Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - Oct 23/13 Episode Recap

One-Man Wrecking Ball

Last week the loved-ones finally won a challenge forcing the returning players to go to Tribal Council for the first time - they opted not to take the easy vote (Rupert's Wife Laura B), they decided to vote Laura M off in the hopes she'd beat Brad at Redemption Island.

Galang - Night 13
They return from Tribal Council and Laura B. was very relieved she was still there. 
-Aras realized that Laura M. was blaming him (and rightly so) for her being voted out - now he's worried he's stuck in the leader position.

Galang - Day 14
Tyson and Gervase are talking and they agree that Aras is dangerous because he still has his loved one there, they have to gauge when is the right time to de-throne king Aras.  They are thinking they may only have one more challenge before they merge and they may have to take that chance.  (I'm kinda liking the Tyson/Gervase bromance - I'm curious to see how far that'll take them.)

Ciera is upset to see it was her Mom voted out and says she had a feeling all day something was up (really? Come on.)  Laura says it doesn't surprise her... blah blah blah... and she won't let Ciera switch with her (of course not, we all know Ciera wouldn't be able to win.)

Duel: They have to walk across a balance beam, stopping to untie bags of puzzle pieces along the way one at a time - once they have a bag untied, they have to cross the beam then arrange the numbered tiles from the bag in order - then go back and get another bag.  First person to get all the bags and arrange the tiles 1-100 wins and gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol to give to someone again and last person is out for good.

Off they go: and Laura does what she was voted off to do, she wins the duel handily and it's down to Brad & John, almost neck & neck... but it's John that succeeds in taking Brad Culpepper out of this
Brad makes a speech to his wife, "Monica, I came out here as a shield and through fault or no fault of my own I became an anchor.  You're free to sail... blah, blah (I wonder how long he's been planning that little speech.)  (I 'blah, blah' a lot for Brad because the guy just doesn't shut up...)
-And with Brad leaving, that takes Karen S., Laura H., and Jeff T. out of the pool.

-Laura M. gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol and she decides to give it to Vytas - Why Vytas? Because she knows it's a target on your back (and she's upset with Aras for getting her voted out.  Not a bad strategy - I think Laura M's smart, but her voice is really, really annoying.)
-Oh, but Vytas just throws the clue right in the fire... Jeff still can't believe that no one wants the idol (it's poison Jeff, poison.)

Oh and one more piece of business before they head back to camp... after 14 days of playing against their loved ones, they're going to switch things up.
-They drop their buffs and draw for new tribes - Tyson asking to let fate decide where he goes, he takes the last tube left.  They reveal and the new tribes are:  Totally lop-sided...
Galang: Tina, Monica, Kat, Laura B., Katie and Vytas
Tadhana: Ciera, Caleb, Hayden, Tyson, Gervase and Aras
Ciera is the one woman on Tadhana - could be a really good or a really bad thing.
Vytas is the one man on Galang - he fancies himself a ladies man so this is perfect for him. (Yeah, right, I think both the singles are in trouble.)
Aras has spent 14 days setting up his game and a switch like this puts everything in jeopardy - we'll see how it pans out.

Tadhana - Day 14
The new, mostly-man tribe returns to camp and the returning players start pumping the newbies for information about how the voting went down and they gave up the goods.  They even got the details of the clue to the hidden immunity idol that John told Brad... Tyson wasn't sure if the old Tadhanians knew what was going on or what, but, "Stupid will be stupid."

Then the new guys are ready for food and they start going to town, eating the rice, going through the spices... and it doesn't sit well with Hayden, he wants to tell them to get their hands off his stuff - but he can't.  Tyson stays true to form as well, they ask him to crack a coconut for everyone and he drinks most of it for himself first - his goal is to steal as much food from this tribe that he can... He's a one-man wrecking ball. (Man, the weasel is in the henhouse!  The newbies have no idea what they're in for.)

Galang - Day 14
The only loved ones together are Tina and Katie and Vytas is the odd man out in more ways than one - sure two Tadhana made the switch but one of them is the daughter of a Galang member - he's basically gone from being the master of his own destiny to being pretty much alone.
-Monica won't stop strategizing and it's driving Kat crazy - when you have an alliance, stop talking about it, all it does is put heat on you - if you want to learn how to play Survivor - Shut It! (Maybe Kat's not so simple after all.)

Tadhana - Day 14
Tyson is an evil mastermind, since he and Gervase had pretty much decided that they were going to take out Aras, he's making it seem like Aras is the leader, apologizing for him to the other people, planting the seeds that Aras bosses everyone around and he, Tyson, is just a simple fun-loving guy.  He's doing everything in his power to put a target on Aras' back and keep it off his own.

Galang - Day 14
Vytas doesn't have a lot of play here - the women have bonded and he's got to try and find an in.  He thinks being vulnerable and sharing the sad story of his past will go a long way with the girls (of course, they'll all want to save you - methinks Vytas does know women... or at least how to manipulate people.)
Oh, and it's working - Laura B. finds a man who's willing to share his feelings very attractive, "He reminds me of Rupert." (Oh?)  Then he starts talking up Aras and how he loves his brother and how he failed him and all the women jump to his defence, telling him not to sell himself short (oh yeah, he's working them all good!)
Laura B. feels connected to Vytas, she loves him a lot but she is still using her head - she knows that Vytas and Aras as a pair can take this whole game.

