Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Survivor Blood vs Water - Dec 4/13 Episode Recap

Rustle Feathers

Last week, Hayden and Caleb tried to make a move but Ciera ratted them out to Tyson and Caleb went to Redemption Island.  Tyson also burned his hidden immunity idol and Laura played some Mama strategy at the duel to get Vytas eliminated.

Kasama - Night 29
Hayden comes back to camp and congratulates Tyson on the blindside, he didn't see it coming... to the camera he says, "Those sons of... guns."  Then Hayden puts it all out there, he tells everyone that he hopes they don't mind second place because if they go to the end with Tyson, he's going to win.  "You're playing the perfect game, pure poetry." 
-And Gervase can't have that - he's got to jump in and let Hayden know that he (Gervase) has his hand on Tyson's back, he's the puppet master (sure you are.  Gervase is a legend in his own mind.)
-Tyson is not too happy with Hayden throwing him under the bus like that (oh, pulling out the ol' faithful phrases, I like it.)  Tyson's flattered to hear Hayden say he's going to vote for him to win but he wishes he hadn't played his idol so he'd have it for the next vote.  Hayden is stupid like a fox, he's playing the alliance like a fiddle.
-Tyson gathers his flock and confirms that the next vote is for Hayden (Katie can stick around another vote, she's harmless.)

When Caleb comes in, Jeff remarks that he didn't even look up at the tribe that voted him out - he says there are only two people he cares about up there and he's afraid to look the wrong place.  He says a man's word means something in the South but in the game of Survivor and Utah and Philly I guess it doesn't mean as much. (Oh, totally dissing Tyson & Gervase and they both look around like, "Is he talking about us?")
-Jeff doesn't let it go though, he asks Gervase what he thinks about that, and Gervase says he's old school, a word is a man's bond and they had a bond with Hayden & Caleb but from what he heard they tried to do them dirty first so they had to do what they did.  "That's sore loser status there."

Duel: They have 150 tiles that they will use to build a house of cards 8ft tall.  The first two to 8ft OR the two with the highest tower after 30 minutes will remain - loser is on the jury.
-The winner of the duel will also get a clue to the location of the hidden immunity idol (oh, did they put one back out there?)

-Off they go - Laura is proving to be really good at this - she gets up to 7ft while Tina and Caleb are still down at 2 & 3ft...
-Laura wins the duel handily at 27 minutes and it's down to Tina and Caleb - Tina had a bit of a lead but Caleb starts a run in the last couple minutes and Tina starts losing some tiles... The tribe is rooting for Tina...  Caleb had a lead but his tower was so crooked when he went to get more tiles the whole thing toppled and he had no chance to rebuild before the time ran out. 

Caleb is eliminated from the game for good and Jeff tries to get some insight into his relationship with Colton, because it's a total mystery to him how a nice guy like Caleb can be with... Colton.  Caleb says it will remain a mystery to a lot of people, opposites attract and though they are the same they are also different.  Jeff asks how they are the same, "Well, we're both guys." (Hahaha.. I like Caleb even more.)
But with him leaving that also dashes the hopes of Cindi C., Shane B., and Marla L. who are now out of the pool.

Laura gives the clue to the hidden immunity idol to Ciera and this time, she keeps it. (Good idea - but I wonder if she's going to keep it to herself or keep trying to suck up to Tyson.)

Kasama - Day 30
They get back to camp and we find out that Ciera is going to open the clue with her alliance of Tyson, Gervase and Monica and they are going to decide as a group what to do with it (riiight - how much you want to bet it ends up back in Tyson's pocket.)
-Not too far from your water, not too far from the ground... everyone scatters and starts looking - Hayden and Katie see this and come to join the party, Hayden knows this is one of his last hopes, so he's going to look for the hidden idol too.
-Tyson wants to find the idol too - he gets emotional talking about having to make it to the end so it was worth it not to have taken Rachel's place [when she was sent to Redemption]... and he climbs a tree and finds the idol - (Really, am I too jaded or was that too convenient?)  He crotches the idol and decides that he's going to keep it to himself again (you put it where?  Yeah, you can just keep that.)
-Now Tyson's number one priority is make sure Hayden doesn't win immunity.

-Hayden approaches Gervase and asks where his head's at - he says it's in the game as always - Hayden says he knows he's not going to be happy with second place but Gervase says he doesn't see a play, "what's your move?"  Hayden says he's got Katie and if he can get Ciera...but there's the rub, Gervase says he's got to 100% have Ciera or he's not making a move (who is he kidding? He's not going against Tyson.)

This looks complicated - they have to race through a series of obstacles while balancing a ball on top of a pole - at the end of each obstacle they will add another section to the pole, making it longer and less stable to balance the ball on - if the ball drops, they go back and start that obstacle over.  Once they reach the end they have to use the ball to release a key then unlock the box full of sandbags.  Then they have to throw the sandbags to knock over 9 bamboo targets - first person to finish, wins immunity and also reward of ice cream (ICE CREAM!, Lt. Dan, I got ice cream!)

-Off they do - everyone has to restart except Monica and Gervase - there are little balls dropping everywhere on the second section (balance beam) but Monica makes it look easy - followed by Gervase and Tyson and Hayden - the other two girls are way far behind.
-Monica and Gervase are the first two to get their sand bags and he proves a better shot until he gets down to one left and it takes a few tries but it is GERVASE who wins his first individual immunity! (I was kinda rooting for him, just because she's been a machine, kind of nice to see someone else win one.)  Hayden is frustrated, he's knows he's going home.

Jeff tells Gervase he can pick someone to share his Ice Cream! with and he picks Monica (because she almost won or because she looks like she could snap in half at any minute?)  And Jeff tells him three's a party, choose one more - oh and - People have made million dollar mistakes at this point (but no pressure) - Gervase picks Tyson, no surprise there but did it open the door for Hayden to work on Ciera?  We'll see.

