Thursday, November 2, 2017

Survivor HvHvH - Nov 1/17 Episode Recap

This Is Why You Play Survivor

Last week Soko went to Tribal Council and Bellhop Ryan voted with Chrissy (the Hero he gave his advantage to on the first episode) and betrayed Ali (his Hustler cohort) to take out Roark (the first Healer to leave this season)... and Ali did not take it well...

Soko - Night 14
- They get back to camp and Ali is openly, in front of everyone, berating Ryan about keeping her in the dark.  (I think Ali has 'pretty person' syndrome, she's not used to people not including her in things and things not going her way.)  Ryan tries to say he didn't trust Roark and how close Ali was getting to her and that's why he didn't tell Ali how he was voting... but really, he chose not to play with Ali and she knows it.
-Ryan's whole game is based on everyone liking him so with Ali's open hostility after this betrayal, he says she may have to go.

Yawa - Day 15
- They show someone swimming without flippers trying to do some spear fishing... oh, it's Dr. Mike and he successfully catches a couple little fish.  They may be little but they make Mike feel mighty!  He has provided for the tribe, maybe only a thimbleful each, but it's still food.
-While Mike is trying to cook his two little fish one drops in the fire and they all say "oh well" but not Mike, he is not losing that fish - he is able to pull it out of the ashes and he still eats it.
-Ben loves Mike's attitude.  He's out of his element but he's constantly trying his hardest and he's a genuinely giving person - he catches small fish and still shares them with everyone - unlike Cole, the pretty boy, who catches a big fish and eats it all to himself.  Cole's showing his true colours, and they're not good.
-Cole is not endearing himself to anyone with his constant state of hunger and his belief that he should be given more to eat because he has to keep strong to win them challenges. (No one deserves more food than anyone else in these situations, really dude?)
-Ben, Lauren and Mike are bonding over their disdain for Cole. They are just sick of him throwing fits when he doesn't get his way and the fact that Jessica and him are so close.  Lauren & Ben are hoping Dr.Mike will be more inclined to vote with them to take Cole out, if it comes to that.

- They will race out two people per tribe at a time, to a set of poles which they will have to use to carry a buoy between them across balance beams - if they drop the buoy at any point before they hit the mat, they have to start over.  Once at the mat, they have to put the buoy in tube that will release the clamp on the rope to their boat.  Then the second pair has to got through the obstacles (without the buoy) to meet them at the mat and they all race out to the boat.  Once in the boat they have to untie the knots holding it there and then pull the rope to propel the boat out to the platform where they will use a large slingshot to knock down two targets farther out in the water.  First tribe to knock down both targets gets 10 pizzas back at camp, second tribe gets one pizza to share and the last place tribe gets nothing (Oh, I hope that's Cole after the whiny baby had a food tantrum.)

Off they go and everyone looks solid, until Ashley & Desi drop their buoy and have to start over... more than once.  Unfortunately this puts them way behind... but everyone kind of catches up when they get to the sling shot phase...then the surf starts kicking up and it's almost impossible to hit the targets when the platform is moving up and down with the waves.  JP shows great patience and is able to win the 10 pizzas for Soko!  Cole is lucky that Ben won one pizza for Yawa.  And Levu is skunked.

JP voice over as they head back to camp is him saying he doesn't like to be in the limelight that much but after this challenge they have to realize they need him 100%, without him they wouldn't be able to get through any challenge. No way. (Oh, that is tempting Survivor karma right there.)

Soko - Day 15
- They return from the challenge and fill their faces and glory in their win, the women pumping up JP's ego reliving the ease with which he knocked down those targets when everyone else struggled. 
- Ryan realizes that JP is a tank in challenges, no only because he's a firefighter but he's also naturally athletic.  Coming to the merge though, JP's prowess is that much more of a threat to guys like Ryan and the fact that JP has no social game at all may make it easier for Ryan to get him out before the merge.

