Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Survivor Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty - May 14, 2014 Episode Recap

Straw That Broke the Camel's Back

Last week they teased us with maybe voting for Tony but Kass changed her mind at the last minute and Tasha went home.

Solarrion - Night 33
-They return from Tribal Council in the pouring rain so everyone crowds in the shelter and Spencer pulls no punches, he confronts Woo and Kass and asks them what was the point of their final three agreement if they weren't going to honour it?
-Woo says, "That's what you guys were proposing but I already have a final three."
-Spencer basically has hurt feelings, asks why they didn't just tell him they were voting for Tasha, why do the whole charade?  And Kass just wants to shut him up, "Why does anybody lie in this game?  It's part of the game."
-Kass tells the camera she realizes that Tony's been a jerk to everyone at some point and she thinks she'll have a better shot in the end against him because no one wants him to win.
-Spencer characterizes the remaining players as Tony and these useless people that have allowed him to play them like a fiddle.  If he has any hope of staying it's in the fact that the rest of the players know the game so little. (Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, as you watch from the jury.)

Solarrion - Day 34
-Tony & Woo are out on the boat and Woo says he's feeling good about his chances of winning the next immunity challenge and Tony just starts talking, "I'm even going to try to win just so Spencer doesn't." "How do you feel about final three?  I think Kass will get no votes, she'd be great to take to the final." And he kept going but they did a Woo voice over - he tells us he did consider blindsiding Tony but in the end he wants to go to the finale with Tony because he also thinks he'd win. (Hey, if it is Woo, Tony & Kass at the end, I'd vote for Woo.  If for no other reason than to make the other two's heads explode.)

-Woo wants Tony to see him as someone who is loyal to him to solidify his place in the final three so he decides to fill Tony in on what happened at the Reward last episode.  That Spencer wanted them to vote for Tony and Kass was totally in on it - they wanted the final to be Woo, Kass & Spencer.  They both scoff.
-So Woo kissed the ring and Tony tells him by coming clean he's just proven his integrity... but Tony tells the camera he feels bad that he's going to have to blindside Woo.  He's a good guy who could possibly get some votes and that's not good for business.  His wife told him not to do anything stupid, try to win the game.  Taking Woo to the end is stupid. "I'm going to listen to my wife on this one." (Really? Poor woman, that there to defend herself, getting the blame/credit for your behaviour, nice.)

-They will jump into a pit of mud, coat themselves with it then race back and wipe the mud off into a bucket.  The person with the most mud (by weight) in their bucket after 10 minutes wins reward: Piping hot pizza to be delivered to them at camp.
Off they go - That mud looks very... diarrhea-ish.  They coat themselves, over and over and over... but it's Tony's bucket that is totally overflowing with mud - they concede that he's won.
-Jeff tells Tony that he has to choose one person to join him for pizza and he calls "Anorexia" over and Trish comes running, "malnutrition has never felt so good," she says.  Woo looks very disappointed and as they are slowly drying, they're starting to resemble Terra Cotta Warriors.
Solarrion - Day 34
-Oh, then back at camp Kass says it, they look like Terra Cotta Warriors.  And Kass has a huge Alphalfa horn on top of her head which Trish just thinks is hi-larious.
-Kass tells the camera she's glad Tony chose Trish to share the reward, it just solidifies that those two are still united.  He's the alpha male and she's the female.  They're like a pair of baboons, I'm surprised she's not picking ticks off him right now." (Hahaha.)
-Nope, they are all trying to wash the mud off themselves and I bet they'd kill for some soap.

Pizza arrives and Tony is gross.  He's just shoving it in his gob.  If he could get the whole thing in his mouth he would have.  They brought them a stack of 5 or 6 small pizzas, for two people - yikes.
-Trish asks if he has the special power idol and he nods to indicate yes, because his mouth is full.  So, is he going to give her one?  No, he says he's going to try and make them believe the special power is that he can use it when there are only 4 people left and hopefully guarantee himself final 3. (Whatever, I can't even look at him eating right now.)
-They agree that they'd prefer to take Kass rather than Woo to the final with them because she's been reckless and really not very likeable.  No matter how much they'd like to get rid of her, she's a better bet to take to the end.

