I was freaking out a little - doing Christmas shopping - relying on the PVR and it tells me the recording was interrupted... crap, how much did I miss? Turns out, only the title of the episode. I can live with that.
They reminded us of how Abi got pummelled at Tribal Council and Pete went home.
Next morning: Dangrayne - Day 28
They're all sitting around and Mike asked Abi how she feels and she totally condescends to him - "You guys were totally brutal to me. It was not cute. Do you understand that?" (Seriously? Do you not understand they are not your subjects to order around? Obviously not.) Denise is just laughing, she can't fathom Abi's negative, clueless, bitterness.
-Denise talking to the camera says Mike, Lisa, herself and Malcolm have their solid four and, withstanding some miracle where Abi wins immunity - it will be Abi going home next. 2nd play would be to take out Jonathan.
Tree Mail - Malcolm and Abi go to check the mailbox and they see letters inside for each of them which, for some reason, sets Abi off and she's crying. Malcolm, being the nice guy that he is, tells her he felt like giving her a hug last night. He tells her he's sorry for the things that were said about her (Resist the tears Malcolm, resist!)
-He knows she's completely un-self-aware and his heart goes out to her a little bit.
OH, the named envelopes are full of money - It's the Food Auction!
-Abi said she's got to get her head on straight and focus on getting ahead today - she's a fighter, she's a Survivor. (Did someone write that for her?)
They each have $500, the bidding will be in $20 increments - they cannot share food or money. The auction will end without warning.
-Pancakes, bacon, orange juice - Denise spent all her money on breaky.
-Cheese, crackers, wine - Mike Skupin pays $500 for it and he's not a drinker... huh?
-Iced coffee & Donuts - $200 to Malcolm.
-Mystery item - Penner $100 - he gets it - fried chicken, fries... yum.
Abi says she knows she's going home soon so she'll be eating - she's just going to keep her money.
-2nd Mystery item - $200 to Carter - Fully loaded baked potato or he can trade it for the tribe and get sacsk of rice & beans. He takes the trade and gains lots of good will with the tribe.
-3rd mystery item - $320 to Lisa - gigantic hero/sub sandwich
-Next item - Advantage in the game - $500 to Abi - She says there is no compassion for her there, she has to have compassion for herself. (They all just shrug, yup, that's exactly right.)
-Next item - Carter $200 - Veal shanks for the entire tribe (this poor guy, does he get nothing for himself?) they have 60 seconds to tear into those shanks and you get to see how hungry they all must be (not sexy.)
Dangrayne - Day 28
They are all happy coming back to camp except Abi (as usual). She's sitting back all snotty and Jonathan engages her (sort of) she tells him she would like to hear him apologize to her (I said pardon?) He seems genuinely confused - He just tells her when she is that blunt and honest, it is off-putting. She could have been friendlier. He asks her if she has anything to say to them and she says, "No, I just wanted to hear what you had to say." (I honestly do not understand her - she thinks they should be begging her forgiveness...huh?)
-Lisa tells the camera sometimes it's really hard not to laugh at some of the things she says. Don't throw your pearls before swine - not that Abi is a pig but if they don't value your words, just stop talking to her.
-Jonathan tells the camera, the more bitter, the more toxic, the more obnoxious Abi is, the better for him. (Method to his madness, he is a smart player - get her talking, further digging her own grave - smart.)
-Abi thinks they are trying to curry favour with her because of the advantage she bought today. She goes off by herself to read it: "Move directly to the final round in this challenge. You have a one in three chance to win immunity." She is going to try and get them all sucking up to her because of the mystery advantage.
Dangrayne - Day 29
-Abi has decided it's time for her to lie - she's going to create a fictional 4th hidden immunity idol. She's been planting seeds, pretending to hide something and then working Malcolm (because he's the other young guy, that's her MO.) She tells him she doesn't think she's going to be going home next. Oh really?
-Malcolm tells the camera that Abi is like a girlfriend that won't take the hint and leave after you've broken up with them.