Levu - Day 15
- This is a divided tribe, with Joe & Desi on one side and Ashley & Devon on the other.  Ashley & Devon are hoping they can work on Desi to flip on Joe if it comes to that.  Ashley does talk to Desi who says she trusts Joe to a point but she also says she'd definitely vote him out as well, because he could win this game if they don't take him out. Desi tells the camera that if Levu has to go to tribal council she is considering voting out Joe at this point.
- Joe, meanwhile, found an idol before at the Healers tribe so he has an idea where another might be at this beach... but he wants to find the clue and make sure.  Devon is keeping an eye on him to try and make sure he doesn't get another idol... but he doesn't do a very good job of it.  Joe does spot the clue on a tree while he's foraging with Devon, but he doesn't let on - then goes back to the well when everyone is sleeping and digs it up.  This time, no one is going to know that he has the idol - that power is his alone.  When he digs up that idol in the dark he gives us the title of the episode, "This is why you play Survivor."  He also humanizes himself saying that this isn't a game to him, this is work, he's there to win the money for his family and reinforce for his kids that nothing comes easy, you have to put in the work and it will pay off. (See, that's a good lesson, I wish he wasn't so ready to manipulate and step on people to win.)

Yawa - Day 16
- They are sitting around in the shelter, Cole lying on the ground, when his hand starts shaking - no biggy.  Then Cole stands up and passes out, cold - lands like a ton of bricks, almost looks like he smashed his face on the bamboo and he stuttered out some nonsense words... luckily for him he has a doctor and nurse practitioner on his tribe who jump into medical mode right away.  They get him to stay laying down, raise his feet, give him water and Jessica jumps on making him some food.  And I know the guy just passed out and everything but he seemed to love the attention and when she gave him her portion of rice, it kinda grossed me out how happy he was about it.  
-Jessica was worried for him and just wanted to hold him, she realizes she cares for him more than she let on and isn't ready to play this game without Cole. (I just want to slap her and tell her to snap out of it.)
-Dr. Mike, on the other hand, while wanting to make sure his patient is going to be alright, realizes that Cole has become a liability to the tribe and if he has to eat all their rice just to get along, they have to get rid of Cole.
-Then Ben wanders back to camp - where the heck were you? Dr. Mike is like, nothing happened while you were gone, Cole didn't pass out or anything.  Gasp! Ben tells him to take it easy and drink some water.  But then Mike & Ben go have a chat about getting rid of Cole - when he fell over he sealed his fate.

Oh - this was a new one and it looked hard - I hope I can explain it.

So, four people per tribe, arranged in a half circle which kind of looks like spokes of a bike wheel - they will each pull on a rope suspending a disc in the centre, then working together to stabilize the disc. One by one, they will have to walk blocks into the centre and stack them up on the disc to spell IMMUNITY.  If the blocks fall, they have to start again.  Oh, and they are also balancing on beams, I forgot that part - so if they fall off the beam they could also make the blocks fall - yeah this was a hard one.
-Soko is the first to drop but it was early, learned a lesson there.
-Levu was the next to drop and they were close to finishing so that was harder.
-Then Yawa, looked like they were going to win, Cole just had to walk back after placing the last letter but he didn't make it, the stack dropped and they had to start again.
-Yawa had it figured out by then though, they had the three that were not placing the block hold the disc tight so the person laying the block could just keep their rope slack... and they were able to catch up. 
-All three tribes had the whole word complete and the last three that placed the I's just had to make it back to their places - Jessica was able to go fast with her slack rope and Yawa won the first immunity, this seemed to rattle JP and Soko's stack dropped, allowing Devon to take his time slowly inching back to his place and Levu also won immunity.  It was Soko heading back to Tribal Council for the second time in a row.

- Ali knows after her blow up at Ryan after last tribal that her name may have come up, she's more nervous than she's ever been.

