Fishy Kisses
Last week the Chippendales came in first for the first time and James & Abba were eliminated because Abba lost his passport and could not retrieve it before the end of the leg.
This leg - James & Jaymes were the first team to head out from Moscow at 7:32 pm - the clue tells them to make their way to the capital of this country and they have a miniature flag. The boys hit a hotel and look up the flag on an iPad - it is Holland/the Netherlands.
-Blond Jaymes is hoping to win the Race to help his Dad pay bills and fight cancer without having to work 60hr weeks.
-Trey & Lexi are the next team to head out at 7:49pm - the bell boy at the hotel tells them it's the flag of France - Whoo! They are going to Paris! (Uh oh.) But as soon as they get to the airport they run into the Chippendales and they set them straight - Lucky for them they are friends.
-The Twins are heading out at 9:15pm, they think the flag is France as well but they go to the hotel and check the Internet and someone there also tells them it's the Netherlands. "We are bloody fools."
-At the airport the 2 teams are asking about flights and they're told there are no flights out tonight, the earliest flight to Amsterdam leaves the next day at 10:45am, arriving at 12:35pm but there are only 3 seats available. The next flight out is on another airlines and it gets them in at 1pm - Chippendales are taking the first flight and Trey & Lexi are going to take the 2nd.
-The Twins get to the airport and whatever desk they went to tells them they can get a flight to Rome and a connector to Amsterdam to get them in at 11:30am the next day - but she won't let them do that because they would only have 1hr to make the 2nd flight. The twins are not taking 'no' for an answer - They tell her if they miss the flight it's their problem... and she finally relents and sells them the tickets.
Ryan & Abbie are the next team out at 5:28am (wow, that's 8 hrs behind the last team.) France? Abbie says, "Ce nes pas France." (oi, pretentious much?) the Netherlands it is.
-They are just hoping there isn't a U-Turn on the other side of this because they know the Twins and Trey & Lexi will U-Turn them. Though they think it should be okay because they still have 4 hours on the Beekman Boys.
-The 3 teams at the airport, Chippendales, Twins and Texas are talking strategy about the a double U-turn. The Twins, of course, tell them all what to do - first team U-Turns Abbie & Ryan and the 2nd team U-turns the first team that already passed so they effectively burn the 2nd U-Turn and protect everyone else. And she tells the Chippendales not to be so nice, "Brown James, you're in charge." (Haha, that's how I differentiate them too - hair colour). Blond Jaymes just doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelings (Phew! Get over it.) Jaymes is completely uncomfortable with U-Turning Abbie & Ryan, why lose a friend if you don't have to? (These guys really are so nice.)
-Speaking of..., Abbie & Ryan get to the airport and hit the Internet - they find a flight to Frankfurt (which she's not excited about because that's the same city they had problems connecting before) but they decide to book 2 different connecting flights out of Frankfurt so hopefully they'll be golden. If all goes well they should get to Amsterdam by 12:45pm.
-Finally the Beekman Boys are heading out at 8:11am - and big brain Brent knows it's Holland. They are more than willing to be taken to the final three by a stronger team that thinks they can beat them (This isn't Survivor, you have to make it there before other teams...)
And the other teams start taking off - the Twins via Rome ETA 11:30am. The Chippendales direct flight, due to arrive at 12:15pm. Trey & Lexi via Larnica arriving at 1:05pm. Abbie & Ryan have booked two flights through Frankfurt due at 12:45pm and 2:05pm.
-The Beekman Boys just book tickets through Oslo set to arrive inAmsterdam at 4:05pm - they know they are probably quite far behind the other teams but at least they are on their way.
-The Twins are the first team to arrive in Amsterdam and they haven't seen any other teams - "This is awesome-balls." They get to the train station and get the clue for a Fast Forward - they must make their way to the Van Gogh cafe - they jump into a pedal-cab and are off.
-2nd flight arrives with the Chippendales - they head to Central station.
-The Twins get to the Cafe which was right there - and board the bus "Floating Dutchman" - (Hey, I went on one of those in Boston, they called it a Duck Boat.)
