Sunday, March 28, 2010

Amazing Race - March 28th Episode Recap


Last night on the Amazing Race the teams were starting out from the Champagne region of France – Louie & Michael (the Detectives) are the first to head out at 12:35am – they get the clue that tells them they’ll be flying 5Kmi to the Seychelles Islands – because of it’s remoteness all the teams will be on the same flight. Once they get to the Isle of Mahe, they must make their way on foot to a marked kiosk where they’ll take a number.
-Louie and Michael says they’re racing so much smarter, paying attention – Michael’s new mantra is “read the clue again” – if Michael can put up with Louie’s snoring, Louie can put up with ‘read the clue again.”
-Carol & Brandy next out 1:28am– Brandy is excited to be able to wear her bathing suit (ugh.)
-Steve & Allie are the next out – they have no idea where they’re going. Steve says the adrenaline in this race is as close as you can come to being in the World Series, he's very proud of how his daughter is handling herself out there.
-Cowboys also have no idea where Seychelles is at – but they’ll find it.
-Dan & Jordan – read they’ll have to take a number so know they’ll have to book it to the kiosk when they land.
-Lastly, Caite & Brent head out a good 4 hours after the Detectives – she butchers the pronunciation of their destination (but we know geography isn’t her strong suit) Brent says their lack of details and focus is hurting them. (Ya think?)

At the airport the Cowboys and Detectives decide to go to a restaurant and eat before checking in (Read your clue!) – the rest of the teams are getting their seat assignments close to the front of the plane.
-Brent & Caite are first off the plane and #1 at the kiosk – the first three teams (including Steve & Allie and Dan & Jordan) will go by helicopter to the Island of La Digue, the remaining teams will go one hour later. So the Lesbians, Detectives and Cowboys have to wait (bummer). On the island they’ll get the next clue.

-The first teams take off, each has their own helicopter so they are staggered – the islands, water, etc is just beautiful. Allie says a prayer of thanks for the experience (Oh, it’s like that is it…)
-Back at the airport Carol & Brandy (of course) are b*tching about the three strongest teams being 4th, 5th & 6th. They think Brent & Caite got lucky today.

-Brent & Caite land and get the DETOUR clue – Turtle Tottle or Ox Trot.
Turtle Tottle: Teams must use a banana to lure a giant tortoise (about 100yrs old and 500lbs) across the lawn (where they have lanes set out) then each team member has to pick up a large bunch of bananas, carry them 1 ½ miles to the harbour and deliver them to the fruit merchant to get their next clue.
Ox Trot: Teams must bring a cart to a clearing where they must load it up with coconuts without losing any cargo – then the ox-hand will attach an ox to the cart and teams must deliver the cargo to the harbour where the fruit merchant will give them their next clue.
-Brent & Caite choose Ox Trot – they get loading the coconuts and he’s being super positive, she’s surprisingly silent…
-Allie & Steve – Steve wants to go with Tortoise Tottle – the tortoise always beats the hare and he never met an ox he could trust. "Turtles are cool man." (Whatever you say, man.) They choose a tortoise that’s facing the wrong way and Steve drops their banana in with it… sheesh.
-Dan & Jordan decide to go with the ox.

-The next three teams are now on their way – the Cowboys say they’re not giving up until Phil tells them to leave.

-Caite & Brent have their cart loaded up – except the one coconut she bounced off the other side… Brent: If we get a good ox we’ll be able to get ahead. (You know they’re going to have to come back … they keep showing the one dropped coconut.)
-Allie’s got the tortoise moving forward and he’s making good time, for a tortoise.
-Dan & Jordan get to the carts just as Brent & Caite are leaving driving their ox-cart.
-Brent & Caite are arguing as they try to drive – Dummy – You’re a friggin’ idiot – No, you’re a friggin’ idiot (Ah, young love.)
-Allie & Steve get the tortoise across the line – Whoo! They’re stoked. They grab their bundles of bananas and take off … but leave their backpacks.
-Dan & Jordan – trying to load the coconuts – why does this pile seem to never end? (It is a lot of coconuts.)
-Allie & Steve pass Brent & Caite on foot since their ox has decided to stop moving for them. Brent says that’s what he was afraid of (why does each one of them have one of the reins? You both are dummies.) Allie is struggling with the bunch of bananas, it’s heavy and awkward and she has banana smooshed all over her shirt – eww.
-Dan & Jordan made sure they had all the coconuts in the cart before they headed out – but their ox decided to relieve himself just as they got in the cart – looked like both of them wanted to jump out - yuck! Jordan, “Oh, that’s gross.” (I’m with you buddy.)

-The Detectives have landed and decide to do the Ox Trot.
-Carol & Brandy – went to do the Tortoise Tottle.
-Cowboys – decide to do Ox Trot (no brainer there.)

-Dan & Jordan have named their ox Box in honour of their father who owns a packaging company and always says he makes boxes for a living. "Come on Box!" (Okay, that's kinda cute.)

-The Detectives are loading the cart.
-Carol & Brandy get to the tortoises and see Steve & Allie’s packs – they choose a tortoise and read that they’re not allowed to choose another one – great.
-Cowboys get to the ox carts and start loading – just like home, but they’re used to loading feed – not whatever these things are… (Yeah, at this point I’m not surprised Cord’s never seen a coconut.)

-Steve & Allie get to the harbour and hand over the bananas for the next clue – it tells them swim out to one of the marked schooners which will take them to St Pierre Island where they’ll get their next clue. Off they go.

-Brent & Caite still fighting and not driving – the brothers (Dan & Jordan) pass them and get to the merchant first and get their clue. The Merchant tells Brent & Ciate they don’t have enough coconuts and won’t give them the clue. “That’s crap, we did the whole pile!” They stand around and argue – Brent says he’s quitting. (Really?  I don't think we'll be that lucky.)

-Steve & Allie are heading out on the boat when they see Dan & Jordan on the beach with their packs. Allie realizes they should have their packs… (get the boat to turn around!) Steve says they have their money and passports in his fanny pack so he’s fine with abandoning the packs. She really wants her pack – no change of clothes or her make up. He says he’ll go back if she wants to but she’s beautiful and doesn’t need make up and they’ll lose their lead… (that's right, lead with the compliment to get your way...) but it is a race and she decides it must be God’s plan for them and lets the packs go.

-Brent & Caite finally get back in the cart and head back – she’s crying, do disheartened to be going backwards (this happens to them every leg, you’d think they’d learn, or at least be used to it by now… but no.) Caite – “This is so unfair!” she whines. (Yeah, whatever princess.)
-The Detectives have all their coconuts – Michael made sure, read the clue over, checked the coconuts over…
-Carol & Brandy get their tortoise out of the crate but he starts heading in the wrong direction and then bites Brandy (see, animals always know!)

-Allie & Steve get to St Pierre island and the boat captain gives them the clue for the ROADBLOCK – Treasure hunt (sort of).
One team member must head underwater and find a submerged case of 7 bottles – figure out how to untie them then bring one of the bottles up to the surface – the boat will take them back to the harbour where team members must then extract the puzzle/map from inside the bottle and work together to complete the map since it’s a map to the PIT STOP for this leg of the race.
-Steve is a good swimmer and jumps in for them – he makes quick work of retrieving the bottle and the boat heads back.

-Carol & Brandy’s tortoise is not interested in the banana so they decide to change tasks.

-Dan & Jordan get to the Roadblock and Jordan jumps in for them – he finds the bottles quick enough but he has to go down a couple times to untie the bottle then to retrieve it from the bottom after he drops it… d’oh!

-Detectives and Brent & Caite pass on the road as B&C are heading back to the coconut area – Brent & Caite are still bitter and yell at the Detectives, “He told us we didn’t have enough coconuts” (it was your own screw up, idiots.) The ox-hand is pointing at the one coconut they left behind – Brent – God, this is ridiculous. Caite – It’s so unfair. (It’s like she just said, “But, I’m pretty.” Everyone had to play by the same rules honey.)
-Cowboys are still loading the cart – they’ve never driven oxen before but Cord’s brother had a buffalo once (isn’t Jet his brother, who was he talking to there?) Carol & Brandy get to the ox carts just as Brent & Caite are leaving for the 2nd time and correctly surmise that they must have screwed up somewhere. The Cowboys are now ready to head out but they’ve missed a coconut (oh crap) they think they haven’t dropped any.
-Lesbians in last place – Brandy beans Carol with one of the coconuts as it bounces off the cart – by accident – Carol – Like I haven’t been stomped on enough (Little Mary Sunshine this one.)

-Steve & Allie get back to the beach and think they’ll be heading off to see Phil when a whole bunch of pieces fall out of the rolled up map. Steve is frustrated they have to solve a puzzle, he just wants to go… but they get it together quickly and head off.
-Dan & Jordan get in right behind them and get the map together.

-The Detectives get to the fruit merchant and get the clue to head out on the boats

-Cowboys catch up to Brent & Caite and pass them with their ox cart – Then Brent & Caite find some spark and pass the cowboys on the right but bump their cart – Hey, that should be a penalty… Brent & Caite get the clue this time and head down to the beach to get a boat.
-The Cowboys are told they didn’t load all the coconuts – “Are you serious?” Jet says he wanted to take that guy by the collar and show him all those coconuts really close… but Cord says okay, they jump back in the cart and head back to the coconut place.
-The Lesbians, meanwhile, are frantically loading – Brandy bounces one over the other side and quickly looks around the side but it’s under the cart and she doesn’t see it…

-The Detectives are now just ahead of Brent & Caite in the boat but their boat isn’t sounding very healthy… Brent is saying maybe one day things will go right for them – it’s all about luck (and reading the clue, and double checking) and Brent & Caite are able to pass the Detectives – Michael is frustrated because the boat is something they can’t control – Looks like Brent got his bit of luck after all. This pisses the Detectives off.

-Carol & Brandy head out in their ox-cart – Brandy isn’t very optimistic that they’ll have luck with the ox (way to think positive lady). They’ve left a coconut behind as well.
-The Cowboys pass the Lesbians on their way back so they know they’re in last place now – Brandy and Carol think that bodes well for them… Until they get told by the fruit merchant that they didn’t load all the coconuts – We’re done.  Carol blames Brandy – “I think when you threw them in some went over the side.” (Oh no, you ditn’t!) or as the white girls say, "It is what it is."

