Monday, May 3, 2010

Amazing Race - May 2nd Episode Recap

They Don't Even Understand Their Own Language (Shanghai)

Shanghai, the most cosmopolitan city in China, and the half a billion dollar Science and Technology Museum was the Pit Stop on the last leg of the race. 
-The Cowboys, Jet & Cord, are the first to depart at 8:02am - they get the clue to make their way to the Garden Bridge which, Phil clues us in, all the locals only know by the Chinese name (Uh oh), to find their next clue.
-Cord tells us Jet is the best partner to have, he trusts him with his life.  In 2004 Cord took a hoof to the side of the head which crushed his skull, they didn't know if he was going to make it, and Jet stayed by his hospital bed the whole time (I'm a sucker for brotherly love - sniff - it explains a lot though, Cord being a little slow and Jet being kinda protective.)  Jet says Cord is the toughest guy he knows; we definitely have a shot at winning.
-They ask a couple people where the Garden bridge is - get pointed to the park bridge - Wow, that was easy (hmm, yes, way too easy.)

-Brent & Caite are the next out at 8:36am - Brent thinks its a really simple clue... but they'll see.
-Caite says it's been three years since the Teen USA Pageant where she became an inadvertent YouTube sensation - she hopes making the top three will show people she can accomplish anything she sets her mind to (apparently she still gets comments almost everyday.)
-No one knows the Garden bridge - they find a young girl who searches it on her phone and finds the Chinese name for the bridge - she tries to get them to say it, then decides to write it down for them... good idea.  They are able to take off in a taxi who knows where to go.
-Jet & Cord realize they're at the wrong bridge and get a taxi - he says sure he can take them - but once they're under way the driver admits he doesn't know where he's going... they ask him to call and take it in stride - Oh, THAT Garden Bridge. (I hope they're not just being taken for a ride.)

-Dan & Jordan are the next out at 8:53am - Dan says he came on the race for his brother but winning the race has become important to him too.  They have no idea how they're supposed to do this when no one speaks English - they're having problems finding the Garden bridge too.

-Brent says he was worried to come to China but it's incredible - the only thing that's killer is the language barrier.  Caite's quiet, I don't think she's as impressed.  They are the first to the clue box - get the clue to make their way to the Longhua Temple where they'll find their next clue.  They are not allowed to travel by taxi.  Their first order of business is to find someone who speaks English.

-Jet & Cord get to the cluebox - keep the cab driver waiting for them - Jet reads the clue and they head back to pay their driver.
-Brent & Caite are reading a MAP!  Realize it's a ways to the temple and they'll have to take the bus.  Caite says obviously she does know how to read a map since she's pretty darn good at finding where they have to go - In CHINA. "So, people, you can all go screw yourselves."   Brent, "Hell Yeah."
-Cowboys ask their driver where the temple is - can they take a boat or a train - Yes, a train, tells them the metro station is about 1km away.  They take off on foot. (Good boys.)

-Dan & Jordan ask a guy stretching if this is the Garden Bridge?
Guy - Bridge?
Jordan - Bridge.
Dan - B R I D G E (yeah, like spelling it's going to help.)
They let the guy read the clue (so obviously he speaks English) and he asks, "Where is the Garden Bridge?"
Yeah, that's what they said.  Jordan just thanks him and they take off frustrated.
- Jordan says this language barrier is not for them.  Dan says he hates China, he will not be back.
- Two hours in, they think they should go back and wait for the Detectives - their strategy is never to be alone or last so they figure they can use Michael & Louie to help them, then the Speed Bump will let them pull ahead.

-Michael & Louie are heading out at 11:00am - They were spared elimination on the last leg - hopefully that will bit somebody in the butt.  Both hope to show their children that you never give up and the harder you work the more you can achieve.
-Dan & Jordan come running up to the Detective which relieves them - they've caught up to a team that was two hours ahead of them (well, not quite - the brothers were too ignorant American to find out where to go) but the Detectives welcome them and they all head up to higher ground for Michael to use his binocular to scout out the area and use his Detective eye to find the bridge.

-Brent & Caite get to the temple - ROADBLOCK (and I see the Speed Bump) - the Roadblock clue says 'Who thinks they can sum up Buddha?'  They must enter the Arhat Hall and count all the golden statues in the room - there are 523!  (That is a lot of little fat men.)  If they come up with the right number they'll receive their next clue- If their guess is wrong, they'll have to wait 10 minutes before making another guess (oof.)
-Caite is counting for them - Oh my Gosh - Brent is glad she's doing this task to prove she's got it upstairs (let's see how she does first.) Her first guess - 520 - she has to wait 10 minutes.
-Cowboys are still looking for the metro station but notice all the buses going by - Cord wonders if they shouldn't have caught a bus.