-Abbie & Ryan arrive in Frankfurt and are running for their connection - they have missed check in for the first flight though, and they won't let them on. Fine, "Thanks for nothing." (Ryan's being the ugly American this leg) and they go to buy tickets for the 2nd flight. They hate Frankfurt, Frankfurters, Frankenstein... they board the second flight and there are mechanical problems - they are stuck on the tarmac. (Yeah, they probably should have avoided Frankfurt, it's like their Kryptonite city.) Then they hear the plane cannot be repaired and they will have to switch planes. They both have poopy diapers, "I'm over it. We're done."
-The Twins have the easiest Fast Forward ever so far, riding a bus ... then it goes into the water, they can't believe it - Oh My GOD! It's fun. Then we find out what they really have to do - they have 7 minutes to eat 5 herring each - before the bus gets back to shore (Gross, herring in a bed of onions - gah!) If they don't succeed in eating the fish in the allotted time, the bus will return to the cafe and they will have to wait 10minutes before they can do it again. They are giving it a good go but there is lots of gagging and it's a lot of fish.
-The Chippendales get to central station and get the clue to either go to a donut boat or... they decide to try for the Fast Forward too (NO!)
-The Twins, talking the whole time, still succeed in eating the fish in the time allotted and they get the clue for the Pit Stop. The waiter tries to shake their hands - nope, dirty - gets fishy kisses instead (gross.) They have to make their way to the house of Rembrandt's Mistress, the Pit Stop. They feel good, but feel gross at the same time - and fishy.
The Chippendales get to the Van Gogh Cafe and the bus just as the Twins are getting back and they let them know they "Killed that bitch" - well, at least they didn't waste more time trying for a FF that was already won. They take the Route Info and head out.
-Abbie & Ryan are deplaning and replaning in Frankfurt, still with poopy pants.
-Trey & Lexi land in Amsterdam at 1:33pm, they have no idea what order they are in but they don't think they're last.
-The Chippendales get a marked boat and go down the canal, Amsterdam is a pretty city. They have to go to Poffertjesboot - it's another boat on the canal - where they get a plate of pofferjes? Looks like donut holes and they get the clue to the DETOUR: Back in Time or Organ to Grind.
In Back in Time - they must recreate Rembrandt's masterpiece Night Watch with a group of live extras, exactly how Rembrandt painted it. They'll have to dress in costume (Costumes!), then arrange the extras with their props exactly how they appear in the painting. Once Rembrandt is satisfied, he'll hand over the next clue.
-In Organ to Grind - they have to find one of three large street organs located at three different bridges, then while one person grinds the organ, the other one must collect tips - once they have earned 30 Euro, the organ grinder will hand them their next clue.
*Caution U-Turn ahead* - Blond Jaymes says if they get to the U-Turn they are going to run on by... (uh oh.)
-The Chippendales decide they are going to do the Organ Grinding - Blond Jaymes is working the crowd (well, crowd is a bit of a stretch, there aren't that many people around - 30 Euros could take a while.)
-Trey & Lexi get their pofferjes and the clue to the Detour, they're going to organ grind as well and when they see there is going to be a U-Turn, Lexi says she'll be so mad if the Chippendales don't U-Turn Abbie & Ryan.
-The Chippendales find the donations slowing down and they have to step it up - off come the shirts and on go the cuff & collar (that's what I'm talking about) and then all the guys start coming over giving them money (huh, so it's that kind of town.) Then a lady with her grandkids come up and Bam! 10 euro - they are done.
-They get the clue to head to the Museum Geelvinck and search the gardens for the next clue. Off they go leaving the big tipper waiting for her lap dance (haha.)
-4th plane arrives in Amsterdam with Ryan & Abbie and the Beekman Boys arrive right behind them. They run into each other in the airport and it's like old home week - Josh says it's odd how we're not competitive with each other (Well, they don't see you as a threat.) Ryan even says about the Beekmen Boys, "They seem resigned that they have gone as far as they can go" (so he thinks of them as their cushion to remain in the Race.)