-Brent does the Roadblock for them – he gets a bottle even swimming holding a life jacket (weird, they don’t really mention anything about that) “Good job, Baby – I love you.” (Oh, it’s ‘baby’ time again.) He gets back to the boat and says “Baby, you just going to stand there or help me here?”
(Yeah, baby, Baby, baby, baby… I don’t know why that drives me – but it does.)
-Michael does the swimming for the Detectives and Louie breaks the bottle on the boat – they can’t do anything with the map until they get back to shore though.

-Carol & Brandy pass the Cowboys on the road again – Carol says they should have paid them to pick up the coconut they missed too – Cowboys now know they’re not in last – there’s still hope.
-The Cowboys get the clue to hit the waves and put on board shorts – new look for them but they know you can’t swim in jeans and a Speedo was out of the question. They put the hats back on as soon as they’re on the boat (ha ha.) Jet says they’re not worried about swimming, can’t load coconuts for sh*t, but they can swim.

-Brent & Caite and Michael & Louie all get back about the same time but Louie is not a strong swimmer and they fall behind in the water. On the beach Brent & Caite get the map together then share with the Detectives – they don’t want the Detectives gone, they want other teams out first so it makes sense for them to work together now.

-The Cowboys get to the Roadblock and Cord jumps in and is back with a bottle almost before Jet finishes reading the clue – the captain heads them back to shore and Cord tries to give him the bottle (Oh My Gravy! Keep the damn bottle!)

-Brandy does the swimming for them – Carol was supposed to do this Roadblock (I think) but she’s not a good swimmer (she’s going to have to start doing some of the Roadblocks though, Brandy can’t do them all.) They get the bottle and head in.

-Jet & Cord jump off the boat and head in to shore… without the bottle… they find Phil at the mat and he tells them they are the 5th team to arrive. Jet – Can you believe that? Over one stinkin’ coconut?
Phil – So, how did you guys find the Pit Stop? We just had an idea it’d be up the beach…
Phil tells them they will have to retrieve the bottle and bring the contents to shore before he can check them in… Jet looks like he wants to hurt someone but Cord – Okey dokey - Just takes off running. (Come on you two, get it together!)

-As they are swimming back out to their boat they see Carol & Brandy’s boat coming in so they know they’ll be behind them…
-Carol & Brandy get to shore, put the map together then go the wrong way…Cowboys swim back in and start for the Pit Stop…  (See, I can't even make any snarky comments - I was holding my breath the whole time at the end.)

Here’s How They Finished:

1) Steve & Allie – That’s official – This was the 7-Up sponsored leg so they will get an uplifting prize – dinner and massages on the beach, $7K each and all the 7-up they can drink. Allie – God has a plan, wants us to grow – however much longer we’re in the race without a backpack is worth it to me. Steve assures Phil he has their money and passports’ so going without a change of clothes and amenities is their choice.
2) Dan & Jordan – V for team #2.
3) Brent & Caite – just ahead of the Detectives
4) Michael & Louie – Phil tells Louie by the end of this he may actually be fit – Louie flexes his muscles and … oh my (Caite gasps) who would have guessed he had a physique like that hiding under there? Louie says they’re in it to the end.
Phil asks him who they want with them at the end – they say Brent & Caite (because they’re standing right there) and the Cowboys. They’d like Carol & Brandy to go because they’re so negative – bad vibe to have around. Caite pipes up that she’d like them gone too – they’re so rude and mean to her. Brent says, “Among the teams, it’s pretty anonymous…” Louie or Michael supplies, “Unanimous”… Brent – Oh yeah… (LOL - Those two totally deserve each other.)
5) Carol & Brandy – No Way! How the Hell…? Doesn’t matter, they’re so happy not to be last. (And I should be too, they’re my team after all… but I just can’t like them.)
6) Jet & Cord – Jet spikes the map down on the mat – “There’s your map” Phil tells them they are the last team to arrive… sorry to tell you… the next leg is going to be pretty tough – This is a NON-ELIMINATION round! (Phew! I can breathe again.  I wasn’t ready to see the Cowboys go – now get it together boys!)
Jet says champions don’t always come in first, they can get bucked off but get right back on. Once you hit bottom there’s nowhere to go but up.
Cord says he should write a country song.  Jet - I should (air twangy guitar…)
(See these two are naïve bumpkin gold!)

So, no one is out this week, we all have an Easter Reprieve.
And having just realized that it’s the Easter long weekend next weekend – I guess both Survivor and Amazing Race recaps will have to wait until Tuesday morning…Have a great week and long weekend everyone.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Survivor Heroes vs Villains - March 24th Episode Recap

Banana Etiquette

Last night on Survivor, the episode opened with the Heroes returning from voting out Tom…
Heroes – Night 14
-Candice voted with the majority to take out Tom because she didn’t want the rest of the tribe mad at her.
-Amanda is sick of Candice, she was gunning for James, now she has to go.

Villains – Night 14
-Everyone sacked out except Rob – Russell gets up to talk to Rob to ‘pretend’ make friends and make Rob think he’s not after him. “I don’t want us to be at each other’s throats.”
-Russell tells the camera he’s after Rob – “He’s threatening Russell Hanz and when you do that you go.”
-Rob tells Russell he’s marked cause he looked for the idol – Russell pretending he doesn’t have it – says he’ll look again when they get the next clue. Rob says if you have it, hold on tight.
-Rob tells the camera Russell’s out of his league – tried to make him more paranoid so he’ll run around like a crazy man. He’s playing with the big boys now. (I’m surprised that Island is big enough to contain these two egos.)
-Rob - I’m just saying watch your back man. Russell – chuckles – Yeah, you too man, watch your back. (I think I smell the testosterone through the TV.)

Heroes – Day 15
Treemail – Never lose hope, even when at the end of your rope.
-Colby wonders what it will mean for James – knows there will be challenges he cannot do because of his injury (and it sounds like Colby’s hoping this is one of them.)

-Villains are surprised to see James still there – Danielle says he must have a strong alliance.

Jeff tells them they are competing as individuals for individual immunity against their own tribe because BOTH tribes are going to tribal council tonight and both tribes are voting someone out.
-Each tribe will run the challenge separately. Each person will be attached to a long robe that is threaded through a series of obstacles they’ll have to climb over, under and around. The first person to the end wins individual immunity. (Let’s see how James does this one.)
-The two winners will then square off one-on-one and the winner of that heat will win, for their whole tribe, hot dogs, fixins and soft drinks, which they will enjoy as they listen in on the other tribe’s tribal council.
-Heroes go first – James is actually doing pretty well – Colby is stinkin up the place – but it’s CANDICE who wins the individual immunity. JT says she was the only thing keeping Colby there.
-Villains – It’s Rob, Tyson and Russell running this thing fastest and it’s BOSTON ROB that wins individual immunity. (Yay, I’m just glad it wasn’t Russell.)
-Showdown round – Rob vs Candice and they’ve added a couple more levels on this one… they’re pretty even until the end when ROB pulls ahead and wins the REWARD for the Villains.

Jeff tells them the Villains will go to Tribal Council first, do their vote then eat as the Heroes do their Tribal Council.
-Colby’s gut is telling him he’s going home tonight but you never know (I think Survivor has robbed Colby of the Cowboy Confidence that he had back in Australia… but he is still pretty.)

Villains – Day 15
“Rob takes the day” – Parvati flirtily, “Way to go Rob.” Rob – “Wow, I beat a girl.” (Oh, now, don’t make me hate you.)
-Parvati tells the camera that she went in thinking she had to win, then Rob wins, which puts him in a big position of power.
-Rob, Coach, Tyson, Courtney, Sandra & Jeri – gather round – Tyson says we vote Parvati – Rob interjects that they have to make sure they think it’s Russell though so he’ll play the idol.
-Coach is conflicted – pulled between Rob & Russell (and he’s loving it) – “We all know the Dragon-slayer is a man of his word and come hell or high water, that’s who he’s going for (Uh, didn’t he give them both his word?) He’s voting Parvati. (Oh, I guess the Rob word meant more than the bowing to Russell.)
-Rob talking to Russell – telling him if he doesn’t have the idol he better go get it. Russell - Are you telling me…? Rob – I’m telling you it’s better to play with me than against me. Russell looks like he wants to rip Rob’s throat out (like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse).
-Russell – I believe I’m going to get him to eat those words.
-Russell tells Parvati and Danielle what Rob told him. He knows they’re trying to flush out the idol but he ain’t that stupid, he’s going to vote Tyson and give Parvati the hidden idol. She looks shocked by that – he says if it doesn’t work, he goes home (like it’s no big deal. You know, I think Russell’s focus has shifted in this game, from winning to just beating Rob.)

