Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Survivor Worlds Apart - March 11/15 Episode Recap

Crazy Is as Crazy Does

Last week on Survivor, Carolyn found a hidden immunity idol on White collar and Max & Shirin went naked.  Blue collar found a taskmaster in Mike and No collar alienated the deaf lady then blindsided the hippy wildcard Vince.

No Collar - Night 6
They returned to camp, everyone a little shell-shocked because Will was the only one who knew how that vote was going.  Joe doesn't trust him as much after that.  Will says he's playing chess not checkers, he knew he couldn't trust Vince in the long run so he took him out.
-Then Nina starts being Nina, she says she knows she's going to be the next one they vote out so can they just not treat her like an outsider... and she brings up her hearing again... she's crying and upset.
-Jenn tells her not to give up before it's done, "Did you think Vince was going tonight? See, you never know in this game."  Jenn is just over Nina's whoa-is-me attitude, you're deaf we know, stop using it as an excuse.

White Collar - Day 7
-Shirin is watching monkey sex and she's so excited she goes running back to camp to tell them all about it... in explicit detail, for a long time.
-Carolyn thinks that Shirin is crazy and has no idea how she survives in corporate America with that level of strange.
-Tyler sees how desperately she's trying to fit in but she's as loud and obtrusive as those howler monkeys - he wishes she'd just shut up and go away (hey, at least she has pants on.)

Blue Collar - Day 7
-So they're all just sitting around talking about food or comfort and they're giving Rodney (the meathead) a hard time because he apparently sleeps a lot, so there is some light hearted ribbing which Dan is part of... until he goes too far and calls Rodney's mother a  wh*re... (I think, bleeped expletive.)  Instantly the camaraderie is gone and you see Rodney is mad.  Dan is smart enough to stop talking.  But he crossed the line with Rodney.  Police office Kelly says Rodney is a drama queen (HA!)

No Collar - Day 7
-Jenn & Hali decide to do some body surfing, they found flat pieces of driftwood and hit the surf.  This is what No Collar is all about, having some fun - Jenn doesn't understand why everyone takes this game so seriously (Uh, it's for a million dollars...)
-Elsewhere, Joe is saying some of the paranoia seems to have left the tribe with Vince's departure - and he's out killing a little lizard to provide sustenance for his tribe (this guy reminds me of Malcolm so much... right down to the hair.)  Joe also reaches out to Nina and encourages her to keep playing and to try and have some fun with it - he tells us that his mother was an interpreter for the deaf and taught him sign language as an infant so he's been around the deaf community a lot - he wanted to make sure Nina didn't feel alone.
-Nina seemed to have taken his gesture to heart.  She said before she lost her hearing she was in sales so she used to be white collar but after, a traditional job held no appeal to her.  She may be No collar now but she's not as free-spirited as her tribe mates - she realizes she's going to have to make more of an effort to get along or she could be going home. (DING!)
- Yet she won't eat any of that lizard, I guess her new realization doesn't extend to gross food.

White Collar - Day 8
-The whole tribe is out looking for the hidden immunity idol so Carolyn is minding the fire... these people are supposed to be smart, shouldn't that have twigged something for them... guess not.
-Shirin gets tired of looking so tries to get the guys to call of the search and agree not to look for it anymore until they get another clue.  Tyler seems to be in but Joaquin is having none of it - he says he hasn't trusted Shirin since day one because she's been a paranoid, panicking woman since day one (is it me or is Joaquin one of the worst chauvinists they've had on this show in a long time?) 
-Shirin, who apparently never shuts up, starts proving how loud and annoying she can be by wanting to know what she said, what he said, why aren't you talking to me?
-Joaquin likens her to the blood sucking mosquitos that just won't leave them alone.  He tells her she can stop looking whenever she wants - but he tells the camera he's on the outs and is going to keep looking because he needs that idol.  Joaquin decides he's going to share the clue to the idol with Tyler cause that's his boy... Tyler already knows that Carolyn has the idol but he's happy that 'Joaq' extended his trust.
-Tyler breaks it down for us.  Yes, Joaquin may be on he outs but Shirin is proving 'crazy is as crazy does'...from the nudity to the talking to the monkeys to the incessant talking around camp - if they went to Tribal today he's pretty sure that Shirin would be voted out (and I will lose another Survivor pool.)