-She tells him she has a hidden immunity idol and they are going to have to make some decisions at tribal. (The best part of her little seduction-esque move with Malcolm is when he says, You have it already? And she goes, "What do you think I've been doing all day?" - She's been sneaking around, putting on a big show - and NO ONE was paying any attention to her. HAHAHA - awesome.)
They will be attached at their waists to a rope that is threaded through a hitching rail - first 5 people through the rails and across the line moves on to 2nd round - where, still attached to the rope, they have to make their way through a forest of crossed bamboo poles - first 2 move on to the final round - they must navigate a multi-level obstacle course - first person through, wins Immunity and a 1 in 6 chance at the million. As a twist, at the beginning of each round, Jeff will ask a question - if they get it wrong, 5% of their body weight will be added for them to carry through the course. One more twist is Abi's note - She knows Jeff has to remain impartial but she takes the chance he won't call her liar liar pants on fire when she says there are two parts to the note and she's only going to share the first part (still pretending the note gave her a clue to a hidden idol) and she reads about her going directly to the final round. Then she rips it up in little pieces saying she doesn't want anyone to know what the second part was (Jeff goes along with it.)
First question - the Philippines is made up of how many islands? Over 5000. Wow. All the guys got it right, Denise and Lisa did not and they have weight added.
-Off they go - Denise is on fire and Jonathan is all wet. But the extra weight slows Lisa down so she is the only one not moving on.
They didn't show the 2nd question but Denise got it wrong again so she has 10% of her body weight now, Carter and Skupin are also carrying 5% of extra weight - Jonathan & Malcolm are the only one's clean.
-Off they go - Jonathan is the first through - and Carter is 2nd going on to the final with Abi.
Final round - Carter got the question wrong again so he's got 10% of his body weight to haul, Jonathan is clean and Abi is stupid (oh, did I type that out loud? Ha ha.) The eliminated players are sure Abi can't climb but I'm sure they are a little anxious that she could win.
-Off they go - and they have to untie a bunch of knots to get through this course... Oh crap - Abi is fresh and small - she's leading - everyone is cheering for Carter - he's their only hope... but it's ABI that wins immunity.
Denise, "I want to throw up."
Abi cannot be voted out tonight - she's going to be unbearable.
Dangrayne - Day 30
Back at camp Malcolm lays it out, "Hell hath frozen over and Abi won immunity." Malcolm says he had to pretend to be upset but her winning immunity gives him an excuse to take out a real threat in this game - Penner.
-Malcolm is talking to Skupin, Denise and Lisa and confirming that they are all in for Penner. Lisa starts in on her litany that this game is just too big for her, blah, blah. She says she has a real heart connection with Jonathan and Carter and she's going to have to hurt someone she cares about.
-Skupin tells her, it's okay because they made a pact and they just have to stick to it.
-Lisa goes and talks to Jonathan - she tells him, "do you remember when I came to you and you wouldn't commit?" She made another deal and they're telling her to vote him out tonight.
-Jonathan: "Are you kidding me? Because I didn't make empty promises?" He's a little blindsided bu,t I guess, appreciates the heads up - she tells him to go do that thing he does... time for some silver-tongued magic... (avoid Malcolm.)
-Jonathan says Lisa got played but he realizes he got caught playing both ends against the middle and because he did not choose a side, it cost him. Well played Malcolm & Denise.
-So what does he do? - he goes and talks to Carter and Abi and says, "well, we're going to vote for Denise." Abi is all in, of course. Then he goes and tries to work on Skupin - he lays it out - they are voting for Denise and he'd like Skupin to go with them. He says Skupin is the proverbial swing vote, he knows Lisa will stick with her word, so he's hanging by a thread and Skupin's his only hope.
-Skupin is trying to weigh which side is his best shot to win the game - he says he strongly believes he could beat Penner in the final 3. (Really? I think he could talk rings around you, and being well-spoken can make all the difference when pleading your case to the jury... of course he faces the same thing with Malcolm so whatchagonnado?)
