Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Survivor HvHvH - Nov 22/17 Episode Recap

Fear of the Unknown

Last week a strong alliance of seven was solidified when the former Heroes and Hustlers voted together to take out a Healer - but confusingly took out Desi instead of Joe. 

Solewa - Day 22
-Dr. Mike has decided to start throwing the other Healers under the bus to try and keep himself there a couple votes longer.  He tells people about Cole telling everyone's secrets and stealing peanut butter... and everyone already hates Joe. (He better be careful though, being the guy throwing out the names can backfire.)

-Lauren was super stoked that she was able to use pull off the secret non-vote so she'll have two votes sometime in the future, with no one any the wiser - because apparently no one bothered counting the votes.  Ben is the only other person that knows about it and he's actually kept it to himself, keeping their little secret pact going. They are focusing on getting to the seven, then they'll have to make some hard decisions.

-Devon and Ryan are talking also about what they're going to do when they get to seven, Devon's worried but Ryan tells him not to, because he has an hidden idol in his pants.  Yes, bellhop Ryan was able to dig up the idol before everyone starting wrestling under the flag last week, but now he's decided to share the knowledge with Devon - who tells him no one else can know - of course he agrees... (uh, doesn't Chrissy know too?)

-They will be divided into two teams - out on platforms in the water - on Jeff's go, one person from each team will swim out to the next platform and a tall ladder, up the ladder then jump into the water and dive down to untie a buoy with a key attached that they will then have to swim to the final platform.  Once all three buoy/keys are on the platform the other two team members will use the keys to unlock a chest with balls inside which they will have to use to score five baskets in five nets.  First team to get all the baskets wins the Reward of an afternoon on a luxury yacht with food, including a huge chocolate cake.
Blue: Ben, Devon & Ashley in the water, Ryan and Lauren on the keys.
Red: Chrissy, Cole, JP in the water, Joe & Mike on the keys.
Off they go and it's a bit back and forth through the water section.  They get to throwing the balls and Joe is able to get the baskets ahead of Ben - giving Red the win. (Dang it! I don't like it when Joe gets anything, he's insufferable.)

REWARD - Day 22
Chrissy, Cole, JP, Joe and Mike are enjoying the beautiful yacht and of course the food. Cole says he's only lost one challenge since being out there (Reward challenge I think he means) and now, with a full belly, he'll have a better chance at winning the next immunity.  Then out comes the chocolate cake and Joe starts cutting it up though it seems like everyone is too full to eat it but Chrissy calls him out - he`s looking for a clue.  Joe makes no show of hiding it after that, he starts looking under things, all over the boat for a clue.
-They do a drive by of the camp and the captain blows the horn to get the attention of the tribe on the beach, who lines up and moons the boat!  HA! It was pretty good.

Back at Camp:
-Ryan takes this opportunity to pull Ben aside and tell him that he has the idol in his pants. (What - Ryan is trying to gain favour with Ben but not realizing he`s betraying Devon - it`s all about the power in his pants going to his head.)
-Ben is ecstatic, because now he knows that Cole doesn`t have it... but this also means that Ryan is out there to play and he`ll have to keep an eye on that.

Solewa - Day 23
-There is Joe, digging for an idol under the flag... the idol that`s not there.  Joe`s thinking that he`s got no choice at this point but to start pushing buttons and getting everyone to hate him so they won`t worry about voting him out because they can take him out at any time... this will give him time to make a move.
-Mike finds Joe strangely entertaining but Chrissy and Ashley do not find him entertaining in any way.  Joe shows up and starts needling Ashley telling her she`s a goat and she doesn`t have to do anything because she`ll make to the end as a goat.  She tells him she has respect for his game but he should show the same respect for others and he twists it that he is showing her respect but telling her these things to her face (Arrrghhh!! I feel her anger and frustration and it`s even worse because you know he`s doing it on purpose but you can`t help but react to him.)  He takes shots at Chrissy and Ashley until Chrissy just has to get up and move away from him, Ashley opts for telling him to Shut Up!
-Ashley doesn`t understand his thought process, he`s so unpleasant to be around, that she is going to be pushing for them to vote him out next, before Cole. (But the men would say she`s thinking emotionally, Ben wants to keep Joe around because he is so unpleasant, no one will vote for him to win, so Joe is actually the goat in this scenario.)

Solewa - Day 24
-Ben takes Devon aside thinking that he needs someone to team up with him and Lauren and he thinks that Devon has a good heart.  Ben shares a secret with Devon to show he trusts him - he tells him that Ryan has an idol.  (Boom! Devon`s head explodes) He is shocked and Ben thinks it`s because he didn`t know about the idol but really, it`s because he trusted Ryan hadn`t told anyone else and now it seems like he`s been blabbing all over town.  Now Devon`s thinking he can`t trust Ryan and he`s going to go forward with Ben.

This one made my back and thighs hurt just looking at it.  They will be standing on a crate with two bars resting on their shoulders.  Suspended at the end between the bars is an urn filled with water - if they stand up straight, the urn will fall dousing their fire, if they crouch too low, their flag will pop up - either way they are out.  So they have to crouch in this horrible position, not too high, not too low... I`d have to just take a pass I think.
-Off they go and Ashley was quickly out (kind of surprised there, swimmers have strong legs usually - but it`s just learning the range on this one, she went too high and that was it.)  Dr. Mike quickly followed, then JP. 
-Ashley made a comment to Chrissy, telling her that her form was perfect and just moving their heads to look took out Devon and Joe.
-Ben, Chrissy, Ryan drop which leaves it to the final two: Lauren and Cole.  Cole is blowing kisses to the peanut gallery who are holding their breath.  Ashley is giving Lauren warnings about not going to high, they are all trying to help her win and it does pay off, as Cole`s urn falls and LAUREN wins immunity.

