Sunday, October 5, 2014

Amazing Race 25 - Oct 3/14 Episode Recap

When You Gotta Go, You Gotta Go

Last week the Race began from New York City, the Fakey McFakerson Dentists came in first because that dentist had a regular compass on his watch... oh, and I guess he could be smart too... and they won the Save.   The Mean Girl-Barbie Realtors went home when the last three teams agreed to all quit digging and take the penalty and the Boston Firefighters gave them a taste of their own medicine - their pushy karma took them out.

This week, the Dentists are the first team heading out from the US Virgin Islands at 4:21am, they get the clue to fly to London, England.  Once they arrive they must travel by taxi to the Tower Bridge to get their next clue.  Jim tells us there will be six teams on the first flight and four teams on the second so they should have a nice lead going into this leg. 
-Tim & Te Jay are the next team out at 5:40am - followed closely by the Cyclists Kym & Alli - these teams decide to share a cab (everyone is still so nice to each other... well I guess now that the Barbie girls are gone.)
-Wrestlers Brooke & Robbie right behind them at 5:44am - they are excited that they are going to be all caught up getting on this first flight.
-Soul Surfers Adam & Bethany are 5th at 5:52am - they feel like they're still in the honeymoon phase having been married just a year. She's been to England before and remembers all the pretty flowers... then she checks herself, "Wow, I just sounded so blond." (Ha! That you did.)
-6th team is Amy & Maya, the food scientists.  When Adam & Bethany got to the airport the other teams were all talking about how Bethany lost one of her shoes on the first leg (she is just wearing flip flops, that's not good for running) but Amy has the same size feet and gives her a pair of running shoes. (Looks like everyone is still in the honeymoon phase on this race :))
-The first flight has a one hour and 20 minute lead over the last four teams which are former Survivors Whitney & Keith, mother & daughter Shelley & Nici, my team, dating couple Isabelle & Dennis and the Firefighers Michael & Scott.
-Mom (is she Shelley or Nici?) tells us they have been fans of the race since season one and THEY ARE NOT THERE TO MAKE FRIENDS (Ah, I love the good ol standards) they are there to win.

London, England - First flight arrives and everyone runs to the taxis and they take off for the Tower Bridge where they have to look for the Pearly King & Queen (they look like quite the eccentric pair wearing clothes covered in pearly buttons), the pearly "queen" welcomes them to London and the older pearly "king" says something but I'll be darned if I could figure it out (pip, pip, cockney rhyming slang, cheery o!)  Tim & Te Jay are the first team to read the clue to the DETOUR: About Face or Pancake Race.
-In About Face: teams must take part in a traditional changing of the guard (oooh, I love it when they have to dress up, and they will be wearing the full-on uniform, bear hat an all.) They have to work with a drill instructor to learn the precise moves and once perfected, will get their next clue.
-In Pancake Race: they have to take part in a 500 year old tradition, the pancake race on the grounds of parliament (those wacky Brits).  They have to dress up as chefs (apron and hat) then make a perfect crepe-like pancake and then race around the grounds while flipping the pancake in their frying pan and finish the race within 1 minute and 15 seconds in order the get the next clue. If they drop the pancake or don't make it in time, they will have to start all over again. (That's a lot of steps but I still think this one sounds a bit easier than the marching.)

First two teams, Dentists and Tim & Te Jay choose the changing of the guard.
-Bethany & Adam choose Pancake Race - they have to try and gauge each challenge by her ability, the pancake thing should work with one arm, swinging a rifle, probably not.
-Cyclists choose changing of the guard - I get it, who wouldn't want to pretend to be a palace guard?

2nd flight arrives and the last 4 teams race for the Tower Bridge.

-The Wrestlers and the Scientists also choose to do the changing of the guard.

About Face - Dentists are the first team to the courtyard - they choose an instructor then head in to dress up - Misti tells us she's dressed up in a lot of strange things in pageants before (ah, she's a pageant girl, some of the fakey makes more sense now), nothing quite like this, but she does love the colour red.
-They head out and find out they have to memorize the steps and also perform them with precision, which is going to be the hardest part.
-Tim & Te Jay and the Cyclists arrive at Somerset house and head in to get on their uniforms.

Pancake Race - Adam & Bethany arrive and get suited up, literally - they have to put on a suit, plus the apron and hat... then they get a lesson on making the perfect pancake - no excuses, it's got to be a perfect pancake before they get the okay to start the race.

About Face - the wrestlers and scientists show up and see the other teams still learning the steps - apparently Tim doesn't realize when he said left, he's supposed to lead with the Left food... this could be a long day.

Pancake Race - they get the okay on the pancakes and head to the start line, find out they have to flip as they run and they only have 1min 15 secs... Bethany tells the camera that after she lost her arm she had to learn to do everything all over again and she often thinks of herself as more capable than the average person - but not in a braggy way.  (I think she is amazing, never hear complaining from her, she just does it - I'm so impressed by her.)  But I digressed, they breezed through the pancake race and got the clue to proceed to Oxford and find their next clue by a specific bridge.  (Then they run off and... yes, I love her but she really needs some kind of bra... I'm a horrible person.)

