Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Survivor South Pacific - Dec 7th Episode Recap

Ticking Time Bomb

Brief recap reminds us of Brandon's spilling their obvious plans to vote Cochran then Edna and emphasizes that his alliance was none too happy with him.

Redemption Island - Night 30
-Cochran joins Ozzy in the shelter and Ozzy asks him if he learned his lesson.  Cochran says he's humiliated that he drank the Kool Aid and the other tribe just payed him lip service.  Ozzy says he can get back at them by voting for Ozzy at the end and this insults Cochran even more, he's assuming Cochran's going to be out after their duel (Duh!).  He also won't commit to voting for Ozzy or Coach (Ozzy's showing his usual finesse when dealing with people I see.)   Ozzy says he'll vote for Cochran if he makes it to the end.
-Cochran - Do you think I have a chance of beating you in a duel?
-Ozzy - There's... a... chance...
-Ozzy [to the camera] - He really doesn't stand a chance. (Hahaha, that was brilliant editing.)

Te Tuna - Day 31
-They all look dirty and beat - Brandon wants to gather the tribe for a morning prayer and Edna says, "I'm going to go since I'm not part of this tribe." And she goes and cries off by herself.
-Coach is pissed and Brandon prays, "Father God, we thank you for Edna, please soften her heart, Father God." (And it reminded me of Talledega Nights - Will Ferrill's Ricky Bobby always praying to Little Baby Jesus - for Brandon it's Father God.)
-Edna is melting down to Coach that she's being treated like a second class citizen and a 19 yr old high school drop out is dictating her fate out there - Coach just says it's not true - their tribe was six and now that they are down to six... (exactly, someone's got to go - and really lady, you've known for quite some time you were sixth, don't try the waterworks now.)

-Brandon comes yelling into camp that they got Sprint tree mail - and now it's time for everyone to cry as they watch their videos from home. (Damn crying episode.)
-At least they didn't pretend their loved ones aren't there this time - we see Rick's wife first and she says, "I'm here on this South Pacific Island... Let's hurry home." (Are they going to have to eat something gross? - I hate that.)
-Edna's sister - blah, blah, blah... and Edna's tears seem fake now - I think she's cried out.
-Sophie's Dad - he didn't think she'd make it this far (gee, thanks Dad.)
-Albert's Mom - I'm here on the island - you're a winner to me. (aw)
-Coach's Brother - OMG! He actually had a family member come this time - wasn't it his "assistant Coach" last time?  And they look and sound alike - Coach with short hair, looks waay better.
-Brandon's Dad - Loves him and misses him and "no one can ever take your place" (What?) And Brandon comes undone... (ho boy, methinks there is some family drama there.)  Tells him to just follow his heart (oh he's been doing that alright.)

Redemption Island - DUEL
-First Jeff retrieves the Sprint phone from Edna and then tells them there is a twist to the duel, but he'll tell them about it afterward (does the winner get a message from home?)

-The Duel: use grappling hooks to retrieve 3 bags containing balls.  Once they retrieve all 3 bags they will use one ball to solve a table maze (labyrinth/tilting maze) - first one to get it right stays - the loser is OUT FOR GOOD.
-And it's all Ozzy, he gets all bags and Cochran can't get more than one without help.  Ozzy is onto the table maze.  Cochran gets all the balls as Ozzy is almost done the maze - Cochran takes off quickly in the maze and makes up time - then Ozzy drops his ball right at the end.  They go back and forth, both dropping the balls a couple times - the both come down to the last inch and Cochran almost makes it... but it is OZZY winning the duel again. 
-Cochran makes a gushy - I Love Survivor, this was the best thing I've ever done in my life... sniffle - Jeff latches onto the tears and then gives him a life pep talk - that he made one of the boldest moves ever and he is a different man now (they are all encouraging of him now - but he's so eager, it would be like kicking a puppy to just throw him out on his ear I guess.)
And with Cochran leaving; Janine S, Lindsay J and Andria S are out of the pool.

