Whiners Are Wieners
Last tribal council Abi showed how stupid she really is but Lisa still voted with Tandang, Mike made the switch and they voted out Artis, leaving Abi and Pete that much weaker.
Dangrayne - Night 25
Abi feels bad for Artis, Pete says that's what happens when you fall asleep at the wheel (No, that's what happens when you treat your wheels like crap and expect them to stay in line.) Abi tells the camera she doesn't know what happened, she thought they had agreed to stay Tandang strong (yeah, no one else has a brain, they should take your abuse and let you get further too. Dummy.)
-Michael is feeling good about the big move he made by flipping on Tandang. He knows, though, that one big move doesn't win you the game, he's got to take control and try to keep himself on top.
-Denise is telling Jonathan & Skupin that she is planning on the three of them to the end (oh, so that's her strategy, she'll play the 'returning player' card to discount them and get herself the money.)
-Michael says they should get it to the six of them (taking out Pete & Abi) and then they just duke it out. (We'll see how that goes.)
Dangrayne - Day 26
Abi is talking to Lisa trying to find out where they stand. Lisa tells her she has stayed loyal to their alliance - She tells the camera she's never been good at breakups and often stays in relationships way longer than she should just to avoid hurting someone - But to Abi she says she feels like she somehow lost their trust and now she doesn't know how she can stay in an alliance when they don't trust her.
-Abi says she was thrown when Lisa said the other tribe was more gracious to her than she was - Well they were - but they were just trying to butter you up. Why would you want to be at the bottom of an alliance if you could be at the top of an alliance (when was she ever at the top of your alliance? Come on!)
-Lisa tells her at this point she'd rather be sixth and feel good about the people she's with than higher [with you horrible people.]
-Abi, "Alright, I'm not going to try any harder if that's how you feel.
You're clearly already aligned with them so good luck."
-Lisa is feeling really good about taking control of her game and she feels like she's taking control of her life as well. (Good for you, Blair Warner.)
They will be divided into two teams again. Each team will be in control of three drums (one in each circle). On Jeff's go they will try to flip their drum face up while the other team tries to flip it back. First team to have all 3 of their drums face up at the same time will get a point - first team to 3 points wins Reward of: Spa Day at a separate island, bath, massage, mani-pedi - and FOOD, shrimp, beef, calamari and cocktails.
Red: Carter, Abi, Malcolm and Pete (strong youngin's)
Yellow: Skupin, Penner, Lisa and Denise (versus the old guard.)
Carter vs Penner - Oh... so it's a pair at a time, running from circle to circle - Carter is that much faster and he gets all his up first. Red leads 1-0
Malcolm vs Skupin: Malcolm forgets to flip the yellow over at one station and that gives Skupin and Yellow a point to tie it up.
Abi vs Lisa - Abi seems to not understand the game and she helps Lisa by flipping one of hers over for her - Yellow now up 2-1 (yeah, she's SMRT)
Pete vs Denise - Pete is just that much faster though and he ties it back up 2-2
Skupin vs Malcolm - rematch and Skupin messed up flipping over the Red one and giving Malcolm the point and the Red team wins Reward.
REWARD: They all agree to just enjoy it and not talk any strategy which turned out to be easy as they were pampered and gorged themselves. Malcolm's thought is that he doesn't want to be in the final with any of the people there. Pete agrees because he just needs to recharge - he's smart and he's fit so he just needs to regroup and he'll stay in it. (Sure.)
-When they get back to camp, Abi just goes on and on about how amazing the Reward was, how great she felt, how much she ate... on and on.
-Michael tells the camera usually people are pretty gratuitous when they come back from reward but not Abi, oh no, she flaunted it and she wouldn't stop.
-They tried to ask Carter what he liked but she cut him off and kept going on about being a peasant there at camp and then, poof Cinderella.
-Pete and Malcolm both look fed up with her, Malcolm can't believe she has the social skills of a Mack Truck.