One pair from each tribe will race out to a cage on the bottom of the ocean - they'll dive down, release a gate and retrieve a fish trap and swim it back to shore.  Then the next pair goes.  Once they have collected all three fish traps, they must use the pieces inside to solve a vertical puzzle (two koi and the ying-yang symbol.)
-First tribe to finish the puzzle wins immunity and the reward of a Picnic - turkey, roast beef, ham, bread, brownies...
Off they go: Gervase & Aras vs Tina and Laura B. - Gervase and Aras get out to a good lead - when did Gervase learn to swim? - Tina & Laura B. forgot to bring the trap back and put Galang way behind as they had to go back out to get it... (well that sucks.)
-Tadhana have a trap lead over the other tribe and they get to start on the puzzle before Galang even has the third trap out of the gate.
Ciera's lucky the other team screwed up cause she's spent after the swimming.
-Aras & Tyson are working on the puzzle and doing pretty well but Tina and Monica get going on the puzzle and catch up - the women think they have it but... it's not quite right... and it's the new TADHANA that win immunity.

Galang - Day 16
They return from their defeat and Vytas is so frustrated with Tina and Laura B. - a mistake like that should not have happened - he should have gone first - but there is nothing he can say - as a man in his position, he's got to just shut up and go with whatever they decide to do. 
-Tina throws herself on their mercy, apologizing and saying she'd understand if they wanted to vote for her tonight and all the girls make soothing noises, while Vytas quietly seethes.
-Kat says they are voting Vytas out tonight but she is sick of hearing and seeing Monica talking strategy - Kat approaches Tina and says she knows they were going to stay Girl Strong but... and Tina feels like Kat's loyalty is now in question and this is something she needs to share with everyone.  (Tina found a way to save her own butt after messing up in the challenge - way to go Kat.)

-Tina approaches Monica and Vytas and tells Monica that Kat wants to vote her out because she won't stop strategizing.  Monica says that's worrisome since they agreed they were going to vote out Vytas, "sorry about that." (Yeah, the guy is right there.) Now Monica thinks she needs to confront Kat and when she does, Kat denies, denies, denies - "I never brought your name up to nobody."  Now Kat knows her back is against the wall and she's going to sacrifice Vytas and anyone else she can to stay there.
-Monica says she teaches her children to 'do unto others as you'd have them do unto you' but she's learned in Survivor it's 'do unto others BEFORE they do unto you.' (There you go, you're getting it now.)
-Now Monica is floating Kat's name, "If she's gunning for me, I'm going to try and rally everyone to vote her out."
-Tina thinks they should stay with the plan to vote Vytas but Kat has kinda shot herself in the foot.

Let's talk about the tribe switch.  Kat, who's not getting along?
-I guess, Monica and I - I saw Monica was a bit down and when I talked to her it didn't go as well as I thought it would (huh?)

Monica, what did you talk about?
-Just the game and trust issues - All I'm looking for is a little bit of trust and I want it from this young lady [Kat] because I genuinely am cheering for her, but it's just difficult. (Okay, are they speaking in code?  What is this namby-pamby bullpucky?)

Kat says to her, this shouldn't be about her and Monica, she understands and wants it to remain women strong, (again) 'sorry Vytas.'

Vytas says he knows Kat's going to write his name down and he feels for their relationship but trust in this game is sticking to your alliance no matter what (oh yeah, he's working them). It sucks to be on the chopping block but he feels like he's established some great relationships over here.

Kat says she's established relationships here and they all know she has their backs... Monica, you know I always have your back.

Monica - "Oh Kat... there's nothing more I want to do than to trust you" (I heard a bit BUT in there) Then I've heard you've thrown my name around.

Kat, do you think you're going home tonight?
-I hope I don't, I want to stay.  You all know I want to stay more than anything.
Who should be going home?
-I feel like the women should stick together like our plan was from the get-go and vote out Vytas. (Oh Kat, it's not fun watching her flail.)

Vytas says all he's hearing is a lot of 'I'm sorry', she's obviously made some mistakes and lost trust with her partners but I haven't made any...
Kat tries to cut in - We don't know that...
But he cuts her off and asks her not to interrupt - It doesn't matter if you go into the merge five strong when one of your alliance has already proven she can't be trusted.

Kat says Vytas comes in and he's genuine to everybody for 24 hours but we don't know anything - they know me and I'll be here - I love these people and they know that. (Just saying it doesn't make it so.)

Tina - One side says stick with your alliance be safe but the other side, two new people, chance to change it up.
-Well for me it's a little bit more difficult because I have a loved one here now and it puts a whole new dynamic on things. So I have to make my decision on what I think is going to get me further tonight and possibly in the future.

Vytas, how do you make sure it isn't you tonight?
-All I can really do is just be open, be a bit vulnerable, show the person I really am and that's it.  The rest is for them to decide if they can trust me or if they want to stick with what they have.

Jeff gives Kat one more chance to talk and we get a repeat of Kat swearing she has their backs, Vytas saying she's already proven she hasn't had their backs, Kat begging them to stick together and Vytas saying WE will stay together and WE will stay strong.

Time to Vote:
Kat votes Vetus
Vytas votes for Kat

Tallying the Votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Vytas 1
Kat 1, 2, 3, 4...Oh Kat.  You don't turn on the momma bears, they don't like it.

Jeff says the vote made one thing clear, you don't get trust by asking for it, you've got to earn it.

Next week:
In the tale of two brothers, Vytas is making friends (Tina would be honored if he took an interest in Katie...What?) and Aras' friends are all but gone (Gervase and Tyson are plotting against him with Tadhana.)

Redemption Island - Kat stumbles into camp and she's worried about Hayden, that he will be disappointed in her. "Who wants to date someone that doesn't make the merge." (Oh that's a sad state of reality show relationships.)

Have a great rest of your week everyone,

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