Monday, November 29, 2010

Amazing Race - November 28th, 2010 - Episode Recap

I Hate Chinese Food

The four remaining teams are heading out from Bangladesh - Jill & Thomas are the first team out at 8:25am, 5 hours before the next team - they get the clue to fly to Hong Kong.  Once they arrive they have to make their way by bus and ferry to an island to find their next clue.
-They said they U-Turned Brook & Claire because they saw them as the most competitive team left.  They haven't seen anyone since the beginning of the last leg so they don't even know who was eliminated. (Huh, they keep them separated?)
-They head to a travel agency and find out the first flight out is 11:55pm - Crap - they'll be seeing everyone on the flight out, there goes their lead.  They head back to the hotel since they have to wait all day to leave.
-Nick & Vicki are the next team heading out at 1:59pm - she says they've grown in their relationship on the race especially with her working on calming him down.  He says before her, he didn't care about anybody - then he starts crying and calls her a blessing... (Aww, now I feel like a heartless b*tch for hating him so much.)  They head to the airport.
-Nat & Kat next out at 4:05pm - They're excited to be heading to Hong Kong.  Kat has been there before and she knows Nat will love it.
-Brook & Claire last out at 5:15pm - Brook is looking forward to seeing Thomas - they think they're the only team to ever survive being U-Turned (I don't know if that's true) regardless, they are looking forward to making him uncomfortable - they hope he poops his pants when he sees them.

-We don't have long to wait - everyone's at the airport and we have the awkward confrontation between the shopping girls and Jill & Thomas.  Claire just wants to know why - he gives them the song & dance that he thinks they're the biggest threat, they should take it as a compliment - Whatever.  Brook says if he felt threatened before, he should be petrified now.
-Jill feels bad - Thomas doesn't - but he did try to throw her under the bus, or at least drag her under with him when they were blaming him alone... That's what you get for acting like The Great Thomas.

-Arriving in Hong Kong, they all head for the bus - Jill & Thomas get the first bus out, the rest of them are on the next bus.  Those two are so lucky.
-Jill & Thomas get on the ferry and anxiously wait to see if everyone else will make it.  The second bus gets to the ferry and it's a sprint to the boat.  The Doctors and Shopping Girls get on the boat but Vicki's asthma is acting up and she can't run - Nick starts yelling at her to hurry up, he doesn't care about her excuses - and they miss the ferry.
-Vicki apologizes to him - says it's her fault and he just keeps berating her - he's sick of her being sorry, next time he's not going to wait for her, if they stop they might as well go home... (I feel better about hating him again.)  She is crying- she's not stopping on purpose, she can't breathe.  With absolutely no sympathy, he tells her to quit crying. (I can't help but wonder how the cameraman feels having to film this... does he want to hit the guy, too?)

-So the other three teams get to the island and everyone is running to find the clue box... except Claire - she's having trouble keeping up and Brook is frustrated with her.
-Jill & Thomas and Nat & Kat get the clue to take the ferry to the Kowloon district, they must locate Majesty Chinese Restaurant to get their next clue. (Uh oh, restaurants are never a good sign on the race.)
-Brook & Claire get the clue and are bickering - Claire is not a runner and has to go at her own pace - Brook mutters, "God forbid you go at anyone else's." bicker bicker bicker.

-Jill & Thomas and the doctors are back on the ferry - he's hoping to leave Brook & Claire behind but they just make it - Brook wants to hug it out.

-Nick & Vicki are on the way to the island and he's being Mr. Negative (as usual) saying they have the worst luck... She's asking him to try and think positively (maybe his head will explode... we can hope.)  He says he wished they never came - he's never had so much stress in his life.
-They get to the Island and run for the clue box.

- The other three teams arrive in Kowloon and get taxis to Majesty Chinese Restaurant.  Nat & Kat are the first inside where there is bad karaoke and get the clue: ROADBLOCK - Who's feeling peckish?
-Using chopsticks, one team member will have to pick through a huge buffet table packed with food looking for one of five fake food items (for example, platter full of prawns - one of them is fake - but they all look real - this is an evil challenge) and to make matters worse - they have to eat everything they pick up until they successfully find a fake item.
-Nat is going to do the task (it's not vegetarian food) - and she is eating.
-Jill & Thomas arrive - Thomas is going to do it for them.
-Brook & Claire get there and Claire assumes they have to sing karaoke so she volunteers to do the task - then finds out it involves eating... and apparently she's a very picky eater...(Have fun with that one.)  Brook, of course is cheering her on and leading the whole place in a dance and chant - she's such a ham.

-Nat finds the first fake food item - a piece of salmon sashimi - they get the clue to go to Avenue of the Stars and look for the statue of Bruce Lee, where they'll find the next clue.  They are in a cab - Nat knows they got lucky, that Roadblock can take a long time.

-Nick & Vicki still on the ferry - she's trying to be positive - he's silent and fuming.
-Thomas & Claire are eating - a lot.  Brook tells her to do something - "I'm still chewing"... they're still the Bickersons this episode.

-Nat & Kat get to the statue of Bruce Lee and get the clue for the DETOUR - Ding Ding or Sampan.
-In Ding Ding - they board a 100yr old tram system (double-decker buses) and on a certain stretch of the route they have to find three signs that, when put together, will tell them the next Pit Stop - Pit Stop/Statue/Square - But if the ride ends before they know where to go they'll have to make a return trip and start again.
-In Sampan - they have to pick up a wooden birdcage with parakeets in it, then board a sampan - a traditional covered boat used for trade - they will then head out into the harbour and look for a boat with a matching registration number to the tag on their birdcage.  When they find the right boat, they'll trade the birds for the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Nat & Kat decide to go with the birds (Sampan).

