Monday, October 21, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - Oct 16/13 Episode Recap

The Dead Can Still Talk

Previous episode the loved ones continued their losing streak and we saw an epic Tribal Council when Caleb announced he was voting for big man Brad and he succeeded in sending him to Redemption Island.

Wednesday's episode opened on Tadhana - Night 10
They returned from Tribal Council and they were still excitedly talking about what a bold move Caleb made.  The girls are super excited that they are still both there, Ciera even thinking that possibly, if Caleb was voting with them now, they could have the numbers.
-Vytas said he was okay with what happened and admits he was the one that turned his second vote against Brad but Hayden is still in shock and he tells the camera that he feels like Caleb screwed his and Vytas' game.  Hayden doesn't know where he stands now.

Redemption Island - Night 10
-Brad says kudos to Caleb, he knows the game and good for him.
-They show Brad wake up John & Candice again - they show John's reaction this time, he expected to see Brad at Redemption Island at some time, he was making big moves and that tends to bite you in the ass out there.
-Brad is blah, blah, blahing like usual and Candice is just glad she'll have the chance to take him out of the game for good now.

Galang - Night 10
-Laura M is massaging Aras and he's enjoying it - she's trying to ingratiate herself with him in hopes of staying in the game longer.  Aras knows exactly what she's doing but he's letting her cozy up to him all she wants, he still doesn't see her as part of his alliance which includes Tina, Monica, Gervase and Tyson.
-Rupert's Laura feels doubly the outsider because she is the only person that hasn't played the game before - there was suppressed tears (why don't the cool kids like me?)

-Monica is upset when she realizes that Brad was voted out.  She asks him if she can take his spot and he refuses (he's the man and he's going to battle his way back on his own.)
-Brad wants everyone to know that he's not there because he's a jerk. Candice says she was repeating what she had been told by others that were voted out.  Monica says Candice hurt her feelings yelling obscenities at her husband and Candice countered that Monica hurt her feelings when she voted her out. (Exactly, get over yourself - Brad and Monica seem like they don't understand how anyone could dislike them - pretty people syndrome.)

DUEL - they have to take apart a crate and use the boards to make a bridge - once they cross the bridge they have to take the boards out and use the pattern on them to solve a puzzle - first two people done stay in it and the last is out for good.  (No mention of another clue this time, interesting.)
-Off they go and Candice is leading from the outset, Jeff says she's dominated Redemption Island, no one has beaten Candice - everyone seems to be rooting for Brad (huh?) I think Candice burned any goodwill she may have had with her attack on Brad last week.
-John finishes the bridge, then Brad and finally Candice (Uh oh, did Jeff jinx her?) - they start looking for the puzzle pieces and everyone is still encouraging Brad.
-John finishes the puzzle first, it's down to Candice and Brad and ... it's Brad that finishes the puzzle first.  (Oh man!  I really wanted her to have her moment beating Brad but the Survivor karma got her.)  With Candice leaving, Nenad M., Mike L., and Lois & Dave L. are out of the pool.
-Oh, John does get a clue to the hidden immunity idol, he gives it to Monica again and she throws it in the fire again.  (I think he should have seen if someone else would have actually used it - but maybe he doesn't really want anyone to have it, so smart to give it to the firestarter again.)

Galang - Day 11
-Monica thanks them for cheering on Brad at the duel - she was surprised to see him there but they are all telling her he has a good chance of getting back in - she hopes that they can meet up but they are such a tight couple, if one of them's there, they're both there.
-Tina, on seeing how tight a couple Monica and Brad are, is getting a little nervous.  Monica assures Tina that whatever happens with Brad won't change her commitment to her tribal alliance.  Tina's not sure if Monica is an asset or a threat but she's going to keep an eye on her.

Tadhana - Day 11
They are beat up, it's hot, there's no food, they have injuries, scrapes, bug bites everywhere and Katie has gross athletes foot so she's losing her toenails - and they are all trying to regroup and figure out how they fit in this new tribe without Big Daddy Brad there running the show.
-Vytas is talking to Caleb out on the water - Vytas tells the camera that no one will really ever trust Caleb again after what he pulled at Tribal Council but he hopes if he can get to know him better he can learn to read him and finesse him.
-Caleb is a quiet guy and he's not giving much up to Vytas.  He tells the camera he's feeling like the Big Kahunas right now - he's in a position that he can go with the girls or guys and it's nice to be the swing vote.

Tadhana - Day 13
-Oh we finally get to see Vytas doing some yoga.... he says since they voted Brad out, it has been so peaceful and he's now enjoying the peace and quiet and communing with nature.
-The five remaining Tadhana members are a little nervous going to the immunity challenge, they're not sure how their tribe will perform without powerhouse Brad but Vytas gives them a positive pep talk and they are excited to prove themselves.

-One member of each tribe will race down a giant water slide, grabbing a ring along the way - at the bottom of the slide they must toss their ring onto a post - first person to snag the ring on the peg gets a point - first tribe to 5 points wins immunity and reward of steak, veggies, spices and a wok - or they can trade it for fishing gear.
Galang sits out Monica and the two Laura's.