-Denise, Lisa, Michael and Jonathan talking say she has no social skills and she overhears something and confronts them, "What was that? I heard my name?" No. "Oh, I must be deaf." She goes on about how she's done cooking, she's been doing it for 26 days and she's leaving soon so she's done.
-Jonathan says they'll keep feeding her until she goes, "Okay, great, thanks" she says sarcastically while laying back with her head on a pillow someone else won for her... (I'm sure they would all like to smother her with it right now.)
-Jonathan says she has an idol so she's not going anywhere for at least 5 days does she not want to eat? Oh, she wants to eat she just doesn't want to cook. Denise says to the camera, "Unbelievable. She may not be able to say anything to her, she'll let her keep pissing everyone off - but when she writes her name down to vote her out, "Whiners are wieners, it's time to go home."
Dangrayne - Day 27
-The next day when they're cooking beans for breakfast Abi wants to know what they're doing but she makes sure they know AGAIN that she's out of the kitchen - (then get out and shut up!)
-Malcolm is talking to Skupin and it's Malcolm's hope to come up with a plan for final 4 today - he doesn't want to wait until they get rid of Abi & Pete. He wants to have it in place so they can coast from here.
-Malcolm's thought is he and Denise and Skupin and Lisa - Mike's not sure, he'll have to see where Lisa stands. So he goes and talks to Lisa and they know they need to decide if they will go with Malcolm and Denise or Penner and Carter. Lisa says she trusts Penner more and that seems to be good enough for Michael, "Okay, we have to talk to Penner."
- They go talk to Penner and Lisa tells him she wants to go to the end with those two (Penner & Skupin) - Penner says he appreciates that, but he feels it's too early for him to commit to anything beyond taking out Pete and Abi. (Oh, don't blow it... I would be really happy to see the older people out-last this season.)
-Jonathan doesn't want to get people all squirrely putting the pressure on at this point and if he gets blindsided for it, more power to them.
-Lisa is disappointed, she thinks he missed an opportunity.
-Pete's looking around, "where is everyone?" There is Penner and Carter... what he can't see is Malcolm swearing on his family to Skupin, Lisa and Denise that they will be he final 4 (never swear on your family, haven't you watched this show?) They all shake on it and Michael tells the camera he's not completely comfortable with this deal, he felt he had no choice. He feels that Malcolm is a gamer and he's playing the game the hardest. Michael is really going to try to win this immunity challenge.
-They have to maneuver a buoy through a tangled rope - first 5 to finish will move on to the next round - where they will race over a balance beam also maneuvering a buoy along the beam - first 3 to finish move on - where they have to maneuver the buoy through obstacles in the water - first person to the end wins Immunity.
-Pete knows for him, it all comes down to this challenge.
Off they go and the first 5 to move on are: Malcolm, Penner, Denise, Skupin and Carter! (That's awesome - Pete is screwed.)
2nd round: The three to move on are Skupin, Carter and Denise
Final Round: They have to jump in and out of a boat... this is tough... it comes down to the guys and CARTER wins Immunity.
Dangrayne - Day 27
Back at camp Abi knows it's an alliance of three, herself, Pete and the hidden immunity idol.
-The other 6 are talking and Penner lays it out simple, they split their votes 3 for Abi, 3 for Pete - if she doesn't play the idol they vote for her on the re vote - if she does play it Pete goes home - there is no reason to keep either of them around any longer.
-Abi and Pete are trying to figure out what moves they can make - they know Malcolm has power and they should try to take him out. They are going to pitch the Malcolm idea to Skupin, because Pete feels he's ditzy, and Lisa.
-Next we see Abi talking to Lisa and telling her the plan, Lisa agrees it sounds like a good plan and if she was still in an alliance with them she'd do it but she's now given her word that she'd vote with the others.
Abi, (whining) "But you started the game with us." (Too late baby cakes.)
