Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - April 13, 2011 Episode Recap

The Buddy System

Quick recap: Matt returns to the game for the merge and then, too chicken to make a move, is voted back to Redemption Island. 
The episode opened at:
Redemption Island - Night 21
-Matt congratulates himself on being the most naive person ever to play the game - "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  I can't believe I got blind-sided twice by the same people - I feel like such a moron."  He's telling God he trusts his will, using his stupidity for your glory - blessed be his name. (Oh, now I'm sad, what if Survivor breaks his faith?  It's only a game dude, and I don't think God has a grand design for your reality TV career.)

Murlonio - Day 22
-Mike and David talking about Rob's genius move at Tribal Council - it was like straight out of a mob movie - he comes back, there is some question if you can trust him but you sit, have dinner... then take him out on a fishing boat and kill him.
-Mike congratulates Rob on the genius move, as much as he didn't like it, it was still brilliant.
-Julie's not so enthused - she feels bad for Matt and realizes how cold-blooded Ometepe is.  She feels like there is no breaking their shield and the Zapatera folk are pretty disheartened.

-Ralph approaches mean-girl blond (Ashley?) and asks her is he's 'on the chop block.' Chop block? Oh, you mean chopping block, we can't discuss anything like that.  She and useless brunette (Natalie?) are both just looking at him blankly -He throws out if they get to the top three he'll vote for them and not Boston Rob (Oh man-sweater, you're barking up the wrong tree with those two - they are Rob's mindless minions as proven by the fact that I can still barely remember their names.)  She puts him off, we haven't decided yet.
-Ralph is very aggravated - they aren't letting us play the game.
-Rob has his Ometepe people together and basically tells them no one talks to any one of them alone - he has separate shelters set up, separate eating times - he wants Ometepe to hate Zapatera - it's us vs them - and we're going to be arrogant about it - Well, I'm not, because I want their votes at the end of the day.

-Natalie is talking to Rob in the trees and asks him if Natalie told him what Ralph said to her.  Rob says no, so Natalie tells him that Ralph pulled Ashley aside and told her he would vote for her in the end and when Natalie asked if Ashley was going to tell Rob she said he didn't need to know. (Huh, maybe she does have more upstairs than I've given her credit for - she is certainly causing trouble for Ashley, making it sound like she's hiding her collusion with Ralph when Natalie was also standing right there and knows nothing's going on.) Rob is laughing to the camera, that Ralph has now ensured Natalie won't be there at the end because she didn't tell him about this - This is my game. You have to tell me everything. (With an attitude like that, I'm predicting that he's heading for a huge karma beat down.)

Phillip shows up wearing a headband with a feather tied right in the middle of his forehead.  Jeff asks him if he had a collision with a hawk and Phillip, absolutely serious, says no, I had a meditation and asked for a sign - out of thin air appeared this feather. Literally, out of thin air? Out of thin air.  He said it looks good for the former O-tempo - Om-tempo tribe. (What is up with him and names? Sheesh.)

Today's challenge - they will dig down and find a club, use it to smash a suspended tile - first six to smash their tiles move on to the next phase.  They will submerge their heads in a water trough and take in a mouthful of water then crawl under the trough and spit the water into a tube - first three to fill their tube will move on to the final round where they must solve a block puzzle (odd shaped pieces that have to fit together into a step pyramid type shape.)  First person done the puzzle will win individual immunity.

Off they go - once they get the club they have to untie knots in a rope tying it down - Grant and Rob are the first done (and shower Jeff with shards - Haha) Ralph, Mike, David and Julie are the six that make it through.
Trough round - Grant seems to be a man possessed - does he know something we don't?  Grant is the first one done - Mike is the next one through and David is the third person to fill his tube.
Final round - they are all pretty close but GRANT wins immunity!  (Hmm, he really did step it up for this challenge - is it just Rob's wish to keep Zapatera from winning or does Grant have a strategy of his own?)