Heroes – Day 15
-Colby needed an A+ performance and it didn’t happen – James, brace and all, did better than him. Colby addresses the tribe – says he knows he’s going home tonight so there’s no need for scrambling – let’s have a nice afternoon and let’s try to give them as little info as possible at Tribal. (Alright, he’s still a class act.)
-Colby is talking to James in the shelter – he says even though he hasn’t had much fun since he’s been there, he still loves the game. James – So do I, and you’re “The Great Colby”, if you turn it on and start winning we’d keep you but you got beat by a fat man (Rupert) and a cripple (James) so why should we keep you? Colby – I hear ya. (That’s it?)
-James says to the camera – he’s disappointed that Colby – his superman – sucks. All his muscles are gone, it’s sad to see a man give it up like that. Makes him want to cry.
-JT, Rupert, Amanda and Candice – shocked that Colby hasn’t stepped up – he was last in the challenge. Rupert says - but James eats them out of house and home – 4 bananas on the way to the challenge, 3 more when they got back. Amanda comes to James defense – James is a competitor, he’ll give his all until they win or his knee blows out. JT says they have to decide who’s going to keep their group the strongest 5 they can be.
-Amanda goes and tells James that he’s going to have to show everyone that he can run and that he has to stop stealing bananas. James – “What? Everyone eats bananas.” She says she’s just giving him a head’s up. (He really doesn’t get the banana thing) She tells him there is banana etiquette; if you get yourself one, offer to get everyone one. He’s shocked.
-James gathers Rupert and JT for the Hero Olympics – he’s going to race JT to prove that he can run. Meanwhile - Colby’s just lying in the water – la la la, he’s already home, or on vacation, I think.
-Rupert doesn’t want to see James go – James is a 100% ally, Colby’s not. James is a fighter, Colby’s not. James is POWER, Colby… is… not. (Yes, Rupert has a flare for the dramatic.)
-The race is on and JT beats James handily, while running backwards – but the point is that James is trying to prove to them how much he wants to be there and JT knows that James won’t quit.
-James, “Hey, JT, would you like a banana?” (LOL)

Villains – Day 15
-Rob has a realization – they have to split the vote – 3 for Russell, 3 for Parvati- then those 3 with vote someone (probably Tyson) and there will be a tie and a re-vote so one of them will be going home. Rob - We can’t lose that way. Tyson thinks the vote will be pretty straightforward tonight, it’s not rocket science, but anytime he doesn’t have immunity he feels uneasy.
-Russell comes up and pulls Tyson off by themselves – he tells Tyson that he realizes there is nothing he can do to save Parvati so, though it breaks his heart, he’s going to vote for Parvati tonight. Tyson says, “You need to.” Russell snows him a bit more (he’s not buying this is he?)
-Tyson thinks this may be the perfect opportunity to flop his vote to Parvati – he really wants her gone (WHAT?) He hopes there is not a re-vote, he just wants this over with and a hot dog in his mouth. (Stick with the plan!)
-Russell says the best thing for them to do is split their vote and do whatever they want on the re-vote – that would be a genius move, but he doesn’t know that they’re that smart. (Russell’s biggest flaw is that ego of his – oh, and he’s the Devil.) He doesn’t know if it is the right thing to give Parvati the idol – way harder this time.

Villains – Tribal Council #1
Jeri, going back to Season 2 – what is one significant way Survivor has changed?
- Get out here and its game on – trying to make alliances from the get go and it seems like the typical survival elements not as important.
Rob, what’s another thing that’s changed since Season 4?
- Hidden immunity idols – that puts a whole new twist on the game. You can use them to protect yourself, to protect somebody else – you don’t know if somebody has it or not…
Sandra pipes in – We know who has it…long pause… Russell, if you don’t have it and you didn’t find it – you best look for it – Point Blank.
Russell, at least one person is certain you have it and if you don’t that makes it tough for you…
- Not really – If you ain’t got it, you can’t play it – so it don’t make it too tough for me. (Except they’re all gunning for you.)
Tyson, do you think it’s better to have the idol or do you want nothing to do with it?
- I guess sometimes its good to have but when the numbers are this big still it’s not too beneficial.
Parvati, as a tribe you’ve done well – but there’s got to be things you’re suspect about each other – What’s your take on Tyson?
- He’s a threat cause he’s charming, funny, he’s got connections with Coach, JT on the other side – he’s tight with Rob, Sandra - he’s a huge threat.
Sandra, what’s the concern with Parvati?
- We keep coming back to that she has connections on the other side.
Courtney, what’s the take on Rob?
- He’s got a polarizing effect – they either like him or are very bugged by him – he’s at the center of controversy a lot of times.

Danielle votes for Tyson, Jeri for Parvati, Rob for Russell “Welcome to the big leagues”, Parvati for Tyson, Coach for Parvati “You’re so damn charming and connected, that’s why you’re so dangerous, Night Night.” (I just have to interject here that it has been a Coach-lite episode, I kind of miss the crazy.) Courtney votes for Parvati, Sandra for Russell “Can’t stand you and can’t wait for you to go.” And they don’t show Tyson or Russell’s votes.

Jeff asks if anyone is going to play the hidden immunity idol… And they go to Commercial! You Rotters! They come back and…
Russell get up, walks over to Jeff (everyone smiling) then… “No, not this way.” He turns and addresses Coach, “You always say loyal, honesty and trust are the best thing and I’m going to stick to that – Parvati” He hands her the idol. Parvati, “Are you serious? Guess I’m playing it.” She hands it to Jeff, “Such a gentleman.” (And such a bad actress.)
Any votes cast for Parvati will not count.
Russell – 1, 2
Parvati – 1, 2, 3… 4 – NO WAY! Tyson, you’re an IDIOT!
Tyson – 1, 2, 3 – TYSON is voted out of Survivor Heroes vs Villains (Because he’s STUPID! You should have heard me yelling at the TV.)
Rob looks very confused and pissed –he underestimated Russell and overestimated Tyson.
I think maybe I should start calling Russell Darth Vader (the evil Jedi that can sway weaker minds.)

So, with Tyson leaving prematurely (in my opinion) Sharleen H and Laura H are out of the pool because Tyson is a dumbass.

Tyson’s final thoughts: Oh man, I’m a victim of my own stupidity – wish I had stuck to the split vote – Russell would have gone home. Whatcha gonna do? I’m still pretty awesome. (No, you’re not – dummy.)

Heroes - Tribal Council #2
The Villains get to dig in once the Heroes get seated – James & Rupert drooling over the dogs – Yup, Rupert’s like a fat kid looking at a… hot dog.(haha)
It starts raining and James says at least it’s raining on y’alls parade.

Rupert, sitting this close to the Villains tribe is a reflection of where we’re at in this game – Heroes dwindling and other tribe is full…
- Literally and physically. Line has blurred between hero and villain now - the Villains are showing us how the game should be played.
James, today’s challenge, was there even a question about your ability?
- There were questions – I had to race JT and I lost so…Wait, you raced JT?...I want the best for the tribe and I don’t want to obligate anybody to keep me so we had a race and I sucked – Dude from Alabama beat me.
Amanda (who looks like she’s gonna cry – or is that just her face?) to be fair, I think a lot of people would lose in a foot race to JT.
- It’s something to consider – if we have a challenge tomorrow that’s running – it’s on everyone’s mind.
Colby, last few tribal councils you’ve been on the outside of conversations, in disagreement with the vote and you’ve said it’s only a matter of time – what do you do in this situation, can you scramble?
- I just went back and had a conversation with James about how we both want to be in this game – cause we’re the guy’s in question.
So James, you weren’t sure?(if he still wanted to be in the game)
- (Gesturing to Colby) This was pretty much one of the baddest Survivors ever growing up.
- Colby interjects – I’m not that old.
- James – You know what I mean. You got picked up and slammed by the Dragon-slayer, you got beat by a cripple and a fat dude – it’s like learning Superman was in a girdle. Honestly, do you want to be here? There are say-ers and there are do-ers and I’m a do-er. If you don’t want to be here, I’ll stay, cause I do.
I learned today there was banana etiquette – if you go get a banana, ask those around if they’d like one. In my world, if you’re hungry, go get a banana (Villains are loving this – Danielle and Parvati are laughing their butts off.)
Colby, what’s it like to hear James say you're like Superman in a fat suit?
- Not as bad as living it – let’s just say to this point I have not performed as well as I hoped to. (Is this guy for real? Where’s the fire man?)

TIME TO VOTE – Villains have to finish what’s in their mouths and get out!
James votes for Colby, Colby votes for James…

Colby – 1
James – 1, 2, 3, 4… (Wow, they got rid of James – And now I know why Amanda looked like she was going to cry the whole time – good poker face lady.) She tells James she loves him. JT tells him to have a shot for them – James – I’m going to be good & drunk in the next 5 minutes.

So, with James leaving that means Mike L and Brian L are also out of the pool this week. Bummer.

James parting thoughts: Hopefully this will spur Colby into being what the team needs. It’s a game and it was fun – I just have bad luck with injuries (and I think he was already drinking because that was all I got out of the mumbled mess.)

Preview of next week (which will be back on Thursday night):
Without an immunity idol nothing can save Russell from the wrath of Rob – “He’s like a suicide bomber; you can’t stop someone like that.”
Oooh, sounds good.

*Note, I will be going to the John Mayer concert next Thursday night so the recap will be delayed until the following Monday.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Amazing Race - March 21st Episode Recap

"Cathy Drone?"
Teams are heading out from the pit stop of a quaint NE French country town to another French town of Reims. In Reims they must find the only outdoor statue of Joan of Arc which is outside a gothic cathedral where the kings of France used to be coronated. There they must, “Listen for what they saw,” and get their next clues from a woman playing a saw by the statue.

-Michael & Louie are the first to head out at 7:47am – its cold like December in New England – they’re used to the temperature and conditions; Michael – We’ll own this continent.
-Allie & Steve next to leave, she can’t figure out the map (‘cause lots of people in the US don’t have maps and such, there as… Ah, making fun of Caite never gets old to me.)
-Cowboys are the next out – they have no idea where Reims is – looking for a business in this town of 37 people to ask directions – Jet – I’ll see if I can find us a 7-11 (and I think he was serious.)
-Dan & Jordan heading out at 8:17am, they just want to go somewhere warm – nope – staying in France. Speculate that “Listen to what you saw” could mean the statue speaks, like a pull string doll “Hi, I’m Joan of Arc.”
-Carol & Brandy – 8:39am – Want to have a country house in this little town – Carol thinks it would be a little quiet living there – but they could keep a flat in Paris for shopping (Actually, that sounds really nice.)

-Louie & Michael get to Reims – looking for the statue – Steve & Allie try to ask a native but there is a language barrier, Allie suggests maybe it’s Arc de Joan in French, like the ‘Ark De Tri-omphe’ (trying to get the mid-western twang in there.) Jet & Cord are also in Reims, looking for the statue.
– Dan & Jordan actually get out of the car and ask a woman on the street – she tells them the statue is at the cathedral – Jordan looks at her like she’s speaking a foreign language (which she is)… he says, “Cathy Drone?” (HA,ha haha) Dan gets it though – Oooh, Cathedral. Jordan seems put out that people don’t speak good English there (yeah, how dare they not speak English in France.)

-Caite & Brent are finally heading out at 9:48am – Brent is driving so maybe they’ll find Reims.