Blue Collar - Day 8
-Mike says "the man I call dad is the pastor of my church" (Hmm, that's a little weird, is your dad the pastor or did the pastor just treat him like a son?) anyway, Pastor Dad taught Mike that if you work hard, good things will come to you - so you don't have to tell Mike to do things, he sees what needs to be done and he does it.  This Blue Collar tribe, which is supposed to have the best work ethic, is failing in his opinion and he sees sleeping Rodney as the worst offender.  He prods Rodney to help them get firewood - which doesn't go over very well with sleeping beauty.
-Lindsey, the tattooed hairdresser, says Mike is annoying - the girls have been busting their butts all morning with no acknowledgement but she knows that blue collar people tend to be more judgmental of others because no one's work ethic is as good as their own - and she knows she's okay because she  has the best work ethic ;)
-Mike and Rodney continue to grouse at each other - Rodney has to eat before he does anything because he's lightheaded.  He'll do stuff when he does it, not when Mike tells him to do it, "I don't need a dad out here, bro." (Are you sure?) 
-Rodney tells the camera that this is a social game, it doesn't matter how much work you do around camp as long as you keep everyone happy (is that what you're doing?)  Dan tries to talk to Rodney and he's still going off about how no one tells him what to do, that's why he works for himself. "This ain't an oil rig, bro"...(On and on and on... chill out already - if you would stop talking and get some damn wood, it would be done already and you could lie down again... let me tell you, Rodney would not be making me happy right now.)
-Mike isn't engaging Rodney but he's trying to justify his attitude to the girls but they turn on him too - asking when was the last time he thanked them for any of the work they've done - he seems to think he's thanking them all the time but to the girls he's just expecting that they'll do the
cooking and washing and he's focused on what the guys aren't doing.  Lindsey's a feisty one and she calls him on the sexist attitude but then she goes too far in my opinion when she demands he acknowledge everything little thing she points out she's done and when he tires of her tirade she asks if the fire got there by magic, or by his "God" coming down and starting it with his beard (Mike has Psalm 121 tattooed on his back... but she lost me - was he spouting about the bible, no, then why attack the man's faith? That was low.  I've decided all these people are a-holes, except the cop because we never hear from her - but I've seen enough of Blue Collar already.)
-Mike tells the camera that he's not pretending to be the best Christian but that really hurt his feelings on a personal level.  Then they show him telling the tribe if they're going to send him home because he said something, then send him home.
-Lindsey, "Wish come true MF'er."(I think - also blurred expletive.)

The other tribes are genuinely shocked to see feather-hair Vince was voted out of the No Collar tribe.

-Each tribe will carry a large bucket full of holes through an obstacle course to a water tower where they will fill it - then working together to plug as many of the holes as they can they have to race back and empty the bucket into a barrel on the high end of a teeter totter - first two teams to fill their barrel to the point where it raises their flag will win immunity and reward of 1) comfort reward of chairs, blankets, candles, rope and a tarp and 2) just a tarp.
Blue Collar sits Lindsey (she is little though her mouth is big.)

Off they go - Blue Collar and White Collar are pretty neck and neck though Blue Collar keeps getting more water back, it looks like.  No Collar keeps sending Nina off on her own instead of having her help carry the bucket - which makes no sense, if she knows what to do, she doesn't need to hear... Jeff makes note of it - and yells at them that what they're doing is not working (with essentially 4 people No Collar is way behind.)
It's Blue Collar in First place.
White Collar in Second place.
No Collar heading to tribal Council.

Jeff asked them why they didn't have Nina participate and Joe said it was his strategy to have her waiting at the end of the obstacles to plug the holes but it probably wasn't the best decision.
-Will was holding them back again this challenge - he said he felt like he was going through boot camp, this challenge really kicked his *ss... then in his next breath, "I think it's time for Nina to go." (Wha?, but... you were so slow... I bet they wished they had Vince back for that challenge.)

No Collar - Day 8
-They return to camp and Joe immediately apologizes for his game plan, he assumed Nina would slow them down and tried to take her out of the equation and it cost them - He feels like he screwed her over by making that call.
-She realizes she should have listened to her gut and stayed to help plug holes but she went along with what they said.