Where did Abi get the dress? She's all gussied up for Tribal.
Abi, was that your plan going into the auction? Wait for an advantage?
-Absolutely, best $500 she's ever spent.
Denise, last tribal was particularly brutal for Abi, what is it about this environment that makes you change how you behave?
-I think what was viewed as 'brutal' was just a group of people who's tolerance had reached its maximum.
-Abi chuffs, "Yeah."
Penner, what was the vibe back at camp after the challenge?
-It got crazy in a way we hadn't anticipated. My sense was Abi was the next to go but it seems like lines were drawn. Malcolm and Denise gave their words to Lisa and Skupin like that is the end all and be all, when (and now he's talking to Lisa & Mike) you've said I am the one you trust the most out here and I have shown nothing but trust and loyalty to you...
-Malcolm pipes up - But you didn't trust her enough to make the alliance. (Exactly.)
-Jonathan says, right, he didn't trust her enough because she voted for him twice. But given a day or two to think about it, we have had a lot of fun out here playing this game together so I am appealing to you to be my genuine allies. Give yourselves a real shot at the million dollars, which I honestly don't think you have if you align with these two. (That had Malcolm shaking his head... probably because it's true.) Jonathan continued to plead, "I'm looking you in the eyes, please don't vote me out."
Malcolm, that had you shaking your head, because he's making the argument that goes against you and Denise.
-Absolutely, I don't want to get into an argument with Penner and I don't want to brow-beat Lisa, but we did have a bond, it's not like he's the only one in your heart. I hope we're are in your heart too, and I trust you here in our eleventh hour.
(Now Abi's rolling her eyes - just keep your mouth shut lady, they could turn on you again.)
Lisa, this must be very difficult on you.
-Whatever I do is going to hurt people I care about.
-Jonathan - If you vote me out tonight, you will be giving a million dollars to one of these two people. (Malcolm whispers to him, "Thanks, buddy." (Somehow I don't think he was really thanking him - more like Shut it!)
So Penner's argument is it not only helps me, it helps you.
-Yes, I honestly believe you cannot win with them. (I agree, I'd give it to Malcolm or Denise over Lisa or Mike any day.)
-Lisa - That is absolutely part of my consideration.
-Penner - Fair enough, thank you.
Lisa, can you compare this situation to anything else that has happened in your life? (Is he still digging for Fact of Life stories?)
-She pauses...(oh)... Yes, but it's too personal to talk about (d'oh.)
And how difficult was that situation?
-(Way to go Probst - he made Lisa cry. That new talk show is turning him into the next Barbara Walters, I swear.) She chokes out, "Huge."
How difficult is this for you Skupin?
-Jeff I cannot look at any of these people and say I don't want to be great friends with them after but I want to play to win too. I believe there is some validity to what Penner's said. (That got a huge grin from Penner - I can't help but like this guy.)
-Malcolm and Denise are really not liking him at all right now.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Denise - I hope you go home tonight, look who's judging now.
Penner votes Denise - and announces it over his shoulder - to comedic effect.
Skupin stands there contemplating for a while...
Tallying the votes:
No hidden immunity idol is played... Jonathan announced who they were voting for so Malcolm holds on to it again.
Denise 1, 2
Penner 1, 2
Denise 3
Penner 3
Last vote: PENNER - ohhhh! That disappoints me. Abi tries for a hug as he's leaving - nope (she's so transparent). He says, "Guys, keep your sunny side up - and Suck Eggs!" Ha ha - as he whistles out of sight. The showman to the end.
And with Jonathan's torch being snuffed - Annemette J, Andria S and Shelly P are eliminated from the pool.
Next week: Will be a crying episode as the loved ones come from home - Lisa loses her sh*t when her son(?) shows up and Malcolm's little brother could cost him if he doesn't stop running his mouth (Ah?)
Penner's last thoughts: His strategy once again has failed - he's disappointed in himself that he didn't get farther. He's spent the last 6 years of his life with Survivor, one of the lucky few that has played 3 times. It's been fun and extremely painful.