-Louie & Michael get out of the car and head to the tourism office.
-Steve & Allie find locals to take them to the statue – they see the woman playing the saw and get the clue – a champagne cork for LeClerc Briant Champagne - the local/guide tells them its in Epernay. Steve says he’d love a little bubbly (I think Dad’s a drinker.)
-At the Tourism office they tell the Detectives the statue is out on the square.
-Jet & Cord see the square and think – statues are usually in squares – they head in and hear the lady playing the saw – get the cork and know there is a town called Champagne about 40mi up the road, figure they’ll go there (NOOOO!)
-Louie & Michael are right behind them and get the cork and just head back into the tourism info centre to find out where to go (smart.)
-Dan & Jordan get to the statue and get the cork – they also head into the tourism centre and see Louie & Michael – they all find out the winery is in Epernay and head out.
-Carol & Brandy get the cork – Brandy is singing she wants some champagne (Ugh, shut it woman. I just can’t stand her – the chipper, sweetness is so fake – we know you’re not nice, stop trying to make us think otherwise.)

-Finally, 10:28am – Jeff & Jordan (team Big Brother) are heading out from last weeks pit stop. Jordan, “Joan of Arc, he carried all the animals…” Jeff, “She, it’s a she. [laughs] That was Noah.” They’re laughing – “At least we know why we’re in last place.” (At least they can laugh at themselves. I’m actually starting to like these two.)

-Allie and maps is not such a good combo – they’re stuck in a round-about – she can’t figure the map out.

-Michael & Louie and Dan & Jordan get to LeClerc Briant Champagne – a beautiful stone building – inside is the clue box and the ROADBLOCK – "Who’s ready to cave in?” Phil says they’ll have to learn how to party like its 1799. They must rappel 100ft down into the winery cellar and search among the racks of champagne for a marked bottle, and then they have to take off the cork with a saber which will cause the champagne to shoot out along with their next clue (which is in a vial in the bottle.)
-Jordan’s going to do the task for them and Louie for the detectives. Jordan’s going first and is ready to pee himself (not in a good way) when he sees the dark, narrow shaft he’ll have to rappel down (I’m going to leave that one alone, just reminding you, he is the gay brother.)
-Steve & Allie finally find the place and head in to see Dan waiting at the table. I think Steve has a rep as a drinker – Dan says it’s his kind of place. They decide Steve’s going to do the task for them.
-Jordan gets down and starts looking through the bottles – not sure where they’ll be marked and there are LOTS of bottles. Louie is making his way down the shaft now, he’s very quiet – I think he may be a-scart (scared). (The shaft is all stone and pretty well lit with rope lights, it looks kind cool actually.)

-Meanwhile – Jet & Cord get to Chalons en Champagne and finally ask someone where to go to find the place on the cork – the local tells them they’re in the wrong town – not just the wrong place – the wrong town. They look disgusted with themselves. Oh My Gravy! They now think they could be in last place because of this bonehead move – head back to Epernay.

-Jordan finds the marked bottle and now has to run up stairs – he takes the cork off with the saber and the clue in the bottle says, “Taittinger, La Marquetterie” – they need to figure out that it is a chateau and vineyard in a nearby village where they’ll find their next clue. Louie is now in the cellar looking through the bottles and Steve is heading down the shaft. (Every time a type that I giggle, I said ‘shaft’ – I’m so mature.)

-Brent & Caite are looking for the statue of Joan of Arc – maybe this one with the animals. Caite says Joan of Arc’s a guy – Brent, “No she’s not, why do you think her name is Joan?” Oh, I was thinking of someone else. (Sure you were, like NOAH! She totally thought Noah’s ark too – What do they teach these kids now-a-days? Oh my Gravy.)

-Louie finds a marked bottle and heads up the stairs (more cardio for the big man.) Steve is down and starts looking. The Detectives get the next clue – oh, here we go again.

-Brent & Caite – bicker, bicker, bicker – she’s such a pouty teenager. They finally ask and find out the statue is outside the cathedral – get in the car and snap, whine, pout, bicker (someone definitely peed in her cornflakes today.)

-Steve & Allie get the next clue and head out just as Carol & Brandy show up at the Roadblock. Brandy bitchy because she has to do all the heights things (you agreed to it, jeez) down she goes. Carol – “Hopefully she’s not in a piss-ass mood when she comes back up.” (I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one.)

-Dan & Jordan get directions at a tourism place – she tells them they have to go back to Reims – Jordan thinks the girl was so cute – it never hurts if you can find a good looking person that can give you directions. (Uh, okay… Of course pretty often does not equal smart in this race, but we’ll see.)
-Detectives stop at a hotel –there they’re told the place is in Pierry and the people offer to lead them there – follow that Porsche!

-Caite & Brent get the cork from the saw playing lady and head off.

-Brandy gets the marked bottle and the clue to the next destination.

-Steve & Allie stop and ask a guy painting a house where Taittinger is and he tells them Reims.
-Carol & Brandy get directions at a local business and she tells them it’s in Pierry. (Uh oh, I’m seeing a pattern here.)

-The Cowboys finally get to the Roadblock and are relieved to see they’re not last (still clues in the box) Cord is going to rappel down - he’s not too sure about it but down he goes, hat and all. Jet sees there have been four teams ahead of them by the opened bottles on the table – Not a good day for them, they started out in 3rd.

-Jeff & Jordan get the cork from the saw player and actually realize where they need to go (is it bad when I’m surprised when they don’t do something stupid?)

-Cord finds the marked bottle, heads up, knocks off the cork, gets the clue – Oh.My.Gravy – they can’t even read the French clue – they ask a woman passing by on the street and she tells them Taittinger is in Reims.

-The Detectives are following the nice Frenchman through France in a Porsche – doesn’t get any better than that. They are the first at the Chateau (so Pierry is the correct location) and they get the clue for the DETOUR: Tower or Terra.
In Tower – the teams must use 680 glasses to build a tower – 15 levels high with only one glass at the top – if they can figure out the equation and fill the tower with champagne without breaking any glasses they’ll get their next clue.
In Terra – they must search the barren vineyard – one square kilometer – for a bunch of grapes marked with the race colours – then bring them to the harvest man to get the next clue. (Both these sound really hard – what are they doing to them this season, wow.)

-Michael & Louie are both like bulls in a china shop so they decide to do the searching one (Terra) – but 1 sq Km is huge – oh man.

-Dan & Jordan get to Reims and the Taittinger HQ where they are told that the champagne is made there but the chateau is actually in Pierry – they are in the wrong town. Jordan – lesson here is don’t always trust a pretty girl. That’s how fast you can go from first to last.

-Back at the Roadblock – Brent does the descent into the cellar, finds the marked bottle, gets the clue and they’re back in the car – Caite’s pouting in the back seat that they didn’t even get to drink any champagne (Oh God, someone please smack her!)
-Jeff & Jordan get to the champagne cellar – Jeff does the rappel, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with a cave – they haven’t seen anyone but you never know, other teams could get lost or something.

-Steve & Allie get to Reims and Steve hits something with the car as he spots the Taittinger sign on the wall. Oops. He mangles the front bumper – we’ll have to fix that later – they head inside only to find out they’re in the wrong town. They take off in the car but the plastic is rubbing on the wheel and they have to stop and try to fix it somehow.

-Jeff finds a marked bottle, sabers off the cork and is the only one to take a swig before the guy can take the bottle away (atta bo-oy!) They get the clue for Taittinger and when they ask directions are told it’s in Reims too – they really can’t catch a break these two.

-Steve is trying to break off the rubbing piece of the bumper with his feet but it’s not working – have to call for a new car… or will they? Steve has Duct tape in his bag (which his wife made him bring) and he jimmy’s the bumper – we’ll see if it works (I’m with the wife, Duct tape will fix anything, temporarily.)

-Michael & Louie still searching the vineyard – going to set up a grid search when ‘ol eagle-eye Mike’ spots a marked bunch of grapes. He says, “If I can find crack in someone’s rear-end, I can find marked grapes.” (Ugh… ew.) They get the clue to the Pit Stop – L’Orrca, an historic mansion across town.

-Jet & Cord get to Reims and find out from a woman on the street that they have to go to Pierry… Man, wrong town, again. Cord says people pay thousands of dollars to take the tour they inadvertently took today… for free. (Way to stay positive – I love these two.)

-Dan & Jordan get to the Chateau and decide to do the Tower. Jordan says if you get a choice between a luck challenge and a skill challenge, always choose skill. (Hmm, I don’t agree, depends on if you posses that skill or not, I’d say.) He says they’ve seen their share of champagne towers at bar & bat mitzvahs they’ve attended over the years, should be no problem.

-Carol & Brandy get to the Chateau and choose Terra – to search out the grapes – Carol says, “There are very few grapes, I guess that’s a good thing.” (I don’t know- I see Brandy bitching and them quitting this one.)

-Caite is accosting people on the street demanding they tell her where Taittinger is – no one knows. (Maybe if you were nice and Oh, I don’t know, Smiled, they might try to help you – She is Miss Poopy-Diaper this leg.)

-Carol & Brandy searching and Carol finds a bunch of marked grapes. Wow, my prediction was totally wrong – and look at that, Brandy can smile. They get the clue and head out for the Pit Stop.
-Dan & Jordan still building the tower. (How’s that skill challenge coming there?)
-Steve & Allie get to the Detour and decide to search for the grapes. Steve, “Hopefully they’ll pop out at me like that curb did.” (Ha, he’s funny.)

-So, Caite & Brent are looking for the Detour and they see the Lesbians asking cops for directions to the Pit Stop but figure they are looking for the Detour too and decide to just follow them. Caite thinks they’re so awesome (serves them right.)
- They get to the Pit Stop right behind Carol & Brandy and Phil calls them down to the mat but they realize they haven’t done the detour yet – and take off, that’s twice now – The Lesbians glaring after them – wondered how they’d gotten there so quickly.

-Allie finds marked grapes and Dad says, “You may not be able to read a map but you’ve got eagle eyes.” Steve asks the guy with the clue if he’s a mechanic (but you duct-taped it, good as new.)

-Jeff & Jordan get to Reims and find out they’re in the wrong town – head back out.

