Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Survivor Blood vs Water - Oct 8/14 Episode Recap

Actions vs Accusations

Last week John Rocker and Jeremy were at Exile Island when they made a pact to protect each other's women (it pained me to write that but that is the caveman mentality at play here.)  Anyway, Rocker is a big idiot and while he was trying to keep his word, he didn't realize that Val was lying about having an idol AND he may Josh suspicious enough that he switched his vote from Baylor to Val and Val went home - thus not protecting Jeremy's woman through even one vote... you can bet there will be repercussions.

Coyopa - Night 6
-They returned from Tribal Council and Baylor has been given a big wake up call that she is not safe and she should not be so trusting of Josh.
-Rocker knows that Jeremy is going to be pretty pissed but he still believes that Val had an idol and just didn't play it... and he also knows if his guy alliance finds out he was trying to protect Val they'd probably be pretty pissed at him.
-Rocker and Josh go for water and Josh admits he flipped his vote because he realized (the way Rocker wanted him to vote) Baylor would have been out.  He blows some smoke, neither is trusting the other but at this point they are going to stick with the 5 guy alliance.
Which means my girl Jaclyn and Baylor's days are likely numbered on that tribe.

Hunahpu - Day 7
Former model Drew declares that they need to shore up their roof before the rains come so everyone gets motivated, starts weaving fronds... and Drew decides he's going to take a nap. 
Keith says if his son was acting lazy and entitled like Drew, he'd get a wuppin'. 
Literally, Drew is snoring right in the middle of everyone working, so Natalie (I kind of love her for this) wakes him up, which he gets mad at, and she calls him on it. "Sorry I'm working in your sleeping space." She straight out asks him what he's done today while everyone else was working and he's like, yeah whatever... and still does nothing!

Natalie tells Jeremy she's not used to dealing with people that are that self centered and she has very low tolerance for it.  He says it's a good thing for this game though, because you know Drew isn't winning the million dollars.  And Jeremy tells the camera he had planned to take Drew farther in this game (as his goat) but now he's not going to be able to... yeah, he's pissing everyone off. (And when did Jeremy start running things?  We'll see how long he can keep that up.)

(Oh, what's Jeremy going to do??) Oh yeah, he's mad!  He just shakes his head at Rocker who looks shame faced but can't really say anything.
-Jeremy tells the girls of the other tribe that the guys are taking over and they have to turn it on them (but looking at the numbers, that's not likely to happen: Coyopa now has 5 guys and 2 girls.  Men always want the girls out because they are generally physically weaker but also mentally stronger... yeah, I said it.)
-Then Rocker pipes up and says he wants to apologize to Jeremy because he gave his word he'd take care of his wife and he tried to sway his alliance but in the end he had to go with them.
-All the guys in his alliance are like, "What?" Josh can't believe Rocker admitted to working with Val right there in front of everyone. (I'm starting to feel like this game is mentally out of John Rocker's league.)

The challenge - they have to race across a wobbly beam, and use a paddle to pick up and transport squares from one side of the beam to the other.  If they drop a square they have to start over - first person to successfully stack 6 squares on the other end of the beam wins Reward of: Comfort - tarp, blankets, mattress OR they can choose the prize from last week - all the fishing gear.

Ro-sham-bo - Julie vs Jaclyn - Jaclyn's rock beats Julie's scissors and Coyopa chooses Wes to battle his dad Keith in the challenge (cause Wes said his dad couldn't do this... eek.)

Off they go... and they actually seem pretty even - Wes may have spoken too soon.  Keith was in the lead but Wes was able to overtake him when a gust of wind knocked a tile off Keith's paddle and he had to start over... WES was able to secure the first win for Coyopa!
Keith and Wes have a good ol' cry - and you can tell it's painful for both of them... this is probably a great thing getting the father & son in touch with their feels.

-Wes decides to send Josh to Exile with his dad saying he thinks they'll get along.  I'm wondering if he doesn't just want to get Josh out of camp for a couple days (does anyone else realize he's a bit of a schemer?)

-And Coyopa chose the fishing gear as their prize.

-As they were leaving Rocker again tried to reach out to Jeremy whispering that he did all he could do... Jeremy is just stone faced to Rocker... but Jeremy tells the camera if he did everything he could, Val would still be there - Jeremy is out to get Rocker now.

Hunahpu - Day 7
-They get back to camp and Julie runs off crying right away.
-Jeremy uses that opportunity to inform everyone of who John Rocker is, that he was a pitcher for the Atlanta Braves who said a bunch of racist and homophobic things ... and obviously he's running everything over there (Oh, no he isn't.)
-Jon: So he's a bigot. (Ooh, this is going to get ugly, isn't it.)
-Natalie is all up in arms - what does Julie have to cry about, her loved one's still here.  He wouldn't even care if she was voted out... the other tribe needs to grow a pair and stop letting him run things. (Wow, Jeremy stirred that up so fast - it's kind of scary.)
-3 time divorcee Missy is keeping her own council and she goes to find Julie who is still off crying.  Julie can't believe John put this target on her back, if her tribe believes what Jeremy is saying, how can she survive that.  Missy tells her she needs to play her own game... (I don't know if she has it in her to denounce him, or if she should. It's like, how far would you go for just the chance at a million dollars?)