Murlonio - Day 22
Mike says they know it's going to be one of them tonight.  He wants to go crash their party but David doesn't want to do that.  They know there is no point in trying to turn any of the Rob Drones, he's got them so locked down.  He's like the prison guard.
-They notice that the flagpole was moved, wonder if maybe a hidden idol was buried under it - (Yeah, they're desperate at this point.)  So they start digging around the poles with their hands.
-Rob sees them digging at the flagpole and freaks out - they're digging under the flag - Ometepe takes off at a run - Phillip drops down and starts digging, Rob grabs the shovels and they come take over digging - David and Mike just stand back - amused at this point because it's pretty certain there is nothing there and they've successfully made a fool of the big man.  They hope he thinks they found an idol before he got there.
-Rob says he can't shake the immunity idol paranoia - it cost him last time he played and with Ralph playing one at the last tribal council he thinks there could be another one in play.  Mike is enjoying playing with Rob's head.

-Ometepe gathers to talk who they should vote for.  Phillip wants Ralph but Grant pretty quickly says that Mike and David are bigger threats.  Rob says they have to think about who could potentially beat Matty at Redemption Island and the girls say Mike but Phillip thinks David would have a better shot at a duel.
-Rob says he's got to gamble that whoever they vote for could have an idol or someone could give them one... he makes everyone hold hands with a buddy as they walk back to camp (Seriously?  Like they're little kids on a field trip - wow, don't drink the kool-aid kids.)

Phillip's got the feather back on and Jeff says - Phillip you knew that feather would bring luck to someone on the former Ometepe tribe.
- My great, great grandfather, Crazy Single-feather (no that wasn't his name) a full blooded Cherokee, came to me in a meditation and told me that was what was going to happen.
-Ralph looks like he's getting a kick out of Phillip and David just looks confused.
Mike, there's six Ometepe and five Zapatera, you guys are in trouble right now.
-You come into a tribal council with zero options and it's not a fun situation.
Julie, do you look at these six and think, somebody is on the bottom.
-Absolutely, it's obvious who we think is on the bottom but they have no idea.
David says it's Phillip on the bottom.
-Phillip - I like being on the bottom if that's where I am, I can look up and see what's going on.  If they say, you're always gathering wood, you're always getting water - that's what I did as a child as one of twelve children and you know what, I have a new family now - as he puts his arms around Rob and Grant - they're all smiles and giggles.
-Julie seems disgusted by this little speech, David rolls his eyes.  Zapatera doesn't find it amusing in the least.
-Julie throws out, Matt thought you guys were his family too. (Oh snap! Way to go Julie.)
-Oh, if Phillips looks could kill - that took the smile off his face right quick.
So Ralph, you're trying to find the way in but right now they're just blocking everything.
 - I'm not going to give up Jeff.  If I'm still here in the morning I'm gonna push like the dickens.  I may get a feather tomorrow, you never know.
Phillip - It takes courage, determination and knowing when to hold your TONGUE to get a feather (Really? Then how the hell did you get one?)
Ralph - Oh. So you hold your tongue?  I may go out on the beach and a whole mess of feathers appear.
Mike, what do you make of Phillip's feather? (who cares about the stupid feather?)
- I think it's an insecurity thing.  That Phillip is struggling to determine who he is.
Phillip - I'm just a guy that got a college degree and became a special agent working for three separate agencies - I served in the US army and received the second highest honour you can receive in peace time...
David breaks in - Just give it up.  You sound like a lunatic.
Phillip - I don't have to give it up.  You sound like the guy on the bottom of a cesspool struggling to get out.
Stephen - Phillip never ceases to amaze me.
Phillip - keep being amazed as you sail away.
I have no idea who's being voted out tonight.  Do you former Zapatera have any idea.
David - I have a pretty good idea it's going to be one of the five of us.

Time to vote:
Steve votes Phil - You are one odd duck, brother.

Tallying the votes:
Phil - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Mike - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  - Well, that was anti-climactic. I hope cutey GI-Joe can knock out God-boy.