-Brent & Caite get to the Detour and decide to search for grapes – oh, he decides and she doesn’t want to do it and acts like a sullen little sh*t (again) thinks he’s stupid… whine, pout, sulk. (How old is she anyway?)
-Dan & Jordan get a pyramid built but it’s only 12 levels – now what? They decide to stack 3 more glasses singly one inside the other to make 3 more levels (oh, that’s sturdy.)
-Cowboys get to the detour finally and decide to do Terra – they start running through the fields trying to cover as many rows in as little time as possible and they find marked grapes and are gone.
-Brent and Caite watch this and instead of copying their technique she uses this as an excuse to try and change tasks (she just wants to get her way) and stops helping him at all.
-Inside the brothers now have to try and pour the mother of all champagne bottles over their precarious tower and neither one of them is over 5’ 8” I’d guess. They get to stand on a box and he starts pouring, slowly and steadily… and it works! Good for them. They celebrate with one glass of champagne each and head out for the Pit Stop.
-Brent finally gives in the Caite’s bitchy attitude and they head in to do the tower. He calls her Miss Perfect and says he’s just going to do what she wants from now on because she’ll wear you thin to get her own way – they get the tower built but the top is not very sturdy and he starts pouring – on her direction, slower, slower – but the glasses still topple. They head back out to search the field.
-Jeff & Jordan show up and are excited to see another team’s still there – they decide to do the tower since Brent & Caite are in the field they figure it’s harder. Jeff starts stacking the glasses but they don’t even get it done and the glasses start toppling.
-Brent finds grapes and she’s finally seeing the light – Sorry Babe (Little late now.)
-Jeff & Jordan are searching for grapes with flashlights at this point- Jeff – “Why are we doing this? To teach kids to stay in school? (Hahaha.) Jordan finds a marked bunch…

Here’s how they finished:

Phil is standing with a mime at the mat; the mime is holding a sign welcoming them to Champagne-Ardenne

1) Michael & Louie – they won trips to Cancun, Mexico. They’ve come in first again – Michael says Europe has been fun, wishes they’d had this attitude in South America, maybe they would have done better.
2) Carol & Brandy – Phil wants to know if they’ll be the first all-female team to win – Brandy says she doesn’t want to jinx it but we’ll work really hard and do our best, then smugly, yeah, we’re gonna win. (Okay, I’m all for a female team winning the race and I even have this team in the pool but I don’t like them…sigh.)
3) Steve & Allie – Steve tells Phil he hopes he’s insured for the car. (Sheepish shrug - Eep.)
4) Jet & Cord – It was a scary day for them – glad they’re the middle of the pack at least.
5) Dan & Jordan – expecting to get calls for bar mitzvahs now for their champagne tower skills – but they won’t be cheap.
6) Brent & Caite – really frustrated and annoyed to be last.
7) Jeff & Jordan - ***ELIMINATED*** Doing this was priceless, they got to do fun stuff and she’d never travelled before – it was the best.

So, with Team Big Brother out of the race, that means Brittany & Sarah R, Bernice R, Steve H and Laurie W are out of the pool. Sorry guys.

Next week – they are heading to Seychelles islands (I think) and Brent & Caite continue to fight until he threatens to quit the race. (OOOhh, has that ever happened before?)

Have a great week everyone,


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Amazing Race - March 14th Episode Recap

I Think We're Fighting the Germans, Right?

At the end of the last leg in Hamburg, Germany the teams headed out on a mobile Pit Stop and rode a bus to an undisclosed location (somewhere in France.)
-Jeff & Jordan, who were spared elimination last leg, will face an additional Speed Bump this leg - Jeff almost guarantees they won't come in last this leg.
-On the bus, Joe is icing his knee - "Imagine what I could do if I wasn't running on one leg?" 
-Michael doesn't appreciate Joe's 'confident' (I'd say cocky) attitude.  He sees himself as bigger than he is and Michael'd like to see him go.
-The bus takes them to Les Monthairons (France). The next morning Michael & Louie are the first out (they believe they're in France.) They must drive themselves to the town of St Menehould and find a specific bakery, buy a baguette to get the next clue which is baked into the bread.  Michael says their police schedule has prepped them for this race, dirty clothes, eating little, lack of sleep.  They see a postal worker and get directions - who knows the streets better than a postal worker (smart.)
-Steve & Allie are the next out. He's 57, the oldest guy still in the race, Allie thinks he's rocking it so far.  What's a baguette?  It's bread.  I knew that.  Sure you did.
-Joe & Heidi next out - I think she's a bit of a princess - they have unconditional love and she's taking in the French countryside.
-Cowboys next out - we took the bus from Hamburg to here - they look around - wherever here is.  Cord - We need to buy a fresh 'bag-oo-ette', whatever that is.  Jet - I think it's a pastry, I wonder if we get to eat it. (I do wonder where these two are from - they seem so sheltered.)
-Carol & Brandy - Say, 'It's us against them - as a united front we'll do better." (We'll see if they can practice what they preach.)  Brandy says her French is getting mixed up with her Spanish - Franglish.
-Dan & Jordan are the next out and they do a little celebration dance when they see the car's an automatic.

The Detectives get to the bakery and get their baguette - Michael keeps asking if he has a clue as he rips the bread in half... and there is the clue baked inside.  It tells them to make their way to Le Main de Massige - were they'll find their next clue.
-Eating the best baguette they've ever had, they speculate if this is going to be a massage place - Far from it I'm afraid.
-Steve & Allie and Joe & Heidi looking for the bagel place (oh boy) Heidi gets directions from a local on the street and yells to Steve & Allie to follow them - these teams have each others backs.  They get the bread and quickly find the clues inside.  Heidi thinks it was worth it just to get the bread. (Mmm, bread.)

Brent & Caite finally start out - they stop at a gas station to buy a map (oh, the irony - many people in the US don't have maps and some such...) The guy gives them directions to keep going straight down...this road? (Oh, man.)  In the car, Caite says after they get the baguette she's going to eat the crap out of it (poor choice of words there.)

The Detectives get to Massiges and see guys dressed in vintage uniform and get the clue to the DETOUR - In the Trenches or Under Fire.  Dressed as American dough-boys, the teams must join their French allies in WWI and carefully pick their own battle - In the Trenches:  clamour into a WWI trench and choose a communication area, using only their field manual as a reference they must translate a message being sent to them in Morse code (over old earphones, with the battle raging around them.)
Under Fire: the teams get on their bellies in a muddy field booby trapped with barbed wire, then crawl 100 yards to a machinegun nest while the battle rages around them, they must receive a message from a French soldier then crawl back to safety.  In both cases teams must attach their message to a homing pigeon who will deliver the news to headquarters... that the War is Over - and they'll get the next clue.
-The Detectives not good with Morse code so they decide to crawl through the mud - Clue says 'Caution, U-Turn ahead' (Oh goody, drama.)  They go to get dressed up.

-Jet & Cord, Brandy & Carol and Dan & Jordan pulling up to the bakery.  The Cowboys get the baguette first, Jet bets the clue's inside, and it is - they run back out to the car as the other teams come in.  Jet can't get the clue unrolled however and the other teams pass them while Cord unrolls and reads it (ooh, lots of butchering of the French names tonight.)

-Caite & Brent get the bread and the clue - she's mouwing the bread - really glad it doesn't have any crazy crap in it.  Nice.

-Steve & Allie, Joe & Heidi get to Main de Massiges and get the clue - none of them want to attempt Morse de-coding - Joe insists he can crawl with his bum knee - they go to change for Under Fire.

-Detectives get to the field - It's crazy - explosions, tri-planes flying over, soldiers shooting nearby - Michael, "I think we're fighting the Germans?"  Louie - "WWII, French vs Germans" (close.)  Louie's a little out of shape - lots' of huffing and puffing and coughing up of lungs. (I feel ya, buddy.  Crawling with all the gear under barbed wire would be really tough.)

-Jordan & Jeff finally head out (good 2 hours after the first teams)  They believe they're the best.  She's driving but doesn't understand the streets and they keep going in circles - She gets upset that they're so behind.  He's saying they can't get down now - they just started.

-Michael urging Louie on - Cardio, cardio, cardio - come on Louie.  This is the coolest (It really is an elaborate and cool Detour.)  They get the message and have to head back - give Louie a second to catch his breath (is his face supposed to look like a tomato?  Don't have a jammer man.)

-Steve & Allie and Joe & Heidi are heading out to the field, Joe is urging them on ahead as he's limping with his knee and it's slowing him down - but he'll get there.  At the task, Allie & Heidi a little scared with the explosions and planes flying over - it's like real war.  The Detectives pass them going back the other way - Hey Fellas.

-Brandy & Carol and Dan & Jordan get to the Detour - they all choose Under Fire.  We're crawling, Carol - OMG, we're going to get dirty.

-Detectives send their message off (as Louie coughs up alung) and they get the next clue which tells them to head south down the road to get their next clue.  They get to the Blind U-Turn where they can force another team to complete the second Detour task and don't have to put their picture up (but they're the first ones there so it'll be obvious anyway - if they use it...) And they choose to U-Turn Joe & Heidi! 
-During the bus ride they heard Joe saying none of the other teams worried him and they think he needs to be taken down a peg.  Louie - He needs to be humbled - period.

-Detectives get the next clue to march into town and find the Church de Massiges to get the next clue.

-Brent & Caite see 'some kind of flying things' (those would be airplanes) as they are driving to the Detour - they decide to do the crawling through the battlefield - she feels like she's modelling out of style army clothes in the outfit (She should just not talk - I'm really not seeing her as any smarter than I originally thought.)

-Dan & Jordan heading out to the battlefield - Jordan suggests they start running like someone's actually after them - Dan's game - but then Jordan gets tired and snaps at Dan for making him look bad (?) (Who's the whiny baby?)  They get to the crawl and Dan says he's having so much fun right now (I bet a lot of little boys would have loved this task.)
-Carol's sock (I think it's a foot wrap thing) is all messed up and as she stops to fix it the Cowboys run by them - See ya!  (Ha ha, I love them.)  Not happy to get passed, especially by the Cowboy.
-These three teams are now all crawling under the wire.