Solarrion - Day 36
-Tony wants to solidify his relationship with Kass so he just meets her head on, says he wants to go to the end with her and Trish eventhough she tried to blindside him, "In the canoe yesterday, Woo told me everything." But he doesn't care, he wants her in the end.  And he pledges on his wife and baby again (which we all know means nothing.)
-She's not happy - she says it was stupid of Woo to tell him but it was also stupid of Tony to tell her.  She says she was forgiven by the mafia don but now she's got to poison the well against Tony.  Make sure they all realize he's a bully so that he won't get any votes from the jury.  "Chaos Kass is back." (Again, has she ever caused any chaos? Other than in her own mind?  I don't know.)
-First stop is to confront Woo with the fact he told Tony everything and Woo denies it... as Tony walks up.  So Kass says, "Woo said he didn't tell you anything."  And it starts (Okay she does create chaos with Tony, which is kind of fun.)
-Tony, "What are you doing? I told you something in confidence and you blow it out?  What are you investigating for?"
-Kass, "I'm allowed to confront people too Tony."
-Tony, "Well, you just sealed your fate, congratulations." (Ah, you've said that before.)  And he walks away, mad she doesn't just do what he wants her to.
-Kass continues working on Woo, tells him that Tony shook her hand a
nd swore on his wife and baby she's be final three.
-Tony comes back and berates her some more, "There are people that tell secrets and people that blow things up." (And you know which type she is so why are you surprised at anything she's doing?)
It continues, and they digress into some childish stuff.
Kass, "Everyone can talk to Tony but they can't talk to each other."
Tony, "That was supposed to be a secret.  I'm sorry I don't speak llama, I'm supposed to speak llama to you." Then he did a ridiculous llama impression that none of them could help but laugh at. (See, I think that's why he'll still win, even when he's mad, he's funny.)
-Tony tells the camera Kass' shenanigans really were the straw that broke the camel's back.  Strategically, Kass is perfect to take to the end but she's such an insult to this game. As far as I'm concerned, we're done. (Oh, Tony, she may be messing up YOUR game but she's playing HER game pretty well, I'd say. Still, she's not very likable so I still don't think she'll win.)

Solarrion - Day 36
-Kass tells Tony what she did was strategic, now one of your people doesn't know if he is one of yours.  Tony whines for her to just leave him alone and he and Trish take off to get water.
-So Kass works on Woo some more - "You needed to know that.  He was going to take me to the final three."  And Spencer is also there gently ease Woo over to their way of thinking... "Do you have any thoughts on this?"
-Finally Woo says sees the light, why would Tony take him to the final three when he has a good rep with the jury?  And with Tony swearing on his family he knows that Tony was going to blindside him and take Kass to the end because he doesn't think she can win. Kass points out that's why Tony was so mad at her.
-Spencer says if he goes out Tony and Trish are basically deciding which one of Woo or Kass they'll take to the final three.  Which leaves them one option - the three of them vote out Trish so it gives Tony one less option for a goat.
-And just as she said that, Trish came back and overheard herself being referred to as a goat for Tony and it infuriated her.  She's been trying really hard to be nice to Kass and it's been exhausting - she says she's going to be sorry she did that.

