Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Nov 5/14 Episode Recap

Million Dollar Decision

Last week we saw Dale make a Hail Mary play by trying to leverage a fake idol to stay in the game but in the end Jon & Jaclyn stuck with mom & daughter Missy & Baylor and Dale was voted out... Making Dale & Kelley the first completely eliminated pair.

Coyopa - Day 16
-It's the next day after they voted out Dale and Keith has his shorts in a knot because he got a couple votes - "That wuddn't in the plan."
-Missy feels bad and tells him that they were just trying to flush Dale's idol but she's burned her bridges with Keith - he needs someone who will stay loil (loyal) and he's got no problem leaving Missy and Baylor high and dry.

Hunahpu - Day 16
-They get tree mail that tells them to pack everything up and follow the map to the headland trail where they'll receive further instructions.  They all assume it's the MERGE! (who's going to be first to realize they could have made it without giving everything up for more rice?)
-Josh is a little frustrated that they are merging already because they haven't had the chance to get Jeremy out, but he and Reed are sure they are going to run the game once they merge.
-Jeremy is happy that he doesn't have to take a back seat to Josh & Reed anymore, he's seeing his chance to get them out. (So, no love lost between Jeremy and Josh... there can only be one alpha in the pack.)

Coyopa - Day 16
-They get the same tree mail and they all celebrate - they've made it to the MERGE!  Jon even quoted Kat from last BvW, "No one wants to date someone who didn't make it to the merge!" But he & Jaclyn can keep dating, cause they made it. (How sweet.)

MERGE at the headland trail... FOOD!
They all come together and hug and EAT!  Everyone is having a good time except Julie who is having a hard time seeing all the united couples when she's without John, "Makes me want to cry a little bit." (Ugh! Don't be one of those girls.)
-Reed reads a note that came with their new buffs - Congratulating them on the merge and telling them they are all going to be living at the Coyopa camp.
-They start to gather up all their stuff and all the left over food so they can continue the feast later. 

They head off for Camp, everyone carrying their fair share and Josh's mind is going, he's trying to figure out if they'll have the numbers, how his game looks from this point forward.

-Jeremy is thinking along the same lines, this is where the game really starts, the first half was the prelims, now they have to all step their games up.  And Jeremy starts by working his numbers, he's got Natalie and Julie and he wants two couples so he's talking to Jon [& Jaclyn] and Missy & Baylor is his other target.
-Jon tells Jeremy that they are down with Missy & Baylor - then Jeremy fills him in that Wes is down with Josh, and Josh is running everything from their end, "He's on his game right now, yo."
-Jon's like, "okay, we have seven, so first vote we vote for Josh." And Jeremy is happy that he's got his numbers and we're moving forward.
-Jeremy goes and talks to Missy and they have old home week, they've been together since day one so it's all good.

-Everyone gathers to choose a new tribe name and they go with the hybrid: # Huyopa

- Josh is very aware that Jeremy's been going around talking to everyone and Josh knows if Jeremy gets his numbers before he and Reed get theirs, they're screwed.

Huyopa - Day 17
-Josh is the first person to wish Wes a happy birthday... big daddy Keith totally forgot but he seems to think it's no big deal - he catches Wes a crab to roast... (don't say he never give ya nothin'.)

-Josh & Reed are talking numbers, right now they are tight with Wes & Keith and Alec but that's only five - Josh thinks he can guilt on Baylor since he did save her once and then have Missy transfer over with Baylor giving them seven. (A day late and a dollar short boys.)
-So while Josh & Baylor are walking and talking she says she's still with him as far as she knows... but she tells the camera it's really hard for her being aligned with Josh right now - Missy had a bunch of alliances and Baylor had one... "so it's like, thanks for helping me get this far, but now I have to vote you out." (Welcome to Survivor.)
-Josh reads her right, she's being very sketchy and he tells the camera he was actually a little hurt (and I rolled my eyes - dude, you wrote her name down once, don't play the injured party now. Own it.)