-Jeff & Jordan finally get to the bakery - they get the baguette and Jeff's asking for the clue - No, that's it.  What do I have to do, eat it?  He takes a bite, and then rips it in half - OH... They take off for Le Main de Massiges.

-Steve & Allie, Joe & Heidi sent their messages and head down the road where they learn Joe & Heidi have been U-Turned.  Joe - I never imagined we'd be U-Turned (Shouldn't have been running your mouth then.)  The crawl did a number on his knee.  Heidi thought Michael & Louie were nice guys and they got along (then you're not very observant.)  Joe's looking forward to giving them difficulties now... they head to the Morse code task.

-Detectives get to the Church where, inspired by the inaugural Tour de France in 1903, they'll wear traditional riding gear and ride antique bicycles built 100 years ago on a 4 mile course to the Pit Stop. (Oh boy, I hope Louie can make it...) Actually Louie is doing much better on the bike - Michael says if they can get rid of Joe, that's a good day.

-Back 'In the Trenches', Joe & Heidi are trying to hear the Morse code message - think it's probably the same as the message they got from the other task so try "Vive Le Liberty" - Nope, that's not it.
-Back at the crawl, Dan & Jordan and the Cowboys get the message and head back.

-Jeff & Jordan now driving through the countryside, not sure where they're going - they ask directions - Jordan whining - we were just here.  Jeff - we'll never catch up with this attitude.

-Brandy is still crawling through the wire - all her gear keeps getting stuck - she's so pissed off about this right now (Oh, negative-Nelly, get over it.)  She never wanted to roll around in the dirt and be a boy, this wasn't what she signed up for (Me thinks she's got some gender role issues that this Detour is stirring up.)
-Brandy, still beaking off to Carol about how pissed she is to be crawling through the dirt on their way back now - "Smart people do Morse code, dumb people do this" and they cut to Caite & Brent (Hahaha!)  Caite, "whoo, this is cool!"  Brandy, "See what I mean."  (Wow, she really is a pompous cow.)
-Caite, "Those mean lesbians, let's gain speed on them."

-Joe & Heidi trying again with the Morse code - she's frustrated seeing the teams behind them finish - Joe says it gave him a drive to see it through (whatever, you're not as good as you think you are, Coach.)

-Steve & Allie head out on the bicycles - she looks so cute with her fake French moustache.

-Michael & Louie win the Tour de France and are Team #1 for this leg again.  They both won a 55in HDTV.

-Dan & Jordan still in uniform, walking to the church - Jordan, "I don't like guns, I like swords." (Hahaha, holy double entrendre.)  The Cowboys come up on them and jog on by - they saw the opportunity and took it - Dan & Jordan don't think it's that big a deal at this point but if it proves to be, they won't let anyone pass them- next time.

-The Cowboys get on the riding costume - Oh, hey - they don't have their cowboy hats on, I wonder if Jet tried to get it on over the helmet and this mushroom hat.  On the bikes Cord says why he likes horses better than bicycles - you don't have to pedal horses.
-Dan & Jordan, also on the bikes, Jordan - "Do I look like Lance Armstrong or do I look like Lance Armstrong?" (Nope, you look pretty ridiculous actually.)
-Carol & Brandy on the bikes in costume, complete with moustaches (I wonder what Brandy thought of that...) she snaps at Carol that she takes spin classes she should be kicking her ass at this - Thanks for that sweet tone. (Yup, she's a sweetheart.)

-Joe & Heidi still having trouble with the code - Heidi is ready to cry.
-Brent & Caite can't figure out South - go South down the road - do they mean that direction or just go that way?  (What? What else can 'Go South' mean?)  They look at the compass on his watch and turn around.

-Jeff & Jordan finally get to Massiges and have to do their Speed Bump - to Reinforce a section of the trench using branches - once the army engineer is satisfied they can go on to the Detour and try to make up lost time.  Jordan can't get her uniform sorted - whines the hat is too big, her boot's untied, her foot wrapping is dragging along - Jeff is disgusted, she's wasting so much time.

-Brent & Caite get to the Church (missed the U-turn clue box altogether) - get the clue to the Pit Stop - head out on the bikes.  She says, "We did good today, baby." (Oh no, they're the 'baby' team, there's one every season.)

-Jeff & Jordan finally get to the trenches for the Speed Bump and see Joe & Heidi there - excited that they may still have a chance.  Joe & Heidi try the code again - Vive Le Victoire?  Nope.

-Jeff & Jordan get the speed bump done and are heading out to do the crawl - Joe & Heidi know how long that should take them so they try with renewed vigour - Vive le France?  No.

Here's How they Finished:
1) Michael & Louie - Phil asked them about using the U-Turn - Michael says, "There are sheeps and wolves and we're wolves.
2) Steve & Allie - Second again (they seem nice but they are still pretty boring.)
3) Jet & Cord - Back in the top 3 - good for them.
4) Dan & Jordan - bickering on the bikes but happy with fourth place.
5) Carol & Brandy - giggling with Phil about the silly moustache's - the humour kicks back in when they're not racing but Brandy is still a b*tch.
6) Brent & Caite - HOWEVER... they missed the clue after the detour so they have to go back and get it before Phil can check them in.  They get back on the bikes and head back to the church...
-They get back to the U-Turn - Gasp... oh good, we weren't U-Turned - they grab the clue and head back again.

-Jeff is frustrated with Jordan's lack of focus and lack of urgency in trying to win a million dollars - yells at her to put her boobs on the ground and drag them over here.

-Joe & Heidi - she's crying - We're not stupid people, it just goes so fast.  They try "The War is Over" - Nope, they're still not going anywhere. 

6) Brent & Caite - were able to return before any other team finished and were still team # 6.
7) Jeff & Jordan - know they're both hard-headed and hope they can learn to bend to do better in the race.

And finally Phil goes 'In the Trenches' and tells Joe & Heidi that all the other teams have checked in and they are ELIMINATED from the race.  They know it was Michael & Louie who U-turned them and Joe's not happy about that but it's part of the game.  They just can't believe Morse code did them in. Didn't think it'd end so soon but they had a great time anyway and so happy they have each other.
*I can't believe I forgot to put this in originally - Phil told them the phrase they had to de-code was:
We Will Prevail, Vive la France.  - I think that was the impossible task.  Why did they make it so long?
I'm not sorry to see Joe & Heidi go, they weren't my favourites, but making that task the U-Turn was kinda mean, in my opinion.
So, wow, that was a surprise elimination this week - with Joe & Heidi eliminated, that means, Denise R, Lindsay J, Christine I and Chiquita D are all out of the pool.  It was the 'Most Shocking Elimination Ever' well, almost - I don't remember Phil having to go out to uncompleted tasks twice in one season before - it's tough going this time around.

Preview of next week - Brent & Caite clash (fighting) then crash (ruin a champagne glass pyramid) Uh oh, trouble for the pretty people.

Have a great week everyone,


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Survivor Heroes vs Villains - March 11th Episode Recap

Knights of the Round Table

The episode opened with the Heroes coming back to camp from voting Cirie out.
Heroes - Night 11
-Colby - "Tonight, JT is a hero." Colby thought his days were numbered but he pulled it out.
-JT says to the extremely quiet tribe that he hopes they realize he did it for the team and not for himself.  Cirie stays loyal until it gets rough after the merge and the way things are going it's gonna be rough. 
-Rupert - I'm a lot pissed off right now - don't know about JT anymore.

Heroes - Day 12
-Amanda is asking JT what's up with everything now.  JT - "They think I saved them, I didn't. I got rid of Cirie when I had the chance and I swear I'll never turn on you guys.  I swear, I swear... You don't believe me?"  Amanda says to the camera that she sees right through JT, he's made 20 alliances already - if he wants to play that game - bring it on.

Villains - Day 12
-Coach is leading the tribe in "Dragon Slayer Chi" - his own special form of meditation and movement.  There are 8 of them out on the beach... everyone but Russell.  They all seem into it but Coach is so in his glory and they are still laughing at him.
-Russell is not into that meditation crap.  He's looking for the hidden immunity idol - very important tool - he's going to find it... and he DOES!  Russell says everything changes - Rob is not in control of this game right now - this is my key.

-Three tribe members will battle for balls in the pit - hand them up to their tribemates on the platform who will then shoot them across the pit into a basket - First tribe to 2 points wins Reward: A feast of chocolate at a secret watering hole... and to whet their whistles Jeff gives them a plate with a little piece of chocolate for each of them.  The Villain girls are all over that plate like jackals - the Heroes show nothing but disdain - they give the plate back to Jeff untouched.
Jeff calls Colby on that - what's with the attitude? Colby basically tells him 'We don't need your stinkin' chocolate' bring on the challenge.  Jeff says we'll start the challenge when I'm good and ready.  The Heroes are just a little TOO intense.  The Villains think they're being ridiculous.
The Villains sit out Sandra, Courtney & Parvati and Heroes sit out Colby (What? After all the steely-eyed stuff - What happened to Colby? He seems to be all talk, no action.)
-And they start - Heroes get all the balls - they start shooting - James is in the pit chasing the balls and he twists his leg and boom, he's down.  Medical comes in and pulls him from the challenge - he can't bear weight, he's stretched the ligament on the outside of his knee and it keeps popping out - Ewww!
-Due to James injury the Heroes will now have to compete one man down (I guess they can't use the spare) and they start from the top again.
-Amanda gets the first point for the Heroes - they switch up who's in the pit and on the platform.
-JT & Coach are wrassling and JT slams him down pretty hard on his back.  Tyson gets the next point for the Villains and Rupert & Jeri are tussling over a ball and he swings her off, face first, into a post.  Whoa! Stop! Right away you could tell Rupert felt awful, he didn't do it on purpose - he's trying to help Jeri up and apologizes but she's having none of it, "Whatever."  She's fine, there's no blood... and you know, you're playing with the big boys, you can't expect special treatment.
-It's tied and they switch up again - JT blocks a shot with a ball so Rob does that back - Heroes almost get one but it's JERI with the 2nd point who wins Reward for the Villains!
-The Villains leave for the reward and the Heroes are sent back to camp without James who Jeff holds back to get looked at more closely.  Medical is going to splint James' knee and see if he can walk, she's (the doctor's) worried he's stretched the ligament enough that it may take him out of the game.