Have a great weekend everyone - Saturday is December already (arghh!)
They reminded us of how Abi got pummelled at Tribal Council and Pete went home.
Next morning: Dangrayne - Day 28
They're all sitting around and Mike asked Abi how she feels and she totally condescends to him - "You guys were totally brutal to me. It was not cute. Do you understand that?" (Seriously? Do you not understand they are not your subjects to order around? Obviously not.) Denise is just laughing, she can't fathom Abi's negative, clueless, bitterness.
-Denise talking to the camera says Mike, Lisa, herself and Malcolm have their solid four and, withstanding some miracle where Abi wins immunity - it will be Abi going home next. 2nd play would be to take out Jonathan.
Tree Mail - Malcolm and Abi go to check the mailbox and they see letters inside for each of them which, for some reason, sets Abi off and she's crying. Malcolm, being the nice guy that he is, tells her he felt like giving her a hug last night. He tells her he's sorry for the things that were said about her (Resist the tears Malcolm, resist!)
-He knows she's completely un-self-aware and his heart goes out to her a little bit.
OH, the named envelopes are full of money - It's the Food Auction!
-Abi said she's got to get her head on straight and focus on getting ahead today - she's a fighter, she's a Survivor. (Did someone write that for her?)
They each have $500, the bidding will be in $20 increments - they cannot share food or money. The auction will end without warning.
-Pancakes, bacon, orange juice - Denise spent all her money on breaky.
-Cheese, crackers, wine - Mike Skupin pays $500 for it and he's not a drinker... huh?
-Iced coffee & Donuts - $200 to Malcolm.
-Mystery item - Penner $100 - he gets it - fried chicken, fries... yum.
Abi says she knows she's going home soon so she'll be eating - she's just going to keep her money.
-2nd Mystery item - $200 to Carter - Fully loaded baked potato or he can trade it for the tribe and get sacsk of rice & beans. He takes the trade and gains lots of good will with the tribe.
-3rd mystery item - $320 to Lisa - gigantic hero/sub sandwich
-Next item - Advantage in the game - $500 to Abi - She says there is no compassion for her there, she has to have compassion for herself. (They all just shrug, yup, that's exactly right.)
-Next item - Carter $200 - Veal shanks for the entire tribe (this poor guy, does he get nothing for himself?) they have 60 seconds to tear into those shanks and you get to see how hungry they all must be (not sexy.)
Dangrayne - Day 28
They are all happy coming back to camp except Abi (as usual). She's sitting back all snotty and Jonathan engages her (sort of) she tells him she would like to hear him apologize to her (I said pardon?) He seems genuinely confused - He just tells her when she is that blunt and honest, it is off-putting. She could have been friendlier. He asks her if she has anything to say to them and she says, "No, I just wanted to hear what you had to say." (I honestly do not understand her - she thinks they should be begging her forgiveness...huh?)
-Lisa tells the camera sometimes it's really hard not to laugh at some of the things she says. Don't throw your pearls before swine - not that Abi is a pig but if they don't value your words, just stop talking to her.
-Jonathan tells the camera, the more bitter, the more toxic, the more obnoxious Abi is, the better for him. (Method to his madness, he is a smart player - get her talking, further digging her own grave - smart.)
-Abi thinks they are trying to curry favour with her because of the advantage she bought today. She goes off by herself to read it: "Move directly to the final round in this challenge. You have a one in three chance to win immunity." She is going to try and get them all sucking up to her because of the mystery advantage.
Dangrayne - Day 29
-Abi has decided it's time for her to lie - she's going to create a fictional 4th hidden immunity idol. She's been planting seeds, pretending to hide something and then working Malcolm (because he's the other young guy, that's her MO.) She tells him she doesn't think she's going to be going home next. Oh really?
-Malcolm tells the camera that Abi is like a girlfriend that won't take the hint and leave after you've broken up with them.