-Baylor then talks to Missy and tells her that Josh approached her and she's feeling torn - Missy tells her to just listen to Mommy - she has to be phony, put on a smile and tell him what he wants to hear but underneath have your game face on.  Missy is worried that Baylor has such a need to please and she is more worried about Josh being mad at her than winning the game. 
-Missy tells the camera she's feeling really good playing the game with Baylor cause she's able to redeem herself in her daughter's eyes ... (I hardly think a reality show is going to make up for her crappy upbringing, but you go ahead and tell yourself that.)

-Josh realizes that Baylor is totally under her Mom's influence and they have no choice but to make a play for Jon & Jaclyn at this point - so he goes over and just lays it out for them:
Don't get into bed with Jeremy, he's the biggest threat and he's talking to Everyone.  "Who do you think they're going to give the million dollars to?  Two successful Broadway performers, or a fireman with two kids?"
-Initially Jon & Jaclyn looked uncomfortable that he wanted to talk to them but by the end of his plea they seem to have really listened and may be considering. They go off and make a show of discussing what they should do... (but who are we kidding, they played that way with Kelley & Dale too - they're not switching.)

Huyopa - Day 18
*Trail Mix Scandal* - Everyone is starving (as usual) and they are scrounging through every bag looking for every scrap of food they brought back from the feast.  They are sure someone brought the trail mix but no one can find it. 
-Julie tells the camera that she has some of the trail mix left in her bag but to her, she was smart enough to grab it, so it's hers.  She'll share it with who she likes but she's not putting it out for the hoard to gobble up.

BUT, while Julie is off by herself sunbathing, Jon starts going through everyone's bags and finds her stash - they are horrified that someone would be hoarding food and they take it and eat it all.
-Wes tells the camera that's one of the most selfish things you can do in Survivor and Jon is angry - you don't steal someone's food! (Wait, who's bag was it in?  And who stole who's food?  Amazing.)
-Julie comes back to camp and she feels the tension in the air - the rest of them are openly saying things like, "Who does she think she is?" and, "I can still taste that trail mix we just ate."  No one actually confronts her though, and she doesn't acknowledge it either... but she knows she's in trouble.

They will have to balance a ball on a disc suspended over two ropes.  To make it more difficult, at specific intervals they will have to move back farther on the rope making it that much harder to keep tension and keep the ball from falling off.  After 25 minutes they are going to add a second ball.  If at any time a ball falls, they're out. Last person left standing wins the first Individual Immunity.
-Off they go and right away Jeremy is the first one out (huh? did you fall asleep for a second?) the round is only 10 minutes... and as soon as Jeff announces one minute left, Missy is out of the challenge, closely followed by Julie... just hang on!
-2nd round - they have moved back to the farthest end of the ropes and the wind picks up - knocks Reed out, Baylor's out, Alec, Jaclyn, Natalie.... and we're down to Josh, Wes, Keith and Jon with 10 minutes left to go in this round.
-3rd round - all the guys made it and they now have 2 balls on their discs... Josh is out quickly (which made Jeremy happy), followed by Jon and it's dad vs son... and KEITH wins first Individual Immunity - by the skin of his teeth.

Huyopa - Day 18
-Jeremy thought he was going to kill in these challenges - but he sucks!  He was out first, before a Mom (Missy), even Julie, of all people. "I was out before Julie," he says incredulously - but he still feels safe for tonight's vote because he does have the numbers.

-Meal time... is actually broth time (where did Hunahpu's rice go?) and everyone is still mad at Julie... Alec takes a shot, "I sure would like some trail mix." And again, Julie doesn't acknowledge that she heard anything, she just walks away by herself.  She cries to the camera that she doesn't know what to do, she's really lost right now. (OMG! How about being a grown up and clearing the air? Has someone else taken care of you your whole life?  What am I saying, of course they have.)

