Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Survivor Second Chance - Oct 21/15 Episode Recap

A Snake in the Grass

Last week the poor Angkor tribe went to Tribal Council again and Abi made a decision between winning challenges and loyalty - by keeping Woo and voting out Varner.

Angkor - Night 11
Woo thanks the others for believing in him but Abi makes it all about her, "That was really hard on me." Tasha and Savage are still having to suck up to her they sympathize and Savage says, "He's in a better place." (HA! Varner didn't die, you just voted him out.)
-Woo is hoping that he can make a difference for the tribe and keep them from going back to tribal again.
-Abi tells the camera she doesn't like having people owe her anything but if Woo writes her name down again, "he's dead to me."'
-Savage & Tasha can't believe what they've pulled off at this tribe, they've been working so hard and will continue to work as hard as they need to, to win this game.

Bayon - Day 12
-The girls are out crabbing and clamming and there is conflict between Monica, who wants to make sure they don't deplete all the big clams because she is planning on being there another 27 days - and Kimmi who just wants to eat - the ocean is not going to be depleted because 6 people eat some clams.  Wiglesworth stays out of it (smart girl.)
-Kimmi is b*tching to Stephen about Monica telling her to leave the clams in the ocean but she tells the camera she's trying to learn patience and not make waves, but she's not used to people giving their opinion when it's not welcome. (Holy first world problems as opposed to Angkor.)

Three members of each tribe will be tied together and the fourth member will be inside a barrel - on Jeff's go they will roll the barrels to a series of flagpoles, when they get to each flagpole, the person in the barrel must get out and retrieve a bag of balls then get back in the barrel - once they have all three bags of balls they will then race to roll the balls into a series of targets - first team to have a ball in each target wins comfort items - chairs with cushy pillows, blankets, hammock, and tarp plus refreshments at camp.  Second tribe to finish just wins a tarp and last tribe gets nothing!

Ta Keo sits out Deitz and Kass (they will have to participate in the Immunity challenge because you can't sit the same people in back to back challenges.)
Bayon sits out Stephen and Wiglesworth.

Off we go: with Woo, Monica and Wentworth in the barrels...
Angkor is last to the pole, Kelley is fast getting Ta Keo's balls, Woo is fast too - Monica puts Bayon behind on the ball retrieval and that is the story until they get to the ball rolling.
-Woo, Keith and Jeremy are rolling the balls and Woo & Keith keep tying up back and forth - Spencer taps in for Jeremy and brings them back in it... we're all tied up but it's KEITH winning for Ta Keo - Woo is able to bring second place to Angkor (a tarp is better than nothing) and it's finally Bayon losing something for once.

Ta Keo - Day 12
They come back to camp with their comfort items and there is chilled juice and a basket of fruit... they are flush on this tribe, Terry says all they have to do is hit the grocery store (being the sea) and catch some fish... which he takes off to do. Deitz is loving his time there, "This is great!"
- Little does he know, while he's out spear fishing alone, the rest of his tribe is strategizing to stay a strong final five.  Joe is leading the talk because he learned from his last time playing that he needs to gather as many people around him this time to avoid having everyone want to vote him off first - he still feels like he's the biggest threat so he wants to make sure these people want to keep him.
-Kelley has been pushing Terry under the bus since the change up because they were the only two from the other tribe - so she's very excited to be included in the five without Terry.  Kass says they have to keep Terry feeling good though - shouldn't be a problem, he's not expecting a thing.
-Keith likes to be included in the five as well because in his previous season he never hooked up with nobody - this is good cause two people git ya nowhere, five people git ya to the end.

Bayon - Day 12
Spencer and Jeremy take the circle boat out to fish - the boys are bonding and Spencer finally feels like he's not playing Survivor by proxy, he's actually out there spear fishing and doing it. (Is this tribe just really boring? This is what they show us?)

Angkor - Day 12
-Woo is thankful for those date nights at Chuck E Cheese playing Skee-ball... but their conversation quickly turns more serious when he tells the story of his mom - she had a massive heart attack and then had to have a heart transplant - Woo is playing this game for his mom because she taught him to never give up fighting for what you want.
We get the pretentious platitude from Savage, "La vie est belle" (Life is beautiful) Ugh, does he listen to himself?
-Woo leaves the other three in the shelter and Abi says her grandmother went through the same thing but didn't have the same luck, and she lost her auntie at a young age too.  She tells the camera she was annoyed by Woo, using that story to garner sympathy and sway people towards him.  "Hey, I had a tendon transplant on my knee, I have a piece of someone else inside me, too." (I'm gonna leave that one alone.)
-Tasha is exhausted by Abi, she says it takes work, working with Abi.  Woo, he'll take walking orders an hour before tribal and be chill, you can't do that with Abi.  She's a time bomb but she has kept Tasha in this game - Tasha doesn't want to make an emotional decision to cut her loose, but for her sanity, she might have to.

They have to race up a series of obstacles to get to the top of the tower where they will then launch sandbags from a huge slingshot at a series of targets - first two tribes to hit all their targets win immunity.  This is Joe's second chance at this challenge since they played it his season, and he lost.
Ta Keo - sits out Ciera and Kelley
Bayon - sits out Jeremy and Monica

Off they go:
-It's Joe, Spencer and Savage - Spencer and Savage miss - Joe hits on his first try and Keith is on the course - once you score, you have to switch out, and everyone has to shoot at least once.
-Keith cannot hit a target, Woo hits, Wiglesworth hits... Stephen is on the Bayon tribe but mis-aims so badly he hits one of Angkor's targets and that will count for them (thank you for that.)
-Angkor - 4
-Ta Keo - 3
-Bayon - 2
With only one more to hit, it's Angkor that wins the first Immunity! (Way to go little underdog tribe!)
Now it's between Ta Keo and Bayon... but Ta Keo has a flag lead and they are the second tribe to get immunity!
-That means Bayon has broken it's golden streak, they will be heading to tribal council tonight.

