Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Survivor Millennials vs Gen X - Nov 16/16 Episode Recap

Thrown Punches

Last week the three tribes merged and the nerd kids sided with the Gen-X'ers against the cool kids on the Millennials side, making Michelle the first casualty after the merge, and the first member of the jury. 

Vinaka - Night 23
-They return to camp and Jay is a bitter, bitter boy.  He lost one of his most trusted allies in Michelle and really hates being on the bottom.  He calls the Millennial flippers frickin' idiots for choosing to be on the bottom of the Gen-X alliance (and how is that any different than being on the bottom of the Millennial alliance? He is just sulking and pouty about not getting his way.)

-The Gen-Xers are really happy the vote went the way they wanted, Chris is feeling like he's finally gaining some control - though he doesn't really trust the floaters in the middle, like Adam.

-Jay & Taylor are trying to re-group and figure out how they can winnow their way into the solid (seeming) Gen-X alliance.  Taylor decides he better try and make sure he's still okay with Adam keeping his hidden food secret but then he basically threatens him about the secret he knows (about Adam's advantage).  They both confirm they are going to keep the secrets.  Taylor is happy because he has the bigger and more damaging secret to hold over Adam's head.  They already know Taylor stole food, they just don't know how much and how he's still got a huge stash.  Then we see Taylor out eating from his buried stash, congratulating himself on being so sneaky and crowing about how great this idea was. (This kid is the worst! He's so smug, it's disgusting.)

Vinaka - Day 24
-Jay is trying to find his way out of the bottom three hole - he decides to talk to Hannah and she basically tells him she's taking her game into her hands, she realized playing the game as the Millennials wanted her to, would make her into a decent goat for them and she didn't want that.  She's
taking her game into her own hands, making moves, improving her resume and playing to win.
-Jay seems sincere when he tells her he's proud of her, and she laps up the praise, but I'm sure he's swearing inside.  He plays it friendly with Hannah asking her to include him in the next vote... but I don't know that will actually happen.

-They are going to be divided into two teams of six, on Jeff's go they will have to go through a series of obstacles to retrieve a key - once they get the key they have to unlock a box - they will then have to push/pull/drag that heavy box through the dirt under a rope net - once they get the box to their mat they have to hack it open with a machete then take the bolos inside and attempt to land them on a target - first team to get all 5 bolos wrapped around the target will win Reward : Taken to a resort, lounge poolside and dine on cheese burgers, fries and cocktails (and soft drinks for Will.)

They did a random choice of captains and then a schoolyard pick of teams and here is where the challenge was lost:
Captain: Chris
Chose: Bret, Ken, David, Sunday & Taylor
Captain: Hannah
Chose: Adam, Will, Zeke, Jay & Jessica

Yeah it was a total blow out for Chris' team - they had all the bolos around the target when Hannah's team never even got the box through the net.  Now I was thinking that Adam should steal the reward - Taylor knows about it and is threatening him with the knowledge, just use it... but alas, that did not happen.

What did we learn from Chris, Bret, Ken, David, Sunday and Taylor going on the reward?  That Bret like himself a cocktail or ten... and I bet that hangover is not going to be very pleasant.
-They showed us a little Sunday talking head and I bet the reason we don't hear from her that often is because her accent is just unpleasant, so nasal... but I digress, she lays out that the Gen-Xers are fractured, she doesn't trust David, Ken and especially Jessica.  Sunday is ready to make a big move and take control of the game (really? You go, soccer mom.)

Vinaka - Day 24
Meanwhile, back at camp, Jay tries to talk to Adam and Adam makes a right royal mess of it rubbing in to Jay that he, Taylor and Will are on the bottom, he basically makes Jay really hate him. 
-Adam tells the camera he's worried he may be playing too hard but then he makes stupid social mis-steps like alienating Jay to the point that not just Jay but Zeke and Hannah also no longer want to work with Adam.
-Jay is now hoping that he can win immunity because he knows he's on the block.

Vinaka - Day 25
-Sunday decides to make her move against Jessica, (why do the girls always turn on each other? It's sad) but anyway, Sunday wants to use Jay to take Jessica out.  She talks to Jay, he's willing to write whatever name she tells him, she's going to push for Jess today and see if she can make it happen.  Jay is going to stay positive, give good energy and the universe should be okay with giving it back (ho-boy.)

