Monday, November 1, 2010

Amazing Race - October 31, 2010 Episode Recap

Run, Babushka, Run

Teams are heading out from Narvik, Norway - the seaside port where Norway helped the British defeat Germany in WWII - Nat & Kat are the first out at 8:26pm (and it's still light - land of the midnight sun) - they get the clue to head to St Petersburg, Russia - they'll be travelling 1200mi in planes, trains & automobiles... once they get to St Petersburg they must make their way to the Columns - monument to the River.
-Nat & Kat as Dr's are used to playing with the boys and beating them.  They think they're mojo will get them through to being the first female team to win the Amazing Race.
-Nat & Kat get to the train station - the office is closed and doesn't open until 6am - they get a guy to come to the door and find out the next train doesn't leave until 10:26am to following day... looks like everyone will be on the same train.
-10:26am - everyone is on the train to Stockholm, Sweden - they get sleeper cars - Jill asks Thomas if he'd ever slept in one of these before. "Yes, of course." (I swear she rolled her eyes - maybe it's not just me that's sick of 'The Great Thomas'.)
-They are spending a lot of time on the train so they can relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery - Brook & Claire and Nat & Kat are sharing a sleeping car - and enjoying getting to know each other - but not really enjoying Brook's foot odor  - (see boys, no pillow fights in underpants - it's toss the dirty sock instead.)
-They arrive in Stockholm and run to the cabs to get to the airport - everyone is off except Chad & Stephanie and it's all her fault - Chad is berating her for not getting up earlier... bicker, bicker, bicker.
-Oh, looks like Mallory & Gary still need a cab... and they still find on before Chad & Stephanie (I'd laugh but Chad & Steph are my team - don't let karma get you guys.)

-Nat & Kat get to the airport and there is only one flight so everyone will still be altogether.  Chad says he was frustrated with being last again this morning - she says when he feels that way it's always her fault - we're going to have a long road ahead (or a short one if you're eliminated... doesn't bode well for Chad's proposal plan either.)

-They land in Russia and everyone runs for the taxis.  Nick's Brett Michael's bandana slips down over his eyes and I laugh - (yes, I'm mean - but he looks so ridiculous in that thing... you know Brett Michael's only wears it to keep the wig on right?)
-Everyone in cabs and marvelling at the beauty of the city, the architecture is amazing.  Nick likes how they keep their buildings instead of blowing them up - Vicki says, "Yeah, like in Vegas, they blow everything up." (Umm, not quite the same thing - are they from Vegas?  I can't remember - But still likening the Flamingo to these gorgeous structures in Russia... really?)
-Thomas says St.Petersburg is the Venice of the North (not the Venetian, Vicki) of course he's acting all superior and knowledgy...
-The Dr's are Natasha & Katya for this leg of the race - Dah!

-Brook & Claire are the first to the clue box - DETOUR - Classical Music or Classic Cinema.
In Classical Music - they must make their way to a historic palace and find the maestro with three gramophones - they have to listen to the three compositions being played then head into the ballrooms filled with pianos (at least a dozen) and determine which three pianos are playing the same compositions they heard on the gramophones... (Oh Lordy, that would be a tough one.)
In Classic Cinema - they have to make their way to the legendary studio and onto the sound stage where the first movie was screened in Russia - Once there they must search through piles of film strips until they find one that corresponds to the scene being shown on the screen behind them...(Seriously? Both these tasks seem impossible. In Mother Russia, detour complete you!) -Brook & Claire choose to do cinema.
-Kevin & Michael get to the clue box and decide on Cinema as well - Kevin's had experience making videos (YouTube sensation that they are.)
-Chad & Stephanie get to the clue box 3rd (oh, things are looking up...) and choose to do the music (oh, nevermind.)
-Gary & Mallory, Nick & Vicki & Nat & Kat also choose the music task (really? Surprises me.)
- Jill & Thomas only other team to go with the Cinema.

- Brook & Claire's cab driver doesn't know where the film studio is - they are lost.
-Kevin & Michael get to the studio and walk onto the sound stage where the film is playing and there is a mountain of strips of film they'll have to wade through... Kevin's at a loss, he's never learned that kind of film.
-Thomas & Jill get there next - still no shopping girls.  Thomas is bitching that this is ridiculous (yeah, don't they know he went to Notre Dame?)
-Brook & Claire's driver stops to ask for directions - they think they may be in trouble.

-Chad & Stephanie get to the palace for the classical music.  They listen to all 3 compositions but they're all playing at the same time so it's confusing... then they head into the ballroom & it's a cacophony of sound. OMG - (I'd have turned around right there I think.)
-The rest of the music teams get there and everyone is running around trying to just even listen to one composition at a time seems impossible... they all look a little shell shocked.
-Chad & Stephanie think they have theirs - but they're all wrong.
-Gary recognized one Beethoven song so he could rule that one out but it was so hard to hear, they all start to sound the same.