Pete then goes to Carter and pitches the Malcolm idea but Carter isn't biting, he's in a pretty good spot (and what has he been eating? His lips are black, gross, he looks like Pig Pen.)
Abi is then trying with Jonathan, he tells her that he doesn't trust any of them but they do trust him because he has not betrayed them once and he's not about to start now.
Finally Pete gets around to Skupin and he pitches it perfectly, Abi will play her idol, and they will all vote for Malcolm, taking both hidden idols out and Malcolm because Malcolm is running this game right now. Skupin agrees that Malcolm has the power and he's considering it (don't flip flop again... this guy seems so wishy-washy to me.)
-Mike isn't sure he can beat Malcolm at the end so he's not saying no to Pete...
-Jonathan tells Lisa, Skupin and Malcolm about his talk with Abi and her cockamamie plan to take Malcolm out. Malcolm's not happy to hear his name come up again but he's not surprised, he knows they are scrambling at this point. He at least has a heads up and he's going to be watching to try and figure out if he needs to play his idol or he could be toast.
Abi smiles and says, "Hi baby." to Artis (gag.)
Jeff jumps on that right away, "Malcolm, you see Abi smile at Artis is that an early attempt at jury management?"
-It could be but at this point I'm just trying to stay in the game, not worried about jury management.
Are you worried it could be you tonight?
-Of course, my name always seems to get kicked around. I refuse to say it would be a strategic move to get rid of me but I know what is going on.
(Skupin looks to Pete, looking for reassurance? I don't know, I don't think Skupin is smart enough to win this game.)
Skupin - when someone has an idol and you know it, how do you navigate that?
-You always think of it, it's a factor when you're deciding who you vote with, for, against - it's Survivor and every tribal council you have a choice who you vote for and no one really knows for sure - it's going to get a little crazy.
(Okay, that little speech made everyone nervous.)
Pete, what's it like to go from top dog, Tandang, never lost, to beat up?
-It's not a good feeling - I'm slated for execution tonight but I've been trying all day, if just one person comes over we can take out Malcolm, he's got an idol - so, we'll see. (Mike totally looks like he's turning - dang it!)
Abi - any regrets about how you handled last tribal council?
-Absolutely, I'm very regretful but I never betrayed Lisa, I just had doubts.
Do you think any of this could be cultural Abi?
-Absolutely, English is not my first language and my attitude could be perceived as... not the most... gentle. (interesting choice of words.) That gets a laugh out of Denise and Skupin and RC... everyone finds it hilarious.
-Denise says she's spent a lot of time with people who's English is not their first language and they are helpful and kind and these are just not things that are a part of who Abi is.
Abi, is this the first time you have been in a situation where a group of people wonder what's wrong with you? (Ouch, don't sugar coat it Probst.)
-Absolutely (yes, she says Absolutely every time) she says she's very loved back home by her friends. They are Americans and they love my passion and my feistiness.
Do you feel isolated or are you handling it okay?
-I'm very emotional right now - I brought Lisa into an alliance and because I doubted her she can't forgive me.
-Lisa, acting like a battered spouse, asks if she can address that - Abi gives her permission - "I 100% forgave you but I just need to find people who will trust me."
-I understand that.
I'm getting the feeling you don't feel understood by anyone.
-No, and I'm holding back my tears of feeling alone (there were no tears there folks, she's not a good actress - and no one is buying it.)
Denise she has no numbers, she's all alone, take her to the end, easy win.
-Easy win if that's the kind of game you want to play. We see that season after season where people carry the dead weight, they take the unlikable person...
Abi cuts her off, "Wow, I never thought I was the unlikeable person" (well you are)
Denise, I'm talking about in seasons past...
Abi, you didn't know that you were seen as unlikable? I'm starting to believe very much that it's cultural, because you didn't grasp that people laughing at you, in our culture, is a sign that you're full of it. (Oh, Jeff succeeded in bringing on the tears this time - way to go Probst, are you trying to help her out? Stop it.)