They will be standing on a narrow beam and balancing a ball on a wooden bow - at regular intervals they will move farther down the narrowing beam to make it more difficult.  If at any time they drop the ball or fall off the beam they are out.  Last person standing wins Immunity.  And to try and force those who feel safe to reveal themselves, Jeff offers grilled ham & cheese sandwiches, potato chips, beer and soft drinks for anyone who wants to for-go the challenge all together.
Only Zeke & Will opt to sit out and take the food - not because they fell all that safe, but because they knew they didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the challenge.
-I bet Hannah was mad when she was quickly out that she didn't take the food.  Bret absolutely griped when he was out and had to watch Zeke drinking beer (boozy buddy.)
They were dropping pretty consistently until we came down to Adam, Jay, Taylor and Ken.
-Adam dropped and Jay tried to hold on but he dropped next - so we were down to Taylor the surfer dude and Ken the older surfer dude.  And experience won out - Taylor dropped and Ken won Immunity tonight. (YES! Oh, please tell me Taylor may actually get booted finally.)

Vinaka - Day 26
They return to camp and David lays it out, they are deciding between Jay & Taylor tonight because Will is seen as less of a threat.  They are afraid that one of them has an idol so they decide to split the votes evenly for Taylor & Jay.  Sunday isn't happy that she's told to vote for Jay, but she doesn't do anything beyond whining to Bret that they have to vote Jessica next time hoping that he'll do the dirty work and plead her case to the group.  He says he'll talk to Chris but that's not how you win this game.  If she wants to make a big move and take control, she's going to have to do it herself.  In other words, the Jessica plan fizzled before it even began.
-Sunday goes and tells Jay that the majority wants either Jay or Taylor tonight and she couldn't do anything about it (well, she didn't really try to do anything about it either.)  Jay knew it was a long shot but now he's got to figure out if he should play his idol for himself, or play his idol for Taylor, which could backfire and take him out, or just ride it out (and see if the universe rewards his positivity.)

-Taylor knows it's either him or Jay tonight so he takes him down to the bunker of food and the two of them pig out on the dried fruit and other goodies he still had stashed.  Jay is totally in, enjoying their possible last meal together and Taylor decides to spill Adam's secret, what has he got to lose at this point.  Jay is surprised by the advantage Adam found and he also encourages Taylor to totally blow up Adam's game, "Dude, do it. He voted out Figgy." (Jay may just have a little devil in him.)
-Taylor wants to put a target on Adam's back and be Figgy's avenger (ugh!) He hopes the threat of Adam stealing a loved ones visit will make Adam more hated and maybe save Taylor's bacon.

Michelle comes in as the first member of the jury and she looks like she still hasn't washed her hair (yes, I am turning into my mother - is she going for dreads, because that right now is not a good look.)

