Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Survivor Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty - March 26th Episode Recap

We Found Our Zombies

Last week they shuffled the tribes, resulting in two new tribes - Solana which ended up with five Brawn and two Beauties and Aparri which had the three Brains, three Beauties and one Brawn - cop Sarah.
The three beauties instantly started scrambling giving the remaining Brains the upper hand, but it was the Brawn-heavy Solana that ended up at Tribal Council where the older and (arguably) wiser members used the underdog Beauty votes to their advantage and took out the big man, Cliff. (In an epic blindside - I clapped.)

Solana - Night 14
-Returning from Tribal Council, Trish immediately starts in on Lindsey who gives back as good as she gets - they let it all out.
Trish: I will respect you because we're a team going forward but I don't like you.
Lindsey: You know what, you disgust me - everything about you is annoying.  I can't stand your face, your laugh, your teeth - How bout you just back off me for a little bit.
Trish: So you're saying you're not on this team.
Lindsey: I'm saying I'm not on your team, I'll never be on your team. (Lots of hand waving and get out my face gestures.)
Trish: Now ask me if I care.
Then Lindsey goes off on her own and tells the camera she has no interest in being on a team with Trisha, she's not sure what she's going to do with the rest of her time there (well, with an attitude like that, your time will be brief.  Sheesh, it's a game for a million dollars, you suck it up and roll with the punches or you go home.)

-Next thing you know, Lindsey is huddled off by herself down the beach and Jeff Probst comes strolling out of the trees (huh?) "I got a call you wanted to talk."
-She tells Jeff she can't have someone antagonizing her like Trish did, she's afraid she's going to flip out on her - and that's why she separated herself.  She'd rather have it cost her a million dollars then have her daughter see her behave like that.
-Jeff asks if it's just between her and Trish, is it just a personality conflict? She says it's just so extreme and she knows she's cold and wet and tired and hungry but she doesn't want to do something she will regret.
-Jeff, So are you quitting?
-Trish - "I don't know what else to do - but I really can't take it anymore." (I guess that means yes.) 
She also can't face telling the tribe herself so Jeff goes and breaks the news to the rest of her tribe.  After losing Cliff in that epic blindside, Lindsey has pulled herself from the game.
-Trish feels a little bad, she didn't like her but she didn't wish her ill.
-Tony loves it - two for the price of one. "Took off the head of the snake (Cliff) and the body (Lindsey) followed."
-Woo is really worried now, his whole alliance was wiped out. He is saying all the right things being in with the solid five left but he knows if they went back to Tribal Council he could be the one to go.
So with Trish quitting, that takes Kim B., Andria S., and Gillian H. out of the pool. (Quitters suck.)

First things first - the reaction to seeing Cliff AND Lindsey gone - Sarah is amazed and elated - they were the two people she wanted gone the most.
Alexis is excited to see the two Beauties still standing... and Trish is pumping her fist like she did it all herself.
Spencer is also happy that his chances have now increased and he didn't do anything but he hates to hear someone quit.

On to the challenge: They will square off one on one, each person balancing an idol on a small tray with a handle - the goal is to make the other person drop their idol.  First team to four points wins reward: Two members of the winning tribe will follow the losing tribe back to their camp and RAID!
-Aparri sits Alexis and Kass.

-First match-up: Spencer vs Woo - Spencer is the aggressor, he backs Woo up, throws his idol high in the air and makes Woo drop his and, as it hits the ground first - Aparri gets first point.
-Trish vs Tasha - Tasha makes the move but hers drops first - Tie
-Sarah vs Jefra - Sarah gets the 2-1 point.
-Jeremiah vs LJ - Jeremiah drops his and tries to juggle it - but no luck - tied up 2-2.
-B. McGee vs Tony - they just bump into each other and she loses - 3-2.
-Rematch of Spencer vs Woo - Woo holds solid and knocks Spencer's idol off - Solana wins the Reward and they send Tony and Woo to raid the other camp.  Jeff gives Tony a note that they are to read away from Aparri that will tell them what they need to do (or are allowed to do, more like it.)

