Thursday, April 15, 2010

Survivor Heroes vs Villains - April 15th Episode Recap

Survivor History

Villains - Night 21
We open at the Villains camp as they return from voting off Coach.
-Jerri didn't see it coming; she had no clue - looking for reassurance from Danielle that she's not next.  Danielle tells her it was really last minute and she didn't want to freak her out - but she promises Jerri she is not next.
-Jerri says Coach was her one true alliance - Now all she's got is Russell, Parvati and Danielle. 
-Jerri goes to Russell and asks if he knew - he said he had a strong feeling but he wasn't writing his name down (Really? What does that matter?)  Russell also promises her she's not going to be next.  He feels great having 5 women left on his tribe now but he doesn't trust two of them - Sandra & Courtney will be the next to go. "I promise you dat."

Villains - Day 22
Tree Mail - Tells them their next reward challenge will test their endurance and threshold for pain.  They must position themselves between two narrow walls, perched on narrow foot holds.  This challenge was played in Tocantins (JT won and Coach hammed up his agony of defeat) - this time they will be paired against a member from the opposite tribe.  They are told to rank their 5 members from strongest to weakest - this will determine who they are competing against on the opposite tribe.
-They discuss how to play this - Russell says he's the strongest but he is also the heaviest.
-Jerri says they should play with the 5 women - they're lighter, smaller feet - they'll have the upper hand.  They know the Heroes will rank the guys as strongest; they're all guys with big egos...

Heroes - Day 22
Same tree mail and they're discussing the ranking - Rupert says he's going to do great at this. JT says the bigger you are the harder it is - Rupert - you can put me weakest then, I'm fine with it.  JT - No, I'll take weakest if you're too proud.  Rupert laughs - But he is bothered by being ranked weakest - he tells the camera he knows he's the strongest of the 11 people still out there - but they can put me weakest - that's fine (me thinks he doth protesteth too much.)

Heroes see Coach is gone - Rupert says that Girls Alliance is really strong (Russell grinning like a fool - is no one looking at him?) JT says he would have bet his life it would have been Russell or Coach gone.
Onto the Challenge:
They can use their arms to brace themselves between narrow walls with feet on very small footholds.  Every ten minutes they will move down to even smaller footholds - once they reach the third and final footholds, they must stay there for as long as they can.  Each person will be matched up against the opposite tribe in the order they ranked themselves.  The tribe member that outlasts their match up will score a point for their tribe  - first tribe to three points wins reward: feast by Outback Steakhouse (Steaks, baked potatoes, shrimp.)
Russell is sitting out for the Villains and here's how they matched up:
Danielle vs Candice - Courtney vs Amanda - Parvati vs JT - Jerri vs Colby (ooh, season 2 rematch) and Sandra vs Rupert (season 7 rematch.)
*Jeff also announces that today is the 100th day Amanda has played Survivor - she is the first person to reach that milestone.  Congratulations you crazy woman!
-They begin and Sandra is working the mind games - she announces that she loves Outback Steakhouse - the week before her husband shipped out to Afghanistan, they went to Outback Steakhouse twice. (Playing the deployed soldier's wife card - nice.)
-Russell is making sad, puppy-dog eyes at JT from his bench.  JT with serious face mouths to him to hang in there. (OH! You are getting played, son!)
-Russell is loving it - tells the camera he has planted the Russell seed and it's taken root - they believe it.
-They get down to the final foothold which is only 1/4" wide and they start falling - Colby first one out- Jerri scores a point for Villains - Rupert is doing his sweaty best but he's next out -and Sandra has the second point.  They look to JT but he's bionic in this challenge - Parvati is shifting a lot but it's Amanda who's looking to be in agony - and she drops - the VILLAINS win Reward!  Jerri cries, they are so jubilant at winning.

They are all drinking margaritas - Sandra sucks one back like nothing and orders up another.  She tells the camera she feels bad she's having Outback Steakhouse without her soldier husband (doesn't look like she feels too bad) but they both have their jobs to do (I think she's looking for an endorsement deal out of this.)
-They all start digging in to their salads - Parvati comments that they are even using napkins when she realizes she has a clue to a hidden immunity in her napkin - she quickly sticks it in her underwear and hopes no one noticed - and it appears no one did.
-They proceed to eat and be merry, laughing at the Heroes belief that there is an all girl alliance.
-Jerri tells the camera - It's so not true - Russell's running the show - they have no idea what's going on over here.  "It's Awesome!" Claps with evil glee.
-Parvati says she's full and is going to the bathroom - Danielle joins her and Parvati shows her what she got... the clue to the idol.  They proceed to read it together.  Parvati tells us that it is part of her plan to share with Danielle so she'll be closer to her than to Russell in the end.  Danielle hides the clue under her big fake boobs - I guess at least they're good for something. 
-Parvati tells us that they'll fill Russell in on a 'need to know' basis, and right now, he doesn't need to know.