Off they go - Gervace vs Caleb - Caleb gets the point.
Tyson vs Hayden - Tyson gets the point. Tied
Kat vs Katie - Katie gets the point - Tadhana up 2-1
Aras vs Vytas - Vytas redeems himself and gets the point - 3-1
Tina vs Ciera - Tina scores - now 3-2
Caleb vs Tyson - Caleb scores again - 4-2
Hayden vs Gervase - could be game point for Tadhana... they make 2-3 tosses and finally HAYDEN scores and TADHANA Wins Immunity for the first time in this game.  They also choose the steaks over the fishing gear (well, that's shortsighted but understandable, those steaks looked really nice.)

Galang - Day 13
The returning players will be going to tribal council for the first time and Rupert's wife Laura B. is really nervous, first because she's never been to Tribal before and second because she could be the first one voted out again.
-Laura B is trying to suss out Gervase, he gives her nothing so she tries to stir up trouble with the easy target Kat.  She goes and tells Kat that Monica and the other Laura were upset that Kat jumped up to do the challenge when they had to sit.  Tina and Tyson are there too and they all know what Laura's trying to do - probably because she's not good at this - it was so painfully obvious that she's scrambling big time - (just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.)
-Everyone is super annoyed with Laura B, Rupert's Laura - she is the easy and obvious vote.  Aras is a little worried that the easy vote may be the stupid vote - strategizing with Tyson, they think if they can send someone to Redemption Island that has a chance to beat out Brad then Monica would be a better asset as she would have no where else to go - therefore they want to vote out Laura M. because she's proven to be strong in puzzle challenges which is normally what the duels are.
-They float the idea of voting out Laura M to Monica and she's worried that Laura M could beat Brad - so she's got to think about it.  She wants Laura B. the easy vote, and Aras backs off, he doesn't want to be seen as trying too hard to manipulate the vote at this point.

Gervase, it's been a long time since you played this game, it's changed a lot.
-It's surreal for me being here again but that was 13 years ago, these people are making moves, wheeling and dealing from day one.  I need  to get on board or I need to go home.

Tina you go back to the second season.  What does it look like from your vantage point?
-I was thinking on day 5 that I played more in 5 days than I did in my whole season in Australia (when Colby stupidly gave you the win, you mean?) it's going that quickly.  And the blood vs water thing, if you are playing  just yourself you can play balls to the wall but it's not just you.

Monica, how does this blood vs water change the game for you?
-It's not just you, when I go out there I'm looking out for my loved one - and people are looking for who has a loved one that could potentially be a team of two - it makes the stress of the game twice as much.

Aras, that loyalty, whether a tribe member will vote a loved one out or not is a big factor.
- He agrees but says right now, let Vytas do what Vytas does, I have to make sure I shore up all these relationships.

Laura M., Aras says my loved one is on his own, that's the only thing you can say.
-Yeah but, it's the truth.  There is a time when you have to cut the apron strings, it sounds really hard but Ciera's got to fly on her own, right now [this tribe] is my blood.

Gervase, Laura M. has proven she will squash her daughter in a challenge, does that prove her loyalty?
-He's heard her talk about her daughter and knows how close they are so he still sees that loved one bond as threatening.

Laura B you were voted out seconds into the game and now you're playing with people that have already played the game - do you belong out here?
-Well Jeff, I feel very much a part of this tribe, the decision making, the play - of course I belong here (the rest of the tribe doesn't look like they agree with that assertion.)

Monica, would you agree with that?
-Absolutely.  She's been with us since day one, she fishes, she builds fire, she's very much a part of this tribe.

And Laura B. that's what they always say to somebody before they vote them out.
-I also see the back side that I'm an easy vote.  I was welcomed with open arms but I did see the disappointment in my tribe when Rupert wasn't on the tribe.  Even though they all wanted to play with Rupert and not her, she still believes that she's proven herself.

Laura M. pipes up that Laura B. hasn't felt the sting of having her torch snuffed out by Jeff.  They have all felt that (except Aras actually) and are still stinging from it. (Really?)

Time to Vote:
Laura M. votes for Laura B. - there is only room for one Laura on this island.
Laura B. votes for Laura M. - really sorry someone has to go but I'm really happy to have only one Laura on the tribe. (Meow, both Laura's are touchy about the name thing.)

Tallying the votes:
No one has a hidden immunity idol.
Laura B - 1
Laura M - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Oh and she is stinging doubly from that blindside!  She doesn't even acknowledge them as she leaves.

Next week: Gervase and Tyson are talking about dethroning King Aras - but Jeff surprises them at the Redemption Island duel telling them they are going to switch things up.

Redemption Island - Laura M was caught off guard with the blindside but she is still in the game and she is going to keep her wits about her because she has to win the duel.  Brad just wants to know how Galang lost the challenge. (Yeah, yeah, you were blindsided, tell me about the challenge.)

So, not quite as exciting as the last Tribal Council but still blindsides are fun to watch.
Have a great week everyone,

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