Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Survivor Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty - April 23/14 Episode Recap

Sitting in My Spy Shack

Last time on Survivor, Tony started to turn on his alliance, conspiring with Spencer and Jeremiah at the Reward win to take LJ out... and he succeeded in blindsiding LJ and all the female members of his alliance as well.

Solarrion - Night 25
-They returned to camp after Tribal and Jefra wants to know who flipped on LJ and why.  Tony admits it was him and he says sometimes you just can't tell people things. (Oh, that's reassuring.) -Trish tells the camera that she understands why Tony didn't tell her and she still trusts him.
-Jefra is another story, she wants to know if this means she's on the bottom of their alliance... Spencer pipes up and says you know a six person alliance never works out... but Tony's still trying to spin it (I don't think she's buying what he's selling anymore.)
-Spencer knows Tony likes the big moves and he's not going to complain because it benefitted him this time but, Tony is also very unpredictable and the sooner they make a move against him the better.

Solarrion - Day 26
-Tony's in trouble with his alliance because he blindsided LJ so he's got to do something to get himself out of it.  He knows that a lot of people go to the water well to talk strategy so he builds himself a little "Spy Shack" by gathering branches and leaves around a tree about 5ft away where he's going to sit patiently and wait for people to come and talk about him.
-And here comes the first victims - Jefra & Trish come to the well and he listens to their whole conversation.  Jefra asks if the alliance is still in place and Trish reassures her that it's still the five of them just without LJ and they still plan to take out the other three (being Spencer, Tash and Jeremiah.)  She also says she thinks Tony went into the wrong business, he could have been an Academy Award winning actor and Jefra says she doesn't trust him anymore because he lied to her face.
-Tony tells the camera he doesn't trust Jefra anymore because she doesn't trust him (can you blame her? Really?)
(Oh, and by the way, the spy shack went from being some brush around a tree to Tony being behind a wall of foliage... how did that happen? They even had a shot of his eye peeking out from behind some leaves, are you telling me the girls wouldn't see the cameraman filming the bush?  Come on.)

They will be divided into two teams of four, then they will race out onto the water in a boat and collect a bunch of paddles that are tied to buoys along a course.  Once they have all the paddles, they'll return to the beach and two tribe members will use the paddles (which have letters on them) to solve a word puzzle "Worth Playing For."
-The Reward - they will be taken to a natural beauty spot, the Kallal Caves and have a bountiful BBQ lunch - chicken, ribs, potato salad, chocolate chip cookies (yes, it was food porn for them just listening to Jeff describe it to them.)
Teams are:
Orange: Tony, Woo, Trish and Kass (Tony can't get into too much trouble with this group.)
Purple: Spencer, Jeremiah, Tasha and Jefra (maybe she'll be their tie vote.)
Off they go and this is going to be harder than they thought - the boat is rather big and cumbersome - but Tasha pulls the purple team together to start on the paddles first.  Orange pulls into the lead with Woo & Tony working on untying paddles - then Tony drops a paddle and he jumps out to get it and Purple over-shoots a buoy...
-Orange has a slight lead going into the word puzzle but they are pretty much neck and neck when they get all the letters out and everyone is trying to figure out the puzzle.  Finally Kass sees it, "Worth Fighting For" and they are rushing to re-arrange their letters but Spencer sees Worth and figures out the phrase as well... and the Purple team is able to steal it out from under them and win Reward.

-Tony thinks they are all in trouble now, Jefra doesn't believe in their alliance anymore and that's a problem for them all when she's off with the other three.

Solarrion - Day 27
-The losers return to camp with sad piano music accompanying them (?) they're bummed to have lost.  Kass knows if she wants to win the million dollars she's got to stick with the five alliance she's in - Tony is annoying but she wants to keep him around and get rid of the bigger threat, in her mind, Spencer.
-Tony is certain Jefra's going to flip and he wants to talk strategy, but Trish just seems tired of his antics and enlists Woo to help her gather some limes and papayas, then she'll come back and strategize all day.
-Tony is beyond annoyed, he's trying to enlighten them to what's going on and she wants to gather fruit?! He stalks off in a huff, he's going to strategize by himself and look for the idol. 
-Woo is up the papaya tree and he is able to shake a bunch free but on the way down his handhold branch breaks and he falls pretty far, right on his butt!  "Oh, my butt!"  It looked like it could have been serious, he was writhing around for a while.  But, good on him, he remains positive, "I'll break my ass for papayas any day." (I hope this doesn't hurt him too much in the challenges, Woo's fun.)

-They are inside the cave with a guide, it's pretty spectacular.  Then they come upon the table of food and it's Eatin' Time!  They pretty quickly start working on Jefra though, asking her how she's feeling in her alliance or if there even is one and she's receptive - Spencer asks how she'd feel about working with them to take Tony out and when she says she needs a minute the guide comes back with letters from home and she's a bawling mess in seconds (well, not the best timing for that.)
-But, just when I thought it was going to turn into the crying show, Jefra's mom's letter tells her not to be afraid to lie out there and she takes it as a sign that it's time for her to jump ship.  She shakes hands, vowing final four with Tasha, Spencer and Jeremiah.

They will start standing on a narrow beam that's at a 45 degree angle, and balancing a ball on a small platform they're holding in one hand.  At regular intervals their feet will move down to a more narrow beam and their hand will move further down the pole holding the platform, making it that much harder to balance all around.  If at any point they fall off the beam or drop the ball, they are out of the challenge.
-They get started and the wind picks up right away - which has a lot of them struggling to hold on to their balls... Jefra's out first but it starts a chain reaction - Trish, Tony and Kass - all out within three minutes.
-10 minutes in, it's time to move down the board and down the pole... Jeremiah is the first one out at this level... and Jeff will not stop talking (that has got to be one of the hardest parts of some of these things, Probst jabbering away.)
-20 minutes in and they move down to the narrowest part of the beam and their hands down to the end of the pole... Woo is the first out leaving it down to Spencer and Tasha again... and TASHA wins individual immunity again.