-Back at the restaurant, Thomas finds a fake prawn and they head out.  Brook tells Claire, "That's okay, now you can concentrate." (What do you think she was doing?)

-Nat & Kat get to the dock area - pick themselves some parakeets and head down to the sampans - they choose the lady driver and head out into the harbour.  It's now full dark so they're using large flashlights to try and read the numbers on the many, many boats.  It's slow going.

-Jill & Thomas get to the Bruce Lee statue and get the clue to the Detour - he says they do Ding Ding - so they do Ding Ding.

-Nick & Vicki arrive at the restaurant and she says she has to do the task (um... hasn't she done more of them?)
-Brook tells us Claire's supposed to be on a diet for her wedding - they show Claire scarfing down food - she has to eat whatever she picks up - and she seems to be touching everything.

-Jill & Thomas get on the ding ding and there are a ton of signs along the route - they have no idea what they're looking for - and totally miss all three of the signs they need to see.  Pit Stop - Statue - Square. (How bout looking for signs in English?)

-Back at the restaurant - Vicki is balking, says she can't eat this stuff... and Claire is warning she's too full and is going to throw up... then she bolts for the can.  Nick thinks that's funny and laughs (wow, charming.)
-Claire is puking more than she has ever puked before - Brook comes in to check on her and Claire says she doesn't know how she'll go on, there may be more puking. 
-Nick is in a good mood now - Vicki asks Claire if she's okay and he yells at her not to worry about her - just keep looking. 
-Claire's ordeal has sharpened her resolve and she finds a piece of fake octopus!  Pandemonium!  Brook whips everyone in the restaurant into a frenzy - Nick's not smiling now (I wish Vicki had made him to this task so he wouldn't have another thing to blame on her.)  Brook & Claire head out for the Bruce Lee statue.

-Nat & Kat still haven't found the matching boat.
-Jill & Thomas get to the end of the route without seeing any of the signs and decide to switch tasks.

-Vicki is having trouble stomaching the sushi - Nick is yelling instructions at her - (I'd tell him...well,  I think we all know what I'd tell him.)

-Jill & Thomas have switched tasks and meet up with the Doctor's on the harbour - they confer that both tasks are horrible... and continue on looking for their matching registration numbers.

-Brook & Claire get the clue for the Detour and are also doing the Sampans.

-Jill finds the registration number on their birdcage right away - SERIOUSLY? - They get the clue: Pit Stop Statue Square - (Wow, they are lucky.)
-The Doctor's finally find their boat too and get the clue for the Pit Stop.
-Jill & Thomas get back to the dock first and have some trouble finding a taxi that knows where to go - as they are asking all the cabs, Nat & Kat get back and jump in the first cab they see.  Jill shrieks at Thomas to just get in the car.  Nat & Kat's cabbie wants to stop to help his comrade with directions and they 'no no no' him - we're in a race.

-Brook & Claire get their birds and choose a sampan - and soon find out how difficult it is to find the numbers in the dark.
-Vicki is still eating - "I hate Chinese food." - He's  telling her to stop chewing and just swallow it (Right - shut up!)  And Vicki is now the one running for the bathroom.  He comes in and wants to just quit - let's take the 4 hr penalty - this is stupid (he's a pouty baby).  She doesn't want to quit, goes back out there and finds a fake mussel!  Good for her.  They take off for Bruce Lee.

-Brook & Claire feel like they're looking for a needle in a haystack.
-Nick & Vicki also decide to do the sampan.
-Brook & Claire finally find their boat and get the clue to the Pit Stop.
-Nick & Vicki are out in the harbour and he's being Little Mary Sunshine, as usual.  He just wants to quit, this is stupid.  He says he just wants to choke someone and pitch the birds overboard.  He lies down and goes to sleep right there on the boat.  Vicki can't do this by herself - trying to search all the boats in the dark alone - she doesn't want to quit but he literally abandoned her.  She says it makes her kinda mad - KINDA? - She's given 110% today and she's tired too - (I have to stop commenting because I have nothing nice to say and I try not too use too much profanity in these recaps.)  She has no choice, they are taking the SIX HOUR penalty for not completing the Detour.  He's still complaining, "Every bit of today sucked."

Here's How They Finished:
1) Nat & Kat - won a trip for 2 to Rio de Janeiro - they are really proud and happy to be doing this together.
2) Jill & Thomas - they say they're very happy (but they're mift they lost the lead to the Doctors.)
3) Brook & Claire - Is this our top 3?
4) Nick & Vicki - **NON-ELIMINATION** WHAT!!!???!!! (Oh, I was mad - he does not deserve to be there anymore - come on!)  But Phil did say they will face a Speed Bump next leg and they still have a six hour penalty for not completing the Detour... Vicki says his temper makes it ten times harder - he says he wants to be better to her (whatever.)  (If he starts complaining that they have the worst luck again, I'm going to have to look him up and kick his butt myself... to be last on 2 non-elimination rounds is the definition of lucky.)

-Next week - North Korea - white water rafting and speed skating... and we'll see who is the final 3!

Have a great week everyone,


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