Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Survivor Fans vs Favourites - April 3rd Episode Recap

Blindside Time

Last week Corinne & Phillip were gunning for each other... yet they voted out the non-entity of Julia.

Bikal - Night 19
-Returning from tribal council the favourites congratulate Michael on... them not voting him out (?) Yeah, it was kind of weird. 
-Corinne tells the camera she did her job, she got her gay, tribal was beautiful.
-Then Phillip pulls Dawn & Corinne aside and shares his secret - that he threw the challenge and he goes on to elaborate about how he wasn't pulling the rope in fast... Corinne knows he's full of crap, but she doesn't even bother calling him on it, what's the point?
-Dawn doesn't even believe him, she's embarrassed for him and doesn't understand why he just didn't admit he blew it (oh, you're thinking like a rational person, no, no, there's none of that in Phillip's head.)
-Corinne says yes, he's a loyal alliance member, but he is so coo coo for cocoa puffs that there is no question that Phillip has to go.

(Okay, I paused the frame right here and saw a bad editing error - while they were showing Phillip dancing by the fire, Sherri is sitting on the chair behind him... SPOILER!  She's currently on the other team.)

Bikal - Day 20
-The Favourites are anticipating a merge at any time now, Corinne is talking big like all the Fans are not smart players (except Michael, of course), and Phillip is still dictating that they can't go off and have one on one conversations (still ham-handedly trying to control them), when Dawn gets all emotional and decides to go get water and have herself a little cry.  She tells the camera it's silly that she cries so much but this is about the point when her game fell apart last time and the thought of what a million dollars can do for her family [she has SIX kids!]  She knows you can't just sit back and let the game happen to you, you have to made decisions and be a leader, those are the people that win. (Well, she's speaking sense, let's see if she can back that up.)

Gota - Day 20
They see a boat coming in to shore, "Oh my god, we've been saved!"

-The guy on the boat hands them a note to gather everything they'll need for the rest of their time in Caramoa cause they'll need it when they go to their new home!
(I can't help notice that Brenda has a tensor bandage on her knee and is hobbling around... Oh yeah, and Brenda is still there, though I don't think she's ever had a one on one with the camera.)
-They all load up on the boat and sail on over to Bikal - Surprise! We're merging!

-At Bikal, they are all excited to have made it to the merge and everyone is being super friendly much to Reynold's delight.  Then Andrea pulls out the key they were given to open a big trunk full of food, wine and their new buffs - Merged colour is green!
-As they feast they discuss a new name, Phillip wants Stanley (I'm sure it's some dead relative) but they decide on Enil Edam, which means 'new beginnings' (but really, Malcolm fills us in, he just wanted to name the tribe after his mom, Madeline - Enil Edam is Madeline backwards... now that's what Boston Rob would do!)
-Corinne, of course, thinks this is the dumbest name ever, she doesn't know how to pronounce it and it's got too many syllables. (I've come to realize Corinne has nothing nice to say about anything, but she's also pretty witty.)

-Phillip is happy to be reunited with Andrea and demands a hug from 'his girl'.  Then he fills her in, that Cochran, himself, Dawn and Andrea are a tight four, whatever else happens.  Corinne will likely go for the Fans now, but they just have to make sure the strong male Fans are taken out.
-Andrea isn't too worried yet, they are still eight Favourites to four Fans so this first vote doesn't matter too much.  But now that they are merged and it's become individual, people are hungrier and they start to try and make their moves and scramble - that's when anything can happen.
-Corinne is filling Malcolm in on Phillip's antics and how horrible he's been to her.  She's worried though that they don't have the numbers to take him out.  Malcolm tells her he's got four votes with Reynold, Eddie and (probably) Erik.  Corinne throws in that she has Michael so they potentially have a voting block of six. If they can keep their numbers together through the first vote they could take over this game. (Uh oh, don't get ahead of yourself.)
-Malcolm tells the camera he's not been happy with this passive plodding game he's been playing with the Favourites, he's itching to make his move (just as Andrea predicted.)
-Corinne suggests that Sherri is probably the best person to take out first and keep everyone happy.  Malcolm agrees, says "[Sheri's] weird, you'll see, it's uncomfortable playing with her." (oh, really?  Yeah, I guess she is a little intense.)
-Corinne tells the camera, thank god for Malcolm, in a five minute download they have each other up to speed, they've both been working while apart and now they have their game plan back together.  Corinne says they are going to vote together on the first vote then blindside the Favourites and take out Phillip.  She's never been involved in a blindside. "I think it's time; blindside time."