-Cole is hoping that everyone`s dislike of Joe will save him tonight.

Solewa - Day 24
-The round table alliance of seven all go for water - to discuss the vote tonight.  Ben dictates that they still have to worry about an idol so they will have to split the votes.  He wants four votes for Cole and three for Mike (wait, what - still no Joe)
-Ashley is pissed - she argues to take out Joe tonight, he`s very slippery and has already found two idols, he`s always looking, she thinks he is much more of a threat.  Lauren tells her she just has to let it go and Ben just totally discounts her argument all together - he dictates it is four for Cole and three for Mike. 
-Ben`s my-way-or-the-highway attitude does not go over well with Ashley, she`s talking to Chrissy, Devon and Lauren, telling them it`s going to kill her not to vote for Joe (again) - Chrissy agrees, she and Devon have her back and they want to tell Ben this is not a dictatorship.

-Mike asks Ben who he should vote for and he tells him it`s Cole, just don`t tell Joe.  Dr. Mike also not so happy to be dictated to - he wants to try and flip things to get Ben out.  He talks to Joe and tells him they are being holier-than-thou, saying Joe`s so awful, but then not voting him out.  Mike is going to make their world implode by playing his idol tonight - but who to give it to? (Oy, this doesn't look good for Dr. Mike.)

-Chrissy now talks to Ben questioning why it has to be Cole tonight instead of Joe.  Ben says something about wanting to flush an idol but he`s just over it, he doesn`t have the patience to even explain why, because his answer would be that it`s better for his game.  Everyone already dislikes Joe so, he wants to keep him around.  Ben sneers to the camera that people are playing with their hearts and morals and that doesn`t win you a million dollars.
-Chrissy tells him that people are starting to feel a little bit steamrolled by him and he says, No, no their not.  (Uh, yes, yes they are, and you should listen.)

Dr. Mike leans over and whispers to Joe that he has to follow his lead tonight, just trust me.  (Joe`s face says it all, No f`n way is he leaving his fate in Mike`s hands.)

Oh, and Desi is the first person on the jury.  Hello Desi!

-Joe says the game is lost from his point of view - he and the other Healers are not part of the round table.  Mike laughs that he's the court jester.
-Cole is not laughing, he knows that he and Joe are first up on the chopping block and there has been no strategic talk with him.
-Chrissy says camp has been difficult, Joe came after Ashley and her with a barrage of insults that went beyond gameplay.
-Mike interjects that he is disappointed in the tribe - they have to play with moral and ethical conduct here and they are saying that Joe is offending them and painting him as a pariah, yet they are not voting him out which seems to say that behaviour is allowed and they are not playing the game with high moral character.  If me speaking up puts a target on my back, then so be it.  (He just confused Ben, he told us earlier, you don't win a million dollars with high moral fiber.)  Mike says if Ben is King Arthur at the round table, he will be the Statue of Liberty in America because they beat England in the end (oof, that was a tortured metaphor - Dr. Mike needs a better writer you guys.)
-Lauren just face-palmed and Dr. Mike is looking all smug with himself (Dude, it didn't land.) Lauren says she agrees with Mike except that they are playing Survivor - she doesn't act that way [in everyday life]
-Mike won't let her make her point, he is talking a page from Joe's book, talking over her and restating his position that they are showing low moral character by painting Joe as a pariah but keeping him around.  Lauren asks if he just wants to take the shovel and bury himself, because he is digging that hole deeper and deeper, and he didn't even need to open his mouth.
-Chrissy tries to bring them back on course by saying they have to vote tonight looking to the next tribal (yeah, don't you do that every time?)
-Joe says something about them living in a fantasy world, no one is playing until they reach the magical four.  Mike pipes up that once the Healers are gone there are 4 Heroes and 3 Hustlers, and three doesn't beat four.
-Ashley says you can do all the counting you want but this is not just a numbers game, you cannot calculate relationships, deceptions, betrayal, the game happens in every conversation.
-Ben says the 2 or 3 relationships you build will take you to the end, the thing that puts Joe outside those relationships is his mouth - he talks about the round table, the king and his knights - but he's the only one living in a fantasy world right now.  Joe and Mike are just laughing.
-Jeff points out that Cole has shrunk himself trying to disappear and Cole thanks him for pointing that out, he's hoping Mike's opening his mouth is good for him.
Meanwhile Ben is whispering with Lauren and Ashley and gets Chrissy's attention - yes, they're good.  Okay, finally time to vote:

Tallying the Votes:
Jeff asks if anybody has a hidden immunity idol they'd like to play - and Mike stands up says, "I think America's going to stay one more day" and he plays the idol for himself (huh? Wasn't he trying to get them to vote for Joe?? I don't understand, did he think they'd all vote for him?)  Well, they just successfully flushed Mike's idol.

Ben - 1
Mike - 1, 2 does not count
Cole - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... that's enough, COLE is voted out and Mike looks so proud of himself.  But he could have kept his idol and not done anything and Cole still would have gone home.  Ben told him they were voting for Cole - and watching til the end - Joe & Mike voted for Cole too.  I guess Mike that he'd rile them enough to vote for him and then he and Joe would take Cole out?? Whatever, if it makes him feel like a big man, fill yer boots.

Oh, and with Cole joining the jury - that takes Lorraine F., Gillian H. and Manny W. out of the pool.

Next week: The alliance of seven starts to crumble from within - they show Lauren, Ashley and Devon wanting to talk to Joe & Mike... oh ho!

Cole - he hoped it would be Joe not him but they saw him as too big of a physical threat.  He was just grateful and thankful to be there and proud of how he played the game.  No regrets and he was glad to have met Jessica. (Ugh.)

Is anyone else having trouble liking anyone this season??



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