Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Survivor Game Changers - May 17/17 Episode Recap

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow

Last week Sierra didn't survive trusting Sarah with the knowledge of her legacy advantage - Sarah wanted that advantage and she was able to make it happen because Sierra willed it to her after she left.  That Sarah is definitely playing to win this time.

Maku Maku - Night 32
Returning to camp Brad now knows that Michaela did not vote with them.  Also the other girls; Aubry, Andrea, Cirie and Michaela are discussing Sarah's performance for Sierra when she was voted off - she looked very confused and Aubry explains that she was acting to keep Sierra on her side. (We know it was to get the advantage and hopefully her vote on the jury - but who wouldn't have done that.)
-The rest of them are starting to realize how crafty Sarah actually is - this makes Andrea think they should be targeting Sarah... but Cirie is alright with her lying to everyone, makes it easier to beat her in the end. (Ah, not necessarily.)

Maku Maku - Day 33
Sarah gets the legacy advantage, her shocked look at tribal worked.  So Sarah now has two advantages, the steal-a-vote she found at one of the challenges when Michaela was too preoccupied being mad to realize there was a secret advantage at her feet, and now the Legacy advantage which will only be good as immunity now when there are six people left.  (I think there are currently 8 people there still.)
-Sarah, if she had her choice, would like to see Andrea go next, she cannot stand the girl - but it's also got to be the right time (see, the patience is key, not everyone has that virtue.)

This is an oldie but a goody - with one hand they will have to steady a wobbly table by holding a suspended handle.  On one side of the table is a stack of wooden "cards", on the other end they have to start building a house of cards that will be high enough to reach the red marker (a couple feet above their heads - they don't tell us how high it is.)  This challenge was last won by Cochrane in 17 minutes - Aubry comments that's her boyfriend and Jeff runs with it, "Do well here and maybe you can win his heart." (Survivor pimp?... oh, I guess I should say matchmaker :)). Anyway, people are going great guns on this house of cards, Aubry and Michaela are neck & neck when Michaela's drops, then other all start to drop their stacks - Andrea, Troyzan, Cirie, Brad, Michaela again - and have to start over but Aubry's structure is steady as a rock (I don't know how, her hand was shaking like a leaf) - she got to the point where she used all her cards but the stack wasn't high enough so she had to take some off and reconfigure - she still didn't lose her stack - and she ended up winning this challenge in a blazing, record-setting, six minutes!  Aubry wins her first individual immunity - and slams her body into Jeff hugging him (Hmm, who does she have a crush on?)

Back at camp: Aubry is on a high from her win, she's finally starting to build a resume (hmm, might be a little late at this point).  She's thinking that the time is nigh for Brad Culpepper to go home. 
-Aubry, Cirie, Andrea and Michaela are talking and confirming they are all on board to vote out Brad but Michaela just wants him to go fishing before he leaves because once he's gone, there will be no fish (wow, way to think with your stomach.)  Michaela actually volunteers to go find Brad, saying she's going to make sure he's not looking for a hidden immunity idol, and she tells him that he should go fishing.  The guy is gathering coconuts to feed them all and she has the nerve to suggest to him it would be good for him if he were to go fishing.  Brad doesn't see it that way, he feels like she's trying to blackmail him and he is not going to kowtow to some diva's demands.

Meanwhile Andrea is floating the idea of voting for Sarah to Aubry but she doesn't think the timing is right, she fully believes it's time to send Brad home.  So Andrea tries to work Cirie to vote out Sarah and Cirie sees right through her, she's having none of that.  Cirie goes to Sarah and tells her she thinks it's time for them to vote out Andrea (wait, what?)