-Back at the film studio, Jill has the guy check her film strip (with the dirtiest magnifying glass I've ever seen...) nyet!  Thomas sees big Russian words flash up on the screen every once in a while in the film so he starts looking for that - and voila! - he finds the right clip (much to Kevin's dismay) and they get the next clue which is a picture on a film can.  The picture is the Palace Square and they're next destination.
-Brook & Claire finally get there as Jill & Thomas are leaving - he shows the picture to the cab driver and he knows where to go - they're off.

-Nat & Kat look like they're the first one's to find the first composition correctly. Vicki finds it too but Nick says she's wrong (argh! I wish she could dump the dead weight.)  She says it's mentally exhausting, the constant noise and trying to filter it all out. (I hear ya sister.)
-Nat & Kat get #2 right as well but #3 is wrong so the Maestro says, "Nyet."... and they have no idea what they have right or wrong.  Everyone has been wrong everytime they've tried to get it checked.
-Chad proposes that they switch tasks but Stephanie says no - they should stick with this (Why!?!)

-Back at the film task, Brook finds the big white Russian words in a clip and she & Claire get the film can.  Kevin is shocked - how'd they do it so fast.  Michael & Kevin tell each other to concentrate and next thing you know Kevin finds it - they are off to the Palace Square.

-Thomas & Jill get to the Square and find the clue box - Thomas is psyched there's still lots of clues in it (all of them actually.)  They now have to travel by taxi to Alexstandriskyashhaldhfoaihlaksd... I swear, I think I'll call it Alphabet city... when they get there they have to follow a marked road to the neighbourhood store where they'll find the next clue.

-Back at the Music challenge - still no one has completed it.  Gary & Mallory are the first to actually take the plunge and jump ship to the film challenge. Right behind them Nick & Vicki and Nat & Kat confer and all decide to switch as well.  Nick wants to hurry up and leave so Chad & Stephanie think they all got it right and freak out... (It's funny cause it's so likely to happen.)
-Chad is asking Stephanie if they can switch and she's still adamant that they stay and complete it.  (Really?  Is she stubborn or stupid?  I can't decide.)

-Jill & Thomas get to Alex...Alphabet city... but can't find the marked road (it's a yellow & read arrow on a tree - pretty easy to miss.)

-Brook & Claire get to the Palace Square and get the clue for Alexstrandkhsihfskya -( oh for Pete's sake, that's a long name) They take off.

-Gary & Mallory get to the film studio just ahead of Nick & Vicki and Nat & Kat - they are all not amused with this task either - Nick, "Are they kidding with this?"  It looks a little worse now since the other teams have left the film strips strewn all over.  Good Luck kiddies.

-Chad & Stephanie are running around like chickens with their heads cut off and now it's all his fault - she's angrily asking him if he wants to leave (Say YES, doofus!)

-Jill & Thomas can't find the marked road - he's doing charade's to the locals... that's not helping.

-Brook & Claire drive right up to the store (Ha! Burn!) and get the clue to the ROADBLOCK - Who's ready for a Russian drag race?
-Most of the farm work is done by women known as Babushkas - one team member will have to don the traditional garb (big ol' flowered dress and head kerchief) and plant a row of 50 potatoes... they'll also have to be fertilized with cow manure (oh, no... let the gagging begin) Once they've completed this dirty work they'll get their next clue.
-Brook is finally doing a Roadblock for them - she's putting on a show as usual too... we'll see how she reacts to the manure...Hoo Doggy.
-Kevin & Michael get to the neighbourhood store and Kevin wants to get it done fast so he decides to do the task... until he is in the dress and wishes his dad had done it.

-Brook can't find the field - Kevin gets to the field and starts charming the Babushkas - "Hello, Ladies, here's your poop and potatoes."  Oh no, now you gotta work.  They demonstrate what he needs to do - in Russian - and he's doing okay, until he trips over the dress. (Ha!)

-Back at the film studio, they're all still trying to find the clip - Nick's hoping Chad & Stephanie are still struggling...
-Speaking of... they are wrong again and she demands he tell her what his gut instinct would be - should they leave?  He says they should have left a long time ago - he feels like they're done. (Boo! Chad.)  She wants to stay so they do... bicker, bicker, bicker... And they finally get it RIGHT!  So exciting, they race out to the taxi with their clue - the picture of the Palace Square on a record label - and they're now all lovey dovey in the car - she'll make sure he remembers this lesson - to listen to her that is. (Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts.)

-Nat & Kat find the film clip ad Nick grouses they have the best luck of anyone he's ever seen... No, I think they're just smart.