-Monica hopes this will really make them stronger, they will see where their loyalties lie - there is nothing wrong with going to tribal council (said like someone who hasn't had to go yet this season.)

-Spencer knows it's between him and Wiglesworth being the odd men out from Ta Keo.

Bayon - Day 13
Back at camp, Jeremy tells the camera it's a matter of who he trusts more going forward, Spencer or Wiglesworth.
-Monica comes over and tells him she just hates going to tribal (that's not what you said to Jeff at the challenge, two faced much?)
Stephen has joined the discussion and they agree that they trust Wiglesworth more but Spencer needs them more - gun to their heads they say Kelly (to go, or stay? Go, I think.)

-Spencer goes to get water with Stephen and Jeremy and to check in, they tell him it's going to be Wiglesworth... (but what else would they tell him really?)  Spencer has to go against every instinct he has to check in, check in, check in and try to play it cool because calm and confident will get you farther than paranoid annoyance.

-Kimmi is all good with Kelly going home tonight but Monica wonders if keeping Kelly will be better for HER game and suggests to Kimmi that they may want to keep the girls numbers up since right now it's even... Kimmi doesn't understand why she would go against their built in majority of the four original Bayon, Kimmi sees her as a liability playing this game... and again vents to Stephen, calling Monica a 'snake in the grass'.  Monica is not playing for the Bayon tribe, Monica is playing for Monica.
-Kimmi runs to Jeremy and Stephen and tells them what Monica said about keeping the girls numbers up.  Jeremy didn't like the sounds of that - Kimmi says we got blindside Monica with Spencer voting with us.

-Stephen then talks to Jeremy saying he doesn't like the message this would send to the other Bayon - Monica would be the first Bayon voted out of this game and if  there were another swap or in the merge, it would be seen as a betrayal of old Bayon (I think he's over-thinking this... or is he?) He sees Kelly as having a lot of ties to old Ta Keo and Monica as a huge potential flipper... it's hard to gauge which one is more dangerous.

Some of them have to get fire still... Bayon's first time at tribal council.

-Jeff asks Stephen if he agrees that Tribal Council can be a good thing for a tribe?  Stephen doesn't really answer, he says the game is about trust and there is no better way to show trust then with your vote at Tribal Council. (Boring political answer)
-Jeff asks if they are going with the obvious; keeping the four original Bayon strong and taking their pick between Spencer and Kelly.
-Monica pipes up while the other three shift around and look guilty, Monica thinks that's how they are voting tonight, it's a matter of who you feel you should be loyal to.
-Kelly agrees that the sense today was that it was between her and Spencer.  She says her actions from when they came together will hopefully carry her through until tomorrow morning.
-Jeremy agrees that Kelly is an old school player, what she said made sense but new school is more erratic, let me know if I'm in, what can I do to make sure I'm in.
-Spencer epitomizes the new school - student of the game - always playing hard - but he says this is the first time he's been on a tribe that has been unified - this is still a tribal game at this point and he feels like this is his group.
-Jeremy likes to hear that from Spencer, and he also knows that Kelly is loyal and a hard worker which is something they look for going forward in their group.  He says their vote tonight will be based on loyalty, trust, challenge strength...
Jeff says none of those things differentiate between Spencer and Kelly tonight... Jeremy: Well, we'll see then.
Everyone laughs, including Monica who I think should be trying to read the room better.
Kimmi - says their original Bayon ten was very cohesive so as long as it's one of the original Ta Keo, they're good.  Of course, no one else knows what goes on at camp.
Monica believes their vote tonight is locked in.
Kimmi says it stinks squashing someone's hopes and dreams but she's got to put the emotions aside in a vote - everyone came in there knowing it's a game so she's just going to keep going on the path that she's playing.
Stephen is running for office again - "strategy is based on emotion.  You have to build real bonds in order to build real alliances."

Time to Vote:
Monica votes for Kelly Wiglesworth
Kelly votes for Spencer
Spencer votes for Kelly - she invented the phrase, "I didn't come here to make friends" yet he thinks she has more than him on the other tribes.

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol

Kelly - 1
Spencer - 1
Kelly - 2
Monica - 1 (and she looks like Whhhahhhaaat?)
Monica - 2 - now she's giving all her Bayon peeps the evil eye
Monica - 3 - and it's MONICA voted out.  Not a word was spoken, just an exasperated "uh" and open mouthed shock.  Kimmi gives her a little smirk as she silently has her torch snuffed and, shaking her head, walks away.  EPIC BLINDSIDE - hahaha, so fun to watch.

Spencer and Kelly are kind of in the same boat though because obviously they were not included in the planning of that vote.

Next week: Stephen is wanting to make another big move and someone's time in the game comes to an end on Ta Keo... with Jeff Probst coming to the beach in the middle of the night (Medical evac? Family emergency? What happens????)

Monica's final thoughts: She says she's a little shocked but she's okay - she thought she would be in the game a lot longer but you can officially say she got blindsided.  Her second chance was a bit of a disappointment but she's got to pick herself up like you do after you get [epically] voted out.

So that was fun :)  Oh, and with Monica leaving, that takes Lee B., Robert L., and Sunnie C. out of the pool.

Til next time,


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