TRIBAL COUNCIL (Yeah, there were two this episode)
-Aubry says she feels like they have a solid We this time.  Sarah concurs - if it ain't broke, why fix it.
-Cirie said there was no scrambling back at camp, it was unusual.  Andrea agrees that no one seemed to be scrambling - well no one talked to her anyway.
-Brad said he didn't talk to Andrea because he had written her name down twice but he talked to some of the other girls and maybe they'll realize that they can use the guys to make their move.
-Sarah says she thinks the jury will reward game play, Aubry thinks that she is underestimating the emotion that is involved when you get voted out.  Tai agrees that the jury would reward the best player and not vote for someone just because they're friends.  Andrea hopes they'll reward gameplay but it also depends on the manner in which you send those people off, don't rub salt in the wound by acting their friend all day, then voting them off.
-Blah blah blah... Brad hopes they wake up and don't wait to the end to get voted out - get that person at seven before you get got.

Time to vote:
Brad votes for Andrea

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol

Andrea - 1
Brad - 1
Andrea - 2
Brad - 2
Andrea - 3, 4, 5... and It's ANDREA blindsided - she teasingly said, "Oh you..." to Cirie when she was leaving but then was choked up on her exit interview.  It was frustrating to go out on day 33, she thought she was playing a smarter game and she thought she had real relationships - but it's Survivor and you can't really trust anyone.
And with Andrea leaving, that takes Coleen T., Manny W., and Trish J. out of the pool. (Boo!)

Maku Maku - Night 33
Aubry is emotional when they get back to camp - she was riding the high of her first immunity win, and then her closest ally was killed off - figures, she seems to have really high highs and really low lows out there (whoa is me) Cirie half-heartedly asks if she's okay and of course Aubry isn't going to trust her now - it's only Tai who is big hearted enough to really console her and this makes Cirie suspicious of both of them now. (Oh come on.)

IMMUNITY CHALLENGE - Right back at it. (Day 35)
They will each be perched on a pole out in the water, on Jeff's go they will have to lower a bucket full of holes into the water and dry to pour the water down a chute, raising a key.  Once they are able to raise the key enough to reach, they have to grab it, swim back to shore, and unlock a bundle of puzzle pieces. They then had to use the puzzle pieces to solve a block puzzle (which looked really hard, the blocks were in weird shapes, there was a navigational star picture on it and they had to lower the pieces on posts to put the puzzle together - oof, tough.)

Off they go and Cirie can't even stand on the post, she's asking herself why she keeps doing this... and then Cirie's bucket gets stuck on the bottom of her ladder and she has to go down and free it when the other's are now jumping off with their keys.
Michaela is first back followed closely by Brad, Troyzan and Aubry.  This puzzle is not easy though and anyone could have won once they all got working on it.
Michaela thinks she has the puzzle done but it looks like a top and bottom piece were switched, when Jeff tells her she's not right she kicks the puzzle (in true Michaela fashion.)
-Brad is the next one to get the puzzle done and he actually had it right, BRAD wins individual immunity and celebrates angrily, "You're g*ddamn right! Pick somebody else people."

Cirie's got to recalculate what their move will be, and she's ready to take out somebody who is a threat to her.

Maku Maku - Day 35
Troyzan's taking his idol to tribal tonight (no one even remembers you're there, don't sweat it.)
-Tai is talking to Aubry about how he needs to start making some moves to prove to the jury he's worthy of winning game changers and the way he sees it, the biggest player out there is Sarah.  Aubry thinks he and Sarah are friends but Tai shakes his head.
-Aubry sees this as her chance to try and get Tai out of there because if she doesn't make a big move and fill out her resume she wouldn't be able to beat him anyway - so she goes to Cirie and tells her that Tai is targeting Sarah...and in true Survivor Telephone fashion, Cirie goes right to Sarah and tells her what Aubry said. 
-Sarah doesn't believe it, she trusts Tai over Aubry all day long and to prove that they can trust Tai, Sarah gives Cirie her Steal-A-Vote advantage to hold on to, so when she comes back after tonight's vote she can give it back to her and she'll know who she can trust.
-Cirie can't believe she can't get Sarah to use her advantage to save herself, she actually gave it to her - and you better believe she's going to play it (what???) She says she's going to use it to save Sarah and show her who was right. (Seriously?)
-The downside to Cirie's plan is that once she steals Sarah's vote and they vote for Tai, he has the option to play a hidden immunity idol and save himself - and Cirie's pretty sure he has an idol (oh does he - he still has two!) - So Cirie hatches the plan to try and convince Tai that she is going to use this advantage to save him so he won't play his immunity idol.  And she does a very convincing job, getting choked up about how this could put her in jeopardy if anyone were to find out... He's surprised, he didn't think his name was even in play tonight.  Tai is freaking out - why would she lie and make up this whole thing?  Should he play his idol? He's terrified.

