Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Amazing Race - May 13/16 Finale Recap

The Only First That Matters

In this, the final leg of the race, the teams learn they are heading to Los Angeles and we'll find out who will be the winners of the million dollars and the Amazing Race.

The final teams are:
Tyler & Korey - they've had five first place finishes and are heavily favoured to win,
Dana & Matt - physically strong team but their communication issues have been a hindrance, and Sheri & Cole - the lucky underdogs who have been saved by non-elimination legs twice, can they go all the way? 
Phil tells them on the mat their final destination city and also tells them for the first time in Race history, they have all been upgraded to Premium class for the flight from Shenzhen to LA (well, I should hope so - that is a looooong flight.)
And they each have their own fancy pod, nice to see how the other half live :) - of course, they are all on the same flight so they hit the ground running when the plane lands in LA.  They have to head to Angelus plaza and look for the next clue.

Angelus plaza - Tyler & Korey are the first to arrive and make their first mistake by running right past the clue box and climbing stairs to an upper level (where are you going?)
-Dana & Matt get to the clue box and read the clue to the ROADBLOCK: Who's ready to take a leap of faith?
One person will have to go up to the roof of the building - 170ft above the ground - and jump off to grab their next clue which is dangling out of arms reach. (OH MAN! Even if you're not afraid of heights, this one would be scary!)
-Dana & Matt debate who's the better choice to do this one but then ultimately make the right choice in sending Matt up to the roof.
-Tyler & Korey, still climbing stairs, "Do you think we have to go up to the roof?" (yes, you do, but not before getting the clue back at street level - so frustrating to watch teams screw up on the last leg.)
-Sheri & Cole get to the clue box and Sheri's going to be doing this one, sticking to her pledge to do all the heights things so precious Cole doesn't get scared (he's a grown up now mom, haven't you learned that yet?) She's petrified and cries the whole time.
-Tyler & Korey finally realize the clue must be at the bottom and head back down, getting the last clue and the last rigger guy who predictably Tyler is boy crazy over (I swear he's a 12 year old girl.)

At the top of the building, Matt makes the leap of a lifetime and gets the clue easily on his first attempt (he's tall and athletic, they definitely made the correct choice sending him on this task.)
-They get the clue to take a helicopter to Santa Barbara where they will have to jump in a little boat and search among a ton of boats in a marina for the Theresa Ann, where an old fisherman will hand them the next clue.
-Sheri's turn to jump and she couldn't let go of the rope and barely cleared the building on her first attempt, no where near the clue, means she has to go again.
-Tyler didn't do much better, his jump was very short - he's also got to go again.  And Dana & Matt keep getting further ahead.

-Sheri gets the clue on her second jump, good for her - she learned she wasn't going to die and was able to focus so she didn't have to do it again. (And they moved the clue closer.)
-Tyler wasn't so lucky - he also missed his second attempt and there was no recovering for the boys.  He did get it on the third attempt.

-The search for the Theresa Ann wasn't that difficult, Dana & Matt found it right away and got the clue to make their way up to Gibraltar Rock to find their next clue.  Sheri & Cole were the most confused but they did stumble upon the boat before Tyler & Korey were able to catch up.

-Dana & Matt let their cab go at the harbour and had to wait for someone to call them another one, which was killing Dana but they were surprisingly screaming-at-each-other free this leg.

-Sheri & Cole tried to take Tyler & Korey's cab but she didn't know where Gibraltar Rock was so they smartly went in search of another cab because Tyler & Korey took that cab and the driver was the final nail in their coffin - Tyler even had step by step directions up on her phone on how to get there and she still couldn't do it (oy, the curse of the horrible cab drivers strikes again in the final leg.)

Gibraltar Rock - it's another If-you're-afraid-of-heights-this-is-petrifying challenge.  One team member has to pull themselves out across a wire suspended over a gorge, while the other team member is attached to them and being lowered down a cliff-face.  Each person has to retrieve half of a clue and then the person on the wire has to pull themselves back and their partner up the wall, which they are also climbing... It was not a simple task that's for sure.
-Matt went across the wire and Dana went down the wall - she was yelling at him the whole time and in typical Dana fashion complaining about how hard it was - but they got through it quickly and were leaving just as Sheri & Cole got there.
-Cole went across the wire and Sheri down the rock face - and they did really well for two people afraid of heights.
-Tyler & Korey were right behind them and they flew through this but still could not catch up.

-Dana & Matt were the first to Grassini Family Vineyards where they ran right past the next clue because it was sticking out of a bale of hay instead of being in a clue box... but they figured it out and this was the final ROADBLOCK: Roll Out the Barrels
-Starting with the # that was in each Pit Stop clue along the race, they have to use wine barrel lids stamped with letters to spell the names of the cities that correspond to the hashtags. 
-Dana, Cole and Korey have to do this one as the final challenge and it seems that all of them were well studied and prepared having guessed that something like this would be the final challenge.

Here's How They Finished:

1) DANA & MATT - got the only first place that mattered and won the Million dollars!   And with them Katie L., Lynne B., Alexis G., Emily H. and Ozzy R. won our pool - congratulations everyone.  (Though they weren't my choice to win, they had a perfect final leg, you have to give them credit.) Hopefully Dana will get some therapy for her anger issues and these two will live happily ever after... of course they say they love and respect each other, and they like their fiery relationship.

2) Sheri & Cole - I was kind of rooting for the underdogs in the end but alas, they didn't pull it out - hopefully Sheri will be able to cut the apron strings soon.

3) Tyler & Korey - I felt a little bad for these two, being front runners throughout and then just having a horrible final leg, I may not love these two but I can still feel their pain.

Over all, it was a pretty good season - we got to see some gorgeous places vicariously through the Race and none of the teams were totally heinous :)
I'll be speaking to the winners of the pool shortly - but the rest, have a great summer and we'll talk again in September.


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