-Joe is still beating himself up about it but Will tells him they made the decision as a team and and they all backed him up - "Are we playing Friends? No, this is Survivor." Will says Nina's been dead weight for a while and they all agree that they're in for voting Nina out.

-Nina comes to Will later and asks how he thinks the vote will go tonight and he says he has no idea - she knows the young-ins are running the tribe so she goes and asks Joe, Jenn & Hali who they are thinking of voting for and they ask if she'd vote Will - (she'd vote whatever you told her to vote, you know that.)  Jenn starts going off about how Will sucked in the challenge again... they may not be totally set on voting Nina tonight.

-Jenn & Hali agree that Nina is a wet blanket but they don't trust Will after he switched his vote and voted off Vince at the last Tribal Council.  So the girl's are thinking maybe they should vote for Will tonight.  Either way, they're going to be at a disadvantage going into a merge so it doesn't matter who they vote for tonight.

Jeff asked if there was some explaining to do when they got back to camp after the last Tribal Council.
-Will just said he had to go with someone he trusted so he voted Vince out.
Jeff makes the point that they are still in the tribe portion of the game and that the trust issue seemed to be more of an individual thing.
-Joe says you only get a couple opportunities when you make mistakes to fix those mistakes - so it's a huge factor when you trust people and try to keep your alliance as strong as possible going into the future.

Jeff moves on to today's challenge and how it was hard to understand the decision to pull Nina out of the challenge.
-Joe says it was tricky going over the ladder and he thought Nina could stumble and fall and take them all down... but he acknowledges that he messed up big time.
Jeff says to Nina that showed they had no faith in her.
-Nina says yes and because of her disadvantage... (both the girls totally rolled their eyes as soon as she brought up the hearing)... they have no faith that I can do anything.
And Jeff called her on it too - but the challenge had nothing to do with hearing.
-Nina says she just feels like they look at her as a person with a disability.  .. because she's deaf.
-Will disagrees, he says no matter how many times they've pulled her aside or tried to give her a pep talk, she always falls back on her being deaf.
-Joe says he thinks Nina's perception of them is just as wrong as she thinks their perception of her is - he says he knows a lot of deaf people and he'd be the last one to judge her... (seriously, I don't think she heard him.)

Jeff brings up Will's lack of performance in challenges and wonders if he should be concerned.
-Will said he owned up to his issue with the buoy challenge but this last one he chalks up to everyone just not coming together.
-Nina pipes up that they would be crazy to keep Will, they can trust her, she's strong, she was help them win challenges, they just haven't given her a chance to show them what she's got (I think Mike's philosophy could help her out, don't wait for them to let you show them... just show them already, jeesh.)
-Jenn says Nina has been emotionally weak out there a lot and that concerns her - she knows it's hard out there for her but it's hard for all of them, we all have personal struggles, you know.
-And then the heavens opened up and it starts pouring on them.
-Hali says she's not sure that Nina is on the right tribe - no collar is about riding the highs and riding out the lows and Nina doesn't seem to be able to just go with the flow.
-Nina admits before she lost her hearing she was white collar for 44 years...
-Hali tells her that if she wants to stay in this game, on this tribe, she's got to loosen up and try to go with the flow - at the very least to stay in the game.
-Nina gives a totally White Collar answer, "I hear what you're saying and I truly believe I can take these suggestions to heart and make the adjustments to be a part of the No Collar tribe."Haha, can you copy me on that memo?)

Time To Vote:
Nina votes for Will
Will votes Nina

Tallying the Votes:
No hidden immunity idol.
Nina - 1
Will - 1, 2
Nina - 2
Final vote was for... NINA!  Ohhh, I totally thought they were going to keep her after the 'Will sucks' talk, but she was not No Collar material after all.

And with Nina leaving; Lindsay J., Gillian H. and Jeremy N. are out of the pool.

Next time they tell us it's a special 2 hour Survivor - Blue Collar is still fighting, it's Lindsey and Rodney this time - and they do the caller leading the blindfolded pairs challenge and medical needs to be called for somebody.

Nina showed more fire than at any time in the game during her exit interview - So they think I'm not as free-spirited as they are, and maybe I'm not, but I'm going to do some soul searching and maybe make some changes in that way - it was a real life altering 8 days. (Good for you Nina.)

Have a great rest of your week everybody,


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