Thursday, November 11, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - November 10th Episode Recap

Running the Camp

Last night on Survivor, the episode opened with the tribe returning to camp after voting out Alina.

Libertad - Night 22
-Everyone is down on Marty for attacking Jane like he did at Tribal Council.  NaOnka would have gone right back at him.  Chase tells Brenda he hopes no one bought his bull___.  She knows that's just how he is.
-Jane's going to call "that jackass Marty, Farty from now on."  She knows he's just grasping at straws cause he knows his days are numbered but he's not going to beat her.

Libertad - Day 23
 - Marty and Sash getting water - Marty wants to know who put his name down - was it Chase or Holly? (It was Alina and Jane, you dumbass.)  Sash says he thinks it was Holly and Marty says that gives him hope that Chase has half a brain... (What? They aren't there to help you win the money, he should be happy they only have half a brain or he'd be gone by now.)  Marty finds it hard to play this game with stupid people (get over yourself already.)  He feels like he cleared the air about the threat Jane poses but he knows there is a target on his back and he needs a plan.
-Marty tells Benry and Dan his plan - tell Chase and Holly they're voting NaOnka, knowing it'll get back to her to flush her idol, then blindside Jane.  They wonder if Brenda will go for it and Marty says totally.  (Proving to me he has no idea what's going on with the leadership of this tribe.) 
-Jane's watching his whispered confab with Ben & Dan - she'd like to take him to the woodshed and whip his ass -   He knows he's got a noose around his neck and is scrambling like no one she's ever seen.

They will be randomly divided into two teams - they have to make their way through a series of obstacles and retrieve 3 keys - once they have all the keys and get through to the end, they'll have to open 3 locks to raise their flag and win reward.  Reward is a zip-line tour through the jungle canopy then a barbecue. Food!
-The random choosing of teams flukily ends up with Men against Women, with Chase being the odd  man out - he won't participate in the challenge but he gets to choose whichever team he wants to back and if they win he'll be able to go on the reward.  He takes a second, Brenda does the old "oh Chase" and wave and he chooses the Women.  (Really?)  He doesn't seem to happy about it either... I think he just didn't want to spend the day with Marty... and he's aligned with more of the girls.
-They are off and it's neck and neck through the first couple obstacles until the women hit the bamboo wall - and there's no coming back.  They just don't have the physical strength.  Dan holds the guys back a little but Jane is exhausted by the time they get to the rope crawl and it's done.  The men win Reward. (No surprise there.)
-Kelly Purple is crying cause she's hungry (suck it up lady) - Jeff gives the guys the option to give up their spot to one of the ladies - No way, Jose.(Also no surprise.)
-Marty thinks Chase & Jane are dumb and dumber - has no idea why Chase would have chosen to stay with the women (Look in the mirror buddy, he's rather go hungry than spend the day with YOU!)

-Everyone is enjoying the zip-trekking except Dan, he thought it was alright. (Party pooper)  There is a lot of whoo-hooing by the guys.  Marty, of course, thought the best part of the BBQ was the chance to discuss his strategy with the boys (can someone punch him for me, just once?)
-Marty lays out his plan to flush NaOnka's idol and blindside Jane and they're all on board (Sash can act.)  They speculate about Brenda - wonder why she'd throw her lot in with Chase.  They tell Sash to make sure she knows they want her in the game... (They have no idea...)
-Sash tells the camera he and Brenda are the brightest minds there and they choose who's going home.

Libertad - Day 23
- The girls get back to camp and Holly thanks Chase for believing in them.  Chase confirms what I suspected, "Y'all are my alliance and you know how I feel about Marty."  He did show loyalty in making the obviously losing choice but it wasn't the smartest move.
-Brenda tells the camera she thought Chase made the wrong decision (lady, you were the one calling to him to choose you.. gah!)  She thinks strategically he should have gone with the men instead of with his emotions... In the end Chase has proven to her that he doesn't make smart moves.
-All the women & Chase agree as long as Marty doesn't get immunity tomorrow they'll vote for him.
-Chase tells the camera he went with his gut and hopefully showed the girls they can trust him...(to make stupid decisions?)
-Holly tells Chase that Dan & Marty are really tight and after today they'll probably try to take Sash & Brenda over with them.  Chase doesn't want to doubt Brenda and make her mad... then he proves he does doubt Brenda by looking to NaOnka reassure him she's still with them.  NaOnka tells him Brenda is solid and for him not to bug her about it.
-Then he goes and bugs her about it... telling Brenda she seems really unsure, are you unsure?  Brenda is annoyed, she's not answering him and making his paranoia worse.   Brenda sees Chase as weak, he's got the pretty, muscular package but not the alpha male personality.  NaOnka is thinking they may have to swap him out if he doesn't get the paranoia under control.

Libertad - Day 24
-Tree mail - tells them their memory must be strong.
-Jane is praying that Good will triumph over the diabolical Evil that is Marty.  Jane says anyone needs to win except him.  She'll be the fat lady singing tonight.

