Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Survivor Philippines - Nov 7/12 Episode Recap

Dead Man Walking

Last week there was a merge and Jonathan had to play his hidden immunity idol to save himself, sending RC home.

Dangrayne - Night 19
Back at camp Jonathan wants to know what the hell happened, he's talking to his former tribemates Jeff, Denise and Carter and Jeff's spinning it that they didn't have the numbers. Jonathan isn't buying that malarky, if they had voted how they told him they were going to, Pete would have gone home.

-Jonathan tells the camera it hurts being betrayed because you were kept out of the secret, people were talking about you behind your back.

Denise is honest and tells him she voted for him, she has her own plan and it may blow up in her face but she's playing her game. And Jeff starts in again, what do you do when plans don't come together - you have to save your own ass.

-Jeff tells the camera his plan. Now that Jonathan's idol is gone they can pick him off. He gave up power by voting with Tandang but now he's going to use them against themselves and work his way up to the top.

-Mike Skupin tries to bolster Jonathan's flagging spirit. He tells him it's not over, don't throw it in. There are cracks and Mike says he is not going home after Jonathan. Alright, Jonathan wants to know who they should target and Mike has no plan - we should wait for someone to screw up... (Uh, yeah, good talk mastermind.)

-Jonathan is not ready to throw in the towel, he's going to ease off the gas, take the back seat but he has no alliances, no allegiances and they are all fair game to him - "They are all ready to die." (Ha! So dramatic.)

Dangrayne - Day 20 (Seriously, when did they pick this name?)
-Jonathan is out on the boat with Lisa and Abi. He's acting the great white fisherman and trying to catch them some food. No luck.

-Lisa knows everyone is focused right now on taking out the returning players and she's alright with that. Once Jonathan & Mike are gone, she, Denise, Malcolm, Jeff & Carter are going to target the three no one likes, Pete, Artis and Abi (grr, Abi.)

-Jeff & Lisa talking on the beach, and he's thinking along the same lines - Pete, Artis and Abi think their running the game and he thinks it'll be fun to break that up. He thinks Lisa is so soft and nice, but they may be able to flip this thing so they go from the bottom to the top.

-They will divide into two teams and, on Jeff's go, one person from each team will run/dive out into the water with a rope, they must attach the rope to a fish trap, dive down and release the trap from a buoy and then the rest of the team will pull them back to shore by the rope. Then the next person goes. Once they have collected all 4 fish traps, one person will dig into the sand in a marked area to find a key which unlocks the puzzle frame - two people will then use the puzzle scrolls out of the fish traps to solve the puzzle. Picture of a fish or something. First team to get the picture right and threaded into the frame will win reward of: River Cruise through the jungle - with BBQ ribs, potato salad, apple pie.

Blue Team: Skupin, Pete, Artis, Carter and Abi (oh, she'll have to do something).
Yellow Team: Jeff, Malcolm, Penner, Lisa & Denise (I never realized how tiny Denise is, but she's in crazy shape.)

Off they go: Jeff vs Abi - Yellow gets a lead
Jonathan vs Pete - keep the lead
Lisa vs Carter - Blue takes over the lead (Lisa was really slow in the water)
Mike heads out long before Denise but she's a swimmer and she's awesome - Mike can't get the buoy released... and Yellow regains the lead.
Malcolm & Artis are digging and Artis lucks out and finds his key first -
Blue starts on the puzzle first but yellow gets working it quickly and Yellow Team with Penner, Jeff, Malcolm, Lisa & Denise win the reward!

-Abi is Miss Sour Face - Haha, couldn't happen to nicer people.

