Monday, October 10, 2011

Amazing Race - Oct 9/11 Episode Recap

Don't Lay Down on Me Now (Indonesia)

This episode of the Race, the teams are remaining in Indonesia - my Snowboarders, Andy & Tommy, are the first out at 7:38am and they get the clue: Take a ride back into the Dutch Colonial era.  They have to dress up in khaki costumes (with the pith helmet and everything) and ride bicycles with the local bicycle clubs that re-enact the bicycle patrols (very slowly) of the 1940's.
-Andy & Tommy are a hoot - they are popping wheelies, ringing their bells and then surf the bike - looks hilarious with the outfit on.
-Zac & Laurence are the next team out 7:57am - they are good partners, looking forward to the challenges of the Race.
-Kaylani & Lisa head out at 8:02am - Kaylani tells us her daughter is her motivation for the race - she doesn't want to fail her.
-Ernie & Cindy head out at 8:14am - she admits she's a control freak - she made lists over 3 mos ago on what to take, they took extensive language courses, have been exercising - He's been her b*tch.
-Marie & Liz, Jeremy & Sandy, Bill & Cathi (Ma & Pa) all leave pretty close together.  Cathi loves bicycling - she said they figured they are about 40 years older than the youngest team there - but we're fearless - you know, at our age we're going to die soon so it's all good (Uh, I'm glad she's the one that said that.)

-Andy & Tommy get to the end of the ride and get the next clue to travel by taxi to Lesehan Restaurant in Salakmalang Village (yeah, say that 5 times fast.)  Zac & Laurence also finish and head out in a cab.

-Fighting Siblings, Justin & Jennifer head out at 8:31am - they are going to try and be more positive and less volatile this leg... as Jennifer runs her bike into a wall (doesn't bode well for their bike ride.)
-Marcus & Amani leave right behind them - he feels the pressure of being at the back of the pack but he's come from behind before and knows it's not over until it's over.

-Whoops, there goes Ernie's pedal... and watch Cindy's head explode in 3...2... they handle it calmly until about 4 teams pass them then she's a whiny mess - "come on, let's go."  He's a little fed up too.
(I'd be none too happy if I got the broken bike myself.)  They finally get moving but are now 2nd to last.  Amani & Marcus finish right behind them.

-All the teams are now in cabs heading to the restaurant on the clue - and they are all wanting to go fast, fast, fast!  Um, is there no such thing as lanes on these roads - I could not drive in Indonesia either - scary!

-Tommy & Andy make it to the restaurant and it's the DETOUR - Rice Field or Grass Fed.
-In Rice Field - they must deliver the mid-day meal to the workers in the rice field and while they eat their lunch, the team must plant 300 rice seedlings... in the mud... by hand.  If satisfied with their planting, they'll get the next clue.
-In Grass Fed - they must fill up 2 sacks with freshly cut grass, then collect two sheep and take them to the sheep shed - once there, they must collect 6 buckets of water from the well and pour them in the watering trough before they'll get the next clue.
-The Snowboarders decide to do Grass Fed and are very fleet of foot through the rice field - they get started stuffing.

-Bill & Cathi's taxi passes Ernie & Cindy and they rub it in - We're #1 - (Ha, love it.)  Kaylani & Lisa's cab is passed and their driver just laughs - Kaylani is a b*tch about it, "Oh, they're going to lose a million dollars, haha." 
-Uh oh, Marcus and Amani's driver is lost - he's turning the cab around and Marcus says, "This is vital to us brother."  And he laughs... Oh boy.

-Andy & Tommy collect their mangy looking sheep and take them to the sheep shed but they are denied - they do not have enough grass in the bags and have to go back - sheep & all. (oof.)

-Zac & Laurence get there and are doing grass fed as well.  Tommy & Andy have super-full bags this time and head back.  At the shed they read the clue that tells them they are only allowed 2 buckets at a time when drawing the 6 buckets of water.  They get started.
-Zac & Laurence's sheep were a little unruly but they had enough grass so they moved on to the water and Laurence grabbed a 3rd bucket to get through it quicker.  Andy said to them, "Read your clue guys." but it went unheeded. (They did try to help them out - but it is a Race.)