-The Chippendales get to the museum and they find the U-Turn... they have talked about it long and hard and it seemed like a good plan when they thought Sri Lanka or Texas were going to get there first - Jaymes doesn't want to lose friends - he feels awful - but in the end he sticks to the plan and U-Turns Abbie & Ryan. He needs the money for his Dad who has the cancer - Sorry. "They're going to Hate Us."
-They get the next clue to take a bus to Ransdorp and look for the next cluebox in a marked field.
-Ryan & Abbie and the Beekman's get to the central station and get the clue to find the pofferjesboot.
-Trey & Lexi get to the organ grinder and she's the perky cheerleader who's good at bugging people for money (remember selling sherbet?)
-The Chippendales find the marked field and it's a Switchback/Roadblock - they are going to do the Ditch Vaulting, a classic horrible task from seasons past.
-Once they have successfully vaulted the ditch, they have to pick up their next clue printed on a pair of wooden shoes. And then, vault back again.
Brown James is going to vault the ditch... Oh boy, here we go. He does it with no problem, though he does land on his butt :).
-Lexi is so loud and annoying she gets 30 Euros out of people (and I'm starting to understand why she gets along so well with the Twins.) They get the clue to the U-Turn and head for the museum.
-Abbie & Ryan are so thankful for the Beekman Boys, they have lightened their spirits knowing they are with another team (that they believe they will beat.) They get their food and the Detour clue - which tells them there is a U-Turn so they figure they will have to do both tasks and they think they will be able to U-Turn the Beekmans because the other three teams won't U-Turn each other...
-Abbie & Ryan and the Beekman's are going to do the Painting recreation (Costumes!)
-At the Museum Trey & Lexi see that James & Jaymes stuck to the plan and they are excited - they U-Turn the Chippendales - burning the last spot. (And I don't feel bad for Ryan & Abbie, I just don't like them - they would have totally thrown the Beekman's under the bus... now it's them, so sad.) Trey & Lexi are so happy just thinking about the looks an Ryan & Abbie's faces when they see they're U-Turned.
-Abbie & Ryan and Josh & Brent get to the Painting re-enactment task. They pick up their costumes and suit up (nice moustache Abbie. Ha ha) They have to run back and forth from referencing the painting to where they are set up - This task looks kinda fun actually.
-Trey & Lexi are ditch vaulting - well Trey is - and he makes it with no problem. They head for the Pit Stop.
-At the picture re-enactment - Ryan & Abbie are the first team done - but Josh & Brent are done right behind them. They all head for the museum.
-At the U-Turn, Abbie & Ryan see that they have been U-Turned but Abbie doesn't get it... Trey & Lexi U-Turned Jaymes & James... "We're done!" (I hope so, I'm tired of them.)
-Abbie & Ryan expected it from the Twins or Trey & Lexi but not the Chippendales (whatever). They dejectedly head out to do the organ grinding (and now it's raining so there are no people on the streets to give them tips, ouch.)
-Josh meanwhile wants to discuss what they need to do to be true to themselves. Brent says what do you want to do, go watch them [Abbie & Ryan] do the other task? Or help them do it. Brent is the realist, "someone's going to have to step on the mat first, do you think they will let us?" No, they are here to play the game. (Exactly, aren't you there to win too?)
-The Beekman boys jump in a cab and Josh is still torn - Brent says they are going to prove people wrong and win. (Um, aren't they supposed to take a bus?)
-Abbie meanwhile is dancing and trying to find people to give her tips, she ends up dancing quite a bit with one woman who says she's going to give her the money to complete their task. They both hug that woman so much - Abbie, you have to let her go now... There are tears.
-The Beekman boys get to the field and it's Josh's turn to do the Roadblock - as he's running through the field to the ditch he falls and twists his ankle (oh no, this does not bode well for his ditch vaulting abilities.) Josh is sure he's going to get wet... but he makes it, both times (by the skin of his teeth and strongly rooted grass the second time.)
