Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - November 17th, 2010 Episode Recap

Stuck in the Middle

Libertad - Night 24
-The episode opened with the tribe coming back from voting out Marty - Brenda says Fabio, Benry and Dan now see that Sash & her aren't on their side, now it's only a matter of time before they go.  She sees herself and Sash as the King & Queen... but she's more the King and he's the Queen.
-Holly approaches Jane - she sees Brenda and Sash are running the whole thing and she thinks they gotta make a move (she thinks Nay & Chase are with her... I wouldn't be so sure there....) Seriously, she has nothing to lose in making a power play right now.

Libertad - Day 25
-It's going to be a rainy day - they move all the WOODEN chests around the fire and cover it with WOOD to protect the fire from the rain.. (Seriously? Has no one ever camped before?)
-Holly's getting her crazy eyes back - she wants to know if Jane's talked to Chase yet - Not in the middle of the night, no.  Holly's got a bee in her bonnet and MUST...MAKE...MOVE...NOW.  She is rallying votes for Brenda or Sash.
-Holly is talking to Benry - he wants to know what happened at Tribal last night and she tells him Brenda & Sash told you guys they were voting Jane then switched and voted for Marty - They are in total control.
Benry says Sash totally back-stabbed Marty - Totally.  So how can you trust them?  She has totally converted Benry, he wants to take out Brenda or Sash.
-Jane starts working on NaOnka (oh, please put your leg down, she has it up on a log... so wrong... anyway...) I thought Nay would be a much harder sell but she is all in - Nay says Brenda's like her best friend out there but she didn't come all this way to leave with nothing - Now is the time to take Brenda out.
-Holly's working Chase... but he Looovveess Brenda....he's not buying that she should be the next to go.  He wants to take Benry out - he threw in with Marty and he's a physical threat in challenges - And Chase loves Brenda - he feels like he's stuck between alliances again.
-Holly is now doubting Chase - You should have seen the way the wind was blowing there, lady, sheesh.

-They are divided into two teams of 5 - using only 4 barrels, 2 planks and 10ft of rope, they must work together to make their way across the beach to the finish platform without touching the ground.  If any member of the team touches the ground they all have to start over from the beginning.  First team with all 5 members on the finish platform wins Reward.  The Reward is to travel to the volcano, do some volcano boarding (what is that?) and then eat pizza, brownies and soda. Food! They're in.
-Blue team: Chase, Purple Kelly, Jane, NaOnka & Fabio.
-Yellow team: Sash, Holly, Brenda, Dan & Benry.
-They begin and the Blue team is going slow and steady - Yellow team is not working as well together - they fall off and have to start over.  Blue team continues on their focused path and easily wins Reward!  They head out in a helicopter for the volcano - it's everyone's first ride in a helicopter too - they're so excited.

-They land right on the volcano, on an expanse of black sandy/rocks that are steaming - then they go sledding down the side of the volcano - CRAZY!  Jane, "That was fun as crap!" (She's so cute.)

Meanwhile... Back at Camp... the fire protection barrier has become the fire - the chests are fully engulfed, everything is burning. 
The losing tribe members comes back to the aftermath - and they are SHOCKED!  The chests are completely gone - the machetes were in there, the handles are gone - the pots & pans - all the rest of the merge food (flour, fruit, etc)  Benry, "Why did this happen?" (Because you're all idiots!)  They were lucky the shelter didn't go up, it was scorched and the tarp was melted, but they still had the sleeping area intact.  Benry thinks it's been a day from Hell.

- Eating!  Jane inhaled a brownie and 3 glasses of soda - she couldn't have cared less what was happening at camp - this was Heaven!
-But they do start talking about the game - Fabio wants to take a consensus of where everyone stands and Nay pulls him away from the table - Jane & Chase know the score but Purple Kelly is tight with Brenda and clueless - Nay fills him in that everyone wants Brenda out.
-Fabio loves this info - he's going to run with it (absolutely no questioning the source, really?)  Fabio's in, but he wonders about Chase - Nay dismisses Chase as not worth worrying about - she's ready to make a power move to push herself forward and nothing's going to stand in her way. (Have I mentioned she scares me?)

Libertad - Day 27 
- Chase runs right to Brenda and tells her that Holly's freaking out and trying to get her out.  He trusts Brenda - he's put his game plan in her (that's what she said) and he's going with his gut - he's not going to back-stab her now.  Brenda says she's not worried or impressed with their plotting.
-Chase talking to Nay, asking how she feels about Brenda - Nay says she's shady - Chase says he thinks  Benry needs to go - he cooked up this plan with Holly.  Chase tells Nay that he told Brenda about the plan.  -Nay is NOT impressed.  She sees Chase as scattered and running around leaking the game plan.  She feels she has no choice but to flop and go with Jane & Holly - the smart people looking to get the strong people out, it's her only choice to make it farther in the game.
- Nay talking to Benry - she tells him he can't trust Chase - that he wants him out - so they have to take out Brenda, then Sash, then Chase.  Benry thinks Chase has been playing with his heart and emotions and he's being played by Brenda.  He needs to grow a pair and do what's best for him in the game.
-Nay tells Jane that Chase is not with them.  Jane's surprised that Chase is acting like he wants to get in Brenda's pants or something (Hello... since day one.)  Jane says Chase better not go back on his word to her or he'll catch hell when they get back to Carolina - Carolina people aren't like that.
-Nay is a busy bee - now she's telling Holly she can't trust Chase - she says she knew it... "What the bleep is wrong with him?"  Nay, "He sees it [that Brenda's dangerous], he's just stupid."