Exile Island - Day 7
- Keith and Josh get to the urn choosing and Keith asks if they're going to share... Josh looks like he's not up for that but then chooses the blank scroll - Keith shares the clue with him but they know that Jeremy and John Rocker could already have the hidden immunity idols. (And they are smart enough to know there is probably only one at each camp.)
-Keith and Josh are night and day but they are getting along - eating snails and hanging like good ol boys... though Keith makes sure we know there will be no spooning tonight.

Coyopa - Night 7
-John Rocker has caught fish for the tribe, and it might just be because they are eating, but no one seems too upset with him.  He's hoping they do appreciate him providing for the tribe... (I can't help but feel, it's wait until Josh gets home.)
-Later that night, Baylor is talking to the younger guys, Wes and Alec, and trying to turn them to align with her and Jaclyn.  Telling them the older guys don't care about them, once the girls are gone the young guys are next... think about it.   She is pushing to get John Rocker voted out for his negativity... they still think he's a good guy and Alec tells us they know Baylor's desperate but they still plan on sticking with the guys and taking the girls out one by one.

They will divide into pairs and be tethered together - on Jeff's go, one pair from each tribe with make their way through an obstacle course to retrieve their tribe's coloured ball - they will then attempt to shoot it into the basket.  First tribe to score three points wins immunity.
-One person from each tribe has to sit so they have even pairs - and they sit the old guys, Keith and Dale.
-First pairs: Jon & Natalie vs Josh & Baylor - Jon gets first point for Hunahpu.
-Next: Wes & Alec vs Missy & Julie - on the way through Alec smashes into Julie sending her into the post and Jeremy makes sure to yell that over to John Rocker (you know, I'm not a fan of Rocker but Jeremy's being a jerk and Julie's getting hurt, that's not cool.) Wes ties it up.
-Drew & Reed vs Rocker & Jaclyn - John Rocker bumped Reed in the course but nothing like Alec's hit on Julie and right away Hunahpu is saying he's a poor sport... never heard turn about is fair play?  Rocker puts them in the lead.
-Josh & Baylor again vs Jeremy & ...Dale's daughter... I can't remember her name - Kelly!  Thanks - Baylor misses and Jeremy ties it up.
-Wes & Alec vs Jon & Natalie - Wes mixes it up with Natalie in the obstacle but they both miss their first shots, try to mix it up again when retrieving their balls but Jon is a good shot and he wins Immunity for Hunahpu. (Well, at least Julie's safe for another couple days.)

-Upon winning Natalie starts yelling at Coyopa to change it up, and berates them for following a racist. 
-Rocker calls her 'mouth' and tells her to save it. 
-She calls him a bad sportsman and he says right back at you.

Coyopa has his back though, Alec and Wes start sarcastically clapping for her great show sportsmanship and she just keeps going.

Jeff asks Julie why there is such group hate for John on Hunahpu and she says obviously they know about the article.
-Jeff asks Coyopa if they know about this article and Dale says it doesn't matter, John is their tribemate and they have his back.
-Natalie just keeps yelling at them to band together and vote him out and John finally can't stand her voice anymore (can you blame anyone for that?) but he gets ugly, "If you were a man I'd knock your teeth out."

And all the air gets sucked out of the room... until Natalie starts screeching again - go ahead, knock me out! (I kinda wish someone would.)
-Alec wonders why they are still standing around for this ... (because Jeff hasn't dismissed you, this is good TV...) and then John makes it worse again by saying "yeah, let's fight."  (Oh-oy... he's his own worst enemy.)
-Josh tells the camera it is scary that John loses his patience and loses his temper - he is playing haphazardly and he is doing things that could damage the tribe... that's a problem.
(Rocker better have that hidden immunity idol all ready to go tonight.)

Coyopa - Day 8
-Baylor knows that she could be going home tonight but she thinks they should vote off John Rocker - yeah Natalie is a trash talker but she was shocked by his responses, she thought they were harsh and mean and scary.

-Rocker talking to the camera says he didn't think he could escape this thing without people hearing about things he'd said in the past but Natalie called him a homophobe today when his closest ally and friend on the tribe is a gay man.  "Actions vs accusations don't really gel there."  He says he's said things in his past he regrets and he knows that the girls are probably targeting him tonight but he's come up a a pretty nifty strategy he thinks could work.  He goes and talks to the girls and says he thinks they should blindside Dale to keep the tribe strong.  Both the girls go along of course, cause what else are they going to say to him... but John isn't actually going to vote out Dale, he goes around confirming to all the guys they should take out Baylor.

-The girls say they don't want to vote out Dale, they want to vote for John (well of course you do... so get working.)

-Finally John talks to Josh and tells him he's voting for Baylor like they had decided before and "I have an idol if things go sideways." (Just nonchalantly throws that out there.)
-Josh didn't know he had an idol and the more he's getting to know John Rocker the less he wants to be an ally with him - he just seems to stand for everything he's against... (Okay, time for Josh to get working then.)