Enil Edam - Day 22
-Tree mail: Can you stomach the stress of tribal council.  Have you bitten off more than you can chew (Oh, no....)  Dawn keeps interjecting, Yes, Yes!  She's excited for an eating challenge but the rest of them clue her in, we're going to be eating gross stuff.  Yeah, no one is looking forward to it now.
-Reynold is particularly dreading it, eating disgusting things is his one weakness (yes, he said his one weakness, I rolled my eyes.) He guesses it's fitting, the time he needs personal immunity the most it's going to be the thing that is hardest for him (because it is all about him after all.)
-Eddie is true to form, complaining that eating disgusting things is going to hurt his chances of hooking up with girls after this is over.
-Cochran hears that and thinks it would be the exact opposite for him, this could add a bit of a wild streak to him, make him seem a little more dangerous - this could be exactly what his love life needs (haha, you gotta love Cochran.)

-They will take part in a Survivor classic - they will race to get down some local delicacies.  They won't always know what it is, it won't be pleasant but these are things that are eaten out there every day (eeek...  I'm feeling queasy for them already.)  They will square off in a series of elimination rounds until only two remain.  Winner gets immunity necklace and everyone else is nauseous and vulnerable at tribal council tonight.

-First round of six line up at a table with covered plates... Erik sees his cover moving a little... Jeff says the first three will move on to the next round.  So this round is Andrea, Corinne, Sherri, Erik, Eddie and Malcolm.
-Reveal: It's those huge white grubs with the red/black heads... beetle larva, Gahhh! 
GO - they all throw them in their mouths and start chewing, Eddie's gagging but they are all going for it... Andrea is the first one finished, then Malcolm and... Eddie!  Which eliminates Corinne, Sherri and Erik.

-Second round - Reynold, Brenda, Phillip, Michael, Cochran & Dawn
-Reveal: And it's the same thing the first round ate, more beetle larva.  Dawn has one in hand and is ready to go - Whoa! Jeff tells her to put it down and wait. "For?" (Him to say go!  She's so focused her brain's not working.) GO!  Cochran proves he is dangerous, like a boss!  He's the first one through, followed by Phillip and finally, chokingly, Michael.  Eliminating Brenda, Dawn and Reynold.

-Third round: Andrea, Cochran, Phillip, Michael, Eddie and Malcolm (I'm rooting for Andrea all the way, she's the only girl that made it through.) Again, three of them will move on to the next round.
Reveal: Ship worms - they are a slimy pile of grey grossness - Jeff says they are the termites of the sea, they will bore through ships... Phillip says he loves that they're slimy, it just wets his appetite (whatever, crazy pants.)
GO!  Malcolm and Eddie were able to just swallow the bunch whole, it seemed, and then Cochran just beat Phillip and Andrea (she looked crushed - her mistake was chewing. Shudder.)

-Fourth Round:  Cochran can't believe he's in this company with Malcolm and Eddie - they belly up to the bar and get a look at:
Balute! It is a duck embryo, still half in the shell but you can see the feathers, beak... Eddie just says, "Why?" 
GO!  Cochran proves he is the MAN! (at eating gross stuff) and it's between Eddie and Malcolm - Eddie is gagging and trying to literally push it down his throat with his finger... Malcolm joins Cochran in the final.

-Final round: Malcolm vs Cochran - It's a real David and Goliath battle - and they are eating: Pig Brains. (At least it looks cooked.)
GO! It's a close one but COCHRAN pulls out the win!  (I clapped, it was awesome!) He did some much deserved celebration dance/shadow boxing and then had his lifelong dream realized as Jeff put the individual immunity necklace around his neck and patted him on the shoulder!  (It was so cute, he won one for all the geeky smart kids, who apparently can eat lots of gross things.  I'm so proud of him.)

Enil Edam - Day 22
-They return from the Immunity Challenge and Cochran apologizes for his somewhat obnoxious victory celebration but he is very aware that it was unlikely to ever happen to him again.  He finally knows what victory feels like and he tells the camera it was twice as nice because it was him, the little pipsqueak, against Malcolm, the golden god of the tribe.
-Malcolm says he likes Cochran, he's happy for him, but, since he doesn't plan on keeping him around for very long, he's glad it happened now so he can check on off his bucket list (oh, so magnanimous of you... it's a good thing Malcolm hasn't shown that side of himself to anyone out there... hubris will get you ousted faster than you can say, "How's my hair?")