Jeff dives in and asks Jay what happened at camp after the last tribal council.
-Jay puts on a show with a huge smile saying he was impressed by the great blindside and wishing he wasn't on the wrong side of it because that felt pretty crappy honestly.
-Adam cuts off the performance and say welcome to the club, Jay's not the first one to be blindsided, it's happened to me, it's happened to a lot of us here.
-Jay makes it obvious he can't stand Adam, sneering, "Well that's the game Survivor." (yes, that was Adam's point.) Jay tells Jeff he'd be happy to write Adam's name down again.  Jay knows that he, Taylor and Will are on the wrong side and their clocks are ticking.
-Chris tells them he's been on the wrong side before, you just have to work your way back in - there are cracks.
-Taylor reacts like that's a huge revelation (dude, have you never watched this show? No, he's just so used to things coming easily to him that he couldn't imagine having to work to be liked and accepted.)  And this is when Taylor decides to make his grand announcements - first he comes clean about the food bunker but also drags Adam along saying he helped him do it. 
Hannah starts hyperventilating, Will looks impressed/surprised, Bret and Chris look disgusted (that's how I feel) and Adam is just shaking his head.
-Jay jumps in saying THEY had three jars buried in the sand together and he said, "Look what I hid with Adam." (Seriously? Why be such assholes and lie - Grr, that just makes me mad.)
-Adam sanctimoniously wants to clear the air and admits he knew about Taylor's stash but he is adamant that he did not help him steal the food and he did not eat any of the food himself, he just kept the secret.
-Taylor and Jay try to spin it, "Why are you so upset about this?" (And the bullying smirks, I hate this.)
-Adam, "Because you are defaming my character!"
-The others start to ask Taylor questions, what food was in there, where is it now and Taylor is in his glory and proud of his thievery.  He tells them he took as much as he could smash in the jars and all the food was gone, "Jay and I ate it all today." (Oh yeah! Jay can use mud in his face too.)
-BUT, Taylor continues, if they want to gun for him and Jay, the bigger threat is with Adam because he told him a little secret, that Adam has an advantage in the game.
-Everyone does a "wait, what?"  And they ask Adam "is that true?" He admits it is and Adam tells them the advantage allows him at any point, if he loses a reward, he can play the advantage and it's like he won the reward.
-So Taylor spins it again, "In other words, He can steal your loved one visit." Adam "Not necessarily" - Taylor should be an actor, "So someone is going to have their loved one - ripped - from - your - hands, even though you won."
-Adam tries to say it doesn't impact the game, its a reward not immunity but Taylor still showboating, "oh but it does impact the game, in  here (points to his chest) and in here (points to his head.)
-How did Jay & Taylor know about the advantage Hannah asks - Adam, "Because I told Taylor.  Clearly I made a mistake in who I can trust. (And I think this actually reflects worse on Taylor than on Adam.  Who wouldn't keep this advantage a secret?  Taylor not keeping the secret just reinforces how untrustworthy and horrible a person he is.... but it made great TV.)
-David said he's uncomfortable and shocked and he thinks that admitting what they did is the nail in the coffin for one of them.  (Adam still can't believe he's being painted with the same brush as Taylor).
-Taylor is completely unrepentant - If I know I can get ahead by eating more food than you, of course I'm going to do it. (What a self-centered little brat - Errrgh! He's horrible.)
-Jessica thinks Taylor is looking for a pat on the back and someone to tell him it's okay but she wasn't raised like that and neither was Chris or Ken or Bret.
-Jay pipes up, why did you skip me? I wasn't raised like that.  I didn't hide those jars and it was not okay with me. (But you ate it!) Jay went on a rant how he's not just some dumb surfer (whoa - that comment does not go unremarked - Taylor mumbles, I'm not a dumb surfer) A little, no offense was thrown out by Jay but he kept going about he's there playing the game and trying to improve his life.  Jay continues that if he was in Adam's position he would have told Taylor it wasn't morally right (get off the high horse, you were still in the wrong as well.)
-Adam says this is coming some the guy who admitted to eating the food, Jay says it was just crumbs and he's not going to forget his morals for some game and eat when everyone is starving - Adam, "You ate the food, I did not - what are you talking about?" (Exactly!)
-Hannah says this is a complicated game - blah, blah, blah... let's vote.
-Bret wants to know who is culpable (oh, showing the cop vocabulary.)

Time to Vote:
They didn't show us how anyone voted.

Tallying the votes:
Anyone want to play a hidden immunity idol now would be the time... they show us Adam, they show us Jay, he fidgets a little but in the end - no hidden idols were played (WHHHAATTT??)

Jay - 1
Taylor - 1
Adam - 1
Jay - 2
Taylor - 2
Jay - 3
Taylor - 3
Jay - 4
Taylor - 4, 5... 6 and TAYLOR is the 9th person voted out and the second member of the jury.  He says good luck and laughingly, "Sorry for stealing food." (Somehow I don't think he really is, except it finally got his ass voted out - thank you Godapus!)
And with Taylor leaving, that takes Tori K. and Brandon L. out of the pool.

Next week: It's a Gen X civil war - David is talking about voting out Chris, Chris is talking about voting out Jess and Will puts his trust in Zeke, telling him Jay has an idol - and that knowledge tears through camp faster than greased lightning.

Taylor's final thoughts: My Survivor adventure has been quite epic - he stole food, survived a hurricane, made a great friend named Jay, got a girlfriend and hopefully they'll buy a sailboat and go have some adventures together. So I'm pretty stoked about that.

Seriously? This was never about winning or the money for him, just having fun, doing whatever he wants - woo!  Yup I'm the bitter old lady just shaking my head at this doofus - b-bye Tails.  Oh and by the way, your great friend Jay voted for you, hope you still have a girlfriend now that you didn't win a million dollars.

Too much? 

Have a great rest of the week everybody,


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