Heroes - Day 22
-JT says he doesn't give a damn about a steak when he has a game to play... So he tells his tribe anyway - to the camera he says it was really tough, being a cattle rancher who lives on steak, to miss out on steak today.
-He tells the tribe if they win the next immunity challenge he has a plan.  He wants to give the hidden immunity idol to Russell at the challenge if they win.  Just hand it to him with a note telling him what to do with it (Oh, I'm sure that would go over well.) Votes out Parvati - Bam - Done. (OH GOD! Hahaha - can you imagine?)
-Amanda thinks it's really crazy - He could be in with the girls over there - we don't know (who would have thought Amanda would be the voice of reason?)
-Amanda asks Candice what she thinks and she says it could give us the numbers and get the idol away from him (JT) if he just gives it up.  (Oh honey, you just don't know - Russell's on a whole other level.)

Villains - Day 23
-Parvati & Danielle are searching for the hidden idol - trying to be like little mice so Russell doesn't see them (with a shovel?  Really?)  But Russell does seem rather oblivious - I thought he was going to get suspicious but nope - they are able to dig and find the idol rather easily and they hide it from him - none the wiser.
-Parvati says she wants to keep him out of the loop - it doesn't mean she doesn't trust him; she just wants to see him squirm a little. "Russell's not the King of Survivor - I'm the Queen, and the King usually does what the Queen wants anyways."

Heroes- Day 24
-JT is writing a note to Russell and reading it out to the tribe - Telling him to vote Parvati and when they merge he'll be safe with them and they'll work on getting to the final 3.
-Rupert suggests, "This is your chance to prove you're not a Villain."  (Proving he has no clue- Russell likes being a villain.)
-Colby - This is Survivor History (Yes, of BONEHEAD PLAYS!)
-JT - It could work y'all.  But he's really nervous - they really feel Russell's on the outs so if they save him they'll have the numbers... they just have to win this challenge.

JT's trying to catch Russell's eye and give him a little nod.
-Both tribes will start on a platform in the water - on Go, one member at a time must move a bag of puzzle pieces along a rope and through a series of obstacles to reach their mat.  Once they have all 5 bags of puzzle pieces on the mat they must assemble them into a totem pole - first team done will win Immunity.
-Jerri & Rupert are the first out - she starts with a lead but he overtakes her - Meanwhile, JT is making meaningful, serious-face looks at Russell then he's next out.  The Heroes are way ahead and remain in the lead - ends up the last two on the platforms are Colby and Russell (Oh, why Colby - I think Survivor has done more damage to this poor guy than anyone else) 
Colby asks Russell if he's going home tonight - Mm Hmm - Colby tells him to go to JT after the challenge, he's going to give you something - use it tonight, protect yourself - get rid of one of them.
Russell - Who?
Colby - Parvati.
R - She's running the show (Hmm, more than he realizes)
C - Come on board with us.
R - Wish I could shake your hand.
C - Plenty of time for that later.  And with that Colby is in the water and off winning Immunity for the Heroes.
(That was painful to watch, Colby was so serious and you know Russell is killing himself laughing on the inside.  It is my hope that Russell and Parvati get to the final two and he loses to the girl he allowed to ride his coat tails - again.  That would be AWESOME.)
-So, once the Heroes get the totem pole assembled the tribes congratulate each other and shake hands, etc and JT slips Russell the idol - they both just happen to have shorts with pockets and do you remember them all mingling after a challenge before?  (I may be a little jaded but this all seems so contrived - What do you think?  Real or Staged?)  Russell looks like he's about to bust, he's so happy.  I really can't believe they actually did it.  Oh My Gravy!
-Russell tells the camera - Now I don't even have to find idols - people are actually giving me idols.  You don't hand the enemy the idol - especially when his name is Russell Hanz - that's a no no.  (I also notice he says his full name all the time now - trying to do some branding of his own?  Can you tell I just watched a documentary on advertising?)

Heroes - Day 24
-JT - Damn, I'm good. (Sigh.)  We got the idol out to Russell and we know he's gonna be on our side.  We made Survivor History tonight guys.  (They are all in such high spirits, if only they knew.)
-Rupert thinks Russell is probably beaming and having problems containing himself - Well, he is beaming as he and Parvati read the note...

