Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Survivor Worlds Apart - March 4/15 Episode Recap

It Will Be My Revenge

Last week we were introduced to the new season of White Collar, Blue Collar, No Collar; there were quite a few personalities to get to know but they didn't give So a chance, her inability to lie convincingly proved her downfall...and I found out since last week that So was actually supposed to be on LAST season with her sister but they were the team that had to drop out at the last minute due to her sister's health... so I think So should listen to the universe, she wasn't supposed to be on Survivor.

Blue Collar - Day 4
-Blustery old-guy Dan comes into camp and regales them with a tale of how he lost his underwear to a rogue wave - He lost his manties (YAY! We won't have to see him in the banana hammock anymore) but that also means he had to fashion his shirt into a diaper of sorts and we will be seeing a lot more of burnt to a crisp Dan chest.
-Tattoo'd hairstylist Lindsey isn't buying his story, she thinks this was just his way of trying to come up with a hook to keep him interesting because his annoying, fat guy persona was wearing thin.  She doesn't care as long as he leaves her alone long enough for them to go to Tribal Council and vote his *ss out.
(That was the best they had, this tribe didn't even go to Tribal Council last week but they still opened the episode with Dan's diaper.)

White Collar - Day 4
-They finally made fire with the flint they got at Tribal, and even that was a struggle... but beard guy Max would rather just swim in the beautiful ocean in his all together... Max is tipping his hat to the past (Richard Hatch 2.0) by dropping trow so he can be free and he admits its also a great way to get some time alone.
-Agent guy Tyler thinks it is an attempt by Max to distract them from how smart he is and how well he knows this game (Max did teach a college course on Survivor after all.)
-Shirin decides two can play at that game and she goes naked on the bottom only, still wearing her bikini top which... is worse somehow.  Being a woman I understand sometimes it's more comfortable to have the girls supported but I don't get how going bottomless is more comfortable in this situation... she's going to have sand EVERYWHERE.  And poor Tyler has nowhere to look... ha, if she's hoping to unsettle someone, it's totally working.

No Collar - Day 4
-They show Law Student Hali trying to talk to deaf lady Nina, but she's either behind her or not looking at her and when Nina can't understand what she's said she gets frustrated.  Jenn just can't be bothered even trying to talk to her.  Then the girls decide to go skinny dipping (oh, more nudity from the tribe we'd expect it from) which sends Nina over the edge, crying to the camera that the girls never asked her to go with them... (they might have and she just didn't hear it... oh no, I'm not a nice person either.)
-Hippy feather hair (Vince) thinks the no collar tribe should be a family, open and accepting of everyone... yet I never see him talking to Nina either.
-When the girls get back Nina passive aggressively thanks them for asking her to go with them and the girls were honestly surprised that she would have wanted to go. Once Nina storms off in tears they realize she wants to be one of the girls when they see her more like a mom. 
-Jenn can't believe that a grown woman is in tears on day 4 because they didn't include her in something, this is Survivor, you need to have a thicker skin (exactly) but Jenn also realizes Nina is probably used to being coddled a little and they will have to gently coax her along until they don't have to anymore.
-Will is trying to be a friend to Nina who is still blubbering about the girls not having any human compassion and he's trying to make her realize they're young.  He offers to do whatever he can to help her but she says he's already doing everything right ... and he's pretty sure she's already put a target on her back (no kidding - it's survivor, they're going to save the strongest and sacrifice the weak, so if you start with a disadvantage you better be stronger in other ways, not sniveling because the girls won't play with you, sheesh.)

Blue Collar - Day 5
-Everybody's lying around until Mike starts cracking the whip, telling them to get up and get on water... Rodney says he's used to working hard but Mike is one of those guys that just can't relax, he's always got to be doing something and making them do something too.  The rest of the tribe decides they should play as hard as they work and they start shooting some hoops (trying to shoot a coconut into an open crate.) 
-Mike's not impressed, he tries to enlist Dan to help him cook while the rest are playing but Dan wants to play too... Mike is just frustrated.  He says he'd like to play basketball too but there is stuff that needs to be done for them to survive and they're just not doing it.  He's gathering firewood and telling everyone they have to keep going to get wood, "Just keep going." He's angry they're not all helping and constantly working (well, they don't have to because Mike's doing it all - if he would just sit down for a minute maybe the others would step up.)
-Rodney doesn't understand what Mike's going on about, since they have a huge pile of firewood already... also, why start a fight with people; that just puts a target on your back. (Wow, there seems to be targets popping up on every tribe.)