-Oh, this is a big one.  They have to first untangle a braided rope releasing a key, then they have to use the key to unlock a chest full of ladder rungs.  They have to use the rungs to build a ladder up to the next level where they'll have to use planks to build a staircase up to the top.  At the top, they have to solve a sliding puzzle and get the Survivor Logo completed correctly to win Immunity.  (Yikes, I can never do those stupid slide puzzles.)
-Off they go and Tony is the first one with the key, then Trish, Kass, Spencer and finally Woo getting the key.
-They are all working on the ladders and of course they are all notched differently, so the ladder and the stairs are also a puzzle.
-Tony is the first person finished the ladder - by a long shot.  He's working on the stairs and is almost finished by the time Spencer gets up to start the stairs.
-Tony is the first person up to the slide puzzle and Spencer is only half way up his stairs...
-Woo & Kass finally finish their ladders and are starting on the stairs.
-Spencer has two steps left.
-Tony is sliding the puzzle pieces like a mad man but he doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason...
-Spencer gets to the puzzle and works it much more methodically.
-Tony is still sliding pieces like crazy... but it's SPENCER that wins the immunity and guarantees himself a place in the final four.
-Kass looks pretty happy that Spencer won - I don't know why, that could be her ticket home.
-Tony says this is worst case scenario for him, Spencer won immunity so he has to speed up the process of turning on his alliance (you can't snow us, we've seen what's been happening.)

Solarrion - Day 36
-They return to camp and Spencer, after patting himself on the back for his epic come from behind win, is going to just sit back and enjoy watching the other four cannibalize each other.
-Trish starts it off by passive-aggressively confronting Kass, "Do you think I'm stupid?  Or do you think I'm deaf?"  Kass says she knows she was listening to them earlier.  Trish doesn't understand why she would do that. And Spencer doesn't just sit back, he tries to diffuse
the situation but Trish says Kass plays both sides, stirs everything up, then plays the victim. She tells her to go find someone else to listen to her victim world today because she's done. (Oh yeah, she's got the crazy eyes happening.)
-And it continues, she just berates her endlessly - we all see you for what you are, and you have that bleeping grin on your face like you're going to win but you're NOT!
-Kass at least knows not to antagonize Trish in this state, she recognizes that Trish is off the rails and hopes it doesn't cost Kass her game (You mean you realize you may have miscalculated, huh. Maybe some of Trish's words hit home.)
-Tony finally steps in and takes Trish for a walk, separating her looked like the only way to stop the insanity. Woo goes with them.
-Spencer and Kass are left going, "what was that?"  They know they have to get Woo on their side or there is nothing they can do.  They agree they have to talk to Woo.
-The other three are pow-wowwing and Tony asks Woo if he has any questions.  Woo's sticking point was that Tony swore on his family to take Kass to the end and he didn't swear to Woo.  Tony says he's not going to lie, he did swear to Kass but she had already tried to backstab me (so your swearing doesn't count?  Tony has some messed up rules in his world) but now he's for sure done with Kass and he's swearing to Woo (But Woo, he already tried to backstab you so anything you say doesn't count... right, isn't that how it works?)
-Tony and Trish are hammering Woo that they are voting Kass tonight and Tony swears on everyone he's ever known.  Trouble is, Woo doesn't believe anything he says anymore.
-Woo says he thinks it might be time for him to make a big move.
-Back at camp Woo searches Kass out and tells her he's decided to vote out Trish - which is exactly what she wants but she's skeptical (oh come on lady, what else do you want from him?)  They go find Spencer and  he tells them he's thinking about his long game now and knows Tony and Trish are inseperable so his best hope is to get rid of her.  He asks that they guarantee he'll be final three and the guys shake (oh, and Tony's watching them talking and shaking... oof)
-Woo says he's the swing vote so now he's just got to decide if he's going to vote for Trish or Kass tonight. (Sounds like Sarah, don't get c
oky Woo.)
-So then Tony pulls Woo aside and starts in on him, "I saw you guys talking, what's going on.  You know it's an injustice to take that girl to the top, I swore on my dad's grave... blah blah blah (give it a rest already - I'd tell him what he wanted to hear just to get him to shut up.) 
-Tony's thinking he can't trust Woo now and he might have to change his plan. (Wow, what a flip flopper.)

