Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - March 23rd Episode Recap

Their Red-Headed Stepchild

Quick recap from last week - Zapatera was too cocky and lost the challenge - they voted blond #3 - Krista... and the episode opened at:

Redemption Island - Night 13

The new pretty blond people tribe - Krista was looking forward to meeting Matt since she saw him in the duel, he appeared to have more substance than the people she's spent the past 14 days with (bow chicka bow wow).  And they start talking about God... really? and playfully talking smack - calling each other Blondie... how precious.

Zapatera - Day 14

Steve is bothered that the girls both voted for him at Tribal Council and he asked Stephanie why - she wants to gather everyone but he's not giving her that platform - she tells him she thinks he's a weak player.
-They are being so polite and proper, dancing around this conversation - she's trying not to widen the rift in the tribe and Steve is too vain and proud to accept the fact that he's no spring chicken.  He thanks her for explaining but tells her he thinks the vote was another stupid move on their part. (Argh! Get over yourself.)

Ometepe - Day 14

Ashley & Natalie (chicky 1 & 2) decide to have another beach/spa day - and they're clipping their armpit hairs with scissors (yeah, they are getting very familiar out there) - meanwhile, Phillip is collecting wood and tending the fire, Rob is chopping wood to make a daybed, Andrea is helping him with that task... and lazy lumps are making sure their eyebrows are groomed... Ashley says she's worked hard all her life (she's all of what 24?) she's played basketball and been in pageants, it's not like she's lazy... (okay, I'm done with you - time to drop the dead weight.)
-Everyone has moved on to hair braiding and sitting around and Phillip comes over and asks the girls if it would be possible for them to just check on the fire every 1/2 hour or so, the wood is wet and he wants it to keep going.  Andrea's the only one that acknowledges him - and she wasn't really the one he was talking to.
-Phillip is fed up with chicky 1 & 2 - they're treating him like their red-headed stepchild... he's going to be really pissed if he goes to Redemption Island before those two - who do nothing.  (Sorry to tell you Phillip-  they are easily controlled votes for Rob - they'll be staying.)

Redemption Island - Day 14

Blond tribe got Krista's luxury item and it's a BIBLE... oh no... Matt says Krista's not like the other people out there, they have both been struggling with not having a faith community out there - people to talk to about their beliefs (Oh man, they're like a Survivor Adam & Eve... maybe they'll run off together into the jungle never to be heard of again.) He says connecting with her is definitely going to make it harder to compete with her... and maybe she is a better strategian than I gave her credit for.

Andrea & Natalie and Julie & Mike are the spectators for the duel. 

The combatants will use a grappling hook to fish in 3 bags each containing a ball.  When they have all 3 bags they will use one ball to complete a table maze - first person to complete it will remain - loser is gone for good.

-Off they go - They have to stay on a small square platform as they toss the hook - Matt misses with his first throw - she gets all of hers on three throws and she starts on the table maze first - Matt is trying to catch up and drops the ball - he starts again and catches up - they are neck and neck... and Krista drops the ball... MATT wins the duel! (Of course, God wanted him to.)
-Krista makes a show of gifting Matt her bible - they had agreed whatever happened today it was God's will.  Jeff, of course, makes sure to ask if this was something they shared (as if to say: what else have they been sharing out there) and Matt was so grateful for the bible - "that book breathes life."

-Andrea, on the other hand, was bitten by the green-eyed monster and is seeing Matt in a totally different way - she thought they had a strong bond and wanted him to stay in as long as possible but obviously he also bonded with Krista (really quickly) ... Now she's seeing him as dangerous (she scares me a little bit, hopefully she doesn't have a lock of his hair to make a voodoo doll... but then God would protect him anyway.)

*With Krista leaving - that takes Kevin T, our first time player - thanks for coming out, Kim B, it's been a tough week for Kim and Bob L, ooh tough season for the Lowe family... out of the game.  (Sorry guys, maybe some praying would have helped :)

Zapatera - Day 15

-Sarita has a toothache- she thinks she got some bacteria in her gum 'brushing' her teeth with a stick.
-Julie just thinks she's a drama queen princess. (Suck it up buttercup.)
-Ralph thinks cleaning her teeth with a dirty stick and getting an infection is a stupid way to take yourself out of the game.
-Julie talking to Mike says Sarita is really starting to wear on her. (There is trouble in paradise.)

