Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Survivor Game Changers - April 26/17 Episode Recap

A Line Drawn in Concrete

Last week we saw the merge which spelled the end of the line for Hali (though she was the first on the jury) and Zeke started a revolt against Andrea but she fought back and amid the chaos Debbie saw her opportunity to strike - and manoeuvered the vote against Ozzy (who became the second member of the jury... always a bridesmaid that guy, hopefully he'll stop coming back now, d'think?)

Maku Maku - Night 24
Debbie is going to be unbearable, she thinks she's got this thing all sewn up now - the line was drawn in concrete and she, Sierra, Brad, Troyzan, Tai and Sarah are a solid six which will not be divided.  They are going to pick off the other five, systematically, one by one. (Are you sure about that? I think Survivor Karma may be paying Debbie a visit.)

-Both Andrea and Zeke were left out of the vote and feeling vulnerable but still fighting with each other she confronts him to "talk" about why she voted for him and then when he is presenting his reasons for turning on her she just cuts him off and calls him all kinds of shady (great come back).  Zeke says basically screw you, I'll stick with the majority then.

-Sarah goes and talks to Zeke on the down low, basically telling him that she was sorry she left him out of the loop but she needs the majority to trust her - she still wants to work with Zeke and thinks Andrea's behaviour will make it easy to get her out next.

Day 25 - Reward Challenge
This one is an obstacle course out on the deeper water.
They will be divided into two teams of five - on Jeff's go, one person from each team will dive in and make their way through a series of obstacles including a large slide, a submerged rope walk and a balance beam - once they get to the other platform and hit the mat, the next person can go.  Once all five team members are across, one person will dive down, retrieve a grappling hook in the water then get back on the platform and reel in five floating rings in the water - first team to get all the rings wins Reward: They will be taken by seaplane to a picturesque chain of islands and then have a picnic with anything they could want (including brownies!) 

They did a schoolyard pick and because there are 11 people left, one person was left out and would not be eligible for the reward - who was that? Michaela... and she was salty!  It was like Cirie never had a talk with her, she made no effort to hide how pissed off she was.  Maybe if she had taken her head out of her butt she would have noticed that right by her foot on the bench was a rolled up parchment with the words SECRET ADVANTAGE written on it in huge letters... but no, that did not happen.

Teams: Blue: Brad chose Sierra, Andrea, Debbie, Aubry
Red: Cirie chose Sarah, Troyzan, Tai and Zeke

It was pretty much a blow out for the Blue team - Cirie was the last to go for the Red team and she could not get out of the water even to try the second obstacle - her team rallied around her and Sarah went back to help Cirie but the Blue team had already won before Cirie could try the balance beam.
Jeff made a big deal about everyone waiting there to support Cirie if she wanted to keep going until she made it (I would have said, "No, I'm good." but Cirie is telling us it meant a lot for her to show her sons especially not to give up, etc.... oh, yeah I guess there's that - ha!) They tried to make it such a triumph-of-the-human-spirit moment but it just seemed forced and set up to me.

As they are all getting ready to go - Jeff tells them he's not going to make them swim out of there, boats are coming... and Sarah notices the Secret Advantage rolled up on the bench where Michaela was sitting the whole time.  So Sarah swims over and is the last one there all by herself (how did that happen?) and she gets on a boat all by herself with this Secret Advantage - well I guess they wanted Sarah to have that... oh, on second watch, I think everyone went below when they got on the boat and Sarah just made sure she was last... okay, maybe.

Maku Maku - Day 25
Losing team returns to camp and Cirie is still emotional - she is proud that she didn't give up and actually was able to finish even if the team won and Sarah & Tai say they are proud of her too - Lots of crying about how tough this game is this season, I think natural food resources are more scarce and they are all older now too - (I can tell you, the olden's get weepy.)

Secret Advantage - Sarah takes off to read what it is... and we find out that she has the right to Steal a Vote from someone at Tribal Council - it is non-transferrable and cannot be stolen from her.  The last time she can use it is when there are five people left in the game.   She vows that she is going to be the first one to play this vote correctly (don't make claims like that, you're just ensuring it's not going to happen.)

-Everyone is enjoying the food - my favourite moment was Aubry, with cabbage hanging out of her mouth offering the coleslaw to Sierra.  But then Brad tries to tell us that he's following Survivor rules 101, never take your whole contingency on a reward - so he left Troyzan and Sarah behind on purpose to be his eyes and ears back at camp (whatever dude.)
-Brad and Sierra ask Andrea about her feud with Zeke and as she is telling them she didn't know why he turned on her - we see Sierra's talking head crowing about how fantastic it is to see the five fighting when they should be coming together to try and take down their super tight six. (Pride go-eth before the fall - or Survivor karma is gonna get ya!)

Back at Camp - Sarah is talking to Cirie who is telling her straight up that she does not stand a chance of winning if she stays with the current power six alliance - if Sarah went to the finale with Sierra and Brad, they would just say they carried her, she wouldn't win.  So then Sarah & Cirie start counting up who they have to fight the power - if they have Sarah, Cirie, Michaela, Aubry - they think Zeke would vote with them and Cirie thinks they can get Andrea back - then they would have the majority and could take one of the others out... Sarah's not sure if the time is right but she's ready to make a move if it is (how could the timing not be more right??? Sheesh.)

We've seen this one before too - they have to hold up a wobbly table top with a rope then slowly stack blocks spelling Immunity - they have to go back and forth between the stable table to get the blocks and the wobbly table to stack the blocks and not let the table or stack fall or they have to start over.