Murlonio - Night 22
Rob tells Phillip he's not at the bottom, he's at the top with him.  I know that, I know (Phillip is very happy with himself.)
-Rob tells the camera that TC proved to him that Phillip is turning into a very loyal soldier and he will be rewarded for that.
-Bunked down in the shelter, Phillip's innate insecurity rears it's head- What do you think of them all voting for me?  Rob reassures him - It was just frustration Phillip, you're getting the best of them.  Yeah, I got the best of them. (It's kind of sad how desperate he is for praise.)
-Rob says, Phillip's not really crazy, he's playing crazy - and he's a little crazy.  But I'm still thinking of the end game and as far as my list goes, Phillip is my number one. (Cause who on the jury will vote to give Special Agent Single-Feather a million dollars?)  He says Natalie and Phillip are coming to the final 3 with him.

Murlonio - Day 23
-Phillip says he's crazy like a fox - he knows Rob is going to want to take someone like him to the end with him but he's a smart, complex person and he's got to make something happen - but there is a time for that and now's not the time. (Do you think it might be possible that this has all been an act? Naaa.)

-Ralph is talking to David in the shelter.  He says today's the day - he's going to go over and talk to them.  David says you only get one shot and if you mess it up you won't get another try (little does he know that he's already done that.)  David tells him not to do anything stupid.

-So Ralph approaches Phillip and Andrea by the fire and wants to talk about the game.  Phillip says the tribe that stays together wins and Ralph says until the merge happens then it's one on one.  Phillip shuts him down, says he doesn't want to talk about the game with him - they're more than happy to talk about his steers, his farm... Ralph says we can talk about that any old time - here and now he wants to talk the game.
-Phillip calls his rude and is rude right back, dismissing him and going back to talking to Andrea. 
-During this whole exchange David has had one of their water canteens and is slowly pouring it out over his foot.. I'm not sure why.  He whines to the camera that they won't let them play - this is no fun.

Oh, I see a big pile o'hamburgers.  Jeff tells them, Today everyone will have an opportunity to feast on cheeseburgers.
-The challenge - They will have to hang from a bar for as long as they can (suspended above water) - after 20 minutes they will have to hang by their legs only (upside down - over water) Last person left hanging will win immunity.  Now the cheeseburgers - he gives them each a white rock and a black rock - Black rock means they want to play and white rock means screw it, I'm eating.  Steve and Phillip are the only two (and the oldest two) who have decided to eat and not play.
-The rest of the tribe get into position and Phillip and Steven get to start eating.  Rob loses his hat (oh, is it a sign? Matt would think so.) Phillip and David have a little friendly (or not so friendly banter) Rob is already struggling, he flips all the way around and is the first to fall.  He gets to sit and watch and smell.
-20 minutes elapses and they have to move to legs only.  Everyone is hanging - David and Ralph are on one leg with the other crossed over the foot - Julie whispers, "I can't do this." and she falls (Oh! Power of positive thinking... I like Julie, I wish she could have hung in.)
-Grant and Ralph are the next two to drop - the heaviest - David is the last Zapatera and the last guy left hanging - the light women will have an easier time of it but they are all struggling at 45 minutes in... and David is the next one out.
-Andrea says to the other two that she really wants this one - and they give it to her.  Ashley and Natalie both drop and Andrea wins immunity.

Murlonio - Day 24
-Returning from the challenge Rob is happy that his side won - he doesn't want Zapatera to have any momentum, any power - and they don't, they all look totally defeated.  Rob has gotten his wish.
-Ralph sees the net just laying out and decides to go check if there's any fish.  He sends up the cry that there are a ton of fish - bring a basket.  Rob, having to be in control of everything asks if the fish are alive or dead.
Ralph says they're all dead and Rob tells them they can't eat them - they're no good. 
-Ralph says whatever - I'll eat them.  Julie is disgusted - his people are all soft - if Rob had found the fish, he'd let his people eat them but he won't let them take anything from Zapatera.