About Face - the Dentists make their first attempt at the changing of the guard and the Commander rips them - "it was completely disgusting, get out of my face"... yup, this is not easy.
Cyclists also screw up and the commander guy is my favourite - Calls them over and tells them it was "appalling. Don't smirk at me, don't even look at me! Get out of here."

2nd Flight teams are arriving at the Tower Bridge - Shelley & Nici are going to do About Face, they were both in the military so this task should be right up their alley.
Whitney & Keith, Dennis & Isabelle and the Firefighters all choose the pancake race instead.

Back at About Face: Wrestler Robbie needs to be told to use his knees while he's marching (he's a little special I think, you're not a tin soldier!)  The Scientists look like they have good form - they are just trying to focus and remember the details.
Dentists make their second attempt - The Commander says, "Get over here now!" and gives them their next clue.  Then Jim makes an obnoxious whoop and tells us that's his call to battle that let's everyone know they're getting left behind. (Ugh, Dentist McFakerson is a bit of a jerk.) They head off for the train to Oxford.
-Cyclists make their attempt, the Commander orders them over and gives them their next clue - reprimands them for whooping in his face but one of the girls still tries to hug and kiss him... Haha.

Shelley & Nic arrive at the changing of the guard which makes the teams still there nervous... they've lost their lead from the 2nd flight.  Mom & Daughter make sure to tell their instructor they had military experience which he says is great, he'll expect big things from them... but they may have spoken too soon as they collide on their first try.

Female wrestler Brooke is finding the marching task very difficult - she's having trouble learning the steps probably because she's too distracted worrying about the other teams to concentrate on what she needs to do.

Pancake Race: Whitney & Keith, The Firefighters and Isabelle & Dennis arrive and these three teams are very competitive of each other.

Bethany & Adam arrive at the train station and are all alone heading for Oxford... Adam believes they may be in the lead... and he would be correct.

Back at the Pancake Race - Whitney & Keith have their pancakes okayed and get to start the race - but Whitney is too slow and they have to start over - which ramps up their anxiety.
-Firefighter Scott says he feels like the Swedish Chef "Squirmy Nermy" while making these pancakes (ha!)  They are the only team to have their pancakes rejected - come on guys, that's the easy part.
-Isabelle & Dennis are the next to try the race with the pancake but they don't make the time either. (I'm more and more impressed with Bethany & Adam, they made this look easier than it obviously is.)

-Dentists and Cyclists both get on the train to Oxford.

About Face: Tim & Te Jay fail their attempt.
-Wrestler's are called over by the Commander: "You must swing your arm shoulder high.  If you don't do it right, next time I will rip it off and beat you about the head with the soggy end!" (Did I mention that I loved the commander guy - he's hilarious!)
-Mom/daughter make their attempt but one of them about faced by pivoting on her toe which is apparently a no-no - Commander tells her if she does it again he's going to put his something, somewhere and ride her around like a moped (I couldn't make out what he was going to do but they got the gist.)  They tell us they are super fans and have been waiting to come win the million for years - no one there care be as big of fans as they are.

But then at the Pancake Race, Dennis & Isabelle tell us they have been studying and preparing for the Amazing Race as if it were the final exam for life.  They took up archery, cross-fit, running with their backpacks.  They are giving Mom & Daughter a superfan run for their money.
-Scott is still having trouble making a pancake - come on dude!

About Face - Tim & Te Jay finally get it right and the Commander hands them the clue then orders them not to collapse on his square, "Be Gone!" And they hi-tail it out of there.
-Amy & Maya are the next team to get the clue and the Commander is unimpressed with their celebration.
-Shelley & Nici make it this time and their celebration totally demoralizes wrestler Brooke - I know, how bout you concentrate on yourself and don't worry about what the other team is doing.

Pancake race - Keith & Whitney make it this time leaving the Firefighters and Dennis & Isabelle there.  But then Scott can't run and flip the pancake either - he drops it and they have to start again... again.

OXFORD - Adam & Bethany get to the bridge and read the Route Info clue to Drop Back & Punt.  They have to take a shallow punting boat for a circuit around the Oxford Island - the punter on the back end and the other team member standing in the front waving a union jack flag.  Adam is doing the punting and these two again make this look like an easy task - Bethany says it's a cake walk compared to surfing... Oh, yeah, that makes sense - being surfers they'd have to have excellent balance on water. 
-Dentists and Cyclists show up and choose their punts.

Pancake Race - now the firefighters and Dennis & Isabelle are running with pancakes at the same time - but Scott doesn't get a pass because he didn't flip his pancake enough.  Dennis & Isabelle make it this time and he is kissing strange women, what the??

About Face - The wrestlers are still stinking up the place. Commander tells them to, "Get here NOW!" and proceeds to tell them exactly what they are doing wrong, demonstrating the turn for them ... yeah, he just wants you guys gone.