Villains - Reward
They attack the spread of chocolate cakes, cupcakes, candy, cookies, chocolate bars, etc.  Russell - We got 2 good things - getting rid of the big boy (maybe) and chocolates. Jeri - it's a mix of chocolate euphoria and sickness.  Oh, HOW COOL - the watering hole is a cave/hole in the middle of lush greenery - I want to go to there! 
-Sandra, Jeri, Rob, Coach & Tyson are swimming in the cave and discussing Russell having the idol.  They know he dug for it all day yesterday and are sure he must have it.  Rob says there were no idols when he played the game so it's all new to him - They agree they have to flush it out - they have to vote for Russell.
-Back up at the feast, Russell tells Parvati that things are changing cause he has the idol - she cheers him- thinks it gives her strong footing because they still want to vote her out, she thinks Russell is a great ally.
-Russell tells her to grab onto his coat-tails.  Parvati - I don't ride coat-tails baby.  Russell - Oh you'll ride these (this must be before he got the results of his loss to the last chick that rode his coat-tails.) Russell tells Parvati that he's going to tell Coach and she agrees he's a scared little puppy, he'll go along with them - then they'll blindside Rob.  Parvati - Yay!
-Russell approaches Coach, tells him he has the idol so WE have the idol. Coach is surprisingly silent but he gets a stupid little smirk on his face (I can smell his brain working.)  Russell tells him they can do whatever they want - blindside whoever they want - he doesn't have any problem giving it to him to keep his numbers.  -Coach - Wants to play with Boston Rob but he's so flattered that Russell trusted him with this (Don't be stupid, he's the DEVIL.)  If you give me your loyalty, it's almost impossible for me to betray that trust.
-Coach falls to one knee and bows to Russell (OMG! You IIIiiidiot!) Like Knights of the Round Table this is a monumental moment.  Russell faux knights him - and gloats to the camera that Coach bowed to him like the King he is - The King and the Dragonslayer.  Russell says it's personal with him and Rob, Rob doesn't know who he's dealing with.  Let's do this.

Heroes - Day 12
-Amanda's crying about James maybe being out, doesn't know what she'll do if he doesn't come back.
-Rupert & JT speculating that he's been gone too long.  Tom says he's not rooting against a team member but it's good for him if James is hobbled.  And who should come limping up the beach with his leg all wrapped up but James - cue epic music and Amanda runs to him like a dork.  They all come down and meet him on the beach and welcome him back.  James hopes his alliance keeps him there long enough for his knee to heal.
-Candice says if we lose the next challenge, no question, James has got to go - can't lug around dead weight and he's a lot of dead weight.

Villains not happy to see James - Coach plays lip service to being happy cause he doesn't want to see such a worthy competitor go out like that. (Yes, I rolled my eyes.)

One person will be the caller, the other tribe members will be blindfolded and paired up - the caller must guide the other tribe members to retrieve large puzzle pieces - once they have all the pieces the whole tribe works together to complete the puzzle and win Immunity.
Villains sit Tyson and Danielle.
James is calling for the Heroes and Jeri is calling for the Villains.  The blind mice head out onto the field and there is lots of bumping, tripping, falling but they are getting the pieces back to their mats.  The Villains were ahead one piece until the last one and the Heroes take over the lead - the Heroes start on the puzzle first and the Villains still struggling to bring in the last piece.  But once the Villains get the blindfolds off and start on the puzzle, its game over.  Villains are so good at puzzles - they win Immunity - again!
-James is gunning for Tom - I got us there even with a bad knee - he causes confusion in the challenges.

Heroes - Day 14
Tom - to the group - "it's been established that they have us beaten in the puzzles." JT - pretty much everything but sumo wrestling.  The group breaks up and Tom says to Colby, "Now the conniving begins."  Colby thinks it's gotta be James, thinks JT will go along with that too.
-JT, Candice & Rupert - Not changing our alliance, it's Tom.  Candice - Why? It doesn't make sense, James can't even run.  Rupert - If that's your criteria you should have voted me out (Don't push it big man.)  Candice - thinks it's a really risky move (Keep talking girly and you're next - didn't she learn anything from Cirie's ousting?)
-JT says to the camera that logically he should vote out James tonight but he knows if he tries anything snakey tonight he'll be out of the alliance with Amanda, Rupert & James.
-Rupert goes to Amanda & tells her Candice is pushing hard for James - going on strength she's the weakest (Nope, that'd be Amanda in my opinion) Let's vote Candice out (see, that's what I thought.)
-Rupert still says Tom but he'll do Candice - Amanda thinks Tom tonight then Candice - JT's still with us right?  I don't know.
-JT talking to Candice - Logically, James should go, we're in control right now - we can sway the numbers.
-Rupert and Amanda are depending on JT even though he didn't vote with them last time but he can't cross them again - right? (Yup, the Villains are smarter.)
-JT & Candice go to Tom and tell him they won't vote Tom since James is injured, he's the logical choice.  Tom's happy to hear that. 
-Rpert asks JT who he's voting and he tells Rupert he's sticking with them and voting Tom - I'm with you.  Rupert tells Amanda & James that JT swore he was with them.
-Colby & Tom also know JT's the swing vote - Colby asks him where he's at and JT says he's voting James - it makes all logical sense.
-Colby says everyone is looking to JT for a vote cause he's so wishy-washy, he's obviously playing the hand that suits him today (Duh!  That's how you play the game dummy - that's why JT's won before and - oh, that's right - Colby hasn't.)  "If he's making deals with everyone - I can guarantee it'll come back to bite him." (You hope.)

James, what happened at the Reward Challenge?
 - It popped.  It doesn't hurt, it's just not listening.
Rupert, this is unusual to have a player still in the game that is basically immobilized.
 - James still has strength, I want to believe he'll be okay (Tom is shaking his head at that.)
JT, do you understand why James is putting his best foot forward and arguing to stay?
 - Of course.  I'd never say vote me out due to an injury - I don't care if I had a cast and my leg was broke.
- What's the level of concern that his spirit is there but he can't perform.
 - It's a huge concern - we gotta win - our backs are against the wall.
James, what happened at Immunity Challenge - you got them there first...
 - Everybody was doing their own thing, went willy-nilly and tried to do the puzzle on each side.  He calls out Tom & Candice as the one's that screwed up the puzzle.
-Candice pipes up that James is just mad because they were thinking about whether or not it makes sense to keep James with his bum knee.
-James tells her she's just hustling for her next thing (Huh?) He's over both them'all.
Tom jumps in - says all this pretense about James' physical condition and 'we think he'll be alright' is all nonsense - he's being kept because he's a loyal vote.
Amanda jumps in now - Looks like Tom is pointing the blame but he tried to vote me out and I'm not weak (just mentally) so it's vice versa (I don't think so, this is so not about you.)
So Tom, fingers being pointed at you as one who doesn't shut up and do what he needs to do...
- That's James voting strategy - shuts up and votes who he's told to - if he's quiet during challenges it's because he doesn't know what's going on. (I don't agree there.)
JT, is James right?
- No.  We shouldn't point fingers cause none of us have won. (James doesn't like that.)
Tom, last week you played the hidden idol because you were rightfully concerned, are you concerned tonight?
 - Of course, unless a few genuine people vote for the team, for our strength and unity and not for the numbers.  If they think James with a busted knee will do more in challenges you're not being sincere.
James pipes up - If you think that guy can out perform me - vote me out - go ahead - we'll be cool.

Tom votes for James - All mass, no class.
James votes for Tom - no words.

Tom - 1, 2
James - 1, 2
Tom - 3, 4 ... TOM is the next person Voted out of Survivor Heroes vs Villains.
"Be safe out there guys."
So, with Tom leaving that means, Virginia D. and Janine S. are out of the pool. 

Tom's final thoughts - he's bitterly disappointed to be out of the game - got caught on the wrong side of the numbers early and despite his best efforts he couldn't get back.  Doesn't think James is up to snuff, hopes they think they could have used Tom.  Good luck to them.

Next week is March Madness so the next new episode of Survivor will be in 2 weeks on Wednesday.
Preview: Boston Rob becomes Russell's judge, jury and executioner.  Rob tells them, "It's Russell."  But Russell has other ideas. "You threaten Russell Hanz and you go."  They tell each other to watch their backs.  Oooh, how delicious - and for the record, I'm on Team Boston Rob!

Have a great weekend everyone,


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Amazing Race - March 7th Episode Recap

We Are No Longer in the Bible Belt (Germany)

The episode opened with the Cowboys getting the clue to make their way to Hamburg, Germany - they will have to fly 8000mi to Frankfurt, then take a bug on to Hamburg and find Jungfernstieg St to get their next clue (which looks like an Intersection.)
-The Cowboys apparently aren't used to the lights of a city and think a couple scantily clad women on the street are people they could ask for directions (Oh my Gravy) - they go to a travel agency and find out the first flight out is the next day at 11am - about 11 hours for them to wait and for all the teams to show up at the airport and head out on the same flight.
-The Detectives are sick of being at the back of the pack and are going to change that.
-Carol & Brandy - their word of the day is 'respectful' (We'll see how long that lasts.)
-Dan & Jordan - Dan hates to travel; he is on the race to help make his brother's dream come true. (Aww)

-There are actually 3 different connecting flights the teams get on - The Cowboys and Detectives are on the first flight that reaches Frankfurt so they get their tickets for the train and while they are waiting the second flight gets in with Carol & Brandy and Dan & Jordan on it - they have 3 minutes to catch the train and madly scramble through the airport - but they miss it... which made Carol mad and Brandy cry (is it bad that it makes me happy to see her cry?)
-While they are waiting for the next train the last airplane lands and the rest of the teams catch up - Jordan is kind of relieved, he likes having the other teams in sight.  Carol is pissed off - they could have been ahead of them all.

