Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Amazing Race - March 6, 2011 Episode Recap

We Had a Lot of Evil Spirits Apparently (Japan)

After last week's first elimination of Amanda & Kris (and they had to go out looking ridiculous in those Kangaroo outfits, just to add insult to injury) 10 teams remain on the Amazing Race.  Once they all made it to the Pit Stop on that last leg they immediately embarked on an overnight train ride to Sydney.
Zev & Justin are the first to head off the train at 11:57am - the clue tells them to fly to Tokyo, Japan - once there they must make their way to a parking garage which is like a huge vending machine of cars - to find their next clue.  Last time they went to Japan, Justin had to eat a wasabi hand roll (oh yeah, they did a sort of Japanese game show challenge.) They catch a cab to the airport.
-Flight Time and Big Easy are the next to leave - they're going to remember Big Easy in Japan, think it's Godzilla attacking again - they are going to hop another train to the airport. 
-The Cowboys and Sisters are one minute apart yet the Cowboys make the same train as the Globetrotters and Jen & Kisha miss it - huh.
-Margie & Luke decide to hit a travel agency at the train station instead of heading to the airport.
-Mel & Mike meet up with Margie & Luke at the travel agency - all trying to book the best flights.
-Kent & Vyxsin head off to use a computer to check Travelocity (nice plug there - I wonder if they get a kick back?)  Kent is rocking the little urban cowboy version of a cowboy hat - to prove to the cowboys they're not the only ones who can pull off that look (Uh, yeah, kinda proved the opposite - I could see him in assless chaps though.)
-Cara & Jaime find a different travel agency.
-Gary & Mallory leave the train station and catch a cab to the airport.
-Ron & Christina are the last ones out at 12:28pm (so they're all within 1/2 hour of each other) and they also hit an Internet cafe to check Travelocity(?)  We find out that Christina is engaged to Azaria... someone she met when they ran the face last time - (I don't remember him at all... but he's cute.)

-Zev thinks he and Justin need a cool nickname like the Globetrotters and the Cowboys - "I guess we're the special kid and his friend." (Special friends? - no, sounds dirty... Short bus? that's just mean... Zev & Justin it is.)  They go looking for a computer at the airport.

-Back at the travel agency - Mike wants to book a connection flight through Hong Kong to get them in 15 minutes ahead of the direct flight - Mel's not so keen - Margie doesn't want to do that either - too many things can go wrong (No guts, no glory! - but I'd probably want to stick with the pack too... Yup, I'm all talk.)
-Globetrotters run into Zev & Justin at the Internet kiosk and they're looking at the same flights - Qantas direct 6:15am or the connection through Hong Kong arriving at 6:00am - they're also leery of delays on connecting flights.
-The Cowboys went directly to the Qantas counter and booked the direct flight arriving at 6:15am - no fuss, no muss.
-The Sisters show up at the same counter and book the same flight as the Cowboys - direct 6:15am arrival.
-Ron & Christina book the Qantas flight over the Internet.
-Gary & Mallory run up to the Qantas desk and book the Qantas flight.

-Kent & Vyxsin think 15 minutes if 15 minutes and they book the connecting flight through Hong Kong over the Internet.
-Cara & Jaime also book the connecting flights at their travel agency.

-Globetrotters and Zev & Justin are still debating - they head to Cathay Pacific to possibly book the connection...
-Margie and Mel & Mike have now decided to go for the riskier move of taking the connecting flight through Hong Kong - Mike thinks they need all the extra time they can get.
-And that leaves only two seats left on the connecting flight through Hong Kong - Big Easy says they owe Zev & Justin one - since they gave them the phrase on the last leg - (plus Big Easy ain't so easy about the connecting flight) so Zev & Justin are the last team on the 6:00am flight.

