Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Amazing Race - Apr 22/16 Episode Recap

Hey everyone,

 I totally forgot to write the recap (I usually watch it on Friday when it airs and do he recap Sunday…) anyway this is how it went down:  Salt That Sand

 Last week in Dubai, Sherry & Cole caught another huge break in that it was a non-elimination round and they got to stay after coming in very last place.

 This leg the teams found out that they were heading to Bali, Indonesia – it’s a long flight that won’t be leaving until the next morning and they won’t get into Bali until 10pm – so everyone is on the same flight and Kurt & Brodie where complaining about losing their lead (you guys know the drill, come on.)

Once they hit the ground running they go to the temples and have to grab a number for the next morning – the teams will be staggered two at a time every fifteen minutes.

Next morning – first teams are Sheri & Cole and Kurt & Brodie – they get the clue that tells them they have to take an offering to one temple, then from there go to the other temple.  Kurt & Brodie grab the offering, it’s a tall column of flowers they have to carry on their heads, and head to the wrong temple, Sherry & Cole follow but once they get there they are turned back – Sheri & Cole head down to the beach and get in the middle of a bunch of monks which have nothing to do with their task – Kurt & Brodie head back to where they picked up the offerings and realize the first temple is just a few feet away (way to go) – so they drop off the offerings and are given – a huge snake draped around their necks to carry to the other temple (WHAT THE???) it’s a snake temple.  Well this made for some very nervous racers I can tell you that for nothing.  Sheri was the only one that seemed eager to get that snake around her neck and she was jealous that Cole’s snake was prettier than hers – everyone else could not wait to get that thing off them.

Once they delivered the snakes, they got the clue to head to the first ROADBLOCK: Salt Harvesting.

This is also where Sheri & Cole got their Speed Bump: they had to go to a street vendor’s cart, make and sell 10 bowls of a traditional meatball breakfast dish, then eat a bowl each and head back to the Roadblock.  They knocked that out pretty quick because it looked like eager patrons were planted all around where they were – the spicy meatballs were a little hard to choke down but they weren’t that far behind once they hit the salt task.

In Salt Harvesting – one person had to pick up two leather containers carried on a pole across the shoulders, go down to the beach, fill the containers, carry the water up to the marked areas and then slosh the water out onto the sand(salting the sand) – once they had wet the whole area they’d get their next clue. 

-This was a physically demanding task because water is heavy and once they filled their containers it was heavy lifting to get them up to the salting area and then they had to do this over and over again until they covered the whole area.  Every team had a guy do this task except Zach & Rachel, she stepped up and it hurt them.  Cole was able to sprint through it and she struggled the whole time.  After they wet the sand, they had to go to the drying area, scraped up enough salt to fill 4 bags and then present the final product for the next clue.  Tying the little bags shut proved difficult too and this is where Kurt fell behind.

Burnie & Ashley were first to get the clue to the next ROADBLOCK (Yes, no Detour this leg) – Lets go fly a Kite!

In this task, the team member who didn’t do the salting had to assemble a huge kite just by observing the example kite – and we are talking HUGE kites, I’ve never seen anything like them.  Once they have the approval of the kite master, they will have to run with a crew to get the kite airborne to get their next clue.  Because it was a focus and detail-oriented task, Brodie struggled and I thought the mighty Frisbee players might have been eliminated, but Zach & Rachel were still too far behind to overtake them.

Pit Stop was a boat out on the water, teams had to paddle an outrigger sail boat out to the boat where Phil awaited – even this was a grueling task as the water was rough and it was a long way.

 Here’s How They Finished:

1.    Tyler & Korey – they won $5000 each.

2.    Burnie & Ashley – this is their 4th 2nd place finish – and they are a little tired of always being the bridesmaid.

3.    Sheri & Cole – quite a recovery from last leg, plus they did a Speed Bump

4.    Dana & Matt – I thought she would meltdown on the kite but no histrionics from Dana this leg

5.    Brodie & Kurt – There was a point where I thought Brodie might lose it for them

6.    Zach & Rachel ***ELIMINATED*** - but they are still a great couple and I will actually miss them – after Phil told them they had to leave, they walked the plank and jumped in the water off the boat (it was cute – but I wished they had done it like one of Zach’s magic videos and made them disappear before they hit the water, that would have been cool.)

 With Zach & Rachel’s elimination, that also takes Heather G., Trish W., Kim K., Trish J. and Cara & Alex L. out of the pool.

I think the next leg they are remaining in Indonesia and we’ll see if Brodie & Kurt can claw their way back to the top.

Note: Next week’s recap will be delayed as I’ll be away for the weekend and not back until Wednesday of next week.

Have a great week everyone,


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