Aparri - Day 15
-Tasha is not too happy about losing the luxury items she just got the use of when the tribes switched up... (but you lost, so hug that pillow good-bye.)
-Tony and Woo read the instructions and it tells them they can take two of the listed three items: 1)Comfort items (blanket/pillows/hammock), 2) Tarp & rope or 3)Fishing Kit.  Tony decides they are leaving them the tarp but taking the rest.
-Then they also have a clue to a hidden immunity idol at the Solana beach but Tony decides (after they read it) that they are going to set up Jeremiah and stir up the pot a little.

-When they go back to the camp Tony announces what they are taking and that they have a clue to a hidden immunity idol to give to someone... and they have chosen Jeremiah.
-Immediately Tasha is looking daggers at Jeremiah and Tony as they go off to get the fishing gear and hand over the clue.  She sees this as the guys signalling that they want to work with Jeremiah... and Tony's plan has worked like a charm (he may actually be an evil genius... okay, genius is a little strong, but he's got a knack for mayhem anyway.)
-When Jeremiah reads the clue he recognizes that it's the same clue they had at the other beach so he knows it was a ruse to stir up suspicion among the tribe. (So tell them that.)

-As they're leaving Tony realizes he's got to snag that clue back from Jeremiah so the rest don't see it wasn't for them and he can use it to look for the idol at their camp.

Solana - Day 15
-Tony and Woo return and Tony is so jacked about his brilliant plan that he tells the tribe everything - not only the trick with the clue but also that he's a police officer and he lied to his old tribe about that...

-LJ says to the camera - "To prove he's trust worthy, Tony admits he lied.  That's a new one."
-Jefra says Tony is playing this game balls to the wall and she's just glad he's on her side.

-Tony is still pumped, he says he came clean on the cop thing because he feels like he just clicked with this tribe once Cliff and Lindsey were gone... and he's still running his mouth.  He says they could say he's a liar but he told them the truth now to show he's in it with these five until the end.

-LJ says by revealing his game play, Tony has proven he's no dummy and he realizes he's got to stay on his toes around him all the time. (He's drunk on power and underestimating the rest of his tribe... that is never a good sign in Survivor.)

Aparri - Day 15
- The seeds that Tony hath sewn continue to bear fruit as Alexis, who already doesn't trust Jeremiah, scrambles to solidify her place in this new tribe. She goes and gets water with Spencer and tries to make him more suspicious of Jeremiah.  But it backfires, Spencer says she comes off as phony to him - he thinks she's smarter than she likes to put on and he doesn't trust her - at all.

-Next scene is Spencer and Alexis asking Jeremiah about the clue and he tells them it wasn't a new clue, it was the same clue they had at the other camp.  But he gave it back to Tony before they left so he doesn't have the proof to show them and Spencer and Alexis are not buying his story one bit.  (Oh yeah, that worked exactly as Tony wanted it to - too bad he wasn't so smart over on his own tribe.)

-They have to use wooden poles to build a staircase then go up the staircase into and through a wooden/bamboo maze, then down a slide to their mat.  Then one person will maneuver a key through a rope obstacle, use the key to unlock a machete, and cut through a piece of wood to release puzzle pieces.  Then two tribe members will use those pieces to solve a puzzle which will reveal three numbers which will unlock a combination lock - first tribe to open the combination lock and raise their flag wins Immunity. (Huh, that's a lot of stuff.)
-Aparri sits Tasha and B. McGee.

-Off they go and Solana has trouble getting the staircase together (shortest to tallest... shouldn't be that hard) but they catch up through the maze).
-Tony and Jeremiah are the two working the keys - but Jeremiah is the first to release the machete and his puzzle pieces.  Tony falls way behind on that.
-Aparri has a bit of a head start on the puzzle but not a lot... Solana passes them when LJ realize they have one of the numbers upside down... and SOLANA wins Immunity!