-Denise continues that she doesn't want to take someone to the end just to win by default, it's like taking someone who's never played poker to a poker game just to steal their money.
-Abi declares that's enough.
-Denise tries to explain how they felt about her gloating after the reward and declaring herself on strike with the cooking but Abi cuts her off every time she starts to talk and shows her horrible attitude, and total disrespect for anyone else. (This is why everyone dislikes you.)
Denise says she's done and Abi shoots right back of course you're a psychologist you know what you're doing, trying to turn everyone against me... (Uh, yeah.)
Jeff asks her how she feels now - WHO CARES!
It's time to vote:
Abi votes for Malcolm - I hope you go home tonight. (She's crying to Pete back at her seat - that was brutal by them - he tells her she'll be okay.)
Tallying the votes:
Who is playing their idol? Abi stands up and plays hers... Malcolm holds on to his (oooh, I hope that doesn't backfire.)
Abi - 1, 2, 3 Does not count
Pete - 1
Malcolm - 1
Pete - 2
Malcolm - 2
And the last vote was for PETE! (Phew) Now Abi is all alone and Jeff's broken her down... and she's still trying to suck up to the jury, waving bye to them - (they're not buying your brand of crazy either lady.)
Pool eliminations: Sue & Hannelore, Carol-Anne D and Lois L leave the pool with Pete going home.
Next week: New alliances may be pulling apart as we see Penner tell Lisa to cut the crap when she's again whining about not being good at this game. And Abi, the worst villain, gets a taste of her own medicine, and by the tears I'm guessing she doesn't like it. (It's so wrong to be enjoying her breaking down I know, but I kinda am.)
Pete's final thoughts: He felt bad for Abi. Malcolm has a lot of power right now but they didn't seem to want to do anything about it. He's not happy to be leaving but he feels good that he did what he could.
Have a great weekend everyone,
Last tribal council Abi showed how stupid she really is but Lisa still voted with Tandang, Mike made the switch and they voted out Artis, leaving Abi and Pete that much weaker.
Dangrayne - Night 25
Abi feels bad for Artis, Pete says that's what happens when you fall asleep at the wheel (No, that's what happens when you treat your wheels like crap and expect them to stay in line.) Abi tells the camera she doesn't know what happened, she thought they had agreed to stay Tandang strong (yeah, no one else has a brain, they should take your abuse and let you get further too. Dummy.)
-Michael is feeling good about the big move he made by flipping on Tandang. He knows, though, that one big move doesn't win you the game, he's got to take control and try to keep himself on top.
-Denise is telling Jonathan & Skupin that she is planning on the three of them to the end (oh, so that's her strategy, she'll play the 'returning player' card to discount them and get herself the money.)
-Michael says they should get it to the six of them (taking out Pete & Abi) and then they just duke it out. (We'll see how that goes.)
Dangrayne - Day 26
Abi is talking to Lisa trying to find out where they stand. Lisa tells her she has stayed loyal to their alliance - She tells the camera she's never been good at breakups and often stays in relationships way longer than she should just to avoid hurting someone - But to Abi she says she feels like she somehow lost their trust and now she doesn't know how she can stay in an alliance when they don't trust her.
-Abi says she was thrown when Lisa said the other tribe was more gracious to her than she was - Well they were - but they were just trying to butter you up. Why would you want to be at the bottom of an alliance if you could be at the top of an alliance (when was she ever at the top of your alliance? Come on!)
-Lisa tells her at this point she'd rather be sixth and feel good about the people she's with than higher [with you horrible people.]
-Abi, "Alright, I'm not going to try any harder if that's how you feel.
You're clearly already aligned with them so good luck."
-Lisa is feeling really good about taking control of her game and she feels like she's taking control of her life as well. (Good for you, Blair Warner.)