Kasama - Day 32
They return to camp and here comes the ice cream man (I just keep hearing Forrest Gump - Ice Cream!) And they pig out right in front of camp, leaving the other three people eating leaves or something. 
-Hayden does make his move on Ciera, pointing out that she's on the bottom of this little alliance and she should make a big move to pad her resume if she hopes to win.  He tells her that Gervase is in, if she is in - they can either try and flush out the idol if Tyson has another one by telling him they're voting for him and vote for Monica or they can just play it sly and try to take Tyson out.  Ciera is not drinking that kool-aid, she's not going to slit her own throat by voting with Hayden and Katie.
-Next we have Hayden trying convince Gervase and Ciera that they don't want second place, now is their only chance to get rid of Tyson when he's not expecting it - but they are not buying what he is selling.  Gervase thinks he can beat Tyson and Ciera is riding it to the end. 
-Tyson comes over and Hayden tells him he's been trying to convince everyone to blindside him (Tyson) but it isn't working.  Tyson says, "that's good." But he isn't looking very happy. 

-Hayden's plan is to go into Tribal Council guns blazing, he's going to lay it all on the line and see if maybe tonight it won't be him...

Hayden, is it safe to assume the same division exists that we saw at last Tribal?
-Yeah, it's the four of them being controlled by Tyson and me and Katie are on our own.

Those are big words, Ciera, he just said you were being controlled by Tyson.
-Yeah, let him think what he wants to think.  I'm comfortable in my position with my alliance..
Even though you were left out of the reward today by Gervase.
-I think it was because I've participated in a lot of the food rewards so I didn't take any offence to it.

Gervase pipes up - I mean it's obvious, the two people I chose are original Galang members, these are the people I shared my blood, sweat and tears with the last 32 days in this game.

Ciera, that speech right there is great if you're Tyson and Monica, it's not so good if you're Ciera.
-I agree 100%.

Hayden, this is the opportunity you need.
-Like I said they are being controlled by Tyson, they take a back seat when Tyson says it's Aras or Vytas or Laura M.
Tyson asks Ciera, "Was I the one that voted your mom out?"
Ciera, "No, and actually, it was Hayden and Caleb who were the ones that said they wanted to vote my mom out."

Katie, where do you fit in?
-She says something dumb - she doesn't fit anywhere but as a vote.

Now the full court press comes on Ciera.  Her current alliance is placing her in #4 position, if she goes with Hayden and Katie she could be #1,2, or 3.  Gervase says that would be stupid, if she goes with them she'll be with liars and backstabbers, with her current alliance she's got honest words, people that keep their words (whatever.)  (Even the jury laughed at that.) In Gervase's mind they are laughing because they tried to stab them in the back first and they took them out (uh, revisionist history, Aras didn't do anything.)
-Gervase says no one is jumping ship in their alliance.

Then they started a tug-of-war of words over Ciera staying as #4 over there or being one of three with the others - and Tyson brings it all to a grinding halt playing grammar police.  Hayden says he was just trying to "rustle feathers" and Tyson says, "It's ruffle feathers." (ha! That's what I was saying to the TV... It's ruffle!)  But it also succeeded in diffusing the tension and taking some of the air out of Hayden's passionate argument. 

Hayden, "Ciera, you make big moves in this game and you could be a millionaire at the end of it."
Tyson, "Or you could be going home by having to draw a rock."

Time to Vote:
Gervase votes for Haydone - and yells his speech so all can hear, "this isn't big brother, you're about to get a lesson in Survivor." (The jury are just shaking their heads, Hayden is laughing that he did succeed in rustling Gerv's feathers anyway.) (oohh, it's ruffle, I know, it felt wrong even writing that but I had to go for the call-back.)
-Tyson whispers in Ciera's ear, "Stick with me and Monica, we can do this." (Huh, does that mean he's throwing his bandit bro under the bus?)
-Tyson votes for Hayden - never tell an insane person they're going home next.
-Ciera looked indecisive when she was voting.

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.
Hayden - 1, 2
Monica - 1, 2
Hayden - 3...
Monica - 3 (gasp!)  Tyson whispers to Ciera, "What are you doing?"

They are tied - Hayden and Monica will not vote and they can only vote for Hayden or Monica.
Ciera was smiling when she voted this time... hmm.  And the jury looks like they are loving this.

Tallying the Votes: #2
Monica - 1
Hayden - 1
Monica - 2...
Hayden - 2

Deadlocked - per the rules of Survivor: Katie, Ciera, Tyson and Gervase - if the four of them can come to a unanimous decision on who to vote out, Hayden or Monica will be out right now, but if not, Hayden and Monica are safe, Gervase is safe because he has immunity, and the other three will draw rocks to see who goes to Redemption Island.

-Ciera turns to her alliance and says she knows she's 4th don't BS her, they try but she's having none of it - "Fine, let's draw rocks."  Ciera, Katie and Tyson all agree to draw rocks. (WHAT? This is Bananas!)

There are two black rocks and one white rock. The white rock is the same as being voted out.
They draw rocks and on the reveal:  KATIE has the white rock (OH! That would have been awesome if it had been Tyson.  As it is, Ciera has burned herself, Hayden survived another day and the expendable was expended, finally.)

Jeff says there is nothing he can say to top what just happened... (but he keeps talking anyway.) Only the second time in 27 seasons that they've drawn rocks - it's pretty clear the game is on and it's going to be a battle to the very end.

Next week: Tina says she's not opposed to letting Katie win the duel and Ciera is working Monica, telling her Tyson was talking "mad crap" about her, and paranoid Monica may just fall for it.

Katie: I was rocked out.

Have a great rest of your week everyone,


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