-Mallory & Gary come upon Margie/Luke, Mel/Mike at the airport and Margie's acting all shifty, doesn't want to tell them they have an earlier flight (Oh come on, it's not that much better - but then they don't know the flight is full now either.)  Now Gary & Mallory are nervous.
-So 5 teams are on the first flight and 5 teams are on the 2nd flight.  The first flight does end up having engine problems and they are looking at a major time delay... that sucks.
-Ends up the Qantas flight arrives on time 6:15am - Globetrotters, Gary & Mallory and the Sisters are the first to get the clue at the car park - they have to drive themselves to another city and find a certain Dojo to get their next clue.  First they must ask the parking attendant for a car - wooo - it is like a big vending machine.  Big Easy barely fits in that little Japanese car - it must suck being that tall, especially in Japan.

-Ron & Christina and the Cowboys make it to the parking garage and Cord has never seen the like - Ron is driving like an old fart and when Christina asks if he could go a bit faster he bites her head off - Ah, just like old times.

-The Second flight arrives at 7:20am and all 5 teams swarm to the car park - everyone is taking their turn getting their cars when Jaime steps on Vyxsin's last nerve and she tells her to wait her turn - (the redheads really are so pushy)  Poor Zev & Justin end up in last place (oh, from hero to zero... I'm rooting for these two.)

-The first 5 teams all seem to be lost driving out of Tokyo except Ron & Christina - she was able to ask directions, which Ron was completely ungrateful for,  and they are the first to the dojo/shrine (Ron is just a grumpy old cuss.)  They see a guy riding a horse and shooting an arrow at a target - then find the clue to the ROADBLOCK: must dress as Samurai and learn to shoot an arrow from atop a wooden horse.  First they must learn the ritual (Form), then perform the ritual in front of a master (Bow & Arrow) and if they are doing it correctly they'll be spun on a wooden horse and they'll have to hit the target with the bow & arrow (Target) - once they hit the target they'll get their next clue (Are you kidding me?  I would be there all day.)
-Christina hands this one off to Pops and he's right away Mr Negative Nelly - I don't have the best eye-sight (Grr - he would drive me insane.)
-Gary & Mallory are the next team to the clue box and Gary is going to do the challenge.
-Ron has failed the Form so far - he grouses that he's not coordinated (he's just afraid of looking foolish - this guy needs to take the stick out of his you-know-what.)
-Globetrotters find the clue box and Flight Time is doing the task.  Kisha & Jen finally find the clue and Jen is going in to do it for them.  She's the only one that mentions the outfit they have to wear - silk robes, booties and a jaunty little cowboy-esque hat. (she is a girl after all ;)
-They are all trying to get the form down and are realizing this is not going to be easy.
-The Cowboys are still lost - driving around with Cord buried in a map (he can't read.)
-Everyone from the second flight is lost as well - they are caravan-ing and consulting with each other - except Zev & Justin who just drive on by - Justin seems to have a great sense of direction.

-Gary is the first to pass the Form - and move on to Bow & Arrow - everyone else still failing.

-Zev & Justin are the next team to arrive at the Roadblock (Oh, come on Cowboys, that's 1 1/2 hours they've lost) - Justin is going to do the task for them.

-Back out on the streets - the Cowboys are just heading south - they can't read any of the signs (sigh).  Mel & Mike and Margie & Luke ditch the Goths and the Redheads... but since none of them know where they're going, does it really matter?

-Jen is the first to complete the task, she says she's usually very detail oriented -Form, Bow & Arrow, Target- Way to go girlfriend!  Ron, "Oh, come on."  Hahaha - suck it.  They get the clue to make their way to a certain railway station and find a statue where they'll also find the next clue.
-Justin is the next one to finish the task -Wow!  That is quite the comeback.  He said he thought it through, what does each step means, instead of just trying to copy the steps - (I think Justin is one of those guys that's good at everything - as long as he doesn't lose anything vital this time, I think they're looking really good.)
-Gary is the next to finish and they head out right behind Zev & Justin.

-The Goths, Mel & Mike and Margie & Luke arrive at the dojo and Kent, Mike and Luke are doing the Samurai cowboy.  Kent gets a jaunty yellow outfit and he thinks this is promising.  Margie tells Luke to watch their mouths because he'll have to say something (hmm, this could be hard for him.)