This was a heartbreaker for Andrea - she was leading the way with only a couple blocks left and Troyzan breathing down her neck, when her table dropped and there was no coming back - Troyzan was able to complete the stacking with no drops and he won his first Individual Immunity!

Back at camp - the power six is gunning for Andrea tonight but they are also all fed up with Michaela, she eats all day and is just generally unpleasant to be around - but Brad still wants Andrea to go first.  Even Debbie called Michaela "highly annoying" (seriously, if Debbie is saying that, you have to take a look at yourself, yikes).  Anyway, the power six comes together and it is decreed that they shall vote for Andrea this evening... and Sarah realizes this decision was made without consultation and she is not high in their pecking order - it may be time to make her move (yathink?)

Sarah goes and talks to Zeke - he agrees that voting with the power six is not ideal for them, he is always willing to make a move and Sarah just tells him that they have to work with Andrea and he's willing to suck it up, even if only for one vote.
So Sarah goes and talks to Andrea and she is also in, she really has no choice and she knows it.

But then Sarah is talking to Sierra who is doing the classic Barbie move of lining up an ugly-duckling sidekick - Sierra strokes her ego, tells her that she wants to go to the end with her and Debbie... and Sarah feels the sunshine on her face for a minute, the popular girl likes me (she's lining up her goats, don't fall for it!)

Debbie is her usual obnoxious self - she tells Aubry that the six (of which Aubry is not included) are going to decide who goes home tonight and if Aubry shows her (Debbie) that she can trust her, there is a way in.  Debbie tells her that they are voting Michaela, that Sarah doesn't trust her (Aubry), and she'd be stupid to screw her over.  I could see Aubry just fuming but Debbie is oblivious, she thinks she has Aubry in the palm of her hand.

Aubry goes and tells Michaela and Andrea that Debbie told her they are gunning for Michaela and Aubry's safe, "But the way she said it, I was like, Go f&ck yourself!" (Exactly.) They are so cocky it's disgusting.  Aubry also goes and tells Sarah what Debbie told her and Sarah can't believe she straight up lied - Oh yeah, Debbie's got no pants because they all burned up, she's such a liar.

-So Sarah tells us she's torn - Cowgirl Barbie (Sierra) had her thinking she could go to the final three with Debbie but now, she's not sure that's a good move - but then turning against the power six could prove her downfall.  She's going to decide at Tribal.

Jeff brings up the Reward challenge to make Cirie cry again I guess - I don't know, that whole thing seemed so ham-fisted. 
-Moving on to the Immunity challenge - Andrea may be going home tonight because she lost that challenge - she knows she's on the bottom especially after last tribal.
-Zeke agrees there is a very obvious power alliance and he names them - Sierra, Brad, Debbie, Troyzan, Tai and Sarah all got up, went into the woods and decided who was going home.
-Debbie with a self-satisfied little smirk on her face the whole time validates that is correct - she is in that six and they came to a unanimous decision democratically, everybody talks, everybody listens (really Debbie? Then why were only three of you there for that?  Sarah wasn't consulted, where were Tai & Troyzan - Yeah, Debbie just needs to stop speaking... but she doesn't.)
-Andrea thinks it's her because the word got back to her it was Michaela but the six is smart enough (don't stroke their egos) to put out false information, plus they kind of cheered when her blocks fell so she's pretty sure it's her.
-Sarah talks a good game, she says Survivor is all about the numbers, so can you blame them for being secure when they obviously have the numbers?
-Debbie runs her mouth some more, "It is inconceivable for anybody to conclude that there is anything but a strong six sitting here tonight." Aubry can't believe what she's hearing and whips her head over to look at Jeff wanting him to call her on this bs... but Debbie continues, "we have a six that has a very accurate perception of themselves and we just click." (Oh man, Debbie has the least accurate perception of herself I've ever seen... make her stop talking.)
-Troyzan is going to worry about his place in the six once he gets to six.
-Zeke likes to think the deck re-shuffles after every vote so maybe after tonight, there will be a reshuffle and he can see where he fits then.
-Sarah says the re-shuffle theory is just wishful thinking.
-Michaela lays it out, "we all know who's running the show and you can either do something about it while you have numbers or you can sit here looking like boo-boo fool" (that confused Troyzan, but I think we get the gist.)

Time to vote:
-Debbie votes for Andrea - says to the camera that in their six there is no one that gives orders or takes orders, it's called a democracy (she really is delusional - she gives orders like nobodies business).
-Andrea votes for Debbie - you think you are running the show but I hope you are in for a really rude awakening.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.

Andrea - 1
Debbie - 1
Andrea - 2
Debbie - 2
 - oh, and Michaela started eating coconut like it was popcorn at the movies, all attitude, no worries.
Andrea - 3
Debbie - 3
Andrea - 4
Debbie - 4
Andrea - 5
Debbie - 5... one vote left and it is DEBBIE! Michaela started clapping sarcastically and Brad and Troyzan have no idea what just happened.

So with Debbie leaving (finally!), that takes Sheila G., Stacey L., and Lindsay J. out of the pool.

Next time on Survivor - the tide has turned but the line in the sand is washed away - they show Sierra possibly wanting to work with Andrea and Cirie and Zeke approaching Brad & Troyzan.

Debbie's final thoughts: That was absolutely a blindside she did not see that coming - she was surprised that anyone would flip and now possibly be in a worse position, she's stunned. (Do you think she watches this back and realizes what she did wrong? Ha, of course not, it's Debbie.)

I have next week off and am going to a concert on Wednesday, so the recap will be delayed until the following Monday.

Have a great weekend,



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