-There is only one immunity up for grabs today
-Jeff will show them a series of symbols - they must show them back to him in the correct order to move on.  The person that makes it to the end with  no mistakes wins immunity.
-They begin and Jane and NaOnka are the first out on the third symbol.  Dan is next, then Holly, Sash, Kelly Purple... we're down to 5 going into the second round.  Fabio is the next out, then Chase and Benry - leaving it a head to head battle between Marty and Brenda... and BRENDA wins Immunity!  YAY!

Libertad - Day 24
-Fabio & Benry are talking - wondering if Marty's plan will work.  Benry says we just have to let it be known we're voting for NaOnka then sit back and play stupid.  Fabio says he hates playing stupid so much (but it's so easy for him) - he likes to call it playing it cool, and it's been working for him so far, not pissing anyone off and laying low.
-Marty & Dan set things in motion by approaching Chase - Marty needles him a bit starting with, "Are you voting with your head or your heart tonight?" Then tells him they're voting NaOnka - uses a football analogy which is unnecessary, Chase isn't going to be swayed by you.  Chase isn't such a good actor, he tells them he'll do whatever they tell him (I don't think they believe you.)
-NaOnka tells the camera she's street smart and will use her idol if her gut tells her she needs to.
-Holly asks Chase what they said to him - he tells her they said it's NaOnka but he thinks they're planning to blindside Jane (Chase may be not as stupid as he seems.)  He tells Holly he's voting Marty and he hasn't spoken to Brenda, doesn't know how the wind is blowing with her.
-Marty approaches Brenda and tells her Sash's plan was to say NaOnka, NaOnka, NaOnka and vote Jane off.  Okay, she's on board.  Brenda tells the camera what Marty said about Jane made sense, she is a huge threat but Marty's not running the camp - Sash & I are running the camp.
-Brenda goes and talks to Sash - they don't really want Marty to go, he's a good cook and he tells them everything - but they don't want to just do what the Jane & Chase group want either... they are the swing vote and tonight's tribal will show which side they're on.

- Alina comes in as the first member of the jury and she doesn't have whore make up on, that may be a first.
Jeff comments on the reward challenge that the women were heavily outmatched and asks Sash if the men bonded on the reward.
 Sash - yeah, there was some bonding and some strategizing.
Fabio, the downside of that is the women also were all alone together...
 - Yeah, plus Chase was there so there was six of them strategizing - I'm just glad we got to eat while we were doing it.
Marty, last tribal you made it clear Jane is a threat - do you feel you put a target on your back?
 - She is an incredible threat which is a compliment to Jane (gag me).  I feel comfortable but my bags are packed (He's such a weasel!)
Brenda, how much time did you spend thinking about what Marty said?
 - It's true - take NaOnka, the troublemaker or Jane, who's feeding us fish - who'd you want to take to the end?  It's a no-brainer.  It all depends on how you play the game.
Jane, you are a likable person and in some games that's rewarded, not this one.
 - She says she and Marty got off on the wrong foot and she should have just kept her mouth shut.  She knows there is now a target on her back.
NaOnka, at the last Tribal we talked about you stealing...
 - She says it's something that's going to be talked about because it was stupid but she's still there and she doesn't want to talk about it anymore.
- Marty pipes up that it has not sat well with the tribe - it was dealt with like it was no big deal at last Tribal but to lie and to steal food especially - there is no greater sin out here - it was definitely not trivial.
- NaOnka - "I'm a humanitarian" (Umm..) "I'm human." (that's better) She says Marty screws up too, she don't like him and he don't like her - "It is what it is."
Fabio's laughing at her misuse of the English language and she just gets more defensive and goes off - telling everyone to F'Off... (that's nice.)  Jeff is literally speechless, that she can go off like that at Tribal Council and still be there.  No one thinks she'll win so she'll make it to the end.  NaOnka says she's just being herself - if you don't like it F-You too.

Time to Vote:
Jane votes for Marty - Calls him a disgrace to fathers and she wouldn't let her grand kids play with his kids.
Marty votes for Jane - "Y'alls cat fishing trip is over cause y'all messed with the wrong gator." (Could he be more of a condescending d-bag?)  He does some goofy, monkey-strut back to the tribe and NaOnka shoots him the finger (I can't help but like her sometimes.)  Brenda, however, is not impressed with her hood-rat behaviour.  She needs to learn to rein it in.

Tallying the Votes:
Jeff asks if anyone wants to play a hidden immunity idol ... and no one does.  That gives Marty pause, and he's not looking so smug now...
Jeff reads the votes:
Jane 1, Marty 1, Jane 2, 3, 4, Marty 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... MARTY is voted out of Survivor Nicaragua!  (Oh Thank God!)  Fabio is not happy though. 

So, with Marty finally leaving that means: Bryon L, Bill B and Sharleen H. are out of the pool.

Marty's parting thoughts: he would not change a thing about the way he played his game except he wishes more people were playing... guess they were playing tonight because he didn't see it coming or he wouldn't be there... sucks to not be in the game... it sucks.  (Ha! At least you'll have your gargantuan ego to keep you company.)

Next week - Something shocking happens... what is it?  What?

Have a great weekend everyone,


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