-Ryan & Abbie are back at the U-Turn getting the clue to head to the field (oh, they are allowed to take a taxi now, I guess the buses stopped running already.) They are resigned to their fate and blaming the Chippendales for stabbing them in the back (Whatever.)
-Ryan & Abbie are now at the ditch vaulting and he's attempting to jump the ditch but he's having trouble - he keeps landing in the water and having to try again - I think it's just been such a long day and they are depressed and tired. She whines down the litany of what they have had to endure - not being allowed to check in for a flight they were there in time for, having the 2nd plane breakdown, then the topper, their friends U-turning them (yeah, it sucks, but these things happen on the Amazing Race.)
Here's How They Finished
1) Natalie & Nadiya - they won $5000 each. That will be earmarked for clothes they want.
2) James & Jaymes - Phil says they finally played the game today - Jaymes says he just hopes they didn't lose a friend (and the church bell rings - ooh, sign from God?) Jaymes gets choked up saying the money is more important and he has to keep his word to his parents [that he's coming home with the million $]
3) Trey & Lexi - Whoo!
4) Josh & Brent - Phil says they don't look exactly happy to be team #4 - they really hated leaving Abbie & Ryan behind - Phil, "Would you rather I eliminate you and let them continue?" NO! (Exactly) Brent says they believe whoever was meant to win the Race will win, and we're still in it and still running to the end. They promise.
5) Abbie & Ryan - **ELIMINATED** - whiny baby has nothing to say - Chippendales cost them $2million dollars - they didn't accomplish what they wanted to accomplish - it just feels wrong. (You know, most people say I had a great time with my partner, this was an amazing experience but not Ryan, oh no, how can he brag that he's the best when they lost? I just say b-bye, don't let the wooden shoes hit you in the butt on your way out.)
And with Abbie & Ryan leaving, also eliminated from the pool are: Sue & Hannelore, Andria S, Karen S, Roxanne S and Ozzy R.
Next week: Josh's ankle causes him problems trying to play tennis in Spain and Trey & Lexi are in a bull costume doing some bull fighting when she injures her finger. More costumes and more tears.
Have a great week everyone,
Last week the Chippendales came in first for the first time and James & Abba were eliminated because Abba lost his passport and could not retrieve it before the end of the leg.
This leg - James & Jaymes were the first team to head out from Moscow at 7:32 pm - the clue tells them to make their way to the capital of this country and they have a miniature flag. The boys hit a hotel and look up the flag on an iPad - it is Holland/the Netherlands.
-Blond Jaymes is hoping to win the Race to help his Dad pay bills and fight cancer without having to work 60hr weeks.
-Trey & Lexi are the next team to head out at 7:49pm - the bell boy at the hotel tells them it's the flag of France - Whoo! They are going to Paris! (Uh oh.) But as soon as they get to the airport they run into the Chippendales and they set them straight - Lucky for them they are friends.
-The Twins are heading out at 9:15pm, they think the flag is France as well but they go to the hotel and check the Internet and someone there also tells them it's the Netherlands. "We are bloody fools."
-At the airport the 2 teams are asking about flights and they're told there are no flights out tonight, the earliest flight to Amsterdam leaves the next day at 10:45am, arriving at 12:35pm but there are only 3 seats available. The next flight out is on another airlines and it gets them in at 1pm - Chippendales are taking the first flight and Trey & Lexi are going to take the 2nd.
-The Twins get to the airport and whatever desk they went to tells them they can get a flight to Rome and a connector to Amsterdam to get them in at 11:30am the next day - but she won't let them do that because they would only have 1hr to make the 2nd flight. The twins are not taking 'no' for an answer - They tell her if they miss the flight it's their problem... and she finally relents and sells them the tickets.
Ryan & Abbie are the next team out at 5:28am (wow, that's 8 hrs behind the last team.) France? Abbie says, "Ce nes pas France." (oi, pretentious much?) the Netherlands it is.
-They are just hoping there isn't a U-Turn on the other side of this because they know the Twins and Trey & Lexi will U-Turn them. Though they think it should be okay because they still have 4 hours on the Beekman Boys.