-Malcolm talks to Eddie and tells him he's got Corinne and Michael with them and Reynold and Erik ... just solidifying that they are still together. Malcolm thinks he's got all his troops in order but everything is still fluid, he hopes they remain in order.  He's glad he has Corinne in his corner, cause she's a fighter.

-Phillip is talking to Corinne and he says he wants to split their vote between Eddie and Reynold.  Corinne tells him she's never a fan of the split vote, she proposes that they take out Sherri since even the Fans don't like her, make the first vote easy then make a bolder move on the next one.  Phillip says the problem with that is that he wants a big fish to go home on the first vote and make a statement.
-She knew this was going to happen - she wants to avoid the conflict, keep the boys happy so she can use them - but Phillip is adamant and refuses to listen to anything she says - She tells the camera, if she wasn't already going to turn, that sealed her fate.

-Corrine goes and talks to Andrea, Dawn and Cochran and tells them she wants to vote Sherri and thinks they should all band together and just tell Phillip this is how we're voting, like he always does to her.
-They don't teally care if Sherri goes, but Cochran doesn't really understand why Corinne doesn't want to target Eddie and Reynold.  His real fear is that, if they don't vote together, it will show the Fans that they are a dysfunctional group and there are cracks they can try and exploit to tear them apart.

-Corinne goes and talks to Eddie & Reynold and tells them she is in for getting rid of Sherri tonight, they confirm it would be Malcolm, Erik, Eddie, Reynold, Corinne, Michael and she thinks she can get Dawn as well. Corinne tells them how much she hates Phillip and wants to throat punch him everyday.  Let's clean house!
-Reynold is ecstatic to be presented with the opportunity to join the Corinne/Malcolm counter-alliance and take out Lord Phillip of the High Shelter.  Of course, if the vote goes as they hope tonight, Reynold sees this as things finally getting back to the proper order with him in the alliance that is calling the shots (that's where he always thought he belonged after all. Lord save these conceited fools from themselves.)

-Dawn & Corinne are off talking and Corinne bulldozes on ahead telling her they want to vote Sherri tonight and then next vote take out Phillip because he treats everyone like they are stupid and she lays out the numbers which freaks Dawn out...
-Dawn tells the camera, here we go again, Corinne wants to break up their Favourites alliance.  Last time she played, when she came into similar information, she didn't share it with anybody, she can't fall into that same mistake. (She's going to run to Phillip isn't she - Damnit!  Why didn't anyone go talk to Brenda, remember her?  I don't think anyone even realizes she's still playing.)

-Thankfully, Dawn ran and spoke to Cochran instead and laid it out, Corinne has positioned herself with the Fans to give her the numbers, take out Sherri tonight then blindside Phillip next vote -which would put the rest of the Favourites in her sites as well.
-Cochran didn't think Corinne had a strategic bone in her body but now he realizes she is poised to take over the game post merge. 
-They have Brenda and can get Sherri to vote with them which would then force a tie vote tonight.  Cochran's got to come up with a plan or this could be devastating to his game and the game of his allies.
-Cochran goes and tells Andrea that Corinne approached Dawn and said she has the numbers to take out Sherri tonight and blindside Phillip next vote.  If they come up on the wrong side of the numbers in this they are screwed.  They start counting their votes, if they can get Sherri and, Andrea's thinking possibly the wishy-washy Erik, they could take out Corinne.  She's feeling like a little blindside herself.

-So it's Andrea that goes to Phillip and tells him Corinne's building her own little army and planning to start taking them out - Phillip says, basically, I told you so.  He's so in for taking Corinne out tonight (and it's weird, it's like Andrea is the only person he actually listens to and respects, she's the Crazy Whisperer.)

-Phillip tells the camera that she thinks she can take the Specialist out of the game?  He's the one that brought her into the alliance in the first place.  He will not allow Corinne to take control of this game.
-Phillip tells Sherri if she wants to go further in this game, she'll vote Corinne tonight and prove to him he can use her vote (my gosh, this guy does not know how to win friends or influence people.)  Sherri hears him, and she wants to stay in the game, but she can't stand Phillip, he's so arrogant. (so she sounds like she's still up in the air.)