-Lawyer David is talking to Stephanie and says she has to find a way to unseat Sarita in the tribe because if it's just him and the 5 of them he'll shoot himself. (Uh... and this is her problem how?)  He's telling her to start talking to everyone - he wants her to become a member of the tribe so he can try and get Sarita out.
-Stephanie has to lie there and think ... how to suck up to people she hates... (Think, this crow I'm eating tastes like a million dollars :)

Ometepe - Day 15

-Phillip is again gathering wood and everyone else is just sitting around.  He warns them that the storm clouds are coming in they should be stock piling wood.  No one moves a muscle or says anything.
-As he walks away Ashley complains that he didn't ask them nicely, he was dictating, sorry. (I want to smack her.)
-Phillip says they are reaping the fruits of his labour and he's fed up he's not getting any credit (I was with him until he said he wanted credit - he wants them to fawn all over him more than he wants their help.  I'd be telling them they don't get food if they don't help build the fire and cook it - he just wants adoration.)
-Rob & Grant are gathering wood and know those girls aren't going to do it - they also know better than to try and tell them to do it.  Phillip, not so much.
-He finally confronts Ashley and Natalie and tells them he's sick of them sitting around doing nothing
-She says she's sick of him picking on them and not the boys. 
P - The boys and Andraya are pulling their weight - you won't do anything unless someone tells you to.
A - It's Andrea.
She tries to walk away and he says fine, I'll follow you...
A - OMG! (doesn't he know when he's been dismissed?) You're not my dad, Phillip.  She thinks he's mental and (eye roll) "I'm just done with him. Done."

-Rob says ideally they want to keep winning and not get rid of anyone, he sees this rift could really fracture his tribe so he pulls Phillip aside to try and squash this thing.  He says to Phillip that he totally gets it, but at this point the most important thing has to be team unity.  And he must really be mad cause he doesn't say anything - just goes off on his own.
-Rob tells the camera that Phillip is right, the girls weren't doing anything but he wants it that way - he doesn't want them working hard so at the end people will vote for them to win the million dollars - he wants them to be as annoying as possible, that makes him happy.

Zapatera - Day 15

-Stephanie starts on the plan of action and approaches Steve - and apologizes for voting for him - she said she knew it kind of hurt his feelings but that's not what she meant.
-He's not sure if she decided to start playing the game better or if she really was sincere but he's willing to keep that door open with Stephanie.
- He accepts her apology and she moves in for the kill... Do you know who I really wanted to vote for?  Sarita.  (She is playing him like a fiddle.)  But because of her position in the tribe she doesn't feel like she can say anything.  He totally agrees with her, they've all been saying that Stephanie is stronger in the challenges. So Stephanie sees she has to kill it in the challenge - anything to drag Sarita down and herself up. (For someone who said she wasn't good at sucking up to people she hates - she just proved that she is actually pretty good at it, as long as she learns not to go too far too fast... a little finesse is still called for.)


Jeff tries to stir the pot a bit - gets them talking about animosity - Phillip is using both the gorilla and the lion - and Steve gives a gesture I'm not sure is polite - I think he meant he going to use a football forearm block. (Just get to the challenge Jeff.)

Two members of each tribe will be launching balls out into the playing field where all the other players will be waiting with large netted sticks to catch them.  Doesn't matter what colour ball they catch - it counts.  First team to 5 wins immunity and reward of a mountaintop picnic lunch.
-Sarita volunteers to sit out with no consultation (she looks like she's in pain and I have to say, tooth pain is the worst, but you can't let them see you weak like that - these people do not have your back lady.)

-Stephanie and David are launching for Zapatera and Phillip and Natalie for Ometepe
-They have to catch the balls out of the air - once they hit the ground they're dead.
-Grant proves to be the superstar and gets Ometepe up 3 to zip.  Mike rips Grant's shirt off - (thank you)
-Rob picks up another one - Ometepe 4 - Nothing.  And Grant catches the winning ball - OMETEPE wins immunity again.
(Stephanie was not able to be the big saviour of the tribe like she wanted... Steve says it's going to be a tough decision now between Sarita and Stephanie.)


-FOOD! They are eating at the foot of a huge statue of Jesus (are they trying to tell us something - seems to be a running religious theme this episode)... and Rob sees the clue to the hidden immunity idol under the bowl of lobster tails.  He doesn't think he can grab it without someone noticing so he leaves it for one of them to get it and Grant does the ol' snatcheroo.
-Immediately, Rob says, let's go look at the view (Man, you're still eating, try to be a little less obvious) They go hide behind Jesus and read the note but Phillip follows and tells them he saw it - what does it say...  They show it to him and now Phillip is back baby!  He says their alliance is Stealth-R-Us; he's the specialist, Rob is the mentalist and Grant is the assassin.  (Okay, I get the brain and brawn part but what does the specialist do?)
-Phillip says he knows they tried to hide the clue from him but "hell hath no fury like a lion or a gorilla when he thinks he's been provoked." [growl] (I love the sound effect - LOL.  And Phillip, that's not really how that saying goes.)  He says if you're going to make an alliance with him you better adhere to it because he's all about integrity and if you try to trash on that me and the United States will have something to say about that, my baby. (Oh, he's on a roll) He's not going to dwell in a place of negativity, he's going to smile and when the time comes [kick] I'm going to kick a little ass around here. (You go, Phillip.)