-The 3 teams at the airport, Chippendales, Twins and Texas are talking strategy about the a double U-turn. The Twins, of course, tell them all what to do - first team U-Turns Abbie & Ryan and the 2nd team U-turns the first team that already passed so they effectively burn the 2nd U-Turn and protect everyone else. And she tells the Chippendales not to be so nice, "Brown James, you're in charge." (Haha, that's how I differentiate them too - hair colour). Blond Jaymes just doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelings (Phew! Get over it.) Jaymes is completely uncomfortable with U-Turning Abbie & Ryan, why lose a friend if you don't have to? (These guys really are so nice.)
-Speaking of..., Abbie & Ryan get to the airport and hit the Internet - they find a flight to Frankfurt (which she's not excited about because that's the same city they had problems connecting before) but they decide to book 2 different connecting flights out of Frankfurt so hopefully they'll be golden. If all goes well they should get to Amsterdam by 12:45pm.
-Finally the Beekman Boys are heading out at 8:11am - and big brain Brent knows it's Holland. They are more than willing to be taken to the final three by a stronger team that thinks they can beat them (This isn't Survivor, you have to make it there before other teams...)
And the other teams start taking off - the Twins via Rome ETA 11:30am. The Chippendales direct flight, due to arrive at 12:15pm. Trey & Lexi via Larnica arriving at 1:05pm. Abbie & Ryan have booked two flights through Frankfurt due at 12:45pm and 2:05pm.
-The Beekman Boys just book tickets through Oslo set to arrive inAmsterdam at 4:05pm - they know they are probably quite far behind the other teams but at least they are on their way.
-The Twins are the first team to arrive in Amsterdam and they haven't seen any other teams - "This is awesome-balls." They get to the train station and get the clue for a Fast Forward - they must make their way to the Van Gogh cafe - they jump into a pedal-cab and are off.
-2nd flight arrives with the Chippendales - they head to Central station.
-The Twins get to the Cafe which was right there - and board the bus "Floating Dutchman" - (Hey, I went on one of those in Boston, they called it a Duck Boat.)
-Abbie & Ryan arrive in Frankfurt and are running for their connection - they have missed check in for the first flight though, and they won't let them on. Fine, "Thanks for nothing." (Ryan's being the ugly American this leg) and they go to buy tickets for the 2nd flight. They hate Frankfurt, Frankfurters, Frankenstein... they board the second flight and there are mechanical problems - they are stuck on the tarmac. (Yeah, they probably should have avoided Frankfurt, it's like their Kryptonite city.) Then they hear the plane cannot be repaired and they will have to switch planes. They both have poopy diapers, "I'm over it. We're done."
-The Twins have the easiest Fast Forward ever so far, riding a bus ... then it goes into the water, they can't believe it - Oh My GOD! It's fun. Then we find out what they really have to do - they have 7 minutes to eat 5 herring each - before the bus gets back to shore (Gross, herring in a bed of onions - gah!) If they don't succeed in eating the fish in the allotted time, the bus will return to the cafe and they will have to wait 10minutes before they can do it again. They are giving it a good go but there is lots of gagging and it's a lot of fish.
-The Chippendales get to central station and get the clue to either go to a donut boat or... they decide to try for the Fast Forward too (NO!)
-The Twins, talking the whole time, still succeed in eating the fish in the time allotted and they get the clue for the Pit Stop. The waiter tries to shake their hands - nope, dirty - gets fishy kisses instead (gross.) They have to make their way to the house of Rembrandt's Mistress, the Pit Stop. They feel good, but feel gross at the same time - and fishy.
The Chippendales get to the Van Gogh Cafe and the bus just as the Twins are getting back and they let them know they "Killed that bitch" - well, at least they didn't waste more time trying for a FF that was already won. They take the Route Info and head out.
-Abbie & Ryan are deplaning and replaning in Frankfurt, still with poopy pants.
-Trey & Lexi land in Amsterdam at 1:33pm, they have no idea what order they are in but they don't think they're last.