Dangrayne - Day 20
Back at camp the losing 5 are back at camp and though they wish they'd won it's not a huge deal (right.) Artis says he's been eating beans & rice for 20 days - Eating beans and rice for 19 more days, not a problem for me (you are looking mighty skinny though man.)
-Carter is asking about their heirarchy and Abi lays it out right in front of Skupin - it's her, Pete, Artis and Lisa... and now Jeff & Carter - but there is really no placement, "Really, I really think that way." (Really? Do you really think at all? Mike is right there.)
-Pete tells the camera that Abi has a big mouth and when Abi leaks information, that's very dangerous. She's like a puppy you have to take care of.
-So Pete takes Abi aside and tells her they have to get rid of Kalabaw so they want to take out Jonathan next then Skupin - what if they keep Skupin around for awhile then take out Jeff, Carter, Denise, Malcolm and then take out Skupin. She makes some comment being paranoid Abi as usual and Pete is sick of her.
-He tells the camera that Abi is immature, she always thinks everyone is out to get her and he wishes he could vote her out but he knows if he takes her to the final three, she's not getting any votes.

They Eat Drink and are Merry... enjoying each others company. Denise acknowledges that they are just a positive group and Lisa feels bad for Skupin being back at camp with the evil three.
-Malcolm says they do kind of have a good vs evil thing going on right now with Artis, Pete and Abi being the negative bad-guy force.
-Malcolm recognizes that Jonathan is trying to use that dynamic to his advantage right now - Jonathan puts it out there that he doesn't think he can win at this point but he'd rather see any of the 4 there make it (Denise, Lisa, Malcolm or Jeff) He thinks they should make a move against the tyrannical bullies and take them out, you can't live like that, it's just not cool.

-Lisa knows that would be the noble choice, to take out the bad people but she doen't just want to get to the final 5, she wants to win and to do that she needs to get to the final 3 with people that are not going to get more votes than her.... (oh ho, the kitten has some claws) She says the rules of Survivor are different than the real world.

Dangrayne - Day 22
Skupin heads out fishing and Lisa tells us again how she figures it will be way better for herself and Skupin to go to the end with Artis, Abi & Pete because they have made so many enemies and made so many hothead moves that have ticked everyone off.

-She has a plan to keep Skupin in line, she tells him that Malcolm has the hidden immunity idol and no one knows it but her & Denise & Malcolm. After Penner is gone, they have to convince Pete to keep Skupin as their 5th vote to blindside Malcolm.

-Mike realizes that Lisa is in this game to win it and that's great - Jonathan comes up on them and they say they were just talking about him - Mike and Jonathan both know that winning immunity may be their only way to stay in the game - so there will be a dogfight tonight.

There is only one immunity necklace up for grabs today.

They have to race over and under a series of obstacles (wooden fences) collecting bags of puzzle pieces (they have to untie) as they go - the first three to cross the line with the puzzle pieces will move on to the final round - solving the snake puzzle. To win Immunity.

-Off they go and Pete, Jeff and Penner (by a nose over Skupin) are moving on to the final round.

-They get going on the puzzle and Pete, the engineer, is going through it pretty quickly. Jeff is doing pretty good too and Jonathan just starts pouring it on and PENNER wins Immunity! Lives to see another day. No one is happy about that, except Penner! (And me! I love it when there is an upset like that - may only buy him an episode but it can really mess everything else up. Fun!)

-Jeff K. is a bad sport, "What a joke." (No, no joke, he beat you! ha!)

Dangrayne - Day 22
That's a big smile on Penner's face - he doesn't even know what to say.

Malcolm tells the camera, the only thing anyone was talking about was not letting Jonathan Penner win immunity so Murphy's Law states that's what's got to happen. He doesn't even know why he's surprised. But now everyone's plans are thrown for a loop and they have to do a little baby scramble.

-They're all saying Skupin, Pete, Malcolm, Artis, Jeff... Lisa checks in, Skupin? Let me know if anything changes. Carter checks in, Skupin?

-Malcolm asks what Pete's going to tell Mike and he says, "He's got to know", he's just staying casual.

-Jeff is bitter that Jonathan did the unthinkable and actually won immunity - he just bought himself another 3 days of Dead Man Walking. Jeff tells Mike it's tough for him, since he's going home tonight.