Villains - Day 24
-They are amazed at JT's gall in writing a note and telling Russell what to do.  Russell - "How do you give the Idol King an idol?" (Is that like the Dragon Slayer? Idol King?)  "Here Mr. Russell, this is all for you.  You know what - I think JT just handed me a million dollars - I guess he can afford it."
-Parvati gets to the part where they want her out - Why is everyone throwing me under the bus? (Cause they know you, honey) They don't even know what's going on over here.  Parvati says to the camera - Why would you hand a Villain you're heart? Russell is just going to stab it a million times then hand it to me and I'm going to eat it (I'm really getting sick of her giggling.)  What is wrong with him?  I can't believe that kid won.
-Sandra & Courtney are sad - they get along like rice & beans - they know it's inevitable that one of them is going tonight but Sandra can't imagine herself there without skeleton girl.
-Russell, Danielle & Parvati confirm they are voting Courtney tonight.
-Courtney talking to Parvati says she'll be good to have after the merge because Amanda trusts her (Amanda played with Parvati too) and she (Courtney) will definitely stay true to Parvati.  Parvati - Well in that case she'll see what she can do.
-Parvati tells us that she'd like to keep Courtney because she'll be on her side over Russell in the end - But she wants to stay low key so they don't think she has an alliance with Courtney.
-Russell, Parvati, Danielle and Jerri meeting - Russell shows them all the idol that the Heroes gave him - SHUT UP!  Danielle can't believe it.  Parvati says they are so stuck on the Girl thing and that's why I want to talk to you about Courtney... They start discussing who's more likely to flip - either - who's more likely to win in the end - Sandra.  Jerri - So we're voting Sandra now?  Russell says it doesn't really matter to him, they're both already gone in his mind.  Parvati says she thinks she can keep Courtney in check way more than Sandra.

-Coach comes in as the first member of the jury - in a silk kimono/robe, his hair neatly slicked into his half-pony and a huge feather around his neck. (Did Tyson not tell you...?)

Sandra, at the last tribal council, trust was a big theme - will it be again tonight?
- When I'm watching at home I know the person Jeff asks the trust question to, is the last person who should be answering it.  I'm in trouble, I know I am - It's between me and Courtney.
Courtney - is that true? Yes.
Russell - any correlation between the fact that Sandra & Courtney are the one's most often sitting out of challenges?
 - No, it's always who can I trust the most.
Danielle - what about Sandra's trustworthiness has her name coming up tonight?
 - She's not in my alliance and I see how she's playing the game.  She's able to manipulate people - I've seen her put things into people's minds that are not true - to stir the pot.
But the question was trustworthiness, not big mouth.
 - Well, she's just not been on my side.
That's just not doing what you want her to do. (What's Jeff arguing with Big, Fake Boobs for?)
Sandra jumps in: Me & Boston Rob were together from the beginning and now I'm the one left.
Danielle - No, you two decided not to talk to me and I had nowhere to go. What was I supposed to do?
Sandra - That wasn't Sandra (why is everyone talking in the third person tonight?)
D- But you were part of it. How'd you think that made me feel?
S - What was I to do when you were running off with Parvati & Russell.
D- You did whatever Rob said.
S - You do whatever Parvati says.
S & D - No I'm my own person - Blah blah blah...(Move on already)
So, Parvati, are you the boss?
 - Of course.  If you ask the Heroes, I'm the boss, running a crazy woman's alliance over here. 
What about Courtney is not trustworthy?
 - For me it's not about trustworthiness but alliances.  There was a strong division from the beginning of Boston Rob's girls and Russell's girls and Rob's gone.
Russell - I tell you what trust will do in this game.  We were 10 and 3 of us really trusted each other and we're still here.  If it's really true and you really believe it, you can make it all the way to the end in this game.
Courtney - Ring true to you?
 - Yes, they are tight and you can't hate on them for that.  Then she throws Jerri under the bus - Jerri denies she was with Rob's alliance at all - Courtney says  - You voted against the alliance you're in now but you flipped just in time to save your butt - I didn't  - so that's why I'm in trouble. (Oh, well played you poison-tongued, little viper, you.)

TIME TO VOTE - They don't show us how anyone voted.
Tallying the votes:
Jerri - 1
Courtney - 1, 2, 3, 4 - And Courtney is voted out of Survivor Heroes vs Villains. I thought maybe Sandra would go but I'm not surprised at this vote.  Courtney - Bye, Bitches.
(They show Coach who is sitting cross legged with his hands in a praying posture under his chin - WTF?)
Jeff tells us tomorrow Parvati will join Amanda in hitting the 100 day mark of playing Survivor - Congrats.
-So, with Courtney leaving that means Cheryl B. and Katie L. are out of the pool. 

Courtney's last thoughts - Has to say she's proud of herself - to make it to the jury was a dream so she could get all pretty and make the bitches jealous as they sit there in their dirty rags.  Best part of Survivor experiences is there's nobody she intensely hates - so good luck.

Preview of next week - They Merge!  5 Heroes, 5 Villains - JT - Is that Parvati?  Russell swears on his kids that he's 100% with them.  Sandra tells Rupert that Russell's lying when he says the girls are running the show. (See, that's why I'm glad Sandra's still there.)

Have a great weekend everyone.


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