-So Zapatera is feasting, right beside the starving Ometepe.  Rob says he's running his tribe like the army and he's the general - they will do as they're told.
-Grant is starving, he says he's his own man and he'll make up his own mind and he goes over and takes a little pinch of some fish.  Rob is on him right away, calling him away... and he goes (yeah, really showed him there Grant.)
-Zapatera can't believe the power Rob holds - it's cult-like.  He's shown with Matt that you show any sign of straying, he'll cut your head off - and they are all under his spell of fear.

-Rob is deciding who to vote out tonight and it's between David, the strategical player and Steve - the old T-Rex who doesn't want to be there anymore.   Rob says he's been known to have a mercy killing in him from time to time.

Tribal Council #2
Phillip, same feather?  Have you had more meditations?
-That's part of it but it's also that for the first time in 22 seasons there is a beauteous and glorious operations going on - it's known as Stealth-R-Us - and I'm known as the Specialist.  My main mission is to infiltrate and plant inceptions in the Zapatera tribe (Oh for goodness sakes - he's pouring it on a little too strong this time.)
Boston Rob - the Mentalist - has the responsibility to develop strategies for challenges and build alliances that are impervious and Grant - the Destroyer of Aspirations - better known as the Assassin and he forgot to mention the Three Degrees that are agile and able to focus their minds like they did today.
(Ometepe is finding this all amusing - Julie just face-palms.)
Wow, Ralph, pretty tough to beat, Stealth-R-Us.
-Yeah, do you think his grandfather told him to sit on the bench and eat hamburgers today? (Oh, Phillip didn't like that.)
I guess the argument would be do Stealth-R-Us care?
Phillip -I think it's pretty clear that my tribe-mates know what I bring to the table and yes it was difficult for them to see me do that today but they know where my heart is - so today, I ate and I make no apologies for that.
Steve, how bout you?  What was the rationale in you sitting out today when you need immunity more than ever?
-It's just not my thing.  I'd last a short amount of time so I made the decision to take the food and hope for the best.
Phillip, do you see any of the Zapatera's trying to find a crack in the Stealth-R-Us organization? (Do you have to validate him by calling it that? Ugh.)
-They are doing what they can to try to make that happen but our alliance is so strong - we have a buddy system and it's highly effective.
A buddy system?
Julie - they are never alone. Never.  They are always with somebody else.  Rob has complete control over them. (Oh yeah, you go - Rob is looking fricken' laser beams at her.) It's not even a tribe, it's a cult. (Did I mention that I love Julie?)  There was some awkward shifting from Grant there.
David, everyone on Zapatera's got to be thinking one thing - as long as it isn't me tonight, correct?
-There's that definitely that but the numbers as they are now, are pretty insurmountable.  You also have to look at the other aspect of the game - Redemption Island - and maybe it's better to try and advance yourself that way. (Hmm, I think I smell the boys thinking that one over.)

Time to Vote:
They don't show us how anyone voted.  Except David who wrote: Rob Rob Rob Rob (Please count this as 4 votes.)  Hopefully this works. (Hahaha - nice try.)

Tallying the Votes:
Rob 1, 2, 3, 4 (David's paper only counted as one - darn it.)
David 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Again - nothing shocking there.  I hate when the pick off starts happening - it gets boring.  I wonder what's going to happen with three people guys at Redemption Island next week?

Next Week: Phillip take issue with Steve calling him crazy - Phillip plays the race card - calls Steve crazy.  (Ah, it's starting to wear thin - maybe he could keep the crazy in his pants for a little while... which makes me realize, he's not rocking the fuchsia jockey shorts anymore - I wonder if there was just too much wardrobe malfunctioning going on and not enough eye bleach to go around.)

-David's final thoughts - the last few days have been so frustrating, just when you think you've got the wheels turning the breaks are thrown on by somebody else.
-He shows up at Redemption Island and surprises Matt and Mike - Matt, "What is Survivor doing?"  I don't know.

Have a great weekend everyone,


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