We have a pool of water and 10 poles with knotted rope hanging from them - They have to stand on a very small platform leaning back hanging onto the rope.  Every 5 minutes, they'll have to move their hands further down the rope, making it more difficult.  When they can't hold on any longer, they'll fall in the water and be out of the challenge - Last person hanging / leaning wins Immunity.
-They start - and Sash and Purple Kelly are out almost instantly - Holly is the next to go, then Brenda, Dan and Fabio gives up... Nay is next out and we're down to Chase, Jane and Benry - the old lady against two of the strongest guys out there.  She looks solid and Benry looks like he's going to have an aneurysm - so dramatic.  It's time for them to move down a knot... and Benry is out.  Chase starts working Jane, tells her he's solid, she might as well give up - so she announces she's letting go and Jeff says, "Don't you dare give up." So she holds on and Chase loses it - JANE wins Immunity!  Good for her.

Libertad - Day 27
-Jane feels on top of the world - she knew she'd do well in anything having to do with arm strength and grip because she has to wrassle the dog's she works with in the real world.  She's pretty sure, as long as she doesn't get her hands on a hidden immunity idol, that it'll be Brenda going home tonight.
-Chase is talking to Sash - he's lobbying for Benry but knows they might not have the numbers to save Brenda.
-Nay talking to Sash, says Chase is so paranoid, he's pissed her off to the highest point of pisstivity (New word!  I like it!)
-Sash says he's hearing it's Benry tonight and Nay tells him what's really going on - It's Brenda tonight... I saw the flash of surprise and panic on his face - Oh sh*t - He tells the camera he was surprised and it's the first time in the game he's really felt worried.
-Chase tries to talk to Fabio and Holly comes RUNNING over - she starts with the crazy-eyed-rant that Brenda's got to go, and Chase doesn't have a chance to get in his Benry pitch.  Chase knows he's been playing with his heart and is worried if Brenda goes he'll have no one to trust... (Jebus man, you really do need to grow a pair.)
-Brenda asks Chase what's his game plan - he tells her everyone's voting for her and that NaOnka was the lynch pin - She doesn't believe Nay would vote for her - Sash comes over and corroborates his story, so Brenda finally understands - NaOnka is not your friend.  She starts working her allies then to find a way to save her - plays on their fears - "Do you think they're going to save you?  With me gone you'll never get the numbers back."  (She is a typical queen bee - making her drones do the work for her.)
-Of course, they're out in the open and everyone is watching Chase, Brenda & Sash talking - Nay says Chase is over there running his mouth.  Holly, "He's got to learn to shut the hell up."
-Sash is now thinking he might have to use his hidden immunity idol to save Brenda. (The Precious?)
-Holly wonders if Sash would give Brenda the idol - Nay says, "Oh, hell no."
-Brenda says she doesn't even want to see Nay's face - hopefully Sash will give her his idol and they'll blindside NaOnka... (OOooooh, this could be good!)

Sash, were you surprised when Marty was voted out last week?
 - Yeah, I think a lot of people were surprised.  But since that happened, there has been a lot of re-shuffling and I'm more out of the loop now than ever.
Chase, you believe Sash is out of the loop?
 - I think so, he had a strong alliance and now that alliance seems to be gone.
Brenda, any regrets over the last vote?
 - Yeah - I didn't want to vote Marty - my peeps know that... (Marty is nodding like an idiot - from the jury bench - I wish we didn't need to see him anymore)... but I had to prove to my alliance that they could trust me.
How hard is it to trust people out here?
-Not hard - I've never had a problem trusting but it seems that NaOnka wants to jump ship on me - I worried about the guys but she's the one breaking our alliance.
NaOnka, that's a pretty strong accusation...
- I don't think it was me...
Hold on - You don't think it was you?
- It was not me - everybody can put it on me but Chase was running around yesterday not knowing what to do, he's like that - but it was not me.
Chase raises his hand (Just say it buddy) - He says yes, he went to Brenda cause he trusts her, this is not news.
Kelly Purple, weigh in on this...
 - She is completely out of the loop - this is very enlightening (Is she even playing this game?  She is completely clueless.)
So, Brenda, now where do you sit?
-Why would Sash  break up the strongest alliance out here, he's smart and it doesn't make sense. And why would Chase tell her about it if he was in on it - that leaves NaOnka as the one wanting to jump ship.
Sash, what does it mean to break trust in this game?
- You could get sent home. 
Jeff then determines that Brenda was too proud to scramble in the game.  She says it's not her style, she says people see you as already having lost when you scramble so she focused on the people she knew could do her the most good.
Sash, this must be like a bomb went off...
 - I think everyone's alliances have changed since last council and we have to make changes accordingly.

Holly votes Brenda - Says, "You should have scrambled."
Brenda votes NaOnka - You are my real true enemy, and I thought you were my friend.

Jeff asks if anyone has a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it now is the time... Everyone is looking around at everyone else - Brenda smiles at Sash... and he... looks... away (oooh, burn)... No one plays a hidden idol (My Precious.)

Tallying the Votes - Brenda 1, NaOnka 1, Benry 1, Brenda 2, 3, 4, 5...  BRENDA is voted out!  (Who's the king now?)  Chase looks like a lost puppy. (Crap, he's my guy in the pool.)

So, with Brenda leaving, that means Ritch G., Bernice R. and Shelley A. are out of the pool.

Brenda's parting thoughts - she's still in disbelief that she was out-played by NaOnka.  Funny how the game changed so fast for her - she is sad it's over.

Next week - NaOnka has the tribe in an uproar - Again. (Oh, what'd she do now?)

Have a great weekend everyone,


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