-She tells him she has a hidden immunity idol and they are going to have to make some decisions at tribal. (The best part of her little seduction-esque move with Malcolm is when he says, You have it already? And she goes, "What do you think I've been doing all day?" - She's been sneaking around, putting on a big show - and NO ONE was paying any attention to her. HAHAHA - awesome.)
They will be attached at their waists to a rope that is threaded through a hitching rail - first 5 people through the rails and across the line moves on to 2nd round - where, still attached to the rope, they have to make their way through a forest of crossed bamboo poles - first 2 move on to the final round - they must navigate a multi-level obstacle course - first person through, wins Immunity and a 1 in 6 chance at the million. As a twist, at the beginning of each round, Jeff will ask a question - if they get it wrong, 5% of their body weight will be added for them to carry through the course. One more twist is Abi's note - She knows Jeff has to remain impartial but she takes the chance he won't call her liar liar pants on fire when she says there are two parts to the note and she's only going to share the first part (still pretending the note gave her a clue to a hidden idol) and she reads about her going directly to the final round. Then she rips it up in little pieces saying she doesn't want anyone to know what the second part was (Jeff goes along with it.)
First question - the Philippines is made up of how many islands? Over 5000. Wow. All the guys got it right, Denise and Lisa did not and they have weight added.
-Off they go - Denise is on fire and Jonathan is all wet. But the extra weight slows Lisa down so she is the only one not moving on.
They didn't show the 2nd question but Denise got it wrong again so she has 10% of her body weight now, Carter and Skupin are also carrying 5% of extra weight - Jonathan & Malcolm are the only one's clean.
-Off they go - Jonathan is the first through - and Carter is 2nd going on to the final with Abi.
Final round - Carter got the question wrong again so he's got 10% of his body weight to haul, Jonathan is clean and Abi is stupid (oh, did I type that out loud? Ha ha.) The eliminated players are sure Abi can't climb but I'm sure they are a little anxious that she could win.
-Off they go - and they have to untie a bunch of knots to get through this course... Oh crap - Abi is fresh and small - she's leading - everyone is cheering for Carter - he's their only hope... but it's ABI that wins immunity.
Denise, "I want to throw up."
Abi cannot be voted out tonight - she's going to be unbearable.
Dangrayne - Day 30
Back at camp Malcolm lays it out, "Hell hath frozen over and Abi won immunity." Malcolm says he had to pretend to be upset but her winning immunity gives him an excuse to take out a real threat in this game - Penner.
-Malcolm is talking to Skupin, Denise and Lisa and confirming that they are all in for Penner. Lisa starts in on her litany that this game is just too big for her, blah, blah. She says she has a real heart connection with Jonathan and Carter and she's going to have to hurt someone she cares about.
-Skupin tells her, it's okay because they made a pact and they just have to stick to it.
-Lisa goes and talks to Jonathan - she tells him, "do you remember when I came to you and you wouldn't commit?" She made another deal and they're telling her to vote him out tonight.
-Jonathan: "Are you kidding me? Because I didn't make empty promises?" He's a little blindsided bu,t I guess, appreciates the heads up - she tells him to go do that thing he does... time for some silver-tongued magic... (avoid Malcolm.)
-Jonathan says Lisa got played but he realizes he got caught playing both ends against the middle and because he did not choose a side, it cost him. Well played Malcolm & Denise.
-So what does he do? - he goes and talks to Carter and Abi and says, "well, we're going to vote for Denise." Abi is all in, of course. Then he goes and tries to work on Skupin - he lays it out - they are voting for Denise and he'd like Skupin to go with them. He says Skupin is the proverbial swing vote, he knows Lisa will stick with her word, so he's hanging by a thread and Skupin's his only hope.
-Skupin is trying to weigh which side is his best shot to win the game - he says he strongly believes he could beat Penner in the final 3. (Really? I think he could talk rings around you, and being well-spoken can make all the difference when pleading your case to the jury... of course he faces the same thing with Malcolm so whatchagonnado?)
Where did Abi get the dress? She's all gussied up for Tribal.
Abi, was that your plan going into the auction? Wait for an advantage?