-The Chippendales get a marked boat and go down the canal, Amsterdam is a pretty city. They have to go to Poffertjesboot - it's another boat on the canal - where they get a plate of pofferjes? Looks like donut holes and they get the clue to the DETOUR: Back in Time or Organ to Grind.
In Back in Time - they must recreate Rembrandt's masterpiece Night Watch with a group of live extras, exactly how Rembrandt painted it. They'll have to dress in costume (Costumes!), then arrange the extras with their props exactly how they appear in the painting. Once Rembrandt is satisfied, he'll hand over the next clue.
-In Organ to Grind - they have to find one of three large street organs located at three different bridges, then while one person grinds the organ, the other one must collect tips - once they have earned 30 Euro, the organ grinder will hand them their next clue.
*Caution U-Turn ahead* - Blond Jaymes says if they get to the U-Turn they are going to run on by... (uh oh.)
-The Chippendales decide they are going to do the Organ Grinding - Blond Jaymes is working the crowd (well, crowd is a bit of a stretch, there aren't that many people around - 30 Euros could take a while.)
-Trey & Lexi get their pofferjes and the clue to the Detour, they're going to organ grind as well and when they see there is going to be a U-Turn, Lexi says she'll be so mad if the Chippendales don't U-Turn Abbie & Ryan.
-The Chippendales find the donations slowing down and they have to step it up - off come the shirts and on go the cuff & collar (that's what I'm talking about) and then all the guys start coming over giving them money (huh, so it's that kind of town.) Then a lady with her grandkids come up and Bam! 10 euro - they are done.
-They get the clue to head to the Museum Geelvinck and search the gardens for the next clue. Off they go leaving the big tipper waiting for her lap dance (haha.)
-4th plane arrives in Amsterdam with Ryan & Abbie and the Beekman Boys arrive right behind them. They run into each other in the airport and it's like old home week - Josh says it's odd how we're not competitive with each other (Well, they don't see you as a threat.) Ryan even says about the Beekmen Boys, "They seem resigned that they have gone as far as they can go" (so he thinks of them as their cushion to remain in the Race.)
-The Chippendales get to the museum and they find the U-Turn... they have talked about it long and hard and it seemed like a good plan when they thought Sri Lanka or Texas were going to get there first - Jaymes doesn't want to lose friends - he feels awful - but in the end he sticks to the plan and U-Turns Abbie & Ryan. He needs the money for his Dad who has the cancer - Sorry. "They're going to Hate Us."
-They get the next clue to take a bus to Ransdorp and look for the next cluebox in a marked field.
-Ryan & Abbie and the Beekman's get to the central station and get the clue to find the pofferjesboot.
-Trey & Lexi get to the organ grinder and she's the perky cheerleader who's good at bugging people for money (remember selling sherbet?)
-The Chippendales find the marked field and it's a Switchback/Roadblock - they are going to do the Ditch Vaulting, a classic horrible task from seasons past.
-Once they have successfully vaulted the ditch, they have to pick up their next clue printed on a pair of wooden shoes. And then, vault back again.
Brown James is going to vault the ditch... Oh boy, here we go. He does it with no problem, though he does land on his butt :).
-Lexi is so loud and annoying she gets 30 Euros out of people (and I'm starting to understand why she gets along so well with the Twins.) They get the clue to the U-Turn and head for the museum.
-Abbie & Ryan are so thankful for the Beekman Boys, they have lightened their spirits knowing they are with another team (that they believe they will beat.) They get their food and the Detour clue - which tells them there is a U-Turn so they figure they will have to do both tasks and they think they will be able to U-Turn the Beekmans because the other three teams won't U-Turn each other...
-Abbie & Ryan and the Beekman's are going to do the Painting recreation (Costumes!)
-At the Museum Trey & Lexi see that James & Jaymes stuck to the plan and they are excited - they U-Turn the Chippendales - burning the last spot. (And I don't feel bad for Ryan & Abbie, I just don't like them - they would have totally thrown the Beekman's under the bus... now it's them, so sad.) Trey & Lexi are so happy just thinking about the looks an Ryan & Abbie's faces when they see they're U-Turned.
