ask for directions... so they were the last team to arrive.
-Jen, Jet and Rachel are shaving the balloons but they never make the time and there are balloons popping all over.

-Dave & Connor get to the next clue and see the girl's Speed Bump - and get the clue to the DETOUR: Spanish Steps or Run with the Ballz.
-In Spanish Steps, they have to learn the flamenco (dancing, never a quick detour.)
-In Run With the Ballz - they have to put on inflatable Bull beach ball suits and run through the streets avoiding other bull/balls.  They must identify posters along the route that have parts of a motto then recite, "A matador never thinks about his own death," to the matador at the end of the course, to get their next clue.
-Both Dave & Connor and Leo & Jamal have chosen to Run with the Ballz since, Connor says, they can't dance to save their lives.

-Back at the barber shop - no one has successfully shaved their balloons in under 60 seconds yet... then Rachel is the first.  Way to make up two spots. They head out.   Jen finishes next and Jet right behind.
-Brenchel took a cab, the country singers took off on foot and got lost.

-Run with the Ballz - they show up and suit up.  Dave & Connor were not sure what to make of the Bull costumes - but they funnelled themselves in and took off on the route - then they came to the Bullz that where laying in wait for them and it's a smash up derby of Bull Ballz - (hahaha, that looks fun!)  I was waiting for Dave to pull the '60 yr-old' card but he did pretty well, even finding the first poster while floundering around on the ground.
-Leo & Jamal are the next to walk the gauntlet - they have no idea what's in store for them ahead.

-Jet & Cord were walking to the next location and also got a little lost.  Brendan & Rachel got there and saw the Cowboys, and also saw them turn the wrong way... oh well, that's good for them.
-Brenchel is going to Run With the Ballz as well.

-Caroline & Jennifer find their Speed Bump - they have to deliver six spanish hams to a specific cafe before they can return and do the Detour.  They are able to take three each so this should be quick - if they can find the cafe that is.
-Jet & Cord, still lost.

-Dave & Connor find the second poster just as they are set upon again by the pack of Bullz that start smashing into them again- Connor is starting to enjoy it, he was prepared and got some shots in but Dave is pretty sure this is going to kill him... oh, and they got the next part of the phrase.
-Next we see Leo & Jamal taking a pummeling, "This was no running of the bulls, more like the destruction of Leo & Jamal." But they found the poster that says A Matador.

-Jet & Cord so lost, the Real is set up like a maze and they missed the entrance. 
-Caroline & Jen find the cafe and deliver their ham - and now they will smell like ham all day.  They head back to find the Detour.
-Jet & Cord finally find the Detour clue and they, of course, are Running with the Bullz.
-Caroline & Jen pass the Cowboys on their way out as they are going in, the boys direct them and take off.  The girls say they are going to run with the bulls but then change their minds since they are good dancers, they head for the Flamenco!

-Brendan & Rachel are suited up in their balls and heading down the marked route, they think the narrow alleyway is the challenge until they are set upon by the hoodlum bulls bouncing them off the walls.  Of course Rachel starts whining, "I'm just a girl. Why do you have to hit me so hard." (Grr, hit them back!)  But she sees the poster and they head on.

-Dave & Connor get to the next open spot and see the poster completing the motto and the next pack of Bullz ready to knock them all over the place - they hesitate and they're done - they get bounced like crazy and Dave finally pulls the Old man card - yelling in Spanish that he's old, "Old bull down!" - they don't seem to care.  Finally they make their way to the matador and say the phrase which gets them the next clue - to make their way to the General Archive of the Indies (Is this the U-Turn finally?)

-Leo & Jamal in their Bull ballz - they have different strategies - Leo gets knocked down and stays down, he decides he's going to roll to the exit - Jamal goes on the offensive and starts hitting them back when they're not looking - they have one more section to find.

-The Cowboys are getting suited up - Cord is a bull rider by profession so he's run from a lot of bulls in his time but never with them - then they get in the ballz - not quite what they imagined.

-Caroline & Jen get lost again trying to find the Flamenco task - it doesn't look like there are any street signs, everything is twisty turny little alleys.. at least there are no cars.

-Leo & Jamal at their final bull skirmish, they see the rest of the motto and get attacked by the blow up bulls.  It's all fun until Jamal twists his knee and he's out - he can't feel his knee cap but he's starting to feel more pain.  It doesn't stop him though, they move on to finish the Detour.

-Dave & Connor are the first team to the U-Turn board and they can't U-Turn anyone, "We really wish we could."  They get the clue to make their way to the Plaza de Espana, the PIT STOP for this leg of the race.