Solarrion - Day 28
- They get back to camp and Tony's on a mission to find the hidden immunity idol with the special powers.  He's looking at every crazy tree like a man possessed.
-Meanwhile back at camp Trish notices that Jefra is upset and draws her out - Jefra tells Trish and Kass that she doesn't feel safe in their alliance with Tony, she's over his fakeness, he's getting on her nerves.
-Doesn't really matter though because Tony finds the special idol and he's like a hyperactive kid on Christmas morning - he reads the note that tells him this idol can be played AFTER the votes have been read and that it is only good for the person that found it (non-transferable!) He's got to go hide it and wash up so no one's the wiser. 
-The girls are still in the water talking about not trusting Tony, Trish tells Jefra they can't get rid of Tony tonight because that will give the other three too much power... and Tony comes and joins them.  Trish calls him out, asks if they can trust him and he gets his back up a little but starts swearing on everyone he knows that he's with their alliance of five still.  Woo joins them too and they're talking about how to vote.  Kass says she thinks that Spencer has an idol which would mean their best bet is to vote for Jeremiah.

-Jefra goes back to camp and tells Jeremiah that she's really sorry but she's not going to be voting with them. "Sorry."
-He's not surprised really, he tells Spencer and Tash and they have a little goodbye meeting in the water.  Jeremiah reveals to them that he's a fashion model, like it's some huge deal at this point.  Spencer tells the camera he's not surprised he'd think it was a big thing, coming from the Beauty tribe but then Spencer decides to roll the dice and put it all out there - he reveals that he has a hidden immunity idol (which is a way bigger deal.)  Spencer wants them to know the game is not over for them, he says they should vote Woo tonight since he's been doing better in the challenges and Spencer has to decide if he uses his idol for himself or for Jeremiah.

-Spencer says the game was up for grabs for a while after last tribal when they voted out LJ but now they know their three is still on the outside.
-Jeremiah agrees, he said they worked on Jefra at the Reward but she decided to stay with her alliance.
-Jefra says she was questioning her place in the alliance after the last vote because she, Trish and Kass didn't know about the LJ vote (which is news to the jury). Jefra decided she'd rather risk being blindsided by this alliance than sit in the end with Tasha or Spencer because they'd beat her.
-Spencer is disgusted - after what happened at last tribal he says he wouldn't go back to camp wondering where he stood, he'd know he was at the bottom of the alliance.  Tony swore on his wife and kids and he broke those promises...
-Tony breaks in, "Be specific. When did I break promises?"
-Spencer says he's not admonishing him for lying, they've all done it - his point is that, if anyone is in the final with Tony, his vote would go to Tony because he's been steering this game and the rest of them haven't. Tasha says she would also vote for Tony.
-Tony is not happy to be called out like that, but he's not articulate enough to argue against Spencer... especially because he's right.
-Trish tells everyone that they called Tony out today about his playing both sides and told him they were uncomfortable with it and he agreed he'd stop (you sound like a naïve fool.)
-Tony says you have to make big moves in the game but it is also  largely a game of timing.  Right now, at this point in the game, it [voting with the other three] would be a reckless move, they have to stay solid to move forward.
-Woo says they weighed out who they thought could have a hidden immunity idol - they could potentially be voting for someone with an idol.
-Jeremiah says he loves Spencer but he's way more of a threat than he is.
-Spencer doesn't blame Jeremiah for trying to throw votes his way, he may be seen as a threat but you have to consider the social game and Jeremiah is one of the most likable people he's ever met. (And Spencer is always so defensive and petulant at Tribal, he's not very likable.)
-Jeff asks Tasha how they decide who to vote for tonight and she says Tony was mad they voted for him last time so they are not going to vote for him again.
-Tony pipes up that they can't because he brought his bag of tricks with him again.
-Spencer scoffs at this supposed bag of tricks - he'd like to see what he might have in there but they haven't had the chance yet. (Be careful what you wish for this time.)

Time to Vote:
Spencer votes for Woo - and he's a jerk about it too, "Bro, this vote is a real bummer dude."

Hidden Immunity idol: Spencer pulls out his idol and Tony pulls out his as well... giving Spencer pause, Jefra whispers, "It's not real."
But Spencer gives it to Jeff and he confirms it is a real idol.
Tony has to pipe in, "Do you see the inexperience in the young lad, he almost gave it to Jeremy because he thought I'd play mine." (Who's Jeremy?) Tony says, "This is a fake idol by the way." (Oh, good cover. Tony's a jerk.)
-Any votes for Spencer will not count.

Tallying the Votes:
Woo - 1, 2, 3
Jeremiah - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... JEREMIAH is voted out.  Spencer apologizes to him but Jeremiah seems fine with it and I'm sure Spencer's kicking himself for not playing it right.
And with Jeremiah leaving, that takes Marla L, Nenad M. and Janine S. out of the pool.

Next week: It's the Survivor auction!  And Spencer starts using his brain by getting in Tony's head, telling him Jefra said she wants to vote him out... (Oh yeah, that's the ticket.)

Jeremiah - blah, blah, blah - he felt like he played a great game, did the best he could... Yeah, he wasn't much of a force out there, b-bye.

Have a great rest of the week everyone,


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