Jeff tells Ozzy he now has a decision to make that will impact the six people sitting there but before he tells him what it is, let's see what's at stake - and he parades out the loved ones (Sophie's Dad's name is Thurston... and he's on a desert island... Come on, call her 'Lovey') and we see the most personality out of Rick we've ever seen when he grabs his wife's butt (haha) - Brandon's Dad is Russell's brother (I can't help but wonder if Russell is disgusted by the amount of crying his relatives are doing on TV.)
-So now, Jeff tells Ozzy, he gets to decide which person gets to spend time with their loved one (oh, man!  That's evil.)  To curry favour with the 'leaders' Ozzy chooses first Albert, then he gets to choose another and he chooses Coach and one final person - Brandon.  So Rick, Sophie and Edna are SOL.  That really sucks - I'm sure Ozzy's "Sorry guys" won't be buying him their votes.
-The loved ones visit is all going to happen on Redemption Island - so Ozzy has to play host to these chuckle heads as well... I feel sorry for Albert's Mom.

Redemption Island - Day 31
-Product placement - they are all taking pictures with the phone.
-Coach, is playing the game and wants to take this opportunity to talk to Ozzy (not his brother) - Coach gives him his word as a Christian man, that the final 3 will be Coach, Ozzy and one other person (yeah...) Coach tells the camera that giving his word as a Christian Man is an irrevocable promise (oh sweet Jebus) He sees them as two noble warriors duking it out.  Ozzy is in (of course.)

-Brandon is talking to his Dad and his Dad does not like what he's hearing.  Brandon says spit on the million dollars I'm an example for God... Dad wants his to bring home the dough!  He says he's got to play to win, that's the Hantz way - get yourself into the final 3 and then leave it up to God.
-Dad starts to try to play for Brandon, he goes and talks to Coach - says he's glad he came cause Brandon doesn't look to be holding it together very well - "At this point, who are you going to take to the final 3?"  Coach vacillates, it's the 5 right now... Dad says, "I'm going to tell him to do whatever you tell him to do, period. (Sound familiar?) "So it's in your hands."
-Coach tells the camera, Brandon's Dad comes out here and tries to bully me into a final 3 with Brandon - he smiles and goes along but Brandon is a ticking time bomb - where the ticking is the clock counting down his time in the game. (Yep, Dad did more harm than good right there.)

-They are on a huge puzzle board shaped and painted like a pineapple.  They will have to move around the board, one piece at a time, flipping over the pieces as they go.  Once a piece has been flipped, they can never step back onto it - once you're out of moves, you're out of the challenge.  Last person left standing, wins Immunity.
-Off they go - Albert is the first one out - Brandon follows him and Jeff overhears him talking to Albert about his strategy to make sure a 'certain person' doesn't win immunity.  Edna says you can use my name like you do - and she's teary again - Oh yeah, she's working it, trying to make them all feel like heels for treating her this way (ha!)
-Rick is the next out and it looks like Coach is poised to win this one - he's got the most open real estate - Sophie and then Edna (who makes another comment about them having to realize it's not a team game anymore) is taken out - and Coach wins Immunity.   Edna whispers to Coach to help a sister out.
-Brandon says his in his truthfulness he's stuck his big stinky foot in his mouth but let her paint him as the bad guy - as long as his alliance stays strong he's not worried. (Ah, but your mouth and you're Dad's 'visit' may have damaged it more than you know... or that's what the producers want us to think anyway.)