-Andy & Tommy finish first and get the clue to travel by taxi to Borobudur Temple and climb the stairs to the top to receive their next clue.  Zac & Laurence finish right behind them and head out.

-All the rest of the teams arrive at the Detour very close together - except Marcus & Amani, who are still lost in bad cabbie-land.
-Most of the teams go for the Grass Fed except the all girl teams of Kaylani & Lisa and Liz & Marie who opt for the Rice Field.
-Everyone starts running into the rice fields and everyone is slipping off the raised walkways, there goes Sandy and Lisa and Cathi.  She gets the fall counter - 1.
-The girls hand off the food and put on the cool hats to start the planting.
-Everyone else is starting to fill the bags with grass.  Cathi fall counter - 2 (that was a good one.)
-The girls are not enjoying planting in the mud.  They'll be happy if they never have to do that again.
-Cathi fall counter - 3 (oof, could have broken a hip on that one.) But she's a trooper - "I'm okay."
-Okay, it was hilarious watching these people try to lead the sheep - they were all baa-ing at them (they don't understand you).
-Cathi fall counter - 4 (flat on her face that time - oh, that poor woman) but she's back up and carrying on.

-Meanwhile, who knows where - Marcus & Amani are still in the cab and he's no confident that the driver even knows where they're going.

-Borobudur Temple - is amazing - built in the 8th century, it was reclaimed by the jungle until it was rediscovered a few hundred years ago and preserved.
-Zac & Laurence are the first to get the clue but the Snowboarders are right there with them (that's a lot of stairs) - ROADBLOCK: Count the Buddhas - walking in a clockwise direction around the temple they must count the Buddha statues with 4 distinct hand positions then report the correct number and demonstrate the hand positions of each to get the next clue.
-Laurence (dad) is doing it for them and Tommy loses the rock/paper/scissors for them - Laurence & Tommy decide to work together - these teams get along, they have the same adventuring spirits.  So Laurence is counting and Andy is remembering.

-Back at the Rice Field the ladies finish the planting and head out for the temple.

-Marcus & Amani finally arrive and decide to do Grass Fed.

-Everyone else is delivering their grass/sheep and starting on drawing the water.
-Cathi... losing her sheep counter - 1.  She is filthy front and back from all her falls and finally she and Bill just pick up the sheep and carry them - oh, yeah, these two have a farm, they should be good with the animals.
-The teams are finishing the watering and getting the clue for the temple. 
-Amani & Marcus are carrying their bags of grass and his sheep just lays down - poor things look half starved - he just picks it up.  They bring in their grass & sheep and the guy rejects them - not enough grass in the bags.  Dang it! Screw that.  They decide to switch tasks and plant some rice.
Then he says, "Dang, we should have planted the rice, gah doggit!" (I love Marcus, just for the grandpa cussing.)

-Back at the temple Laurence & Tommy have the count down but they don't realize they have to demonstrate the hand positions (it's the new, harder Race - they have to actually figure that out on their own)  So, Laurence gives the numbers but not the handle positions so it's wrong.  They have to go back up and get the hand positions down too.

-Kaylani & Lisa and Marie & Liz get to the temple and get the clue at the top of the stairs - they are all winded and Lisa tells Kaylani, "if you're tired, don't do it." I guess that's her way of saying she'll do it?  Whatever.

-Sandy & Jeremy's taxi breaks down and they're still a kilometer away from the temple - they decide to run it. (I said pardon?  Wow, these people are in really good shape.)

-Ernie & Cindy, Cathi & Bill, Justin & Jennifer are all at the temple.  Ernie, Bill & Justin are counting the statues and Ernie is counting every wall carving, everything... that is so not right.
-They are giving the guy a full count - 71 - no.  69-no  Lisa - 202?  (Oh man, they are going to be there all day.)  Jeremy & Sandy get there - they made good time - and he's counting.