They will be divided into two teams again. Each team will be in control of three drums (one in each circle). On Jeff's go they will try to flip their drum face up while the other team tries to flip it back. First team to have all 3 of their drums face up at the same time will get a point - first team to 3 points wins Reward of: Spa Day at a separate island, bath, massage, mani-pedi - and FOOD, shrimp, beef, calamari and cocktails.
Red: Carter, Abi, Malcolm and Pete (strong youngin's)
Yellow: Skupin, Penner, Lisa and Denise (versus the old guard.)
Carter vs Penner - Oh... so it's a pair at a time, running from circle to circle - Carter is that much faster and he gets all his up first. Red leads 1-0
Malcolm vs Skupin: Malcolm forgets to flip the yellow over at one station and that gives Skupin and Yellow a point to tie it up.
Abi vs Lisa - Abi seems to not understand the game and she helps Lisa by flipping one of hers over for her - Yellow now up 2-1 (yeah, she's SMRT)
Pete vs Denise - Pete is just that much faster though and he ties it back up 2-2
Skupin vs Malcolm - rematch and Skupin messed up flipping over the Red one and giving Malcolm the point and the Red team wins Reward.
REWARD: They all agree to just enjoy it and not talk any strategy which turned out to be easy as they were pampered and gorged themselves. Malcolm's thought is that he doesn't want to be in the final with any of the people there. Pete agrees because he just needs to recharge - he's smart and he's fit so he just needs to regroup and he'll stay in it. (Sure.)
-When they get back to camp, Abi just goes on and on about how amazing the Reward was, how great she felt, how much she ate... on and on.
-Michael tells the camera usually people are pretty gratuitous when they come back from reward but not Abi, oh no, she flaunted it and she wouldn't stop.
-They tried to ask Carter what he liked but she cut him off and kept going on about being a peasant there at camp and then, poof Cinderella.
-Pete and Malcolm both look fed up with her, Malcolm can't believe she has the social skills of a Mack Truck.
-Denise, Lisa, Michael and Jonathan talking say she has no social skills and she overhears something and confronts them, "What was that? I heard my name?" No. "Oh, I must be deaf." She goes on about how she's done cooking, she's been doing it for 26 days and she's leaving soon so she's done.
-Jonathan says they'll keep feeding her until she goes, "Okay, great, thanks" she says sarcastically while laying back with her head on a pillow someone else won for her... (I'm sure they would all like to smother her with it right now.)
-Jonathan says she has an idol so she's not going anywhere for at least 5 days does she not want to eat? Oh, she wants to eat she just doesn't want to cook. Denise says to the camera, "Unbelievable. She may not be able to say anything to her, she'll let her keep pissing everyone off - but when she writes her name down to vote her out, "Whiners are wieners, it's time to go home."
Dangrayne - Day 27
-The next day when they're cooking beans for breakfast Abi wants to know what they're doing but she makes sure they know AGAIN that she's out of the kitchen - (then get out and shut up!)
-Malcolm is talking to Skupin and it's Malcolm's hope to come up with a plan for final 4 today - he doesn't want to wait until they get rid of Abi & Pete. He wants to have it in place so they can coast from here.
-Malcolm's thought is he and Denise and Skupin and Lisa - Mike's not sure, he'll have to see where Lisa stands. So he goes and talks to Lisa and they know they need to decide if they will go with Malcolm and Denise or Penner and Carter. Lisa says she trusts Penner more and that seems to be good enough for Michael, "Okay, we have to talk to Penner."
- They go talk to Penner and Lisa tells him she wants to go to the end with those two (Penner & Skupin) - Penner says he appreciates that, but he feels it's too early for him to commit to anything beyond taking out Pete and Abi. (Oh, don't blow it... I would be really happy to see the older people out-last this season.)
-Jonathan doesn't want to get people all squirrely putting the pressure on at this point and if he gets blindsided for it, more power to them.