-Abbie & Ryan and Josh & Brent get to the Painting re-enactment task. They pick up their costumes and suit up (nice moustache Abbie. Ha ha) They have to run back and forth from referencing the painting to where they are set up - This task looks kinda fun actually.
-Trey & Lexi are ditch vaulting - well Trey is - and he makes it with no problem. They head for the Pit Stop.
-At the picture re-enactment - Ryan & Abbie are the first team done - but Josh & Brent are done right behind them. They all head for the museum.
-At the U-Turn, Abbie & Ryan see that they have been U-Turned but Abbie doesn't get it... Trey & Lexi U-Turned Jaymes & James... "We're done!" (I hope so, I'm tired of them.)
-Abbie & Ryan expected it from the Twins or Trey & Lexi but not the Chippendales (whatever). They dejectedly head out to do the organ grinding (and now it's raining so there are no people on the streets to give them tips, ouch.)
-Josh meanwhile wants to discuss what they need to do to be true to themselves. Brent says what do you want to do, go watch them [Abbie & Ryan] do the other task? Or help them do it. Brent is the realist, "someone's going to have to step on the mat first, do you think they will let us?" No, they are here to play the game. (Exactly, aren't you there to win too?)
-The Beekman boys jump in a cab and Josh is still torn - Brent says they are going to prove people wrong and win. (Um, aren't they supposed to take a bus?)
-Abbie meanwhile is dancing and trying to find people to give her tips, she ends up dancing quite a bit with one woman who says she's going to give her the money to complete their task. They both hug that woman so much - Abbie, you have to let her go now... There are tears.
-The Beekman boys get to the field and it's Josh's turn to do the Roadblock - as he's running through the field to the ditch he falls and twists his ankle (oh no, this does not bode well for his ditch vaulting abilities.) Josh is sure he's going to get wet... but he makes it, both times (by the skin of his teeth and strongly rooted grass the second time.)
-Ryan & Abbie are back at the U-Turn getting the clue to head to the field (oh, they are allowed to take a taxi now, I guess the buses stopped running already.) They are resigned to their fate and blaming the Chippendales for stabbing them in the back (Whatever.)
-Ryan & Abbie are now at the ditch vaulting and he's attempting to jump the ditch but he's having trouble - he keeps landing in the water and having to try again - I think it's just been such a long day and they are depressed and tired. She whines down the litany of what they have had to endure - not being allowed to check in for a flight they were there in time for, having the 2nd plane breakdown, then the topper, their friends U-turning them (yeah, it sucks, but these things happen on the Amazing Race.)
Here's How They Finished
1) Natalie & Nadiya - they won $5000 each. That will be earmarked for clothes they want.
2) James & Jaymes - Phil says they finally played the game today - Jaymes says he just hopes they didn't lose a friend (and the church bell rings - ooh, sign from God?) Jaymes gets choked up saying the money is more important and he has to keep his word to his parents [that he's coming home with the million $]
3) Trey & Lexi - Whoo!
4) Josh & Brent - Phil says they don't look exactly happy to be team #4 - they really hated leaving Abbie & Ryan behind - Phil, "Would you rather I eliminate you and let them continue?" NO! (Exactly) Brent says they believe whoever was meant to win the Race will win, and we're still in it and still running to the end. They promise.
5) Abbie & Ryan - **ELIMINATED** - whiny baby has nothing to say - Chippendales cost them $2million dollars - they didn't accomplish what they wanted to accomplish - it just feels wrong. (You know, most people say I had a great time with my partner, this was an amazing experience but not Ryan, oh no, how can he brag that he's the best when they lost? I just say b-bye, don't let the wooden shoes hit you in the butt on your way out.)
And with Abbie & Ryan leaving, also eliminated from the pool are: Sue & Hannelore, Andria S, Karen S, Roxanne S and Ozzy R.
Next week: Josh's ankle causes him problems trying to play tennis in Spain and Trey & Lexi are in a bull costume doing some bull fighting when she injures her finger. More costumes and more tears.
Have a great week everyone,
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