-Jill & Thomas still lost in Alexstandskya(?)... then they stumble upon the marker and find the store.  Jill is doing the planting for them.
-The Babushka lady is cheering Kevin on in Russian and he's digging it - he says it was actually very motivational and he thinks he may have fallen in love a little bit (his Babushka kinda looked like Ed McMahon.)
-Brook finally gets there and starts planting - she steps in the manure and there's the over reaction I was expecting - much more theatrical with an audience of course.

-Chad & Stephanie are in 4th place now - get the clue to Alphabet city - Nat & Kat 5th, right behind them.

-Mallory finally finds the film clip and it's Nick & Vicki left.  He decides he can't deal with this crap anymore and they head back to the music.  Vicki says they're not going to quit - they always finish what they started...(hmm, then wouldn't that mean that you would have stuck with the Music until you finished... I'm just sayin.)

-Kevin finishes the planting and kisses his new girlfriend when she hands him the clue (ooh, made her day.)  The clue tells him to head to St Isaac's Cathedral - the Pit Stop for this leg of the Race.
-Brook finishes and heads out for St Isaac's.  Jill is there and planting like a demon.
-The Babushka's are hilarious - I don't think they speak much English - they tell Jill she plants like a professional then in Russian, "These skinny girls can do everything."  (Hahaha.)
-In the cab, Claire & the cab driver are none too happy with Brook's pungency - "I smell like a cow, right?" Claire replies, "Damn right you do."
They're driver has to stop for gas - but maybe he just needed some fresh air.

-Nat & Kat are the next tot he Babushka challenge - Nat is doing the potato planting.
-Chad & Stephanie get to the store and Stephanie's going to do the planting (hmm, every boy/girl team, they see drag and make the girl do it.)  Stephanie can't find the manure pile at Duck's End - she's asking a local as Nat stealthily wheels her load by her (be very, very quiet... I'm planting potatoes.)

- Nick & Vicki get back to the music challenge and decide to focus on one piece of music at a time.  It was way easier that way.  Nick says he kept his composure better than ever - he learned from his bad behaviour in Ghana (I'd like to believe that... but it was really, really bad.)  They got it right and Vicki couldn't believe it - It's Right?!

-Kevin & Michael and Jill & Thomas get to St Isaac's Cathedral and Kevin's convinced Phil has to be at the cathedral - Dad Michael is suggesting it could be in the park across the street - Kevin dismisses that (Nooo.)
-Jill & Thomas look around the cathedral then head over to the park... and there's Phil.

-Stephanie still can't find the pile of poop - Mallory gets there and asks if Steph wants to find it together and she says no - heads off on her own and finds it.  Mallory is almost in tears - "why is this so hard?"
-Mallory is yelling Ducks End at everyone ad no one speaks English - some guys help her over a fence and want her to stay and have some vodka - I think she's lucky she had a camera crew with her or little Mallory may have been a Babushka for real and we'd never see her again.

-Nat has finished the planting and runs by Mallory on her way back to the store - tells her she's going the wrong way to find the poo pile.
-Stephanie throws the shovel up onto the pile knowing it would make it more difficult for little Mallory to get it (that was mean - funny - but mean.)  They're laughing that she'd be covered in it because she is so small and they're right - when she finally gets there she has to climb in it to get the shovel and loses her!

-Stephanie & Mallory are both planting - Stephanie finishes and Chad tells her she's looking good in the Babushka outfit - He'll have to take it home so she can clean the house in it (and that would be a slap from me - well, at least an evil eye - maybe HE could clean the house in it.)
-Mallory finishes and gets her clue - in the cab she says she'd gladly chew all her manure caked fingernails not to be eliminated right now (gross!)
-Nick & Vicki get to the store and he says he'll do the task - huh, Nick's the only guy to volunteer - I was impressed until he says he thought cars not queens when he read drag race (Ha! he looks darling in that dress.)  They locals are getting their pictures taken with him - His manhood is taking a beating - he hopes he doesn't go out in a dress.

Here's How They Finished:
1) Thomas & Jill - They won a trip for 2 to Sao Paolo, Brazil.  He says she killed in the challenge and proved he can rely on her like she can on him (whatever - this guy just erks me.)
2) Brook & Claire - snuck in from behind Phil... they went directly to the park, no messing around at the cathedral at all.
3) Michael & Kevin - Kevin finally humoured his dad and checked the park - What do you say to Dad now? 
4) Nat & Kat - Nat looks worse for wear from her farming experience but they're happy.
5) Chad & Stephanie - were in a foot race with...
6) Mallory & Gary  - to the mat.
7) Nick & Vicki - Phil was sorry to tell them they were the last team to arrive and... they'll have to race again next leg - **** NON-ELIMINATION ****  I guess Nick can relax, he's not going out in a dress.
That means: Esther B, Lee G, Chiquita D, Shelley A and Mike L have a reprieve - for now.

Next week - they have to do some clowning around and Michael strikes out (don't think Dad's athletically inclined) and Kevin gets frustrated.

Have a great week everyone.


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