Zapatera - Day 16

They return defeated and Dave says it's going to be interesting he's going to lobby for Sarita to go - he whispers to Steve and Julie that they have to keep the strongest six to the end - think about that.
-Sarita knows what's going on - she sees Dave and Stephanie are trying to get her voted out and she says she's not going to start campaigning - she is the most loyal person her tribe will see and they all know that. (Oh, I don't know... playing it too cool can get you voted out.)
-Stephanie is working Julie - it's six and six and they can't sit anyone anymore - Sarita is the weakest link.  And speak of the devil she walks up on them and Stephanie says she can't be anyone other than who she is... (She knows you were talking about her!)  Stephanie says if they get rid of her they will lose every single challenge (yeah, cause you made such a difference today) and  they should know they can't keep carrying Sarita.
-David is working the boys and Julie comes out to them - she says Stephanie is stronger but she trusts Sarita more - she gives them both a 1 out of 10.  Dave fundamentally disagrees - he says all he cares about is winning (and to him that means keeping Stephanie. I guess.)
-Mike thinks Sarita has been cruising and Stephanie has more fight in her - if Stephanie can prove she can be trusted he's not adverse to keeping her around.


David - take me back to throwing that challenge to get rid of Russell - how big a regret is that?
- Obviously we're paying the price for giving them that breath of fresh air - if we had kept our foot on the throttle things may have been totally different in terms of momentum. (Stephanie nodding.)
Ralph, today's challenge - you got destroyed
- We had open men and balls didn't come our way, I think had I been shooting, things would have been different (Stephanie didn't like that.)
Sarita, why sit you out?
- I would have liked to have been out there...
And Stephanie cuts her off: "I think she was shaking in her boots when she found out it was a contact sport.  But I'm okay with her sitting out because I don't think she's that great at challenges." (Wow, don't sugar coat it - tells us how you really feel.  And from Sarita, just a tight look, no rebuttal?)
So when you say she was quaking in her boots...
- She was worried she'd have to mix it up and I was like, I don't care - let's go.
Sarita - well, I didn't want to say definitely I can do it and then not come through.
So you'd rather sit out than be the goat?
- Well, no...
David cuts her off- That's exactly what she said. (No, I think she meant that Stephanie claims she's hot stuff in the challenges but she hasn't really proven that - at all.)  He continues that she knew she was the worst so she didn't put up a fight at the challenge so she couldn't be held responsible for the failure.
-Sarita:  I'm not saying I'm not good - I would have been fine to be out there.
-Stephanie - Bullsh*t. (Oh, Steve and Julie don't seem impressed with the potty talk... tread lightly big mouth.)
-Sarita - I'm a big active member of this tribe and I was horrible to watch that loss - I was really upset, it's sad to lose someone.
You buy that Stephanie?
- Absolutely not.  I haven't heard anyone complain as much as she does so my impression is she doesn't want to be here...
And finally Sarita interrupts - That's not true.
Stephanie - I'm here, I see you and you don't act like you want to be here.
Sarita - well you're welcome to your opinion but you are way off base.
Steve, is there any part of you that wonders maybe Stephanie's spunk alone is worth keeping her around.
-He says Stephanie is a warrior and she works hard at camp - Sarita is a trustworthy confidant but he'd like to see her do more at camp - she's kind of an uptown girl and hasn't gotten her footing out there yet and he'd like to see her pick it up more in the challenges. (Sounds like a warning to Sarita - I think Stephanie is still going.)
-David jumps in - Some of those positives are actually negatives - I think this tribe is too stuck on trust when that's not the issue.  Right now we have to focus on putting the best six on the field to win. (Winning, duh!)
Ralph, what do you make of that strategic layout?
-Sounds pretty good.

Time to Vote:  and here comes the thunder and lighting and RAIN again.
Sarita votes Stephanie - if you thought more about your actions maybe you'd still be here.
Stephanie votes Sarita - Not leaving now, I'll see you at Redemption Island and kick your ass then.
David votes Sarita - says he made the best arguments he could for Stephanie - we'll see if it worked.

Tallying the Votes:
Sarita - 1
Stephanie - 1
Sarita - 2
Stephanie - 2, 3, 4... And we'll see if Matt can convert this one or if he's only got a thing for blondes.

Next Week:
Mental fatigue is getting to everyone - David is wearing on people and Phillip is crazy as ever "Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob" - they're all losing their minds.

At Redemption Island, Stephanie is filling Matt in on Zapatera - they are horrible people and you don't want to align with them.  She says when she gets back in the game she's not going back to them (keeping the dream alive... but I don't really see that happening.)

Have a great rest of the week everyone,


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