-Absolutely, best $500 she's ever spent.
Denise, last tribal was particularly brutal for Abi, what is it about this environment that makes you change how you behave?
-I think what was viewed as 'brutal' was just a group of people who's tolerance had reached its maximum.
-Abi chuffs, "Yeah."
Penner, what was the vibe back at camp after the challenge?
-It got crazy in a way we hadn't anticipated. My sense was Abi was the next to go but it seems like lines were drawn. Malcolm and Denise gave their words to Lisa and Skupin like that is the end all and be all, when (and now he's talking to Lisa & Mike) you've said I am the one you trust the most out here and I have shown nothing but trust and loyalty to you...
-Malcolm pipes up - But you didn't trust her enough to make the alliance. (Exactly.)
-Jonathan says, right, he didn't trust her enough because she voted for him twice. But given a day or two to think about it, we have had a lot of fun out here playing this game together so I am appealing to you to be my genuine allies. Give yourselves a real shot at the million dollars, which I honestly don't think you have if you align with these two. (That had Malcolm shaking his head... probably because it's true.) Jonathan continued to plead, "I'm looking you in the eyes, please don't vote me out."
Malcolm, that had you shaking your head, because he's making the argument that goes against you and Denise.
-Absolutely, I don't want to get into an argument with Penner and I don't want to brow-beat Lisa, but we did have a bond, it's not like he's the only one in your heart. I hope we're are in your heart too, and I trust you here in our eleventh hour.
(Now Abi's rolling her eyes - just keep your mouth shut lady, they could turn on you again.)
Lisa, this must be very difficult on you.
-Whatever I do is going to hurt people I care about.
-Jonathan - If you vote me out tonight, you will be giving a million dollars to one of these two people. (Malcolm whispers to him, "Thanks, buddy." (Somehow I don't think he was really thanking him - more like Shut it!)
So Penner's argument is it not only helps me, it helps you.
-Yes, I honestly believe you cannot win with them. (I agree, I'd give it to Malcolm or Denise over Lisa or Mike any day.)
-Lisa - That is absolutely part of my consideration.
-Penner - Fair enough, thank you.
Lisa, can you compare this situation to anything else that has happened in your life? (Is he still digging for Fact of Life stories?)
-She pauses...(oh)... Yes, but it's too personal to talk about (d'oh.)
And how difficult was that situation?
-(Way to go Probst - he made Lisa cry. That new talk show is turning him into the next Barbara Walters, I swear.) She chokes out, "Huge."
How difficult is this for you Skupin?
-Jeff I cannot look at any of these people and say I don't want to be great friends with them after but I want to play to win too. I believe there is some validity to what Penner's said. (That got a huge grin from Penner - I can't help but like this guy.)
-Malcolm and Denise are really not liking him at all right now.
Time to Vote:
Abi votes for Denise - I hope you go home tonight, look who's judging now.
Penner votes Denise - and announces it over his shoulder - to comedic effect.
Skupin stands there contemplating for a while...
Tallying the votes:
No hidden immunity idol is played... Jonathan announced who they were voting for so Malcolm holds on to it again.
Denise 1, 2
Penner 1, 2
Denise 3
Penner 3
Last vote: PENNER - ohhhh! That disappoints me. Abi tries for a hug as he's leaving - nope (she's so transparent). He says, "Guys, keep your sunny side up - and Suck Eggs!" Ha ha - as he whistles out of sight. The showman to the end.
And with Jonathan's torch being snuffed - Annemette J, Andria S and Shelly P are eliminated from the pool.
Next week: Will be a crying episode as the loved ones come from home - Lisa loses her sh*t when her son(?) shows up and Malcolm's little brother could cost him if he doesn't stop running his mouth (Ah?)
Penner's last thoughts: His strategy once again has failed - he's disappointed in himself that he didn't get farther. He's spent the last 6 years of his life with Survivor, one of the lucky few that has played 3 times. It's been fun and extremely painful.
Have a great weekend everyone - Saturday is December already (arghh!)
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