Soko - Day 16
- Things are simple in JP's world - to him losing sucked but it just wasn't a big deal. Ali is next and there is nothing she can do about it.
- Ryan knows that Ali is the obvious next choice to go, but he also knows that JP is a huge physical threat and maybe this is his chance to get him out.  In order to do that though, Ryan has to make up with Ali.  So Ryan goes and apologizes and tells her everything she wants to hear so Ali is 100% in with voting out JP - and she goes to talk to Chrissy.
- Chrissy isn't stupid though and she knows what Ali is up to.  Ali goes a little too far, in my opinion, telling Chrissy that she is extremely loyal and thinks she can put the loyalty she previously had for Ryan onto Chrissy. (In what world is Ali loyal - her first alliance was with Patrick, who she voted out as soon as he became unpopular - now her Ryan loyalty is up for grabs too... sheesh.) Chrissy doesn't trust Ali as far as she can throw her.  She trusts Ryan and together they will make the decision on which of the two will go home tonight.
- Ryan doesn't understand why everyone wants to work with him, he thinks he's a weasel (pretty good judge of his own character there), "but the closer you are to someone the less they see you and the easier it is to go behind their back and backstab them." (Yikes, watch out for Ryan.)

-Ryan tells Jeff how Ali wasn't pleased with him after the last Tribal.
-Ali agrees that she thought Ryan should have told her about how he was voting but they have both apologized and she thinks it's been swept under the rug.  JP smiles behind her back, thinking she's dumb if she believes that (he is kind of clueless.)
-Chrissy says they all know there is a merge that is imminent and they all want to make it.
-Ali agrees that they have to look at the merge coming and decide who they can trust moving forward and who will bring you numbers and fight for you as well as themselves.
-JP says he knows that traditionally this is around the time that the bigger physical threat guys start to get voted out (really? You realize that?) He said he is nervous they could be thinking about taking him out (no he's not... who wrote this stuff for him?) JP is cool as a cucumber but he's paying lip service to making the decision tonight on what's going to move your game forward.
-Jeff calls him out on his laid back nothing answer - and Ali bites, saying he's not making a case for himself, she has no idea what JP is thinking.
-Chrissy says she's played with JP since day one and he plays a very quiet game.  JP nods agreeing with that.
-Jeff again, prodding them along - my husband hates when Jeff drives Tribal Council like this, to the point where he can influence the vote sometimes - but anyway, Ryan says he agrees JP plays a quiet game but he sees him winning everything and does have to ask himself if he wants to go up against that.
-Jeff points out that JP is still sitting there like the piece of granite he appears to be chiseled out of, and JP says if it is him walking down that path tonight he may think that he should have played a better social game, opened up in the game more - but maybe this is a wake up call for me.
- And the wind sweeps through and there is thunder...
- Blah, blah, blah... Ali hopes she's done enough, Chrissy can think of ways everyone can help and hurt her game going forward.  And finally it's...

Time to vote:
JP votes for Ali - You have your game, I have mine, let's see who wins.
Ali votes for JP - Just have to get rid of the strong.

Tallying the Votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol. (How cool would that have been?)

Ali - 1
JP - 1
Ali - 2, 3 - and it's ALI leaving us tonight.  She says, "You're kidding me." and puts her head in her hands - I almost thought she wasn't going to leave - have a little millennial meltdown.  But finally she gets her torch and says, "good luck beating him." then tearily shuffles off into the night.

And with Ali leaving, that takes Shelley A., Alexis G., and Stacey L. out of the pool.

Next week - it's the Merge!  Battle lines are drawn and it's a scramble to gather troops.  Ben is gunning to take out Cole and everyone is taking sides. Fun!

Ali's final thoughts: She's pissed she let a twerp like Ryan ruin her game.  She called Chrissy the liar of all liars and, she wanted to play with her head but might have let her heart in too much and that's what got her. (Whatever - she proved inconsequential and now she's gone.)

Have a great weekend everyone,



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