-Josh is talking to Wes in the water and leads in with how he enjoyed spending time with his dad at Exile... Wes immediately asks about hidden idols, Josh says the clue was for the other camp but John Rocker already has the one at their camp.  Wes asks if they make the big move tonight and Baylor conveniently shows up just then - Josh tells them quickly if Wes, Alec, Baylor and Josh vote for John tonight, they can take him out.  Of course she's ALL IN and I'm surprised she's not doing cartwheels... but if I were Baylor I'd make sure Jaclyn was voting John too, I wouldn't trust Josh to actually vote how he said he would either.  Actually, if Rocker plays his idol no votes for him count so she'd be going home anyway... they better make sure they keep the wool over Rocker's eyes.

-Wes goes to Alec with voting John out tonight and Alec's not sure it's such a smart thing to do.  John is a physical asset that they may still need at this point in the game.  Wes tells him that John has an idol so this may be their only chance but Alec is still unconvinced.

-Meanwhile, Rocker has gone to retrieve the idol to take to Tribal just in case - he thinks he's done a good job laying the ground work for tonight's vote but the tide could turn against him and he wants his 'get out of Jail free card' with him.

-Josh still seems to be waffling - if they vote John they are breaking the bro-code alliance - and if he doesn't go home, then it's Baylor, who was Josh's first ally out there.  It's a tough call for him and he's not sure which will way will get him farther in the game.

Jeff asks John what the fall out was back at camp after his exchange with Jeremy at the Reward Challenge.
-John says he'll just explain that he tried to help her but she bluffed so hard he wasn't able to protect her.

-Jeff asks Wes how that makes him feel hearing John was trying to save Val.
-Not good. (That surprised Rocker, he honestly didn't realize that his alliance may not take kindly to his machinations in regards to Val) - But then Wes wusses out and says "but at least it wasn't me so I guess I'm alright."

Jeff asks Alec what impact the animosity the other tribe showed them today had on this tribe.
-Alec wasn't impressed with Natalie hooting and hollering when the ball hadn't even gone down the hoop yet, but what could they do, they can't vote her out.
Rocker rumbles, "Not yet."

Jeff goes to Rocker then and says they were very specifically targeting him, saying he was the leader and "everyone should vote for you because the people you are voting out aren't helping you any."
-John says he's not the leader, several of them are carrying equal amounts of weight yet, somehow, he gets all the blame for what 5 other people do.  It doesn't make a lot of sense to him.

Jeff asks Jaclyn what she felt the impact was having that many people angry at them in a game that is ultimately about relationships.
-She thinks if they go to a merge she'd have a target on her back because [Natalie] was targeting the girls saying they were stupid and should vote John out... well there are only two of us.
Jeff - do you think another girl is going home tonight?
-I don't know, I've seen some shifting in the tribe (that got Rocker's attention... shut up!  You should have just said yes.) But she continued that she thinks the guys are waking up to the fact they can't just have all the girls gone (of course they can) and she thinks, "maybe the alliances are forming differently?" (Yeah, I'm not winning the pool with Jaclyn.)  (And you can see the confusion on Rocker's face - what does that mean?  You went to her yourself and turned on Dale, dummy.)

Wes isn't worried about what Jaclyn just said - he's confident with his alliance and knows what's going on tonight. (See, that's how you answer... and he's just put Rocker's doubts to rest as well.)
Josh says he's not worried about what Jaclyn said either, obviously a lot of people are being told a lot of different things.  No one has their story straight.

Jeff asks Baylor what she thinks needs to happen tonight.
-She says they need to get the dark cloud off of them.  They seem to be going with the flow right now and you can't go with the flow in this game.  (She's totally frustrated but also showing that too much, you can't let them see you sweat... and she is definitely sweating.)  She admits she's frustrated with the tribe, they don't seem to know what an alliance means and she thinks she could be getting votes again tonight.

Jaclyn isn't sure now what's going to happen, she thinks the guys need to grow some balls (which did not go over well with any of them) and vote one of the guys out.  She laughingly says, "Stop picking on me and Baylor." (Oh honey, have you ever watched this show?)

Finally, it's time to vote:
Rocker votes for Baylor
Baylor votes for Rocker

Tallying the votes:
Anybody want to play a hidden immunity idol?  John Rocker shifts and fidgets around... but he doesn't play the idol... (OH?)

Baylor - 1
John - 1
Baylor - 2
John - 2... 3, 4... and it's John Rocker looking all confused and angry that has his torch snuffed.  As he's leaving he says to himself, "I had the damn idol right in my pocket too." (Ha! Those are the best blindsides.)
And with John Rocker out - Natalie M., Shane B. and Jennifer G. are alsoout of the pool.

Next week: Model Drew wants to take over Hunahpu because he thinks he's the biggest bad ass - Jeremy says he's just an ass.  Looks like there will be a lot of ego on display next week.

John Rocker's final thoughts: Things don't always work out, he thought his alliance was pretty solid but obviously some were playing both sides of the fence.  And he ended up the one thing he didn't want to be, the guy voted out with an idol in his pocket. (Yeah, you are.)

Have a great Thanksgiving weekend everybody! 


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