-Lisa puts her plan into effect a couple days early and tells Pete that Malcolm has the hidden immunity idol from Matsing. She says she found it innocently but Pete has to realize that no matter what Malcolm says he's not with us, he's with them.

-Pete tells the camera he was blindsided by this news - he really trusted Malcolm. Pete said he was on board with Lisa's plan but because it's not his plan he doesn't think it's a good plan and he proves he's just as immature as Abi by confronting Malcolm about the idol... but very casually (whatever, your ego was bruised, you thought he was your friend.)

-Pete asks Malcolm if he has Matsing's idol - Malcolm denies it and Pete tells him that someone told him he had it... Lisa. Oh, he's burning the church lady...

-Malcolm's a good liar or Pete just doesn't want to believe ... either way Pete believes that he doesn't have the idol (because he looked into his soul - hahaha) and Pete proposes they take Jeff out tonight instead.

And now he's suspicious of Lisa as well, he doesn't know what she's trying to pull here. (She thinks she'll get more votes than you and win a million dollars - duh.)

Malcolm starts some damage control - he and Pete go to Penner, Skupin and Carter and says Lisa's started some rumour about him having an idol. Penner says she never said that to me - Skupin is silent - Carter says whatever, if you have it, play it. Malcolm is shocked that he had no idea this was going on. They change the vote to Jeff.

Pete tells Malcolm he just has to chill out - I don't know what's going on, I thought everything was fine - Artis laughs at him (silly white boy.)

Lisa asks Pete if he told Malcolm that Lisa told him about the idol - he says no, he just told him that we know... Yeah, Lisa didn't play this one with as much finesse as it required. Pete spins it so it looks like Malcolm instigated their talk and he was thrown off so he told him and now Malcolm is scrambling.

- Lisa heavy sighs to the camera - the best laid plans... She asks Pete if they are voting her out tonight and he says no, no, it's Jeff.

-Pete tells the camera it's hard being the mastermind (whatever dude) and you never know you're the mastermind until right before tribal and everyone is looking to you. (His head grew 3 sizes that day.)

-Jeff comes up on a bunch of them talking about him and he's last minute scramble with Malcolm, we could have six, let's vote Carter. Then they walk to a tree and it's Pete - cut the head of the snake off right now - Okay - go talk to Denise - Malcolm tells her they're voting Pete now, Jeff, Penner, Carter, Malcolm, Denise and Skupin... (Oh good lord, I'm getting dizzy from all the scrambling - Penner, look what you've done! Haha, made the show more interesting I mean :)

-When Jeff tells Carter it's Pete tonight, mouth breather says, "But I thought they were voting you out tonight." (Oh sweet jebus, could you be any dimmer? Carter is smartest when he's silent.)

-Malcolm runs and digs up his idol again - if this thing looks even close tonight he's got to play it. Cutting the head off the snake was not the way he saw things going tonight but it's been the craziest scambley thing he's ever been a part of.


RC is brought in as the first member of the jury - she's wearing a tight dress, is all clean and Jonathan is a dog, looking her up and down - "Right on." Sigh.

Jeff says from the beginning there has been a sense that returning players have not been welcome. Skupin, did you feel the pressure when Penner won immunity?

-I did until we returned to camp and I heard people talking.

-Malcolm starts laughing loudly - I put my faith in a little Texas girl and she threw me under the bus pretty hard today. (Lisa just smiles)

-She says it's absolutely true. Jonathan threw a wrench into things by winning immunity, back up plan was Michael but he's been a strong member of Tandang and she thought they should take out the bigger threat, Malcolm.

-Jeff asks if Denise may have then seen Malcolm as their fifth against the Tandang 5 - absolutely, every crack is an opportunity.

-So, Abi, (she just looks supremely pissed off, all the time - like it's beneath her to be there... I really hope she doesn't make it to the end just by being the most miserable bitch out there that everyone thinks they'll win against.)  It has to give you a bit of concern to find out that one of your tribe members just screwed the whole thing up.