No Collar - Day 5
-Joe has gathered a bag of little crabs and everyone is happy to see them... except Vince, who is so threatened by Joe, he has to go out looking for little crabs himself - and he takes Nina so he can complain that he works hardest around camp but it goes unnoticed because everyone loves Joe.  (Wow, this guy is a jealous monster - what a piece of work.)
-Vince confronts Joe and demands that he acknowledge that he steamrolls projects and won't take direction from Vince (who died and made you king?) and Joe seems like a really nice guy, he's trying to keep the peace and give Vince what he wants without backing down.  Joe realizes that Vince has a lot of issues and wants to be top dog but he also knows that Vince is a loose cannon and Joe doesn't like it.
-So we now see the age divide happening on the no collar tribe - Vince and Nina are gossiping together that they don't trust the younger three: Joe, Hali & Jenn, while Jenn & Joe are on the same page with Vince, he's probably smarter than they've given him credit for but he's also a little too 'no collar' for his own good.

-They are out in the water on platforms for this one - One at a time they will dive into the water and swim out to a platform where they will find buoys attached to a rope - they will have to maneuver one buoy at a time through a series of obstacles in the water while it's still attached to the rope until they get to the next platform - then the next person
goes - once they have all 5 buoys, they will attempt to toss them into a basket on yet another platform (see, Blue Collar was in training, not just playing around earlier - Mike.) First two tribes to get all 5 buoys in their basket will win immunity and reward of: 1st place - huge fishing gear kit, 2nd place - line, lures and a spear.

Blue collar sits... Fit state trooper Kelly because Dan refuses to sit out - saying he's going to surprise them for a fat guy.
No collar sits... no surprise, Nina.

Off they go - Vince starts in the lead but Dan finishes in the lead (huh, he did very well) it's blue and no collar sharing the lead throughout until Will gets stuck in the water and the slowest white collar, Shirin, is able to pass him... White Collar is the first tribe to start shooting and Joaquin proves a good shot, Blue Collar is also shooting but not making baskets when Joe finally gets No Collar to the platform.
White collar w/ Joaquin shooting is the first to get all 5.
Blue collar is doing well with Sierra shooting but No Collar has Vince shooting and he can't even get the balls to the basket (actually Joe didn't do any better either.)

It's White Collar and Blue Collar winning immunity and fishing gear... and No Collar with no baskets, will be going to Tribal Council.

Vince says where he and Joe stand right now, it's cold war with missiles aimed squarely at each other - it's going to get crazy. (Crazy would be voting off one of the strongest members of the tribe at this point... but Vince has to be in charge and Joe is the biggest threat to his domination.  He's blind to the big picture.)

No Collar - Day 6
-Joe apologizes for not being able to finish it for them and Hali says it was a group effort/failure today.  She also realizes they have to make a decision on who is going home tonight and being no collar, making decisions is not one of their strengths.

-Then they start to focus on Will's exhaustion - he's overweight, he hasn't been sleeping well and apparently he has asthma as well. Nina & Vince are discussing Will's breaking down yet Vince still makes his play to vote out a power player - he tells Nina this is their one chance to take Joe out.  Vince does say he doesn't know if they will be able to win challenges with Will and not Joe though and Nina points out if they change their game plan and vote Will out, they may be the next to go. What Nina is really thinking is she could be the first out - because of her blow up, she knows they want to vote her out so she's very nervous and she's pushing to vote Joe to save her own skin.

-Joe, Jenn and Will are talking and when Will waffles Jenn jumps right in, "Should we just vote out Vince, cut off the snake's head and get him the heck out of this game?"  Joe thinks at this point they should try to keep the team strong and Nina is the weakest link... (Do they not know that Will & Nina are tight?)
-Joe suggests they split their votes, the two girls vote Vince, Joe & Will vote for Nina then when it's a three way tie they'll revote Nina.  Joe does say to the camera that he doesn't totally trust Will, he has been spending a lot of time with Nina but he hopes he'll stick with their plan...(uh, I hope they're not actually splitting the votes then.)  Joe's also worried that Nina may have the hidden immunity idol because if he was in her position he'd be looking for it... I don't think it's even crossed her mind.