-Michael sees a couple coats hanging from a sign - that must be the clue (What?  No coloured race marker - Hello.)  They all head down to the strange hanging coats but it's just weirdness, nothing there.  Michael figures the other teams must be having as much trouble as they are.

-Caite's next guess is still off - 522 - Not it?  Huh. (She's surprisingly chill about it) 10 more minutes. Brent really wants to get out of there, he's not so patient.

-Detectives ask a group of guys to borrow a cell phone - they call the translation service and have the translator tell a cab driver where they need to go.
-Dan & Jordan tell their cab driver to follow Michael & Louie's - Follow them - slower - F o l l o w... The green cab - g r e e n ... (oh my gravy, these two just don't get it.)  Dan starts freaking out literally - their driver stops at a red light and they lose the Detectives - Dan starts spazzing in the back of the cab, he wants Jordan to let him out so he can hit someone... (Calm Down.)
-Michael notices they've lost the brothers, they don't seem too worried about it - Louie's just glad they're not in front of them (They did nothing to help; I'd try to lose them too.)

-Caite makes another wrong guess - 524 now - nope - 10 more minutes.
-Cowboys get the metro to the temple - they see Brent & Caite's bags but run right past Brent without seeing him, he's crouched down and continues to hide from them to try and give Caite some more time.
-Cowboys find the clue - decide Jet is going to do the counting.  He's not worried about what Brent & Caite are doing - no point rushing, getting it wrong and having to wait the 10 minutes - he's going to stay cool-headed and get it right.  (We all know she's not cool-headed under pressure - "and some that is the Iraq" - Huh, I'm starting to feel bad about making fun of her for that... but not too bad.)

-Detectives get to the bridge, Dan & Jordan catch up and try to get the jump on them onto the bridge, but they walk right past the clue box (I'm not liking the Brothers this leg, they're sketchy.) All four of them head off on foot.

-Jet notices there are two standing gold statues that don't look like Buddhas by the door - he re-reads the clue and it just says count all the GOLD statues, not all the Buddha statues so he adds the two by the door and gets the correct number on the first try (of course) - 523. 
-Caite comes out and gets the right number finally - they both get the next clue, tells them to Hop a Ride.  They must choose a sidecar motorcycle, one person on the back and one in the sidecar with a driver provided - to take them to some gardens.  Brent said the racing on the motorcycles was pretty exciting - (sure, exciting - I think I'd have to change my shorts after that.)

-Brothers and Detectives go in a business and ask the best way to the temple - he tells them to take the bus.  Detectives want to ditch the brothers - know they still have a Speed Bump coming up.  They all get on the bus.

- Motorcycle ride comes to an end at an open mall-type area and Caite says there are thousands of people everywhere (you're in CHINA) - The clue says the box is across from some garden - Brent says he sees a garden area - Caite says we don't want the actual garden - He snaps he's just trying to get a 'barrier' (yeah, he meant 'bearing', bless his heart, he tries.)  Caite is telling people to go away and leave her alone - she's not impressed with the crowd and pushy people hocking their wares.
-Cowboys find the clue box first - DETOUR - Pork Chops or Pork Dumplings.
In Pork Chops - they make their way to the stamp store (elaborately carved stamp bocks are called chops) they must search through the vast inventory for a chop with the picture of a pig and their names carved in it.  Both chops in hand, they'll receive their next clue.
In Port Dumplings - they must make their way to a restaurant, pick up 10 orders of dumplings then make their way through the crowded alleyways of the market to deliver them - when they complete the deliveries, they'll get their next clue.
-Cowboys (wisely in my opinion) go for Pork Chops.  Cord spots the Art Stone store right away and they head in and start searching.
-Brent & Caite find the clue box and choose Pork Chops as well - they head in to the store where the Cowboys greet them and say the pigs are elusive.  Brent can't concentrate; he's got to go to the bathroom so bad.  She tells him to go then but he reminds her she can't look while he's gone so she'll have to go with him - she tells him too bad then, she's not going anywhere, he'll have to hold it (what a b*tch.)

-Detectives and Brothers get to the temple and the Detectives get their Speed Bump - they must successfully toss coins into a giant incense burner (Hopefully not too tough, and it will give them luck - bonus.)
-Dan & Jordan read the Roadblock clue and Jordan wants Dan to do it - it's a patience thing (yeah, and Dan has shown so much patience today with the cab driver.) But Dan is doing the counting.
-Detectives are coin tossing - it's the top hole so it is challenging to get a coin in the burner - takes a few tries but they both get one in and head over to the Roadblock.  Louie will be doing the counting - Michael says Louie is a math wizard; he'll be counting for them.

-Cowboys were starting to feel sorry for Brent - they've never seen anyone have to go that bad.  Caite's still refusing to stop & go with him but he won't let up - finally she agrees - grudgingly.  He tells her to shut up.  As soon as they leave, Jet finds Brent's chop - He'll have to find that on his own.