-Lisa is disappointed, she thinks he missed an opportunity.
-Pete's looking around, "where is everyone?" There is Penner and Carter... what he can't see is Malcolm swearing on his family to Skupin, Lisa and Denise that they will be he final 4 (never swear on your family, haven't you watched this show?) They all shake on it and Michael tells the camera he's not completely comfortable with this deal, he felt he had no choice. He feels that Malcolm is a gamer and he's playing the game the hardest. Michael is really going to try to win this immunity challenge.
-They have to maneuver a buoy through a tangled rope - first 5 to finish will move on to the next round - where they will race over a balance beam also maneuvering a buoy along the beam - first 3 to finish move on - where they have to maneuver the buoy through obstacles in the water - first person to the end wins Immunity.
-Pete knows for him, it all comes down to this challenge.
Off they go and the first 5 to move on are: Malcolm, Penner, Denise, Skupin and Carter! (That's awesome - Pete is screwed.)
2nd round: The three to move on are Skupin, Carter and Denise
Final Round: They have to jump in and out of a boat... this is tough... it comes down to the guys and CARTER wins Immunity.
Dangrayne - Day 27
Back at camp Abi knows it's an alliance of three, herself, Pete and the hidden immunity idol.
-The other 6 are talking and Penner lays it out simple, they split their votes 3 for Abi, 3 for Pete - if she doesn't play the idol they vote for her on the re vote - if she does play it Pete goes home - there is no reason to keep either of them around any longer.
-Abi and Pete are trying to figure out what moves they can make - they know Malcolm has power and they should try to take him out. They are going to pitch the Malcolm idea to Skupin, because Pete feels he's ditzy, and Lisa.
-Next we see Abi talking to Lisa and telling her the plan, Lisa agrees it sounds like a good plan and if she was still in an alliance with them she'd do it but she's now given her word that she'd vote with the others.
Abi, (whining) "But you started the game with us." (Too late baby cakes.)
Pete then goes to Carter and pitches the Malcolm idea but Carter isn't biting, he's in a pretty good spot (and what has he been eating? His lips are black, gross, he looks like Pig Pen.)
Abi is then trying with Jonathan, he tells her that he doesn't trust any of them but they do trust him because he has not betrayed them once and he's not about to start now.
Finally Pete gets around to Skupin and he pitches it perfectly, Abi will play her idol, and they will all vote for Malcolm, taking both hidden idols out and Malcolm because Malcolm is running this game right now. Skupin agrees that Malcolm has the power and he's considering it (don't flip flop again... this guy seems so wishy-washy to me.)
-Mike isn't sure he can beat Malcolm at the end so he's not saying no to Pete...
-Jonathan tells Lisa, Skupin and Malcolm about his talk with Abi and her cockamamie plan to take Malcolm out. Malcolm's not happy to hear his name come up again but he's not surprised, he knows they are scrambling at this point. He at least has a heads up and he's going to be watching to try and figure out if he needs to play his idol or he could be toast.
Abi smiles and says, "Hi baby." to Artis (gag.)
Jeff jumps on that right away, "Malcolm, you see Abi smile at Artis is that an early attempt at jury management?"
-It could be but at this point I'm just trying to stay in the game, not worried about jury management.
Are you worried it could be you tonight?
-Of course, my name always seems to get kicked around. I refuse to say it would be a strategic move to get rid of me but I know what is going on.
(Skupin looks to Pete, looking for reassurance? I don't know, I don't think Skupin is smart enough to win this game.)
Skupin - when someone has an idol and you know it, how do you navigate that?
-You always think of it, it's a factor when you're deciding who you vote with, for, against - it's Survivor and every tribal council you have a choice who you vote for and no one really knows for sure - it's going to get a little crazy.
(Okay, that little speech made everyone nervous.)
Pete, what's it like to go from top dog, Tandang, never lost, to beat up?