-Andrea goes to Erik over by the new tribe sign and he just tells her to just point at the name [of the person they want him to vote for] - she points at Corinne and he nods. (Huh, that was easy - Erik's strategy seems to be not to talk to anyone if he can avoid it - okay, been working so far I guess.)
-Cochran is worried that his fate now rests with the desperate Sherri, and Erik, the ice cream scooper who has proven himself to be incompetent in playing this game.
-Malcolm sits down beside Erik and asks if he's okay. Erik says, sure. And Malcolm says, "so we vote Sherri tonight."  Erik nods, but then tells the camera he has no idea what's going on.  Andrea told him Corinne, now Malcolm tells him it's Sherri - he suddenly sees himself as a swing vote and just wishes he knew what he was going to do. (Oh boy.)

So, since the switch, only Fans have been voted out. Michael, is it fair to assume that is going to continue tonight?
-I think it is a fair assumption, it's been pretty clear that the Favourites are going to be sticking together.
Corinne, you've played before so you know that the Fans feel pretty helpless.
-Yeah, it's bleak, but a situation is never helpless.  I'm not about problems, I'm about solutions. If you come to me with a good idea, I'll probably listen. (Malcolm likes that but Phillip just covers his face and shakes his head.)
Dawn, Corinne is saying she's open, does that worry you?
-Well, there are twelve of us and we won't all make it to the final three. So it makes sense that we are all trying to further ourselves in the game.
Cochran, does it concern you that Corinne is open enough to say talk to me, that could be opening a door.
-That's one of the good things about her that she is so open and honest about it.  If she said she wasn't open to it, that would make me more suspicious. (She looks flattered... you shouldn't.)
Reynold, so what do you do?
-If you've played before you know if you're not on the top of the eight person powerhouse you won't make it to the end.  With the Fans still here, they still have four chess pieces to use, now's the time to make a move.  Reynold's not counting the Fans out yet.
Erik, Reynold makes a good point, not everyone can be in the top of an alliance of eight.
-Right, well that's just the way the game goes, there is always going to be someone on the bottom that's desperate to get in with someone else.  That's pretty much the dynamic that's going on right now.
Andrea, it's good news bad news that you've played before, you know at some point someone's not going to tell you the truth and it might be tonight.
-Yeah, I'm way more paranoid this time around because I know a lot of these people are very good at lying and deceiving.
Corinne, do you agree with that?
-She quotes Mike Tyson, "Everyone's got a plan, until you get punched in the face." She says no matter how comfortable they may seem, every one of them is waiting to get punched in the face.
Sherri, is there anything you can do if you are a Fan at this point?
-I think the fans don't have a chance.  She totally believes that.
-Reynold says there is a lot bubbling beneath the surface that hasn't even been touched on this tribal council.  He doesn't think this vote will be a shocker but there could be some shockers on the way (Dude, you just have to stop talking.)

Alright, with that, it's time to vote:
Phillip votes for Corinne - says she's one of the most selfish people he's ever met in his life (pot calling the kettle black)
Corinne votes Sherri - says, basically, she's not there to make friends.
Andrea votes Corinne - says she's dangerous and she hopes everyone does what they said they were going to do.
Michael votes Sherri - he's just trying to stay alive another day.
Erik....yeah, they don't show us how he votes.

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays a hidden immunity idol.

Sherri - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (the counter-alliance is looking pretty pleased with themselves... until Jeff pulls out the next vote...
Corinne - 1, 2, 3, 4 (what's this?) 5, 6... and the final vote is CORINNE!
Whammy!  She's been involved in a blindside now... and she looks like she's going to cry.  Ha ha, it was beautiful!  Malcolm is not happy.  Sherri is very happy.  (Survivor karma always bites the cocky in the butt.)

And with Corinne leaving tonight, Jessica C., Ritch G., and Kevin & Elaine R. are out of the pool.  But it was beautiful!

Next time - it's time for Malcolm to make a move, they thought they cut off the head of the snake, but he's still there apparently, pressuring Dawn.  And Eddie flirts his way back with Andrea... don't fall for it lady!

And Corinne's final thoughts: she didn't really care about any of these people, she's going to just think of this as 22 days in a beautiful place where she met some people. (Oh yeah, she's seething inside.)

Have a great short week everyone,


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