-With Tony yelling that they are top five, Sarah realizes that she's not included in their future plans over there - time for her to move on. (Ya think?)

Aparri - Day 16
Returning from the Immunity Challenge - they are all making a big deal about Tony's declaration that Solana is Top Five. 
-Alexis runs with it when talking to Morgan, Sarah, Spencer and Kass in the water - that Tony couldn't think they would be top 5 unless they had the numbers, with a sixth person on the Aparri tribe.. and that must be Jeremiah because he's the only one that they talked to over here (What about Sarah? She was on the Brawn tribe with them...) but nope, Alexis is on a mission to discredit Jeremiah and get them to vote him out tonight.  They all agree...
-But then Spencer tells the camera the Brains tribe could go either way, they'll tell Alexis they're on board with her plan but then they'll decide which vote really makes sense for them, Jeremiah or Alexis.
-They show Tasha, Kass & Spencer contemplating life.  Kass tells us they are in a great position, everyone knows they are a tight three and will vote as a block, so they'll follow their lead - "the Brains needed a body, we've found our zombies and now we're in."

Kass, looking from the outside, is it safe to assume the three Beauty are together, the three Brains are together and Sarah's by herself?
-That's a pretty safe assumption Jeff. (Wrong, but safe from the outside.)
Morgan, Beauty tribe tight?
-I mean, Jeremiah and I have had some bumps in the road.
-Jeremiah?  Yeah, I told a lie to Morgan, I decided to vote out Brice which put a huge void between us so I just backed off, gave her space. (Yeah, I don't think Jeremiah is so smart.)
-Kass says the division in the Beauty tribe was a breath of fresh air for them.  What the Brains tribe has been through has drawn them together where it seems whatever Beauty has gone through has driven them apart.
-Spencer says he thinks they have to concentrate of fixing the fractures so they can go forward with a unified tribe.
-Sarah says when she heard Tony say Top 5 and she counted five over there - she realized they've moved on without her and she's ready to cut ties with the other tribe.
-Alexis says that sounds good in theory but there is always room for them to reconnect later.
-Jeff asks who's in trouble tonight and Tasha says the Beauties are because they are so fractured.
-Jeff asks Alexis about the camp raid and she says the most interesting part was when they pulled Jeremiah aside, they're not sure what was said, if he got a clue to an idol or if he talked - but it stirred stuff up.
-Jeff asks Jeremiah his version and he bungles it - he says they gave him a hidden immunity idol clue but he "seen right through that and I hope they believe me." (Meaning they targeted him - but still no one is buying it.)
-Tasha's happy to see the dissention among the Beauties but she's still not sure who to trust.
-Sarah doesn't care as long as it's keeping the heat off of her.
-Spencer sees this as one of the most important votes so far - if they choose wrong they could be vying for 6th to 10th place in a merge.

Time to Vote:
Alexis votes for Jeremiah - says he's lied, like, a hundred times. (Exaggerate much?)
Jeremiah votes Alexis - says she's the one that's gonna flip.
Morgan says whoever she voted for is the person that will flip...

Tallying the votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.
Jeremiah - 1
Alexis - 1, 2, 3 (Oh her eyes are bugging out of her head!)...4 and that's enough.  ALEXIS is the next person voted out and she's Shocked!  Shocked and snivelling as she shuffles off.

And with Alexis leaving, that takes Sue & Hannelore, Carol-Anne D. and Shane B. out of the pool.

Next week: They Merge! Which gives Sarah all the power in this game - she sees a solid five, a solid five and her. (Don't mess it up.)

Alexis is just crying - she can't believe she couldn't even make it to the merge - she's really disappointed... then it just dissolved into blubbering. (Are you crying? There's no crying in Survivor!)
Have a great rest of your week everyone,


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