-Dan took his time, counted at his own pace and got the correct count.  Every team has got to have a closer and he says he's this teams closer.  They take off on the motorcycle - Dan got the sidecar and he revels in telling the camera Jordan rode b*tch.  Jordan said it was awesome, helmet, crazy goggles, holding on to the Chinese man driving - okay, I liked that part.
-Louie makes his guess - 521 - he missed the 2 at the door - they have to wait 10 minutes - It's killing them - every minute counts at this point.  Louie re-reads the clue and realizes he didn't count the Samurai warriors at the door - "my bad - falling the way of the sword."  He gets it right on the next try and they head for the motorcycles.

-Back at the Chop shop, Brent & Caite are back - the Cowboys are still searching, Jet finds his chop but keeps it quiet, slips it in his pocket - doesn't want to give Brent & Caite more motivation.  He does whisper to Cord though that he has it and they're still looking for his.
-Caite found Cords but she didn't tell him, hoping he wouldn't find it soon.  Brent finds his and announces it right away.  She finds her chop not long after and they get the clue just as Jet finds Cord's chop - Cowboys head out right behind them.

-Next clue is to make their way to the Riverside Promenade - the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.
-Jet & Cord head out to the street and get a cab right away - Jet tells the driver to take off  "Muy rapido. I don't know anything in Chinese." (Ha ha.)
-Brent & Caite can't find a cab - it's rush hour and traffic's insane.

-Dan & Jordan get to the market - looking for the clue box.
-Detectives are hoping it's a long arduous Detour that everyone is struggling with.

-Cowboys get to the Riverside Promenade - Brent & Caite are there right behind them - they are all searching for Phil and the Mat.... And the tallest man in the world is standing there with Phil - he's crazy tall.

-Back at the market - Brothers choose Pork Chops - Jordan is instantly questioning if they're looking for a needle in a haystack here.  Dan tells him they're doing this one.  Dan found Louie's but can't find their own.
-Detectives show up and Dan & Jordan aren't happy to see them.  The Brothers had 20 minutes on them, fact they were still there was a relief to Michael & Louie - Find ours yet?  No.
-Jordan still complaining this is an impossible task, Dan tells him to shut up and just do it.

-Dan finds his - everyone still looking - Louie literally leaving no stone unturned - Michael's trying to look from underneath with his CSI flashlight - Jordan finds his and the Brothers head out.

-Jordan grabs a girl in the market who speaks English to tell a cab driver where to take them (poor thing, she looks scared - crazy American dragging her away) She tells the cab driver where to go  - Dan flashes him some cash and the driver understands that - they take off.
-Michael finds Louie - Louie finds Michael and they are running for their lives... Michael says you never know they could get a bad cab ride and we could pass them.
-Dan is freaking out in his cab again, think the driver is not going to the right place - Dan says he has no motivation to help us out - They get to the promenade and are looking for Phil.
-Detectives get there too and are looking for the mat...

Here's How They Finished:
1) Brent & Caite - Team #1!  She shrieks and starts jumping up and down (Not very Beauty Queen of her) They won a trip for two to Spain and a shot at the Million dollars.  Caite is ecstatic to be the only woman left and she and Brent are proving they can do anything they put their mind to - right now, that's winning a million dollars.
2) Jet & Cord - They will be in the finale. Jet - We could get a buckle.  Cord - I hope so.  If not I'm getting one made.  Jet - Amazing Race Champions.  (They're so cute.)
3) Dan & Jordan - My bother made my biggest dream come true - he's always been there for me.  We are turning it on 150%, we're going to win the Million Dollars.
4) Louie & Michael - **ELIMINATED**  It's been a great ride - Michael says there's not one bad thing he can say about the race except not making it to the end.  This is something we'll always share - can't think of anyone else they'd want to run the race with.  (I'll miss the Detectives - they were a good team - Bye Boys.)
So, that means Kevin & Elaine R., Bernice W., Robert L. and Sharleen H. are out of the pool. (So close.)

Preview of next week:  We are down to a couple of small town cowboys, a beauty queen with something to prove and brothers trying to fulfill a dream.  They must scale new heights (looks like rope climbing a building) and explore new galaxies (computer motion capture suits and directing from another room) Cord is talking smack to Jordan, going to have one of these Star Wars guys take him out... It's on like Donkey Kong!

And who is still in the running:
Brent & Caite: Nenad M., Sue S. & Hannelore M., Drew C. and Virginia D.
Jet & Cord: Shane B., Miranne D., Kaite L., and Brian L.
Dan & Jordan: Sharon R., Kim B., Cheryl J. and Andria S.

Have a great week everyone,


And any Survivor fans - and I saw a commercial that said there will be two Tribal Councils and two people leaving on the next episode.  Awesome!

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