-Flight Time is the next one finished and finally they take pity on Ron and he's through.

-The Cowboys finally arrive and aren't too happy to see everyone's there but them (and the Redheads)... speaking of whom - Jaime is driving and she's never driven on the right side before - Cara cautions her to move over in the lane just as she hits the mirror of a car on their left.  They stop and try to offer the guy money for the mirror but he wants to call the police - Jaime seems to be keeping her cool but she's frustrated they can't even have a conversation (how dare they not speak English in Japan.)
- They had to wait for the police and it did get sorted out - but it took a long time.

-Back at the Roadblock - everyone is failing the Form - Mike says it's way harder than it should be (this is Unfinished Business, they're not making it easier to win.)

-On the road, the Sisters stop at a funeral home to ask directions - oops, Rest in Peace.
-Mallory is the eagle eye and spots the statue on the side of the road - yells to Zev & Justin and they all get the clue to the Detour - Prayer of Purity or Frog of Luck.
-In Prayer of Purity they must take part in a Shinto religious cleansing ritual - don traditional garb, learn a prayer that is both verbal and physical then stand under a beautiful waterfall coming straight from the snows of Mount Fuji (brrr.) The water is 45F and they must stand under the cascading waterfall for 1 minute to receive their next clue.
-In Frog of Luck they must strip down and enter a mud pit.  Then, while on-lookers pelt them with handfuls of mud, they must search through the pit for a buried plastic frog, a symbol of good luck in Japan.  When they find one, they must present it to the frog master(?) to get their next clue.
-Zev & Justin and Mallory & Gary decide to do Frog of Luck.
-Globetrotters and Ron & Christina arrive at the clue box and they both decide to do Prayer of Purity.
-Jen & Kisha get there and decide to do Frog of Luck.

-Meanwhile the Redheads have finally arrived at the Roadblock and Jaime heads in - they are shocked they are still in it - the rest of the teams are still there.

-Luke completes the task - Cord feels right at home shooting the bow & Arrow, he's done - Kent completes it as well - even Mike finally shoots the target.  They all finish as Jaime looks on.

-Zev & Justin and Gary & Mallory arrive at the Frog of Luck and have to don a diaper-type outfit - Zev said they were like really skinny sumo wrestlers (it did cover a bit more than that - and Mallory was allowed to wear a top - this is a family show :)   The mud throwing was a surprise to them but they started to get into it - one guy belly flopped right by them - hahaha... it looks like fun.

-Globetrotters and Ron & Christina get to the Shinto shrine/waterfall - they put on the outfit and start the ritual - doesn't look like as much fun.

-Margie & Luke and the Cowboys get to the Detour clue box - Cowboys are doing Frog of Luck and Margie & Luke

-Jaime is now trying to shoot the bow & arrow - she drops the arrow then can't shoot it, gets stuck on her glove.  Cara is hoping she's not getting frustrated (well, you can hope.)

-Back at the mud pit they are filthy and Justin is the first to find a frog - they get their next clue and Zev stomach bumps the clue master (ha - is that bad form?)
-They get the clue to the Pit Stop - a monument to Commodore Matthew C Perry's landing.  Last team to arrive MAY be eliminated.
-Zev & Justin hose each other off and Justin's not willing to take the time to put on pants - they head out still slightly muddy and wet - Zev is going commando - That's not so hot.
-Gary finds a frog too and they are heading out right behind Zev & Justin.

-Kisha & Jen hit the mud pit and they don't enjoy it - at all - Kisha doesn't do bikini's, she gets mud splashed in her mouth - hopefully it doesn't get ugly.

-The Goths and Mel & Mike get to the Detour clue box - Goths are doing Frog of Luck (that is going to mess up your make up) and so will Mel & Mike - Mike just thinks it will be very satisfying to beat Jaime & Cara.  Jaime finally completes the Roadblock.