-Back at the Rice Field - Amani & Marcus are finished - they are tired, disgusted, dirty, angry, but they will not quit.

-Laurence and then Tommy demonstrate the hand positions with the count (17, 17, 17, 18) and they get the clue to the Pit Stop - which is right there on the grounds.  (No running allowed at the temple, they speed walk away.)
-The Snowboarders have to go settle up with their cab before they can hit the mat.

-Amani & Marcus get to the temple and decide to let the cab go - he was so bad, they are already in last place, it can't get any worse so they'll take their chances if they need another cab.
-The Snowboarders are going out as Amani & Marcus come in and Tommy gives them the answer to the Roadblock - the hand positions and the counts -(hmm, usually I'm not a big fan of the giving other teams the answers... but I like Marcus & Amani - I just hope it doesn't bite the Snowboarders in the butt.)  I don't think Andy was really happy with him giving them the whole thing... but as it turns out...

-By the time Marcus & Amani get to the top of the temple, she's too tired and he volunteers to do the counting and he totally didn't pay attention to what Tommy told them - Amani was the one he told (d'oh!)
-No one else has figured out the counting & hand positions yet - they are all re-reading the clue.
-Four of the teams start conferring on what they have come up with - Jeremy, Justin, Twin #1 and Ernie... then Ernie figures it out - ooooohhh, we have to tell him how many of each hand sign - ahh.

-Bill's doing the hand signs but he has the count wrong.
-Lisa tries 4.  (Ah, no.)  She asks Marcus what he's thinking and he clues her in on the different hand positions so they count together.
-The team of 4 have all counted one hand position each and have shared the results.

-Pa (Bill) is the next one to get it right - and he sits in the lotus position and everything - they have to go get their bags and settle up with their cab driver before they can find the Pit Stop.

-Now they're all sitting cross-legged - Justin & Jennifer are next - then Ernie & Cindy - Marie & Liz all have to go pay their taxi - Jeremy & Sandy get the clue and because their cab broke down and they ran there, they just head right for Phil.

-Lisa gets the clue but they also have to go pay their cab driver.  Marcus gets the clue and they are good to go - having let their horrible cab driver leave.

-The paying teams are all berating themselves for not paying their cabs beforehand - Liz & Marie can't find their cab...

Here's how they finished:
1) Zac & Laurence... HOWEVER - because they used 3 buckets at the Detour they incur a 15 minute penalty... meaning...
1) Tommy & Andy - They win a trip for two to Dubai!  They feel bad, it should have been Zac & Laurence's prize especially since they worked together - Phil suggests they could gift the trip to them and... apparently they don't feel THAT bad. Hahaha.
2) Zac & Laurence - that'll learn 'em to read the clues more carefully.
3) Jeremy & Sandy - that jog was totally worth it.
4) Justin & Jennifer 
5) Ernie & Cindy
6) Amani & Marcus - Phil says they look like they just won the Super Bowl - Marcus said he feels like it - cause a lot of times when you win the Super Bowl you need a lot of luck on your side.
7) Bill & Cathi - Oh, must be lucky #7
8) Liz & Marie - Oh, thank god!  They thought they were last - we're barely making it but we're still here. (I know, come on all-girl team.)
9) Kaylani & Lisa - **ELIMINATED** Kaylani starts crying because she feels like she failed her  daughter. (She's 4 - she'll just be glad that you came home.)  Phil tries to comfort her, "She'll be proud of you."  (She's 4 - she won't care now... when she's 16 though and not getting a car, then she'll be bitter :)
So, with the former showgirls leaving, we also bid adieu to Bernice W, Lee G, Sharon R and Esther B from our pool.  Now you get to root for the whichever team you like :)

Next week: Thailand - racing in boats, rock climbing and putting up beach umbrellas - that with wind knocks back down.  Should be a gooder!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that your week goes swiftly,


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