-Yes, I always felt that Malcolm was a part of us so I am in awe right now, I think this is really ludicrous.
-Lisa - But you were willing for Michael to go home, who was part of the Tandang tribe originally.
-Abi - But RC and Michael were never with us, it was you, me, Pete and
Artis... (Malcolm not mentioned) she tries to back pedal but Jeff even called her out on that. She says, Oh, that was a mistake.

-Lisa, if someone has a hidden immunity idol you try to blindside them or you try to flush it out because it's a huge threat in the game.

Jeff -So you're saying that Malcolm has a hidden immunity idol and you know that.

Lisa - Yes. And I did bring that information to make the Tandang tribe stronger. I was playing both sides but my allegiance was to the original alliance.

Malcolm holds up the idol for all to see. Let's just clear the air - there is way too much chaos tonight. I'm not going home. (Pete, Abi, Carter - they all look SHOCKED) This thing is getting played tonight, It's put a target on my back and anyone that's decided to jump on Lisa's boat may get a mean surprise in a second.

Jeff says, anyone else want to show they have an idol, get it out? (he was joking I think but...)

Abi - I have it, yes. (OMG! Hahahaha - she is so stupid!)

Jeff K shakes his head - Jonathan Penner, "This is awesome."

She's struggling to get it out of her bag - says she was selflessly holding on to it to help her alliance.

WOW - Pete is hanging his head - Jeff Probst looks like the cat that ate the canary, he doesn't even know what to say.

-Penner says he'd like to ask, "there looks to be six of us ready to go forward in this game and it makes sense to keep Skupin and I around, are you ready to do this?" Jeff K says they've already talked about it and he knows full well - he gets a yes from the rest and Pete is having puppies there on his little stool.

-Lisa says she'd like to make her pitch - to those willing to go with plan B she is willing to still vote with their core alliance.

-Jeff lays out the two pitches - Plan B which involves one of the six or Penner's plan which involves one of the Tandang 4

-Pete says he feels like they are coming after him - (why he's the mastermind Jeff) he says his name's been thrown around the island since the merge so it's probably him.

-Jeff K says his names been thrown under the hat as much as Pete's and as much as Malcolm's and Penner and Skupin. Lisa's probably on the chopping block and now Abi too... this if pretty fun, Jeff.

-Probst says this is the most complicated and entertaining Tribal council he can remember (Well, this season anyway) and with that:

It's time to vote:

Lisa votes Jeff - I said this was plan B but I think it was actually plan D or E
Denise votes Pete - says it was fantastic to watch his little alliance implode on itself.

Tallying the votes:

And who plays their hidden immunity idol?: No one, Malcolm holds on to it for another day and looks scared.
Abi - 1
Jeff - 1
Pete - 1
Jeff - 2
Pete - 2
Jeff - 3
Pete - 3
Jeff - 4
Pete - 4
One vote left: JEFF KENT is the next person voted out of Survivor Philippines... Malcolm is confused and freaking out... who didn't vote with them?

Probst says that vote may go down as one of the hugest blown opportunities.

So Jeff did not make it there longer than Penner - so sad millionaire - and he also takes Nancy C, Bob L and Fred & Gary M out of the pool.

Next week: Lisa is bullied by Abi (bruja) and she turns to Penner, maybe it makes sense for her to go with the other alliance (oh, you're burned now lady, you made your move, it didn't work  and now you're just taking up space... but scramble away.)

Jeff K: Says what pisses him off is he's made about $60million playing baseball but he wanted the million from this game more... he blathers on bitterly - he just needs to go.

They showed how everyone voted:

And it was Skupin that screwed them:
Artis - Jeff
Carter - Pete
Skupin - Jeff
Pete - Jeff
Jonathan - Abi
Abi - Jeff
Jeff - Pete
Lisa - Jeff
Malcolm - Pete
Denise - Pete

Have a great long weekend everyone. Lest we Forget.


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