-Will doesn't want to vote out Nina, they have a lot in common being the odd men out - her with her hearing and him being the only brother in the game... but since he knows they are splitting the votes, he can vote with Vince and Nina to take one of the young three out and control the tribe.
-Will tells Vince everything and they're excited the others are going to split the votes - as much as Vince wants Joe gone, he recognizes that he needs him in challenges still so he wants to take out Jenn, she's mean to Nina (and didn't fall at his feet when he showed interest...) Will assures him that they'll have the votes.

-Will goes and tells Nina that Vince wants Jenn out so the three of them are going to vote Jenn which she sees as her revenge for the swimming snub (oh get over it already) but then she shows her lack of social play by seriously asking Will how he's feeling health-wise because Vince was worried about his health impeding them in challenges (OMG, has she never watched this show before?) Now Will's all riled up that Vince was talking about his challenge performance and he's worried Vince is trying to blindside him.  Nina says no, he's not trying to blindside you... but I don't think she realizes how much damage she just did.

-Will knows he's the swing vote, Joe came to him because they need his vote but he's not sure if he can trust Vince... so he's not sure who he's voting with now.

Tribal Council
Jeff asks Nina about the group dynamics to start.
-She says she saw Hali & Jenn together a lot and Joe kind of joined that group then she and Will hang out a lot because they have a lot in common but it's hard being the older person in the tribe, they don't include her in a lot of stuff.
Jeff - But that's part of the game, the social interaction with all different kinds of people.(Exactly)
Nina - well, I did have an emotional breakdown because of the fact that I did feel so alone. (Cry me a river, not a fan of Nina.)
Jenn - says she's never been around people with hearing problems before so she does have compassion but this is a game, you have to just deal with it.
-Jeff asks Vince where he fits if it's not with the young three or the odd-ball two and Vince says he's trying to be the cohesion, that is his truest self. (Which has Hali and Joe rolling their eyes) Vince says he's trying to be the glue to bond them all together.
-Joe says they've been feeling each other out and Vince will land probably where he needs to - tonight the person who needs to go home will go home. (Wow, that was kinda cryptic.)
-Jenn says it's obvious the young three are a unit but she also knows they need to keep their tribe strong if they don't want to keep losing, those that don't do well in challenges should be their goal to vote out.
-Will is worried hearing that and says, "water has always been the black man's kryptonite" (HA!) and it got him today.  He admits he talked to Nina & Vince today, so it could be three against three but you don't know who to trust in this game.
-Vince says he's been trying to go more with his gut then with his head and over the past few days he's had some conversations with people that have made him quite solid now.
-Jenn says she would like to see the original plan they set forth go into action but she could be on the block tonight - she said the worst thing you can be in this game is comfortable.
-Jenn then has a fan-girl moment, she can't believe she's actually there and not just watching Jeff on TV.
-Will hopes he's going back to camp, having some luke warm water, letting the bugs eat some more of this chocolate and seeing a lot less of Jeff... he doesn't want to see him until the end.

And with that, it's time to vote.
Nina votes Jenn
Hali votes Vincelot
Joe votes Nina (Man, they did split.)

Tallying the Votes:
No one has a hidden idol.
Jenn - 1
Vince - 1
Nina - 1
Jenn - 2
Vince - 2
First person voted out is... VINCE!  (GASP! No way!)  Nina right away asks Will if he voted for Vince (yup, and it's all her fault.)  That was awesome, I was actually surprised - but I can't say I'm sorry to see less of what was shaping up to be some epic crazy in Vince.

And with Vince leaving us tonight, that takes Monica S, Kim A and  Bob L out of the pool.

Next week the girls on No Collar do some surfing and Mike makes Blue Collar a living hell by trying to force everyone to work every minute.

Vince's final thoughts: These are some players, they made a good move because I was going to take them all out but this was seriously one of the greatest experiences I've ever had and I enjoy exploring every aspect of myself - (blah blah blah... give it a rest hippy rainbow, we know it's a front for an insecure narcissist.)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


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