Te Tuna - Day 32
-Returning from the challenge - Sophie was put off by Brandon's bullying attitude to Edna.
-Rick was also not happy with him kicking her like a trusting dog.  That's not right.
-Brandon makes an apology to Edna but he really doesn't see what he did wrong - he thinks it was fine because he didn't want to use her name.  She tells him using her name would have been more respectful but he did hurt her by unnecessarily pointing out he was trying to get her out (again.)
-She very politely doesn't accept his apology (I'd tell him to f right off, but then I'd be gone by now anyway :) she says it was very insincere - like beating your wife and buying her a necklace to make it all better.
-Sophie also notices that Brandon seems to think an apology absolves him of all his sins but this isn't Church.  Survivor is not as forgiving as the big JC is.
-Edna pleads her case to Coach, Albert & Sophie but yammering on like an annoying yapping dog - we preach honour, integrity, honour, integrity - juxtapose his behaviour in the last 32 days with mine (yip, yip, yip... sometimes, less is more.)  But she did make an impression on Coach.  He thinks her argument to stay was served up to them like a perfect slow pitch strike and all they need to do is hit it out of the park.
-Edna then sits down with Coach one on one - He doesn't want to send Brandon to Redemption Island with the possibility of him coming back in the game.  She says she has to ask - "would you play your idol for me?"  Coach says pretty much - NO WAY!  He says if he gives her the hidden immunity idol, he blows the trust the rest of the tribe has for him and he will be the next one voted out.  He won't commit but tells her to go to Albert and Sophie, tell them Coach said everything is cool and see how they vote. (Really?  That's it?  Yup, he's totally hung her out to dry.)
-Edna does try, reeking of desperation she asks Albert & Sophie if they would even consider voting for Brandon with her - and she guarantees Coach is 100% with her - She'll eat a piece of his stool, that's how sure she is (gross... and you went too far.  I'm saying b-bye to Edna.)

Edna, based on the challenge today, it's obvious you're the person in the hot seat tonight.  Who did you target to go home instead of you?
-I've tried to target Brandon.  Our Upolu mantra has been... what is it again Coach?
Coach -Uh... honour, loyalty, integrity (that made the jury all look disgusted and confused)
Edna: And his actions deviate farthest from our mantra.  She throws out his early lie to Christine and Stacey trying to get Mikayla out and his singling her out today as trying to keep her from winning.
Brandon, how does this make you feel hearing this?
-It's alright, I don't really have anything negative to say about Edna, she's misconstrued a bunch of things...
I remember the first tribal, and the lie - you admitted it.
-And everyone here knows that, including the jury.  I feel like she's just taking shots at me and I don't mind being her punching bag today but I don't think she should take shots at my character, I've been pretty open with everything. (Cochran seems to agree)
So, would it hurt your feelings if you were voted out tonight?
-Absolutely, I've never had a negative thing to say about Edna even though she's been running around, planting seeds about me.
Edna - first of all, I wasn't planting seeds, I didn't make anything up, all those things did happen.
Sophie, take me through the difficulties of this, now that you're down to a group of people you've been with for 32 days.
-We've said we're a family, there's all this loyalty but as Savaii keeps reminding us it's got to end soon and today looks to be the day.
(Edna is playing to the jury - eye rolling, blah blah blahing - you're not coming off sympathetic here lady.)
Albert, where do you sit on this?
-Well, it gets difficult when you get to this point because a lot of people contributed to get us to this point (Cochran rolls his eyes) but we're making a decision between how this game's played out and promises that were made early on.  (Edna looks shaken now and desperately looks at Coach, who will not meet her eyes - oh yeah - bye annoying little fly.)

Time to Vote:
Brandon votes for Edna
Edna votes for Brandon - says he's not doing a very good job cleansing his family name.

Tallying the Votes:
No one plays the hidden immunity idol
Edna - 1
Brandon - 1
Edna - 2, 3, 4 - Coach hugs her... whatever.  Off she goes to Redemption Island, sniveling.

Next week: The alliance of five looks to be at each others throats and Edna may defeat Ozzy in a brain puzzle duel (No Way!  That would be awesome.)

Edna's final thought: she’s disappointed in Coach writing her name down – his constant fear of looking like he’s betrayed the tribe has made her feel betrayed by him.
Edna gets to Redemption Island and scares Ozzy awake - she sits with him and says, so, what do you want to know? (Spill it!)
Have a great rest of the week everyone,
I've tried to look up when the Finale will air but it hasn't been announced yet - it's usually before Christmas but I don't know - only leaves a couple shows...


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