-Back on the Bull run - it's fun watching Rachel get flung around - and she's whining about them being too rough with her (Suck it up Buttercup!) They have the next part of the quote.
-Jet & Cord are finally getting to the first encounter spot and are so surprised by how seriously they were being pummeled that they didn't even notice the first poster and go on assuming it must be at the next corner (oh, you guys.)

-Caroline & Jen finally find the Flamenco place - you better dance like you've never danced before!  They choose an instructor, put on their dresses and shoes (they like getting dressed up) and start to learn the sexy dance.

-Leo & Jamal limp up to the matador and give the motto - they head off for the U-Turn board, "Hmm, who are we going to U-Turn?"

-Jet & Cord get to the next bull fight and see "Never thinks about" but Jet realizes they must have missed the beginning of that sentence and they head back. Cord never thought that running with the bulls would be so safe (Yeah, ask Jamal about that.)

-Brendan & Rachel take one more pummeling, "They're so mean." (It was awesome.) and they get the end of the motto - off they go to the U-Turn and I hope they are ready for some dancing.

-Leo & Jamal get to the U-Turn board and decide that the Cowboys are still the strongest team out there and with Jamal's banged up knee... they U-Turn the Cowboys (Whaaat?) hoping they will, in turn, U-Turn Brendan & Rachel... but the Cowboys are behind so now they're screwed. (It's still good for Leo & Jamal I guess.)

-Jet & Cord have gone back and finally see the "A Matador" poster as they are being bounced around in their bull ballz.

-Brendan & Rachel get to the U-Turn board and Rachel was genuinely blown-away, shocked that the Afghanimals did the smart thing not the popular thing but U-Turning the Cowboys instead of them.  They didn't U-Turn anyone.

-Jet & Cord see the last poster and then make a run for it and are rammed from every direction... finally they make it to the matador and get the clue to head for the U-Turn board but they are pretty sure they are last and know if they're U-Turned, they're dead.

-Caroline & Jennifer have been practicing their Flamenco routine over and over in the hopes they'll get it right the first time - finally they head out to make their debut and they nailed it!  They head for the U-Turn board.
-Once they get there, they see the Afghanimals U-Turned the Cowboys and they're shocked - so they U-Turn the Brenchels - of course not realizing they're already finished.
-The girls head for the Pit Stop.

-Cowboys get to the U-Turn board and they were surprised and disappointed to see that Leo & Jamal U-Turned them - Jet, "You just can't trust anybody.  Throw a million dollars in the mix and it just brings out the worst in some people."
-Then we got to see the Cowboys spruced up in black pants and white shirts with a red sash as they learned the Flamenco... with their hats on, of course.  And those boys can dance.  They are very grateful to have had the opportunity to run the race three times, they've run the best race they could with their integrity in tact, got to meet a lot of great people and experience so many things you never would unless you were on the Race.  (They will be missed!)

 Here's How They Finished:
1) Dave & Connor - They won a trip to St Croix.  Dave still complaining this is a young man's game - and Phil tells him he must be a young man, because they are first again.  Dave starts crying again (Oh yeah, I forgot he's a crier.) He's so proud of his son and they are determined to be the first father/son team to win the Amazing Race.
2) Brendan & Rachel - she falls down walking across the plaza (for no reason) so she's pouty until Phil tells them they are team number two!  Big mistake on the Afghanimals part not to U-Turn them but they don't care.
3) Leo & Jamal - they are walking like they're last because they are so bummed about Jamal's knee... they say they are sure they can beat Brendan & Rachel (not this leg you didn't) so, with Jamal's knee injury, they had to try and take out the Cowboys.
4) Caroline & Jennifer - They are so excited to hear they are in the final four.  It can't be a fluke, they are still there and ready to go all the way.
5) Jet & Cord - **ELIMINATED** - it was disappointing to be U-turned but they weren't surprised.  Phil tells them he thinks the other teams were just flat out scared of the Cowboys. 
They are so gracious in defeat - it's tough that their race has been cut short but every leg was a blessing and Jet quoted scripture about victory belonging to The Lord... okay.  Cord, "Oh my gravy, we've been around the world three times on the Amazing Race."

So, sadly, with the Cowboys leaving, Patty F., Fred & Gary M., Krista H. and Sandy G. are out of the pool. (That's gotta hurt.)

Next week - Afghanimals are playing soccer, Dave & Connor and Country Singers are shooting skeet and Rachel is whining and crying (surprise.)

Have a great week everyone,