-Julie is confiding to Missy, not about the food, but that she is feeling like quitting, and Missy is being Mom to her, telling her she understands how hard she's had it (whatever) but asking her not to go yet (they can't stand you but they still need your vote.)
-Julie knows they just want to use her for her vote and she gets it, that's how the game is played but she's already proven how selfish she is and Julie is going to make her decision based on what SHE needs. (Ugh, just go home.)

-Jon & Jeremy are talking and they know that Josh is still going to be gunning for Jeremy.  Jeremy asks what Josh's reasoning was for taking him out and Jon tells him it was because he was going to win all the individual immunity challenges... "But I suck at these challenges!" Jeremy is very likable and personable but he is the biggest player out there and he realizes that Josh is the only one in the other alliance that is playing the game.  If they take Josh out, it's over!  Jon and Jeremy are still on point, to take Josh out tonight.

-Josh also knows that Jeremy is the only other person playing as hard as he is and he's playing well - which frustrates him.  Josh's strategy now is to focus on taking out the singles and he talks to Keith & Wes and Jon and they all agree if they take out the singles there will be more camaraderie and when they are down to the 8, they can duke it out. 

-Jon says he's found himself doing a 180 in terms of what alliances he's supporting.  He goes and tells Jaclyn that he doesn't think they can trust Jeremy and they're going to vote him out tonight.  She doesn't know if that's a good idea but Jon tells her its better for their game to go with the couples... and she's alright with that (huh, that was easy.) Though they keep dragging it out that they don't want to flip but they are a couple so they should be okay (blahdy-blah-de-blah.)

-Back at camp almost everyone is gathered under the shelter, then someone asks, "Where is Julie?"
-Alec is all proud of his passive aggressive hating on her that she totally overheard and Baylor says she took off with her bag... which sets Missy & Jeremy on high alert. But Missy tells him that she said she wouldn't quit...

-The next thing we see is Jeff coming down the beach to meet with Julie... and she very dry-eyed tells him that it's been too hard for her being around couples when she isn't with John and that they are being mean to her - Jeff is following her reasoning exactly, he's not being judgemental at all...but I am, (come on, she knows she's not going to win and everyone hates her so she wants to quit... just let her go.)
-She says she's not going to stay there because Missy tells her they need her, they just want to use her to get themselves farther in the game.
-Jeff says, what about those people that are aligned with you, this could be a million dollar quit (Jeff, she doesn't give a dried apricot about anyone but herself...) of course she says she feels really guilty about that and finally we get some crocodile tears... but it looks more like she is consciously doing this to mess with everyone - (yeah, all I heard was me, me, I, "this is what I need") - and she quits the game. (Wow, I think she and Rocker are meant for each other.)

Jeff goes to tell the tribe - they all gather on a log and he gives them Bad news: If you were in an alliance with Julie, you just lost a member.
-Jeremy is disgusted again - she was his numbers and she screwed him.
-Josh says it made all their odds better, one less person, unless she was your only alliance.
-And it comes out that she hid food from everyone, they were all really mad at her and they think she just couldn't face up to the fact that she is a very selfish person.
Good news: No Tribal Council - which means somebody may have just gotten a million dollar break.
No one is happy that Julie left, especially Josh and Jeremy.
-Josh because he was pretty sure they were going to blindside Jeremy at the Tribal Council tonight - which now isn't happening and who knows how things will shake up in the next few days.
-Jeremy because he was sure that Josh would be going home tonight and now his plan is totally messed up.

And with Julie taking the cowards way out, that takes Robert L., Monica S. and Kevin R. out of the pool.

Next week: It's a battle of the sexes with Alec refusing to provide for the women and Missy standing up to his chauvinistic ways... which puts a strain on Jon & Jaclyn - she doesn't want to align with the guys anymore and Jon doesn't understand why (gee, I don't know, cause they treat her like crap? Boys, sheesh.)

Do we care about Julie's exit interview? "Only I know how tough this was on ME..." (we don't care, b-bye!)

Have a good rest of your week everybody,


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