Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Nov 19/14 Episode Recap

Getting to Crunch Time

Last week the rude boys messed up by disrespecting Jaclyn and she influenced Jon into voting against the boys - taking Josh out.

Huyopa - Night 21
The tribe returns from Tribal Council and the game has changed:
-Reed is furious his partner is gone and he's rethinking how to play the game going forward on his own.
-Jon is wondering if everyone hates him but he says he had to follow his gut and after hearing how Jaclyn felt about the guys he knew it wasn't right to stay with them.
-Keith is outspoken as usual and though he's not happy that Jon lied to them he gets that it's part of the game - he tells the camera that he's starting to think maybe he should tell everyone to vote him off then play his hidden idol so they can take someone else out. (Hmm, that could possibly work... but I don't think Keith's a good enough actor to pull it off.)

-There is a plank over a mud pit... They will divide into teams and square off, one on one, balanced on he beam over the mud pit.  Goal is to knock the other person into the mud.  First team to 5 wins reward of: Luxury yacht cruise down the coast with sandwiches and beverages...

Then it starts POURING rain on them.

Blue team: Keith, Jaclyn, Jon, Missy and Wes
Yellow team: Alec, Baylor, Reed, Jeremy and Natalie (I just realized Natalie is going to be way skinnier than Nadya by the time this is over - it'll be like a before and after looking at those two.)  But I digress...
1st match up is: Wes vs Reed - and Reed takes it.
2nd - Natalie vs Jaclyn - Natalie bring her team up 2 to 0.
3rd - Jeremy vs Jon - and Jon puts them on the board - 2-1
4th - Baylor vs Missy - Baylor wins - it's 3-1
5th - Alec vs Keith - Keith is patient and it's 3-2
6th - Reed vs Wes - Wes gets it this time and we're tied 3-3
7th - Natalie v Jaclyn - same result, Natalie wins and it's 4-3
8th - Jeremy v Jon - Jon takes it and we're tied 4-4
Which makes the game point a Mother vs Daughter match: Baylor v Missy - and I want to see mom knock her off ... but, as usual, Missy is looking out for her kid and falls off - making the yellow team the winners. 

No sooner had Jeff declared the winners when Natalie asked if she could give up her spot on the boat to Jon (because he was whining about not having any food since the merge) and Jeremy says he's going to give up his spot for Jaclyn... (as a thank you for flipping?) Jon and Jaclyn don't care why, they are moved by the gesture and so ready to get their feed on.  Jon, "I LOVE YOU GUYS!"
-Natalie says she was really nervous at tribal last night and when someone shows you loyalty it's only fair to show it back... (so sweet-ish.)
-But the winning team still gets to send someone to Exile Island and they choose Jeremy - (WHAT?! After he gave up his reward for Jaclyn... that's just not right, poor guy got screwed!)  But Baylor says they chose him to go to Exile because they think there is a hidden idol there and she wants her alliance to find it (Jon already has it, of course she doesn't know that.)

Huyopa - Day 22
-Natalie confirms that she gave up the reward to Jon as appreciation for their siding with them at Tribal and also so she has some leverage on him.
-Keith and Wes know it was a huge strategic move - Jon is never going to flip again after Natalie gave him his hearts desire (sandwiches?) - "Touche to them."
-Wes tells Natalie that he knows the other alliance is final six now but he just asks that they give him or his dad a heads up before they get voted out - he just doesn't want to be "#Blindsided."  The real reason is so they can play the hidden immunity idol Keith has if one of them is targeted to go home (they may be rough around the edges but those boys ain't dumb.)

Exile Island - Day 22
-Jeremy gets the clue to the hidden idol and he tells the camera he gave up the reward in appreciation for Jon & Jaclyn joining his alliance and he wanted to go to Exile so he could find the hidden immunity idol and show his alliance so they will trust him that much more... first, he has to find the idol... and he sees the yacht go by, oh burn.

-They are eating and Jon & Jaclyn are so grateful for the opportunity to share this experience (Blah, blah, blah... FOOD!)
-Reed is just rolling his eyes at the whole situation.  The gesture of giving up the reward was so transparent it makes him want to hurl.  He thinks he's going to have to stir up some chaos at camp because he's really got nothing to lose at this point.