-Sarah said back at camp after Brad won immunity there was lots of sneaking around and lying going on.  She needs to get to the bottom of who was lying to her and who was telling her the truth and this vote should do that.
-Cirie agrees there are several lies and untrue stories going around and tonight is going to show where it's coming from.
-We have a totally paranoid tribal with everyone thinking everyone is lying, even when you tell the truth people knew you lied before so it can't be true and when you do someone a favour it's rarely returned... nothing much really said, just everyone is lying to everyone - that's Survivor.
-Michaela sums it up, is now the time to make a big move, make yourself a name, and risk going home next time or is now the time to be grateful for what you have, play for a week and make it to the end of this game.

When Jeff says it's time to vote, Cirie jumps in, "Jeff, there is a rat in this game and the person I save from this rat will thank me tomorrow.  So I want to use this advantage..." And Sarah is smiling, hmmm, Cirie is saying how she gets to steal a vote and she's going to steal Sarah's vote. 
-Sarah is all calm, cool and collected, "Um, actually, that is my advantage and I'm letting Cirie hold on to it, and it says it can't be stolen from me." (What???)  Cirie says it wasn't stolen, it was given to her... but then it also says the advantage is non-transferrable - and she is hooped! (Officer Sarah is one cagey lady, she knew what she was doing. WOW, that is fantastic!)
-Sarah jumps up and goes and whispers to Tai.  Then Cirie trying to do damage control whispers to Sarah she was going to vote out Tai and she can confirm that with Michaela if she doesn't believe her.  Michaela jumps up to corroborate and then Troyzan is trying to listen but Michaela tells him to jump back.  Brad is asking Tai what she said - Tai and Sarah and Cirie are whispering... and Aubry just pulls her buff over her face (I think that would be me).  Sarah finally just sits down and tells Jeff she is going to use the advantage and she's going to steal Tai's vote.  She's ready to vote.

Alrighty then, I guess it's Time to vote:
Aubry votes Tai
Cirie - they don't show us who she voted for but she laughs embarrassedly, "Should have read the fine print."
Michaela votes Tai - I don't know what she mumbled.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol (Seriously? Tai, what are you doing?)

Tai - 1
Tai - 2
Aubry - 1
Michaela - 1
Michaela - 2, 3, 4... MICHAELA is voted out. "I don't see how that makes sense Sarah but you do you, boo."  Wow, that totally backfired - how did Michaela end up voted out there??
And with Michaela leaving tonight, that takes Katie L., Susan N. and Becky G. out of the pool.

Next week (May 24th) is the two hour Season Finale - looks like Tai tells the boys about his hidden idols, Brad has no problem voting him out with his own idol and threatens Tai that his fate is in his hands and then Tai is crying that he lost control - (big bully, go pick on someone your own size.)

Michaela's final thoughts: I'm pretty bummed but excited that I made it to day 35.  It's been a wild experience you know it's a compliment to be voted out because people didn't think they could beat you. She may have to come back and play again to win the million dollars - and she gave a big grin and little laugh (like whatcha say producers?)

Here's who is still in the running:

Brad Culpepper: Elaine R., Bryon L., Coleen T.
Cirie Fields: Sophie S.B, Alexis G., Vikki Murray
Sarah Lacina: Julisa C., Mike L., Brandon L.
Tai Trang: Kim B., Andria S., Tori K.
Aubry Bracco: Roxanne S., Shelley A., Lee B.
Troyzan Robertson: Kim A., Krista H., Scott M.

Have a great long weekend everyone,



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