-The Cowboys get to the next clue box in Hamburg - It's a Roadblock and an Intersection - teams must mutually agree to join forces with another team to complete the challenge - So they start yelling for Louie (since the Detectives still haven't 'detected' the clue box - where were they?)  The Detectives run over and they all read the Roadblock - Who's ready to reach new heights?  Jet & Michael are going to do the task together; they have to bungee jump in the heart of the city (which means they have to take off on the Metro to the bungee place, leaving their partners behind.)  Jet says, good thing Michael was there cause he thought 'metro' meant city.
-The rest of the teams get to Hamburg - Joe & Heidi choose Steve & Allie to partner with because they are both from good families, good people sticking together (burn to the lesbians there).  Joe & Allie are doing the bungee jumping and they use a local to direct them to the Metro and on the right train.
-Brandy & Jordan hit it off, Dan thinks Carol's like the lesbian aunt he never had - they are teaming up for the intersection.  Brandy & Carol had gone bungee jumping in prep for the race and had pre-agreed that Brandy would do all height things - unfortunately for Brandy she never, ever, ever, ever wanted to bungee jump again. (Too bad.)
-Brent & Caite and Team Big Brother also teamed up for the intersection - the girls are doing the jump which means they have to try and get themselves there on the metro - but it's okay, Caite lives in New York... they get on the wrong train. ('Nough said.)

-Jet & Michael see the lit up cranes - Oh My, that's really high - Jet does the jump with his hat on, "A real cowboy never takes his hat off." And the damn hat actually stayed on!  He is magic (or staples?)  They get the next clue but they're not allowed to open it until they get back to their partners.  They head back.
-Joe & Allie are the next to the bungee - Joe's got a bad knee.
-Brandy & Dan show up too, watch Joe & Allie go - lots of screaming from Allie and Joe thinks he felt his knee dislocate (can it do that) but it's fine now.  Brandy's pretty sure they're going to die.

-Cowboys & Detectives are reunited and they now have to find the statue of Kaiser Wilhelm to get the next clue and they are no longer intersected.  Detectives hop in a cab and the Cowboys head to the metro.

-Back at the bungee - Brandy almost loses it but Daniel was such a gentleman, he kept reassuring her they were fine (probably afraid she'd puke on him) it was all good though.  Caite & Jordan were they waiting for their chance to go last.

-Michael & Louie get to the statue and clue for the Detour - Soccer or Sauerkraut.
In Soccer - teams make way to 100yr old stadium and have to kick soccer balls hitting 5 targets suspended in the goal - once they hit all the targets, they'll get next clue.
In Sauerkraut - they have to go to a restaurant and eat a huge plate of sauerkraut before the band finishes playing the Sauerkraut Polka.  If they can do it they get the clue - if not, they'll have to do it again.
-The Detectives choose the sauerkraut; Michael has no worries about an eating challenge.

-The Cowboys realize they've taken the long way by taking the metro - kicking themselves.
-Joe & Heidi and Steve & Allie reunited, read the clue to go to the statue and take taxis (good choice.)
-Caite & Jordan jump and there's surprisingly no screaming - Caite said she loved it, the best thing she's ever done in her life.

-The Detectives get to the restaurant - Huge plate of sauerkraut put in front of them, the band plays and Michael inhales the stuff - he's an animal!  They get the next clue to go to Haifish bar - where they have to drink a bootful of beer - that's one huge beer.

-Brandy & Dan get back to their partners and head on to the statue by train.
-Jet & Cord finally off the metro and get to the clue box at the same time as Joe & Heidi and Allie & Steve - where did you guys come from?
-Cowboys choose soccer - need to find a cab this time.  Other teams still have their cabs and have also chosen soccer - they head out.

-Teams Big Brother and Miss Teen USA have reunited and read the clue to go on to the statue - they all hop on the metro.

-Detectives seem to have stolen the Cowboys mojo this leg - they are at the bar and sharing their boot of beer - Michael doesn't drink beer but that seems to be Louie's forte - He starts chuggin!

-Steve & Allie start on the soccer - not that easy.  They have to shoot from the foul line and hit 5 different targets - have to get the balls up to hit the higher ones - Steve & Allie are pretty athletic though and they start hitting targets.
-Joe can't get the ball up in the air, his knee is killing him... this could take awhile.

-Big Bro and Teen USA get to the Detour clue - Brent & Caite decide to do soccer and take off on foot for the field (huh?).  Jordan & Jeff (or Jeff) decide to do Sauerkraut - she's not so keen and I'm not sure if he actually knows what sauerkraut is.

-Steve & Allie finish the soccer - Joe & Heidi haven't hit one target so decide to change tasks - Steve hesitates and Joe tells them to go on to first place. (Cheerleader Joe.)
-Cowboys get to the soccer field and start hitting targets - never played before but adjusted off their first kicks - okay, maybe they still have some mojo.

-Louie is chugging and burping - the eating and drinking tasks seem to be right up their alley this leg - they get the next clue - head to the Beatles-Platz a monument to the Beatles who got their start covering pop songs in Hamburg.  They'll then run through the red-light district searching for the Indra club where the Beatles played - it's the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

-Dan & Jordan and Carol & Brandy finally get to the statue - boys decide to do soccer and girls decide to do sauerkraut.
-Brent & Caite are lost and wandering, looking for the soccer field - she has a little spaz.
-Big brother is lost - their cabdriver has taken them way out of town.  Jeff, "Is this the hamburger place?" "Ja, this is Hamburg."  Oh boy. 

-Detectives get back in their cab and Louie is feeling the beer - Edga, their female cab driver, tells them they're heading to the red-light district where there are lots of bars and sex shops.  Hey, Sex Shops! (Yeah, they're a little drunk.) They get to Beatle-Platz and find the Indra club - and are come in First for this leg of the race!  They win $5K Discover cards to use on anything they want.

-Steve & Allie get to the bar and Steve's ecstatic, he's been going on about wanting a beer the whole race so far - couldn't have been any better.
-Jet & Cord finish the soccer challenge and head out to the bar.  It's the first time either one of them has even been on the soccer field (yeah, the natural athlete thing kind of makes me sick but they're so cute.)
-Brent & Caite finally flag down a cab to take them to the soccer field (bout time.)

-Joe & Heidi get to the restaurant and inhale the plate of sauerkraut, they knew the cowboys were right behind them and didn't know how long the song would be - wow, that Joe is single-minded and competitive.

-Jeff & Jordan are still lost but have finally gotten the driver to acknowledge he had the wrong thing punched in the GPS - they are turning around and heading back to the right place (hopefully.)

-Brandy & Carol get to the restaurant and Carol is eating all dainty, doesn't want to gag - Brandy is going for it - she hoovers it and they finish in time.  They head out for the bar.
-Even before the race Dan had been hoping for a soccer challenge.  Jordan kicks like a girl so he tells him to stop wasting the balls - Dan finishes the targets for them and they head out for the bar.

-Joe & Heidi's cabcuts off the Cowboys' cab as they all pull up to the bar - Joe's looking for the clue box but it's just a sign saying they have to share the boot to get the next clue.  The Cowboys have never drunk a beer before. (Say what? Where are these two from? Kind of makes me want to corrupt them.)  They're all drinking.

-The Cowboys think the beer is nasty - Joe is chugging and burping (sounds like he's going to hurl) Heidi keeps stepping back like she expects him to puke on her (nice.)  Joe & Heidi finish first and head out for Beatle-ville.  The Cowboys are still trying to choke down the beer and they look drunk! (Ha, ha, it's kind cute.)

-Jeff & Jordan finally get to the restaurant and start on the sauerkraut.  Jordan doesn't look like she's going to be much help - Jeff isn't doing too well either.  The song ends and they're out of there - head out to do the soccer.  Jeff - We're so stupid.  They hope someone has fallen off a bridge so they'll still have a chance.

-Caite & Brent finally get to the soccer field.  It's her #1 sport and she's really, really good at it.  She gets a target on the first try.  But soon she's bent over and writhing around with pain in her thighs - whining - why do my legs hurt so much?  Brent tries to explain it to her (but really, why bother.) She refuses to switch tasks though and toughs it out.

-Carol & Brandy get to the bar - the Drunken (by this point) Cowboys wish them luck.  The Cowboys finally finish and some of the locals offer them another beer (funny)- Jet - I never, ever want another beer (oh we've all said that before.)  They get the clue and head out for Beatle-Platz.
-Carol & Brandy finish their boot of beer and hop in a cab, Carol lets a big burp rip in the cab, ha!- See, it's all fun when you're running the race drunk.
-Brent & Caite finish the soccer and head on to the bar.
-Dan & Jordan get to the bar - when they see the size of the beer - Jordan - "Man, we're going to be shitfaced."

-The Cowboys get to the red-light district - "We're no longer in the Bible Belt" - these boys are getting an education on this race, that's for sure.
-Jordan & Jeff are now doing the soccer - they're not that skilled but hit a target.
-Dan & Jordan finish the beer and head off.
-Brent & Caite get to the bar - she hates beer so makes Brent drink it - he has to run outside and puke at one point (What, he couldn't find the bathroom?) but comes back in and she still makes him finish it.
-Jeff & Jordan get to the bar and Jeff's excited about the beer - he goes great guns through it.  In the cab afterward they say if they're last they want to go back to that bar.
-The young couples are trying to find the Indra club, looking for old people to tell them where the Beatles club would be (cause only old people know the Beatles? What the???)

Here's How They Finished:
1) Michael & Louie - They were running like the wind this leg. Not going to make bad decisions anymore.
2) Steve & Allie - He's tipsy and all flushed - I think he liked that beer.
3) Joe & Heidi - Alright
4) Jet & Cord - relieved to be 4th - that's not bad.
5) Carol & Brandy
6) Dan & Jordan - Jordan was excited to be in the red light district... and drunk.
7) Caite & Brent - Expecting bad news from Phil but she cries when she finds out they're 7th - Lucky #7.
8) Jeff & Jordan - Last Team to arrive... Phil drags it out before telling them this is a *NON-ELIMINATION* round and they're still in the race.  They'll have to face a Speedbump next leg.
Jeff says he feels like they'll rebound and be stronger than ever (for his sake, I hope so.)

So we're all still here - Brittany & Sarah R, Bernice R, Steve H. and Laurie W. have a reprieve, for one more week anyway. 
Preview of next week shows them having to do a World War I re-enactment challenge and one team gets U-turned... Uh Oh.

Have a great week everyone,