Jeff sounds excited that Spencer won immunity so tonight's the night that their alliance will have to turn on each other.  He asks Kass what the atmosphere was like at camp after the challenge and Kass says, "Trish started to rail on me like a wild, skeleton, blue-eyed banshee." (Everyone's jaws just drop.) What was that again?
-Kass, I don't even know what I said but I'm sure it was accurate, she was pointing at me and showing her capacity for hatred. She was holding it in until she knew Spencer won because she knew we couldn't vote off Spencer.
-When asked about her 'capacity for hatred' Trish says, "Yeah, Kass is always the victim.  She likes to be the trouble maker, but then she doesn't like conflict."  She plays Woo against Tony and Tony against Woo then sits back and says why is everyone so mean to me, I didn't do anything.  Trish says she's never had a conflict with anyone on the jury (good thing she added the 'on the jury' because she did make dread-lock girl quit doing exactly the same thing to her.)
-Kass says, instead you just rail on somebody?
-Spencer agrees this is good for him.  His winning immunity today just sped up them having to turn on each other.
-Woo says the hidden animosity coming out just shows him that they are again three brawn against two brains. (That wiped the grin off Kass' face.) And surprised Jeff they'd still be thinking down the original tribe lines.  Woo says it puts Kass in a very vulnerable position.
-Jeff asks Kass if this surprises her and she says, "Well, I didn't predict that psycho bitch would come out at me today (whoa, that raised some eyebrows) but she just goes one, "Tony was caught trying to tell Woo he's final three and me I'm final three.
-Trish and Tony start shaking their heads and Tony pipes in, "Jeff, this lady here is delusional."  And he lays it all out for Jeff and he's funny
about it talking like a llama again - he's deflecting with comedy, I can appreciate that.
-Kass is trying to say her strategy worked because in his anger Tony admitted he had a deal with Kass when he yelled that their deal was off.  But Tony won't let her get a word in, It's a game, let's have fun with it.
-Spencer says he feels like he's in one flew over the cuckoo's nest...
Trish, "and it's medication time."  They're all laughing again.
-Woo says he feels like he's stuck in the worst family imaginable with Tony and Trish as the parents, Spencer and Kass the siblings and he's the foreign exchange student on the outside just wanting to tell them all to shut up and focus on the game.
-Jeff comments on how much they're laughing when someone's dream is about to be crushed.
-Tony says it is serious and he knows he's not going home tonight because his bag of tricks is getting too heavy - he pulls out the regular immunity idol and then pulls out the special immunity idol and puts it on - it's his last chance to use it tonight so he's going to. (But he doesn't tell them the special power... and is he giving Trish the other idol?)

Time To Vote:
Spencer votes Trish, saying this cat fight has to be resolved somehow.
Trish votes Kass - I suggest a book on self-awareness, it will be helpful in the future.

Tallying the Votes:
Anyone have a hidden immunity idol and wants to use it, now is the time to do so... Tony stands up and says he doesn't need to play it but it stays on the island.  Any votes against Tony will not count. (Huh, so not saving your island wife, interesting.)
Trish - 1
Kass - 1
Trish - 2, 3... and TRISH is the 7th member of the jury.  She says good luck to her tribe and Kass flips her the bird (really? You're not gaining any friends that way.)

And with Trish leaving that takes: Fred & Gary M., Bryon L. and Jeff T. out of the pool. (Tough break.)

Trish's final thoughts: I may be too nice to play this game. (I said, pardon?) Maybe from Kass' perspective I'm mean and hateful but it's very stressful to have to backstab but I'm very grateful for what I have and I can't wait to get back to it.  Peanut M & M's anyone?  I'm so frickin' hungry!  (And she leaves it laughing, good for her.)  (Oh, and they showed that Tony even voted for Trish, so maybe swearing on his family does mean something to him.)

Next Wednesday, May 21st is the 2 hour Season Finale and Reunion show where they will name the next Sole Survivor.

Here is who is still in the running in the pools:

Tony Vlachos: Cara & Alex L., Sharon R. and Manny W.
Yung "Woo" Hwang: Heather G., Chandra K., and Cindi C.
Kass McQuillen: Bernice R., Sunnie C., and Krista H.
Spencer Bledsoe: Tori K., Alexis G., and Annemette J.

Have a great long weekend everybody!


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