-Back at the waterfall Flight time and Big Easy finish first and grab Christina's fanny pack on their way back up to change.
-Once Ron & Christina finish under the water fall she's looking for the fanny pack and mildly freaking out that she can't find it.   The Globetrotters have left it with his stuff back up at the building but don't bother to tell them - (You know, those Globetrotters are sneaky.)
-Christina finally says they must have taken it so we might as well go back up to the buildings - I would be so pissed off!

-Kisha & Jen have dirt where it has no reason to be - Kisha finds a frog and gives it to Jen to present for the clue so she can pelt one of the guys with a handful of mud - Jen hugs the clue guy and gets him nice and muddy - oh yeah, they didn't like that.

-Ron finds the fanny pack in the men's changing room with his bag and bellows for Christina - he is royally irked and having trouble letting go of his consternation (his words - I must say he is always well spoken, even when really angry.)

-Zev & Justin have stopped at a car lot to ask for directions - still in their underwear - Justin says no one even batted an eye while in the states they'd run in the other direction.
-Gary wants to pull over to ask for directions and Mallory takes charge from the backseat - tells him to just keep going (yeah, and her sense of direction is impecable - don't listen to her.)

-Jet & Cord look cute in the diaper - Margie & Luke also head out to look for the frogs in the mud.
-Jen & Kisha are heading off looking for the Pit Stop and Jen is shaking from the cold.

-Jet & Cord are in the mud pit and Cord finds a frog right away (of course he did) - He says live frogs will jump at any time so he was keeping down low, listening for the croaking - He didn't know they weren't looking for live frogs (oh, he's so cute.)  Whatever - it worked for him cause they had it before Margie & Luke even got in the pit.
- Kent & Vyxsin and Mike & Mel come join Margie & Luke in the mud - Kent finds the mud disgusting - surprise.  Margie thinks it's ridiculous.

-The Redheads have reached the Detour clue box and decide to do the Frog of Luck as well.  Hoping they can catch up to someone.

-Back at the mud pit - Vyxsin is the next one to find a frog - and Kent gives the guy a big muddy hug (I'm just going to leave that one alone - it was slippery and he used tongue.)
-Margie is the next to find a frog - it's now dark and freezing cold - Mike is worried about Mel in the mud.
-Mike is feeling like it's a lost cause and he wants to quit - Mel keeps going - it's been the toughest day of his life but he's not willing to throw in the towel right away - Finally Mel gets cold enough that he lets Mike talk him into quitting and they head into a medic van to warm up.

-Cara & Jaime show up in the full on dark to start the Frog of Luck.  Jaime finds a frog.

Here's How they Finished:
1) Zev & Justin - won a trip to Costa Rica - and Justin hugged Zev - he didn't like that.
2) Gary & Mallory
3) Globetrotters
4) Ron & Christina - Phil asks why Christina's so upset and she tells him the Globetrotters took the fanny pack which may have been an innocent mistake but at the very least they should have let them know, as it was it delayed them greatly.  Phil says he's going to slap them with a 30 minute penalty which means:
3) Ron & Christina
4) Kisha & Jen
5) Jet & Cord (Cowboys)
6) Globetrotters - I wonder how they're going to feel about that.
7) Kent & Vyxsin
8) Margie & Luke
9) Jaime & Cara - Like the snotty b*tches they are say the line for Phil - 'you are the last team to arrive and have been eliminated from the race' - Stonefaced, Phil says, "You are incorrect" that shut them up - and made them so happy - they are still in the race. (poop.)
10) Mel & Mike - After a valiant effort - you have both been ELIMINATED from the race - they are just grateful for the experience - Mike knows his Dad would never give up so sometimes he just has to give up for him - he's 70 yrs old - he shouldn't be rooting around in the freezing mud.  (I'm sad to see them go, their relationship is so touching to see.)
So, with Mel & Mike leaving that means - Jeremy N, Kim A, Katie L, Kevin T and Hardeep & Kim are out of the pool.

Next Week : Zev gets hung up in China, Ron comes unglued and Kent & Vyxsin veer off course.
Ooh, looks like a good one.

Have a great week everyone,


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