Exile Island - Night 23
-Jeremy is up most of the night, there's no shelter, the weather was crappy... and he didn't find the idol.  He's tired and crabby and all he can think is that Jon must have already found the idol, which is great, but he wishes he had told him so he wouldn't have gone out there by himself for two days.

Huyopa - Day 24
-Jon is worried about when Jeremy comes back without the hidden immunity idol - he thinks they are going to figure out that he's been lying about finding the idol and his cover will be blown. (When was he supposed to have told everyone he had the idol - you can be in an alliance and still keep that stuff to yourself right?  Only one person wins the money in the end. Just sayin'.)

-Jeremy comes back looking pretty exhausted - he says it was a rough two nights... and you can see Jon feeling guilty (oh, get over it.)

The Challenge - They have to unspool a rope, dropping blocks into a basket.   First person to get all their blocks set up in a loose pyramid with the flag in the middle, wins immunity... oh, and they can only use their FEET! (Say Whaaaaa?  I'd be out, might as well just sit on the bench and watch - I do not have monkey feet.)

Off they go - some are using one foot, some both to get the rope unspooled - they get the pieces down relatively quickly - and we find out if they drop a piece outside the basket or on the ground they can pick it up with their hands and put it back in the basket but everything else has to be done with their feet.

-Reed is out to a good lead, dancer has a strong core and dexterous feet.  Keith and Jeremy are also doing pretty well.  Missy & Jon are not that monkey footed.
-It's Keith & Reed working on the third row and as Jeff says it Reed has a bunch fall over.  He catches back up just as Keith drops a bunch of his pieces.  Baylor comes from behind as the boys start falling apart and it's BAYLOR who wins individual immunity!

Huyopa - Day 24
They return from the challenge and Reed feels like he could be going home tonight so he's ready to light the camp on fire on his way out... and decides to start by seeing what Keith has in his bag.  He finds the note that came with the hidden immunity idol - then tells the camera that he always hates it when people go through other people's stuff but, "desperate times call for desperate measures." (It's still pretty skeevy!)
-With this knowledge Reed goes to the ladies, Missy, Jaclyn and Baylor, and shows them the note he found in Keith's bag - telling them that Keith has a hidden immunity idol (um, wasn't Keith in your alliance buddy?) but he tells the girls he's now voting with them.
-Missy knows Reed is scrambling, but if Keith does have an idol, that is definitely something they should worry about.  Baylor just can't believe Keith of all people has an idol and has been able to keep it a secret... Keith?! (Yes, you have underestimated the old coot.)

-Meanwhile, Keith has noticed that his piece of paper is missing from his bag and he tells Wes that someone broke into his bag and they know he has an idol so it may have to come into play sooner rather than later - And you better believe he ranted to the camera about people going through his stuff and having different values.

-Jaclyn fills Jon in on Keith having an idol, that Reed found the papers and Jon confirms he burned his so Keith must have his own idol.  It's getting crazy round here.
-Jeremy tells Natalie that Jon must have the idol from Exile because he looked high and low.  Now they're all paranoid that Jon is trying to take control and Jeremy decides to set him up and try and catch him lying about the idol because we all know Jon is a horrible liar - So Jeremy shows the clue to Jon and tries to get him to admit he found the idol but, to his credit, Jon doesn't crack - he tells them somebody must have the idol but it's not him.  And then Jeremy is back on board, he's got to trust him a little.
-But Jon's convinced that Jeremy didn't believe him so he's got to make a big move and he decides to go tell Missy that he found the idol (huh? I'm lost, why Missy?) But then he continues and tells her that he thinks they should take out Jeremy in the next vote or two cause he's their biggest threat.
-Missy plays along but she is really tight with Jeremy from the beginning and she watched Jon & Jaclyn barrel through people, she's not ready to make that play yet.
-Missy wants to stay six strong and split their votes between Reed & Keith to flush the idol.  She's worried if they start to rock the boat too hard that one of them is going to fell out.