-Keith & Whitney are the next team on the train to Oxford, joined by Dennis & Isabelle, Shelley & Nici and the Scientists Maya & Amy.  So the final teams are the Firefighters and Wrestlers.
-Speaking of... the wrestlers are making another attempt but Brooke cannot get the turn right - the Commander berates her for choosing "to totally ignore my worldly, Yoda-like advice." (I want them to have this guy at every task, he's awesome.) He tells them to get out of his sight... and Brooke is "so over this."
Pancake Race - Michael is coaching Scott through the fun to flip his pancake... and he drops it again. (Scott is not all that coordinated, I hope he's a better firefighter than pancake flipper.)
But finally, both of these teams get through the Detour.

Oxford - everyone is showing up to do the punting.  Bethany & Adam are the first team to complete the lap and they get the clue to make their way to Christ Church College where they will flip their bowler to find their next clue inside (the birthplace of Winston Churchill.)
-The Dentists were backwards in their boat, he stood in the front and punted while she was in the back waving - so they have to go back and start all over.
-Looks like the cyclists are doing the same thing and they see the Dentists coming back they realize... yup, they're going to have to do it again too.
-Tim & Te Jay are just complaining that this would be so much easier with an actual oar instead of a stick.

The four teams that were on the same train arrive at the punting challenge all at the same time so there is a bit of a traffic jam on the narrow channel.  Shelly & Nici can't seem to steer the thing and say, "punting was invented by the devil to punish the English." (These two are pretty funny.)
-The Dentists collide with Whitney & Keith on their second attempt and Whitney is in the water... but that was just the first time, she falls in again later (I'm guessing she's not much of a surfer.)

Adam & Bethany get to Christ Church College and are given bowler hats and umbrellas to wear and carry.  The clue tells them to pop the umbrella for a chance to win the Express Pass (Oh, so they will still have the Express Pass as well as the Save this season.)  Inside the umbrella is a clue telling them where to go to search for the Express Pass (at a pub called the Bear Inn) or they can proceed to the Pit Stop.  With Bethany having one arm, they want to get the Express Pass in case they do come up against a challenge she cannot physically do - off they head for the pub.

Back at the punting challenge - the Dentists and Cyclists completed it correctly on their second time around and are heading for Christ Church College.
-Dennis is wondering why they don't use motors on these boats!
The last two teams arrive at the bridge and get their punt on.
-Tim & TeJay are having trouble trying to punt against the current - Dennis & Isabelle are also stuck in the current... and the firefighters punt right on by.

Adam & Bethany get the Express Pass with no problem, no other teams are even there yet and when Adam drops his bowler hat they see the clue to the Pit Stop is inside: Churchill's Birthplace which is the Blenheim Palace and the Pit Stop.

-Jim & Misti get to Christ Church College and figure the team in first place would have gone for the Express Pass already so they don't even bother - Jim tips his bowler and they are heading for Churchill's birthplace.
The Cyclists show up and tip their bowlers... but don't look inside.  They guy tips his bowler back and holds it out for a minute... Ahhh, they finally see it.

-Keith & Whitney finish the punting and she's complaining she's the only one that fell in... then they show us Isabelle falling in and daughter (is she Shelly or Nici?) oh, doesn't matter, Mom fell in too and scientist Maya also took a dip.
-Then daughter has to go to the bathroom so bad she hangs it over the side of the boat and lets 'er rip, right through her pants... much to the amusement of a boat of Oxford students which were right beside them - she definitely had to go.

-Tim & Te Jay finally made it through the punting closely followed by the Firefighters and the Scientists Amy & Maya.
-Wrestlers finish next and that leaves Mother & Daughter Shelly & Nici and Dating couple Dennis & Isabelle both still on the boats fighting the currents.  These two superfan teams are both dissolving into tears feeling their Amazing Race dreams swirling away from them.
-There are lots of tears on the final run for the finish from daughter Nici and model Isabelle (come on ladies, there is no crying in the Race!... okay, I know, but they need to suck it up right now.)  There was a lot of sniveling of "I don't want to go home."

Here's How They Finished:
1) Adam & Bethany - They won a trip for two to Sweden! and the Express Pass.
2) Dentists Jim & Misti -  they are disappointed not to be first again - they say they can't be first all the time but you know they expected to be.
3) Cyclists Kym & Alli - they are relieved to be #3
4) Keith & Whitney - she went into the water a couple times, just for fun.
5) Tim & Te Jay - the race is much harder than it looks.
6) Firefighters - Michael & Scott
7) Wrestlers - Robbie & Brooke
8) Scientists - Maya & Amy - 6,7,8 came in all together and Winston Churchill, who is standing with Phil, gives them a speech about not giving up (he was a really good impersonator.)
9) Shelley & Nici - they have wanted to do this for 14 years, they can't be eliminated over not being able to punt a boat... which did happen to...
10) Dennis & Isabelle -*** ELIMINATED *** Dennis feels bad that he let Isabelle down but they confirm that they still love each other.  She says it feels unreal, having been so prepared and to go home so early - she feels like in an alternate universe, they did win the million. (I wish I was in that alternate world too, cause this was my team so I am out of the money!) And so is: Rachel R., Nenad M., Laura W. and Ian G. 

Next week: It's a dog and pony show... they have to work with animals, there looks to be sheep involved too - and Scott rolls his ankle really badly - we'll see if he can continue.

Have a great week everyone!



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