-It's not a good feeling - I'm slated for execution tonight but I've been trying all day, if just one person comes over we can take out Malcolm, he's got an idol - so, we'll see. (Mike totally looks like he's turning - dang it!)
Abi - any regrets about how you handled last tribal council?
-Absolutely, I'm very regretful but I never betrayed Lisa, I just had doubts.
Do you think any of this could be cultural Abi?
-Absolutely, English is not my first language and my attitude could be perceived as... not the most... gentle. (interesting choice of words.) That gets a laugh out of Denise and Skupin and RC... everyone finds it hilarious.
-Denise says she's spent a lot of time with people who's English is not their first language and they are helpful and kind and these are just not things that are a part of who Abi is.
Abi, is this the first time you have been in a situation where a group of people wonder what's wrong with you? (Ouch, don't sugar coat it Probst.)
-Absolutely (yes, she says Absolutely every time) she says she's very loved back home by her friends. They are Americans and they love my passion and my feistiness.
Do you feel isolated or are you handling it okay?
-I'm very emotional right now - I brought Lisa into an alliance and because I doubted her she can't forgive me.
-Lisa, acting like a battered spouse, asks if she can address that - Abi gives her permission - "I 100% forgave you but I just need to find people who will trust me."
-I understand that.
I'm getting the feeling you don't feel understood by anyone.
-No, and I'm holding back my tears of feeling alone (there were no tears there folks, she's not a good actress - and no one is buying it.)
Denise she has no numbers, she's all alone, take her to the end, easy win.
-Easy win if that's the kind of game you want to play. We see that season after season where people carry the dead weight, they take the unlikable person...
Abi cuts her off, "Wow, I never thought I was the unlikeable person" (well you are)
Denise, I'm talking about in seasons past...
Abi, you didn't know that you were seen as unlikable? I'm starting to believe very much that it's cultural, because you didn't grasp that people laughing at you, in our culture, is a sign that you're full of it. (Oh, Jeff succeeded in bringing on the tears this time - way to go Probst, are you trying to help her out? Stop it.)
-Denise continues that she doesn't want to take someone to the end just to win by default, it's like taking someone who's never played poker to a poker game just to steal their money.
-Abi declares that's enough.
-Denise tries to explain how they felt about her gloating after the reward and declaring herself on strike with the cooking but Abi cuts her off every time she starts to talk and shows her horrible attitude, and total disrespect for anyone else. (This is why everyone dislikes you.)
Denise says she's done and Abi shoots right back of course you're a psychologist you know what you're doing, trying to turn everyone against me... (Uh, yeah.)
Jeff asks her how she feels now - WHO CARES!
It's time to vote:
Abi votes for Malcolm - I hope you go home tonight. (She's crying to Pete back at her seat - that was brutal by them - he tells her she'll be okay.)
Tallying the votes:
Who is playing their idol? Abi stands up and plays hers... Malcolm holds on to his (oooh, I hope that doesn't backfire.)
Abi - 1, 2, 3 Does not count
Pete - 1
Malcolm - 1
Pete - 2
Malcolm - 2
And the last vote was for PETE! (Phew) Now Abi is all alone and Jeff's broken her down... and she's still trying to suck up to the jury, waving bye to them - (they're not buying your brand of crazy either lady.)
Pool eliminations: Sue & Hannelore, Carol-Anne D and Lois L leave the pool with Pete going home.
Next week: New alliances may be pulling apart as we see Penner tell Lisa to cut the crap when she's again whining about not being good at this game. And Abi, the worst villain, gets a taste of her own medicine, and by the tears I'm guessing she doesn't like it. (It's so wrong to be enjoying her breaking down I know, but I kinda am.)
Pete's final thoughts: He felt bad for Abi. Malcolm has a lot of power right now but they didn't seem to want to do anything about it. He's not happy to be leaving but he feels good that he did what he could.
Have a great weekend everyone,
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