-Josh comes back as the first member of the jury (already?)

-We start talking about trust and what part it plays when the tribe is split six to four.  Jeremy says it's not so much the six to four it's within the six - for instance, Jon & Jaclyn joined their alliance at last tribal council and he and Natalie gave up their reward to show their appreciation for that.
-Jaclyn says she's pretty sure they made the right decision because she doesn't think anybody in the other alliance would have done something like that for them (they show Alec when she said that and you can bet he never would have done that.)
-Jeff goes on to say after giving up the Reward, Jeremy then was sent to Exile island, "he's Mr. Giving." Jeremy has a huge grin "Da da da daaa!"
-Reed pipes up, "But Jeff, it's not completely selfless." (That wiped the grin off Jeremy's face) It serves a purpose, cementing in the trust, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.  It's self-serving in being selfless.
Jeremy agrees - True.
Jeff says it's the best move you can make, it's a win-win and everyone agrees. (Boring re-hash of stuff so far...)
-Any talk of Idols?  Day 24 and we haven't had an idol played yet.
-Missy says there has been talk but she just thinks that people are too comfortable, they shouldn't be feeling that comfortable in this game - it can switch on a dime.
-Jon is pretty confident that someone there has an idol (he's talking about Keith)
-Natalie says it is scary that someone in the four alliance could have an idol but it's also scary that someone in your own alliance has one and is hiding it from you (calling out Jon too.)
-Jaclyn pipes up that Alec and Reed have been forthcoming and talking to them but Wes and Keith have not, no scrambling makes her think that one of those guys have the idol.
-Wes argues back that she's never talked to him about strategy the whole time so why would he come to her?  And Jon assured them he was voting with them and lied so why would he trust them?
-Jon defends himself by bringing up how they didn't give Jaclyn the time of day while he was at Exile and why should they vote with them when they totally discount one of the two.
-Baylor says all they mean is why don't you talk to the girls more.
-Keith says he talks to Missy all the time but then sputters about why he doesn't talk to any of the other girls - (he couldn't think of how to say 'girls are stupid' in a politically correct way.)
-Reed is celebrating that people are fighting and he's not involved - things can change from one second to the next and he's just trying to make it to the next second and find his opportunity to stay.
-Jeremy saw his opportunity when Jon was away to make sure Jaclyn was taken care of - he has a wife and if someone takes care of his wife, he's got your back (still digging at John Rocker?)
-Natalie says what has to happen tonight for her is for the alliance to stick to the plan and not let themselves get distracted by desperate people who will say anything to get what they want.

Time to Vote:
Jeremy votes for Keith
Keith votes Reed
Natalie votes Keith
Alec votes Reed
(looks like there is no six and four anymore)

Playing a hidden immunity idol... is, nobody... what is going on?  Why won't people play their darned idols?  (I guess they figure the vote is going to be split so the rude boys voted Reed... I get it.)

Keith - 1
Reed - 1
Keith - 2
Reed - 2, 3
Jeremy - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... and they blindsided Jeremy!  The reactions on everyone's faces were priceless!  Jaclyn wouldn't look at Natalie, Natalie asks Missy, WTF?, all the rude boys are smiling incredulously and Reed winks at Josh like it was all his doing.

That was a pretty epic blindside. I totally thought they'd stick to the plan to vote Keith and Reed - but sucks to be Jeremy right now, he gave up the reward and volunteered for Exile... and what did he get?  Too tired to play with his usual finesse he pushed Jon too hard and it sent him home.
With Jeremy leaving, that takes Sharon R., Terry B., and Krista H. out of the pool.

Next episode: Natalie's out for revenge and goes looking for Jon's idol - Jon is public enemy number one from the other side too - Alec convinces Jon it's Keith going home and then they plan to flip it... (being the swing vote always comes back to bite you at some point.)

Jeremy's last thoughts: He can't believe they turned on him, he was so forthcoming with his alliance, if he knew it was going to go like this he would have taken that last reward.  "A good guy lost, a good guy lost this time." (I agree, I liked Jeremy, for all his manipulation, he still seemed a good egg.)

Have a great rest of your week everybody,


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